Source code for webapp.api_get_fp_timeseries

import logging
# @added 20220722 - Task #4624: Change all dict copy to deepcopy
import copy

from flask import request

from functions.database.queries.get_ionosphere_fp_row import get_ionosphere_fp_db_row
from functions.metrics.get_base_name_from_metric_id import get_base_name_from_metric_id
from functions.metrics.get_metric_id_from_base_name import get_metric_id_from_base_name
from functions.database.queries.fp_timeseries import get_db_fp_timeseries

# @added 20221020 - Feature #4578: webapp - api_get_fp_timeseries
# Allow for a metric and timestamp to be passed only and look up the metric
# and fp ids
from functions.database.queries.get_fps_for_metric import get_fps_for_metric

# @added 20220517 - Feature #4578: webapp - api_get_fp_timeseries
[docs]def api_get_fp_timeseries(current_skyline_app): """ Return a dict with the metric and fp timeseries. :param current_skyline_app: the app calling the function :type current_skyline_app: str :return: fp_timeseries_dict :rtype: dict """ fp_timeseries_dict = {} current_skyline_app_logger = current_skyline_app + 'Log' current_logger = logging.getLogger(current_skyline_app_logger) fp_id = None base_name = None metric_id = 0 from_timestamp = 0 until_timestamp = 0 duration = 0 # @added 20221020 - Feature #4578: webapp - api_get_fp_timeseries # Allow for a metric and timestamp to be passed only and look up the metric # and fp ids and handle labelled_metrics being passed metric = None if 'fp_id' not in request.args: if 'metric' in request.args: try: base_name = request.args.get('metric') metric = str(base_name) except Exception as err:'api_get_fp_timeseries request no metric argument passed - %s' % err) if base_name.startswith('labelled_metrics.'): metric = str(base_name) metric_id_str = metric.replace('labelled_metrics.', '', 1) try: base_name = get_base_name_from_metric_id(current_skyline_app, int(metric_id_str)) metric_id = int(metric_id_str) except Exception as err:'api_get_fp_timeseries get_base_name_from_metric_id failed for - %s' % err)'api_get_fp_timeseries :: labelled metric - determined metric_id: %s, base_name: %s' % ( str(metric_id), str(base_name))) if base_name and 'from_timestamp' in request.args and 'until_timestamp' in request.args: try: from_timestamp = int(request.args.get('from_timestamp')) except Exception as err:'api_get_fp_timeseries request no valid from_timestamp argument passed - %s' % err) try: until_timestamp = int(request.args.get('until_timestamp')) except Exception as err:'api_get_fp_timeseries request no valid until_timestamp argument passed - %s' % err) if base_name and from_timestamp and until_timestamp: if not metric_id:'/api?api_get_fp_timeseries with metric: %s' % str(base_name)) try: metric_id = get_metric_id_from_base_name(current_skyline_app, base_name) except Exception as err: current_logger.err('error :: api_get_fp_timeseries :: get_metric_id_from_base_name failed with base_name %s - %s' % ( str(base_name), err))'api_get_fp_timeseries :: determined metric_id - %s' % str(metric_id)) if not base_name: try: base_name = get_base_name_from_metric_id(current_skyline_app, metric_id) except Exception as err: current_logger.err('error :: api_get_fp_timeseries :: get_base_name_from_metric_id failed with metric_id %s - %s' % ( str(metric_id), err)) duration = until_timestamp - from_timestamp if metric_id and until_timestamp and duration: fps_dict = {} try: fps_dict = get_fps_for_metric(current_skyline_app, metric_id) except Exception as err: current_logger.error('api_get_fp_timeseries :: %s :: get_fps_for_metric failed - %s' % ( str(err))) for i_fp_id in fps_dict.keys(): if fps_dict[i_fp_id]['anomaly_timestamp'] == until_timestamp: if fps_dict[i_fp_id]['full_duration'] == duration: fp_id = i_fp_id'/api?api_get_fp_timeseries determine fp_id: %s for metric_id: %s, timestamp: %s, duration: %s' % ( str(fp_id), str(metric_id), str(until_timestamp), str(duration))) break if not fp_id: try: fp_id = int(request.args.get('fp_id'))'/api?api_get_fp_timeseries with fp_id: %s' % str(fp_id)) except Exception as err: current_logger.error('error :: api api_get_fp_timeseries request no fp_id argument (or metric and timestamp) - %s' % err) # return 400 return fp_timeseries_dict if not base_name: try: base_name = request.args.get('metric') except:'api_get_fp_timeseries request no metric argument passed')'/api?api_get_fp_timeseries getting fp_id_row') fp_id_row = {} try: fp_id_row = get_ionosphere_fp_db_row(current_skyline_app, fp_id) except Exception as err: current_logger.err('error :: api_get_fp_timeseries :: get_ionosphere_fp_db_row failed - %s' % err) if fp_id_row: try: metric_id = fp_id_row['metric_id']'api_get_fp_timeseries :: determined metric_id as %s' % str(metric_id)) except Exception as err: current_logger.err('error :: api_get_fp_timeseries :: failed to determine metric_id from fp_id_row - %s' % err) if not base_name: if metric_id: try: base_name = get_base_name_from_metric_id(current_skyline_app, metric_id) except Exception as err: current_logger.err('error :: api_get_fp_timeseries :: get_base_name_from_metric_id failed with metric_id %s - %s' % ( str(metric_id), err))'api_get_fp_timeseries :: determined metric - %s' % str(base_name)) else:'/api?api_get_fp_timeseries with metric: %s' % str(base_name)) try: metric_id = get_metric_id_from_base_name(current_skyline_app, base_name) except Exception as err: current_logger.err('error :: api_get_fp_timeseries :: get_metric_id_from_base_name failed with base_name %s - %s' % ( str(base_name), err))'api_get_fp_timeseries :: determined metric_id - %s' % str(metric_id)) try: fp_timeseries = get_db_fp_timeseries(current_skyline_app, metric_id, fp_id) except Exception as err: current_logger.error('error :: api_get_fp_timeseries :: get_db_fp_timeseries failed - %s' % ( err)) if fp_timeseries: # @modified 20220722 - Task #4624: Change all dict copy to deepcopy # fp_timeseries_dict = fp_id_row.copy() fp_timeseries_dict = copy.deepcopy(fp_id_row) fp_timeseries_dict['fp_id'] = fp_id fp_timeseries_dict['metric'] = base_name fp_timeseries_dict['timeseries'] = fp_timeseries else: current_logger.error('error :: api_get_fp_timeseries :: failed to get timeseries for fp_id %s' % ( str(fp_id))) return fp_timeseries_dict