Source code for luminosity.cloudburst

import logging
from time import time, sleep, strftime, gmtime
from threading import Thread
from multiprocessing import Process
import os
import sys
from os import kill, getpid
import traceback
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from math import ceil
from ast import literal_eval
import copy

from msgpack import Unpacker
from sqlalchemy.sql import select

import settings
from skyline_functions import (
    get_redis_conn, get_redis_conn_decoded, nonNegativeDerivative)
from functions.redis.get_metric_timeseries import get_metric_timeseries
from functions.graphite.get_metrics_timeseries import get_metrics_timeseries
from custom_algorithms import run_custom_algorithm_on_timeseries
from database import (
    get_engine, cloudburst_table_meta, ionosphere_matched_table_meta,
    ionosphere_layers_matched_table_meta, ionosphere_table_meta,
from functions.database.queries.metric_id_from_base_name import metric_id_from_base_name
# @added 20220913 - Feature #4662: settings.LUMINOSITY_CLOUDBURST_SKIP_METRICS
#                   Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline
#                   Branch #4300: prometheus
# Allow for skipping of metrics
from matched_or_regexed_in_list import matched_or_regexed_in_list
from functions.metrics.get_metric_ids_and_base_names import get_metric_ids_and_base_names

# @added 20220920 - Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline
#                   Branch #4300: prometheus
from functions.timeseries.strictly_increasing_monotonicity import strictly_increasing_monotonicity
from functions.timeseries.determine_data_frequency import determine_data_frequency
from functions.luminosity.cloudburst_get_metric_ids_to_check import cloudburst_get_metric_ids_to_check
from functions.victoriametrics.get_victoriametrics_metric import get_victoriametrics_metric
from functions.timeseries.downsample import downsample_timeseries

skyline_app = 'luminosity'
skyline_app_logger = '%sLog' % skyline_app
logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger)
skyline_app_logfile = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app)
skyline_app_loglock = '%s.lock' % skyline_app_logfile
skyline_app_logwait = '%s.wait' % skyline_app_logfile

this_host = str(os.uname()[1])

    if SERVER_METRIC_PATH == '.':

skyline_app_graphite_namespace = 'skyline.%s%s' % (skyline_app, SERVER_METRIC_PATH)

full_uniques = '%sunique_metrics' % settings.FULL_NAMESPACE

current_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
root_path = os.path.dirname(current_path)

    'default': {
        'window': 4,
        'nth_median': 6,
        'n_sigma': 6,

except KeyError:

    run_every = settings.LUMINOSITY_CLOUDBURST_RUN_EVERY
except KeyError:
    run_every = 900
    run_every = 900

# @added 20220913 - Feature #4662: settings.LUMINOSITY_CLOUDBURST_SKIP_METRICS
#                   Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline
#                   Branch #4300: prometheus
# Allow for skipping of metrics

