Source code for webapp.luminosity_cloudbursts

import logging
import os
from ast import literal_eval
import traceback

import settings
import skyline_version
from skyline_functions import get_redis_conn_decoded
from matched_or_regexed_in_list import matched_or_regexed_in_list
from sqlalchemy.sql import select
from database import get_engine, cloudburst_table_meta

# @added 20221103 - Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline
#                   Branch #4300: prometheus
from functions.metrics.get_base_name_from_labelled_metrics_name import get_base_name_from_labelled_metrics_name

skyline_version = skyline_version.__absolute_version__
skyline_app = 'webapp'
skyline_app_logger = '%sLog' % skyline_app
logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger)
skyline_app_logfile = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app)
logfile = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app)
except EnvironmentError as outer_err:
    logger.error('error :: cannot determine ENABLE_WEBAPP_DEBUG from settings - %s' % outer_err)

this_host = str(os.uname()[1])

[docs]def get_filtered_metrics(redis_conn_decoded, namespaces): """ Get create a list of filter_by_metrics. :param redis_conn_decoded: the redis_conn_decoded object :param namespaces: the namespaces to match :param from_timestamp: the from_timestamp :param until_timestamp: the until_timestamp :type redis_conn_decoded: str :return: list of metrics :rtype: list """ function_str = 'get_cloudbursts :: get_filtered_metrics' filter_by_metrics = [] redis_key = 'analyzer.metrics_manager.db.metric_names' unique_base_names = [] try: unique_base_names = list(redis_conn_decoded.smembers(redis_key)) if unique_base_names:'%s :: got %s unique_base_names' % ( function_str, str(len(unique_base_names)))) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to get Redis key %s - %s' % ( function_str, redis_key, err)) raise for base_name in unique_base_names: try: pattern_match, metric_matched_by = matched_or_regexed_in_list(skyline_app, base_name, namespaces) if pattern_match: filter_by_metrics.append(base_name) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to get Redis key %s - %s' % ( function_str, redis_key, err)) return filter_by_metrics
[docs]def get_metric_ids(redis_conn_decoded, filter_by_metrics): """ Get create a list of metric ids and dict of metric_names_with_ids. :param redis_conn_decoded: the redis_conn_decoded object :param namespaces: the namespaces to match :param from_timestamp: the from_timestamp :param until_timestamp: the until_timestamp :type redis_conn_decoded: str :return: (list of metrics, dict of metric_names_with_ids) :rtype: (list, dict) """ function_str = 'get_cloudbursts :: get_metric_ids' metric_ids = [] try: metric_names_with_ids = redis_conn_decoded.hgetall('aet.metrics_manager.metric_names_with_ids') except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to get Redis hash aet.metrics_manager.metric_names_with_ids - %s' % ( function_str, err)) raise for base_name in filter_by_metrics: try: metric_ids.append(int(metric_names_with_ids[base_name])) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to add metric id to metric_ids for %s from metric_names_with_ids - %s' % ( function_str, base_name, err)) return (metric_ids, metric_names_with_ids)
[docs]def get_cloudbursts(metric, namespaces, from_timestamp, until_timestamp): """ Get create a dict of all the cloudbursts. :param metric: the name of the metric :param namespaces: the namespaces to match :param from_timestamp: the from_timestamp :param until_timestamp: the until_timestamp :type metric: str :type namespaces: list :type from_timestamp: int :type until_timestamp: int :return: dict of cloudbursts :rtype: {} Returns a dict of cloudbursts { "cloudbursts": { <id>: { 'metric_id': <int>, 'metric': <str>, 'timestamp': <int>, 'end': <int>, 'duration': <int>, 'duration': <int>, 'from_timestamp': <int>, 'resolution': <int>, 'full_duration': <int>, 'anomaly_id': <int>, 'match_id': <int>, 'fp_id': <int>, 'layer_id': <int>, 'added_at': <int>, }, } } """ function_str = 'get_cloudbursts' cloudbursts_dict = {} engine = None metric_ids = [] use_filter_by_metrics = False filter_by_metrics = [] metric_names_with_ids = {} ids_with_metric_names = {} 'get_cloudbursts - metric: %s, namespaces: %s, from_timestamp: %s, until_timestamp: %s' % ( str(metric), str(namespaces), str(from_timestamp), str(until_timestamp))) if metric != 'all': # @added 20221103 - Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline # Branch #4300: prometheus use_metric = str(metric) if metric.startswith('labelled_metrics.'): use_metric = str(metric) try: metric = get_base_name_from_labelled_metrics_name(skyline_app, use_metric) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: %s :: get_base_name_from_labelled_metrics_name failed with %s - %s' % ( function_str, metric, err)) raise 'get_cloudbursts - looked