Skyline metrics

Like all applications, Skyline makes its own metrics. A lot of cloud native things expose a LOT of internal metrics and generally modern applications tend to make a lot of metrics, verbosely describing the application. Although there is nothing wrong with this, it does result in metric overkill a lot of the time for people running the applications. Often there is little documentation on what all the metrics are and more importantly information on what metrics are important. We end up with 1000s of metrics being sent and scraped from applications and most of them we have very little understanding of. What are the important metrics of application? Although a developer of an application may be interested in a metric like application.go_gc_duration_seconds.instance.123%2E232%2E12%2E13:1234.job.application.quantile.0%2E25 the user of the application probably is not going to be interested in that at all.

Skyline has always attempted to not make too many metrics.

Skyline metrics are sent to Graphite and can be viewed in the Graphite Browser.

Metric definitions

Here each Skyline metric is described. Metrics are only sent if you run a Skyline app or specific feature, if you are not running flux do not expect to get flux metrics. This is list not complete it is a work in progress. There are some ADVANCED_FEATURE metrics that are not listed or described here. If a metric below does not have a description it is an informational or development metrics and its namespace probably says what it does.

A note on skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics. metrics and skyline.analyzer.$host. metrics. Although labelled_metrics are within the skyline.analyzer.$host. namespace, skyline.analyzer.$host. metrics and skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics. metrics are distinct groups. skyline.analyzer.$host. metrics being related to the analysis of traditional Graphite metrics and skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics. metrics being related to the analysis of Prometheus/VictoriaMetrics style labelled/tagged metrics.

  • skyline.$skyline_app.$host.logged_errors: IMPORTANT every Skyline app records the number of errors that have been logged. Skyline handle error logging very specifically because when analysis is being on 1000s and 1000s of metrics in real time constantly, any issue can cause a thundering herd of errors. During the normal operations of Skyline some errors are always expected. This is especially true when there are some socket.timeouts while sending metrics to Graphite, ingesting metrics from remote clients where the client terminates the connection, etc, etc. Very brief network partitions are expected. There are occasional timeout on the server connecting to the Redis socket or local MariaDB, these things happen and get logged, they are not necessarily abnormal. All skyline.logged_errors namespaces are analysed and not skipped via their inclusion in settings.DO_NOT_SKIP_LIST

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.algorithm_breakdown.$algorithm.timing.{median_time,times_run,total_time}: these are performance metrics for each of Analyzer’s algorithms. These are mostly for information and detecting performance changes if any algorithm is modified. Mostly for development but are data that can be used in the future to infer the overall state of the entire metric population in terms of how much flux is being experienced. By default not analysed and excluded via settings.SKIP_LIST as they are feedback metrics.

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.anomaly_breakdown.$algorithm: How many times each algorithm triggerred. Same category as the above metrics.

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.exceptions.Boring: the number of metrics with timeseries that have the same value for settings.MAX_TOLERABLE_BOREDOM (default 100) in a row.

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.exceptions.Other: unknown exceptions

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.exceptions.TooShort: the number of metrics that have timeseries that are too short to be analysed (settings.MIN_TOLERABLE_LENGTH)

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.exceptions.EmptyTimeseries: the number of metrics that have empty timeseries.

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.exceptions.Stale: IMPORTANT the number of metrics that have not sent new data in settings.STALE_PERIOD. If this number spikes up it means that there is a problem with the data being fed to Skyline for a metric/s. These metrics are excluded from analysis by default via settings.SKIP_LIST, because Skyline analyzer/metrics_manager and thunder will report on stale metrics.

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.exceptions.$exception: IMPORTANT the same as the analyzer exceptions metrics above, but for the analyzer/labelled_metrics process.

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.3sigma_analysed: the number of labelled metrics that were analysed with 3sigma on 24 hours of data in a skyline/analyzer_labelled_metrics analysis run.

