Source code for analyzer.analyzer_labelled_metrics

import logging
    from Queue import Empty
    from queue import Empty
# from redis import StrictRedis
from time import time, sleep, strftime, gmtime
from threading import Thread
from collections import defaultdict
# @modified 20190522 - Task #3034: Reduce multiprocessing Manager list usage
# Use Redis sets in place of Manager().list to reduce memory and number of
# processes
# from multiprocessing import Process, Manager, Queue
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
import os
from os import kill, getpid
from signal import SIGKILL
from math import ceil
import traceback
from sys import exit as sys_exit
import resource
from ast import literal_eval

from random import shuffle
# @added 20220722 - Task #4624: Change all dict copy to deepcopy
import copy

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import memray

from prometheus_client.parser import _parse_labels as parse_labels

import settings
from skyline_functions import (
    mkdir_p, nonNegativeDerivative, get_redis_conn, get_redis_conn_decoded,

# @added 20200425 - Feature #3512: matched_or_regexed_in_list function
#                   Feature #3508: ionosphere.untrainable_metrics
#                   Feature #3486: analyzer_batch
from matched_or_regexed_in_list import matched_or_regexed_in_list

from alerters import trigger_alert
from algorithms import run_selected_algorithm
from algorithm_exceptions import TooShort, Stale, Boring, EmptyTimeseries

from functions.illuminance.add_illuminance_entries import add_illuminance_entries
# from functions.prometheus.metric_name_labels_parser import metric_name_labels_parser
from functions.timeseries.downsample import downsample_timeseries
from functions.timeseries.is_stationary import is_stationary

from functions.graphite.send_graphite_metric import send_graphite_metric
from functions.metrics.get_metric_id_from_base_name import get_metric_id_from_base_name

from functions.timeseries.strictly_increasing_monotonicity import strictly_increasing_monotonicity

# @added 20230329 - Feature #4882: labelled_metrics - resolution and data sparsity
#                   Feature #3870: metrics_manager - check_data_sparsity
from functions.timeseries.determine_data_frequency import determine_data_frequency
from functions.timeseries.determine_data_sparsity import determine_data_sparsity

# @added 20230404 - Feature #4890: analyzer_labelled_metrics - use mrange
from functions.analyzer.get_tenant_id_mrange_split import get_tenant_id_mrange_split

send_algorithm_run_metrics = False
skyline_app = 'analyzer'
skyline_app_thunder_key = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics'

skyline_app_logger = '%sLog' % skyline_app
logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger)
skyline_app_logfile = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app)
skyline_app_loglock = '%s.lock' % skyline_app_logfile
skyline_app_logwait = '%s.wait' % skyline_app_logfile

this_host = str(os.uname()[1])



    if SERVER_METRIC_PATH == '.':

    ANALYZER_ENABLED = True'warning :: ANALYZER_ENABLED is not declared in, defaults to True')

    # @modified 20220722 - Task #4624: Change all dict copy to deepcopy
    CUSTOM_ALGORITHMS = copy.deepcopy(settings.CUSTOM_ALGORITHMS)


# @added 20210513 - Feature #4068: ANALYZER_SKIP
    ANALYZER_SKIP = list(settings.ANALYZER_SKIP)

# @added 20210519 - Feature #4076: CUSTOM_STALE_PERIOD
custom_stale_metrics_hash_key = 'analyzer.metrics_manager.custom_stale_periods'
    # @modified 20220722 - Task #4624: Change all dict copy to deepcopy
    CUSTOM_STALE_PERIOD = copy.deepcopy(settings.CUSTOM_STALE_PERIOD)

# @added 20230404 - Feature #4888: analyzer - load_shedding

skyline_app_graphite_namespace = 'skyline.%s%s' % (skyline_app, SERVER_METRIC_PATH)


# @added 20191107 - Branch #3262: py3
alert_test_file = '%s/%s_alert_test.txt' % (settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR, skyline_app)

# In Skyline a metric is either a counter (derivative) or a gauge
skyline_metric_types = {'COUNTER': 1, 'GAUGE': 0}
skyline_metric_types_by_id = {}
for key in list(skyline_metric_types.keys()):
    skyline_metric_types_by_id[skyline_metric_types[key]] = key

# @added 20230404 - Feature #4888: analyzer - load_shedding
metrics_last_analysis_hash_key = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.metrics.last_analysis_timestamp'

