skyline package



skyline.algorithm_exceptions module

exception TooShort[source]

Bases: Exception

exception Stale[source]

Bases: Exception

exception Boring[source]

Bases: Exception

skyline.create_matplotlib_graph module


create_matplotlib_graph(current_skyline_app, output_file, graph_title, timeseries)[source]

Creates a png graph image using the features profile time series data provided or from the features profile time seires data in the DB if an empty list is provided.

  • current_skyline_app (str) – the Skyline app name calling the function
  • output_file (str) – full path and filename to output where the png image is to be saved to
  • graph_title (str) – the graph image title
  • timeseries (list) – the time series

(status, file)

Return type:

(boolean, str)

skyline.custom_algorithms module


This is a utility function is used to determine what algorithm is reporting an algorithm error when the record_algorithm_error is used.

record_algorithm_error(current_skyline_app, parent_pid, algorithm_name, traceback_format_exc_string)[source]

This utility function is used to facilitate the traceback from any algorithm errors. The algorithm functions themselves we want to run super fast and without fail in terms of stopping the function returning and not reporting anything to the log, so the pythonic except is used to “sample” any algorithm errors to a tmp file and report once per run rather than spewing tons of errors into the log.


algorithm errors tmp file clean up
the algorithm error tmp files are handled and cleaned up in Analyzer after all the spawned processes are completed.
  • current_skyline_app (str) – the Skyline app
  • algorithm_name (str) – the algoritm function name
  • traceback_format_exc_string (str) – the traceback_format_exc string
  • parent_pid (int) – the pid of the parent process that will be used to in error file naming

  • True the error string was written to the algorithm_error_file
  • False the error string was not written to the algorithm_error_file

Return type:

  • boolean

run_custom_algorithm_on_timeseries(current_skyline_app, parent_pid, base_name, timeseries, custom_algorithm, custom_algorithm_dict, debug_custom_algortihms)[source]

Return a dictionary of custom algoritms to run on a metric determined from the settings.CUSTOM_ALGORITHMS dictionary.

skyline.custom_algorithms_to_run module

get_custom_algorithms_to_run(current_skyline_app, base_name, custom_algorithms, debug)[source]

Return a dictionary of custom algoritms to run on a metric determined from the settings.CUSTOM_ALGORITHMS dictionary.

skyline.database module


# @added 20161209 - Branch #922: ionosphere # Task #1658: Patterning Skyline Ionosphere # Use SQLAlchemy, mysql.connector is still around but starting the # move to SQLAlchemy now that all the webapp Ionosphere SQLAlchemy patterns # work

ionosphere_table_meta(current_skyline_app, engine)[source]
metrics_table_meta(current_skyline_app, engine)[source]
anomalies_table_meta(current_skyline_app, engine)[source]
ionosphere_matched_table_meta(current_skyline_app, engine)[source]
ionosphere_layers_table_meta(current_skyline_app, engine)[source]
layers_algorithms_table_meta(current_skyline_app, engine)[source]
ionosphere_layers_matched_table_meta(current_skyline_app, engine)[source]
luminosity_table_meta(current_skyline_app, engine)[source]

skyline.external_alert_configs module



Return a concatenated alerts configs from settings.EXTERNAL_ALERTS of any fetched external alert configs, a all_alerts list which is a concentated and deduplicated list of the and whether it was retrieved from cache or fetched source.

Parameters:current_skyline_app (str) – the app calling the function so the function knows which log to write too.
Returns:(external_alert_configs, all_alerts, external_from_cache)
Return type:(dict, list, boolean)

skyline.features_profile module

feature_name_id(current_skyline_app, feature_name)[source]

Determine the Skyline id of a tsfresh feature name

Parameters:feature_name (str) – the tsfresh feature name
Return type:int
calculate_features_profile(current_skyline_app, timestamp, metric, context)[source]

Calculates a tsfresh features profile from a training data set

  • timestamp (str) – the timestamp of metric anomaly with training data
  • metric (str) – the base_name of the metric
  • context – the context

(features_profile_csv_file_path, successful, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc, calc_time)

Return type:


Return type:

(str, boolean, str, str, str)

skyline.ionosphere_functions module

fp_create_engine_disposal(current_skyline_app, engine)[source]
get_ionosphere_learn_details(current_skyline_app, base_name)[source]

Determines what the default IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_ values and what the specific override values are if the metric matches a pattern defined in settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_NAMESPACE_CONFIG. This is used in Panorama, webapp/ionosphere_backend

  • current_skyline_app (str) – the Skyline app name calling the function
  • base_name (str) – thee base_name of the metric



(use_full_duration, valid_learning_duration, use_full_duration_days, max_generations, max_percent_diff_from_origin)

Return type:

(int, int, int, int, float)

create_fp_ts_graph(current_skyline_app, metric_data_dir, base_name, fp_id, anomaly_timestamp, timeseries)[source]

Creates a png graph image using the features profile time series data provided or from the features profile time seires data in the DB if an empty list is provided.

  • current_skyline_app (str) – the Skyline app name calling the function
  • metric_data_dir (str) – the training_data or features profile directory were the png image is to be saved to
  • base_name (str) – the base_name of the metric
  • fp_ip – the feature profile id
  • anomaly_timestamp (int) – the anomaly timestamp
  • timeseries (list) – the time series


Return type:


create_features_profile(current_skyline_app, requested_timestamp, data_for_metric, context, ionosphere_job, fp_parent_id, fp_generation, fp_learn, slack_ionosphere_job, user_id, label)[source]

Add a features_profile to the Skyline ionosphere database table.

  • current_skyline_app (str) – Skyline app name
  • requested_timestamp (int) – The timestamp of the dir that the features profile data is in
  • data_for_metric (str) – The base_name of the metric
  • context (str) – The context of the caller
  • ionosphere_job (str) – The ionosphere_job name related to creation request valid jobs are learn_fp_human, learn_fp_generation, learn_fp_learnt and learn_fp_automatic.
  • fp_parent_id (int) – The id of the parent features profile that this was learnt from, 0 being an original human generated features profile
  • fp_generation (int) – The number of generations away for the original human generated features profile, 0 being an original human generated features profile.
  • fp_learn (boolean) – Whether Ionosphere should learn at use_full_duration_days
  • slack_ionosphere_job (str) – The originating ionosphere_job name
  • user_id (int) – The user id of the user creating the features profile
  • label (str) – A label for the feature profile

fp_id, fp_in_successful, fp_exists, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc

Return type:

str, boolean, boolean, str, str

get_correlations(current_skyline_app, anomaly_id)[source]

Get all the correlations for an anomaly from the database

  • current_skyline_app (str) – the Skyline app name calling the function
  • anomaly_id (int) – the panorama anomaly id



[[metric_name, coefficient, shifted, shifted_coefficient],[metric_name, coefficient, …]]

Return type:

[[str, float, float, float]]

Get all the related anomalies from the database

  • current_skyline_app (str) – the Skyline app name calling the function
  • anomaly_id (int) – the panorama anomaly id
  • anomaly_timestamp (int) – the anomaly timestamp



[[metric_name, related_timestamp],[metric_name, related_timestamp],…], [[timestamp, label]]

Return type:

[[str, int]]

skyline.matched_or_regexed_in_list module


matched_or_regexed_in_list(current_skyline_app, base_name, match_list)[source]

Determine if a pattern is in a list as a: 1) absolute match 2) match been dotted elements 3) matched by a regex

  • current_skyline_app (str) – the app calling the function so the function knows which log to write too.
  • metric_name (str) – the metric name
  • match_list (list) – the list of items to try and match the metric name in

False, {}

Return type:

(boolean, dict)

Returns (matched, matched_by)

skyline.settings module

Shared settings


These settings are described with docstrings for the purpose of automated documentation. You may find reading some of the docstrings easier to understand or read in the documentation itself.

