Source code for snab.snab

from __future__ import division
import logging
    from Queue import Empty
    from queue import Empty
from time import time, sleep
from threading import Thread
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
import os
from os import kill, getpid
import traceback
import re
from sys import version_info
from sys import exit as sys_exit
import os.path
from ast import literal_eval
import datetime as dt
from time import gmtime, strftime
# @added 20220722 - Task #4624: Change all dict copy to deepcopy
import copy

import settings
from skyline_functions import (
    # @modified 20220726 - Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline
    #                      Branch #4300: prometheus
    # Moved send_graphite_metric
    # mkdir_p, get_redis_conn, get_redis_conn_decoded, send_graphite_metric)
    mkdir_p, get_redis_conn, get_redis_conn_decoded)
from slack_functions import slack_post_message

# @added 20220726 - Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline
#                   Branch #4300: prometheus
from functions.graphite.send_graphite_metric import send_graphite_metric

from custom_algorithms.irregular_unstable import irregular_unstable

    from custom_algorithms import run_custom_algorithm_on_timeseries
    run_custom_algorithm_on_timeseries = None

    from settings import DEBUG_CUSTOM_ALGORITHMS

skyline_app = 'snab'
skyline_app_logger = '%sLog' % skyline_app
logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger)
skyline_app_logfile = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app)
skyline_app_loglock = '%s.lock' % skyline_app_logfile
skyline_app_logwait = '%s.wait' % skyline_app_logfile

python_version = int(version_info[0])
this_host = str(os.uname()[1])
snab_work_redis_set = ''
snab_work_done_redis_set = ''

    if SERVER_METRIC_PATH == '.':



    SNAB_DATA_DIR = '/opt/skyline/SNAB'
    SNAB_anomalyScore = settings.SNAB_anomalyScore
    SNAB_anomalyScore = {}

skyline_app_graphite_namespace = 'skyline.%s%s' % (skyline_app, SERVER_METRIC_PATH)


[docs]class SNAB(Thread): """ The SNAB class which controls the snab thread and spawned processes. """ def __init__(self, parent_pid): """ Initialize the SNAB Create the :obj:`self.exceptions_q` queue Create the :obj:`self.anomaly_breakdown_q` queue """ super(SNAB, self).__init__() self.redis_conn = get_redis_conn(skyline_app) self.redis_conn_decoded = get_redis_conn_decoded(skyline_app) self.daemon = True self.parent_pid = parent_pid self.current_pid = getpid() self.exceptions_q = Queue() self.anomaly_breakdown_q = Queue()
[docs] def check_if_parent_is_alive(self): """ Self explanatory """ try: kill(self.current_pid, 0) kill(self.parent_pid, 0) except: # @added 20201203 - Bug #3856: Handle boring sparsely populated metrics in derivative_metrics # Log warning logger.warning('warning :: parent or current process dead') sys_exit(0)
[docs] def spin_snab_process(self, i, check_details): """ Assign a metric and algorithm for a process to analyze. :param i: python process id :param run_timestamp: the epoch timestamp at which this process was called :param metric_name: the FULL_NAMESPACE metric name as keyed in Redis :param last_analyzed_timestamp: the last analysed timestamp as recorded in the Redis key last_timestamp.basename key. It is possible to want to run a metric through SNAB to check an algorithm in the normal anomaly detection workflow, in the algorithm testing context and concurrently. An algorithm could be added as part of the main detection process and another algorithm could be simply being tested. Although handling them separately is preferable as any testing algorithms will not slow down the real time processing. However having to load and preprocess that data for every algorithm is also inefficient, so there must be some trade offs. Therefore if a metric has multiple SNAB configurations, testing and realtime a check item must be added for each context. SNAB propritises realtime over testing. check_details is a dict with the following structure: check_details = { 'metric': '<base_name>'|str, 'labelled_metric_name': '<labelled_metric_name>'|str, 'timestamp': anomaly_timestamp|int, 'value': datapoint|float, 'full_duration': full_duration|int, 'anomaly_data': '<absolute_path/filename>'|str, 'source': '<skyline_app>'|str, 'added_at': added_at_timestamp|int, 'original_added_at': original_added_at|int, 'context': '<testing|realtime>'|str, 'algorithm': 'algorithm_1'|str, 'algorithm_source': '<absolute_path/filename>'|str', 'algorithm_parameters': {}|dict, 'max_execution_time': max_seconds|ifloat, 'debug_logging': False|boolean, 'analysed': False|boolean, 'processed': False|boolean, 'anomalous': None|boolean, 'anomalyScore': 0.0|float, 'alert_slack_channel': '<channel_name>|None'|str or boolean, 'snab_only': False|boolean, } # @added 20201001 - food for thought Walk the dogs... Back to making the black hole. Does information have weight? At what point does the quantity of digital information in a space become to dense or too much? How much does a byte weigh? What about an EM wave/s? Could the pending singularity event not be an AI event, but black hole event? Could digital information or signals ever "supernova"? What is the equivalent to Hubbles Law for digital information and signals? Will all our digital information eventually cross an event horizon and vanish from our