[docs]class AnalyzerLabelledMetrics(Thread): """ The AnalyzerLabelledMetrics class which controls the analyzer_labelled_metrics thread and spawned processes. """ def __init__(self, parent_pid): """ Initialize the AnalyzerLabelledMetrics Create the :obj:`self.exceptions_q` queue Create the :obj:`self.anomaly_breakdown_q` queue """ # super(AnalyzerLabelledMetrics, self).__init__() super().__init__() self.redis_conn = get_redis_conn(skyline_app) self.redis_conn_decoded = get_redis_conn_decoded(skyline_app) self.daemon = True self.parent_pid = parent_pid self.current_pid = getpid() self.exceptions_q = Queue() self.anomaly_breakdown_q = Queue() self.stats_q = Queue() self.new_metrics_q = Queue()
[docs] def check_if_parent_is_alive(self): """ Self explanatory """ try: kill(self.current_pid, 0) kill(self.parent_pid, 0) except: logger.warning('warning :: parent or current process dead') sys_exit(0)
[docs] def spawn_alerter_process(self, alert, metric, context): """ Spawn a process to trigger an alert. This is used by smtp alerters so that matplotlib objects are cleared down and the alerter cannot create a memory leak in this manner and plt.savefig keeps the object in memory until the process terminates. Seeing as data is being surfaced and processed in the alert_smtp context, multiprocessing the alert creation and handling prevents any memory leaks in the parent. Added 20160814 relating to: * Bug #1558: Memory leak in Analyzer * Issue #21 Memory leak in Analyzer see Parameters as per :py:func:`skyline.analyzer.alerters.trigger_alert <analyzer.alerters.trigger_alert>` """ trigger_alert(alert, metric, context)
# Although this could be imported by functions.prometheus.metric_name_labels_parser # memray highlights that the import method generates 1000s of allocations # whereas defined locally incurs none.
[docs] def metric_name_labels_parser(self, metric): """ Given a Prometheus metric string return a dict of the metric name and labels. :param metric: the prometheus metric :type metric: str :return: metric_dict :rtype: dict """ metric_dict = {} metric_name = None try: metric_elements = metric.split('{', 1) metric_name = metric_elements[0] metric_labels_str = metric_elements[1] metric_labels = metric_labels_str.rstrip('}') except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to parse metric %s - %s' % ( str(metric), str(err))) return metric_dict labels = {} try: labels = parse_labels(metric_labels) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to parse labels %s - %s' % ( str(metric), str(err))) return metric_dict metric_dict['metric'] = metric_name metric_dict['labels'] = labels return metric_dict
# @modified 20230404 - Feature #4890: analyzer_labelled_metrics - use mrange # Added filters
[docs] def labelled_metrics_spin_process(self, i_process, assigned_metrics_dict, filters=None): """ Assign a bunch of metrics for a process to analyze. Multiple get the assigned_metrics to the process from Redis. For each metric: - unpack the `raw_timeseries` for the metric. - Analyse each timeseries against `ALGORITHMS` to determine if it is anomalous. - If anomalous add it to the Redis set analyzer.anomalous_metrics - Add what algorithms triggered to the :obj:`self.anomaly_breakdown_q` queue - If :mod:`settings.ENABLE_CRUCIBLE` is ``True``: - Add a crucible data file with the details about the timeseries and anomaly. - Write the timeseries to a json file for crucible. Add keys and values to the queue so the parent process can collate for:\n * :py:obj:`self.anomaly_breakdown_q` * :py:obj:`self.exceptions_q` """ memray_file = '%s/analyzer_labelled_metrics.labelled_metrics_spin_process.%s.bin' % (settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR, str(i_process)) memray_file_last = '%s.last' % memray_file if os.path.isfile(memray_file_last): os.remove(memray_file_last)'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: removed %s' % str(memray_file_last)) if os.path.isfile(memray_file): os.rename(memray_file, memray_file_last)'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: removed %s' % str(memray_file_last)) try: with memray.Tracker(memray_file): def median_absolute_deviation(timeseries): try: series = pd.Series([x[1] for x in timeseries]) median = series.median() demedianed = np.abs(series - median) median_deviation = demedianed.median() except: return None if median_deviation == 0: return False try: test_statistic = demedianed.iat[-1] / median_deviation except: return None if test_statistic > 6: return True return False try: spin_start = time()'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: started process %s' % str(i_process)) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: getting spin_start time failed - %s' % ( err)) spin_start = time() until_timestamp = int(spin_start) from_timestamp = until_timestamp - settings.FULL_DURATION current_aligned_ts = int(until_timestamp // 60 * 60) metric_airgaps = [] metric_airgaps_filled = [] run_negatives_present = False check_for_airgaps_only = False custom_stale_metrics_dict = {} # @added 20230401 - Feature #4886: analyzer - operation_timings # Only sadd once identified_boring_metrics = [] identified_stale_metrics = [] identified_tooshort_metrics = [] last_reported_up = 0 try: last_reported_up = self.redis_conn_decoded.get(skyline_app) if not last_reported_up: last_reported_up = 0 else: last_reported_up = int(float(last_reported_up)) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: Analyzer could not update the Redis %s key - %s' % ( err)) # Check the unique_labelled_metrics list is valid assigned_metrics = list(assigned_metrics_dict.keys()) # @added 20230404 - Feature #4890: analyzer_labelled_metrics - use mrange # Added filters filters_str = None if filters: filters_str = '_tenant_id=(' + ','.join(filters) + ')' # @added 20220504 - Feature #2580: illuminance illuminance_dict = {} # @added 20220919 - Feature #4676: analyzer - illuminance.all key illuminance_all_dict = {} algorithms = {} try: algorithms = self.redis_conn_decoded.hgetall('metrics_manager.algorithms.ids') except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: hgetall metrics_manager.algorithms.ids - %s' % str(err)) # @added 20210513 - Feature #4068: ANALYZER_SKIP analyzer_skip_metrics_skipped = 0 analyzer_skip_metrics = [] if ANALYZER_SKIP:'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: determining ANALYZER_SKIP metrics from analyzer.metrics_manager.analyzer_skip Redis set') try: analyzer_skip_metrics = list(self.redis_conn_decoded.smembers('analyzer.metrics_manager.analyzer_skip')) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to generate a list from analyzer.metrics_manager.analyzer_skip Redis set - %s' % err) analyzer_skip_metrics = [] if analyzer_skip_metrics:'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: removing %s ANALYZER_SKIP metrics from the %s assigned_metrics' % ( str(len(analyzer_skip_metrics)), str(assigned_metrics))) unique_labelled_metrics = list(set(unique_labelled_metrics) - set(analyzer_skip_metrics)) analyzer_skip_metrics_skipped = len(set(analyzer_skip_metrics)) else:'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: did not determine any ANALYZER_SKIP metrics from from analyzer.metrics_manager.analyzer_skip Redis set, will check dynamically') # @added 20190410 - Feature #2916: ANALYZER_ENABLED setting if not ANALYZER_ENABLED: # len_assigned_metrics = len(assigned_metrics)'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: ANALYZER_ENABLED is set to %s removing the %s assigned_metrics' % ( str(ANALYZER_ENABLED), str(len(assigned_metrics)))) assigned_metrics = [] del unique_labelled_metrics # Check if this process is unnecessary if len(assigned_metrics) == 0:'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: 0 assigned metrics, nothing to do') return run_selected_algorithm_count = 0 # Make process-specific dicts exceptions = defaultdict(int) anomaly_breakdown = defaultdict(int) # Surface the last_timeseries_timestamp Redis hash key so that the # timestamps can be compared as Thunder stale_metrics requires all # timestamps for all metrics metrics_last_timeseries_timestamp_update_dict = {} metrics_last_timeseries_timestamp_hash_key = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.last_timeseries_timestamp' metrics_stationary_update_dict = {} metrics_stationary_hash_key = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.stationary_metrics''labelled_metrics_spin_process :: checking %s assigned_metrics' % str(len(assigned_metrics))) metric_type_redis_keys = {} tenant_ids = [] metrics_checked = 0 metrics_analysed = 0 metrics_skipped = 0 mad_analysed = 0 mad_anomalies = 0 anomalies = 0 no_anomalies = 0 stationary = 0 not_stationary = 0 stationary_not_expired = 0 redis_timings = [] redis_full_duration_timings = [] stationary_timings = [] mad_timings = [] downsample_timings = [] threesigma_timings = [] last_analysed_timeseries = [] last_analysed_metric = None mad_anomalous_dict = {} threesigma_anomalous_dict = {} stale_metrics = {} empty_metrics = [] no_new_data_metrics = {} tooshort_metrics = {} metrics_dict = {} not_anomalous_list = [] empty_timeseries_list = [] boring_dict = {} used_metric_id_keys = 0 metric_types_known = { 'COUNTER': {'known': 0, 'looked_up': 0}, 'GAUGE': {'known': 0, 'looked_up': 0}, 'SUMMARY': {'known': 0, 'looked_up': 0}, 'HISTOGRAM': {'known': 0, 'looked_up': 0}, 'UNKNOWN': {'known': 0, 'looked_up': 0}, } metric_subtypes_added = { 'COUNTER': {'COUNTER': 0, 'GAUGE': 0}, 'GAUGE': {'COUNTER': 0, 'GAUGE': 0}, 'SUMMARY': {'COUNTER': 0, 'GAUGE': 0}, 'HISTOGRAM': {'COUNTER': 0, 'GAUGE': 0}, 'UNKNOWN': {'COUNTER': 0, 'GAUGE': 0}, } metric_subtypes_queried = { 'COUNTER': {'COUNTER': 0, 'GAUGE': 0}, 'GAUGE': {'COUNTER': 0, 'GAUGE': 0}, 'SUMMARY': {'COUNTER': 0, 'GAUGE': 0}, 'HISTOGRAM': {'COUNTER': 0, 'GAUGE': 0}, 'UNKNOWN': {'COUNTER': 0, 'GAUGE': 0}, } monotonicity_not_expired = 0 monotonicity_checked = 0 monotonicity_check_per_minute = int(len(assigned_metrics) / (60 * 4)) monotonicity_changed = 0 metrics_type_dict = {} # @added 20230309 - Feature #4864: analyzer_labelled_metrics - exceptions metrics set redis_set_errors = [] # @added 20221229 - Bug #4766: analyzer_labelled_metrics - monotonicity checked incorrect classification # Fetch the data once because with 1000s of new metrics added it # becomes more efficient skyline_labelled_metrics_id_types = {} try: skyline_labelled_metrics_id_types = self.redis_conn_decoded.hgetall('') except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to hgetall - %s' % err) # @added 20230518 - metric_type.longterm_expire skyline_labelled_metrics_id_types_longterm_expire = {} try: skyline_labelled_metrics_id_types_longterm_expire = self.redis_conn_decoded.hgetall('') except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to hgetall - %s' % err) # @added 20230329 - Feature #4882: labelled_metrics - resolution and data sparsity # Feature #3870: metrics_manager - check_data_sparsity resolution_and_sparsity_timings = [] labelled_metrics_resolutions = {} labelled_metrics_sparsity = {} labelled_metrics_resolution_sparsity_last_checked_dict = {} labelled_metrics_resolution_sparsity_checked_dict = {} labelled_metrics_resolution_sparsity_recently_checked = 0 labelled_metrics_resolution_sparsity_last_checked_hash_key = 'labelled_metrics.resolution_sparsity_last_checked' try: labelled_metrics_resolution_sparsity_last_checked_dict = self.redis_conn_decoded.hgetall(labelled_metrics_resolution_sparsity_last_checked_hash_key) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to hgetall %s - %s' % ( labelled_metrics_resolution_sparsity_last_checked_hash_key, err)) labelled_metrics_resolution_sparsity_last_checked_dict = {} # @added 20230404 - Feature #4888: analyzer - load_shedding analyzer_last_run_time = 0 analyzer_last_run_time_timestamp = int(spin_start) load_shedding_active = False if LOAD_SHEDDING_ENABLED:'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: load_shedding_active - checking') try: analyzer_last_run_time = float(self.redis_conn_decoded.hget('analyzer_labelled_metrics.run_time', 'value')) analyzer_last_run_time_timestamp = int(self.redis_conn_decoded.hget('analyzer_labelled_metrics.run_time', 'timestamp')) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: load_shedding_active failed to get keys from analyzer.run_time Redis hash - %s' % err) analyzer_last_run_time = 0 analyzer_last_run_time_timestamp = int(spin_start) if analyzer_last_run_time >= (settings.MAX_ANALYZER_PROCESS_RUNTIME - 5): load_shedding_active = True'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: load_shedding_active set to True because analyzer_last_run_time: %s' % str(analyzer_last_run_time)) if analyzer_last_run_time_timestamp <= (int(spin_start) - (settings.MAX_ANALYZER_PROCESS_RUNTIME + 30)): load_shedding_active = True'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: load_shedding_active set to True because analyzer_last_run_time_timestamp is older than % seconds' % ( str(analyzer_last_run_time_timestamp)))'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: load_shedding_active: %s' % str(load_shedding_active)) last_analysed_ordered_metrics = [] load_shedding_assigned_metrics = [] metrics_last_analysis_dict = {} # If the load_shedding hash exist keep updating it until it expires and # does not exist. If it exists but load_shedding_active is not True the # hash expiry does not get updated it only gets updated if # load_shedding_active is True. This is so that if load_shedding becomes # active on 1 run, but is not active on the next run the hash last # analysis times are still updated for another 4 minutes so that if # load_shedding becomes active in the next 4 minutes, it is not starting # from scratch and will have data to do an ordered analysis on. load_shedding_hash_exists = False last_metrics_last_analysis_dict = {} try: load_shedding_hash_exists = self.redis_conn_decoded.exists(metrics_last_analysis_hash_key) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: load_shedding_active failed to hgetall %s from Redis hash - %s' % (metrics_last_analysis_hash_key, err)) if load_shedding_active or load_shedding_hash_exists: start_load_shedding_get = time() log_str = 'load shedding hash exists' if load_shedding_active: log_str = 'load_shedding_active' try: last_metrics_last_analysis_dict = self.redis_conn_decoded.hgetall(metrics_last_analysis_hash_key)'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: %s got %s metrics last analysed timestamps from %s to reorder %s assigned_metrics' % ( log_str, str(len(last_metrics_last_analysis_dict)), metrics_last_analysis_hash_key, str(len(assigned_metrics)))) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: load_shedding_active failed to hgetall %s from Redis hash - %s' % (metrics_last_analysis_hash_key, err)) if load_shedding_active: start_load_shedding_get = time() assigned_labelled_metrics = [] assigned_labelled_metrics_dict = {} for base_name in assigned_metrics: metric_id = assigned_metrics_dict[base_name]['id'] labelled_metric_name = 'labelled_metrics.