Source code for luminosity.classify_anomalies

import os
from os import getpid
import logging
import traceback
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from time import time
from ast import literal_eval

# @modified 20230106 - Task #4022: Move mysql_select calls to SQLAlchemy
#                      Task #4778: v4.0.0 - update dependencies
# Use sqlalchemy and deprecate mysql_insert and direct use of mysql
# import mysql.connector

# @added 20230106 - Task #4022: Move mysql_select calls to SQLAlchemy
#                   Task #4778: v4.0.0 - update dependencies
from sqlalchemy import select, Table, MetaData

import settings
from skyline_functions import (
    # @modified 20220722 - Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline
    #                      Branch #4300: prometheus
    # Moved to function.panorama.get_anomaly_id
    # get_redis_conn, get_redis_conn_decoded, get_anomaly_id, mysql_select)
    get_redis_conn, get_redis_conn_decoded, mysql_select)

# @added 20220722 - Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline
#                   Branch #4300: prometheus
# Moved from skyline_functions
from functions.panorama.get_anomaly_id import get_anomaly_id

# @added 20230106 - Task #4022: Move mysql_select calls to SQLAlchemy
#                   Task #4778: v4.0.0 - update dependencies
from database import get_engine, engine_disposal

    from custom_algorithms import run_custom_algorithm_on_timeseries
    run_custom_algorithm_on_timeseries = None



# Database configuration
config = {'user': settings.PANORAMA_DBUSER,
          'password': settings.PANORAMA_DBUSERPASS,
          'host': settings.PANORAMA_DBHOST,
          'port': settings.PANORAMA_DBPORT,
          'database': settings.PANORAMA_DATABASE,
          'raise_on_warnings': True}

skyline_app = 'luminosity'
skyline_app_logger = '%sLog' % skyline_app
logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger)

redis_conn = get_redis_conn(skyline_app)
redis_conn_decoded = get_redis_conn_decoded(skyline_app)