REDIS_SOCKET_PATH = '/tmp/redis.sock'
Variables:REDIS_SOCKET_PATH (str) – The path for the Redis unix socket
Variables:REDIS_PASSWORD (str) – The password for Redis, even though Skyline uses socket it is still advisable to set a password for Redis. If this is set to the boolean None Skyline will not use Redis AUTH


Please ensure that you do enable Redis authentication by setting the requirepass in your redis.conf with a very long Redis password. See and for more info.

SECRET_KEY = 'your-long_secret-key-to-encrypt_the_redis_password_in_url_parameters'
Variables:SECRET_KEY (str) – A secret key that is used to encrypt the Redis password in the rebrow URL parameters.
LOG_PATH = '/var/log/skyline'
Variables:LOG_PATH (str) – The Skyline logs directory. Do not include a trailing slash.
PID_PATH = '/var/run/skyline'
Variables:PID_PATH (str) – The Skyline pids directory. Do not include a trailing slash.
SKYLINE_TMP_DIR = '/tmp/skyline'
Variables:SKYLINE_TMP_DIR (str) – The Skyline tmp dir. Do not include a trailing slash. It is recommended you keep this in the /tmp directory which normally uses tmpfs.
FULL_NAMESPACE = 'metrics.'
Variables:FULL_NAMESPACE (str) – Metrics will be prefixed with this value in Redis.
Variables:GRAPHITE_SOURCE (str) – The data source
Variables:ENABLE_DEBUG (str) – Enable additional debug logging - useful for development only, this should definitely be set to False on production systems.
Variables:MINI_NAMESPACE (str) – The Horizon agent will make T’d writes to both the full namespace and the mini namespace. Oculus gets its data from everything in the mini namespace.
Variables:FULL_DURATION (str) – This is the rolling duration that will be stored in Redis. Be sure to pick a value that suits your memory capacity, your CPU capacity and your overall metrics count. Longer durations take a longer to analyze, but they can help the algorithms reduce the noise and provide more accurate anomaly detection. However, Mirage handles longer durations so ideally this should be 86400.
Variables:MINI_DURATION (str) – This is the duration of the ‘mini’ namespace, if you are also using the Oculus service. It is also the duration of data that is displayed in the Webapp ‘mini’ view.
Variables:VERIFY_SSL (boolean) – Whether to verify SSL certificates requestsed endpoints. By defualt this is True, however this can be set to False to allow for the use of self signed SSL certificates.
Variables:GRAPHITE_AUTH_HEADER (str) – the Authorization header for Graphite api
Variables:GRAPHITE_CUSTOM_HEADERS (dict) – Dictionary with custom headers
Variables:GRAPHITE_HOST (str) – If you have a Graphite host set up, set this variable to get graphs on Skyline and Horizon. Don’t include http:// since this can be used for CARBON_HOST as well.
Variables:GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL (str) – Graphite host protocol - http or https
Variables:GRAPHITE_PORT (str) – Graphite host port - for a specific port if graphite runs on a port other than 80, e.g. ‘8888’
Variables:GRAPHITE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT (int) – Graphite connect timeout - this allows for the gracefully failure of any graphite requests so that no graphite related functions ever block for too long.
Variables:GRAPHITE_READ_TIMEOUT (int) – Graphite read timeout
GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS = '&width=588&height=308&bgcolor=000000&fontBold=true&fgcolor=C0C0C0'
Variables:GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS (str) – These are graphite settings in terms of alert graphs - this is defaulted to a format that is more colourblind friendly than the default graphite graphs.
Variables:TARGET_HOURS (str) – The number of hours data to graph in alerts.
Variables:GRAPHITE_RENDER_URI (str) – Base URI for graphite render, this can generally be render, api/datasources/1/render, api/datasources/proxy/1/render, etc, depending on how your Graphite (or grafana proxy) is set up.
Variables:GRAPH_URL (str) – The graphite URL for alert graphs will be appended with the relevant metric name in each alert.


There is probably no neeed to change this unless you what a different size graph sent with alerts.

Variables:CARBON_HOST – endpoint to send metrics that should reach graphite if the CARBON_HOST is a different host to the GRAPHITE_HOST set it here.
Variables:CARBON_PORT (int) – If you have a Graphite host set up, set its Carbon port.
Variables:SKYLINE_METRICS_CARBON_HOST (str) – If you want to send the Skyline metrics to a different host other that the GRAPHITE_HOST, declare it here and see the SKYLINE_METRICS_CARBON_PORT setting below.
Variables:SKYLINE_METRICS_CARBON_PORT (int) – If you want to send the Skyline metrics to a different SKYLINE_METRICS_CARBON_HOST host other than the GRAPHITE_HOST and it has a different port to the CARBON_PORT, declare it here.
Variables:OCULUS_HOST (str) – If you have Oculus set up, set this to http://<OCULUS_HOST>
  • If you do not want to use Oculus, leave this empty. However if you comment this out, Skyline will not work! Speed improvements will occur when Oculus support is disabled.
Variables:SERVER_METRICS_NAME (str) – The hostname of the Skyline.
  • This is to allow for multiple Skyline nodes to send metrics to a Graphite instance on the Skyline namespace sharded by this setting, like carbon.relays. If you want multiple Skyline hosts, set the hostname of the skyline here and metrics will be as e.g. skyline.analyzer.skyline-01.run_time

This is a list of namespaces that can cause feedback in Skyline. If you are analysing the system metrics of the Skyline host (server or container), then if a lot of metrics become anomalous, the Skyline host/s are going to be working much more and pulling more data from the GRAPHITE_HOST, the Skyline mysql database metrics and Redis queries will all change substantially too. Although Skyline can be trained and learn them, when Skyline is in a known busy state, the monitoring of its own metrics and related metrics should take 2md priority. In fact when the ionosphere_busy state is determined, Skyline will rate limit the analysis of any metrics in the namespaces declared here. This list works in the same way that Horizon SKIP_LIST does, it matches in the string or dotted namespace elements. For example:

MIRAGE_CHECK_PATH = '/opt/skyline/mirage/check'
Variables:MIRAGE_CHECK_PATH (str) – This is the location the Skyline analyzer will write the second order resolution anomalies to check to a file on disk - absolute path
CRUCIBLE_CHECK_PATH = '/opt/skyline/crucible/check'
Variables:CRUCIBLE_CHECK_PATH (str) – This is the location the Skyline apps will write the anomalies to for crucible to check to a file on disk - absolute path
PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH = '/opt/skyline/panorama/check'
Variables:PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH (str) – This is the location the Skyline apps will write the anomalies to for Panorama to check to a file on disk - absolute path
DATA_UPLOADS_PATH = '/tmp/skyline/data_uploads'
Variables:DATA_UPLOADS_PATH (str) – The path that webapp writes uploaded data to and flux checks for data to process. Note the parent directory must be writable to the user that the Skyline processes are running as. This is related to the settings.FLUX_PROCESS_UPLOADS and settings.WEBAPP_ACCEPT_DATA_UPLOADS settings.
Variables:PANDAS_VERSION (str) – Pandas version in use
  • Declaring the version of pandas in use reduces a large amount of interpolating in all the skyline modules. There are some differences from pandas >= 0.18.0 however the original Skyline could run on lower versions of pandas.