%s' % str(metric_id) assigned_labelled_metrics.append(labelled_metric_name) assigned_labelled_metrics_dict[labelled_metric_name] = base_name if metrics_last_analysis_dict: metrics_last_analyzed_timestamp = [[int(timestamp_str), metric] for metric, timestamp_str in metrics_last_analysis_dict.items()] metrics_last_analyzed_timestamp_sorted = sorted(metrics_last_analyzed_timestamp, key=lambda x: x[0]) del metrics_last_analyzed_timestamp del metrics_last_analysis_dict metrics_last_analysis_dict = {} metrics_last_analyzed_timestamp_sorted = [item for item in metrics_last_analyzed_timestamp_sorted if item[1] in assigned_labelled_metrics]'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: load_shedding_active reordered metrics by last analysed timestamp, first metric in list now: %s' % ( str(metrics_last_analyzed_timestamp_sorted[0])))'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: load_shedding_active reordered metrics by last analysed timestamp, last metric in list now: %s' % ( str(metrics_last_analyzed_timestamp_sorted[-1]))) last_analysed_ordered_metrics = [labelled_metric for ts, labelled_metric in metrics_last_analyzed_timestamp_sorted] del metrics_last_analyzed_timestamp_sorted if last_analysed_ordered_metrics: load_shedding_assigned_metrics = [labelled_metric for labelled_metric in last_analysed_ordered_metrics if labelled_metric in assigned_labelled_metrics]'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: load_shedding_last_analysed_ordered_metrics took %s seconds' % str((time() - start_load_shedding_get))) if load_shedding_assigned_metrics:'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: load_shedding_active replacing %s assigned_metrics with %s metrics ordered by last analysed timestamp' % ( str(len(assigned_labelled_metrics)), str(len(load_shedding_assigned_metrics)))) try: set_assigned_metrics = set(assigned_labelled_metrics) set_load_shedding_assigned_metrics = set(load_shedding_assigned_metrics) not_present_metrics_set = set_assigned_metrics.difference(set_load_shedding_assigned_metrics) not_present_metrics = list(not_present_metrics_set) del set_assigned_metrics del set_load_shedding_assigned_metrics del not_present_metrics_set except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: load_shedding_active failed determine not_present_metrics - %s' % err) not_present_metrics = [] if not_present_metrics:'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: load_shedding_active appending %s metrics which had no last analysed timestamp' % ( str(len(not_present_metrics)))) load_shedding_assigned_metrics = load_shedding_assigned_metrics + not_present_metrics del not_present_metrics assigned_metrics = [] for labelled_metric in load_shedding_assigned_metrics: try: assigned_metrics.append(assigned_labelled_metrics_dict[labelled_metric]) except: errors.append([labelled_metric, 'load_shedding assigned_metrics', str(err)]) del load_shedding_assigned_metrics'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: load_shedding_active now %s assigned_metrics' % ( str(len(assigned_metrics)))) # @added 20230404 - Feature #4890: analyzer_labelled_metrics - use mrange # Added filters all_timeseries = [] labelled_metric_in_all_timeseries = [] labelled_metric_and_indices_in_all_timeseries = {} timeseries_not_present_in_all_timeseries = {} if filters_str: filters = [filters_str]'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: calling mrange with filters: %s' % str(filters)) r_start = time() try: all_timeseries = self.redis_conn_decoded.ts().mrange(((until_timestamp - (180 * 60)) * 1000), (until_timestamp * 1000), filters) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to get Redis timeseries with mrange - %s' % ( err)) errors.append(['all_timeseries', 'ts().mrange', str(err)]) all_timeseries = [] redis_timings.append(time() - r_start) if all_timeseries:'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: mrange returned %s timeseries' % str(len(all_timeseries))) labelled_metric_in_all_timeseries = [list(tlist.keys())[0] for tlist in all_timeseries] for index, labelled_metric in enumerate(labelled_metric_in_all_timeseries): labelled_metric_and_indices_in_all_timeseries[labelled_metric] = index # @added 20230404 - Feature #4888: analyzer - load_shedding load_shedding_active_log_stop = False activating_load_shedding = False # @added 20230425 - Feature #4894: labelled_metrics - SKYLINE_FEEDBACK_NAMESPACES feedback_metrics_skipped = [] feedback_labelled_metric_ids = [] analyzer_labelled_metrics_busy = False if settings.SKYLINE_FEEDBACK_NAMESPACES: try: analyzer_labelled_metrics_busy = self.redis_conn_decoded.get('analyzer_labelled_metrics.busy') except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to get analyzer_labelled_metrics.busy Redis key' % ( err)) if analyzer_labelled_metrics_busy:'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: analyzer_labelled_metrics_busy found') try: feedback_labelled_metric_ids = list(self.redis_conn_decoded.smembers('')) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: smembers failed on Redis set - %s' % ( err)) # @added 20230426 - Feature #4724: custom_algorithms - anomalous_daily_peak # Added expiry to record metrics identified as normal by anomalous_daily_peaks normal_daily_peak_metrics_skipped = [] current_now = int(time()) normal_daily_peaks_keys = [] for i in sorted(list(range(1, 3)), reverse=True): key_ts = current_aligned_ts - (60 * i) key = 'mirage.normal_daily_peak_metrics.%s' % str(key_ts) normal_daily_peaks_keys.append(key) normal_daily_peak_metrics_expiry = {} for normal_daily_peaks_key in normal_daily_peaks_keys: try: current_key_data = self.redis_conn_decoded.hgetall(normal_daily_peaks_key) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to hgetall Redis hash %s - %s' % ( str(normal_daily_peaks_key), err)) for labelled_metric in list(current_key_data): expire_at = 0 try: expire_at = int(float(current_key_data[labelled_metric])) except: expire_at = 0 if expire_at: if current_now > expire_at: if labelled_metric in labelled_metric_in_all_timeseries: try: self.redis_conn_decoded.hdel(normal_daily_peaks_key, labelled_metric) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: mirage_labelled_metrics :: failed to remove %s from Redis hash %s - %s' % ( labelled_metric, normal_daily_peaks_key, err)) else: normal_daily_peak_metrics_expiry[labelled_metric] = expire_at'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: surfaced %s metrics currently in anomalous_daily_peak expiry' % str(len(normal_daily_peak_metrics_expiry))) errors = [] for base_name in assigned_metrics: metrics_dict[base_name] = {} self.check_if_parent_is_alive() # @added 20230404 - Feature #4888: analyzer - load_shedding # If load shedding is active and the process in approaching the # MAX_ANALYZER_PROCESS_RUNTIME stop right_now = int(time()) if not activating_load_shedding: if right_now >= (int(spin_start) + (settings.MAX_ANALYZER_PROCESS_RUNTIME - 5)): metrics_done = len(assigned_metrics) - len(metrics_dict) metrics_not_done = len(assigned_metrics) - metrics_done activating_load_shedding = True'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: activating load shedding - approaching MAX_ANALYZER_PROCESS_RUNTIME so stopping, analysed %s metrics of the %s assigned metrics, %s metric not analysed' % ( str(metrics_done), str(len(assigned_metrics)), str(metrics_not_done))) if not load_shedding_active_log_stop and load_shedding_active:'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: load_shedding_active - approaching MAX_ANALYZER_PROCESS_RUNTIME so stopping, analysed %s metrics of the %s assigned metrics, %s metric not analysed' % ( str(metrics_done), str(len(assigned_metrics)), str(metrics_not_done))) load_shedding_active_log_stop = True if activating_load_shedding: metric_id = 0 try: metric_id = assigned_metrics_dict[base_name]['id'] except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to get assigned_metrics_dict for %s - %s' % ( str(base_name), err)) errors.append([base_name, 'assigned_metrics_dict', str(err)]) labelled_metric = 'labelled_metrics.%s' % str(metric_id) if last_metrics_last_analysis_dict: try: last_anlysis_timestamp_str = last_metrics_last_analysis_dict[labelled_metric] if last_anlysis_timestamp_str: metrics_last_analysis_dict[labelled_metric] = int(last_anlysis_timestamp_str) except: metrics_last_analysis_dict[labelled_metric] = int(right_now) - 60 else: metrics_last_analysis_dict[labelled_metric] = int(right_now) - 60 continue metrics_checked += 1 if not metrics_checked % 1000: stats = { 'checked': metrics_checked, 'analysed': metrics_analysed, 'skipped': metrics_skipped, 'mad anomalous': mad_anomalies, 'anomalous': anomalies, 'not anomalous': no_anomalies, 'stationary': stationary, 'not stationary': not_stationary, 'monotonicity_checked': monotonicity_checked, 'monotonicity_changed': monotonicity_changed, # @added 20230426 - Feature #4724: custom_algorithms - anomalous_daily_peak # Added expiry to record metrics identified as normal by anomalous_daily_peaks 'normal_daily_peak_metrics_skipped': len(normal_daily_peak_metrics_skipped), # @added 20230425 - Feature #4894: labelled_metrics - SKYLINE_FEEDBACK_NAMESPACES 'feedback_metrics_skipped': len(feedback_metrics_skipped), }'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: progress: %s' % str(stats)) # @added 20210513 - Feature #4068: ANALYZER_SKIP if ANALYZER_SKIP and not analyzer_skip_metrics: pattern_match, metric_matched_by = matched_or_regexed_in_list('analyzer', base_name, ANALYZER_SKIP) del metric_matched_by if pattern_match: analyzer_skip_metrics_skipped += 1 metrics_skipped += 1 # @added 20230404 - Feature #4888: analyzer - load_shedding metric_id = assigned_metrics_dict[base_name]['id'] labelled_metric = 'labelled_metrics.%s' % str(metric_id) metrics_last_analysis_dict[labelled_metric] = int(right_now) continue # @added 20210520 - Branch #1444: thunder # Added to supplement the ran Report app up if analyzer is just running # long and over running. update_analyzer_up_key = False right_now = int(time()) if not last_reported_up: update_analyzer_up_key = True else: try: if right_now > (last_reported_up + 60): update_analyzer_up_key = True except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: could not determine if last_reported_up time is exceeded - %s' % ( err)) if update_analyzer_up_key: # Report app up try: self.redis_conn.setex(skyline_app_thunder_key, 120, right_now) last_reported_up = right_now except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: could not update the Redis %s key - %s' % ( err)) # labelled_metric = 'labelled_metrics.%s' % str(base_name) # Use the metrics_dict data to optimise when data should be # retrieved and analysed last_ts = 0 try: metric_id = assigned_metrics_dict[base_name]['id'] last_ts = int(float(assigned_metrics_dict[base_name]['last_ts'])) stationary_status = assigned_metrics_dict[base_name]['stationary'] except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to get assigned_metrics_dict for %s - %s' % ( str(base_name), err)) errors.append([base_name, 'assigned_metrics_dict', str(err)]) continue labelled_metric = 'labelled_metrics.%s' % str(metric_id) if metrics_checked == 1: logger.debug('debug :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: %s, metrics_dict: %s' % ( str(base_name), str(assigned_metrics_dict[base_name]))) labelled_metric_by_id = 'labelled_metrics.%s' % str(metric_id) redis_ts_key = labelled_metric_by_id check_id_key = False if check_id_key: try: metrics_id_ts_keys_exists = self.redis_conn_decoded.exists(labelled_metric_by_id) if metrics_id_ts_keys_exists: redis_ts_key = labelled_metric_by_id used_metric_id_keys += 1 except: pass # @added 20230426 - Feature #4724: custom_algorithms - anomalous_daily_peak # Added expiry to record metrics identified as normal by anomalous_daily_peaks normal_daily_peak_expiry = 0 try: normal_daily_peak_expiry = normal_daily_peak_metrics_expiry[labelled_metric] except: normal_daily_peak_expiry = 0 # @added 20230425 - Feature #4894: labelled_metrics - SKYLINE_FEEDBACK_NAMESPACES feedback_metric = False if analyzer_labelled_metrics_busy: if str(metric_id) in feedback_labelled_metric_ids: feedback_metric = True feedback_metric_expiry = 0 if feedback_metric: feedback_key = '' % str(metric_id) try: feedback_metric_expiry = self.redis_conn_decoded.get(feedback_key) except Exception as err: errors.append([labelled_metric, feedback_key, str(err)]) feedback_metric_expiry = 0 timeseries = [] # @added 20230404 - Feature #4890: analyzer_labelled_metrics - use mrange # Added filters and all_timeseries timeseries_not_present = False if all_timeseries: try: all_timeseries_index = labelled_metric_and_indices_in_all_timeseries[labelled_metric] timeseries = all_timeseries[all_timeseries_index][labelled_metric][1] except KeyError:'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: not present in all_timeseries - %s - %s' % ( str(labelled_metric), base_name)) timeseries_not_present_in_all_timeseries[labelled_metric] = base_name timeseries_not_present = True except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to get timeseries from all_timeseries for %s - %s' % ( str(labelled_metric), err)) errors.append([labelled_metric, 'all_timeseries', str(err)]) timeseries = [] # @modified 20230404 - Feature #4890: analyzer_labelled_metrics - use mrange # Added filters and all_timeseries and only query Redis if # the timeseries is not retrieved from all_timeseries if not timeseries and not timeseries_not_present: r_start = time() try: # timeseries = self.redis_conn_decoded.ts().range(labelled_metric, (from_timestamp * 1000), (until_timestamp * 1000)) timeseries = self.redis_conn_decoded.ts().range(redis_ts_key, ((until_timestamp - (180 * 60)) * 1000), (until_timestamp * 1000)) except Exception as err: if str(err) == 'TSDB: the key does not exist': exceptions['TimeseriesDoesNotExist'] += 1 redis_timings.append(time() - r_start) empty_timeseries_list.append(labelled_metric) # @added 20230404 - Feature #4888: analyzer - load_shedding metrics_last_analysis_dict[labelled_metric] = int(right_now) continue logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to get Redis timeseries for %s - %s' % ( str(labelled_metric), err)) errors.append([labelled_metric, 'ts().range', str(err)]) timeseries = [] redis_timings.append(time() - r_start) if not timeseries: metrics_skipped += 1 exceptions['EmptyTimeseries'] += 1 empty_metrics.append(base_name) empty_timeseries_list.append(labelled_metric) # @added 20230404 - Feature #4888: analyzer - load_shedding metrics_last_analysis_dict[labelled_metric] = int(right_now) continue # Convert Redis millisecond timestamps to second timestamps timeseries = [[int(mts / 1000), value] for mts, value in timeseries] last_timeseries_timestamp = 0 try: last_timeseries_timestamp = int(timeseries[-1][0]) except: metrics_skipped += 1 exceptions['EmptyTimeseries'] += 1 empty_metrics.append(base_name) empty_timeseries_list.append(labelled_metric) # @added 20230404 - Feature #4888: analyzer - load_shedding metrics_last_analysis_dict[labelled_metric] = int(right_now) continue if (until_timestamp - last_timeseries_timestamp) >= settings.STALE_PERIOD: metrics_skipped += 1 exceptions['Stale'] += 1 stale_metrics[metric_id] = str(last_timeseries_timestamp) # @added 20230309 - Feature #4864: analyzer_labelled_metrics - exceptions metrics set # @modified 20230401 - Feature #4886: analyzer - operation_timings # Only sadd once identified_stale_metrics.append(str(metric_id)) # try: # self.redis_conn_decoded.sadd('analyzer_labelled_metrics.stale', str(metric_id)) # except Exception as err: # redis_set_errors.append(['analyzer_labelled_metrics.stale', str(err)]) # @added 20230404 - Feature #4888: analyzer - load_shedding metrics_last_analysis_dict[labelled_metric] = int(right_now) continue # TODO: How to not classify as short if the metric stops and starts # again. In analyzer with FULL_DURATION data this is not so much of # an issue, but with 3 hours of data... # if len(timeseries) < 180: # if len(timeseries) < 60: if len(timeseries) < settings.MIN_TOLERABLE_LENGTH: metrics_skipped += 1 exceptions['TooShort'] += 1 tooshort_metrics[base_name] = len(timeseries) # @added 20230309 - Feature #4864: analyzer_labelled_metrics - exceptions metrics set # @modified 20230401 - Feature #4886: analyzer - operation_timings # Only sadd once identified_tooshort_metrics.append(str(metric_id)) # try: # self.redis_conn_decoded.sadd('analyzer_labelled_metrics.tooshort', str(metric_id)) # except Exception as err: # redis_set_errors.append(['analyzer_labelled_metrics.tooshort', str(err)]) # @added 20230404 - Feature #4888: analyzer - load_shedding metrics_last_analysis_dict[labelled_metric] = int(right_now) continue # Maintain a Redis hash key of the last timestamp of all metrics and # only update the hash key if the timestamp is recent. This Redis # hash key is pruned in metrics_manager when an entry has a # timestamp older that now - FULL_DURATION # Thunder stale_metrics check requires all metrics to have their # timestamps recorded in the hash key update_last_timestamp_hash_key = False if last_ts: if last_ts < last_timeseries_timestamp: update_last_timestamp_hash_key = True else: update_last_timestamp_hash_key = True if update_last_timestamp_hash_key: metrics_last_timeseries_timestamp_update_dict[metric_id] = last_timeseries_timestamp else: # No new data since last analysis metrics_skipped += 1 exceptions['NoNewData'] += 1 no_new_data_metrics[metric_id] = last_timeseries_timestamp # @added 20230404 - Feature #4888: analyzer - load_shedding metrics_last_analysis_dict[labelled_metric] = int(right_now) continue # Get rid of boring series boring = False if len(set(item[1] for item in timeseries[-settings.MAX_TOLERABLE_BOREDOM:])) == settings.BOREDOM_SET_SIZE: # metrics_skipped += 1 exceptions['Boring'] += 1 boring = True # Class boring as analysed # continue # @added 20230309 - Feature #4864: analyzer_labelled_metrics - exceptions metrics set # @modified 20230401 - Feature #4886: analyzer - operation_timings # Only sadd once identified_boring_metrics.append(str(metric_id)) # try: # self.redis_conn_decoded.sadd('analyzer_labelled_metrics.boring', str(metric_id)) # except Exception as err: # redis_set_errors.append(['analyzer_labelled_metrics.boring', str(err)]) metric_type_redis_key = None metric_dict = {} try: metric_dict = assigned_metrics_dict[base_name]['metric_dict'] except: metric_dict = {} if not metric_dict: try: # metric_dict = metric_name_labels_parser(skyline_app, base_name) metric_dict = self.metric_name_labels_parser(base_name) if metric_dict: metrics_dict[base_name]['metric_dict'] = metric_dict except Exception as err: err_msg = '%s - %s' % (err, traceback.format_exc()) errors.append([labelled_metric, 'metric_name_labels_parser', str(err_msg)]) metrics_skipped += 1 exceptions['LabelsError'] += 1 # @added 20230404 - Feature #4888: analyzer - load_shedding metrics_last_analysis_dict[labelled_metric] = int(right_now) continue try: metric_name = metric_dict['metric'] tenant_id = metric_dict['labels']['_tenant_id'] server_id = metric_dict['labels']['_server_id'] metric_type_redis_key = 'metrics_manager.prometheus.metrics_type.