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.3sigma_timings:

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.analysed:

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.anomalous: IMPORTANT the number of 1st stage analysis anomalies were detected on all the Prometheus, influxdb, VictoriaMetrics, skyline/flux based labelled metrics. Although 1st stage analysis anomalies are not important, if there is a surge in the number of 1st stage anomalies it is indicative of a change in the overall flux of a number of metrics in the population. This is analysed and not skipped via inclusion in settings.DO_NOT_SKIP_LIST

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.checked: IMPORTANT the number of labelled_metrics checked. This number is all metrics that were assigned to be checked, it includes skipped. It does not include analyzer metrics, skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.* are seperate and distinct from skyline.analyzer.$host. metrics. When this drops there is possibly an issue with the remote_write (et al) source/s and/or metric ingestion with skyline/flux/prometheus/write and/or horizon/prometheus writing the metric data. The number will increase and decrease when you add and remove machines/metrics. Analysed and not skipped via inclusion in settings.DO_NOT_SKIP_LIST

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.downsample_timings:

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.downsampled:

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.mad_analysed:

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.mad_anomalous: the number of labelled metrics that triggered MAD (Median Absolute Deviation) with 3 hours of data and were pushed on to having 24 hours of data analysed with 3sigma in a skyline/analyzer_labelled_metrics analysis run.

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.mad_timings:

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.mem_usage:

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.monotonicity_changed:

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.monotonicity_checked:

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.not_anomalous:

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.not_stationary:

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.run_time: VERY IMPORTANT reports how many seconds skyline/analyzer_labelled_metrics took to analyse all the labelled_metrics. This should be under 60 seconds. If it is higher, skyline/analyzer_labelled_metrics is overloaded and not getting through the analysis quick enough. Consider increasing settings.ANALYZER_PROCESSES or using a cluster. Analysed and not skipped via inclusion in settings.DO_NOT_SKIP_LIST

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.redis_full_duration_timings: the number of seconds it took to get settings.FULL_DURATION seconds of data for MAD triggered metrics from RedisTimeseries for 3sigma analysis in a skyline/analyzer_labelled_metrics analysis run.

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.redis_timings: the number of seconds it took to get 3 hours of data for ALL metrics from RedisTimeseries

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.skipped: the number of metrics skipped due to TooShort, Boring, etc in a skyline/analyzer_labelled_metrics analysis run.

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.stationary:

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.stationary_analysed:

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.stationary_not_expired:

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.labelled_metrics.stationary_timing:

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.low_priority_metrics.{dynamically_analyzed,total}: this is an ADVANCE FEATURE set of metrics that just keep track of how many low priority metrics get analysed and how many there are total.

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.metrics_sparsity.metrics_fully_populated: the number of metrics in the population that are fully populated.

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.metrics_sparsity.metrics_sparsity_decreasing: the number of metrics that are moving towards a fully populated state.

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.metrics_sparsity.metrics_sparsity_increasing: the number of metrics that are moving away from a fully populated state.

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.metrics_sparsity.avg_sparsity: IMPORTANT this is number describes how well populated the metric timeseries population is. 100 is perfect, going below about 93% on high resolution metrics indicates a problem, either the metrics are missing data, some have gone offline or network partitions are being encountered.

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.duration: The duration (in hours) of the settings.CANARY_METRIC timeseries data.

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.ionosphere_metrics: the number of metrics in the population that have been trained.

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.metrics_manager_run_time: IMPORTANT the number of seconds it takes for analyzer/metrics_manager to run. analyzer/metrics_manager does a lot of work creating and managing internal data sets related to the metrics, settings, activation and removal of things which can change quite dramatically depending on the volumes of metrics.

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.projected: This is the projected number of seconds that Analyzer should take to run. It is the projected value of skyline.analyzer.$host.run_time and these 2 metrics should be very similar. If the run_time is much greater than than the projected there is something amiss.