perception? :return: anomalous :rtype: boolean """ def update_check_details(original_check_details, updated_check_details): """ Manage the check_detail a dict in the Redis set. :param original_check_details: the original check_details dict :param updated_check_details: the updated check_details dict or the string 'remove' to remove the original_check_details """ try: self.redis_conn.srem(snab_work_redis_set, str(original_check_details))'removed item from Redis set %s - %s' % ( snab_work_redis_set, str(check_details))) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to remove item from Redis set %s' % ( snab_work_redis_set)) if updated_check_details != 'remove': try: self.redis_conn.sadd(snab_work_redis_set, str(updated_check_details))'added updated check_details item to Redis set %s - %s' % ( snab_work_redis_set, str(updated_check_details))) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to remove item from Redis set %s' % ( snab_work_redis_set)) anomalous = None anomalyScore = 0 spin_start = time() spin_snab_process_pid = os.getpid()'spin_snab_process - %s, processing check - %s' % ( str(spin_snab_process_pid), str(check_details))) try: metric_name = str(check_details['metric']) metric_timestamp = int(check_details['timestamp']) original_anomaly_timestamp = int(check_details['original_anomaly_timestamp']) metric_value = float(check_details['value']) anomaly_data = str(check_details['anomaly_data']) source = str(check_details['source']) algorithm = str(check_details['algorithm']) algorithm_source = str(check_details['algorithm_source']) # @modified 20220722 - Task #4624: Change all dict copy to deepcopy # algorithm_parameters = check_details['algorithm_parameters'].copy() algorithm_parameters = copy.deepcopy(check_details['algorithm_parameters']) max_execution_time = float(check_details['max_execution_time']) algorithm_debug_logging = check_details['debug_logging'] # @added 20200916 - Branch #3068: SNAB # Task #3748: POC SNAB snab_only = check_details['snab_only'] except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error - spin_snab_process - %s, failed to parse check_details dict' % ( str(spin_snab_process_pid))) return anomalous # @added 20230419 - Feature #4892: SNAB - labelled_metrics # Feature #4848: mirage - # Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline # Branch #4300: prometheus labelled_metric_name = None try: labelled_metric_name = check_details['labelled_metric_name'] except: labelled_metric_name = None # @modified 20220722 - Task #4624: Change all dict copy to deepcopy # original_check_details = check_details.copy() # updated_check_details = check_details.copy() original_check_details = copy.deepcopy(check_details) updated_check_details = copy.deepcopy(check_details) updated_check_details['processed'] = int(time()) update_check_details(original_check_details, updated_check_details) # @modified 20220722 - Task #4624: Change all dict copy to deepcopy # original_updated_check_details = updated_check_details.copy() original_updated_check_details = copy.deepcopy(updated_check_details) if algorithm != 'testing': if not os.path.isfile(anomaly_data): logger.error('error - spin_snab_process - %s, failed to find anomaly_data file - %s' % ( str(spin_snab_process_pid), str(anomaly_data))) update_check_details(original_updated_check_details, 'remove') return anomalous snab_do_not_recheck_key = '' % metric_name # @added 20230419 - Feature #4892: SNAB - labelled_metrics if labelled_metric_name: snab_do_not_recheck_key = '' % labelled_metric_name snab_do_not_recheck = False try: snab_do_not_recheck = int(self.redis_conn_decoded.get(snab_do_not_recheck_key)) except: pass if snab_do_not_recheck:'%s Redis keys exists, processing check for %s from %s with %s, removing check' % ( snab_do_not_recheck_key, metric_name, source, algorithm)) update_check_details(original_updated_check_details, 'remove') return anomalous'spin_snab_process - %s, processing check for %s from %s with %s' % ( str(spin_snab_process_pid), metric_name, source, algorithm)) # Make process-specific dicts anomaly_breakdown = defaultdict(int) if metric_name.startswith(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE): base_name = metric_name.replace(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, '', 1) else: base_name = metric_name # @added 20230429 - Feature #4848: mirage - # Use downsampled_timeseries data downsampled = False if anomaly_data.endswith('.downsampled.json'): downsampled = True if anomaly_data.endswith('.json'): with open((anomaly_data), 'r') as f: raw_timeseries = timeseries_array_str = str(raw_timeseries).replace('(', '[').replace(')', ']') timeseries = literal_eval(timeseries_array_str) if anomaly_data.endswith('.csv'): logger.warning('warning :: spin_snab_process - anomaly_data file is csv format which is not currently handled, skipping %s' % ( str(anomaly_data))) update_check_details(original_updated_check_details, 'remove') return anomalous if algorithm == 'testing': timeseries = [[int(time()), 1.0]] if not timeseries: logger.error('error - spin_snab_process - no time series data was loaded from anomaly_data file - %s' % ( str(anomaly_data))) update_check_details(original_updated_check_details, 'remove') return anomalous # @added 20201001 - Branch #3068: SNAB # Task #3748: POC SNAB # Add timings analysis_start_time = time() if timeseries: try: algorithm_parameters['metric'] = metric_name # @added 20230419 - Feature #4892: SNAB - labelled_metrics algorithm_parameters['labelled_metric_name'] = labelled_metric_name if check_details: algorithm_parameters['check_details'] = check_details algorithm_parameters['debug_logging'] = algorithm_debug_logging # @added 20230429 - Feature #4848: mirage - # Use downsampled_timeseries data algorithm_parameters['downsample_data'] = downsampled custom_algorithm_dict = { 'namespaces': [metric_name], 'algorithm_source': algorithm_source, 'algorithm_parameters': algorithm_parameters, 'max_execution_time': max_execution_time, 'consensus': 1, 'algorithms_allowed_in_consensus': [algorithm], 'run_3sigma_algorithms': False, 'use_with': ['snab'], 'debug_logging': algorithm_debug_logging, } anomalous, anomalyScore = run_custom_algorithm_on_timeseries(skyline_app, getpid(), base_name, timeseries, algorithm, custom_algorithm_dict, DEBUG_CUSTOM_ALGORITHMS) if anomalous:'anomaly detected :: with %s on %s with %s at %s' % ( algorithm, metric_name, str(timeseries[-1][1]), metric_timestamp)) else:'not anomalous :: with %s on %s with %s at %s' % ( algorithm, metric_name, str(timeseries[-1][1]), metric_timestamp)) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to run %s on %s' % ( algorithm, metric_name)) anomalous = None anomalyScore = None # @added 20201001 - Branch #3068: SNAB # Task #3748: POC SNAB # Add timings analysis_run_time = time() - analysis_start_time'%s analysis completed in %.2f seconds' % ( algorithm, analysis_run_time)) redis_key = 'snab.analysis_run_time.%s.%s.%s' % (algorithm, base_name, str(metric_timestamp)) try: self.redis_conn.setex(redis_key, 120, str(analysis_run_time)) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to add snab analysis_run_time Redis key - %s' % ( redis_key)) updated_check_details['analysed'] = int(time()) updated_check_details['anomalous'] = anomalous updated_check_details['anomalyScore'] = anomalyScore # Add to the Redis set try: self.redis_conn.sadd(snab_work_done_redis_set, str(updated_check_details))'added updated check_details item to Redis set %s - %s' % ( snab_work_done_redis_set, str(updated_check_details))) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to remove item from Redis set %s' % ( snab_work_redis_set)) subsequent_seconds = 0 try: added_at = original_check_details['added_at'] original_added_at = original_check_details['original_added_at'] if int(original_added_at) == 0: subsequent_seconds = 1 else: subsequent_seconds = added_at - original_added_at except: pass panorama_added_at = int(time()) slack_post = None slack_thread_ts = 0 try: if original_check_details['alert_slack_channel']: send_to_slack = True if snab_only and not anomalous: send_to_slack = False if send_to_slack: # @added 20200928 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Branch #3068: SNAB # When a slack alert goes out a Panorama snab entry must be # created algorithm_group = None if algorithm == 'skyline_matrixprofile': algorithm_group = 'matrixprofile' # @added 20230417 - Feature #4848mirage - if not algorithm_group: algorithm_group = str(algorithm) # @added 20201001 - Branch #3068: SNAB # Task #3748: POC SNAB # Added analysis_run_time analysis_run_time = 0 redis_key = 'snab.analysis_run_time.%s.%s.%s' % (algorithm, base_name, str(metric_timestamp)) try: analysis_run_time = float(self.redis_conn_decoded.get(redis_key)) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to determine analysis_run_time from Redis key - %s' % ( redis_key)) if snab_only: use_timestamp = original_anomaly_timestamp else: use_timestamp = metric_timestamp snab_panorama_details = { 'metric': metric_name, 'timestamp': use_timestamp, 'anomalyScore': anomalyScore, 'analysis_run_time': analysis_run_time, 'source': skyline_app, 'algorithm_group': algorithm_group, 'algorithm': algorithm, 'added_at': panorama_added_at, } self.redis_conn.sadd('snab.panorama', str(snab_panorama_details))'added snab.panorama item - %s' % ( str(snab_panorama_details))) # @added 20200929 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Branch #3068: SNAB # Determine the anomaly_id so that the tP, fP, tN, fN links # can be applied to the slack message. snab_slack_comment = None anomaly_id = None anomaly_id_redis_key = 'panorama.anomaly_id.%s.%s' % ( str(original_anomaly_timestamp), metric_name) # @added 20230420 - Feature #4892: SNAB - labelled_metrics # Feature #4848: mirage - if labelled_metric_name: anomaly_id_redis_key = 'panorama.anomaly_id.%s.%s' % ( str(original_anomaly_timestamp), labelled_metric_name) try_get_anomaly_id_redis_key_count = 0 while try_get_anomaly_id_redis_key_count < 30: try_get_anomaly_id_redis_key_count += 1 try: anomaly_id = int(self.redis_conn_decoded.get(anomaly_id_redis_key)) break except: sleep(1) if not anomaly_id: logger.error('error :: failed to determine anomaly_id from Redis key - %s' % anomaly_id_redis_key) snab_slack_comment = '\nThe anomaly id was not determined to generate snab results links' snab_id = None if anomaly_id: snab_id_redis_key = '' % (str(algorithm_group), str(use_timestamp), base_name, panorama_added_at) # @added 20230420 - Feature #4892: SNAB - labelled_metrics # Feature #4848: mirage - if labelled_metric_name: snab_id_redis_key = '' % (str(algorithm_group), str(use_timestamp), labelled_metric_name, panorama_added_at) try_get_snab_id_redis_key_count = 0 while try_get_snab_id_redis_key_count < 30: try_get_snab_id_redis_key_count += 1 try: snab_id = int(self.redis_conn_decoded.get(snab_id_redis_key)) break except: sleep(1) if not snab_id: logger.error('error :: failed to determine snab_id from Redis key - %s' % snab_id_redis_key) snab_slack_comment = '\nThe anomaly id was not determined to generate snab results links' if anomaly_id and snab_id: snab_link = '%s/api?snab=true&snab_id=%s&anomaly_id=%s' % ( settings.SKYLINE_URL, str(snab_id), str(anomaly_id)) tP_link = '%s&result=tP' % snab_link fP_link = '%s&result=fP' % snab_link tN_link = '%s&result=tN' % snab_link fN_link = '%s&result=fN' % snab_link unsure_link = '%s&result=unsure' % snab_link null_link = '%s&result=NULL' % snab_link snab_slack_comment = '\n<' + tP_link + '|tP - true positive> :: <' + fP_link + '|fP - false positive> :: <' + null_link + '|NULL - reset to NULL>\n<' + tN_link + '|tN - true negative> :: <' + fN_link + '|fN - false negative> :: <' + unsure_link + '|unsure>' anomaly_status = 'NOT ANOMALOUS' if anomalous: anomaly_status = 'ANOMALOUS' if snab_only: if algorithm == 'skyline_matrixprofile': subsequent_minutes = 0 subsequent_units = 'MINUTES' try: subsequent_minutes = int(subsequent_seconds / 60) except: subsequent_minutes = 0 if subsequent_seconds < 60: subsequent_minutes = int(subsequent_seconds) subsequent_units = 'SECONDS' anomaly_status = 'ANOMALOUS - %s %s AFTER three-sigma anomaly' % (str(subsequent_minutes), subsequent_units) # Remove recheck key snab_recheck_key = 'snab.recheck.%s' % base_name try: self.redis_conn.delete(snab_recheck_key) except: pass snab_recheck_original_anomaly_timestamp_key = 'snab.recheck.anomaly_timestamp.%s' % base_name try: self.redis_conn.delete(snab_recheck_original_anomaly_timestamp_key) except: pass snab_do_not_recheck_key = '' % base_name try: self.redis_conn.setex(snab_do_not_recheck_key, 120, metric_timestamp) except: pass timezone = strftime("%Z", gmtime()) human_anomaly_time = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(timeseries[-1][0])).strftime('%c') slack_time_string = '%s %s' % (human_anomaly_time, timezone) snab_slack_verbose = False if snab_slack_verbose: slack_message = '*Skyline SNAB - %s* check for *%s* with *%s* on %s\n*%s* at %s, anomalyScore: %s\n%s' % ( anomaly_status, source, algorithm, metric_name, str(metric_value), slack_time_string, str(anomalyScore), str(updated_check_details)) else: slack_message = '*Skyline SNAB - %s* check for *%s* with *%s* on %s\n*%s* at %s, anomalyScore: %s' % ( anomaly_status, source, algorithm, metric_name, str(metric_value), slack_time_string, str(anomalyScore)) # @added 20200929 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Branch #3068: SNAB # Determine the anomaly_id so that the tP, fP, tN, fN links # can be applied to the slack message. if snab_slack_comment: slack_message = slack_message + snab_slack_comment alert_slack_channel = str(original_check_details['alert_slack_channel']) slack_post = slack_post_message(skyline_app, alert_slack_channel, None, slack_message)'posted results to slack - %s' % slack_message) if slack_post: try: slack_thread_ts = slack_post['ts'] except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to determine slack_ts[\'ts\'] from slack_post - %s' % ( str(slack_post))) # @added 20201002 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Branch #3068: SNAB # Add a Redis key for snab to also update the original anomaly # id slack_thread_ts anomaly_slack_thread_ts = None if anomaly_id: anomaly_id_slack_thread_ts_redis_key = '' % (str(anomaly_id)) try: anomaly_slack_thread_ts = self.redis_conn_decoded.get(anomaly_id_slack_thread_ts_redis_key)'determined original anomaly id %s slack_thread_ts - %s' % ( str(anomaly_id), str(anomaly_slack_thread_ts))) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to determine anomaly_slack_thread_ts from Redis key - %s' % ( anomaly_id_slack_thread_ts_redis_key)) anomaly_slack_thread_ts = None # Disable for now anomaly_slack_thread_ts = None if anomaly_slack_thread_ts: anomaly_slack_post = None try: anomaly_slack_post = slack_post_message(skyline_app, original_check_details['alert_slack_channel'], str(anomaly_slack_thread_ts), slack_message)'posted results to slack anomaly thread as well') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to determine post update to slack anomaly thread - %s' % ( str(anomaly_slack_thread_ts))) if anomaly_slack_post:'posted results to slack anomaly thread with result - %s' % str(anomaly_slack_post)) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to run %s on %s' % ( algorithm, metric_name)) if slack_thread_ts: cache_key = 'panorama.snab.slack_thread_ts.%s.