%s.%s' % (str(tenant_id), str(server_id)) tenant_ids.append(tenant_id) except Exception as err: errors.append([labelled_metric, 'parsing metric_dict', str(err)]) metrics_skipped += 1 exceptions['metricDict'] += 1 # @added 20230404 - Feature #4888: analyzer - load_shedding metrics_last_analysis_dict[labelled_metric] = int(right_now) continue determine_monotonic = False calculate_derivative = False metric_type_known = False # The metric_subtype allows for SUMMARY and HISTOGRAM metrics # to be defined as COUNTER or GAUGE metrics due to the fact # that these metrics can be COUNTERs or GAUGES metric_subtype = None add_metric_subtype = False metric_type = None try: # metric_type = metrics_dict[base_name]['type'] metric_type = metric_dict['type'] except: metric_type = None if not metric_type: try: metric_type = metrics_dict[base_name]['type'] except: metric_type = None in_labelled_metrics_id_types = False try: in_labelled_metrics_id_types = metric_dict['in_labelled_metrics_id_types'] except: in_labelled_metrics_id_types = False if metric_type: metric_types_known[metric_type]['known'] += 1 # There is an issue in Prometheus metric types in so far as # developers will not always adhere to metric typing rules # and in some exporter you will find COUNTER and GAUGE # metrics in the same metric namespace. To overcome this # analyzer periodically checks the metrics and identifies # the skyline_metric_type, because the Prometheus metadata # cannot be trusted. if not metric_type: try: # @modified 20221229 - Bug #4766: analyzer_labelled_metrics - monotonicity checked incorrect classification # Fetch the data once because with 1000s of new metrics added it # becomes more efficient # metric_type_id_str = self.redis_conn_decoded.hget('', str(metric_id)) metric_type_id_str = skyline_labelled_metrics_id_types[str(metric_id)] if metric_type_id_str: metric_type = skyline_metric_types_by_id[int(metric_type_id_str)] except Exception as err: err_msg = 'hgetall' errors.append([labelled_metric, err_msg, str(err)]) if metric_type: metric_subtype = str(metric_type) metric_types_known[metric_type]['looked_up'] += 1 # metric_type = 'COUNTER' if not metric_type and metric_type_redis_key: if metric_type_redis_key not in list(metric_type_redis_keys.keys()): metric_type_redis_key_dict = None try: metric_type_redis_key_dict = self.redis_conn_decoded.hgetall(metric_type_redis_key) except Exception as err: err_msg = 'hgetall %s' % metric_type_redis_key errors.append([labelled_metric, err_msg, str(err)]) metric_type_redis_keys[metric_type_redis_key] = metric_type_redis_key_dict try: metric_type = metric_type_redis_keys[metric_type_redis_key][metric_name] if metric_type: metrics_dict[base_name]['type'] = metric_type if metric_type in ['COUNTER', 'GAUGE']: metrics_type_dict[metric_id] = skyline_metric_types[metric_type] metric_types_known[metric_type]['looked_up'] += 1 except: metric_type = None # TODO - function to determine monotonic and add to hash, remember to remove id # from the hash when metric becomes inactive. Probably best to do in metrics_manager if metric_type == 'COUNTER': metric_subtype = str(metric_type) calculate_derivative = True metric_type_known = True if metric_type == 'GAUGE': metric_subtype = str(metric_type) calculate_derivative = False metric_type_known = True metric_subtype_redis_key = 'metrics_manager.prometheus.metrics_subtype.%s.%s' % (str(tenant_id), str(server_id)) if metric_type in ['SUMMARY', 'HISTOGRAM', None]: try: metric_subtype = self.redis_conn_decoded.hget(metric_subtype_redis_key, str(metric_id)) except Exception as err: errors.append([labelled_metric, metric_subtype_redis_key, str(err)]) if metric_subtype == 'None': metric_subtype = None if not metric_subtype: add_metric_subtype = True else: if not metric_type: # metric_type = 'UNKNOWN' metric_type = None try: metric_subtypes_queried['UNKNOWN'][metric_subtype] += 1 except Exception as err: msg = 'subtype queried update dict: metric_subtypes_queried[%s][%s]' % (str(metric_type), str(metric_subtype)) errors.append([labelled_metric, msg, str(err)]) if metric_subtype and not metric_type: metric_type = str(metric_subtype) if not metric_subtype: determine_monotonic = True # Periodically check metric monotonicity every 4 hours if monotonicity_checked < monotonicity_check_per_minute: continue_check = True # Do not check not older than 1 hour try: if timeseries[0][0] > (until_timestamp - 3600): continue_check = False except: continue_check = False # @modified 20221228 - Bug #4766: analyzer_labelled_metrics - monotonicity checked incorrect classification # The timeseries length could be less than 180 if a few # data points are missed. Using MIN_TOLERABLE_LENGTH # if len(timeseries) < 180: # continue_check = False if boring: continue_check = False # @added 20230426 - Feature #4724: custom_algorithms - anomalous_daily_peak # Added expiry to record metrics identified as normal by anomalous_daily_peaks if normal_daily_peak_expiry: continue_check = False # @added 20230425 - Feature #4894: labelled_metrics - SKYLINE_FEEDBACK_NAMESPACES if feedback_metric_expiry: continue_check = False if continue_check: monotonicity_last_checked = None check_monotonicity = False try: monotonicity_last_checked = int(float(self.redis_conn_decoded.hget('analyzer_labelled_metrics.monotonicity_last_checked', str(metric_id)))) except: monotonicity_last_checked = None if not monotonicity_last_checked: check_monotonicity = True if monotonicity_last_checked: if monotonicity_last_checked < (until_timestamp - (3600 * 4)): check_monotonicity = True if check_monotonicity: determine_monotonic = True # DISABLED # @modified 20221228 - Bug #4766: analyzer_labelled_metrics - monotonicity checked incorrect classification # RE-ENABLED # if int(metric_id) != 12060: # determine_monotonic = False else: monotonicity_not_expired += 1 if add_metric_subtype: determine_monotonic = True # @added 20230426 - Feature #4724: custom_algorithms - anomalous_daily_peak # Added expiry to record metrics identified as normal by anomalous_daily_peaks if normal_daily_peak_expiry: determine_monotonic = False # @added 20230425 - Feature #4894: labelled_metrics - SKYLINE_FEEDBACK_NAMESPACES if feedback_metric_expiry: determine_monotonic = False # @added 20230518 - metric_type.longterm_expire # Do not overwrite longterm metric_type classifications metric_type_longterm_expire = None if determine_monotonic and skyline_labelled_metrics_id_types_longterm_expire: try: metric_type_longterm_expire = skyline_labelled_metrics_id_types_longterm_expire[str(metric_id)] except KeyError: metric_type_longterm_expire = None except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to determine expire_str from skyline_labelled_metrics_id_types_longterm_expire - %s' % err) if metric_type_longterm_expire: determine_monotonic = False if determine_monotonic: monotonicity_checked += 1 is_strictly_increasing_monotonicity = False try: is_strictly_increasing_monotonicity = strictly_increasing_monotonicity(timeseries) except Exception as err: errors.append([labelled_metric, 'is_strictly_increasing_monotonicity', str(err)]) try: monotonicity_last_checked = self.redis_conn_decoded.hset('analyzer_labelled_metrics.monotonicity_last_checked', str(metric_id), str(until_timestamp)) except: pass if is_strictly_increasing_monotonicity: calculate_derivative = True if metric_type != 'COUNTER': logger.debug('debug :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: monotonicity changed for %s, from type: %s to COUNTER - %s' % ( str(metric_id), str(metric_type), str(assigned_metrics_dict[base_name]))) metric_type = 'COUNTER' monotonicity_changed += 1 if metric_subtype != 'COUNTER': logger.debug('debug :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: monotonicity changed for %s, from subtype: %s to COUNTER' % ( str(metric_id), str(metric_subtype))) metric_subtype = 'COUNTER' add_metric_subtype = True monotonicity_changed += 1 metric_type = 'COUNTER' metric_subtype = 'COUNTER' else: calculate_derivative = False if metric_type != 'GAUGE': logger.debug('debug :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: monotonicity changed for %s, from type: %s to GAUGE - %s' % ( str(metric_id), str(metric_type), str(assigned_metrics_dict[base_name]))) metric_type = 'GAUGE' monotonicity_changed += 1 if metric_subtype != 'GAUGE': logger.debug('debug :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: monotonicity changed for %s, from subtype: %s to GAUGE' % ( str(metric_id), str(metric_subtype))) metric_subtype = 'GAUGE' monotonicity_changed += 1 add_metric_subtype = True metric_type = 'GAUGE' metric_subtype = 'GAUGE' if add_metric_subtype: try: self.redis_conn_decoded.hset(metric_subtype_redis_key, str(metric_id), metric_subtype) # metric_subtypes_added += 1 metric_subtypes_added[metric_type][metric_subtype] += 1 except Exception as err: errors.append([labelled_metric, 'metric_subtype', str(err)]) if metric_subtype == 'COUNTER': calculate_derivative = True # Add type to dict for metrics_manager to update if metric_type in ['COUNTER', 'GAUGE']: metrics_type_dict[metric_id] = skyline_metric_types[metric_type] if metric_subtype in ['COUNTER', 'GAUGE']: metrics_type_dict[metric_id] = skyline_metric_types[metric_subtype] if not in_labelled_metrics_id_types and not boring: if metric_subtype: metrics_type_dict[metric_id] = skyline_metric_types[metric_subtype] if calculate_derivative and not boring: try: timeseries = nonNegativeDerivative(timeseries) except Exception as err: errors.append([labelled_metric, 'nonNegativeDerivative timeseries', str(err)]) check_for_anomalous = True if boring: check_for_anomalous = False boring_dict[metric_id] = str(timeseries[-1][1]) # @added 20230426 - Feature #4724: custom_algorithms - anomalous_daily_peak # Added expiry to record metrics identified as normal by anomalous_daily_peaks if normal_daily_peak_expiry: check_for_anomalous = False normal_daily_peak_metrics_skipped.append(metric_id) last_analysed_timeseries = list(timeseries) last_analysed_metric = base_name # @added 20230425 - Feature #4894: labelled_metrics - SKYLINE_FEEDBACK_NAMESPACES if feedback_metric_expiry: check_for_anomalous = False feedback_metrics_skipped.append(metric_id) last_analysed_timeseries = list(timeseries) last_analysed_metric = base_name # @added 20230404 - Feature #4888: analyzer - load_shedding metrics_last_analysis_dict[labelled_metric] = int(right_now) mad_anomalous = None use_mad = False metrics_analysed += 1 # Only check if stationary every ~30 minutes stationary_status = None if check_for_anomalous: try: stationary_status = assigned_metrics_dict[base_name]['stationary']['v'] stationary_last_checked = int(assigned_metrics_dict[base_name]['stationary']['ts']) # Only do 1000 stationary tests per run if len(stationary_timings) < 1000: if stationary_last_checked < (current_aligned_ts - 1800): stationary_status = None else: stationary_not_expired += 1 else: stationary_not_expired += 1 except: stationary_status = None try: if str(stationary_status) == 'None': s_start = time() stationary_status = is_stationary(timeseries) stationary_timings.append(time() - s_start) value_data = '%s,%s' % (str(stationary_status), str(current_aligned_ts)) metrics_stationary_update_dict[str(metric_id)] = value_data if stationary_status: stationary += 1 use_mad = True else: not_stationary += 1 except Exception as err: errors.append([labelled_metric, 'is_stationary', str(err)]) if use_mad: m_start = time() try: mad_anomalous = median_absolute_deviation(timeseries) mad_analysed += 1 if str(mad_anomalous) == 'False': check_for_anomalous = False if mad_anomalous: mad_anomalies += 1 mad_anomalous_dict[base_name] = str(timeseries) except Exception as err: errors.append([labelled_metric, 'median_absolute_deviation', str(err)]) mad_timings.append(time() - m_start) last_analysed_timeseries = list(timeseries) last_analysed_metric = base_name full_duration_timeseries = [] if check_for_anomalous: r_start = time() try: full_duration_timeseries = self.redis_conn_decoded.ts().range(redis_ts_key, (from_timestamp * 1000), (until_timestamp * 1000)) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to get Redis full_duration timeseries for %s - %s' % ( str(labelled_metric), err)) errors.append([labelled_metric, 'ts().range', str(err)]) full_duration_timeseries = [] redis_full_duration_timings.append(time() - r_start) if not full_duration_timeseries: check_for_anomalous = False else: timeseries = full_duration_timeseries timeseries = [[int(mts / 1000), value] for mts, value in timeseries] # @added 20230329 - Feature #4882: labelled_metrics - resolution and data sparsity # Feature #3870: metrics_manager - check_data_sparsity # Handling the populating of the labelled_metrics data # sparsity directly in analyzer_labelled_metrics to # prevent having to surface the data in metrics_manager # if the sparsity has been recently updated. Running # the determine_data_frequency and the # determine_data_sparsity functions, combined together # take 77.1 µs (microseconds) to run, this means that # we can process ~12970 timeseries per seconds with # these functions. if check_for_anomalous: update_resolution_and_sparsity = False last_sparsity_check_timestamp = 0 try: last_sparsity_check_timestamp_str = labelled_metrics_resolution_sparsity_last_checked_dict[str(metric_id)] if last_sparsity_check_timestamp_str: last_sparsity_check_timestamp = int(float(last_sparsity_check_timestamp_str)) if (last_sparsity_check_timestamp + 1800) > int(r_start): update_resolution_and_sparsity = True else: labelled_metrics_resolution_sparsity_recently_checked += 1 except: last_sparsity_check_timestamp = 0 update_resolution_and_sparsity = True if update_resolution_and_sparsity: start_resolution_and_sparsity_timing = time() metric_resolution = 0 data_sparsity = None try: metric_resolution, timestamp_resolutions_count = determine_data_frequency(skyline_app, timeseries, False) except Exception as err: errors.append([labelled_metric, 'determine_data_frequency', str(err)]) metric_resolution = 0 if metric_resolution: labelled_metrics_resolutions[str(metric_id)] = metric_resolution try: data_sparsity = determine_data_sparsity(skyline_app, timeseries, resolution=metric_resolution, log=False) except Exception as err: errors.append([labelled_metric, 'determine_data_sparsity', str(err)]) data_sparsity = None if isinstance(data_sparsity, float): labelled_metrics_sparsity[str(metric_id)] = data_sparsity labelled_metrics_resolution_sparsity_checked_dict[str(metric_id)] = int(right_now) resolution_and_sparsity_timings.append(time() - start_resolution_and_sparsity_timing) anomalous = None ensemble = [] datapoint = None algorithms_run = [] # @added 20221228 - Bug #4766: analyzer_labelled_metrics - monotonicity checked incorrect classification # Always check the monotonicity of the timeseries when it # moves to the full_duration analysis and update the Redis # sets as appropriate. # if check_for_anomalous and metric_type != 'COUNTER' and metric_subtype != 'COUNTER': # @modified 20230518 - metric_type.longterm_expire # Do not overwrite longterm metric_type classifications # if full_duration_timeseries: if full_duration_timeseries and not metric_type_longterm_expire: monotonicity_checked += 1 is_strictly_increasing_monotonicity = False try: is_strictly_increasing_monotonicity = strictly_increasing_monotonicity(full_duration_timeseries) except Exception as err: errors.append([labelled_metric, 'is_strictly_increasing_monotonicity', str(err)]) try: monotonicity_last_checked = self.redis_conn_decoded.hset('analyzer_labelled_metrics.monotonicity_last_checked', str(metric_id), str(until_timestamp)) except: pass add_metric_subtype = False if is_strictly_increasing_monotonicity: calculate_derivative = True if metric_type != 'COUNTER': logger.debug('debug :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: full_duration monotonicity changed for %s, from type: %s to COUNTER - %s' % ( str(metric_id), str(metric_type), str(assigned_metrics_dict[base_name]))) metric_type = 'COUNTER' monotonicity_changed += 1 if metric_subtype != 'COUNTER': logger.debug('debug :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: full_duration monotonicity changed for %s, from subtype: %s to COUNTER' % ( str(metric_id), str(metric_subtype))) metric_subtype = 'COUNTER' add_metric_subtype = True metric_type = 'COUNTER' metric_subtype = 'COUNTER' else: # @added 20230517 - Bug #4766: analyzer_labelled_metrics - monotonicity checked incorrect classification # Handle changes from COUNTER to GAUGE as well if metric_type != 'GAUGE': logger.debug('debug :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: full_duration monotonicity changed for %s, from type: %s to GAUGE - %s' % ( str(metric_id), str(metric_type), str(assigned_metrics_dict[base_name]))) metric_type = 'GAUGE' monotonicity_changed += 1 if metric_subtype != 'GAUGE': logger.debug('debug :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: full_duration monotonicity changed for %s, from subtype: %s to GAUGE' % ( str(metric_id), str(metric_subtype))) metric_subtype = 'GAUGE' add_metric_subtype = True metric_subtype = 'GAUGE' metric_type = 'GAUGE' if add_metric_subtype: try: self.redis_conn_decoded.hset(metric_subtype_redis_key, str(metric_id), metric_subtype) metric_subtypes_added[metric_type][metric_subtype] += 1 except Exception as err: errors.append([labelled_metric, 'metric_subtype', str(err)]) if metric_subtype == 'COUNTER': calculate_derivative = True # Add type to dict for metrics_manager to update if metric_type in ['COUNTER', 'GAUGE']: metrics_type_dict[metric_id] = skyline_metric_types[metric_type] if metric_subtype in ['COUNTER', 'GAUGE']: metrics_type_dict[metric_id] = skyline_metric_types[metric_subtype] if check_for_anomalous: run_selected_algorithm_count += 1 d_start = time() try: downsampled_timeseries = downsample_timeseries('analyzer', timeseries, 60, 600, 'mean', 'end') except Exception as err: errors.append([labelled_metric, 'downsample_timeseries', str(err)]) downsampled_timeseries = list(timeseries) downsample_timings.append(time() - d_start) # Calculate the derivate AFTER downsampling if check_for_anomalous and calculate_derivative: if downsampled_timeseries: try: downsampled_timeseries = nonNegativeDerivative(downsampled_timeseries) except Exception as err: errors.append([labelled_metric, 'nonNegativeDerivative downsampled_timeseries', str(err)]) t_start = time() try: anomalous, ensemble, datapoint, negatives_found, algorithms_run = run_selected_algorithm(downsampled_timeseries, base_name, metric_airgaps, metric_airgaps_filled, run_negatives_present, check_for_airgaps_only, custom_stale_metrics_dict) try: del negatives_found except: pass # It could have been deleted by the Roomba except TypeError: exceptions['DeletedByRoomba'] += 1 except EmptyTimeseries: exceptions['EmptyTimeseries'] += 1 empty_timeseries_list.append(labelled_metric) except TooShort: exceptions['TooShort'] += 1 # @added 20230309 - Feature #4864: analyzer_labelled_metrics - exceptions metrics set # @modified 20230401 - Feature #4886: analyzer - operation_timings # Only sadd once identified_tooshort_metrics.append(str(metric_id)) # try: # self.redis_conn_decoded.sadd('analyzer_labelled_metrics.tooshort', str(metric_id)) # except Exception as err: # redis_set_errors.append(['analyzer_labelled_metrics.tooshort', str(err)]) except Stale: exceptions['Stale'] += 1 # @added 20230309 - Feature #4864: analyzer_labelled_metrics - exceptions metrics set # @modified 20230401 - Feature #4886: analyzer - operation_timings # Only sadd once identified_stale_metrics.append(str(metric_id)) # try: # self.redis_conn_decoded.sadd('analyzer_labelled_metrics.stale', str(metric_id)) # except Exception as err: # redis_set_errors.append(['analyzer_labelled_metrics.stale', str(err)]) except Boring: exceptions['Boring'] += 1 # @added 20230309 - Feature #4864: analyzer_labelled_metrics - exceptions metrics set # @modified 20230401 - Feature #4886: analyzer - operation_timings # Only sadd once identified_boring_metrics.append(str(metric_id)) # try: # self.redis_conn_decoded.sadd('analyzer_labelled_metrics.boring', str(metric_id)) # except Exception as err: # redis_set_errors.append(['analyzer_labelled_metrics.boring', str(err)]) except Exception as err: exceptions['Other'] += 1 errors.append([labelled_metric, 'run_selected_algorithm - Other', str(err)]) threesigma_timings.append(time() - t_start) # @added 20220919 - Feature #4676: analyzer - illuminance.all key if ensemble.count(True) > 0: triggered_algorithms = [] for index, value in enumerate(ensemble): if value: algorithm = algorithms_run[index] try: algorithm_id = int(algorithms[algorithm]) except: algorithm_id = 0 triggered_algorithms.append(algorithm_id) try: illuminance_all_dict[str(metric_id)] = { # 't': int(metric_timestamp), 't': int(last_timeseries_timestamp), 'v': float(datapoint), 'a': triggered_algorithms} except Exception as err: errors.append([labelled_metric, 'failed to add illuminance_all_dict', str(err)]) if not anomalous: no_anomalies += 1 try: data = [metric_id, last_timeseries_timestamp] not_anomalous_list.append(str(data)) except Exception as err: errors.append([labelled_metric, 'not_anomalous_list', str(err)]) continue anomalies += 1 threesigma_anomalous_dict[base_name] = str(timeseries) if calculate_derivative: try: timeseries = nonNegativeDerivative(timeseries) except Exception as err: errors.append([labelled_metric, 'nonNegativeDerivative timeseries', str(err)]) # Handle single value timeseries. The second timestamp in the # timeseries was used because the first timestamp in a # nonNegativeDerivative timeseries has no value. try: from_timestamp = int(timeseries[1][0]) except: try: from_timestamp = int(timeseries[0][0]) except: # Failover to last_timeseries_timestamp from_timestamp = last_timeseries_timestamp metric_timestamp = last_timeseries_timestamp triggered_algorithms_for_waterfall_alert = [] for index, value in enumerate(ensemble): if value: algorithm = algorithms_run[index] triggered_algorithms_for_waterfall_alert.append(algorithm) waterfall_panorama_data_added_at = until_timestamp waterfall_panorama_data_source = 'redistimeseries' waterfall_panorama_data = [ base_name, datapoint, from_timestamp, metric_timestamp, algorithms_run, triggered_algorithms_for_waterfall_alert, skyline_app, waterfall_panorama_data_source, this_host, waterfall_panorama_data_added_at ] metric = [datapoint, base_name, metric_timestamp] redis_set = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.real_anomalous_metrics' data = str(metric) try: self.redis_conn.sadd(redis_set, data) self.redis_conn.expire(redis_set, 120) except Exception as err: errors.append([labelled_metric, 'sadd analyzer_labelled_metrics.real_anomalous_metrics', str(err)]) # Get the anomaly breakdown - who returned True? triggered_algorithms = [] for index, value in enumerate(ensemble): if value: algorithm = algorithms_run[index] anomaly_breakdown[algorithm] += 1 triggered_algorithms.append(algorithm) metric_data = [datapoint, base_name, metric_timestamp, triggered_algorithms, algorithms_run] metric_data = { 'metric': base_name, 'metric_id': int(metric_id), 'metric_dict': metrics_dict[base_name], 'from_timestamp': from_timestamp, 'timestamp': metric_timestamp, 'value': datapoint, 'triggered_algorithms': triggered_algorithms, 'algorithms_run': algorithms_run, 'snab_only_check': False, 'processed_by': { 'analyzer_labelled_metrics': { 'timestamp': int(time()), 'triggered_algorithms': triggered_algorithms, 'algorithms_run': algorithms_run, 'waterfall_panorama_data': waterfall_panorama_data, 'process_number': i_process, }, }, } redis_set = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.anomalous_metrics' try: self.redis_conn.sadd(redis_set, str(metric_data)) self.redis_conn.expire(redis_set, 120) except Exception as err: errors.append([labelled_metric, 'sadd analyzer_labelled_metrics.anomalous_metrics', str(err)]) # Add ionosphere data # timeseries_dir = str(metric_id) # timeseries_dir = base_name.replace('.', '/') timeseries_dir = labelled_metric.replace('.', '/') training_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, str(metric_timestamp), str(timeseries_dir)) if not os.path.exists(training_dir): mkdir_p(training_dir) full_duration_in_hours = int(settings.FULL_DURATION) / 3600 ionosphere_json_file = '%s/%s.mirage.redis.%sh.json' % ( training_dir, str(labelled_metric), str(int(full_duration_in_hours))) if not os.path.isfile(ionosphere_json_file): # Do not use the downsample_timeseries as there are only # ~144 data points which is not sufficient for echo # features profiles or motif matching # timeseries_json = str(downsampled_timeseries).replace('[', '(').replace(']', ')') timeseries_json = str(timeseries).replace('[', '(').replace(']', ')') try: write_data_to_file(skyline_app, ionosphere_json_file, 'w', timeseries_json) if VERBOSE_LOGGING:'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: added Ionosphere Mirage %sh Redis data timeseries json file :: %s' % ( str(int(full_duration_in_hours)), ionosphere_json_file)) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to add Ionosphere Mirage Redis data timeseries json file - %s - %s' % ( ionosphere_json_file, err)) # @added 20200904 - Feature #3734: waterfall alerts added_to_waterfall_timestamp = int(time()) # [metric, timestamp, value, added_to_waterfall_timestamp, waterfall_panorama_data] waterfall_data = [labelled_metric, metric_timestamp, datapoint, added_to_waterfall_timestamp, waterfall_panorama_data] redis_set = 'analyzer.waterfall_alerts.sent_to_mirage' # Only add to waterfall_alerts if it is not # a snab_only_check snab_only_check = False if not snab_only_check: try: self.redis_conn.sadd(redis_set, str(waterfall_data)) # if VERBOSE_LOGGING:'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: added to Redis set %s - %s' % (redis_set, str(waterfall_data))) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to add %s to Redis set %s - %s' % ( str(waterfall_data), str(redis_set), e)) redis_hash = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.mirage_check' hash_key = '%s.%s' % (str(metric_id), str(int(time()))) try: self.redis_conn.hset(redis_hash, hash_key, str(metric_data))'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: added mirage check for %s with metric_data: %s' % ( str(labelled_metric), str(metric_data))) except Exception as err: errors.append([labelled_metric, 'hset analyzer_labelled_metrics.to_mirage', metric_data, str(err)]) # @added 20220504 - Feature #2580: illuminance try: illuminance_dict[str(metric_id)] = { 'timestamp': int(metric_timestamp), 'value': float(datapoint), 'triggered_algorithms_count': len(triggered_algorithms)} except Exception as err: errors.append([labelled_metric, 'failed to add illuminance_dict', str(err)]) # FINISH HERE FOR NOW continue if not_anomalous_list: redis_set = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.not_anomalous_metrics''labelled_metrics_spin_process :: adding %s metric ids to %s' % ( str(len(not_anomalous_list)), redis_set)) try: items_added = self.redis_conn.sadd(redis_set, *not_anomalous_list)'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: added %s metric ids to %s' % ( str(items_added), redis_set)) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to sadd to %s Redis set - %s' % ( redis_set, err)) errors.append(['labelled_metrics_spin_process', 'sadd analyzer_labelled_metrics.not_anomalous_metrics', str(err)]) if empty_timeseries_list: redis_set = 'redistimeseries_roomba.metrics_to_remove''labelled_metrics_spin_process :: adding %s metrics to %s' % ( str(len(empty_timeseries_list)), redis_set)) try: items_added = self.redis_conn.sadd(redis_set, *empty_timeseries_list)'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: added %s metrics to %s' % ( str(items_added), redis_set)) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to sadd to %s Redis set - %s' % ( redis_set, err)) errors.append(['labelled_metrics_spin_process', 'sadd redistimeseries_roomba.metrics_to_remove', str(err)]) if boring_dict: redis_set = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.boring.%s' % str(current_aligned_ts)'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: adding %s metrics to %s' % ( str(len(boring_dict)), redis_set)) try: items_added = self.redis_conn.hset(redis_set, mapping=boring_dict)'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: added %s metrics to %s' % ( str(items_added), redis_set)) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to hset to %s Redis set - %s' % ( redis_set, err)) errors.append(['labelled_metrics_spin_process', 'hset analyzer_labelled_metrics.boring', str(err)]) try: self.redis_conn.expire(redis_set, 120) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to expire to %s Redis set - %s' % ( redis_set, err))'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: metric_subtypes_added: %s' % str(metric_subtypes_added))'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: metric_subtypes_queried: %s' % str(metric_subtypes_queried))'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: metric_types_known: %s' % str(metric_types_known)) stats = { 'checked': metrics_checked, 'analysed': metrics_analysed, 'skipped': metrics_skipped, 'anomalous': anomalies, 'not anomalous': no_anomalies, 'redis timings': sum(redis_timings), 'redis_timings_count': len(redis_timings), 'redis full_duration timings': sum(redis_full_duration_timings), 'stationary analysed': len(stationary_timings), 'stationary': stationary, 'not stationary': not_stationary, 'stationary timing': sum(stationary_timings), 'stationary not expired': stationary_not_expired, 'mad analysed': mad_analysed, 'mad anomalous': mad_anomalies, 'mad timings': sum(mad_timings), 'downsampled': len(downsample_timings), 'downsample timings': sum(downsample_timings), '3sigma analysed': run_selected_algorithm_count, '3sigma timings': sum(threesigma_timings), 'monotonicity_checked': monotonicity_checked, 'monotonicity_changed': monotonicity_changed, 'resolution_and_sparsity_timings': sum(resolution_and_sparsity_timings), # @added 20230426 - Feature #4724: custom_algorithms - anomalous_daily_peak # Added expiry to record metrics identified as normal by anomalous_daily_peaks 'normal_daily_peak_metrics_skipped': len(normal_daily_peak_metrics_skipped), # @added 20230425 - Feature #4894: labelled_metrics - SKYLINE_FEEDBACK_NAMESPACES 'feedback_metrics_skipped': len(feedback_metrics_skipped), }'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: complete: %s' % str(stats)) for kkey, value in stats.items(): self.stats_q.put((kkey, value))'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: used %s metric id Redis ts keys' % str(used_metric_id_keys))'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: completed with %s errors' % str(len(errors))) if errors:'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: sample error: %s' % str(errors[0])) # @added 20230309 - Feature #4864: analyzer_labelled_metrics - exceptions metrics set if redis_set_errors: errors = redis_set_errors + errors sadd_errors = [] if errors: error_set = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.errors.%s' % str(current_aligned_ts) errors_strs = [] for error_list in errors: errors_strs.append(str(error_list)) try: self.redis_conn_decoded.sadd(error_set, *errors_strs) except Exception as err: sadd_errors.append(['errors_strs', 'sadd analyzer_labelled_metrics.errors', str(err)]) if not sadd_errors:'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: updated %s Redis set with %s errors' % ( len(errors), error_set)) else: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to sadd to %s Redis set with %s errors, last err - %s' % ( error_set, str(len(sadd_errors)), err)) try: self.redis_conn_decoded.expire(error_set, 120) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to expire %s Redis set - %s' % ( error_set, err))'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: %s metrics run through run_selected_algorithm' % ( str(run_selected_algorithm_count))) # @added 20220420 - Feature #4530: namespace.analysed_events namespace_analysed = defaultdict(int) for tenant_id in tenant_ids: parent_namespace = tenant_id namespace_analysed[parent_namespace] += 1 date_string = str(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', gmtime())) namespace_analysed_events_hash = 'namespace.analysed_events.%s.