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.run_time: VERY IMPORTANT reports how many seconds Analyzer took to analyse all the traditional Graphite based metrics. This should be under 60 seconds. If it is higher, analyzer is overloaded and not getting through the analysis quick enough. Consider increasing settings.ANALYZER_PROCESSES

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.sent_to_ionosphere: a count of how many anomalous metrics were sent to Ionosphere by Analyzer during an analysis run. These metrics are metrics that are not a mirage metrics, they do have previous training and they were anomalous in the 1st stage analysis and seeing as they are not Mirage metrics, it is Analyzer’s responsibility to check Ionosphere to see if they match any pattern of trained behaviour.

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.sent_to_mirage: a count of how many anomalous metrics were sent to Mirage by Analyzer analysis run for 2nd stage analysis.

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.sent_to_panorama: a count of how many anomalous metrics were sent to Panorama by Analyzer during an analysis run. These metrics are metrics that are not a mirage metrics (or they are waterfall alerted on), Ionosphere did not match any of the patterns in the trained behaviour (if previously trained) and Analyzer instructs Panorama to record an anomaly for the metric. This only applies to metrics that are not mirage enabled by having no SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS declared in an alert tuple they match in settings.ALERTS.

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.total_analyzed: IMPORTANT the number of metrics analysed. When this drops there is possibly a problem. The number will increase and decrease when you add and remove machines/metrics. Analysed and not skipped via inclusion in settings.DO_NOT_SKIP_LIST

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.total_anomalies: IMPORTANT the number of anomalies that were detected on all the traditional Graphite based metrics. Analysed and not skipped via inclusion in settings.DO_NOT_SKIP_LIST

  • skyline.analyzer.$host.total_metrics: the total number of traditional Graphite based metrics.

  • skyline.boundary.$host.*: these metrics are very similar to the analyzer namespace counterparts described above.

  • skyline.flux.$host.listen.discarded.invalid_value: the number of metrics flux discarded as they did not have a float value in a 60 second period.

  • skyline.flux.$host.listen.dropped_non_numeric_metrics: the number of metrics flux discarded as they did not have a float value in a 60 second period.

  • skyline.flux.$host.listen.over_quota_metrics_count: ADVANCED_FEATURE VERY IMPORTANT

  • skyline.flux.$host.listen.discarded.invalid_timestamp: the number of metrics flux discarded in a 60 second period because the timestamp was too old (e.g > settings.FLUX_MAX_AGE).

  • skyline.flux.$host.worker.discarded.already_received: the number of metrics flux discarded in a 60 second period because data for the timestamp has already been received, deduplication.

  • skyline.flux.$host.listen.added_to_queue: the number of metrics that flux/listen add in a 60 second period.

  • skyline.flux.$host.listen.discarded.invalid_key: the number of metrics flux discarded in a 60 second period because submitted api key was not valid.

  • skyline.flux.$host.worker.metrics_sent_to_graphite: the number of traditional Graphite dotted namespaced metrics flux/worker submitted to in a 60 second period.

  • skyline.flux.$host.aggregator.queue.size:

  • skyline.flux.$host.listen.discarded.invalid_parameters: the number of metrics flux discarded in a 60 second period because an incorrect or missing parameter/s were submitted.

  • skyline.flux.$host.listen.discarded.metric_name:

  • skyline.flux.$host.listen.added_to_aggregation_queue:

  • skyline.flux.$host.worker.httpMetricDataQueue.size:

  • skyline.horizon.$host.prometheus.flux_received: IMPORTANT this is the number of metrics flux/prometheus/write has received in the last 60 seconds. Given potential for high cardinality this metric is important to indicate if lots of new metrics come onboard.

  • skyline.horizon.$host.worker.queue_size_60s_avg: IMPORTANT this is the average size of the queue in the last 60 seconds for traditional Graphite dotted namespaced metric ingestion. If this value gets to high you may need to add another Horizon worker.