Alerters can be enabled alerters due to that fact that not everyone will necessarily want all 3rd party alerters. Enabled what 3rd alerters you require here. This enables only the alerters that are required to be imported and means that not all alerter related modules in requirements.txt have to be installed, only those you require.

Variables:SYSLOG_ENABLED (boolean) – enables Skyline apps to submit anomalous metric details to syslog. Being set to True makes syslog a kind of alerter, like a SMTP alert. It also results in all anomalies being recorded in the database by Panorama and this is the desired default.
Variables:HIPCHAT_ENABLED (boolean) – Enables the Hipchat alerter
Variables:PAGERDUTY_ENABLED (boolean) – Enables the Pagerduty alerter
Variables:SLACK_ENABLED (boolean) – Enables the Slack alerter
Variables:HTTP_ALERTERS_ENABLED (boolean) – Enables the http alerter
Variables:START_IF_NO_DB (boolean) – This allows the Skyline apps to start if there is a DB issue and/or the DB is not available. By default the apps will not start if the DB is not available, but this is useful for testing and allowing the Skyline apps to continue to function and alert, even if it is in a limited fashion and defualts to nosiy 3-sigma alerting.
Variables:ANALYZER_ENABLED (boolean) – This enables analysis via Analyzer. For ADVANCED configurations only. If this is set to False, the Analyzer process can still be started and will process the metrics in the pipeline but it will NOT analyse them, therefore there will be no alerting, no feeding Mirage, etc. Analyzer will simply run as if there are 0 metrcis. This allows for an advanced modular set up for running multiple distributed Skyline instance.
ANOMALY_DUMP = 'webapp/static/dump/anomalies.json'
Variables:ANOMALY_DUMP (str) – This is the location the Skyline agent will write the anomalies file to disk. It needs to be in a location accessible to the webapp.
Variables:ANALYZER_PROCESSES (int) – This is the number of processes that the Skyline Analyzer will spawn.
  • Analysis is a very CPU-intensive procedure. You will see optimal results if you set ANALYZER_PROCESSES to several less than the total number of CPUs on your server. Be sure to leave some CPU room for the Horizon workers and for Redis.
  • IMPORTANTLY bear in mind that your Analyzer run should be able to analyze all your metrics in the same resoluton as your metrics. So for example if you have 1000 metrics at a resolution of 60 seconds (e.g. one datapoint per 60 seconds), you are aiming to try and analyze all of those within 60 seconds. If you do not the anomaly detection begins to lag and it is no longer really near realtime. That stated, bear in mind if you are not processing 10s of 1000s of metrics, you may only need one Analyzer process. To determine your optimal settings take note of ‘seconds to run’ values in the Analyzer log.
Variables:ANALYZER_OPTIMUM_RUN_DURATION (int) – This is how many seconds it would be optimum for Analyzer to be able to analyze all your metrics in.


In the original Skyline this was hardcorded to 5.

Variables:MAX_ANALYZER_PROCESS_RUNTIME (int) – What is the maximum number of seconds an Analyzer process should run analysing a set of assigned_metrics
  • How many seconds This is for Analyzer to self monitor its own analysis threads and terminate any threads that have run longer than this. Although Analyzer and mutliprocessing are very stable, there are edge cases in real world operations which can very infrequently cause a process to hang.
Variables:STALE_PERIOD (int) – This is the duration, in seconds, for a metric to become ‘stale’ and for the analyzer to ignore it until new datapoints are added. ‘Staleness’ means that a datapoint has not been added for STALE_PERIOD seconds.
Variables:ALERT_ON_STALE_METRICS (boolean) – Send a digest alert of all metrics that stop populating their time series data.
Variables:ALERT_ON_STALE_PERIOD (int) – This is the duration, in seconds, after which an alert will be sent for a metric if it stops sending data. The digest alert will only occur once while in the window between the ALERT_ON_STALE_PERIOD and the STALE_PERIOD.
Variables:MIN_TOLERABLE_LENGTH (int) – This is the minimum length of a timeseries, in datapoints, for the analyzer to recognize it as a complete series.
Variables:MAX_TOLERABLE_BOREDOM (int) – Sometimes a metric will continually transmit the same number. There’s no need to analyze metrics that remain boring like this, so this setting determines the amount of boring datapoints that will be allowed to accumulate before the analyzer skips over the metric. If the metric becomes noisy again, the analyzer will stop ignoring it.
Variables:BOREDOM_SET_SIZE (int) – By default, the analyzer skips a metric if it it has transmitted a single number settings.MAX_TOLERABLE_BOREDOM times.
  • Change this setting if you wish the size of the ignored set to be higher (ie, ignore the metric if there have only been two different values for the past settings.MAX_TOLERABLE_BOREDOM datapoints). This is useful for timeseries that often oscillate between two values.
Variables:IDENTIFY_AIRGAPS (boolean) – Identify metrics which have air gaps and publish to the analyzer.airgapped_metrics Redis set which is exposed via the webapp on /api?airgapped_metrics [ADVANCED FEATURE]
  • Note that the implementation of this feature has a computational cost and will increase analyzer.run_time and CPU usage. If you are not back filling airgaps by via Flux or directly to carbon-relay DO NOT enable this.
  • Enabling this also enables the IDENTIFY_UNORDERED_TIMESERIES features which is a part of the IDENTIFY_AIRGAPS functionality.
  • If you do enable this, consider specifying specific metrics and/or namespaces in CHECK_AIRGAPS below to limit only checking metrics which will be back filled and not all your metrics.
Variables:MAX_AIRGAP_PERIOD (int) – If IDENTIFY_AIRGAPS is enabled Analyzer will only flag metric that have any air gaps in the last MAX_AIRGAP_PERIOD seconds as air gapped.
Variables:CHECK_AIRGAPS (list) – If set to [] ALL metrics will be check. List metrics and namespaces that you explicitly want to identify airgaps in, this is only applicable if you have IDENTIFY_AIRGAPS enabled. If metrics and/or namespaces are listed here ONLY these will be checked.

Seeing as IDENTIFY_AIRGAPS can be computationally expensive, this allows you to only check specific metrics for airgaps.

The CHECK_AIRGAPS are also matched just dotted namespace elements too, if a match is not found in the string, then the dotted elements are compared. For example if an item such as ‘skyline.analyzer.algorithm_breakdown’ was added it would macth any metric that matched all 3 dotted namespace elements, so it would match:

skyline.analyzer.skyline-1.algorithm_breakdown.histogram_bins.timing.median_time skyline.analyzer.skyline-1.algorithm_breakdown.histogram_bins.timing.times_run skyline.analyzer.skyline-1.algorithm_breakdown.ks_test.timing.times_run


‘remote_hosts’, ‘external_hosts.dc1’,


Variables:SKIP_AIRGAPS (list) – List metrics that you you do not want to identify airgaps in, this is only applicable if you have IDENTIFY_AIRGAPS enabled.