# @added 20210730 - Feature #4164: luminosity - cloudbursts
[docs]class Cloudburst(Thread): """ The Cloudbursts class which controls the luminosity/cloudburst thread and spawned processes. luminosity/cloudburst analyses metrics to identify significant changepoints using the m66 algorithm. """ def __init__(self, parent_pid): """ Initialize Cloudburst """ super(Cloudburst, self).__init__() self.redis_conn = get_redis_conn(skyline_app) self.redis_conn_decoded = get_redis_conn_decoded(skyline_app) self.daemon = True self.parent_pid = parent_pid self.current_pid = getpid()
[docs] def check_if_parent_is_alive(self): """ Self explanatory """ try: kill(self.current_pid, 0) kill(self.parent_pid, 0) except: sys.exit(0)
[docs] def find_cloudbursts(self, i, unique_metrics): """ Create and manage the required lists and Redis sets """ process_number = i spin_start = time()'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: process %s started' % str(process_number)) engine = None def get_an_engine(): try: engine, log_msg, trace = get_engine(skyline_app) return engine, log_msg, trace except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) log_msg = 'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to get MySQL engine - %s' % e logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to get MySQL engine - %s' % e) return None, log_msg, trace def engine_disposal(engine): if engine: try: engine.dispose() except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: calling engine.dispose() - %s' % e) last_run_timestamp = 0 luminosity_cloudburst_last_timestamp_key = 'luminosity.cloudburst.last_run_timestamp.process.%s' % str(i) try: last_run_timestamp = self.redis_conn_decoded.get(luminosity_cloudburst_last_timestamp_key) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to get timestamp from %s Redis key - %s' % ( luminosity_cloudburst_last_timestamp_key, e)) last_run_timestamp = 0 if last_run_timestamp:'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: %s Redis key has not expired, not running' % ( luminosity_cloudburst_last_timestamp_key)) return # Set Redis key try: self.redis_conn_decoded.setex(luminosity_cloudburst_last_timestamp_key, 60, str(int(spin_start))) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed set timestamp for %s Redis key - %s' % ( luminosity_cloudburst_last_timestamp_key, e)) if len(unique_metrics) == 0: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to determine unique_metrics from %s Redis key' % ( full_uniques)) return # @added 20220913 - Feature #4662: settings.LUMINOSITY_CLOUDBURST_SKIP_METRICS # Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline # Branch #4300: prometheus # Allow for skipping of metrics ids_with_base_names = {} try: ids_with_base_names = get_metric_ids_and_base_names(skyline_app) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: get_metric_ids_and_base_names failed - %s' % ( err)) base_names_with_ids = {} for metric_id in list(ids_with_base_names.keys()): base_names_with_ids[ids_with_base_names[metric_id]] = metric_id # @added 20230105 - Feature #4792: functions.metrics_manager.manage_inactive_metrics # Skip trying to correlate inactive metrics inactive_metric_id_strings = [] try: inactive_metric_id_strings = list(self.redis_conn_decoded.smembers('aet.metrics_manager.inactive_metric_ids')) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: smembers failed on aet.metrics_manager.inactive_metric_ids - %s' % ( err)) filtered_metrics = [] errors = [] if LUMINOSITY_CLOUDBURST_SKIP_METRICS:'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: checking which of the %s metrics matched LUMINOSITY_CLOUDBURST_SKIP_METRICS' % ( str(len(unique_metrics)))) for metric in unique_metrics: if metric.startswith(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE): base_name = metric.replace(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, '', 1) else: base_name = str(metric) if base_name.startswith('labelled_metrics.'): try: metric_id_str = metric.replace('labelled_metrics.', '', 1) base_name = ids_with_base_names[int(float(metric_id_str))] # @added 20230105 - Feature #4792: functions.metrics_manager.manage_inactive_metrics # Skip trying to correlate inactive metrics except KeyError: if metric_id_str in inactive_metric_id_strings: continue except Exception as err: errors.append([base_name, 'before pattern match - failed base_name lookup from id', str(err)]) pattern_match = False try: pattern_match, metric_matched_by = matched_or_regexed_in_list(skyline_app, base_name, LUMINOSITY_CLOUDBURST_SKIP_METRICS) except Exception as err: errors.append([base_name, 'matched_or_regexed_in_list failed', str(err)]) if pattern_match: continue filtered_metrics.append(metric) if filtered_metrics:'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: removing %s metrics which matched LUMINOSITY_CLOUDBURST_SKIP_METRICS' % ( str(len(unique_metrics) - len(filtered_metrics)))) unique_metrics = list(filtered_metrics) del filtered_metrics del metric_matched_by if errors: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: matched_or_regexed_in_list %s errors encountered, last error: %s' % ( str(len(errors)), str(errors[-1]))) # @added 20220919 - Feature #4674: cloudburst active events only # Only check metrics that have been active recently in the relevant # analyzer.illuminance.all.YYYY-MM-DD key/s handle day roll overs. unique_metric_ids = [] redis_metrics = [] redistimeseries_metrics = [] unique_metric_ids_with_metric = {} unique_metric_ids_errors = 0 for metric in unique_metrics: if metric.startswith(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE): base_name = metric.replace(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, '', 1) redis_metrics.append(metric) else: base_name = str(metric) metric_id = 0 if metric.startswith('labelled_metrics.'): redistimeseries_metrics.append(metric) try: metric_id_str = metric.replace('labelled_metrics.', '', 1) metric_id = int(float(metric_id_str)) unique_metric_ids.append(metric_id) except Exception as err: errors.append([metric, 'unique_metric_ids failed base_name lookup from id', str(err)]) unique_metric_ids_errors += 1 else: try: metric_id_str = base_names_with_ids[base_name] metric_id = int(float(metric_id_str)) unique_metric_ids.append(metric_id) except Exception as err: errors.append([base_name, 'unique_metric_ids failed id look up from base_name', str(err)]) unique_metric_ids_errors += 1 unique_metric_ids_with_metric[metric_id] = metric if unique_metric_ids_errors: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: unique_metric_ids_with_metric %s errors encountered, last error: %s' % ( str(len(errors)), str(errors[-1]))) metric_ids_to_check = [] try: metric_ids_to_check = cloudburst_get_metric_ids_to_check(skyline_app, unique_metric_ids) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: cloudburst_get_metric_ids_to_check failed - %s' % ( err))'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: cloudburst_get_metric_ids_to_check found %s metrics with recent activity' % ( str(len(metric_ids_to_check)))) metrics_to_check = [] metrics_to_check_errors = 0 for metric_id in metric_ids_to_check: try: metrics_to_check.append(unique_metric_ids_with_metric[metric_id]) except Exception as err: errors.append([metric_id, 'metrics_to_check failed to append id', str(err)]) metrics_to_check_errors += 1 if metrics_to_check_errors: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: metrics_to_check %s errors encountered, last error: %s' % ( str(len(errors)), str(errors[-1]))) luminosity_cloudburst_errors_key = 'luminosity.cloudburst.errors.%s' % str(int(spin_start)) if errors: try: self.redis_conn_decoded.hset(luminosity_cloudburst_errors_key, 'determining metrics errors', str(errors)) self.redis_conn_decoded.expire(luminosity_cloudburst_errors_key, 3600) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed set %s - %s' % ( luminosity_cloudburst_errors_key, err)) errors = [] if not metrics_to_check:'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: no metrics found with recent activity to check') return'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: %s metrics found with recent activity to check' % ( str(len(metrics_to_check)))) unique_metrics = list(metrics_to_check) # Discover assigned metrics keys_per_processor = int(ceil(float(len(unique_metrics)) / float(LUMINOSITY_CLOUDBURST_PROCESSES))) if i == LUMINOSITY_CLOUDBURST_PROCESSES: assigned_max = len(unique_metrics) else: assigned_max = min(len(unique_metrics), i * keys_per_processor) assigned_min = (i - 1) * keys_per_processor assigned_keys = range(assigned_min, assigned_max) # Compile assigned metrics assigned_metrics = [unique_metrics[index] for index in assigned_keys] use_mget = True # @added 20220920 - Feature #4674: cloudburst active events only # Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline # Branch #4300: prometheus assigned_redis_metrics = [metric for metric in assigned_metrics if metric.startswith(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE)] # assigned_metrics = unique_metrics[500:503] # use_mget = False # align = True truncate_last_datapoint = True window = 10 nth_median = 6 n_sigma = 6 # long_period_high_res = True long_period_high_res = False custom_algorithm = 'm66' algorithm_source = '%s/custom_algorithms/' % (root_path, custom_algorithm) m66_candidate_metrics = {} now_timestamp = int(time()) key_reference_timestamp = (int(now_timestamp) // run_every * run_every) processed_metrics_key = 'luminosity.cloudburst.processed_metrics.%s' % str(key_reference_timestamp) cloudburst_info_key = '' % str(key_reference_timestamp) # This key is NOT managed in metrics manager it is managed below cloudburst_anomalies_processed_key = 'luminosity.cloudburst.anomalies_processed' # check_last = 3600 # check_last = 5400 check_last = (3600 * 4) # check_last = 86400 long_period_check_last = (3600 * 6) # long_period_check_last = 86400 if long_period_high_res: long_period_check_last = (3600 * 4)'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: checking %s metrics with %s' % ( str(len(assigned_metrics)), custom_algorithm)) redis_hash_key = 'analyzer.metrics_manager.resolutions' resolutions_dict = {} try: resolutions_dict = self.redis_conn_decoded.hgetall(redis_hash_key) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: fail to query Redis hash key %s - %s' % ( redis_hash_key, e)) return # Manage the luminosity.cloudburst.anomalies_processed delete entries # older than a week. This Redis hash contains both short_period and # long_period identified AND processed metric timestamps to increase # efficiency in pushing short_period cloudbursts to second stage # analysis. cloudburst_anomalies_processed = {} try: cloudburst_anomalies_processed = self.redis_conn_decoded.hgetall(cloudburst_anomalies_processed_key) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: fail to query Redis hash key %s - %s' % ( cloudburst_anomalies_processed_key, e)) for key in list(cloudburst_anomalies_processed.keys()): key_ts = None try: key_ts = int(str(key.split('.')