Source code for features_profile

import logging
import os
# import sys
# import datetime
# import csv
import time
from ast import literal_eval

import traceback
# import json
from timeit import default_timer as timer
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from tsfresh.feature_extraction import (

    # @modified 20210101 - Task #3928: Update Skyline to use new tsfresh feature extraction method
    # extract_features, ReasonableFeatureExtractionSettings)
    extract_features, EfficientFCParameters)
from tsfresh import __version__ as tsfresh_version

import settings
import skyline_version
from skyline_functions import write_data_to_file
from skyline_functions import historical_data_dir_exists

# TSFRESH_VERSION below was only added to a single log output as it was unused
# however it may be used in one of the tests in some way, I shall have to search
from tsfresh_feature_names import TSFRESH_FEATURES, TSFRESH_VERSION

# @added 20220731 - Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline
#                   Branch #4300: prometheus
from functions.metrics.get_base_name_from_labelled_metrics_name import get_base_name_from_labelled_metrics_name
from functions.metrics.get_metric_id_from_base_name import get_metric_id_from_base_name

skyline_version = skyline_version.__absolute_version__

    IONOSPHERE_HISTORICAL_DATA_FOLDER = '/opt/skyline/ionosphere/historical_data'

# @added 20220915 - Feature #4658: ionosphere.learn_repetitive_patterns

[docs]def feature_name_id(current_skyline_app, feature_name): """ Determine the Skyline id of a tsfresh feature name :param feature_name: the tsfresh feature name :type feature_name: str :return: id :rtype: int """ # f_name = 'value__spkt_welch_density__coeff_8' f_name = str(feature_name) for feature in TSFRESH_FEATURES: if str(feature[1]) == f_name: fn_id = str(feature[0]) del f_name del feature return fn_id del feature del f_name return 0
[docs]def calculate_features_profile(current_skyline_app, timestamp, metric, context): """ Calculates a tsfresh features profile from a training data set :param timestamp: the timestamp of metric anomaly with training data :type timestamp: str :param metric: the base_name of the metric :type metric: str :param context: the context :type metric: str :return: (features_profile_csv_file_path, successful, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc, calc_time) :rtype: int :rtype: (str, boolean, str, str, str) """ current_skyline_app_logger = current_skyline_app + 'Log' current_logger = logging.getLogger(current_skyline_app_logger) base_name = str(metric) # @added 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Set a default log_context, just in case it is not set if something is # added in the future log_context = 'unknown' if context == 'training_data': log_context = 'training data' if context == 'features_profiles': log_context = 'features profile data' if context == 'ionosphere': log_context = 'ionosphere' # @added 20170114 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn if context == 'ionosphere_learn': log_context = 'ionosphere :: learn' # TODO # @added 20190314 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # Here we add the bifurcation to also create a features # profile at FULL_DURATION for all Mirage metrics. With a # view to increase the number of matches trained metric # achieve by also allowing for the creation and comparing of # the FULL_DURATION features profiles as well. # How I am not certain but needs to tie up with this Feature in: # skyline/ionosphere/ # skyline/webapp/ if context == 'ionosphere_echo': log_context = 'ionosphere :: echo' if context == 'ionosphere_echo_check': log_context = 'ionosphere :: echo check' # @added 20220910 - Feature #4658: ionosphere.learn_repetitive_patterns if context == 'adhoc': log_context = 'ionosphere :: adhoc' if context == 'learn_repetitive_patterns': log_context = 'ionosphere :: learn_repetitive_patterns' # @added 20220915 - Feature #4658: ionosphere.learn_repetitive_patterns if context == 'find_repetitive_patterns': log_context = 'ionosphere :: find_repetitive_patterns''%s feature profile creation requested for %s at %s' % ( log_context, base_name, timestamp)) # @added 20220731 - Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline # Branch #4300: prometheus # Handle labelled_metric name use_base_name = str(base_name) labelled_metric_name = None if '{' in base_name and '}' in base_name and '_tenant_id="' in base_name: metric_id = 0 try: metric_id = get_metric_id_from_base_name(current_skyline_app, base_name) except Exception as err: current_logger.error('error :: get_metric_id_from_base_name failed with base_name: %s - %s' % (str(base_name), err)) if metric_id: labelled_metric_name = 'labelled_metrics.