These are metrics that, for whatever reason, you do not want to check to see if any airgaps are present.

The SKIP_AIRGAPS are also matched just dotted namespace elements too, if a match is not found in the string, then the dotted elements are compared. For example if an item such as ‘skyline.analyzer.algorithm_breakdown’ was added it would macth any metric that matched all 3 dotted namespace elements, so it would match:

skyline.analyzer.skyline-1.algorithm_breakdown.histogram_bins.timing.median_time skyline.analyzer.skyline-1.algorithm_breakdown.histogram_bins.timing.times_run skyline.analyzer.skyline-1.algorithm_breakdown.ks_test.timing.times_run


‘carbon’, ‘skyline’, ‘stats’,


Variables:IDENTIFY_UNORDERED_TIMESERIES (boolean) – Identify metrics that are not ordered correctly via time stamps for Analyzer to sort and deduplicate and recreate the Redis metric data with the correctly sorted time series data, in a manner as to not lose any data.
  • Note that the implementation of this feature has a small computational cost. If enabled it uses a small part of the IDENTIFY_AIRGAPS feature described above.
  • If IDENTIFY_AIRGAPS is enabled this is enabled by default, even if IDENTIFY_UNORDERED_TIMESERIES = False
  • This was introduced as external sources sending metrics via Flux could send metric data out of order, which Graphite will handle but will pickle to Horizon and make the metric Redis data unordered. This definitely occurs if a metric is back filled via Flux or directly to carbon-relay. Although Flux identifies these metrics for Analyzer via flux.filled Redis keys, Analyzer can undertake this check on its own to handle any cases where for whatever reason any metric data becomes unordered, even if IDENTIFY_AIRGAPS is not enabled. [ADVANCED FEATURE]
Variables:BATCH_PROCESSING (boolen) – Whether to apply batch processing to metrics which are recieved in batches. In general this should not be enabled for all metrics as it significantly increases the computational footprint and increases memory use and calls. It should only be enabled if you have metrics that are receieved in infrequent batches, metrics feed per minute do not require batch processing. For example if a metric/s are sent to Skyline every 15 minutes with a data point for each minute in the period, Analyzer’s default analysis would only analyse the latest data point against the metric time series data. With batch processing, Analyzer identifies batched metrics and when a batch of data is received Analyzer sends the metric/s to analyzer_batch to analyse. To ensure that this can be achieved as computationally cheap as possible the BATCH_PROCESSING_NAMESPACES list can be applied, to reduce the footprint of this functionality
Variables:BATCH_PROCESSING_STALE_PERIOD (int) – This is the duration, in seconds, for a metric to be deemed as stale and for the analyzer_batch to ignore it until new datapoints are added.
Variables:BATCH_PROCESSING_DEBUG (boolen) – Whether to log batch processing info from Analyzer.
Variables:BATCH_PROCESSING_NAMESPACES (list) – If BATCH_PROCESSING is eanbled to reduce the computational footprint of batch processing metric time series data, a list of metric namespaces which can be expected to be batch processed can be defined so that BATCH_PROCESSING keys, checks and resources are not applied to all metrics. This list works in the same way that SKIP_LIST does, it matches in the string or dotted namespace elements.
Variables:METRICS_INACTIVE_AFTER (int) – Identify metrics as inactive after the defined seconds.
CANARY_METRIC = 'statsd.numStats'
Variables:CANARY_METRIC (str) – The metric name to use as the CANARY_METRIC
  • The canary metric should be a metric with a very high, reliable resolution that you can use to gauge the status of the system as a whole. Like the statsd.numStats or a metric in the carbon. namespace or a Skyline metric like: CANARY_METRIC = ‘skyline.%s.analyzer.run_time’ % SERVER_METRICS_NAME
ALGORITHMS = ['histogram_bins', 'first_hour_average', 'stddev_from_average', 'grubbs', 'ks_test', 'mean_subtraction_cumulation', 'median_absolute_deviation', 'stddev_from_moving_average', 'least_squares']
Variables:ALGORITHMS (array) – These are the algorithms that the Analyzer will run. To add a new algorithm, you must both define the algorithm in and add it’s name here.
Variables:CONSENSUS (int) – This is the number of algorithms that must return True before a metric is classified as anomalous by Analyzer.
Variables:CUSTOM_ALGORITHMS (dict) – Custom algorithms to run. An empty dict {} disables this feature.
  • For full documentation see


        'abs_stddev_from_median': {
            'namespaces': ['telegraf.cpu-total.cpu.usage_system'],
            'algorithm_source': '/opt/skyline/github/skyline/skyline/custom_algorithms/',
            'algorithm_parameters': {},
            'max_execution_time': 0.09,
            'consensus': 6,
            'algorithms_allowed_in_consensus': [],
            'run_3sigma_algorithms': True,
            'use_with': ['analyzer', 'analyzer_batch', 'mirage', 'crucible'],
            'debug_logging': False,
        'last_same_hours': {
            'namespaces': ['telegraf.cpu-total.cpu.usage_user'],
            'algorithm_source': '/opt/skyline/github/skyline/skyline/custom_algorithms/',
            # Pass the argument 1209600 for the sample_period parameter and
            # enable debug_logging in the algorithm itself
            'algorithm_parameters': {
              'sample_period': 604800,
              'debug_logging': True
            'max_execution_time': 0.3,
            'consensus': 6,
            'algorithms_allowed_in_consensus': [],
            'run_3sigma_algorithms': True,
            # This does not run on analyzer as it is weekly data
            'use_with': ['mirage', 'crucible'],
            'debug_logging': False,
        'detect_significant_change': {
            'namespaces': ['swell.buoy.*.Hm0'],
            # Algorithm source not in the Skyline code directory
            'algorithm_source': '/opt/skyline_custom_algorithms/detect_significant_change/',
            'algorithm_parameters': {},
            'max_execution_time': 0.002,
            'consensus': 1,
            'algorithms_allowed_in_consensus': ['detect_significant_change'],
            'run_3sigma_algorithms': False,
            'use_with': ['analyzer', 'crucible'],
            'debug_logging': True,
  • Each dictionary item needs to be named the same as the algorithm to be run

  • CUSTOM_ALGORITHMS dictionary keys and values are:

  • namespaces (list) – a list of absolute metric names, substrings (dotted elements) of a namespace or a regex of a namespace
  • algorithm_source (str) – the full path to the custom algorithm Python file
  • algorithm_parameters (dict) – a dictionary of any parameters to pass to the custom algorithm
  • max_execution_time – the maximum time the algorithm should run, any longer than this value and the algorithm process will be timed out and terminated. Bear in mind that algorithms have to run FAST, otherwise analysis stops being real time and the Skyline apps will terminate their own spawned processes. Consider that Skyline’s 3 sigma algorithms take on average 0.0023 seconds to run and all 9 are run on a metric in about 0.0207 seconds.
  • consensus (int) – The number of algorithms that need to trigger, including this one for a data point to be classed as anomalous, you can declare the same as the settings.CONSENSUS value or that +1 or simply 1 if you want as anomaly triggered because the custom algorithm triggered.
  • algorithms_allowed_in_consensus (list) – this is not implemented yet and is optional
  • run_3sigma_algorithms (boolean) – a boolean stating whether to run normal 3 sigma algorithms, this is optional and defaults to True if it is not passed in the dictionary. Read the full documentation referred to above to determine the affects of passing this as False.
  • use_with (list) – a list of Skyline apps which should apply the algorithm if they handle the metric, it is only applied if the app handles the metric, generally set this to ['analyzer', 'analyzer_batch', 'mirage', 'crucible']
  • debug_logging (boolean) – whether to run debug logging on the custom algorithm, normally set this to False but for development and testing True is useful.
Variables:DEBUG_CUSTOM_ALGORITHMS (boolean) – a boolean to enable debugging.
Variables:RUN_OPTIMIZED_WORKFLOW (boolean) – This sets Analyzer to run in an optimized manner.
  • This sets Analyzer to run in an optimized manner in terms of using the CONSENSUS setting to dynamically determine in what order and how many algorithms need to be run be able to achieve CONSENSUS. This reduces the amount of work that Analyzer has to do per run. It is recommended that this be set to True in most circumstances to ensure that Analyzer is run as efficiently as possible, UNLESS you are working on algorithm development then you may want this to be False
Variables:ENABLE_ALGORITHM_RUN_METRICS (boolean) – This enables algorithm timing metrics to Graphite
  • This will send additional metrics to the graphite namespaces of: skyline.analyzer.<hostname>.algorithm_breakdown.<algorithm_name>.timings.median_time skyline.analyzer.<hostname>.algorithm_breakdown.<algorithm_name>.timings.times_run skyline.analyzer.<hostname>.algorithm_breakdown.<algorithm_name>.timings.total_time These are related to the RUN_OPTIMIZED_WORKFLOW performance tuning.
Variables:ENABLE_ALL_ALGORITHMS_RUN_METRICS (boolean) – DEVELOPMENT only - run and time all


If set to True, Analyzer will revert to it’s original unoptimized workflow and will run and time all algorithms against all timeseries.

Variables:ENABLE_SECOND_ORDER (boolean) – This is to enable second order anomalies.


EXPERIMENTAL - This is an experimental feature, so it’s turned off by default.

Variables:ENABLE_ALERTS (boolean) – This enables Analyzer alerting.
Variables:ENABLE_MIRAGE (boolean) – This enables Analyzer to output to Mirage
Variables:ENABLE_FULL_DURATION_ALERTS (boolean) – This enables Analyzer to alert on all FULL_DURATION anomalies.
  • This enables FULL_DURATION alerting for Analyzer, if True Analyzer will send ALL alerts on any alert tuple that have a SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS value defined for Mirage in their alert tuple. If False Analyzer will only add a Mirage check and allow Mirage to do the alerting.


If you have Mirage enabled and have defined SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS values in the desired metric alert tuples, you want this set to False

Variables:ANALYZER_CRUCIBLE_ENABLED (boolean) – This enables Analyzer to output to Crucible
  • This enables Analyzer to send Crucible data, if this is set to True ensure that settings.CRUCIBLE_ENABLED is also set to True in the Crucible settings block.


Not recommended from production, will make a LOT of data files in the settings.CRUCIBLE_DATA_FOLDER

ALERTS = (('skyline', 'smtp', 1800), ('skyline_test.alerters.test', 'smtp|http_alerter-mock_api_alerter_receiver', 1), ('horizon.test.udp', 'smtp|http_alerter-mock_api_alerter_receiver', 1), ('horizon.test.pickle', 'smtp|http_alerter-mock_api_alerter_receiver', 1), ('skyline_test.alerters.test', 'slack', 1), ('skyline_test.alerters.test', 'pagerduty', 1))
Variables:ALERTS (tuples) – This enables analyzer alerting.

This is the config for which metrics to alert on and which strategy to use for each. Alerts will not fire twice within EXPIRATION_TIME, even if they trigger again.

  • Tuple schema example:

    ALERTS = (
        # ('<metric_namespace>', '<alerter>', EXPIRATION_TIME, SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS),
        # With SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS being optional for Mirage
        ('metric1', 'smtp', 1800),
        ('', 'smtp', 600),
        ('', 'pagerduty', 1800),
        # Log all anomalies to syslog
        ('stats.', 'syslog', 1),
        # Wildcard namespaces can be used as well
        ('metric4.thing.*.requests', 'stmp', 900),
        # However beware of wildcards as the above wildcard should really be
        ('metric4.thing\..*.\.requests', 'stmp', 900),
        # mirage - SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS - if added and Mirage is enabled
        ('metric5.thing.*.rpm', 'smtp', 900, 168),
        # NOTE: all slack alert tuples MUST be declared AFTER smtp alert tuples
        ('metric3', 'slack', 600),
        ('stats.', 'http_alerter_external_endpoint', 30),
  • Alert tuple parameters are:

  • metric (str) – metric name.
  • alerter (str) – the alerter name e.g. smtp, syslog, slack, pagerduty or http_alerter_<name>
  • EXPIRATION_TIME (int) – Alerts will not fire twice within this amount of seconds, even if they trigger again.
  • SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS (int) – (optional) The number of hours that Mirage should surface the metric timeseries for


Consider using the default skyline_test.alerters.test for testing alerts with.


All slack alerts must be declared AFTER smtp alerts as slack alerts use the smtp resources to send to slack.

Variables:EXTERNAL_ALERTS (dict) – Skyline can get json alert configs from external sources.

See the External alerts documentation for the elements the are required in a json alert config and how external alerts are applied.

  • Example:

        'test_alert_config': {
            'url': '',
            'method': 'GET',
DO_NOT_ALERT_ON_STALE_METRICS = ['donot_alert_on_stale.metric_known_to_go_stale']
Variables:DO_NOT_ALERT_ON_STALE_METRICS (list) – Metrics to not digest alert on if they are becoming stale.

These are metrics that you do not want a Skyline stale digest alert on. Works in the same way that SKIP_LIST does, it matches in the string or dotted namespace elements.

Variables:PLOT_REDIS_DATA (boolean) – Plot graph using Redis timeseries data on with Analyzer alerts.
  • There are times when Analyzer alerts have no data in the Graphite graphs and/or the data in the Graphite graph is skewed due to retentions aggregation. This mitigates that by creating a graph using the Redis timeseries data and embedding the image in the Analyzer alerts as well.


The Redis data plot has the following additional information as well, the 3sigma upper (and if applicable lower) bounds and the mean are plotted and reported too. Although less is more effective, in this case getting a visualisation of the 3sigma boundaries is informative.

NON_DERIVATIVE_MONOTONIC_METRICS = ['the_namespace_of_the_monotonic_metric_to_not_calculate_the_derivative_for']
Variables:NON_DERIVATIVE_MONOTONIC_METRICS (list) – Strictly increasing monotonically metrics to not calculate the derivative values for

Skyline by default automatically converts strictly increasingly monotonically metric values to their derivative values by calculating the delta between subsequent datapoints. The function ignores datapoints that trend down. This is useful for metrics that increase over time and then reset.

Any strictly increasing monotonically metrics that you do not want Skyline to convert to the derivative values are declared here. This list works in the same way that Horizon SKIP_LIST does, it matches in the string or dotted namespace elements.