[-1])) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: fail to determine key_ts from key %s - %s' % ( str(key), e)) if isinstance(key_ts, int): # if key_ts < (now_timestamp - (86400 * 7)): if key_ts < (now_timestamp - long_period_check_last): try: self.redis_conn_decoded.hdel(cloudburst_anomalies_processed_key, key) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: fail to delete %s from Redis hash key %s - %s' % ( str(key), cloudburst_anomalies_processed_key, e)) raw_assigned = None derivative_metrics = [] if use_mget: try: # @modified 20220920 - Feature #4674: cloudburst active events only # Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline # Branch #4300: prometheus # raw_assigned = self.redis_conn.mget(assigned_metrics) raw_assigned = self.redis_conn.mget(assigned_redis_metrics)'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: got raw_assigned metric data from Redis for %s metrics' % str(len(assigned_metrics))) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to get raw_assigned from Redis - %s' % e) try: # @modified 20211012 - Feature #4280: aet.metrics_manager.derivative_metrics Redis hash # derivative_metrics = list(self.redis_conn_decoded.smembers('derivative_metrics')) derivative_metrics = list(self.redis_conn_decoded.smembers('aet.metrics_manager.derivative_metrics')) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to get derivative_metrics from Redis - %s' % e) derivative_metrics = [] try: non_derivative_monotonic_metrics = list(settings.NON_DERIVATIVE_MONOTONIC_METRICS) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to get non_derivative_monotonic_metrics from Redis - %s' % e) non_derivative_monotonic_metrics = [] timer_start = timer() processed = 0 no_data = 0 too_short = 0 too_old = 0 not_analysed = 0 analysed = 0 for item_index, metric in enumerate(assigned_metrics): if processed: if (processed % 100) == 0:'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: processed %s of %s metrics with %s algorithm, %s significant changepoint candidates at %s hours found so far' % ( str(processed), str(len(assigned_metrics)), custom_algorithm, str(len(m66_candidate_metrics)), str(int(check_last / 3600)))) metric_name = metric if metric_name.startswith(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE): base_name = metric_name.replace(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, '', 1) else: base_name = metric_name metric_name = '%s%s' % (settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, base_name) # @added 20220920 - Feature #4674: cloudburst active events only # Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline # Branch #4300: prometheus labelled_metric = False if base_name.startswith('labelled_metrics.'): metric_name = str(base_name) labelled_metric = True try: self.redis_conn.sadd(processed_metrics_key, metric_name) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to add %s to %s Redis set - %s' % ( metric_name, processed_metrics_key, e)) timeseries = [] # @modified 20220920 - Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline # Branch #4300: prometheus # if raw_assigned: if not labelled_metric and raw_assigned: try: # @modified 20220920 - Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline # Branch #4300: prometheus # raw_series = raw_assigned[item_index] raw_series_index = [index for index, metric in enumerate(assigned_redis_metrics) if metric == metric_name][0] raw_series = raw_assigned[raw_series_index] unpacker = Unpacker(use_list=False) unpacker.feed(raw_series) timeseries = list(unpacker) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to unpack %s timeseries - %s' % ( metric_name, e)) timeseries = [] if timeseries: calculate_derivative = False if metric_name in derivative_metrics: calculate_derivative = True if metric_name in non_derivative_monotonic_metrics: calculate_derivative = False if calculate_derivative: try: derivative_timeseries = nonNegativeDerivative(timeseries) timeseries = derivative_timeseries except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: nonNegativeDerivative failed on %s - %s' % ( metric_name, e)) continue if not timeseries: try: timeseries = get_metric_timeseries(skyline_app, base_name, False) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: get_metric_timeseries failed for %s - %s' % ( base_name, e)) timeseries = [] # @added 20220920 - Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline # Branch #4300: prometheus if labelled_metric: metric_resolution = 0 try: metric_resolution = determine_data_frequency(skyline_app, timeseries, False) resolutions_dict[base_name] = metric_resolution except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: determine_data_frequency failed on data from %s - %s' % ( metric, err)) metric_resolution = 0 if metric_resolution != 0 and metric_resolution < 60: resolutions_dict[base_name] = 60 try: downsampled_timeseries = downsample_timeseries('luminosity', timeseries, metric_resolution, 60, 'mean', 'end') if downsampled_timeseries: timeseries = list(downsampled_timeseries) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: downsample_timeseries failed on data from %s - %s' % ( metric, err)) is_strictly_increasing_monotonicity = False try: is_strictly_increasing_monotonicity = strictly_increasing_monotonicity(timeseries) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: is_strictly_increasing_monotonicity failed on data from %s - %s' % ( metric, err)) if is_strictly_increasing_monotonicity: try: timeseries = nonNegativeDerivative(timeseries) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: nonNegativeDerivative failed on data from %s - %s' % ( metric, err)) if not timeseries: no_data += 1 continue if len(timeseries) < 3: too_short += 1 continue timeseries_last_timestamp = int(timeseries[-1][0]) if timeseries_last_timestamp < (now_timestamp - (run_every * 2)): too_old += 1 continue if truncate_last_datapoint: timeseries_length = len(timeseries) timeseries = timeseries[1:(timeseries_length - 2)] resolution = 0 try: resolution = int(resolutions_dict[base_name]) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed get resolution for %s from resolutions_dict - %s' % ( base_name, e)) continue # first_timestamp = now_timestamp - (3600 * 4) # timeseries = [item for item in timeseries if int(item[0]) >= first_timestamp] aligned_timeseries = [] for ts, value in timeseries: aligned_timeseries.append([int(int(ts) // resolution * resolution), value]) timeseries = aligned_timeseries custom_check_last = check_last window = 5 if resolution > 60: custom_check_last = check_last + 1800 window = 4 if resolution > 600: custom_check_last = check_last + 3600 window = 3 nth_median = 6 n_sigma = 6 use_debug_logging = False debug_algorithms = False custom_algorithm_dict = { 'base_name': base_name, 'algorithm_source': algorithm_source, 'algorithm_parameters': { 'nth_median': nth_median, 'sigma': n_sigma, 'window': window, 'minimum_sparsity': 75, 'resolution': resolution, 'determine_duration': True, 'return_anomalies': True, 'save_plots_to': False, 'save_plots_to_absolute_dir': False, 'filename_prefix': False, 'debug_logging': use_debug_logging, 'shift_to_start_of_window': False, }, 'max_execution_time': 0.5, 'consensus': 1, 'algorithms_allowed_in_consensus': [custom_algorithm], 'run_3sigma_algorithms': False, 'run_before_3sigma': False, 'run_only_if_consensus': False, 'use_with': [skyline_app], 'debug_logging': False } result = None anomalyScore = None anomalies = [] try: result, anomalyScore, anomalies = run_custom_algorithm_on_timeseries(skyline_app, self.current_pid, base_name, timeseries, custom_algorithm, custom_algorithm_dict, debug_algorithms) if result and debug_algorithms:'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: %s - result: %s, anomalyScore: %s, anomalies: %s' % ( base_name, str(result), str(anomalyScore), str(len(anomalies)))) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to run custom_algorithm %s on %s - %s' % ( custom_algorithm, base_name, e)) continue if result is None: not_analysed += 1 else: analysed += 1 processed += 1 new_anomalies = [] # @added 20230612 - Feature #4946: vortex - m66 # Changed the m66 algorithm to return a results dict # like other custom algorithms that vortex can run, # making cloudburst backwards compatible anomalies_list = [] anomalies_dict = {} if anomalies: if isinstance(anomalies, list): anomalies_list = list(anomalies) if isinstance(anomalies, dict): anomalies_dict = copy.deepcopy(anomalies) # @added 20230612 - Feature #4946: vortex - m66 # Changed the m66 algorithm to return a results dict # like other custom algorithms that vortex can run, # making cloudburst backwards compatible if anomalies_dict: for ts in list(anomalies_dict['anomalies'].keys()): anomalies_list.append([ts, anomalies_dict['anomalies']['value']]) # @modified 20230612 - Feature #4946: vortex - m66 # Changed the m66 algorithm to return a results dict # like other custom algorithms that vortex can run, # making cloudburst backwards compatible # if anomalies: if anomalies_list: anomaly_timestamps = [int(item[0]) for item in anomalies] anomalies_present_in_period = [ts for ts in anomaly_timestamps if int(ts) > (now_timestamp - custom_check_last)] if len(anomalies_present_in_period) == 0: continue for item in anomalies: if int(item[0]) not in anomalies_present_in_period: continue already_added = None processed_anomaly_key = '%s.%s' % (base_name, str(int(item[0]))) try: already_added = self.redis_conn_decoded.hget(cloudburst_anomalies_processed_key, processed_anomaly_key) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed at determine already_added from %s - %s' % ( processed_anomaly_key, e)) if not already_added: new_anomalies.append(item) if new_anomalies: m66_candidate_metrics[base_name] = {} m66_candidate_metrics[base_name][custom_algorithm] = {} m66_candidate_metrics[base_name][custom_algorithm]['anomalies'] = new_anomalies timer_end = timer() candidate_labelled_metrics_count = len([metric for metric in list(m66_candidate_metrics.keys()) if metric.startswith('labelled_metrics.')])'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: found %s candidate_metrics (of which %s are labelled_matrics) with %s algorithm from %s processed metrics in %.6f seconds' % ( str(len(m66_candidate_metrics)), str(candidate_labelled_metrics_count), custom_algorithm, str(processed), (timer_end - timer_start))) info_data_dict = { 'processed': processed, 'analysed': analysed, 'not_analysed': not_analysed, 'no_data': no_data, 'too_short': too_short, 'too_old': too_old, } try: self.redis_conn_decoded.hset(cloudburst_info_key, process_number, str(info_data_dict)) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to add %s Redis hash key %s - %s' % ( str(info_data_dict), cloudburst_info_key, e)) candidate_metrics_key = 'luminosity.cloudburst.candidate_metrics.short_period.