%s' % str(metric_id) if base_name.startswith('labelled_metrics.'): labelled_metric_name = str(base_name)'calculate_features_profile :: labelled_metric_name: %s' % labelled_metric_name) try: base_name = get_base_name_from_labelled_metrics_name(current_skyline_app, labelled_metric_name) if base_name: labelled_metric_base_name = str(base_name) base_name = str(labelled_metric_base_name) except Exception as err: current_logger.error('error :: calculate_features_profile :: get_base_name_from_labelled_metrics_name failed for %s - %s' % ( base_name, err)) if labelled_metric_name: use_base_name = str(labelled_metric_name) timeseries_dir = use_base_name.replace('.', '/') # if context == 'training_data' or context == 'ionosphere': if context in ['training_data', 'ionosphere']: metric_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, timestamp, timeseries_dir) # @added 20200813 - Feature #3670: IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR if context == 'training_data': metric_data_dir_does_not_exist = False if not os.path.exists(metric_data_dir): metric_data_dir_does_not_exist = True if IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR and metric_data_dir_does_not_exist: try: historical_data, metric_data_dir = historical_data_dir_exists(current_skyline_app, metric_data_dir) if historical_data:'create_features_profile :: using historical training data - %s' % metric_data_dir) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() current_logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: create_features_profile :: failed to determine whether this is historical training data' current_logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if context == 'training_data': # Raise to webbapp I believe to provide traceback to user in UI raise return False, False, False, fail_msg, trace if context == 'features_profiles': metric_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER, timeseries_dir, timestamp) # @added 20170113 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn if context == 'ionosphere_learn': metric_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_FOLDER, timestamp, timeseries_dir) # @added 20190327 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # Added ionosphere_echo and ionosphere_echo_check # if context == 'ionosphere_echo' or context == 'ionosphere_echo_check': if context in ['ionosphere_echo', 'ionosphere_echo_check']: metric_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, timestamp, timeseries_dir) # @added 20220910 - Feature #4658: ionosphere.learn_repetitive_patterns if context in ['adhoc', 'learn_repetitive_patterns', 'find_repetitive_patterns']: metric_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR, timestamp, timeseries_dir) features_profile_created_file = '%s/%s.%s.fp.created.txt' % ( metric_data_dir, str(timestamp), use_base_name) features_profile_details_file = '%s/%s.%s.fp.details.txt' % ( metric_data_dir, str(timestamp), use_base_name) # @added 20190327 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles if context == 'ionosphere_echo_check': features_profile_created_file = '%s/%s.%s.echo.fp.created.txt' % ( metric_data_dir, str(timestamp), use_base_name) features_profile_details_file = '%s/%s.%s.echo.fp.details.txt' % ( metric_data_dir, str(timestamp), use_base_name) # @added 20170108 - Feature #1842: Ionosphere - Graphite now graphs # Added metric_check_file and ts_full_duration is needed to be determined # and added the to features_profile_details_file as it was not added here on # the 20170104 when it was added the webapp and ionosphere metric_var_filename = '%s.txt' % str(use_base_name) anomaly_check_file = '%s/%s' % (metric_data_dir, metric_var_filename) ts_full_duration = int(settings.FULL_DURATION) if os.path.isfile(anomaly_check_file): # Read the details file with open(anomaly_check_file, 'r') as f: anomaly_details = f.readlines() for i, line in enumerate(anomaly_details): if 'full_duration' in line: _ts_full_duration = '%s' % str(line).split("'", 2) full_duration_array = literal_eval(_ts_full_duration) ts_full_duration = str(int(full_duration_array[1])) anomaly_json = '%s/%s.json' % (metric_data_dir, use_base_name) # @added 20190327 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # if context == 'ionosphere_echo' or context == 'ionosphere_echo_check': if context in ['ionosphere_echo', 'ionosphere_echo_check']: ts_full_duration = str(settings.FULL_DURATION) full_duration_in_hours = int(settings.FULL_DURATION / 60 / 60) anomaly_json = '%s/%s.mirage.redis.