%s' % (skyline_app, date_string) for namespace in list(namespace_analysed.keys()): try: self.redis_conn.hincrby(namespace_analysed_events_hash, namespace, namespace_analysed[namespace]) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to increment %s Redis hash - %s' % ( namespace_analysed_events_hash, err)) try: self.redis_conn.expire(namespace_analysed_events_hash, (86400 * 15))'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: updated %s Redis hash' % namespace_analysed_events_hash) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to set expire %s Redis hash - %s' % ( namespace_analysed_events_hash, err)) # Add values to the queue so the parent process can collate for kkey, value in anomaly_breakdown.items(): self.anomaly_breakdown_q.put((kkey, value)) for kkey, value in exceptions.items(): self.exceptions_q.put((kkey, value)) if len(illuminance_dict) > 0:'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: calling add_illuminance_entries with %s entries to add' % ( str(len(illuminance_dict)))) current_illuminance_dict = {} try: current_illuminance_dict = add_illuminance_entries(self, skyline_app, int(spin_start), illuminance_dict) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: add_illuminance_entries failed - %s' % ( err))'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: illuminance Redis hash now has %s entries' % ( str(len(current_illuminance_dict)))) # @added 20220919 - Feature #4676: analyzer - illuminance.all key if len(illuminance_all_dict) > 0:'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: calling add_illuminance_entries (all) with %s entries to add' % ( str(len(illuminance_all_dict)))) current_illuminance_all_dict = {} try: current_illuminance_all_dict = add_illuminance_entries(self, skyline_app, int(spin_start), illuminance_all_dict) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: add_illuminance_entries (all) failed - %s' % ( err))'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: illuminance_all Redis hash now has %s entries' % ( str(len(current_illuminance_all_dict)))) if metrics_last_timeseries_timestamp_update_dict: hash_key = metrics_last_timeseries_timestamp_hash_key hash_dict = metrics_last_timeseries_timestamp_update_dict'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: updating %s Redis hash with %s metrics' % ( hash_key, str(len(hash_dict)))) try: self.redis_conn.hset(hash_key, mapping=hash_dict) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to update %s Redis hash - %s' % ( hash_key, err)) if metrics_stationary_update_dict: hash_key = metrics_stationary_hash_key hash_dict = metrics_stationary_update_dict'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: updating %s Redis hash with %s metrics' % ( hash_key, str(len(hash_dict)))) try: self.redis_conn.hset(hash_key, mapping=hash_dict) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to update %s Redis hash - %s' % ( hash_key, err)) if last_analysed_timeseries and i_process == 1: last_analysed_timeseries_data = [last_analysed_metric, last_analysed_timeseries] try: self.redis_conn.setex('analyzer_labelled_metrics.last_analysed_timeseries', 300, str(last_analysed_timeseries_data)) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to set analyzer_labelled_metrics.last_analysed_timeseries Redis key - %s' % ( err)) if mad_anomalous_dict and i_process == 1: hash_key = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.last_mad_anomalous.%s' % str(current_aligned_ts) try: self.redis_conn.hset(hash_key, mapping=mad_anomalous_dict) self.redis_conn.expire(hash_key, 300) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to set %s Redis hash - %s' % ( hash_key, err)) if threesigma_anomalous_dict: hash_key = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.last_3sigma_anomalous.%s.%s' % (str(i_process), str(current_aligned_ts)) try: self.redis_conn.hset(hash_key, mapping=threesigma_anomalous_dict) self.redis_conn.expire(hash_key, 1800) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to set %s Redis hash - %s' % ( hash_key, err)) if empty_metrics: hash_key = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.empty_metrics.%s' % str(current_aligned_ts) try: self.redis_conn.sadd(hash_key, *empty_metrics) self.redis_conn.expire(hash_key, 120) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to sadd %s Redis set - %s' % ( hash_key, err)) record_stale_metrics = True if record_stale_metrics: if stale_metrics: hash_key = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.stale_metrics.%s' % str(current_aligned_ts) try: self.redis_conn.hset(hash_key, mapping=stale_metrics) self.redis_conn.expire(hash_key, 120) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to set %s Redis hash - %s' % ( hash_key, err)) if tooshort_metrics: hash_key = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.tooshort_metrics.%s' % str(current_aligned_ts) try: self.redis_conn.hset(hash_key, mapping=tooshort_metrics) self.redis_conn.expire(hash_key, 120) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to set %s Redis hash - %s' % ( hash_key, err)) record_no_new_data_metrics = True if record_no_new_data_metrics: if no_new_data_metrics: hash_key = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.no_new_data_metrics.%s' % str(current_aligned_ts) try: self.redis_conn.hset(hash_key, mapping=no_new_data_metrics) self.redis_conn.expire(hash_key, 120) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to set %s Redis hash - %s' % ( hash_key, err))'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: adding %s metrics to Redis hash' % ( str(len(metrics_type_dict)))) if metrics_type_dict: hash_key = '' try: self.redis_conn.hset(hash_key, mapping=metrics_type_dict) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to set %s Redis hash - %s' % ( hash_key, err)) # @added 20230517 - Bug #4766: analyzer_labelled_metrics - monotonicity checked incorrect classification # If any metrics have changed monotonicity set a key to update the metric_type # in the parent process if monotonicity_changed: try: self.redis_conn_decoded.setex('', 60, monotonicity_changed) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to create Redis key - %s' % ( err)) # @added 20230329 - Feature #4882: labelled_metrics - resolution and data sparsity # Feature #3870: metrics_manager - check_data_sparsity if labelled_metrics_resolution_sparsity_checked_dict:'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: checked resolution and sparsity for %s metrics' % ( str(len(labelled_metrics_resolution_sparsity_checked_dict)))) if labelled_metrics_resolutions: hash_key = 'labelled_metrics.metric_resolutions' try: self.redis_conn.hset(hash_key, mapping=labelled_metrics_resolutions)'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: updated %s metrics in %s Redis hash' % ( str(len(labelled_metrics_resolutions)), hash_key)) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to set %s Redis hash - %s' % ( hash_key, err)) if labelled_metrics_sparsity: hash_key = 'labelled_metrics.data_sparsity' try: self.redis_conn.hset(hash_key, mapping=labelled_metrics_sparsity)'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: updated %s metrics in %s Redis hash' % ( str(len(labelled_metrics_sparsity)), hash_key)) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to set %s Redis hash - %s' % ( hash_key, err)) if labelled_metrics_resolution_sparsity_recently_checked:'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: resolution and sparsity not checked on %s metrics that have been recently checked' % ( str(labelled_metrics_resolution_sparsity_recently_checked))) if labelled_metrics_resolution_sparsity_checked_dict: hash_key = str(labelled_metrics_resolution_sparsity_last_checked_hash_key) try: self.redis_conn.hset(hash_key, mapping=labelled_metrics_resolution_sparsity_checked_dict) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to set %s Redis hash - %s' % ( hash_key, err)) # @modified 20230401 - Feature #4886: analyzer - operation_timings # Only sadd once if identified_boring_metrics:'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: sadding %s identified_boring_metrics to analyzer_labelled_metrics.boring Redis set' % ( str(len(identified_boring_metrics)))) try: self.redis_conn_decoded.sadd('analyzer_labelled_metrics.boring', *set(identified_boring_metrics)) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to sadd identified_boring_metrics to analyzer_labelled_metrics.boring Redis set - %s' % ( err)) if identified_stale_metrics:'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: sadding %s identified_stale_metrics to analyzer_labelled_metrics.stale Redis set' % ( str(len(identified_stale_metrics)))) try: self.redis_conn_decoded.sadd('analyzer_labelled_metrics.stale', *set(identified_stale_metrics)) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to sadd identified_stale_metrics to analyzer_labelled_metrics.stale Redis set - %s' % ( err)) if identified_tooshort_metrics:'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: sadding %s identified_tooshort_metrics to analyzer_labelled_metrics.tooshort Redis set' % ( str(len(identified_tooshort_metrics)))) try: self.redis_conn_decoded.sadd('analyzer_labelled_metrics.tooshort', *set(identified_tooshort_metrics)) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to sadd identified_tooshort_metrics to analyzer_labelled_metrics.tooshort Redis set - %s' % ( err)) # @added 20230405 - Feature #4890: analyzer_labelled_metrics - use mrange # Added filters and all_timeseries if timeseries_not_present_in_all_timeseries: current_aligned_ts = int(int(spin_start) // 60 * 60) hash_key = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.timeseries_not_present_in_all_timeseries.%s' % str(current_aligned_ts)'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: adding %s metrics to Redis %s hash key' % ( str(len(timeseries_not_present_in_all_timeseries)), hash_key)) try: self.redis_conn_decoded.hset(hash_key, mapping=timeseries_not_present_in_all_timeseries) self.redis_conn_decoded.expire(hash_key, 180)'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: added %s metrics to Redis %s hash key' % ( str(len(timeseries_not_present_in_all_timeseries)), hash_key)) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to set %s hash key - %s' % ( hash_key, err)) # @added 20230404 - Feature #4888: analyzer - load_shedding if load_shedding_active or activating_load_shedding or load_shedding_hash_exists: if metrics_last_analysis_dict: try: self.redis_conn_decoded.hset(metrics_last_analysis_hash_key, mapping=metrics_last_analysis_dict)'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: load shedding - updated %s analysis timestamps in Redis analyzer.metrics.last_analysis hash key' % ( str(len(metrics_last_analysis_dict)))) if load_shedding_active: # The load_shedding hash only has the expiry set if load # shedding is active, not if the hash is only being updated. self.redis_conn_decoded.expire(metrics_last_analysis_hash_key, 300)'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: load_shedding_active - set expire to 300 on Redis analyzer.metrics.last_analysis hash key') except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to update analysis timestamp in Redis analyzer.metrics.last_analysis hash key - %s' % err) try: key_ttl = self.redis_conn_decoded.ttl(metrics_last_analysis_hash_key) if key_ttl == -1: self.redis_conn_decoded.expire(metrics_last_analysis_hash_key, 300)'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: set the unset expire TTL on Redis analyzer.metrics.last_analysis hash key to 300') except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to set the unset expire TTL on Redis analyzer.metrics.last_analysis hash key - %s' % err) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: error in memray with block - %s' % ( err))'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: %s metrics had monotonicity_checked and %s changed' % ( str(monotonicity_checked), str(monotonicity_changed))) spin_end = time() - spin_start'labelled_metrics_spin_process :: process %s took %.2f seconds' % (str(i_process), spin_end)) return
[docs] def run(self): """ - Called when the process intializes. - Determine if Redis is up and discover the number of `unique metrics`. - Divide the `unique_labelled_metrics` between the number of `ANALYZER_LABELLED_METRICS_PROCESSES` and assign each process a set of metrics to analyse for anomalies. - Wait for the processes to finish. - Determine whether if any anomalous metrics require: - Alerting on (and set `EXPIRATION_TIME` key in Redis for alert). - Feed to another module e.g. mirage. - Alert to syslog. - Populate the webapp json with the anomalous_metrics details. - Log the details about the run to the skyline analyzer log. - Send skyline.analyzer metrics to `GRAPHITE_HOST` """ # Log management to prevent overwriting # Allow the bin/<skyline_app>.d to manage the log now = time() log_wait_for = now + 5 while now < log_wait_for: if os.path.isfile(skyline_app_loglock): sleep(.1) now = time() else: now = log_wait_for + 1'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: starting') if os.path.isfile(skyline_app_loglock): logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: bin/%s.d log management seems to have failed, continuing' % skyline_app) else:'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: bin/%s.d log management done' % skyline_app) if not os.path.exists(settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR): # @modified 20160803 - Adding additional exception handling to Analyzer try: mkdir_p(settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to create %s' % settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR) def smtp_trigger_alert(alert, metric, context): # Spawn processes pids = [] spawned_pids = [] pid_count = 0 try: p = Process(target=self.spawn_alerter_process, args=(alert, metric, context)) pids.append(p) pid_count += 1 p.start() spawned_pids.append( except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to spawn_alerter_process') p_starts = time() while time() - p_starts <= 15: if any(p.is_alive() for p in pids): # Just to avoid hogging the CPU sleep(.1) else: # All the processes are done, break now. break else: # We only enter this if we didn't 'break' above.'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: timed out, killing the spawn_trigger_alert process') for p in pids: p.terminate() # p.join() for p in pids: if p.is_alive():'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: stopping spawn_trigger_alert - %s' % (str(p.is_alive()))) p.join() # Discover unique labelled_metrics'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: memory usage before loading unique labelled_metrics - %s' % str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)) unique_labelled_metrics = [] try: unique_labelled_metrics = list(self.redis_conn_decoded.smembers('labelled_metrics.unique_labelled_metrics')) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: could not get the unique_labelled_metrics list from labelled_metrics.unique_labelled_metrics Redis set - %s' % err)'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: memory usage after loading unique labelled_metrics - %s' % str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss))'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: memory usage before loading aet.metrics_manager.metric_names_with_ids - %s' % str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)) metric_names_with_ids_key = 'aet.metrics_manager.metric_names_with_ids' metric_names_with_ids = {} try: metric_names_with_ids = self.redis_conn_decoded.hgetall(metric_names_with_ids_key) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to hgetall aet.metrics_manager.metric_names_with_ids Redis hash key %s - %s' % ( err))'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: memory usage after loading aet.metrics_manager.metric_names_with_ids - %s' % str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)) metric_ids_with_metric_key = 'aet.metrics_manager.active_labelled_ids_with_metric' metric_ids_with_name = {} try: metric_ids_with_name = self.redis_conn_decoded.hgetall(metric_ids_with_metric_key) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to hgetall aet.metrics_manager.active_labelled_ids_with_metric Redis hash key %s - %s' % ( err)) if not metric_ids_with_name: for base_name in metric_names_with_ids: metric_id = metric_names_with_ids[base_name] metric_ids_with_name[metric_id] = base_name'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: memory usage after loading aet.metrics_manager.active_labelled_ids_with_metric - %s' % str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss))'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: memory usage before creating labelled_metrics_id_types - %s' % str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)) labelled_metrics_id_types = {} try: labelled_metrics_id_types = self.redis_conn_decoded.hgetall('') except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to hgetall Redis hash key %s - %s' % ( err))'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: memory usage after creating labelled_metrics_id_types - %s' % str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)) # @added 20230404 - Feature #4890: analyzer_labelled_metrics - use mrange # Added filters tenant_ids_with_count = {} tenant_ids_base_names = {} tenant_ids_labelled_metrics = {}'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: memory usage before creating metrics_and_labels_dict - %s' % str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)) metrics_and_labels_dict = {} metric_type_redis_keys_list = [] errors = [] for labelled_metric in unique_labelled_metrics: metric_id = labelled_metric.replace('labelled_metrics.', '', 1) try: base_name = metric_ids_with_name[str(metric_id)] except: continue metric_dict = {} try: # metric_dict = metric_name_labels_parser(skyline_app, base_name) metric_dict = self.metric_name_labels_parser(base_name) if metric_dict: metrics_and_labels_dict[base_name] = metric_dict try: tenant_id = metric_dict['labels']['_tenant_id'] server_id = metric_dict['labels']['_server_id'] metric_type_redis_key = 'metrics_manager.prometheus.metrics_type.