SMTP_OPTS = {'default_recipient': [''], 'embed-images': True, 'recipients': {'horizon.test': [''], 'skyline': ['', ''], 'skyline_test.alerters.test': ['']}, 'sender': ''}
Variables:SMTP_OPTS (dictionary) – Your SMTP settings.

It is possible to set the email addresses to no_email if you do not wish to receive SMTP alerts, but smtp alerters are required see


For each alert tuple defined in settings.ALERTS you need a recipient defined that matches the namespace. The default_recipient acts as a catchall for any alert tuple that does not have a matching recipients defined.

HIPCHAT_OPTS = {'auth_token': 'hipchat_auth_token', 'color': 'purple', 'rooms': {'horizon.udp.test': (12345,), 'skyline': (12345,), 'skyline_test.alerters.test': (12345,)}, 'sender': 'hostname or identifier'}
Variables:HIPCHAT_OPTS (dictionary) – Your Hipchat settings.

HipChat alerts require python-simple-hipchat

SLACK_OPTS = {'bot_user_oauth_access_token': 'YOUR_slack_bot_user_oauth_access_token', 'channel_ids': {'#skyline': 'YOUR_slack_channel_id', '#testing': 'YOUR_slack_other_channel_id'}, 'channels': {'horizon.udp.test': ('#skyline', '#testing'), 'skyline': ('#skyline',), 'skyline_test.alerters.test': ('#skyline',)}, 'default_channel': 'YOUR_default_slack_channel', 'default_channel_id': 'YOUR_default_slack_channel_id', 'icon_emoji': ':chart_with_upwards_trend:', 'message_on_features_profile_created': True, 'message_on_features_profile_created_reaction_emoji': 'thumbsup', 'message_on_features_profile_disabled': True, 'message_on_features_profile_disabled_reaction_emoji': 'x', 'message_on_features_profile_learnt': True, 'message_on_features_profile_learnt_reaction_emoji': 'heavy_check_mark', 'message_on_training_data_viewed': True, 'message_on_training_data_viewed_reaction_emoji': 'eyes', 'message_on_validated_features_profiles': True, 'thread_updates': True}
Variables:SLACK_OPTS (dictionary) – Your slack settings.

slack alerts require slackclient

PAGERDUTY_OPTS = {'auth_token': 'your_pagerduty_auth_token', 'key': 'your_pagerduty_service_api_key', 'subdomain': 'example'}
Variables:PAGERDUTY_OPTS (dictionary) – Your SMTP settings.

PagerDuty alerts require pygerduty

SYSLOG_OPTS = {'ident': 'skyline'}
Variables:SYSLOG_OPTS (dictionary) – Your syslog settings.

syslog alerts requires an ident this adds a LOG_WARNING message to the LOG_LOCAL4 which will ship to any syslog or rsyslog down the line. The EXPIRATION_TIME for the syslog alert method should be set to 1 to fire every anomaly into the syslog.

Variables:HTTP_ALERTERS_OPTS (dictionary) – External alert endpoints.
  • Dictionary example:

        'http_alerter-mock_api_alerter_receiver': {
            'enabled': True,
            'endpoint': '',
            'token': None
        'http_alerter-otherapp': {
            'enabled': False,
            'endpoint': '',
            'token': '1234567890abcdefg'

All http_alerter alert names must be prefixed with http_alerter followed by the name you want to assign to it. HTTP_ALERTERS_OPTS is used by Analyzer (in settings.ALERTS) and Bounary (in settings.BOUNDARY_METRICS) in conjunction with http_alerter defines,

CUSTOM_ALERT_OPTS = {'analyzer_alert_heading': 'Analyzer', 'append_environment': '', 'boundary_alert_heading': 'Boundary', 'ionosphere_alert_heading': 'Ionosphere', 'ionosphere_link_path': 'ionosphere', 'main_alert_title': 'Skyline', 'mirage_alert_heading': 'Mirage'}
Variables:CUSTOM_ALERT_OPTS (dictionary) – Any custom alert headings you want to use

Here you can specify any custom alert titles and headings you want for each alerting app. You also can use the append_environment option to append the environment from which the alert originated.

Variables:WORKER_PROCESSES (int) – This is the number of worker processes that will consume from the Horizon queue.
Variables:HORIZON_IP (str) – The IP address for Horizon to bind to. Skyline receives data from Graphite on this IP address. This previously defaulted to gethostname() but has been change to be specifically specified by the user. USER_DEFINED
Variables:PICKLE_PORT (str) – This is the port that listens for Graphite pickles over TCP, sent by Graphite’s carbon-relay agent.
UDP_PORT = 2025
Variables:UDP_PORT (str) – This is the port that listens for Messagepack-encoded UDP packets.
Variables:CHUNK_SIZE (int) – This is how big a ‘chunk’ of metrics will be before they are added onto the shared queue for processing into Redis.
  • If you are noticing that Horizon is having trouble consuming metrics, try setting this value a bit higher.
Variables:MAX_QUEUE_SIZE (int) – Maximum allowable length of the processing queue

This is the maximum allowable length of the processing queue before new chunks are prevented from being added. If you consistently fill up the processing queue, a higher MAX_QUEUE_SIZE will not save you. It most likely means that the workers do not have enough CPU alotted in order to process the queue on time. Try increasing settings.CHUNK_SIZE and decreasing settings.ANALYZER_PROCESSES or decreasing settings.ROOMBA_PROCESSES

Variables:ROOMBA_PROCESSES (int) – This is the number of Roomba processes that will be spawned to trim timeseries in order to keep them at settings.FULL_DURATION. Keep this number small, as it is not important that metrics be exactly settings.FULL_DURATION all the time.
Variables:ROOMBA_GRACE_TIME – Seconds grace

Normally Roomba will clean up everything that is older than settings.FULL_DURATION if you have metrics that are not coming in every second, it can happen that you’ll end up with INCOMPLETE metrics. With this setting Roomba will clean up evertyhing that is older than settings.FULL_DURATION + settings.ROOMBA_GRACE_TIME

Variables:ROOMBA_TIMEOUT (int) – Timeout in seconds

This is the number seconds that a Roomba process can be expected to run before it is terminated. Roomba should really be expected to have run within 100 seconds in general. Roomba is done in a multiprocessing subprocess, however there are certain conditions that could arise that could cause Roomba to stall, I/O wait being one such edge case. Although 99.999% of the time Roomba is fine, this ensures that no Roombas hang around longer than expected.

Variables:ROOMBA_DO_NOT_PROCESS_BATCH_METRICS – Whether Horizon roomba should euthanize batch processing metrics.

This should be left as False unless you are backfilling batch metrics and do not want roomba removing data points before analyzer_batch has analyzed them. If this is set to True, analyzer_batch euthanizes batch metrics.

Variables:MAX_RESOLUTION (int) – The Horizon agent will ignore incoming datapoints if their timestamp is older than MAX_RESOLUTION seconds ago.
SKIP_LIST = ['skyline.analyzer.', 'skyline.boundary.', 'skyline.ionosphere.', 'skyline.mirage.']
Variables:SKIP_LIST (list) – Metrics to skip

These are metrics that, for whatever reason, you do not want to analyze in Skyline. The Worker will check to see if each incoming metrics contains anything in the skip list. It is generally wise to skip entire namespaces by adding a ‘.’ at the end of the skipped item - otherwise you might skip things you do not intend to. For example the default skyline.analyzer.anomaly_breakdown. which MUST be skipped to prevent crazy feedback.