%sh.json' % (metric_data_dir, use_base_name, str(full_duration_in_hours)) ts_csv = '%s/%s.tsfresh.input.csv' % (metric_data_dir, use_base_name) # @added 20190327 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles if context == 'ionosphere_echo_check': ts_csv = '%s/%s.echo.tsfresh.input.csv' % (metric_data_dir, use_base_name) # anomaly_json = '/opt/skyline/ionosphere/data/1480104000/stats/statsd/graphiteStats/calculationtime/stats.statsd.graphiteStats.calculationtime.json' # ts_csv = '/opt/skyline/ionosphere/data/1480104000/stats/statsd/graphiteStats/calculationtime/stats.statsd.graphiteStats.calculationtime.tsfresh.input.csv' # This is simply to stay in line with tsfresh naming conventions in their # docs and examples fname_in = ts_csv t_fname_out = fname_in + '.features.transposed.csv' fp_id = None f_calc = 'unknown' if os.path.isfile(features_profile_details_file): # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context'%s :: features profile details file exist - %s' % ( log_context, features_profile_details_file)) try: with open(features_profile_details_file, 'r') as f: fp_details_str = fp_details_array = literal_eval(fp_details_str) f_calc = ' (previously calculated by Ionosphere) - %s' % str(fp_details_array[2]) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() current_logger.error(trace) # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context current_logger.error( 'error: %s :: failed to read from %s' % (log_context, features_profile_details_file)) else: # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context'%s - OK no features profile details file exists - %s' % ( log_context, features_profile_details_file)) fp_created = None if os.path.isfile(features_profile_created_file): # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context'%s :: features profile created file exist - %s' % ( log_context, features_profile_created_file)) try: with open(features_profile_created_file, 'r') as f: fp_created_str = fp_created_array = literal_eval(fp_created_str) fp_id = fp_created_array[0] fp_created = True except: trace = traceback.format_exc() current_logger.error(trace) # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context current_logger.error( 'error: %s :: failed to read fp_id from %s' % (log_context, features_profile_created_file)) else: # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context'%s :: OK no features profile created file exists - %s' % ( log_context, features_profile_created_file)) if os.path.isfile(t_fname_out): # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context'%s :: transposed features already exist - %s' % ( log_context, t_fname_out)) return str(t_fname_out), True, fp_created, fp_id, 'none', 'none', f_calc start = timer() raw_timeseries = [] if os.path.isfile(anomaly_json): try: # Read the timeseries json file with open(anomaly_json, 'r') as f: raw_timeseries = except: trace = traceback.format_exc() current_logger.error(trace) # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context current_logger.error( 'error: %s :: failed to read timeseries data from %s' % (log_context, anomaly_json)) fail_msg = 'error: %s :: failed to read timeseries data from %s' % (log_context, anomaly_json) end = timer() return 'error', False, fp_created, fp_id, fail_msg, trace, f_calc else: trace = 'none' # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context fail_msg = 'error :: %s :: file not found - %s' % (log_context, anomaly_json) current_logger.error(fail_msg) end = timer() return 'error', False, fp_created, fp_id, fail_msg, trace, f_calc # Convert the timeseries to csv timeseries_array_str = str(raw_timeseries).replace('(', '[').replace(')', ']') del raw_timeseries timeseries = literal_eval(timeseries_array_str) datapoints = timeseries del timeseries converted = [] for datapoint in datapoints: try: new_datapoint = [float(datapoint[0]), float(datapoint[1])] converted.append(new_datapoint) # @modified 20170913 - Task #2160: Test skyline with bandit # Added nosec to exclude from bandit tests except: # nosec continue del datapoints # @added 20220910 - Feature #4658: ionosphere.learn_repetitive_patterns # if context in ['adhoc', 'learn_repetitive_patterns', 'find_repetitive_patterns']: if context == 'adhoc': values_list = [item[1] for item in converted] avg_value = sum(values_list) / len(values_list) del values_list # if avg_value >= IONOSPHERE_REPETITIVE_PATTERNS_MINMAX_AVG_VALUE: if avg_value >= 100000: minmax_timeseries = [] minmax_values = [x[1] for x in converted] x_np = np.asarray(minmax_values) # Min-Max scaling np_minmax = (x_np - x_np.min()) / (x_np.max() - x_np.min()) for (ts, v) in zip(converted, np_minmax): minmax_timeseries.append([ts[0], v]) if minmax_timeseries: converted = list(minmax_timeseries) del minmax_timeseries # @added 20220822 - Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline # Branch #4300: prometheus # Only allow for fp creation if there is sufficient data last_timestamp = int(converted[-1][0]) first_timestamp = int(converted[0][0]) offset = 7200 if int(ts_full_duration) > 86400: offset = 14400 timestamp_limit = last_timestamp - (int(ts_full_duration) - offset) if first_timestamp > timestamp_limit: trace = 'None' fail_msg = 'warning :: %s :: insufficient data to create profile, last_timestamp: %s, ts_full_duration: %s, first_timestamp: %s, timestamp_limit: %s' % ( log_context, str(last_timestamp), str(ts_full_duration), str(first_timestamp), str(timestamp_limit)) current_logger.warning('%s' % fail_msg) return 