[docs]def classify_anomalies(i, classify_anomalies_set, start_timestamp, classify_for): # logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger) debug_algorithms = False'classify_anomalies :: with start_timestamp - %s' % str(start_timestamp)) start_classify_anomalies = timer() # @modified 20230106 - Task #4022: Move mysql_select calls to SQLAlchemy # Task #4778: v4.0.0 - update dependencies # Deprecated mysql_insert # def mysql_insert(insert): # Handle luminosity running with multiple processes def manage_processing_key(current_pid, base_name, timestamp, classify_for, action): result = False processing_key = 'luminosity.classify_anomalies.processing.%s.%s' % ( str(timestamp), str(base_name)) if action == 'add': key_exists = None try: key_exists = redis_conn_decoded.get(processing_key) if key_exists: result = False return result except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: failed to query Redis for %s' % ( processing_key)) try: data = {'pid': current_pid, 'timestamp': int(time())} redis_conn.setex(processing_key, classify_for, str(data)) result = True'classify_anomalies :: managing %s added %s with %s' % ( str(base_name), processing_key, str(data))) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: failed to create key %s' % ( processing_key)) if action == 'remove': try: redis_conn.delete(processing_key) result = True except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: failed to remove key %s' % ( processing_key)) return result classify_anomalies_list = [] for classify_anomaly in classify_anomalies_set: classify_anomalies_list.append(literal_eval(classify_anomaly)) if classify_anomalies_list: classify_anomalies_list = sorted(classify_anomalies_list, key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=False) current_pid = getpid() # @added 20230106 - Task #4022: Move mysql_select calls to SQLAlchemy # Task #4778: v4.0.0 - update dependencies engine = None try: engine, fail_msg, trace = get_engine(skyline_app) if fail_msg != 'got MySQL engine': logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: could not get a MySQL engine fail_msg - %s' % str(fail_msg)) if trace != 'none': logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: could not get a MySQL engine trace - %s' % str(trace)) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: could not get a MySQL engine - %s' % str(err)) anomalies_proceessed = 0 for classify_anomaly in classify_anomalies_list: anomaly_data_dict = classify_anomaly[3] base_name = anomaly_data_dict['metric'] timestamp = anomaly_data_dict['timestamp'] # logger.debug('debug :: classify_anomalies :: %s' % str(classify_anomaly)) anomalies_proceessed += 1 # Handle luminosity running with multiple processes manage_metric = False try: manage_metric = manage_processing_key(current_pid, base_name, timestamp, classify_for, 'add') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: failed to run manage_processing_key') if not manage_metric:'classify_anomalies :: skipping as processing key exists for %s' % base_name) continue # Remove anomaly if not classified in 1800 seconds if (int(time()) - 1800) > int(anomaly_data_dict['added_at']):'classify_anomalies :: anomaly not classified in 1800 seocnds, removing from luminosity.classify_anomalies') try: redis_conn.srem('luminosity.classify_anomalies', str(classify_anomaly))'classify_anomalies :: removed %s, %s, %s item from luminosity.classify_anomalies Redis set' % ( base_name, str(timestamp), anomaly_data_dict['app'])) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: failed to remove %s, %s, %s item from luminosity.classify_anomalies Redis set' % ( base_name, str(timestamp), anomaly_data_dict['app'])) try: manage_processing_key(current_pid, base_name, timestamp, classify_for, 'remove') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: failed to run manage_processing_key - %s' % base_name) continue metric_timeseries_dir = base_name.replace('.', '/') metric_training_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, timestamp, metric_timeseries_dir) anomaly_json = '%s/%s.json' % (metric_training_data_dir, base_name) timeseries = [] # Try load training data if os.path.isfile(anomaly_json):'classify_anomalies :: anomaly_json found - %s' % anomaly_json) try: with open((anomaly_json), 'r') as f: raw_timeseries = timeseries_array_str = str(raw_timeseries).replace('(', '[').replace(')', ']') del raw_timeseries timeseries = literal_eval(timeseries_array_str) del timeseries_array_str except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: could not create timeseries from anomaly json %s' % anomaly_json)'classify_anomalies :: timeseries from anomaly_json has %s datapoints' % str(len(timeseries))) else:'classify_anomalies :: no anomaly_json not found removing %s from luminosity.classify_anomalies Redis set' % ( base_name)) try: redis_conn.srem('luminosity.classify_anomalies', str(classify_anomaly))'classify_anomalies :: removed %s, %s, %s item from luminosity.classify_anomalies Redis set' % ( base_name, str(timestamp), anomaly_data_dict['app'])) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: failed to remove %s, %s, %s item from luminosity.classify_anomalies Redis set' % ( base_name, str(timestamp), anomaly_data_dict['app'])) if not timeseries: try: manage_processing_key(current_pid, base_name, timestamp, classify_for, 'remove') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: failed to run manage_processing_key - %s' % base_name) continue # Classify anomaly or continue classifying metric window = 5 window_timestamps = [ts for ts, value in timeseries[-window:]] algorithms_to_process = len(LUMINOSITY_CLASSIFY_ANOMALY_ALGORITHMS) algorithms_processed = 0 algorithm_results = {} algorithms_processed_key = 'luminosity.classify_anomalies.algorithms_processed.