up %s to metric: %s' % ( use_metric, str(metric))) if not metric: logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to look up metric' % function_str) raise ValueError('failed to look up metric') filter_by_metrics = [metric] use_filter_by_metrics = True if not namespaces: namespaces = [metric] if namespaces == ['all']: namespaces = [metric] try: redis_conn_decoded = get_redis_conn_decoded(skyline_app) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: %s :: get_redis_conn_decoded failed - %s' % ( function_str, err)) raise filter_by_metrics = get_filtered_metrics(redis_conn_decoded, namespaces) if namespaces: use_filter_by_metrics = True if metric != 'all': try: metric_id = int(redis_conn_decoded.hget('aet.metrics_manager.metric_names_with_ids', metric)) if metric_id: metric_names_with_ids[metric] = metric_id metric_ids.append(metric_id) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to get %s from Redis hash aet.metrics_manager.metric_names_with_ids - %s' % ( function_str, metric, err)) raise metric_ids, metric_names_with_ids = get_metric_ids(redis_conn_decoded, filter_by_metrics) if len(filter_by_metrics) > 1: use_filter_by_metrics = True for base_name in list(metric_names_with_ids.keys()): metric_id = int(metric_names_with_ids[base_name]) ids_with_metric_names[metric_id] = base_name try: engine, log_msg, trace = get_engine(skyline_app) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to get engine - %s' % ( function_str, err)) raise try: cloudburst_table, log_msg, trace = cloudburst_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to get cloudburst_table - %s' % ( function_str, err)) raise try: connection = engine.connect() if use_filter_by_metrics: stmt = select([cloudburst_table], cloudburst_table.c.metric_id.in_(metric_ids)) if from_timestamp > 0 and until_timestamp == 0: stmt = select([cloudburst_table], cloudburst_table.c.metric_id.in_(metric_ids)).\ where(cloudburst_table.c.timestamp >= from_timestamp) if from_timestamp == 0 and until_timestamp > 0: stmt = select([cloudburst_table], cloudburst_table.c.metric_id.in_(metric_ids)).\ where(cloudburst_table.c.timestamp <= until_timestamp) if from_timestamp > 0 and until_timestamp > 0: stmt = select([cloudburst_table], cloudburst_table.c.metric_id.in_(metric_ids)).\ where(cloudburst_table.c.timestamp >= from_timestamp).\ where(cloudburst_table.c.timestamp <= until_timestamp) else: stmt = select([cloudburst_table]) if from_timestamp > 0 and until_timestamp == 0: stmt = select([cloudburst_table]).\ where(cloudburst_table.c.timestamp >= from_timestamp) if from_timestamp == 0 and until_timestamp > 0: stmt = select([cloudburst_table]).\ where(cloudburst_table.c.timestamp <= until_timestamp) if from_timestamp > 0 and until_timestamp > 0: stmt = select([cloudburst_table]).\ where(cloudburst_table.c.timestamp >= from_timestamp).\ where(cloudburst_table.c.timestamp <= until_timestamp) results = connection.execute(stmt) for row in results: # @modified 20230126 # Wrapped in try except try: cloudburst_id = row['id'] metric_id = row['metric_id'] cloudbursts_dict[cloudburst_id] = dict(row) try: cloudbursts_dict[cloudburst_id]['metric'] = ids_with_metric_names[metric_id] except KeyError: use_metric_name = 'labelled_metrics.%s' % str(metric_id) logger.warning('warning :: %s :: failed to find metric name for metric id in ids_with_metric_names, using %s' % ( function_str, use_metric_name)) cloudbursts_dict[cloudburst_id]['metric'] = use_metric_name except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to iterate row from cloudburst_table - %s' % ( function_str, err)) connection.close() except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to get cloudburst_table - %s' % ( function_str, err)) raise # Reorder the dict keys for the page cloudbursts_dict_keys = [] key_ordered_cloudbursts_dict = {} if cloudbursts_dict: cloudburst_ids = list(cloudbursts_dict.keys()) first_cloudburst_id = cloudburst_ids[0] for key in list(cloudbursts_dict[first_cloudburst_id].keys()): cloudbursts_dict_keys.append(key) for cloudburst_id in cloudburst_ids: key_ordered_cloudbursts_dict[cloudburst_id] = {} for key in cloudbursts_dict[cloudburst_id]: if key == 'id': key_ordered_cloudbursts_dict[cloudburst_id][key] = cloudbursts_dict[cloudburst_id][key] key_ordered_cloudbursts_dict[cloudburst_id]['metric'] = cloudbursts_dict[cloudburst_id]['metric'] for key in cloudbursts_dict[cloudburst_id]: if key not in ['id', 'metric']: key_ordered_cloudbursts_dict[cloudburst_id][key] = cloudbursts_dict[cloudburst_id][key] cloudbursts_dict = key_ordered_cloudbursts_dict cloudburst_ids = list(cloudbursts_dict.keys()) cloudburst_ids.reverse() desc_cloudbursts_dict = {} for c_id in cloudburst_ids: desc_cloudbursts_dict[c_id] = cloudbursts_dict[c_id] cloudbursts_dict = desc_cloudbursts_dict'%s :: found %s cloudbursts' % ( function_str, str(len(list(cloudbursts_dict.keys()))))) return cloudbursts_dict