%s.%s' % (str(tenant_id), str(server_id)) metric_type_redis_keys_list.append(metric_type_redis_key) # @added 20230404 - Feature #4890: analyzer_labelled_metrics - use mrange # Added filters try: tenant_ids_with_count[tenant_id] += 1 tenant_ids_base_names[tenant_id].append(base_name) tenant_ids_labelled_metrics[tenant_id].append(labelled_metric) except: tenant_ids_with_count[tenant_id] = 1 tenant_ids_base_names[tenant_id] = [base_name] tenant_ids_labelled_metrics[tenant_id] = [labelled_metric] except: pass except Exception as err: err_msg = '%s - %s' % (err, traceback.format_exc()) errors.append([labelled_metric, 'metric_name_labels_parser', str(err_msg)]) metric_type = None in_labelled_metrics_id_types = False try: metric_type_id_str = labelled_metrics_id_types[str(metric_id)] if metric_type_id_str: in_labelled_metrics_id_types = True if metric_type_id_str == '1': metric_type = 'COUNTER' if metric_type_id_str == '0': metric_type = 'GAUGE' except: metric_type = None try: metrics_and_labels_dict[base_name]['type'] = metric_type except Exception as err: err_msg = '%s - %s' % (err, traceback.format_exc()) errors.append([labelled_metric, 'adding metric type to metrics_and_labels_dict', str(err_msg)]) try: metrics_and_labels_dict[base_name]['in_labelled_metrics_id_types'] = in_labelled_metrics_id_types except Exception as err: err_msg = '%s - %s' % (err, traceback.format_exc()) errors.append([labelled_metric, 'adding in_labelled_metrics_id_types to metrics_and_labels_dict', str(err_msg)]) if errors: logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: metric_name_labels_parser encountered %s errors, sample: %s' % ( str(len(errors)), str(errors[0])))'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: memory usage after creating metrics_and_labels_dict - %s' % str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss))'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: memory usage before creating metric_type_redis_keys - %s' % str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)) metric_type_redis_keys = {} metric_type_redis_keys_list = list(set(metric_type_redis_keys_list)) errors = [] for metric_type_redis_key in metric_type_redis_keys_list: if metric_type_redis_key not in list(metric_type_redis_keys.keys()): metric_type_redis_key_dict = None try: metric_type_redis_key_dict = self.redis_conn_decoded.hgetall(metric_type_redis_key) except Exception as err: err_msg = 'hgetall %s' % metric_type_redis_key errors.append([metric_type_redis_key, err_msg, str(err)]) metric_type_redis_keys[metric_type_redis_key] = metric_type_redis_key_dict if errors: logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: metric_name_labels_parser encountered %s errors, sample: %s' % ( str(len(errors)), str(errors[0]))) for base_name in list(metrics_and_labels_dict.keys()): metric_type = None try: metric_type = metrics_and_labels_dict[base_name]['type'] except: metric_type = None if metric_type: continue try: metric_type = metric_type_redis_keys[metric_type_redis_key][metrics_and_labels_dict[base_name]['metric_name']] if metric_type: metrics_and_labels_dict[base_name]['type'] = metric_type except: # Do not default to COUNTER # metrics_and_labels_dict[base_name]['type'] = 'COUNTER' metrics_and_labels_dict[base_name]['type'] = None'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: memory usage after determining metric types from metric_type_redis_keys - %s' % str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)) fetch_new_metrics = False no_id_metrics = [] while 1: now = time()'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: memory usage at beginning of run - %s' % str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)) # Make sure Redis is up try: except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: cannot ping Redis at socket path %s, reconnect will be attempted in 10 seconds - %s' % (settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH, err)) sleep(10) try: self.redis_conn = get_redis_conn(skyline_app) self.redis_conn_decoded = get_redis_conn_decoded(skyline_app) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: cannot connect to get_redis_conn - %s' % err) continue # Report app up try: # Report app AND Redis as up redis_is_up = self.redis_conn.setex(skyline_app_thunder_key, 120, now) if redis_is_up: try: self.redis_conn.setex('redis', 120, now) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: could not update the Redis redis key - %s' % ( err)) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: could not update the Redis %s key - %s' % ( skyline_app, err)) # Discover unique labelled_metrics try: unique_labelled_metrics = list(self.redis_conn_decoded.smembers('labelled_metrics.unique_labelled_metrics')) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: could not get the unique_labelled_metrics list from labelled_metrics.unique_labelled_metrics Redis set - %s' % err) sleep(10) continue unique_labelled_metrics_count = len(unique_labelled_metrics) if unique_labelled_metrics_count == 0:'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: no labelled_metrics in redis try adding some') sleep(10) continue # If there are ANALYZER_SKIP metrics declare shuffle the metrics # so that the load is distributed evenly between the processes # rather than 1 process getting all the metrics to skip if ANALYZER_SKIP and ANALYZER_LABELLED_METRICS_PROCESSES > 1:'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: ANALYZER_SKIP set shuffling unique_labelled_metrics') shuffle(unique_labelled_metrics)'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: memory usage before creating metrics_last_timeseries_timestamp_dict - %s' % str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)) metrics_last_timeseries_timestamp_dict = {} metrics_last_timeseries_timestamp_hash_key = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.last_timeseries_timestamp' try: metrics_last_timeseries_timestamp_dict = self.redis_conn_decoded.hgetall(metrics_last_timeseries_timestamp_hash_key) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to create metrics_last_timeseries_timestamp_dict from Redis hash key %s - %s' % ( metrics_last_timeseries_timestamp_hash_key, err))'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: memory usage after creating metrics_last_timeseries_timestamp_dict - %s' % str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)) # @added 20230517 - Bug #4766: analyzer_labelled_metrics - monotonicity checked incorrect classification # If any metrics have changed monotonicity update the metric_type update_labelled_metrics_id_type = False try: update_labelled_metrics_id_type = self.redis_conn_decoded.exists('') except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: exists failed on Redis key - %s' % ( err)) if update_labelled_metrics_id_type:'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: exists reloading to use new metric_type from monotonicity changes') try: self.redis_conn_decoded.delete('') except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to delete key from Redis - %s' % ( err))'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: memory usage before updating labelled_metrics_id_types because exists - %s' % str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)) try: labelled_metrics_id_types = self.redis_conn_decoded.hgetall('') except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to hgetall Redis hash key - %s' % ( err))'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: memory usage after creating labelled_metrics_id_types - %s' % str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)) errors = [] for metric_id_str in list(labelled_metrics_id_types.keys()): base_name = None try: base_name = metric_ids_with_name[metric_id_str] except: continue metric_type = None in_labelled_metrics_id_types = False try: metric_type_id_str = labelled_metrics_id_types[str(metric_id_str)] if metric_type_id_str: in_labelled_metrics_id_types = True if metric_type_id_str == '1': metric_type = 'COUNTER' if metric_type_id_str == '0': metric_type = 'GAUGE' except: metric_type = None if metric_type: try: metrics_and_labels_dict[base_name]['type'] = metric_type except Exception as err: err_msg = '%s - %s' % (err, traceback.format_exc()) errors.append([labelled_metric, 'adding metric type to metrics_and_labels_dict', str(err_msg)]) try: metrics_and_labels_dict[base_name]['in_labelled_metrics_id_types'] = in_labelled_metrics_id_types except Exception as err: err_msg = '%s - %s' % (err, traceback.format_exc()) errors.append([labelled_metric, 'adding in_labelled_metrics_id_types to metrics_and_labels_dict', str(err_msg)]) if len(list(metrics_and_labels_dict.keys())) < unique_labelled_metrics_count: fetch_new_metrics = True if no_id_metrics: fetch_new_metrics = True if fetch_new_metrics: try: metric_names_with_ids = self.redis_conn_decoded.hgetall(metric_names_with_ids_key) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to hgetall aet.metrics_manager.metric_names_with_ids Redis hash key %s - %s' % ( err)) try: metric_ids_with_name = self.redis_conn_decoded.hgetall(metric_ids_with_metric_key) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to hgetall aet.metrics_manager.active_labelled_ids_with_metric Redis hash key %s - %s' % ( err)) if not metric_ids_with_name: for base_name in list(metric_names_with_ids.keys()): metric_id = metric_names_with_ids[base_name] metric_ids_with_name[metric_id] = base_name if fetch_new_metrics: new_metrics = [] metric_type_redis_keys_list = [] errors = [] for labelled_metric in unique_labelled_metrics: metric_id = labelled_metric.replace('labelled_metrics.', '', 1) try: base_name = metric_ids_with_name[str(metric_id)] except: continue # base_name = labelled_metric.replace('labelled_metrics.', '', 1) metric_dict = {} try: metric_dict = metrics_and_labels_dict[base_name] except: metric_dict = {} metric_type = None try: metric_type = metric_dict['type'] except: metric_type = None if not metric_type: try: # metric_dict = metric_name_labels_parser(skyline_app, base_name) metric_dict = self.metric_name_labels_parser(base_name) if metric_dict: try: metrics_and_labels_dict[base_name] = {} metrics_and_labels_dict[base_name] = metric_dict tenant_id = metric_dict['labels']['_tenant_id'] server_id = metric_dict['labels']['_server_id'] metric_type_redis_key = 'metrics_manager.prometheus.metrics_type.%s.%s' % (str(tenant_id), str(server_id)) metric_type_redis_keys_list.append(metric_type_redis_key) new_metrics.append(base_name) # @added 20230404 - Feature #4890: analyzer_labelled_metrics - use mrange # Added filters try: tenant_ids_with_count[tenant_id] += 1 tenant_ids_base_names[tenant_id].append(base_name) tenant_ids_labelled_metrics[tenant_id].append(labelled_metric) except: tenant_ids_with_count[tenant_id] = 1 tenant_ids_base_names[tenant_id] = [base_name] tenant_ids_labelled_metrics[tenant_id] = [labelled_metric] except: pass except Exception as err: err_msg = '%s - %s' % (err, traceback.format_exc()) errors.append([labelled_metric, 'metric_name_labels_parser', str(err_msg)]) if errors: logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: metric_name_labels_parser encountered %s errors, sample: %s' % ( str(len(errors)), str(errors[0]))) metric_type_redis_keys_list = list(set(metric_type_redis_keys_list)) errors = [] for metric_type_redis_key in metric_type_redis_keys_list: if metric_type_redis_key not in metric_type_redis_keys: metric_type_redis_key_dict = None try: metric_type_redis_key_dict = self.redis_conn_decoded.hgetall(metric_type_redis_key) except Exception as err: err_msg = 'hgetall %s' % metric_type_redis_key errors.append([metric_type_redis_key, err_msg, str(err)]) metric_type_redis_keys[metric_type_redis_key] = metric_type_redis_key_dict if errors: logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: metric_name_labels_parser encountered %s errors, sample: %s' % ( str(len(errors)), str(errors[0]))) for base_name in new_metrics: try: metric_type = metric_type_redis_keys[metric_type_redis_key][metrics_and_labels_dict[base_name]['metric_name']] if metric_type: metrics_and_labels_dict[base_name]['type'] = metric_type except: # metrics_and_labels_dict[base_name]['type'] = 'COUNTER' metrics_and_labels_dict[base_name]['type'] = None'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: memory usage before creating stationary_metrics_dict - %s' % str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)) stationary_metrics_dict = {} stationary_metrics_hash_key = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.stationary_metrics' try: stationary_metrics_dict = self.redis_conn_decoded.hgetall(stationary_metrics_hash_key) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to hgetall %s Redis hash key - %s' % ( stationary_metrics_hash_key, err))'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: memory usage after creating stationary_metrics_dict - %s' % str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)) # Discover assigned metrics keys_per_processor = int(ceil(float(unique_labelled_metrics_count) / float(ANALYZER_LABELLED_METRICS_PROCESSES))) # @added 20230404 - Feature #4890: analyzer_labelled_metrics - use mrange # Added filters try: filters_dict = get_tenant_id_mrange_split(self, ANALYZER_LABELLED_METRICS_PROCESSES, tenant_ids_with_count) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: get_tenant_id_mrange_split failed - %s' % err) filters_dict = {}'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: filters_dict: %s' % str(filters_dict)) no_id_metrics = [] # @added 20230123 - Task #2732: Prometheus to Skyline # Branch #4300: prometheus # all_db_base_names = {} # all_db_base_names_with_ids = {} # all_db_ids_with_base_names = {} # Spawn processes pids = [] spawned_pids = [] pid_count = 0 for i_process in range(1, ANALYZER_LABELLED_METRICS_PROCESSES + 1): if i_process > unique_labelled_metrics_count: logger.warning('warning :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: skyline is set for more cores than needed.')'