%s.%s' % ( str(timestamp), str(base_name)) try: algorithm_results = redis_conn_decoded.get(algorithms_processed_key) if not algorithm_results: algorithm_results = {} else: algorithm_results = literal_eval(algorithm_results) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: failed to query Redis for %s' % ( algorithms_processed_key)) if not algorithm_results: for algorithm in LUMINOSITY_CLASSIFY_ANOMALY_ALGORITHMS: algorithm_results[algorithm] = {} algorithm_results[algorithm]['processed'] = False algorithm_results[algorithm]['result'] = None try: redis_conn.setex(algorithms_processed_key, 300, str(algorithm_results)) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: failed to set Redis key %s' % ( algorithms_processed_key)) for algorithm in LUMINOSITY_CLASSIFY_ANOMALY_ALGORITHMS: if algorithm_results[algorithm]['processed']: algorithms_processed += 1'classify_anomalies :: %s at %s already processed with %s with result %s' % ( str(base_name), str(timestamp), algorithm, str(algorithm_results[algorithm]['result']))) continue custom_algorithm = algorithm custom_algorithm_dict = {} custom_algorithm_dict['debug_logging'] = False debug_algorithm_logging = False if debug_algorithms: custom_algorithm_dict['debug_logging'] = True debug_algorithm_logging = True algorithm_source = '/opt/skyline/github/skyline/skyline/custom_algorithms/' % algorithm custom_algorithm_dict['algorithm_source'] = algorithm_source if LUMINOSITY_CLASSIFY_ANOMALIES_SAVE_PLOTS: custom_algorithm_dict['algorithm_parameters'] = { 'window': window, 'c': 6.0, 'return_anomalies': True, 'realtime_analysis': False, 'save_plots_to': metric_training_data_dir, 'save_plots_to_absolute_dir': True, 'filename_prefix': 'luminosity.classify_anomaly', 'debug_logging': debug_algorithm_logging, } custom_algorithm_dict['max_execution_time'] = 10.0 else: custom_algorithm_dict['algorithm_parameters'] = { 'window': window, 'c': 6.0, 'return_anomalies': True, 'realtime_analysis': False, 'debug_logging': debug_algorithm_logging, } custom_algorithm_dict['max_execution_time'] = 5.0 result = None anomalyScore = None anomalies = [] try: result, anomalyScore, anomalies = run_custom_algorithm_on_timeseries(skyline_app, current_pid, base_name, timeseries, custom_algorithm, custom_algorithm_dict, debug_algorithms)'classify_anomalies :: run_custom_algorithm_on_timeseries run %s on %s with result - %s, anomalyScore - %s' % ( custom_algorithm, base_name, str(result), str(anomalyScore))) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: failed to run custom_algorithm %s on %s' % ( custom_algorithm, base_name)) triggered = False triggered_ts = None if anomalies: anomalies.reverse() for ts, value in anomalies: if ts in window_timestamps: triggered = True triggered_ts = ts break if ts < window_timestamps[0]: break del value if triggered:'classify_anomalies :: %s triggered on %s within the window at %s' % ( custom_algorithm, base_name, str(triggered_ts))) else:'classify_anomalies :: %s did not trigger on %s within the window' % ( custom_algorithm, base_name)) algorithm_results[algorithm]['processed'] = True algorithm_results[algorithm]['result'] = triggered try: redis_conn.setex(algorithms_processed_key, 300, str(algorithm_results)) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: failed to set Redis key %s' % ( algorithms_processed_key)) algorithms_processed += 1 time_now = time() runtime = time_now - start_timestamp if runtime >= (classify_for - 0.3):'classify_anomalies :: stopping before timeout is reached') break time_now = time() runtime = time_now - start_timestamp if runtime >= (classify_for - 0.3):'classify_anomalies :: stopping before timeout is reached') break anomaly_types = [] results_recorded = False if algorithms_processed == algorithms_to_process: for algorithm in LUMINOSITY_CLASSIFY_ANOMALY_ALGORITHMS: if algorithm_results[algorithm]['result']: anomaly_types.append(algorithm) if not anomaly_types: results_recorded = True else:'classify_anomalies :: anomaly_types identified for %s - %s' % ( base_name, str(anomaly_types))) anomaly_id = 0 if anomaly_types: try: anomaly_id = get_anomaly_id(skyline_app, base_name, timestamp) except: logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: get_anomaly_id failed to determine id') anomaly_id = 0'classify_anomalies :: anomaly_id: %s' % ( str(anomaly_id))) type_data = [] if anomaly_id: query = 'SELECT id,algorithm,type FROM anomaly_types' try: results = mysql_select(skyline_app, query) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: querying MySQL - SELECT id,type FROM anomaly_types') db_anomaly_types = {} for id, associated_algorithm, anomaly_type in results: db_anomaly_types[associated_algorithm] = {} db_anomaly_types[associated_algorithm]['id'] = id db_anomaly_types[associated_algorithm]['type'] = anomaly_type metric_id = 0 # @added 20230106 - Task #4022: Move mysql_select calls to SQLAlchemy # Task #4778: v4.0.0 - update dependencies # Use the MetaData autoload rather than string-based query construction try: use_table_meta = MetaData() use_table = Table('metrics', use_table_meta, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: use_table Table failed on metrics table - %s' % ( err)) # @modified 20230106 - Task #4022: Move mysql_select calls to SQLAlchemy # Task #4778: v4.0.0 - update dependencies # query = 'SELECT id FROM metrics WHERE metric=\'%s\'' % base_name try: # @modified 20230106 - Task #4022: Move mysql_select calls to SQLAlchemy # Task #4778: v4.0.0 - update dependencies # results = mysql_select(skyline_app, query) stmt = select( == base_name) connection = engine.connect() results = connection.execute(stmt) for item in results: metric_id = item[0] break