
Flux enables Skyline to receive metrics via HTTP GET and POST requests and submits them to Graphite, so they can be pickled to Skyline for analysis in near real time via the normal Skyline pipeline.

Flux uses falcon the bare-metal web API framework for Python to serve the API via gunicorn. The normal Apache/nginx reverse proxy Skyline vhost is used to serve the /flux endpoint and proxy requests to flux.

It is preferable to use the POST Flux endpoint to submit metrics so that the Skyline flux API key can be encrypted via SSL in the POST data.


Flux de-duplicates metric data that it receives by maintaining a Redis key for each metric that is submitted. When the flux worker successfully submits a data point and timestamp for a metric to Graphite, flux updates the flux.last.<metric> Redis key with the data point timestamp. If a data point is submitted to flux with a timestamp <= to the timestamp value in the metric Redis key, flux discards the data.

POST request

The POST endpoint is /flux/metric_data_post and this accepts JSON data. Here is an example of the data it requires and an example POST request.

      "metric": "vista.nodes.skyline-1.cpu.user",
      "timestamp": "1478021700",
      "value": "1.0",
      "key": "YOURown32charSkylineAPIkeySecret"
curl -vvv -u username:password -d '{"metric":"vista.nodes.skyline-1.cpu.user","timestamp":"1478021700","value":"1.0","key":"YOURown32charSkylineAPIkeySecret"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://skyline.example.org/flux/metric_data_post

GET request

However if the flux instance in question is only receiving metrics on a local network or protected network and you do not mind sending the API key in plaintext, the GET method can be used.

The /flux/metric_data endpoint is called via a GET request with the URI parameters as defined below:

# /flux/metric_data?metric=<metric|str>&timestamp=<timestamp|int>&value=<value|float>&key=<key|str>
# For example:
curl -vvv -u username:password "https://skyline.example.org/flux/metric_data?metric=vista.nodes.skyline-1.cpu.user&timestamp=1478021700&value=1.0&key=YOURown32charSkylineAPIkeySecret"

populate_metric endpoint

Skyline Vista is tightly integrated with Flux. Vista uses flux to submit metric data to Graphite for the metrics that Vista fetches. Vista does not connect to flux via the reverse proxy, it connects directly to flux and uses the settings.FLUX_SELF_API_KEY to authenticate itself. Flux has a specific /flux/populate_metric endpoint and worker so that Vista can submit historical metric data to in order to pre-populate Graphite with data when new metrics are added to Vista at multiple resolutions. However, this endpoint is also used by Vista to catchup/backfill metrics if for any reason data has not been retrieved for a metric for in (frequency + 300) seconds and has fallen behind.

The populate_metric worker uses the last_flux_timestamp from the flux.last.<metric> Redis keys to ensure that only missing data is retrieved and submitted to Graphite. If no flux.last.<metric> Redis key exists, the worker checks Graphite to see if Graphite has any data for the metric and if so, flux uses the last data point timestamp from Graphite as the last_flux_timestamp and retrieves data > last_flux_timestamp.

The flux populate_metric_worker submits pickled data to Graphite via the Carbon PICKLE_RECEIVER_PORT, therefore ensure that there is a firewall rule allowing the Skyline node to connect to the Graphite node on this port.

The populate_metric_worker applies resampling at 1Min, but see Vista populate_at_resolutions for more detailed information.

Process uploaded data

Skyline Flux can be enabled to process data uploaded via the webapp and submit data to Graphite. This allows for the automated uploading and processing of batched measurements data and reports to time series data which is analysed in the normal Skyline workflow. An example use case would be if you had an hourly report of wind related metrics that had a reading every 5 minutes for an hour period, for x number of stations. As long as the data is in uploaded in an acceptable format, it can be preprocessed by flux and submitted to Graphite. The metric namespace/s need be declared as batch processing metrics in settings.BATCH_PROCESSING_NAMESPACES and settings.BATCH_PROCESSING has to be enabled.

By default flux is not enabled to process uploaded data and the webapp is not configured to accept uploaded data.

To enable Flux to process uploaded data the following settings need to be set and services running:

    'temp_monitoring.warehouse.2.012383': '484166bf-df66-4f7d-ad4a-9336da9ef620',

For specific details about the data formats and methods for uploading and processing data files see the upload_data to Flux page.