%s' % str(key_reference_timestamp) key_created = False for base_name in list(m66_candidate_metrics.keys()): try: self.redis_conn.hset(candidate_metrics_key, base_name, str(m66_candidate_metrics[base_name])) self.redis_conn.expire(candidate_metrics_key, 3600) key_created = True except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to create %s Redis hash key - %s' % ( candidate_metrics_key, e)) if key_created:'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: created %s Redis hash key' % ( candidate_metrics_key)) # Second stage analysis, check to see if the changepoint is anomalous # at 7 days second_stage_m66_candidate_metrics = {} timer_start = timer() if len(m66_candidate_metrics) > 0:'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: checking %s candidate_metrics with %s algorithm at 7 days' % ( str(len(m66_candidate_metrics)), custom_algorithm)) from_timestamp = int(now_timestamp) - (86400 * 7) until_timestamp = int(now_timestamp) window = 4 summarize_intervalString = '15min' summarize_func = 'median' nth_median = 6 n_sigma = 6 resolution = 900 if long_period_high_res: window = 10 nth_median = 6 n_sigma = 6 resolution = 60 truncate_last_datapoint = True metrics_timeseries = {} metrics_to_do = list(m66_candidate_metrics.keys()) while len(metrics_to_do) > 0: current_base_names = [] while len(current_base_names) < 50 and len(metrics_to_do) > 0: current_base_names.append(metrics_to_do.pop(0)) metrics_functions = {} truncate_last_datapoint = False # @added 20220920 - Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline # Branch #4300: prometheus victoriametrics_to_get = {} for base_name in current_base_names: # @added 20220920 - Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline # Branch #4300: prometheus if base_name.startswith('labelled_metrics.'): try: metric_id_str = base_name.replace('labelled_metrics.', '', 1) labelled_metric_base_name = ids_with_base_names[int(float(metric_id_str))] victoriametrics_to_get[base_name] = labelled_metric_base_name except Exception as err: errors.append([metric, 'failed base_name lookup from id', str(err)]) continue metrics_functions[base_name] = {} if long_period_high_res: metrics_functions[base_name]['functions'] = None else: metrics_functions[base_name]['functions'] = {'summarize': {'intervalString': summarize_intervalString, 'func': summarize_func}} # If the timeseries is summarized truncate the last datapoint # so it does not fall off a cliff truncate_last_datapoint = True if errors: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: metrics_functions %s errors encountered, last error: %s' % ( str(len(errors)), str(errors[-1]))) try: self.redis_conn_decoded.hset(luminosity_cloudburst_errors_key, 'metrics_functions errors', str(errors)) self.redis_conn_decoded.expire(luminosity_cloudburst_errors_key, 3600) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed set %s - %s' % ( luminosity_cloudburst_errors_key, err)) errors = [] try: metrics_timeseries = get_metrics_timeseries(skyline_app, metrics_functions, from_timestamp, until_timestamp, log=False) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: get_metrics_timeseries failed - %s' % e) # @added 20220920 - Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline # Branch #4300: prometheus if victoriametrics_to_get: for base_name in list(victoriametrics_to_get.keys()): use_base_name = victoriametrics_to_get[base_name] timeseries = [] try: timeseries = get_victoriametrics_metric( skyline_app, use_base_name, from_timestamp, until_timestamp, 'list', 'object') except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: get_victoriametrics_metric failed for %s - %s' % ( use_base_name, err)) if timeseries: try: metrics_timeseries[base_name] = {} metrics_timeseries[base_name]['metric'] = use_base_name metrics_timeseries[base_name]['timeseries'] = timeseries except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed add timeseries to metrics_timeseries for %s - %s' % ( base_name, err)) else: logger.warning('warning :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to retrieve timeseries from VictoriaMetrics for %s: %s' % ( base_name, use_base_name)) for base_name in current_base_names: timeseries = [] try: timeseries = metrics_timeseries[base_name]['timeseries'] except KeyError: timeseries = [] # @added 20220921 - Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline # Branch #4300: prometheus data_source = 'Graphite' if base_name.startswith('labelled_metrics.'): data_source = 'VictoriaMetrics' if not timeseries: # @modified 20220506 - Feature #4164: luminosity - cloudbursts # Change error to warning # logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: no timeseries from Graphite for %s' % base_name) logger.warning('warning :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: no timeseries from %s for %s' % (data_source, base_name)) continue if truncate_last_datapoint: timeseries_length = len(timeseries) timeseries = timeseries[1:(timeseries_length - 2)] if long_period_high_res: aligned_timeseries = [] for ts, value in timeseries: aligned_timeseries.append([int(int(ts) // resolution * resolution), value]) timeseries = aligned_timeseries some_debug = False if some_debug: logger.debug('debug :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: checking timeseries of length %s from Graphite for %s' % ( str(len(timeseries)), base_name)) custom_algorithm_dict = { 'base_name': base_name, 'algorithm_source': algorithm_source, 'algorithm_parameters': { 'nth_median': nth_median, 'sigma': n_sigma, 'window': window, 'minimum_sparsity': 0, 'resolution': resolution, 'determine_duration': True, 'return_anomalies': True, 'save_plots_to': False, 'save_plots_to_absolute_dir': False, 'filename_prefix': False, 'debug_logging': False, }, 'max_execution_time': 0.5, 'consensus': 1, 'algorithms_allowed_in_consensus': [custom_algorithm], 'run_3sigma_algorithms': False, 'run_before_3sigma': False, 'run_only_if_consensus': False, 'use_with': [skyline_app], 'debug_logging': False } debug_algorithms = False result = None anomalyScore = None anomalies = [] try: result, anomalyScore, anomalies = run_custom_algorithm_on_timeseries(skyline_app, self.current_pid, base_name, timeseries, custom_algorithm, custom_algorithm_dict, debug_algorithms) if result and debug_algorithms:'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: %s - result: %s, anomalyScore: %s, anomalies: %s' % ( base_name, str(result), str(anomalyScore), str(len(anomalies)))) if some_debug: logger.debug('debug :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: %s - result: %s, anomalyScore: %s, anomalies: %s' % ( base_name, str(result), str(anomalyScore), str(len(anomalies)))) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to run custom_algorithm %s on %s - %s' % ( custom_algorithm, base_name, e)) continue new_anomalies = [] # @added 20230612 - Feature #4946: vortex - m66 # Changed the m66 algorithm to return a results dict # like other custom algorithms that vortex can run, # making cloudburst backwards compatible anomalies_list = [] anomalies_dict = {} if anomalies: if isinstance(anomalies, list): anomalies_list = list(anomalies) if isinstance(anomalies, dict): anomalies_dict = copy.deepcopy(anomalies) # @added 20230612 - Feature #4946: vortex - m66 # Changed the m66 algorithm to return a results dict # like other custom algorithms that vortex can run, # making cloudburst backwards compatible if anomalies_dict: for ts in list(anomalies_dict['anomalies'].keys()): anomalies_list.append([ts, anomalies_dict['anomalies']['value']]) # @modified 20230612 - Feature #4946: vortex - m66 # Changed the m66 algorithm to return a results dict # like other custom algorithms that vortex can run, # making cloudburst backwards compatible # if anomalies: if anomalies_list: anomaly_timestamps = [int(item[0]) for item in anomalies] anomalies_present_in_period = [ts for ts in anomaly_timestamps if int(ts) > (now_timestamp - long_period_check_last)] if len(anomalies_present_in_period) == 0: if some_debug: logger.debug('debug :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: %s has no cloudbursts in period' % base_name) continue for item in anomalies: if int(item[0]) not in anomalies_present_in_period: continue already_added = None processed_anomaly_key = '%s.%s' % (base_name, str(int(item[0]))) try: already_added = self.redis_conn_decoded.hget(cloudburst_anomalies_processed_key, processed_anomaly_key) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed at determine already_added from %s - %s' % ( processed_anomaly_key, e)) if not already_added: new_anomalies.append(item) else: if some_debug: logger.debug('debug :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: all %s cloudbursts in period for %s have already been processed' % ( str(len(anomalies)), base_name)) if new_anomalies:'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: %s found %s new anomalies in window - %s - result: %s, anomalyScore: %s, anomalies: %s' % ( custom_algorithm, str(len(new_anomalies)), base_name, str(result), str(anomalyScore), str(len(new_anomalies)))) second_stage_m66_candidate_metrics[base_name] = {} second_stage_m66_candidate_metrics[base_name][custom_algorithm] = {} second_stage_m66_candidate_metrics[base_name][custom_algorithm]['anomalies'] = new_anomalies timer_end = timer()'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: found %s 2nd stage candidate_metrics with %s algorithm at 7 days from the 24 hour candidate metrics in %.6f seconds' % ( str(len(second_stage_m66_candidate_metrics)), custom_algorithm, (timer_end - timer_start))) candidate_metrics_key = 'luminosity.cloudburst.identified.long_period.