%s' % (str(metric_timestamp), str(snab_id)) # When there are multiple channels declared Skyline only wants to # update the panorama.slack_thread_ts Redis key once for the # primary Skyline channel, so if the cache key exists do not update cache_key_value = str(slack_thread_ts) try: self.redis_conn.setex( cache_key, 86400, str(cache_key_value)) 'added Panorama panorama.snab.slack_thread_ts Redis key - %s - %s' % (cache_key, str(cache_key_value))) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error( 'error :: failed to add Panorama panorama.snab.slack_thread_ts Redis key - %s - %s' % (cache_key, str(cache_key_value))) if settings.SNAB_DATA_DIR in anomaly_data: if os.path.isfile(anomaly_data): os.remove(anomaly_data)'removed check file - %s' % (anomaly_data)) else:'could not remove check file - %s' % (anomaly_data))'removing check_details from %s Redis set' % snab_work_redis_set) update_check_details(updated_check_details, 'remove') update_check_details(original_check_details, 'remove') update_check_details(original_updated_check_details, 'remove') # @added 20200916 # Due to the manner in which matrixprofile identifies discords a spike # or change that 3-sigma detects may only be flagged as a discord a few # data points later when the new data changes the profile. Therefore # a recheck Redis key is added for the metric with a TTL of 300 which is # checked by Analyzer and if found Analyzer adds the required data to # the pipeline to check on each run while the key exists. add_recheck_key = False if not anomalous: if not snab_only: if algorithm == 'skyline_matrixprofile': add_recheck_key = True if add_recheck_key: snab_recheck_key = 'snab.recheck.%s' % metric_name snab_recheck_key_exists = False try: snab_recheck_key_exists = self.redis_conn_decoded.get(snab_recheck_key) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get Redis key %s' % ( snab_recheck_key)) if snab_recheck_key_exists:'snab.recheck Redis key exists from %s not adding %s' % ( str(snab_recheck_key_exists), snab_recheck_key)) else: try: self.redis_conn.setex(snab_recheck_key, 310, original_added_at)'added snab.recheck Redis key %s' % snab_recheck_key) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to add snab.recheck Redis key %s' % snab_recheck_key) snab_recheck_original_anomaly_timestamp_key = 'snab.recheck.anomaly_timestamp.%s' % metric_name try: self.redis_conn.setex(snab_recheck_original_anomaly_timestamp_key, 310, original_anomaly_timestamp)'added snab.recheck.anomaly_timestamp Redis key %s with original_anomaly_timestamp of %s' % ( snab_recheck_original_anomaly_timestamp_key, str(original_anomaly_timestamp))) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to add snab.recheck Redis key %s' % snab_recheck_key) metric_timestamp = int(check_details['timestamp']) original_anomaly_timestamp = int(check_details['original_anomaly_timestamp']) metric_value = float(check_details['value']) anomaly_data = str(check_details['anomaly_data']) source = str(check_details['source']) algorithm = str(check_details['algorithm']) algorithm_source = str(check_details['algorithm_source']) # @modified 20220722 - Task #4624: Change all dict copy to deepcopy # algorithm_parameters = check_details['algorithm_parameters'].copy() algorithm_parameters = copy.deepcopy(check_details['algorithm_parameters']) max_execution_time = float(check_details['max_execution_time']) algorithm_debug_logging = check_details['debug_logging'] # @added 20200916 - Branch #3068: SNAB # Task #3748: POC SNAB snab_only = check_details['snab_only'] spin_end = time() - spin_start'spin_snab_process took %.2f seconds' % spin_end) return anomalous
[docs] def run(self): """ - Called when the process intializes. - Determine if Redis is up and discover checks to run. - Divide and assign each process a metric check to analyse and add results to source Redis set. - Wait for the processes to finish. """ # Log management to prevent overwriting # Allow the bin/<skyline_app>.d to manage the log if os.path.isfile(skyline_app_logwait): try: os.remove(skyline_app_logwait) except OSError: logger.error('error - failed to remove %s, continuing' % skyline_app_logwait) now = time() log_wait_for = now + 5 while now < log_wait_for: if os.path.isfile(skyline_app_loglock): sleep(.1) now = time() else: now = log_wait_for + 1'starting %s run' % skyline_app) if os.path.isfile(skyline_app_loglock): logger.error('error - bin/%s.d log management seems to have failed, continuing' % skyline_app) try: os.remove(skyline_app_loglock)'log lock file removed') except OSError: logger.error('error - failed to remove %s, continuing' % skyline_app_loglock) else:'bin/%s.d log management done' % skyline_app) try: SERVER_METRIC_PATH = '.%s' % settings.SERVER_METRICS_NAME if SERVER_METRIC_PATH == '.': SERVER_METRIC_PATH = '''SERVER_METRIC_PATH is set from to %s' % str(SERVER_METRIC_PATH)) except: SERVER_METRIC_PATH = '''warning :: SERVER_METRIC_PATH is not declared in, defaults to \'\'')'skyline_app_graphite_namespace is set to %s' % str(skyline_app_graphite_namespace)) if not os.path.exists(settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR): try: mkdir_p(settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to create %s' % settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR) last_sent_to_graphite = int(time()) snab_checks_done = 0 algorithm_run_times = [] analyzer_anomalies = 0 analyzer_falied_checks = 0 analyzer_realtime_checks = 0 analyzer_testing_checks = 0 mirage_anomalies = 0 mirage_falied_checks = 0 mirage_realtime_checks = 0 mirage_testing_checks = 0 while 1: now = time() # Make sure Redis is up try: except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cannot connect to redis at socket path %s' % settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) sleep(10) try: self.redis_conn = get_redis_conn(skyline_app)'connected via get_redis_conn') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: not connected via get_redis_conn') continue try: except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: not connected via get_redis_conn_decoded') sleep(10) try: self.redis_conn_decoded = get_redis_conn_decoded(skyline_app)'onnected