Source code for webapp.luminosity_plot_cloudburst

import logging
import os
import traceback

import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy.sql import select
from adtk.visualization import plot

import settings
from functions.database.queries.get_cloudburst_row import get_cloudburst_row
from functions.graphite.get_metrics_timeseries import get_metrics_timeseries
from database import get_engine, engine_disposal, cloudburst_table_meta

# @added 20221103 - Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline
#                   Branch #4300: prometheus
from functions.victoriametrics.get_victoriametrics_metric import get_victoriametrics_metric

skyline_app = 'webapp'
skyline_app_logger = '%sLog' % skyline_app
logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger)
skyline_app_logfile = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app)
logfile = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app)

[docs]def get_cloudburst_plot(cloudburst_id, base_name, shift, all_in_period=False): """ Create a plot of the cloudburst and return the path and filename :param cloudburst_id: the cloudburt id :param base_name: the name of the metric :param shift: the number of indice to shift the plot :type cloudburst_id: int :type base_name: str :type shift: int :return: path and file :rtype: str """ function_str = 'get_cloudburst_plot' 'get_cloudburst_plot - cloudburst_id: %s, base_name: %s' % ( str(cloudburst_id), str(base_name))) save_to_file = '%s/cloudburst_id.%s.%s.shift.%s.png' % ( settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR, str(cloudburst_id), base_name, str(shift)) if all_in_period: save_to_file = '%s/cloudburst_id.%s.all.%s.shift.%s.png' % ( settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR, str(cloudburst_id), base_name, str(shift)) cloudburst_dict = {} try: cloudburst_dict = get_cloudburst_row(skyline_app, cloudburst_id) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: %s :: get_cloudburst_row failed - %s' % ( function_str, err)) raise if not cloudburst_dict: logger.error('error :: %s :: no cloudburst_dict - %s' % function_str) return None, None if os.path.isfile(save_to_file): return cloudburst_dict, save_to_file try: from_timestamp = cloudburst_dict['from_timestamp'] until_timestamp = from_timestamp + cloudburst_dict['full_duration'] resolution = cloudburst_dict['resolution'] except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: %s :: failed parse values from cloudburst_dict - %s' % ( function_str, err)) raise metrics_functions = {} metrics_functions[base_name] = {} metrics_functions[base_name]['functions'] = None if resolution > 60: resolution_minutes = int(resolution / 60) summarize_intervalString = '%smin' % str(resolution_minutes) summarize_func = 'median' metrics_functions[base_name]['functions'] = {'summarize': {'intervalString': summarize_intervalString, 'func': summarize_func}} # @added 20221103 - Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline # Branch #4300: prometheus labelled_metric = False if base_name.startswith('labelled_metrics.'): labelled_metric = True timeseries = [] try: timeseries = get_victoriametrics_metric( skyline_app, base_name, from_timestamp, until_timestamp, 'list', 'object') except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: %s :: get_victoriametrics_metric failed for %s - %s' % ( function_str, base_name, err)) raise if timeseries: metrics_timeseries = {} metrics_timeseries[base_name] = {} metrics_timeseries[base_name]['timeseries'] = timeseries else: logger.warning('warning :: %s :: failed to retrieve timeseries from VictoriaMetrics for %s' % ( function_str, base_name)) if not labelled_metric: try: metrics_timeseries = get_metrics_timeseries(skyline_app, metrics_functions, from_timestamp, until_timestamp, log=False) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: %s :: get_metrics_timeseries failed - %s' % ( function_str, err)) raise try: timeseries = metrics_timeseries[base_name]['timeseries'] timeseries_length = len(timeseries) timeseries = timeseries[1:(timeseries_length - 2)] except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to determine timeseries - %s' % ( function_str, err)) raise anomalies_in_period = [] if all_in_period: try: engine, fail_msg, trace = get_engine(skyline_app) except Exception as err: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: %s :: could not get a MySQL engine - %s' % (function_str, err) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) raise try: cloudburst_table, log_msg, trace = cloudburst_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to get cloudburst_table meta for cloudburst id %s - %s' % ( function_str, str(cloudburst_id), err)) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([cloudburst_table]).\ where(cloudburst_table.c.metric_id == cloudburst_dict['metric_id']).\ where(cloudburst_table.c.timestamp >= from_timestamp).\ where(cloudburst_table.c.timestamp <= until_timestamp).\ where( != cloudburst_id) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: anomalies_in_period.append([row['timestamp'], row['end']]) connection.close() except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: %s :: could not get cloudburst row for cloudburst id %s - %s' % ( function_str, str(cloudburst_id), err)) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) anomalies = [] if anomalies_in_period: 'get_cloudburst_plot - adding %s all_in_period anomalies to cloudburst plot' % ( str(len(anomalies_in_period)))) for period_anomalies in anomalies_in_period: new_anomalies = [item for item in timeseries if int(item[0]) >= period_anomalies[0] and int(item[0]) <= period_anomalies[1]] if new_anomalies: anomalies = anomalies + new_anomalies try: cloudburst_anomalies = [item for item in timeseries if int(item[0]) >= cloudburst_dict['timestamp'] and int(item[0]) <= cloudburst_dict['end']] anomalies = anomalies + cloudburst_anomalies 'get_cloudburst_plot - adding %s cloudbursts: %s' % ( str(len(anomalies)), str(anomalies))) aligned_timeseries = [] for ts, value in timeseries: # aligned_timeseries.append([int(int(ts) // 600 * 600), value]) aligned_timeseries.append([int(int(ts) // resolution * resolution), value]) if aligned_timeseries: timeseries = list(aligned_timeseries) df = pd.DataFrame(timeseries, columns=['date', 'value']) df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'], unit='s') datetime_index = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['date'].values) df = df.set_index(datetime_index) df.drop('date', axis=1, inplace=True) anomalies_data = [] # @modified 20210831 # Align periods # anomaly_timestamps = [int(item[0]) for item in anomalies] # anomaly_timestamps = [(int(item[0]) + (resolution * 2)) for item in anomalies] # anomaly_timestamps = [(int(item[0]) + (resolution * 6)) for item in anomalies] # anomaly_timestamps = [(int(item[0]) + (resolution * 4)) for item in anomalies] # anomaly_timestamps = [(int(item[0]) + (resolution * 3)) for item in anomalies] anomaly_timestamps = [(int(item[0]) + (resolution * shift)) for item in anomalies] # anomaly_timestamps = [int(item[0]) for item in anomalies] anomaly_timestamps = [int(int(ts) // resolution * resolution) for ts in anomaly_timestamps] for item in timeseries: if int(item[0]) in anomaly_timestamps: anomalies_data.append(1) else: anomalies_data.append(0) df['anomalies'] = anomalies_data title = '%s\ncloudburst id: %s' % (base_name, str(cloudburst_id)) if all_in_period: title = '%s (all in period)' % title plot(df['value'], anomaly=df['anomalies'], anomaly_color='red', title=title, save_to_file=save_to_file) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to plot cloudburst - %s' % ( function_str, err)) raise if not os.path.isfile(save_to_file): return cloudburst_dict, None return cloudburst_dict, save_to_file