%s' % str(key_reference_timestamp) key_created = False for base_name in list(second_stage_m66_candidate_metrics.keys()): try: self.redis_conn.hset(candidate_metrics_key, base_name, str(second_stage_m66_candidate_metrics[base_name])) self.redis_conn.expire(candidate_metrics_key, 14400) key_created = True except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to create %s Redis hash key - %s' % ( candidate_metrics_key, e)) if key_created:'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: created %s Redis hash key' % ( candidate_metrics_key)) # OK so... # Add to DB # eating-snow # if len(second_stage_m66_candidate_metrics) > 0:'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: added %s 2nd stage candidate_metrics to %s Redis hash' % ( str(len(second_stage_m66_candidate_metrics)), candidate_metrics_key)) # Define each cloudburst incident by each period in terms of a start # and end period of the cloudburst. A period is defined by a # continuous triggering of m66, if there is a single m66 anomaly # triggered then the period will be from anomaly_timestamp, until # (anomaly_timestamp + resolution) full_duration = until_timestamp - from_timestamp found_cloudbursts = {} for base_name in list(second_stage_m66_candidate_metrics.keys()): try: found_cloudbursts[base_name] = {} anomalies = second_stage_m66_candidate_metrics[base_name][custom_algorithm]['anomalies'] initial_start_ts = int(anomalies[0][0]) start_ts = int(anomalies[0][0]) last_ts = start_ts for ts in [int(ts) for ts, value in anomalies]: if ts == initial_start_ts: last_ts = ts continue if ts == (last_ts + resolution): last_ts = ts continue if ts > (last_ts + resolution): found_cloudbursts[base_name][start_ts] = {} found_cloudbursts[base_name][start_ts]['resolution'] = resolution found_cloudbursts[base_name][start_ts]['full_duration'] = full_duration found_cloudbursts[base_name][start_ts]['from'] = from_timestamp found_cloudbursts[base_name][start_ts]['until'] = until_timestamp found_cloudbursts[base_name][start_ts]['start'] = start_ts found_cloudbursts[base_name][start_ts]['end'] = last_ts found_cloudbursts[base_name][start_ts]['duration'] = last_ts - start_ts # This new timestamp that is more than one step from # the last_ts defines the start of a new period start_ts = ts last_ts = ts if initial_start_ts == last_ts: last_ts = initial_start_ts + resolution found_cloudbursts[base_name][start_ts] = {} found_cloudbursts[base_name][start_ts]['resolution'] = resolution found_cloudbursts[base_name][start_ts]['full_duration'] = full_duration found_cloudbursts[base_name][start_ts]['from'] = from_timestamp found_cloudbursts[base_name][start_ts]['until'] = until_timestamp found_cloudbursts[base_name][start_ts]['start'] = start_ts found_cloudbursts[base_name][start_ts]['end'] = last_ts found_cloudbursts[base_name][start_ts]['duration'] = last_ts - start_ts'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: %s cloudburst periods identified for %s' % ( str(len(found_cloudbursts[base_name])), base_name)) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to add %s to found_cloudbursts dict - %s' % (base_name, e)) new_cloudburst_ids = [] known_cloudbursts = {} matches_in_period = {} matches_in_period['fp'] = {} matches_in_period['layer'] = {} matched_metric_ids = [] found_metric_cloudbursts = {} period_anomalies = {} cloudburst_metrics_key_created = False if len(found_cloudbursts) > 0: try: engine, log_msg, trace = get_an_engine() except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: could not get a MySQL engine to update cloudburst table - %s' % e) if not engine: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: engine not obtained to update cloudburst table') cloudburst_table = None try: cloudburst_table, log_msg, trace = cloudburst_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: cloudburst_table OK') except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to get cloudburst_table meta - %s' % e) cloudburst_table = None if cloudburst_table is None: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: cloudburst_table not defined') # @added 20210819 - Feature #4164: luminosity - cloudbursts # Determine first matched id in period to reduce the # mysql.handler_read_next count from doing index scans and use # primary key instead check_period = now_timestamp - long_period_check_last first_cloudburst_id_in_period = None'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: determining first cloudburst id in period') try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([]).\ where(cloudburst_table.c.timestamp >= check_period).\ order_by( result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: first_cloudburst_id_in_period = row['id'] break connection.close() except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: could not determine first cloudburst id - %s' % e)'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: first cloudburst id in the period is: %s' % ( str(first_cloudburst_id_in_period))) cloudburst_metrics_key = 'luminosity.cloudburst.metrics.%s' % str(key_reference_timestamp) new_cloudburst_ids = [] known_cloudbursts = {} period_cloudbursts = 0 # one_day_ago = now_timestamp - 86400 if first_cloudburst_id_in_period: try: connection = engine.connect() # @modified 20210819 - Feature #4164: luminosity - cloudbursts # Added end so that the period can be compared # stmt = select([cloudburst_table.c.metric_id, cloudburst_table.c.timestamp, cloudburst_table.c.end]).\ # @modified 20210819 - Feature #4164: luminosity - cloudbursts # Reduce the mysql.handler_read_next count from doing # index scans and use primary key # stmt = select([cloudburst_table.c.metric_id, cloudburst_table.c.timestamp, cloudburst_table.c.end]).\ # where(cloudburst_table.c.timestamp >= one_day_ago) stmt = select([cloudburst_table.c.metric_id, cloudburst_table.c.timestamp, cloudburst_table.c.end]).\ where( >= first_cloudburst_id_in_period) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: metric_id = row['metric_id'] if metric_id not in list(known_cloudbursts.keys()): known_cloudbursts[metric_id] = {} known_timestamp = row['timestamp'] # known_cloudbursts[metric_id][known_timestamp] = metric_id # @added 20210819 - Feature #4164: luminosity - cloudbursts known_cloudbursts[metric_id][known_timestamp] = {} known_cloudbursts[metric_id][known_timestamp][metric_id] = metric_id known_cloudbursts[metric_id][known_timestamp]['end'] = row['end'] period_cloudbursts += 1 connection.close() except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: could not get a MySQL engine to update cloudburst table - %s' % e)'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: found %s cloudbursts recorded in the DB in the %s seconds period' % ( str(period_cloudbursts), str(long_period_check_last))) #### # ONLY make the DB queries if there are unknown cloudbursts for base_name in list(found_cloudbursts.keys()): #'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: checking cloudbursts to insert for %s' % base_name) metric_id = None try: metric_id = metric_id_from_base_name(skyline_app, base_name) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to get metric id for %s from db: %s' % (base_name, e)) continue'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: checking cloudbursts to insert for %s with metric_id: %s' % ( base_name, str(metric_id))) known_metric_cloudburst_timestamps = [] try: known_metric_cloudburst_timestamps = list(known_cloudbursts[metric_id].keys()) except KeyError: known_metric_cloudburst_timestamps = [] except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to determine known_metric_timestamps for %s - %s' % (base_name, e)) too_old = 0 for timestamp in list(found_cloudbursts[base_name].keys()): try: if timestamp < (now_timestamp - long_period_check_last): too_old += 1 continue if timestamp in known_metric_cloudburst_timestamps:'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: known cloudburst - skipping cloudburst at %s for %s' % ( str(timestamp), base_name)) continue for known_metric_cloudburst_timestamp in known_metric_cloudburst_timestamps: end = known_cloudbursts[metric_id][known_metric_cloudburst_timestamp]['end'] if timestamp >= known_metric_cloudburst_timestamp and timestamp <= end:'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: known cloudburst - skipping cloudburst at %s for %s, found in a period of cloudburst starting at %s and ending %s' % ( str(timestamp), base_name, str(known_metric_cloudburst_timestamp), str(end))) continue if base_name not in list(found_metric_cloudbursts.keys()): found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name] = {} found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name][timestamp] = found_cloudbursts[base_name][timestamp] # @modified 20210819 - Feature #4164: luminosity - cloudbursts # Added end so that the period can be compared found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name][timestamp]['end'] = found_cloudbursts[base_name][timestamp]['end']'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: new cloudburst found for %s: %s' % ( base_name, str(found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name][timestamp]))) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to determine if known cloudburst for %s - %s' % (base_name, err)) if base_name not in list(found_metric_cloudbursts.keys()):'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: all identified cloudbursts for %s are known and %s are too old' % ( base_name, str(too_old))) else:'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: %s new cloudbursts for %s are not known' % ( str(len(list(found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name].keys()))), base_name)) # Consolidate back to back periods if len(found_metric_cloudbursts) > 0: for base_name in list(found_metric_cloudbursts.keys()): cloudburst_tss = sorted(list(found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name].keys())) merged = [] for c_index, cloudburst_ts in enumerate(cloudburst_tss): if c_index == 0: continue if cloudburst_ts in merged: continue for c2_index, c_ts in enumerate(cloudburst_tss): # if c2_index == 0: # continue if c_ts in merged: continue if c2_index == c_index: continue c_start = found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name][c_ts]['start'] c_end = found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name][c_ts]['end'] if cloudburst_ts >= c_start and cloudburst_ts <= c_end:'%s falls within period of (%s, %s)' % (str(cloudburst_ts), str(c_start), str(c_end))) ts_list = [ts for c_i, ts in enumerate(cloudburst_tss) if c_i == c2_index] ts = ts_list[0] # start = found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name][c_ts]['start'] end = found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name][c_ts]['end'] if end > found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name][cloudburst_ts]['end']:'merging %s with %s' % ( str(found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name][ts]), str(found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name][cloudburst_ts]))) new_end = found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name][c_ts]['end'] found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name][cloudburst_ts]['end'] = new_end found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name][cloudburst_ts]['duration'] = new_end - cloudburst_ts merge = True if merge: del found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name][c_ts] merged.append(c_ts) if len(found_metric_cloudbursts) > 0: # Determine what Ionosphere matches occurred in