  • skyline.horizon.$host.worker.datapoints_sent_to_redis: IMPORTANT the number of data points that Horizon is receiving from Graphite and pushing into Redis. If this number drops Skyline is not getting the expected amount of data from Graphite.

  • skyline.horizon.$host.worker.datapoints_sent_to_redis_<id>: IMPORTANT same as the above metric when Horizon runs multiple workers.

  • skyline.horizon.$host.worker.queue_size: this is average size of the queue in the last 10 seconds.

  • skyline.horizon.$host.worker.metrics_received: IMPORTANT this is the number of traditional Graphite dotted namespaced metrics that flux/worker has received in the last 60 seconds. Given potential for high cardinality this metric is important to indicate if lots of new metrics come onboard.

  • skyline.ionosphere.$host.features_calculation_time:

  • skyline.ionosphere.$host.fps_checked:

  • skyline.ionosphere.$host.layers_checked:

  • skyline.ionosphere.$host.not_anomalous: IMPORTANT the number of potentially anomalous metrics that matched a trained pattern of behaviour as not_anomalous in a 60 period. Important because it is an indicator of how effective the training and pattern matching is.

  • skyline.ionosphere.$host.sent_to_panorama: IMPORTANT the number of anomalous metrics that did not match a trained pattern of behaviour in a 60 second period.

  • skyline.ionosphere.$host.total_anomalies: The same as sent_to_panorama above.

  • skyline.ionosphere.$host.training_metrics:

  • skyline.luminosity.$host.metrics_checked_for_correlation:

  • skyline.luminosity.$host.classify_metrics.classified:

  • skyline.luminosity.$host.correlations:

  • skyline.luminosity.$host.classify_metrics.proceessed:

  • skyline.luminosity.$host.avg_runtime:

  • skyline.mirage.$host.checks.done:

  • skyline.mirage.$host.checks.stale_discarded: IMPORTANT the number of mirage checks that are discarded because they too old. If this is too high 2nd stage analysis is not be being completed in a timely, real time manner. Consider increasing settings.MIRAGE_PROCESSES. This is analysed and not skipped via inclusion in settings.DO_NOT_SKIP_LIST

  • skyline.mirage.$host.checks.pending: IMPORTANT the number of checks pending to be done by Mirage second stage analysis. If this is too high analysis will not be being completed in a timely, real time manner. Consider increasing settings.MIRAGE_PROCESSES. This is analysed and not skipped via inclusion in settings.DO_NOT_SKIP_LIST

  • skyline.mirage.$host.labelled_metrics.checks.done:

  • skyline.mirage.$host.labelled_metrics.checks.pending:

  • skyline.mirage.$host.labelled_metrics.checks.stale_discarded: This is analysed and not skipped via inclusion in settings.DO_NOT_SKIP_LIST

  • skyline.mirage.$host.labelled_metrics.run_time:

  • skyline.mirage.$host.labelled_metrics.sent_to_ionosphere:

  • skyline.mirage.$host.labelled_metrics.sent_to_panorama:

  • skyline.mirage.$host.run_time:IMPORTANT If this is too high analysis will not be being completed in a timely, real time manner. Consider increasing settings.MIRAGE_PROCESSES. This is analysed and not skipped via inclusion in settings.DO_NOT_SKIP_LIST

  • skyline.mirage.$host.sent_to_ionosphere:

  • skyline.mirage.$host.sent_to_panorama:

  • skyline.mirage.$host.vortex.checks.done:

  • skyline.mirage.$host.vortex.run_time:

  • skyline.snab.$host.checks.analyzer.testing

  • skyline.snab.$host.checks.analyzer.anomalies

  • skyline.snab.$host.checks.analyzer.realtime

  • skyline.snab.$host.checks.mirage.testing

  • skyline.snab.$host.checks.mirage.realtime

  • skyline.snab.$host.checks.mirage.anomalies

  • skyline.snab.$host.checks.mirage.falied

  • skyline.snab.$host.checks.analyzer.falied

  • skyline.snab.$host.checks.processed