connection.close() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: querying metrics table for id for %s' % base_name) type_data = [] for anomaly_type in anomaly_types: type_data.append(int(db_anomaly_types[anomaly_type]['id']))'classify_anomalies :: type_data: %s' % ( str(type_data))) # @added 20230106 - Task #4022: Move mysql_select calls to SQLAlchemy # Task #4778: v4.0.0 - update dependencies # Only load the table once anomalies_type_meta_loaded = False classification_exists = None if type_data and anomaly_id: # @added 20230106 - Task #4022: Move mysql_select calls to SQLAlchemy # Task #4778: v4.0.0 - update dependencies # Use the MetaData autoload rather than string-based query construction try: use_table_meta = MetaData() use_table = Table('anomalies_type', use_table_meta, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) anomalies_type_meta_loaded = True except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: use_table Table on anomalies_type failed - %s' % ( err)) # @modified 20230106 - Task #4022: Move mysql_select calls to SQLAlchemy # Task #4778: v4.0.0 - update dependencies # query = 'SELECT metric_id FROM anomalies_type WHERE id=%s' % anomaly_id try: # @modified 20230106 - Task #4022: Move mysql_select calls to SQLAlchemy # Task #4778: v4.0.0 - update dependencies # results = mysql_select(skyline_app, query) stmt = select(use_table.c.metric_id).where( == anomaly_id) connection = engine.connect() results = connection.execute(stmt) for item in results: classification_exists = item[0] break connection.close() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: querying anomalies_type table for metric_id for id %s' % str(anomaly_id)) if classification_exists: try: redis_conn.srem('luminosity.classify_anomalies', str(classify_anomaly))'classify_anomalies :: results already recorded for metric_id %s so removed %s, %s, %s item from luminosity.classify_anomalies Redis set' % ( str(classification_exists), base_name, str(timestamp), anomaly_data_dict['app'])) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: after results recorded failed to remove %s, %s, %s item from luminosity.classify_anomalies Redis set' % ( base_name, str(timestamp), anomaly_data_dict['app'])) type_data = None if type_data: type_data_str = '' for id in type_data: if type_data_str == '': type_data_str = '%s' % str(id) else: type_data_str = '%s,%s' % (type_data_str, str(id)) # @added 20230106 - Task #4022: Move mysql_select calls to SQLAlchemy # Task #4778: v4.0.0 - update dependencies # Use the MetaData autoload rather than string-based query construction if not anomalies_type_meta_loaded: try: use_table_meta = MetaData() use_table = Table('anomalies_type', use_table_meta, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: use_table Table on anomalies_type failed - %s' % ( err)) # @modified 20230106 - Task #4022: Move mysql_select calls to SQLAlchemy # Task #4778: v4.0.0 - update dependencies # Use the MetaData autoload rather than string-based query construction # ins_values = '(%s,%s,\'%s\')' % (str(anomaly_id), str(metric_id), type_data_str) # values_string = 'INSERT INTO anomalies_type (id, metric_id, type) VALUES %s' % ins_values try: # @modified 20230106 - Task #4022: Move mysql_select calls to SQLAlchemy # Task #4778: v4.0.0 - update dependencies # results_recorded = mysql_insert(values_string) connection = engine.connect() ins = use_table.insert().values( id=int(anomaly_id), metric_id=int(metric_id), type=type_data_str) result = connection.execute(ins) connection.close() # @modified 20230106 - Task #4022: Move mysql_select calls to SQLAlchemy # Task #4778: v4.0.0 - update dependencies # logger.debug('debug :: classify_anomalies :: INSERT: %s' % ( # str(values_string))) # results_recorded = result.inserted_primary_key[0] logger.debug('debug :: classify_anomalies :: results recorded') except Exception as err: # Handle a process updating on SystemExit if 'Duplicate entry' in str(err): results_recorded = True'classify_anomalies :: a entry already exists in anomalies_type for anomaly id %s on %s, OK' % ( str(anomaly_id), str(base_name))) else: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) # @modified 20230106 - Task #4022: Move mysql_select calls to SQLAlchemy # Task #4778: v4.0.0 - update dependencies # logger.error('error :: MySQL insert - %s' % str(values_string)) logger.error('error :: failed to add new record for anomaly_id: %s, metric_id: %s, type: %s - %s' % ( str(anomaly_id), str(metric_id), type_data_str, err)) results_recorded = 0 if results_recorded:'classify_anomalies :: added %s row to anomalies_type for anomaly id %s on %s - %s' % ( str(results_recorded), str(anomaly_id), base_name, str(type_data))) if results_recorded: try: redis_conn.srem('luminosity.classify_anomalies', str(classify_anomaly))'classify_anomalies :: results recorded so removed %s, %s, %s item from luminosity.classify_anomalies Redis set' % ( base_name, str(timestamp), anomaly_data_dict['app'])) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: after results recorded failed to remove %s, %s, %s item from luminosity.classify_anomalies Redis set' % ( base_name, str(timestamp), anomaly_data_dict['app'])) try: manage_processing_key(current_pid, base_name, timestamp, classify_for, 'remove') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: classify_anomalies :: failed to run manage_processing_key - %s' % base_name) # @added 20230106 - Task #4022: Move mysql_select calls to SQLAlchemy # Task #4778: v4.0.0 - update dependencies if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) end_classify_anomalies = timer()'classify_anomalies :: %s anomalies were processed, took %.6f seconds' % ( str(anomalies_proceessed), (end_classify_anomalies - start_classify_anomalies))) return