the cloudburst # period # SELECT id,layer_id,fp_id,metric_id,anomaly_timestamp FROM ionosphere_layers_matched WHERE anomaly_timestamp > (now_timestamp - long_period_check_last) # SELECT id,fp_id,metric_timestamp FROM ionosphere_matched WHERE metric_timestamp > (now_timestamp - long_period_check_last) newer_than_timestamp = now_timestamp - long_period_check_last ionosphere_matched_table = None try: ionosphere_matched_table, log_msg, trace = ionosphere_matched_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: ionosphere_matched_table OK') except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to get ionosphere_matched_table meta - %s' % e) ionosphere_matched_table = None # @modified 20210819 - Feature #4164: luminosity - cloudbursts # Reduce the mysql.handler_read_next count from doing index scans # when the query uses metric_timestamp >= newer_than_timestamp, by # first identifying the firsted matched id in the period and then # basing the query on id >= first_matched_id_in_period, reduces the # handler_read_next from 242561 # EXPLAIN SELECT, ionosphere_matched.fp_id, ionosphere_matched.metric_timestamp # FROM ionosphere_matched # WHERE ionosphere_matched.metric_timestamp >= 1629272047" # +------+-------------+--------------------+-------+---------------+--------------------------+---------+------+--------+--------------------------+ # | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | # +------+-------------+--------------------+-------+---------------+--------------------------+---------+------+--------+--------------------------+ # | 1 | SIMPLE | ionosphere_matched | index | NULL | features_profile_matched | 13 | NULL | 242561 | Using where; Using index | # +------+-------------+--------------------+-------+---------------+--------------------------+---------+------+--------+--------------------------+ # to 339 # "EXPLAIN SELECT id FROM ionosphere_matched WHERE metric_timestamp >= 1629272047 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1" # +------+-------------+--------------------+-------+---------------+---------+---------+------+------+-------------+ # | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | # +------+-------------+--------------------+-------+---------------+---------+---------+------+------+-------------+ # | 1 | SIMPLE | ionosphere_matched | index | NULL | PRIMARY | 4 | NULL | 1 | Using where | # +------+-------------+--------------------+-------+---------------+---------+---------+------+------+-------------+ # "SELECT id FROM ionosphere_matched WHERE metric_timestamp >= 1629272047 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1" # +--------+ # | id | # +--------+ # | 249655 | # +--------+ # "EXPLAIN SELECT, ionosphere_matched.fp_id, ionosphere_matched.metric_timestamp # FROM ionosphere_matched # WHERE >= 249655" # +------+-------------+--------------------+-------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+---------+------+------+--------------------------+ # | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | # +------+-------------+--------------------+-------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+---------+------+------+--------------------------+ # | 1 | SIMPLE | ionosphere_matched | range | PRIMARY,features_profile_matched | features_profile_matched | 4 | NULL | 338 | Using where; Using index | # +------+-------------+--------------------+-------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+---------+------+------+--------------------------+ # Determine first matched id in period first_matched_id_in_period = None'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: determining first ionosphere match id in period') try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([]).\ where(ionosphere_matched_table.c.metric_timestamp >= newer_than_timestamp).\ order_by( result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: first_matched_id_in_period = row['id'] break connection.close() except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: could not determine ionosphere matches - %s' % e)'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: the first fp match id for the period is %s' % ( str(first_matched_id_in_period))) if first_matched_id_in_period:'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: determining ionosphere matches in period') try: connection = engine.connect() # @modified 20210819 - Feature #4164: luminosity - cloudbursts # Reduce the mysql.handler_read_next count from doing # index scans and use primary key # stmt = select([, ionosphere_matched_table.c.fp_id, ionosphere_matched_table.c.metric_timestamp]).\ # where(ionosphere_matched_table.c.metric_timestamp >= newer_than_timestamp) stmt = select([, ionosphere_matched_table.c.fp_id, ionosphere_matched_table.c.metric_timestamp]).\ where( >= first_matched_id_in_period) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: match_id = row['id'] matches_in_period['fp'][match_id] = {} matches_in_period['fp'][match_id]['fp_id'] = row['fp_id'] matches_in_period['fp'][match_id]['timestamp'] = match_id = row['metric_timestamp'] connection.close() except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: could not determine ionosphere matches - %s' % e)'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: %s Ionosphere fp matches recorded in the DB for the period' % ( str(len(list(matches_in_period['fp'].keys()))))) ionosphere_layers_matched_table = None try: ionosphere_layers_matched_table, log_msg, trace = ionosphere_layers_matched_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: ionosphere_layers_matched_table OK') except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to get ionosphere_layers_matched_table meta - %s' % e) ionosphere_layers_matched_table = None # @added 20210819 - Feature #4164: luminosity - cloudbursts # Determine first matched id in period to reduce the # mysql.handler_read_next count from doing index scans and use # primary key instead first_layers_matched_id_in_period = None'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: determining first ionosphere layers match id in period') try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([]).\ where(ionosphere_layers_matched_table.c.anomaly_timestamp >= newer_than_timestamp).\ order_by( result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: first_layers_matched_id_in_period = row['id'] break connection.close() except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: could not determine first ionosphere match id - %s' % e)'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: first ionosphere layers match id in the period is: %s' % ( str(first_layers_matched_id_in_period))) if first_layers_matched_id_in_period: try: connection = engine.connect() # @modified 20210819 - Feature #4164: luminosity - cloudbursts # Reduce the mysql.handler_read_next count from doing # index scans and use primary key # stmt = select([, ionosphere_layers_matched_table.c.layer_id, ionosphere_layers_matched_table.c.fp_id, ionosphere_layers_matched_table.c.metric_id, ionosphere_layers_matched_table.c.anomaly_timestamp]).\ # where(ionosphere_layers_matched_table.c.anomaly_timestamp >= newer_than_timestamp) stmt = select([, ionosphere_layers_matched_table.c.layer_id, ionosphere_layers_matched_table.c.fp_id, ionosphere_layers_matched_table.c.metric_id, ionosphere_layers_matched_table.c.anomaly_timestamp]).\ where( >= first_layers_matched_id_in_period) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: match_id = row['id'] matches_in_period['layer'][match_id] = {} matches_in_period['layer'][match_id]['match_id'] = match_id matches_in_period['layer'][match_id]['layer_id'] = row['layer_id'] matches_in_period['layer'][match_id]['fp_id'] = row['fp_id'] matches_in_period['layer'][match_id]['metric_id'] = row['metric_id'] matches_in_period['layer'][match_id]['timestamp'] = row['anomaly_timestamp'] connection.close() except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: could not determine ionosphere layers matches - %s' % e)'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: %s Ionosphere layers matches recorded in the DB for the period' % ( str(len(list(matches_in_period['layer'].keys()))))) # matched_metric_ids = [] for layer_match_id in list(matches_in_period['layer'].keys()): matched_metric_ids.append(matches_in_period['layer'][layer_match_id]['metric_id']) # Determine metric_id from the ionosphere table from fps of matches # but these are expensive queries, maybe not so much with IN ionosphere_table = None try: ionosphere_table, log_msg, trace = ionosphere_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: ionosphere_table OK') except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to get ionosphere_table meta - %s' % e) ionosphere_table = None fp_metric_ids_list = [] for match_id in list(matches_in_period['fp'].keys()): # SELECT metric_id FROM metric_id = None fp_id = matches_in_period['fp'][match_id]['fp_id'] try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([ionosphere_table.c.metric_id]).\ where( == fp_id) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: metric_id = row['metric_id'] matches_in_period['fp'][match_id]['metric_id'] = metric_id fp_metric_ids_list.append(metric_id) connection.close() except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: could not determine metric_id from ionosphere - %s' % e) fp_metric_ids_list = list(set(fp_metric_ids_list)) if fp_metric_ids_list: matched_metric_ids = matched_metric_ids + fp_metric_ids_list matched_metric_ids = list(set(matched_metric_ids)) anomalies_table = None try: anomalies_table, log_msg, trace = anomalies_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: anomalies_table OK') except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to get anomalies_table meta - %s' % e) anomalies_table = None # @added 20210819 - Feature #4164: luminosity - cloudbursts # Determine first anomaly id in period to reduce the # mysql.handler_read_next count from doing index scans and use # primary key instead first_anomaly_id_in_period = None'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: determining first anomaly id in period') try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([]).\ where(anomalies_table.c.anomaly_timestamp >= newer_than_timestamp).\ order_by( result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: first_anomaly_id_in_period = row['id'] break connection.close() except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: could not determine first anomaly id - %s' % e)'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: first anomaly id in the period is: %s' % ( str(first_anomaly_id_in_period))) anomaly_id = None period_anomalies = {} if first_anomaly_id_in_period: try: connection = engine.connect() # @modified 20210819 - Feature #4164: luminosity - cloudbursts # Reduce the mysql.handler_read_next count from doing # index scans and use primary key # stmt = select([, anomalies_table.c.metric_id, anomalies_table.c.anomaly_timestamp, ]).