'error', False, fp_created, fp_id, fail_msg, trace, f_calc if os.path.isfile(ts_csv): os.remove(ts_csv) for ts, value in converted: # print('%s,%s' % (str(int(ts)), str(value))) # utc_ts_line = '%s,%s,%s\n' % (metric, str(int(ts)), str(value)) utc_ts_line = '%s,%s,%s\n' % (use_base_name, str(int(ts)), str(value)) with open(ts_csv, 'a') as fh: fh.write(utc_ts_line) del converted try: df = pd.read_csv(ts_csv, delimiter=',', header=None, names=['metric', 'timestamp', 'value']) # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context'%s :: DataFrame created with %s' % ( log_context, ts_csv)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() current_logger.error(trace) # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context fail_msg = 'error: %s :: failed to create a pandas DataFrame with %s' % (log_context, ts_csv) current_logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if os.path.isfile(ts_csv): os.remove(ts_csv) # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context'%s :: removed %s' % (log_context, ts_csv)) end = timer() return 'error', False, fp_created, fp_id, fail_msg, trace, f_calc # @added 20161207 - Task #1658: Patterning Skyline Ionosphere # Coverting the Dataframe types to suit MySQL data types # For anyone in here if you have done a code review of Skyline there are # a number of questions that arise from the decision to deviate from json or # storing msgppack as BLOB etc. tsfresh used csv and we can csv from Graphite # etc. Skyline should be able to handle csv. As for how data is stored in # MySQL, this was given considerable review and thought. Given that Ionosphere # and Skyline in general should not be limited to the domain of analyzing # Graphite machine metrics but other timeseries data sources too. # df['feature_name'] = df['feature_name'].astype(string) # df['value'] = df['value'].astype(float) # Test the DataFrame try: df_created = df.head() del df_created except: trace = traceback.format_exc() current_logger.debug(trace) # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context fail_msg = 'error: %s :: failed to read the pandas DataFrame created with %s' % (log_context, ts_csv) current_logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if os.path.isfile(ts_csv): os.remove(ts_csv) # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context'%s :: removed %s' % (log_context, ts_csv)) end = timer() return 'error', False, fp_created, fp_id, fail_msg, trace, f_calc df.columns = ['metric', 'timestamp', 'value'] start_feature_extraction = timer() # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context'%s :: starting extract_features with %s' % ( log_context, str(TSFRESH_VERSION))) df_features = False try: # @modified 20161226 - Bug #1822: tsfresh extract_features process stalling # Changed to use the new ReasonableFeatureExtractionSettings that was # introduced in tsfresh-0.4.0 to exclude the computationally high cost # of extracting features from very static timeseries that has little to # no variation is the values, which results in features taking up to # almost 600 seconds to calculate on a timeseries of length 10075 # (168h - 1 datapoint per 60s) # In terms of inline feature calculatation, always exclude # high_comp_cost features. # df_features = extract_features(df, column_id='metric', column_sort='timestamp', column_kind=None, column_value=None) # @modified 20210101 - Task #3928: Update Skyline to use new tsfresh feature extraction method # tsf_settings = ReasonableFeatureExtractionSettings() # >>> from tsfresh.feature_extraction import extract_features, EfficientFCParameters # >>> extract_features(df, default_fc_parameters=EfficientFCParameters()) # Disable tqdm progress bar # @modified 20210101 - Task #3928: Update Skyline to use new tsfresh feature extraction method # tsf_settings.disable_progressbar = True df_features = extract_features( # @modified 20210101 - Task #3928: Update Skyline to use new tsfresh feature extraction method # df, column_id='metric', column_sort='timestamp', column_kind=None, # column_value=None, feature_extraction_settings=tsf_settings) df, default_fc_parameters=EfficientFCParameters(), column_id='metric', column_sort='timestamp', column_kind=None, column_value=None, disable_progressbar=True) # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context'%s :: features extracted from %s data' % ( log_context, ts_csv)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() current_logger.debug(trace) # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context fail_msg = 'error: %s :: extracting features with tsfresh from - %s' % (log_context, ts_csv) current_logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) end_feature_extraction = timer() # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context '%s :: feature extraction failed in %.6f