via get_redis_conn_decoded') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cannot connect to get_redis_conn_decoded') continue # Determine if any metric has been added to process while True: # Report app up try: self.redis_conn.setex(skyline_app, 120, int(now)) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not update the Redis %s key' % skyline_app) current_timestamp = int(time()) # Determine checks to process and algorithms that are to be run snab_work = None sorted_snab_work = [] unsorted_snab_work = [] try: snab_work = self.redis_conn_decoded.smembers(snab_work_redis_set) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: could not query Redis for set %s - %s' % (snab_work_redis_set, e)) if snab_work: total_snab_work_item_count = len(snab_work) # If multiple work items exist sort them by oldest timestamp # and process the item with the oldest timestamp first realtime_check_count = 0 testing_check_count = 0 for index, snab_item in enumerate(snab_work): try: check_details = literal_eval(snab_item) metric_name = check_details['metric'] metric_timestamp = check_details['timestamp'] source = check_details['source'] context = check_details['context'] if context == 'realtime': realtime_check_count += 1 else: testing_check_count += 1 algorithm = check_details['algorithm'] processed = check_details['processed'] if not processed: unsorted_snab_work.append(check_details) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not determine check_details from entry') for index, snab_item in enumerate(snab_work): try: check_details = literal_eval(snab_item) processed = check_details['processed'] metric_timestamp = check_details['timestamp'] use_timestamp = 0 if processed: try: use_timestamp = int(processed) except: pass if not use_timestamp: use_timestamp = int(metric_timestamp) if use_timestamp: age = current_timestamp - int(use_timestamp) if age > 900: self.redis_conn.srem(snab_work_redis_set, str(snab_item))'removed snab check older than 900 seconds - %s' % ( str(check_details))) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not determine check_details from entry') if unsorted_snab_work: sorted_snab_work = sorted(unsorted_snab_work, key=lambda i: i['timestamp']) sorted_snab_work_count = len(sorted_snab_work) if sorted_snab_work_count > 0:'there are %s metric checks to process in the %s Redis set' % ( str(sorted_snab_work_count), snab_work_redis_set)) break else:'there are no unprocessed items to process and %s processed items in %s' % ( str(total_snab_work_item_count), snab_work_redis_set)) if int(time()) >= (last_sent_to_graphite + 60): break sleep(5) else:'there are no %s items to process' % snab_work_redis_set) if int(time()) >= (last_sent_to_graphite + 60): break sleep(5) # Determine how many processes SNAB is to run in order to determine # what realtime and/or testing checks to run snab_work_item_count = len(sorted_snab_work) if snab_work_item_count > 1: try: SNAB_PROCESSES = int(settings.SNAB_PROCESSES) if len(sorted_snab_work) < SNAB_PROCESSES: SNAB_PROCESSES = len(sorted_snab_work) except: SNAB_PROCESSES = 1 else: SNAB_PROCESSES = 1 checks_assigned = [] checks_assigned_count = 0 realtime_checks_assigned = 0 testing_checks_assigned = 0 try: for check_details in sorted_snab_work: if checks_assigned == SNAB_PROCESSES: break if realtime_checks_assigned < realtime_check_count: if context == 'testing':'skipping %s check for %s from %s as realtime checking are pending' % ( context, metric_name, str(metric_timestamp))) continue processed = check_details['processed'] if processed: continue metric_name = check_details['metric'] metric_timestamp = check_details['timestamp'] context = check_details['context'] algorithm = check_details['algorithm']'assign %s check for %s from %s with algorithm %s' % ( context, metric_name, str(metric_timestamp), algorithm)) checks_assigned.append(check_details) checks_assigned_count += 1 if context == 'realtime': realtime_checks_assigned += 1 else: testing_checks_assigned += 1 if checks_assigned_count == SNAB_PROCESSES: break except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to determine checks to assign') # Skip checks if snab needs to send Graphite metrics. The checks # will be done in the next run if int(time()) >= (last_sent_to_graphite + 60): checks_assigned_count = None'skipping checks this run to send Graphite metrics') if checks_assigned_count: # Remove any existing algorithm.error and timing files from any # previous runs pattern = '%s.*.algorithm.error' % skyline_app try: for f in os.listdir(settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR): if, f): try: os.remove(os.path.join(settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR, f))'cleaning up old error file - %s' % (str(f))) except OSError: pass except: logger.error('error :: failed to cleanup algorithm.error files') pattern = '%s.