\ # where(anomalies_table.c.anomaly_timestamp >= newer_than_timestamp) stmt = select([, anomalies_table.c.metric_id, anomalies_table.c.anomaly_timestamp, ]).\ where( >= first_anomaly_id_in_period) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: metric_id = row['metric_id'] if metric_id not in list(period_anomalies.keys()): period_anomalies[metric_id] = {} anomaly_id = int(row['id']) anomaly_timestamp = row['anomaly_timestamp'] period_anomalies[metric_id][anomaly_timestamp] = {} period_anomalies[metric_id][anomaly_timestamp]['id'] = anomaly_id connection.close() except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: could not determine metric_id from ionosphere - %s' % e)'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: %s anomalies found in the period' % str(len(period_anomalies))) found_cloudbursts_to_add = {} # cloudburst_metrics_key = 'luminosity.cloudburst.metrics.%s' % str(key_reference_timestamp) # for base_name in list(found_cloudbursts.keys()): for base_name in list(found_metric_cloudbursts.keys()): metric_id = None try: metric_id = metric_id_from_base_name(skyline_app, base_name) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to get metric id for %s from db: %s' % (base_name, e)) continue'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: checking anomalies and matches in period for %s with metric_id: %s' % ( base_name, str(metric_id))) # Extract the matches for the metric and create a dictionary # based on the match timestamp not the match id. Although there # are both fp and layer matches they will never have the same # timestamp because only a fp or a layer can match a potential # anomaly, not both. metric_matches = {} if metric_id in matched_metric_ids: for match_type in list(matches_in_period.keys()): for match_id in list(matches_in_period[match_type].keys()): try: if metric_id == matches_in_period[match_type][match_id]['metric_id']: if base_name not in list(metric_matches.keys()): metric_matches[base_name] = {} match_timestamp = matches_in_period[match_type][match_id]['timestamp'] metric_matches[base_name][match_timestamp] = matches_in_period[match_type][match_id] metric_matches[base_name][match_timestamp]['match_type'] = match_type metric_matches[base_name][match_timestamp]['match_id'] = match_id except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to populate fmetric_matches for %s - %s' % (base_name, e)) # Sort by end timestamps? for cloudburst_ts in list(found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name].keys()): cloudburst_ts_range = list(range((cloudburst_ts - resolution), (cloudburst_ts + resolution))) try: found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name][cloudburst_ts]['match_id'] = 0 found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name][cloudburst_ts]['fp_id'] = 0 found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name][cloudburst_ts]['layer_id'] = 0 found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name][cloudburst_ts]['anomaly_id'] = 0 metric_matches_present = 0 try: metric_matches_present = len(list(metric_matches[base_name].keys())) except KeyError: metric_matches_present = 0 except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to determine if the are matches for %s - %s' % (base_name, e)) if metric_matches_present: for matched_ts in list(metric_matches[base_name].keys()): # if matched_ts == cloudburst_ts: if matched_ts in cloudburst_ts_range: match_id = metric_matches[base_name][matched_ts]['match_id'] found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name][cloudburst_ts]['match_id'] = match_id match_type = metric_matches[base_name][matched_ts]['match_type'] found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name][cloudburst_ts]['fp_id'] = metric_matches[base_name][matched_ts]['fp_id'] if match_type == 'layer': found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name][cloudburst_ts]['layer_id'] = metric_matches[base_name][matched_ts]['layer_id'] except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to populate found_metric_cloudbursts for %s - %s' % (base_name, e)) anomaly_id = None # Use the period_anomalies single query rather than a query for # every cloudburst timestamp which index scans the anomalies # table and results in 700K mysql.handler_read_next operations, # Skyline eating its own performance monitoring dog food. # try: # connection = engine.connect() # stmt = select([]).\ # where(anomalies_table.c.anomaly_timestamp == cloudburst_ts).\ # where(anomalies_table.c.metric_id == metric_id) # result = connection.execute(stmt) # for row in result: # anomaly_id = int(row['id']) # connection.close() cloudburst_ts_range_start = cloudburst_ts - resolution cloudburst_ts_range_end = cloudburst_ts + resolution cloudburst_ts_range = list(range(cloudburst_ts_range_start, cloudburst_ts_range_end)) try: if metric_id in list(period_anomalies.keys()): for anomaly_timestamp in list(period_anomalies[metric_id].keys()): if anomaly_timestamp in cloudburst_ts_range: try: anomaly_id = period_anomalies[metric_id][anomaly_timestamp]['id'] if isinstance(anomaly_id, int): break except KeyError: logger.warning('warning :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: due to KeyError in period_anomalies[%s][%s] could not determine anomaly_id in cloudburst_ts_range (%s, %s) for %s with metric_id %s from period_anomalies: %s' % ( str(metric_id), str(anomaly_timestamp), str(cloudburst_ts_range_start), str(cloudburst_ts_range_end), base_name, str(metric_id), str(period_anomalies[metric_id]))) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: due to KeyError in period_anomalies[%s][%s] could not determine anomaly_id in cloudburst_ts_range (%s, %s) for %s with metric_id %s from period_anomalies: %s - %s' % ( str(metric_id), str(anomaly_timestamp), str(cloudburst_ts_range_start), str(cloudburst_ts_range_end), base_name, str(metric_id), str(period_anomalies[metric_id]), e)) if isinstance(anomaly_id, int): found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name][cloudburst_ts]['anomaly_id'] = anomaly_id if base_name not in list(found_cloudbursts_to_add.keys()): found_cloudbursts_to_add[base_name] = {} # This ensures that the longest cloudburst for the timestamp # will be recorded because multiple cloudburst anomalies # can be identified for a period but we only want to record # one, the last one for each timestamp, for example if this # not not done it results in: # +----+-----------+------------+------------+----------+----------------+------------+---------------+------------+----------+-------+----------+ # | id | metric_id | timestamp | end | duration | from_timestamp | resolution | full_duration | anomaly_id | match_id | fp_id | layer_id | # +----+-----------+------------+------------+----------+----------------+------------+---------------+------------+----------+-------+----------+ # | 87 | 1099 | 1628600400 | 1628171100 | 2700 | 1628068572 | 900 | 604800 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | # | 88 | 1099 | 1628600400 | 1628343900 | 3600 | 1628068572 | 900 | 604800 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | # +----+-----------+------------+------------+----------+----------------+------------+---------------+------------+----------+-------+----------+ # Here a cloudburt was identified at 1628600400 found_cloudbursts_to_add[base_name][cloudburst_ts] = found_metric_cloudbursts[base_name][cloudburst_ts] # BREAK OUT HERE - before inserting into DB - testing # continue'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: %s found_cloudbursts_to_add' % ( str(len(found_cloudbursts_to_add)))) db_added_at = int(time()) for base_name in list(found_cloudbursts_to_add.keys()): # Sort by newest timestamps first # cloudburst_tss = sorted(list(found_cloudbursts_to_add[base_name].keys()), reverse=True) cloudburst_tss = sorted(list(found_cloudbursts_to_add[base_name].keys())) for cloudburst_ts in cloudburst_tss: # if cloudburst_ts > (now_timestamp - custom_check_last): if cloudburst_ts < (now_timestamp - long_period_check_last): continue ts_added_for = 0 try: ts_added_for = known_cloudbursts[metric_id][cloudburst_ts] except KeyError: ts_added_for = 0 except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: could not determine if cloudburst_ts was added to known_cloudbursts[metric_id][cloudburst_ts] - %s' % e) ts_added_for = 0 if ts_added_for:'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: cloudburst at %s for %s is present in known_cloudbursts not adding to the DB' % ( str(cloudburst_ts), base_name)) continue # Do not just check timestamp, check to see if the cloudburst_ts # is between timestamp and end # So preprocess all the cloudbursts for a metric pre insertion # combining cloudburst that are next to each other and those # which overlap. These detections describe the same event only # the event when detected in the next 5 minute run could # describe the event diferently as it is describing it in a # different dataset. The dataset starts and ends 5 minutes # later therefore new_cloudburst_id = None try:'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: inserting cloudburst at %s for %s' % ( str(cloudburst_ts), base_name)) end_ts = found_cloudbursts_to_add[base_name][cloudburst_ts]['end'] from_ts = found_cloudbursts_to_add[base_name][cloudburst_ts]['from'] duration = found_cloudbursts_to_add[base_name][cloudburst_ts]['duration'] resolution = found_cloudbursts_to_add[base_name][cloudburst_ts]['resolution'] full_duration = found_cloudbursts_to_add[base_name][cloudburst_ts]['full_duration'] match_id = found_cloudbursts_to_add[base_name][cloudburst_ts]['match_id'] fp_id = found_cloudbursts_to_add[base_name][cloudburst_ts]['fp_id'] layer_id = found_cloudbursts_to_add[base_name][cloudburst_ts]['layer_id'] anomaly_id = found_cloudbursts_to_add[base_name][cloudburst_ts]['anomaly_id'] connection = engine.connect() ins = cloudburst_table.insert().values( metric_id=metric_id, timestamp=cloudburst_ts, end=end_ts, duration=duration, from_timestamp=from_ts, resolution=resolution, full_duration=full_duration, match_id=match_id, fp_id=fp_id, layer_id=layer_id, anomaly_id=anomaly_id, added_at=db_added_at) result = connection.execute(ins) new_cloudburst_id = result.inserted_primary_key[0] new_cloudburst_ids.append(new_cloudburst_id) connection.close() except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: could not insert cloudburst record into DB for %s: %s - %s' % ( base_name, str(found_cloudbursts_to_add[base_name][cloudburst_ts]), e)) if new_cloudburst_id: try: self.redis_conn.hset(cloudburst_metrics_key, base_name, str(found_cloudbursts_to_add[base_name][cloudburst_ts])) self.redis_conn.expire(cloudburst_metrics_key, 604800) cloudburst_metrics_key_created = True except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to add to %s Redis hash key - %s' % ( cloudburst_metrics_key, e)) # Add it to the known_cloudbursts dict if metric_id not in list(known_cloudbursts.keys()): known_cloudbursts[metric_id] = {} known_cloudbursts[metric_id][cloudburst_ts] = metric_id # Add both short_period and long_period timestamp keys to # the luminosity.cloudburst.processed.anomalies Redis hash # key so that the timestamps identified in later short_period # analysis can be looked up and skipped if already processed # rather than sent through to the second stage to improve # efficiency. processed_timestamps = [] try: short_period_anomalies = m66_candidate_metrics[base_name][custom_algorithm]['anomalies'] processed_timestamps = [int(ts) for ts, value in short_period_anomalies] long_period_anomalies = second_stage_m66_candidate_metrics[base_name][custom_algorithm]['anomalies'] long_period_processed_timestamps = [int(ts) for ts, value in long_period_anomalies] processed_timestamps = processed_timestamps + long_period_processed_timestamps processed_timestamps = list(set(processed_timestamps)) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to determine processed_timestamps for %s - %s' % ( base_name, e)) for processed_timestamp in processed_timestamps: try: key_data = {'cloudburst_id': new_cloudburst_id, 'processed_at': now_timestamp} processed_anomaly_key = '%s.