seconds' % ( log_context, (end_feature_extraction - start_feature_extraction))) if os.path.isfile(ts_csv): os.remove(ts_csv) # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context'%s :: removed %s' % (log_context, ts_csv)) end = timer() return 'error', False, fp_created, fp_id, fail_msg, trace, f_calc end_feature_extraction = timer() feature_extraction_time = end_feature_extraction - start_feature_extraction # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context '%s :: feature extraction took %.6f seconds' % (log_context, feature_extraction_time)) del df # write to disk fname_out = fname_in + '.features.csv' # df_features.to_csv(fname_out) # Transpose df_t = False try: df_t = df_features.transpose() # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context'%s :: features transposed' % log_context) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() current_logger.debug(trace) # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context fail_msg = 'error :: %s :: transposing tsfresh features from - %s' % (log_context, ts_csv) current_logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if os.path.isfile(ts_csv): os.remove(ts_csv) # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context'%s :: removed %s' % (log_context, ts_csv)) end = timer() return 'error', False, fp_created, fp_id, fail_msg, trace, f_calc del df_features # Create transposed features csv t_fname_out = fname_in + '.features.transposed.csv' try: df_t.to_csv(t_fname_out) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() current_logger.debug(trace) # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context fail_msg = 'error :: %s :: saving transposed tsfresh features from - %s' % (log_context, ts_csv) current_logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if os.path.isfile(ts_csv): os.remove(ts_csv) # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context'%s :: removed %s' % (log_context, ts_csv)) end = timer() return 'error', False, fp_created, fp_id, fail_msg, trace, f_calc del df_t # Calculate the count and sum of the features values df_sum = False try: df_sum = pd.read_csv( t_fname_out, delimiter=',', header=0, names=['feature_name', 'value']) df_sum.columns = ['feature_name', 'value'] df_sum['feature_name'] = df_sum['feature_name'].astype(str) df_sum['value'] = df_sum['value'].astype(float) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() current_logger.error(trace) # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context current_logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to create Dataframe to sum' % log_context) try: features_count = len(df_sum['value']) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() current_logger.debug(trace) # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context current_logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to count number of features, set to 0' % log_context) features_count = 0 try: features_sum = df_sum['value'].sum() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() current_logger.debug(trace) # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context current_logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to sum feature values, set to 0' % log_context) features_sum = 0 end = timer() # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context'%s :: features saved to %s' % (log_context, fname_out))'%s :: transposed features saved to %s' % ( log_context, t_fname_out)) total_calc_time = '%.6f' % (end - start) calc_time = '%.6f' % (feature_extraction_time)'%s :: total feature profile completed in %s seconds' % ( log_context, str(total_calc_time))) # Create a features profile details file try: # @modified 20170108 - Feature #1842: Ionosphere - Graphite now graphs # Added the ts_full_duration here as it was not added here on the 20170104 # when it was added the webapp and ionosphere data = '[%s, \'%s\', %s, %s, %s, %s]' % ( str(int(time.time())), str(tsfresh_version), str(calc_time), str(features_count), str(features_sum), str(ts_full_duration)) write_data_to_file(current_skyline_app, features_profile_details_file, 'w', data) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() current_logger.error('%s' % trace) # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context fail_msg = 'error :: %s :: failed to write %s' % (log_context, features_profile_details_file) current_logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) del df_sum if os.path.isfile(ts_csv): os.remove(ts_csv) # @modified 20190413 - Bug #2934: Ionosphere - no mirage.redis.24h.json file # Added log_context to report the context'%s :: removed the created csv - %s' % ( log_context, ts_csv)) # @added 20170112 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - Redis namespace # Ionosphere learn needs Redis works sets, but this was moved to # and not done here return str(t_fname_out), True, fp_created, fp_id, 'none', 'none', str(calc_time)