*.algorithm.timings' % skyline_app try: for f in os.listdir(settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR): if, f): try: os.remove(os.path.join(settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR, f))'cleaning up old timings file - %s' % (str(f))) except OSError: pass except: logger.error('error :: failed to cleanup algorithm.timing files')'processing %s checks' % str(checks_assigned_count)) # Spawn processes pids = [] spawned_pids = [] pid_count = 0 for i in range(1, SNAB_PROCESSES + 1): up_to = i - 1 check_details = checks_assigned[up_to] metric_name = check_details['metric'] metric_timestamp = check_details['timestamp'] context = check_details['context'] algorithm = check_details['algorithm']'processing %s check for %s from %s' % ( context, metric_name, str(metric_timestamp))) p = Process(target=self.spin_snab_process, args=(i, check_details)) pids.append(p) pid_count += 1'starting 1 of %s spin_snab_process' % (str(pid_count))) p.start() spawned_pids.append( snab_checks_done += 1 # Send wait signal to zombie processes # for p in pids: # p.join() # Self monitor processes and terminate if any spin_snab_process # that has run for longer than 58 seconds p_starts = time() while time() - p_starts <= 58: if any(p.is_alive() for p in pids): # Just to avoid hogging the CPU sleep(.1) else: # All the processes are done, break now. time_to_run = time() - p_starts'1 spin_snab_process completed in %.2f seconds' % (time_to_run)) break else: # We only enter this if we didn't 'break' above.'timed out, killing all spin_snab_process processes') for p in pids: p.terminate() # p.join() for p in pids: if p.is_alive():'stopping spin_snab_process - %s' % (str(p.is_alive()))) p.join() # Determine the results of the assigned check from the updated # check_details for the purpose of sending snab metrics analyzer_check_algorithm_timings = [] mirage_check_algorithm_timings = [] try: snab_work = self.redis_conn_decoded.smembers(snab_work_redis_set) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: could not query Redis for set %s - %s' % (snab_work_redis_set, e)) if snab_work: try: for assigned_check_details in checks_assigned: assigned_metric_name = assigned_check_details['metric'] assigned_metric_timestamp = int(assigned_check_details['timestamp']) assigned_source = assigned_check_details['source'] assigned_context = assigned_check_details['context'] assigned_algorithm = assigned_check_details['algorithm'] for index, snab_item in enumerate(snab_work): check_details = literal_eval(snab_item) metric_name = check_details['metric'] if metric_name != assigned_metric_name: continue metric_timestamp = int(check_details['timestamp']) if metric_timestamp != assigned_metric_timestamp: continue source = check_details['source'] if source != assigned_source: continue context = check_details['context'] if context != assigned_context: continue algorithm = check_details['algorithm'] if algorithm != assigned_algorithm: continue anomalous = check_details['anomalous'] analysed = check_details['analysed'] if anomalous: if context == 'analyzer': analyzer_anomalies += 1 if context == 'mirage': mirage_anomalies += 1 if source == 'analyzer' and context == 'testing': analyzer_testing_checks += 1 if source == 'analyzer' and context == 'realtime': analyzer_realtime_checks += 1 if source == 'mirage' and context == 'testing': mirage_testing_checks += 1 if source == 'mirage' and context == 'realtime': mirage_realtime_checks += 1 if not analysed: if context == 'analyzer': analyzer_falied_checks += 1 if context == 'mirage': mirage_falied_checks += 1 else: try: processed = check_details['processed'] algorithm_run_time = analysed - processed if context == 'analyzer': analyzer_check_algorithm_timings.append([algorithm, algorithm_run_time]) if context == 'mirage': mirage_check_algorithm_timings.append([algorithm, algorithm_run_time]) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not determine algorithm_run_time from check_details in entry') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not determine check_details from entry') # Grab data from the queue and populate dictionaries exceptions = dict() anomaly_breakdown = dict() while 1: try: key, value = self.anomaly_breakdown_q.get_nowait() if key not in anomaly_breakdown.keys(): anomaly_breakdown[key] = value else: anomaly_breakdown[key] += value except Empty: break while 1: try: key, value = self.exceptions_q.get_nowait() if key not in exceptions.keys(): exceptions[key] = value else: exceptions[key] += value except Empty: break # Report any algorithm errors pattern = '%s.*.algorithm.error' % skyline_app try: for f in os.listdir(settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR): if, f): try: algorithm_error_file = os.path.join(settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR, f) if os.path.isfile(algorithm_error_file): logger.error('error :: error reported in %s' % ( algorithm_error_file)) try: with open(algorithm_error_file, 'r') as f: error_string = logger.error('%s' % str(error_string)) except: logger.error('error :: failed to read error file - %s' % algorithm_error_file) try: os.remove(algorithm_error_file) except OSError: pass except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to check algorithm errors') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to check algorithm errors') exceptions_metrics = ['Boring', 'Stale', 'TooShort', 'Other'] try: for i_exception in exceptions_metrics: if i_exception not in exceptions.keys(): exceptions[i_exception] = 0 # @added 20200607 - Feature #3566: custom_algorithms anomaly_breakdown_algorithms = [] if CUSTOM_ALGORITHMS: for custom_algorithm in settings.CUSTOM_ALGORITHMS: anomaly_breakdown_algorithms.append(custom_algorithm) # @modified 20200607 - Feature #3566: custom_algorithms # for i_anomaly_breakdown in settings.ALGORITHMS: for i_anomaly_breakdown in anomaly_breakdown_algorithms: if i_anomaly_breakdown not in