%s' % (base_name, str(int(processed_timestamp))) self.redis_conn_decoded.hset(cloudburst_anomalies_processed_key, processed_anomaly_key, str(key_data)) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: failed to add to %s Redis hash key - %s' % ( cloudburst_anomalies_processed_key, e)) if cloudburst_metrics_key_created:'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: created %s Redis hash key' % ( cloudburst_metrics_key))'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: added %s new cloudbursts to the database' % ( str(len(new_cloudburst_ids)))) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) spin_end = time() - spin_start'cloudburst :: find_cloudbursts :: %s metrics took %.2f seconds' % ( str(len(assigned_metrics)), spin_end)) # cloudburst table # id, source_metric_id, timestamp, full_duration, resolution, processed # cloudbursts table # id, cloudburst_id, related_metric_id, ppscore_1, ppscore_2 # Maybe do not just do ppscore maybe use ruptures to identify metrics # that have changespoints in the same window return
[docs] def run(self): """ - Called when the process intializes. - Determine if Redis is up - Spawn a find_cloudbursts process to do analysis - Wait for the process to finish. - run_every 300 seconds """ # Log management to prevent overwriting # Allow the bin/<skyline_app>.d to manage the log now = time() log_wait_for = now + 5 while now < log_wait_for: if os.path.isfile(skyline_app_loglock): sleep(.1) now = time() else: now = log_wait_for + 1'luminosity/cloudburst :: starting find_cloudbursts') if SERVER_METRIC_PATH == '': logger.warning('warning :: luminosity/cloudburst :: settings.SERVER_METRICS_NAME is not declared in, defaults to \'\'') while 1: now = time() # Make sure Redis is up try: except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst cannot connect to redis at socket path %s - %s' % ( settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH, e)) sleep(10) try: self.redis_conn = get_redis_conn(skyline_app) self.redis_conn_decoded = get_redis_conn_decoded(skyline_app) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: cloudburst cannot connect to get_redis_conn - %s' % e) continue # Report app up try: self.redis_conn.setex('luminosity.cloudburst', 120, now) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: could not update the Redis luminosity.cloudburst key - %s' % e) # Get all Redis metrics unique_metrics = [] try: unique_metrics = list(self.redis_conn_decoded.smembers(full_uniques)) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: failed get unique_metrics from %s Redis key - %s' % ( full_uniques, e)) unique_metrics = [] # @added 20220920 - Feature #4662: settings.LUMINOSITY_CLOUDBURST_SKIP_METRICS # Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline # Branch #4300: prometheus unique_labelled_metrics = [] try: unique_labelled_metrics = list(self.redis_conn_decoded.smembers('labelled_metrics.unique_labelled_metrics')) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: failed get unique_labelled_metrics from labelled_metrics.unique_labelled_metrics Redis key - %s' % ( err)) unique_labelled_metrics = [] if unique_labelled_metrics: unique_metrics = unique_metrics + unique_labelled_metrics now_timestamp = int(time()) key_reference_timestamp = (int(now_timestamp) // run_every * run_every) processed_metrics_key = 'luminosity.cloudburst.processed_metrics.%s' % str(key_reference_timestamp) cloudburst_info_key = '' % str(key_reference_timestamp) # Spawn processes pids = [] spawned_pids = [] pid_count = 0 for i in range(1, LUMINOSITY_CLOUDBURST_PROCESSES + 1): if i > len(unique_metrics): logger.warning('warning :: cloudburst :: skyline is set for more cores than needed.') break try: p = Process(target=self.find_cloudbursts, args=(i, unique_metrics)) pids.append(p) pid_count += 1'starting %s of %s find_cloudbursts processes' % (str(pid_count), str(LUMINOSITY_CLOUDBURST_PROCESSES))) p.start() spawned_pids.append( except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: failed to spawn find_cloudbursts process - %s' % e) # Self monitor processes and terminate if any find_cloudbursts # has run for longer than run_every - 10 p_starts = time() while time() - p_starts <= (run_every - 10): if any(p.is_alive() for p in pids): # Just to avoid hogging the CPU sleep(.1) else: # All the processes are done, break now. time_to_run = time() - p_starts'cloudburst :: %s find_cloudbursts processes completed in %.2f seconds' % ( str(LUMINOSITY_CLOUDBURST_PROCESSES), time_to_run)) break else: # We only enter this if we didn't 'break' above.'cloudburst :: timed out, killing find_cloudbursts process') for p in pids:'cloudburst :: killing find_cloudbursts process') p.terminate()'cloudburst :: killed find_cloudbursts process') for p in pids: if p.is_alive(): try:'cloudburst :: stopping find_cloudbursts - %s' % (str(p.is_alive()))) p.terminate() except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: failed to stop find_cloudbursts - %s' % e) processed_metrics = [] try: processed_metrics = list(self.redis_conn_decoded.smembers(processed_metrics_key)) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: failed get %s set from Redis - %s' % ( processed_metrics_key, e)) processed_metrics = [] if processed_metrics: try: self.redis_conn.expire(processed_metrics_key, 600) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: failed set expire on %s Redis set - %s' % ( processed_metrics_key, e)) processed = 0 no_data = 0 too_short = 0 too_old = 0 not_analysed = 0 analysed = 0 cloudburst_info_dict = {} try: cloudburst_info_dict = self.redis_conn_decoded.hgetall(cloudburst_info_key) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: failed get %s set from Redis - %s' % ( cloudburst_info_dict, e)) cloudburst_info_dict = {} if cloudburst_info_dict: try: self.redis_conn.expire(cloudburst_info_key, 600) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: failed set expire on %s Redis set - %s' % ( cloudburst_info_key, e)) for key in list(cloudburst_info_dict.keys()): info_dict = {} try: info_dict = literal_eval(cloudburst_info_dict[key]) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: failed literal_eval cloudburst_info_dict[%s] - %s' % ( str(key), e)) info_dict = {} if info_dict: processed += info_dict['processed'] no_data += info_dict['no_data'] too_short += info_dict['too_short'] too_old += info_dict['too_old'] not_analysed += info_dict['not_analysed'] analysed += info_dict['analysed'] info_data_dict = { 'processed': processed, 'analysed': analysed, 'not_analysed': not_analysed, 'no_data': no_data, 'too_short': too_short, 'too_old': too_old, }'cloudburst :: info: %s' % str(info_data_dict)) # @modified 20220920 - Feature #4674: cloudburst active events only # Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline # Branch #4300: prometheus # Only processing metrics with recent activity process_all = False if process_all: try: unique_metrics_set = set(list(unique_metrics)) processed_metrics_set = set(list(processed_metrics)) if unique_metrics_set == processed_metrics_set:'cloudburst :: all %s unique_metrics were processed' % str(len(unique_metrics))) else: not_processed_metrics_key = 'luminosity.cloudburst.not_processed_metrics.%s' % str(key_reference_timestamp) not_processed_metrics = [] set_difference = unique_metrics_set.difference(processed_metrics_set) for metric_name in set_difference: not_processed_metrics.append(metric_name) try: self.redis_conn.sadd(not_processed_metrics_key, metric_name) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: failed to add %s to %s Redis set - %s' % ( metric_name, not_processed_metrics_key, e)) try: self.redis_conn.expire(not_processed_metrics_key, 3600) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: failed to set expire on %s Redis set - %s' % ( not_processed_metrics_key, e)) logger.warning('warning :: cloudburst :: there are %s metrics that were not processed of the %s unique_metrics' % ( str(len(not_processed_metrics)), str(len(unique_metrics)))) del set_difference del unique_metrics_set del processed_metrics_set except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: failed to determine whether the unique_metrics_set and processed_metrics_set are different - %s' % e) else: processed_metrics_set = set(list(processed_metrics))'cloudburst :: %s metrics were processed' % str(len(processed_metrics_set))) last_active_metrics_check_key = 'luminosity.cloudburst.last_active_metrics_timestamp_check' try: self.redis_conn_decoded.set(last_active_metrics_check_key, now) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: fail to set %s - %s' % ( last_active_metrics_check_key, err)) process_runtime = time() - now if process_runtime < run_every: sleep_for = (run_every - process_runtime) process_runtime_now = time() - now sleep_for = (run_every - process_runtime_now)'cloudburst :: sleeping for %.2f seconds due to low run time...' % sleep_for) sleep(sleep_for) try: del sleep_for except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: failed to del sleep_for - %s' % e) try: del process_runtime except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: cloudburst :: failed to del process_runtime - %s' % e)