skyline.horizon package


skyline.horizon.agent module

class Horizon[source]

Bases: object

Initializes Horizon


Determine the MAX_QUEUE_SIZE for the listen process.

Determine if horizon should populate the mini redis store for Oculus.

Starts the defined number of WORKER_PROCESSES, with the first worker populating the canary metric.

Start the pickle (and UDP) listen processes.

Start roomba.


Start the Horizon agent and logger.

skyline.horizon.listen module

class SafeUnpickler[source]

Bases: _pickle.Unpickler

PICKLE_SAFE = {'__builtin__': {'object'}, 'copy_reg': {'_reconstructor'}}
find_class(module, name)[source]

Return an object from a specified module.

If necessary, the module will be imported. Subclasses may override this method (e.g. to restrict unpickling of arbitrary classes and functions).

This method is called whenever a class or a function object is needed. Both arguments passed are str objects.

classmethod loads(pickle_string)[source]
class Listen(port, queue, parent_pid, type='pickle')[source]

Bases: multiprocessing.context.Process

The listener is responsible for listening on a port.


Generate a pickle from a stream

read_all(sock, n)[source]

Read n bytes from a stream


Self explanatory


Listen for pickles over tcp


Listen over udp for MessagePack strings


Called when process intializes.

skyline.horizon.roomba module

class Roomba(parent_pid, skip_mini)[source]

Bases: threading.Thread

The Roomba is responsible for deleting keys older than DURATION.


Self explanatory.

vacuum(i, namespace, duration)[source]

Trim metrics that are older than settings.FULL_DURATION and purge old metrics.


Called when process initializes.

skyline.horizon.worker module

class Worker(queue, parent_pid, skip_mini, canary=False)[source]

Bases: multiprocessing.context.Process

The worker processes chunks from the queue and appends the latest datapoints to their respective timesteps in Redis.


Self explanatory.


Check if the metric is in SKIP_LIST.

# @added 20170319 - Feature #1978: worker - DO_NOT_SKIP_LIST The SKIP_LIST allows for a string match or a match on dotted elements within the metric namespace.


Called when the process intializes.

Module contents