anomaly_breakdown.keys(): anomaly_breakdown[i_anomaly_breakdown] = 0 exceptions_string = '' for i_exception in exceptions.keys(): if exceptions_string == '': exceptions_string = '%s: %s' % (str(i_exception), str(exceptions[i_exception])) else: exceptions_string = '%s, %s: %s' % (exceptions_string, str(i_exception), str(exceptions[i_exception]))'exceptions - %s' % str(exceptions_string)) anomaly_breakdown_string = '' if anomaly_breakdown: for i_anomaly_breakdown in anomaly_breakdown.keys(): if anomaly_breakdown_string == '': anomaly_breakdown_string = '%s: %s' % (str(i_anomaly_breakdown), str(anomaly_breakdown[i_anomaly_breakdown])) else: anomaly_breakdown_string = '%s, %s: %s' % (anomaly_breakdown_string, str(i_anomaly_breakdown), str(anomaly_breakdown[i_anomaly_breakdown]))'anomaly_breakdown - %s' % str(anomaly_breakdown_string)) else:'anomaly_breakdown - none, no anomalies') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not exceptions and anomaly_breakdown details') try: del exceptions except: pass try: del anomaly_breakdown except: pass try: with self.exceptions_q.mutex: self.exceptions_q.queue.clear() except: pass try: with self.anomaly_breakdown_q.mutex: self.anomaly_breakdown_q.queue.clear() except: pass else: sleep(1) # Send snab metrics to Graphite every 60 seconds if int(time()) >= (last_sent_to_graphite + 60):'checks.processed :: %s' % str(snab_checks_done)) send_metric_name = '%s.checks.processed' % skyline_app_graphite_namespace send_graphite_metric(self, skyline_app, send_metric_name, str(snab_checks_done)) algorithms_run = [] for algorithm, run_time in algorithm_run_times: algorithms_run.append(algorithm) for algorithm in algorithms_run: avg_time = None timings = [] for r_algorithm, run_time in algorithm_run_times: if algorithm == r_algorithm: run_time.append(timings) try: avg_time = sum(timings) / len(timings) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not calculate avg_time for %s' % algorithm) if avg_time or avg_time == 0:'checks.analyzer.anomalies :: %s' % str(analyzer_anomalies)) send_metric_name = '%s.checks.analyzer.anomalies' % skyline_app_graphite_namespace send_graphite_metric(self, skyline_app, send_metric_name, str(analyzer_anomalies))'checks.analyzer.anomalies :: %s' % str(analyzer_anomalies)) send_metric_name = '%s.checks.analyzer.anomalies' % skyline_app_graphite_namespace send_graphite_metric(self, skyline_app, send_metric_name, str(analyzer_anomalies))'checks.analyzer.realtime :: %s' % str(analyzer_realtime_checks)) send_metric_name = '%s.checks.analyzer.realtime' % skyline_app_graphite_namespace send_graphite_metric(self, skyline_app, send_metric_name, str(analyzer_realtime_checks))'checks.analyzer.testing :: %s' % str(analyzer_testing_checks)) send_metric_name = '%s.checks.analyzer.testing' % skyline_app_graphite_namespace send_graphite_metric(self, skyline_app, send_metric_name, str(analyzer_testing_checks))'checks.analyzer.falied :: %s' % str(analyzer_falied_checks)) send_metric_name = '%s.checks.analyzer.falied' % skyline_app_graphite_namespace send_graphite_metric(self, skyline_app, send_metric_name, str(analyzer_falied_checks))'checks.mirage.anomalies :: %s' % str(mirage_anomalies)) send_metric_name = '%s.checks.mirage.anomalies' % skyline_app_graphite_namespace send_graphite_metric(self, skyline_app, send_metric_name, str(mirage_anomalies))'checks.mirage.realtime :: %s' % str(mirage_realtime_checks)) send_metric_name = '%s.checks.mirage.realtime' % skyline_app_graphite_namespace send_graphite_metric(self, skyline_app, send_metric_name, str(mirage_realtime_checks))'checks.mirage.testing :: %s' % str(mirage_testing_checks)) send_metric_name = '%s.checks.mirage.testing' % skyline_app_graphite_namespace send_graphite_metric(self, skyline_app, send_metric_name, str(mirage_testing_checks))'checks.mirage.falied :: %s' % str(mirage_falied_checks)) send_metric_name = '%s.checks.mirage.falied' % skyline_app_graphite_namespace send_graphite_metric(self, skyline_app, send_metric_name, str(mirage_falied_checks)) last_sent_to_graphite = int(time()) snab_checks_done = 0 algorithm_run_times = [] analyzer_anomalies = 0 analyzer_falied_checks = 0 analyzer_realtime_checks = 0 analyzer_testing_checks = 0 mirage_anomalies = 0 mirage_falied_checks = 0 mirage_realtime_checks = 0 mirage_testing_checks = 0 # Clean up snab_work_done = [] try: snab_work_done = self.redis_conn_decoded.smembers(snab_work_done_redis_set) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: could not query Redis for set %s - %s' % (snab_work_done_redis_set, e)) if snab_work_done: current_timestamp = int(time()) for snab_item in snab_work_done: metric_timestamp = None try: check_details = literal_eval(snab_item) metric_timestamp = int(check_details['timestamp']) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not determine check_details from entry') if metric_timestamp: item_age = current_timestamp - metric_timestamp if item_age > 86400: try: self.redis_conn.srem(snab_work_done_redis_set, str(snab_item))'removed item from Redis set %s - %s' % ( snab_work_done_redis_set, str(snab_item))) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to remove item from Redis set %s' % ( snab_work_done_redis_set)) try: snab_work = self.redis_conn_decoded.smembers(snab_work_redis_set) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: could not query Redis for set %s - %s' % (snab_work_redis_set, e))