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: memory usage before starting process - %s' % str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)) if i_process == ANALYZER_LABELLED_METRICS_PROCESSES: assigned_max = unique_labelled_metrics_count else: assigned_max = min(unique_labelled_metrics_count, i_process * keys_per_processor) # Fix analyzer worker metric assignment #94 # @languitar:worker-fix assigned_min = (i_process - 1) * keys_per_processor assigned_keys = range(assigned_min, assigned_max) # Compile assigned metrics error_logged = False assigned_metrics = [unique_labelled_metrics[index] for index in assigned_keys] # @added 20230404 - Feature #4890: analyzer_labelled_metrics - use mrange # Added filters assigned_filter_metrics = [] filters_list = [] if filters_dict: filter_key = i_process - 1 try: filters_list = filters_dict[filter_key] except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to determine filters_dict[%s] from filters_dict - %s' % ( str(filter_key), err)) filters_list = [] if filters_list: for tenant_id in filters_list: try: assigned_filter_metrics = assigned_filter_metrics + tenant_ids_labelled_metrics[tenant_id] except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed metrics for tenant_id %s from tenant_ids_labelled_metrics - %s' % ( str(tenant_id), err)) if assigned_filter_metrics: assigned_metrics = list(set(assigned_filter_metrics)) del assigned_filter_metrics del assigned_keys assigned_metrics_dict = {} for labelled_metric in assigned_metrics: try: # base_name = labelled_metric.replace('labelled_metrics.', '', 1) # metric_id = None metric_id = labelled_metric.replace('labelled_metrics.', '', 1) base_name = None no_metric_id = True try: base_name = metric_ids_with_name[metric_id] no_metric_id = False except: # no_id_metrics.append(metric_id) # continue no_metric_id = True # try: # metric_id = metric_names_with_ids[base_name] # no_metric_id = False # except: # no_id_metrics.append(metric_id) # continue # no_metric_id = True if no_metric_id: no_id_metrics.append(metric_id) continue try: last_timestamp = int(str(metrics_last_timeseries_timestamp_dict[metric_id])) except: last_timestamp = 0 try: stationary_str = stationary_metrics_dict[str(metric_id)] if stationary_str: stationary_str_elements = stationary_str.split(',') stationary_value = False if str(stationary_str_elements[0]) == 'True': stationary_value = True stationary_dict = {'v': stationary_value, 'ts': int(stationary_str_elements[1])} except: stationary_dict = {'v': None, 'last_ts': 0} metric_dict = {} try: metric_dict = metrics_and_labels_dict[base_name] except: metric_dict = {} assigned_metrics_dict[base_name] = { 'id': metric_id, 'last_ts': last_timestamp, 'stationary': stationary_dict, 'metric_dict': metric_dict, } except Exception as err: if not error_logged: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to add %s details to assigned_metrics_dict - %s' % ( labelled_metric, err)) error_logged = True del assigned_metrics try: # @modified 20230404 - Feature #4890: analyzer_labelled_metrics - use mrange # Added filters # p = Process(target=self.labelled_metrics_spin_process, args=(i_process, assigned_metrics_dict)) p = Process(target=self.labelled_metrics_spin_process, args=(i_process, assigned_metrics_dict, filters_list)) pids.append(p) pid_count += 1'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: starting %s of %s labelled_metrics_spin_process/es with filters_list: %s' % ( str(pid_count), str(ANALYZER_LABELLED_METRICS_PROCESSES), str(filters_list))) p.start() started_pid = spawned_pids.append(started_pid)'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: started labelled_metrics_spin_process with pid %s' % ( str(started_pid))) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to spawn process - %s' % err) del assigned_metrics_dict'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: memory usage after starting process - %s' % str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)) del unique_labelled_metrics del metrics_last_timeseries_timestamp_dict # del metric_names_with_ids del stationary_metrics_dict'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: memory usage after starting processes - %s' % str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)) if no_id_metrics:'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: no_id_metrics count: %s' % ( str(len(no_id_metrics)))) no_id_metrics_key = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.no_id_metrics.%s' % str(now) try: self.redis_conn.sadd(no_id_metrics_key, *set(no_id_metrics)) self.redis_conn.expire(no_id_metrics_key, 300) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to sadd %s Redis set - %s' % ( no_id_metrics_key, err)) # Send wait signal to zombie processes'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: started pids: %s' % ( str(spawned_pids))) p_starts = time() while time() - p_starts <= MAX_ANALYZER_LABELLED_METRICS_PROCESS_RUNTIME: if any(p.is_alive() for p in pids): # Just to avoid hogging the CPU sleep(.1) else: # All the processes are done, break now. time_to_run = time() - p_starts'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: %s labelled_metrics_spin_process/es completed in %.2f seconds' % ( str(ANALYZER_LABELLED_METRICS_PROCESSES), time_to_run)) break else: # We only enter this if we didn't 'break' above.'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: timed out, killing all labelled_metrics_spin_process processes') for p in pids:'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: killing labelled_metrics_spin_process process') p.terminate() # p.join()'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: killed labelled_metrics_spin_process process') for p in pids: if p.is_alive():'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: sending SIGKILL to pid %s labelled_metrics_spin_process - %s' % ( str(, str(p.is_alive()))) try: os.kill(, SIGKILL) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: SIGKILL failed - %s' % err) # p.join() # Log the last reported error by any algorithms that errored in the # spawned processes from for completed_pid in spawned_pids:'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: labelled_metrics_pin_process with pid %s completed' % (str(completed_pid)))'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: memory usage after completed processes - %s' % str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)) # Grab data from the queue and populate dictionaries exceptions = {} anomaly_breakdown = {} while 1: try: key, value = self.anomaly_breakdown_q.get_nowait() if key not in anomaly_breakdown: anomaly_breakdown[key] = value else: anomaly_breakdown[key] += value except Empty: break while 1: try: key, value = self.exceptions_q.get_nowait() if key not in exceptions: exceptions[key] = value else: exceptions[key] += value except Empty: break exceptions_metrics = ['Boring', 'Stale', 'TooShort', 'Other', 'EmptyTimeseries', 'NoNewData'] for i_exception in exceptions_metrics: if i_exception not in exceptions: exceptions[i_exception] = 0 # @added 20230309 - Feature #4864: analyzer_labelled_metrics - exceptions metrics set if i_exception == 'TooShort': try: self.redis_conn_decoded.delete('aet.analyzer_labelled_metrics.tooshort')'deleted Redis set aet.analyzer_labelled_metrics.tooshort as no tooshort exceptions') except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to delete Redis set aet.analyzer_labelled_metrics.tooshort - %s' % ( err)) if i_exception == 'Stale': try: self.redis_conn_decoded.delete('aet.analyzer_labelled_metrics.stale')'deleted Redis set aet.analyzer_labelled_metrics.stale as no stale exceptions') except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to delete Redis set aet.analyzer_labelled_metrics.stale - %s' % ( err)) if i_exception == 'Boring': try: self.redis_conn_decoded.delete('aet.analyzer_labelled_metrics.boring')'deleted Redis set aet.analyzer_labelled_metrics.boring as no boring exceptions') except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to delete Redis set aet.analyzer_labelled_metrics.boring - %s' % ( err)) else: # @added 20230309 - Feature #4864: analyzer_labelled_metrics - exceptions metrics set if i_exception == 'TooShort': try: self.redis_conn_decoded.rename('analyzer_labelled_metrics.tooshort', 'aet.analyzer_labelled_metrics.tooshort')'renamed Redis set analyzer_labelled_metrics.tooshort to aet.analyzer_labelled_metrics.tooshort') except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to rename Redis set analyzer_labelled_metrics.tooshort to aet.analyzer_labelled_metrics.tooshort - %s' % ( err)) if i_exception == 'Stale': try: self.redis_conn_decoded.rename('analyzer_labelled_metrics.stale', 'aet.analyzer_labelled_metrics.stale')'renamed Redis set analyzer_labelled_metrics.stale to aet.analyzer_labelled_metrics.stale') except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to rename Redis set analyzer_labelled_metrics.stale to aet.analyzer_labelled_metrics.stale - %s' % ( err)) if i_exception == 'Boring': try: self.redis_conn_decoded.rename('analyzer_labelled_metrics.boring', 'aet.analyzer_labelled_metrics.boring')'renamed Redis set analyzer_labelled_metrics.boring to aet.analyzer_labelled_metrics.boring') except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to rename Redis set analyzer_labelled_metrics.boring to aet.analyzer_labelled_metrics.boring - %s' % ( err)) # @added 20200603 - Feature #3566: custom_algorithms anomaly_breakdown_algorithms = list(settings.ALGORITHMS) if CUSTOM_ALGORITHMS: for custom_algorithm in settings.CUSTOM_ALGORITHMS: anomaly_breakdown_algorithms.append(custom_algorithm) stats = {} while 1: try: key, value = self.stats_q.get_nowait() if key not in stats: stats[key] = value else: stats[key] += value except Empty: break # @modified 20200603 - Feature #3566: custom_algorithms # for i_anomaly_breakdown in settings.ALGORITHMS: for i_anomaly_breakdown in anomaly_breakdown_algorithms: if i_anomaly_breakdown not in anomaly_breakdown: anomaly_breakdown[i_anomaly_breakdown] = 0 # Set the anomaly_end_timestamp not_anomalous_metric_ids = [] not_anomalous_metrics_data = [] redis_set = 'current.anomalies' try: current_anomalies = list(self.redis_conn_decoded.smembers(redis_set)) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to get Redis set %s - %s' % (redis_set, err)) current_anomalies = [] if current_anomalies: try: redis_set = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.not_anomalous_metrics' not_anomalous_metrics = self.redis_conn_decoded.smembers(redis_set) except: not_anomalous_metrics = [] for item in not_anomalous_metrics: try: list_data = literal_eval(item) not_anomalous_metrics_data.append(list_data) not_anomalous_metric_ids.append(int(list_data[0])) except: pass for item in current_anomalies: try: list_data = literal_eval(str(item)) anomalous_metric = str(list_data[0]) if '_tenant_id="' not in anomalous_metric: continue anomaly_timestamp = int(list_data[1]) # @added 20200608 - Feature #3306: Record anomaly_end_timestamp # Remove entries from the current.anomalies set if the # timestamp is older than FULL_DURATION if anomaly_timestamp < (now - settings.FULL_DURATION): redis_set = 'current.anomalies' try: self.redis_conn.srem(redis_set, str(list_data))'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: removed %s from Redis set %s as the anomaly_timestamp is older than FULL_DURATION - %s' % ( anomalous_metric, redis_set, str(list_data))) continue except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to remove %s for Redis set %s - %s' % ( str(list_data), redis_set, err)) try: anomaly_id = int(list_data[2]) except: anomaly_id = None try: anomaly_end_timestamp = int(list_data[3]) except: anomaly_end_timestamp = None except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to determine current_anomalies item') if anomaly_end_timestamp: continue if not anomaly_id: continue anomalous_metric_id = 0 try: anomalous_metric_id = get_metric_id_from_base_name(skyline_app, anomalous_metric) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: get_metric_id_from_base_name failed for %s - %s' % ( str(anomalous_metric), err)) if int(anomalous_metric_id) in not_anomalous_metric_ids: for metric_id, anomaly_end_timestamp in not_anomalous_metrics_data: if int(anomalous_metric_id) == int(metric_id): update_item = False redis_set = 'current.anomalies' try: self.redis_conn.srem(redis_set, str(list_data)) update_item = True except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to remove %s for Redis set %s' % (str(list_data), redis_set)) if update_item: new_list_data = [anomalous_metric, anomaly_timestamp, anomaly_id, anomaly_end_timestamp] try: redis_set = 'current.anomalies' self.redis_conn.sadd(redis_set, str(new_list_data))'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: set anomaly_end_timestamp to %s for %s in Redis set %s' % ( str(anomaly_end_timestamp), anomalous_metric, redis_set)) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to add %s to Redis set %s - %s' % (str(new_list_data), redis_set, err)) not_anomalous_count = 0 total_anomalies = 0 redis_set = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.not_anomalous_metrics' try: not_anomalous_count = self.redis_conn_decoded.scard(redis_set) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to determine not_anomalous_count from %s - %s' % (redis_set, err)) not_anomalous_count = 0 try: self.redis_conn.delete('aet.analyzer_labelled_metrics.not_anomalous_metrics') except: pass try: self.redis_conn.rename('analyzer_labelled_metrics.not_anomalous_metrics', 'aet.analyzer_labelled_metrics.not_anomalous_metrics') except: pass redis_set = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.anomalous_metrics' try: total_anomalies = self.redis_conn_decoded.scard(redis_set) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to determine anomalous_count from %s - %s' % (redis_set, err)) total_anomalies = 0 try: self.redis_conn.delete('aet.analyzer_labelled_metrics.anomalous_metrics') except: pass try: self.redis_conn.rename('analyzer_labelled_metrics.anomalous_metrics', 'aet.analyzer_labelled_metrics.anomalous_metrics') except: pass # @added 20230425 - Feature #4894: labelled_metrics - SKYLINE_FEEDBACK_NAMESPACES # Create busy key to enable feedback_labelled_metrics if total_anomalies >= 50: try: self.redis_conn_decoded.setex('analyzer_labelled_metrics.busy', 120, total_anomalies)'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: created analyzer_labelled_metrics.busy key') except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to setex analyzer_labelled_metrics.busy - %s' % err) not_anomalous_count = 0 total_errors = 0 current_aligned_ts = int(int(p_starts) // 60 * 60) error_set = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.errors.%s' % str(current_aligned_ts) try: total_errors = self.redis_conn_decoded.scard(error_set) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: labelled_metrics_spin_process :: failed to scard %s Redis set - %s' % ( error_set, err)) total_analyzed = not_anomalous_count + total_anomalies run_time = time() - p_starts # Log progress'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: seconds to run :: %.2f' % run_time)'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: total metrics :: %s' % str(unique_labelled_metrics_count))'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: total analyzed :: %s' % total_analyzed)'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: total anomalies :: %s' % total_anomalies)'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: total errors :: %s' % total_errors)'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: exception stats :: %s' % exceptions)'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: anomaly breakdown :: %s' % anomaly_breakdown)'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: stats :: %s' % stats) send_metric_name = '%s.labelled_metrics.run_time' % (skyline_app_graphite_namespace) run_time_str = '%.2f' % run_time try: send_graphite_metric(self, skyline_app, send_metric_name, run_time_str) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: could not send send_graphite_metric %s %s: %s' % ( send_metric_name, run_time_str, err)) # @added 20230404 - Feature #4888: analyzer - load_shedding cache_key = 'analyzer_labelled_metrics.run_time' try: self.redis_conn_decoded.hset('analyzer_labelled_metrics.run_time', 'value', float(run_time)) self.redis_conn_decoded.hset('analyzer_labelled_metrics.run_time', 'timestamp', int(time())) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: Analyzer could not update the Redis analyzer_labelled_metrics.run_time hash - %s' % ( err)) for stat in list(stats.keys()): stat_name = stat.replace(' ', '_') send_metric_name = '%s.labelled_metrics.%s' % ( skyline_app_graphite_namespace, stat_name) try: send_graphite_metric(self, skyline_app, send_metric_name, str(stats[stat])) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: could not send send_graphite_metric %s %s: %s' % ( send_metric_name, str(stats[stat]), err))'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: sent Graphite %s stats metrics' % str(len(stats))) for exception in list(exceptions.keys()): send_metric_name = '%s.labelled_metrics.exceptions.%s' % ( skyline_app_graphite_namespace, exception) try: send_graphite_metric(self, skyline_app, send_metric_name, str(exceptions[exception])) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: could not send send_graphite_metric %s %s: %s' % ( send_metric_name, str(exceptions[exception]), err))'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: sent Graphite %s exceptions metrics' % str(len(exceptions))) unique_labelled_metrics = [] mem_usage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: memory usage after completed run - %s' % str(mem_usage)) send_metric_name = '%s.labelled_metrics.mem_usage' % skyline_app_graphite_namespace try: send_graphite_metric(self, skyline_app, send_metric_name, str(mem_usage)) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: could not send send_graphite_metric %s %s: %s' % ( send_metric_name, str(mem_usage), err)) process_runtime = time() - now analyzer_optimum_run_duration = settings.ANALYZER_OPTIMUM_RUN_DURATION if process_runtime < analyzer_optimum_run_duration: sleep_for = (analyzer_optimum_run_duration - process_runtime)'analyzer_labelled_metrics :: completed in %.2f seconds, sleeping for %.2f seconds due to low run time...' % ( (time() - now), sleep_for)) sleep(sleep_for) try: del sleep_for except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to del sleep_for - %s' % err) try: del process_runtime except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: analyzer_labelled_metrics :: failed to del process_runtime - %s' % err)