These SKIP_LIST are also matched just dotted namespace elements too, if a match is not found in the string, then the dotted elements are compared. For example if an item such as ‘skyline.analyzer.algorithm_breakdown’ was added it would macth any metric that matched all 3 dotted namespace elements, so it would match:

skyline.analyzer.skyline-1.algorithm_breakdown.histogram_bins.timing.median_time skyline.analyzer.skyline-1.algorithm_breakdown.histogram_bins.timing.times_run skyline.analyzer.skyline-1.algorithm_breakdown.ks_test.timing.times_run

DO_NOT_SKIP_LIST = ['skyline.analyzer.run_time', 'skyline.boundary.run_time', 'skyline.analyzer.ionosphere_metrics', 'skyline.analyzer.mirage_metrics', 'skyline.analyzer.total_analyzed', 'skyline.analyzer.total_anomalies', 'skyline.exceptions']
Variables:DO_NOT_SKIP_LIST (list) – Metrics to skip

These are metrics that you want Skyline in analyze even if they match a namespace in the SKIP_LIST. Works in the same way that SKIP_LIST does, it matches in the string or dotted namespace elements.

Variables:PANORAMA_ENABLED (boolean) – Enable Panorama
Variables:PANORAMA_PROCESSES – Number of processes to assign to Panorama, should never need more than 1
Variables:ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG (boolean) – DEVELOPMENT only - enables additional debug logging useful for development only, this should definitely be set to False on production system as LOTS of output
Variables:PANORAMA_DATABASE (str) – The database schema name
Variables:PANORAMA_DBHOST (str) – The IP address or FQDN of the database server
Variables:PANORAMA_DBPORT (str) – The port to connet to the database server on
Variables:PANORAMA_DBUSER (str) – The database user
PANORAMA_DBUSERPASS = 'the_user_password'
Variables:PANORAMA_DBUSERPASS (str) – The database user password
Variables:NUMBER_OF_ANOMALIES_TO_STORE_IN_PANORAMA (int) – The number of anomalies to store in the Panaroma database, the default is 0 which means UNLIMITED. This does nothing currently.
Variables:PANORAMA_EXPIRY_TIME (int) – Panorama will only store one anomaly for a metric every PANORAMA_EXPIRY_TIME seconds.
  • This is the Panorama sample rate. Please bear in mind Panorama does not use the ALERTS time expiry keys or matching, Panorama records every anomaly, even if the metric is not in an alert tuple. Consider that a metric could and does often fire as anomalous every minute, until it no longer is.
Variables:PANORAMA_CHECK_MAX_AGE (int) – Panorama will only process a check file if it is not older than PANORAMA_CHECK_MAX_AGE seconds. If it is set to 0 it does all. This setting just ensures if Panorama stalls for some hours and is restarted, the user can choose to discard older checks and miss anomalies being recorded if they so choose to, to prevent Panorama stampeding against MySQL if something went down and Panorama comes back online with lots of checks.
Variables:PANORAMA_CHECK_INTERVAL (int) – How often (in seconds) Panorama will check for anomalie1s to add to the database. This allows you to configure Panorama to insert anomalies into the database every second if you so wish to, however in most cases every 20 seconds is sufficient.
Variables:PANORAMA_INSERT_METRICS_IMMEDIATELY – Panorama will only insert a metric into the metrics database table when an anomaly is registered for the metric by default. To have Panorama insert every metric into the database as soon as it appears in unique_metrics, set this to True. This functionality is for development and testing purposes.
MIRAGE_DATA_FOLDER = '/opt/skyline/mirage/data'
Variables:MIRAGE_DATA_FOLDER (str) – This is the path for the Mirage data folder where timeseries data that has been surfaced will be written - absolute path
MIRAGE_ALGORITHMS = ['first_hour_average', 'mean_subtraction_cumulation', 'stddev_from_average', 'stddev_from_moving_average', 'least_squares', 'grubbs', 'histogram_bins', 'median_absolute_deviation', 'ks_test']
Variables:MIRAGE_ALGORITHMS (array) – These are the algorithms that the Mirage will run.

To add a new algorithm, you must both define the algorithm in mirage/ and add it’s name here.

Variables:MIRAGE_STALE_SECONDS (int) – The number of seconds after which a check is considered stale and discarded.
Variables:MIRAGE_CONSENSUS (int) – This is the number of algorithms that must return True before a metric is classified as anomalous.
Variables:MIRAGE_ENABLE_SECOND_ORDER (boolean) – This is to enable second order anomalies.


EXPERIMENTAL - This is an experimental feature, so it’s turned off by default.

Variables:MIRAGE_ENABLE_ALERTS (boolean) – This enables Mirage alerting.
Variables:NEGATE_ANALYZER_ALERTS (boolean) – DEVELOPMENT only - negates Analyzer alerts

This is to enables Mirage to negate Analyzer alerts. Mirage will send out an alert for every anomaly that Analyzer sends to Mirage that is NOT anomalous at the SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS with a SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS graph and the Analyzer settings.FULL_DURATION graph embedded. Mostly for testing and comparison of analysis at different time ranges and/or algorithms.

Variables:MIRAGE_CRUCIBLE_ENABLED (boolean) – This enables Mirage to output to Crucible

This enables Mirage to send Crucible data, if this is set to True ensure that settings.CRUCIBLE_ENABLED is also set to True in the Crucible settings block.


Not recommended from production, will make a LOT of data files in the settings.CRUCIBLE_DATA_FOLDER

Variables:MIRAGE_PERIODIC_CHECK (boolean) – This enables Mirage to periodically check metrics matching the namespaces in settings.MIRAGE_PERIODIC_CHECK_NAMESPACES at every settings.MIRAGE_PERIODIC_CHECK_INTERVAL. Mirage should only be configured to periodically analyse key metrics. For further in depth details regarding Mirage periodic check and their impact, please see the Mirage Periodic Checks documentation at: Further settings.MIRAGE_ONLY_METRICS are handled by
Variables:MIRAGE_PERIODIC_CHECK_INTERVAL (int) – This is the interval in seconds at which Mirage should analyse metrics matching the namespaces in settings.MIRAGE_PERIODIC_CHECK_NAMESPACES
Variables:MIRAGE_PERIODIC_CHECK_NAMESPACES (list) – Mirage metric namespaces to periodically check with Mirage, even if Analyzer does not find them anomalous, Analyzer will ensure that these Mirage metric namespaces are analyzed by Mirage every settings.MIRAGE_PERIODIC_CHECK_INTERVAL seconds. This works in the same way that settings.SKIP_LIST does, it matches in the string or the dotted namespace elements.
Variables:MIRAGE_ALWAYS_METRICS (list) – These are metrics you want to always be checked by Mirage, every minute and not just by Analyzer. For this to be in effect, you must ensure that MIRAGE_PERIODIC_CHECK is set to True. This allows for a use case where you want to apply a specific settings.CUSTOM_ALGORITHMS algorithm on a metric, all the time. The metrics declared here must be absolute metric names, no element matching or regex is applied.
Variables:MIRAGE_AUTOFILL_TOOSHORT (boolean) – This is a convenience feature that allows Analyzer to send metrics that are classed TooShort to Mirage and have Mirage attempt to fetch the data from Graphite and populate Redis with the time series data. This is useful if for some reason Graphite stopped pickling data to Horizon or when Skyline is first run against a populated Graphite that already has metric data. Mirage will only try to fetch data from Graphite and populate Redis with data for a metric once in FULL_DURATION, so that any remote metrics from Vista are not attempt to be fetched over and over as this feature only works with the GRAPHITE_HOST, not remote data sources.
Variables:BOUNDARY_PROCESSES (int) – The number of processes that Boundary should spawn.

Seeing as Boundary analysis is focused at specific metrics this should be less than the number of settings.ANALYZER_PROCESSES.

Variables:BOUNDARY_OPTIMUM_RUN_DURATION – This is how many seconds it would be optimum for Boundary to be able to analyze your Boundary defined metrics in.

This largely depends on your metric resolution e.g. 1 datapoint per 60 seconds and how many metrics you are running through Boundary.

Variables:ENABLE_BOUNDARY_DEBUG (boolean) – Enables Boundary debug logging
  • Enable additional debug logging - useful for development only, this should definitely be set to False on as production system - LOTS of output
BOUNDARY_ALGORITHMS = ['detect_drop_off_cliff', 'greater_than', 'less_than']
Variables:BOUNDARY_ALGORITHMS (array) – Algorithms that Boundary can run
  • These are the algorithms that boundary can run. To add a new algorithm, you must both define the algorithm in and add its name here.
Variables:BOUNDARY_ENABLE_ALERTS (boolean) – Enables Boundary alerting
Variables:BOUNDARY_CRUCIBLE_ENABLED (boolean) – Enables and disables Boundary pushing data to Crucible

This enables Boundary to send Crucible data, if this is set to True ensure that settings.CRUCIBLE_ENABLED is also set to True in the Crucible settings block.


Not recommended from production, will make a LOT of data files in the settings.CRUCIBLE_DATA_FOLDER

BOUNDARY_METRICS = (('skyline_test.alerters.test', 'greater_than', 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'smtp|http_alerter-mock_api_alerter_receiver'), ('skyline_test.alerters.test', 'detect_drop_off_cliff', 1800, 500, 3600, 0, 2, 'smtp|http_alerter-mock_api_alerter_receiver'), ('skyline_test.alerters.test', 'less_than', 3600, 0, 0, 15, 2, 'smtp|http_alerter-mock_api_alerter_receiver'), ('metric1', 'detect_drop_off_cliff', 1800, 500, 3600, 0, 2, 'smtp|slack|pagerduty'), ('metric2.either', 'less_than', 3600, 0, 0, 15, 2, 'smtp|hipchat'), ('nometric.other', 'greater_than', 3600, 0, 0, 100000, 1, 'smtp'), ('nometric.another', 'greater_than', 3600, 0, 0, 100000, 1, 'http_alerter-external_endpoint'))
Variables:BOUNDARY_METRICS (tuple) – definitions of metrics for Boundary to analyze

This is the config for metrics to analyse with the boundary algorithms. It is advisable that you only specify high rate metrics and global metrics here, although the algoritms should work with low rate metrics, the smaller the range, the smaller a cliff drop of change is, meaning more noise, however some algorithms are pre-tuned to use different trigger values on different ranges to pre-filter some noise.

  • Tuple schema:

        # Wildcard namespaces can be used as well
  • Metric parameters (all are required):

  • metric (str) – metric name.
  • algorithm (str) – algorithm name.
  • EXPIRATION_TIME (int) – Alerts will not fire twice within this amount of seconds, even if they trigger again.
  • MIN_AVERAGE (int) – the minimum average value to evaluate for boundary_algorithms.detect_drop_off_cliff(), in the boundary_algorithms.less_than() and boundary_algorithms.greater_than() algorithm contexts set this to 0.
  • MIN_AVERAGE_SECONDS (int) – the seconds to calculate the minimum average value over in boundary_algorithms.detect_drop_off_cliff(). So if MIN_AVERAGE set to 100 and MIN_AVERAGE_SECONDS to 3600 a metric will only be analysed if the average value of the metric over 3600 seconds is greater than 100. For the boundary_algorithms.less_than() and boundary_algorithms.greater_than() algorithms set this to 0.
  • TRIGGER_VALUE (int) – then less_than or greater_than trigger value set to 0 for boundary_algorithms.detect_drop_off_cliff()
  • ALERT_THRESHOLD (int) – alert after detected x times. This allows you to set how many times a timeseries has to be detected by the algorithm as anomalous before alerting on it. The nature of distributed metric collection, storage and analysis can have a lag every now and then due to latency, I/O pause, etc. Boundary algorithms can be sensitive to this not unexpectedly. This setting should be 1, maybe 2 maximum to ensure that signals are not being surpressed. Try 1 if you are getting the occassional false positive, try 2. Note - Any boundary_algorithms.greater_than() metrics should have this as 1.
  • ALERT_VIAS (str) – pipe separated alerters to send to, valid options smtp, pagerduty, http_alerter_<name> and slack. This could therefore be ‘smtp’, ‘smtp|slack’, ‘pagerduty|slack’, etc
  • Wildcard and absolute metric paths. Currently the only supported metric namespaces are a parent namespace and an absolute metric path e.g.

  • Examples:

    ('stats_counts.someapp.things', 'detect_drop_off_cliff', 1800, 500, 3600, 0, 2, 'smtp'),
    ('stats_counts.someapp.things.an_important_thing.requests', 'detect_drop_off_cliff', 600, 100, 3600, 0, 2, 'smtp|pagerduty'),
    ('stats_counts.otherapp.things.*.requests', 'detect_drop_off_cliff', 600, 500, 3600, 0, 2, 'smtp|slack'),
  • In the above all stats_counts.someapp.things* would be painted with a 1800 EXPIRATION_TIME and 500 MIN_AVERAGE, but those values would be overridden by 600 and 100 stats_counts.someapp.things.an_important_thing.requests and pagerduty added.

Variables:BOUNDARY_AUTOAGGRERATION (boolean) – Enables autoaggregate a timeseries

This is used to autoaggregate a timeseries with autoaggregate_ts(), if a timeseries dataset has 6 data points per minute but only one data value every minute then autoaggregate can be used to aggregate the required sample.

BOUNDARY_AUTOAGGRERATION_METRICS = (('nometrics.either', 60),)
Variables:BOUNDARY_AUTOAGGRERATION_METRICS (tuples) – The namespaces to autoaggregate
  • Tuple schema example:

        ('stats_counts', AGGREGATION_VALUE),
        ('metric1', AGGREGATION_VALUE),
  • Metric tuple parameters are:

  • metric (str) – metric name.
  • AGGREGATION_VALUE (int) – alerter name.

Declare the namespace and aggregation value in seconds by which you want the timeseries aggregated. To aggregate a timeseries to minutely values use 60 as the AGGREGATION_VALUE, e.g. sum metric datapoints by minute

BOUNDARY_ALERTER_OPTS = {'alerter_expiration_time': {'hipchat': 1800, 'pagerduty': 1800, 'slack': 1800, 'smtp': 60}, 'alerter_limit': {'hipchat': 30, 'pagerduty': 15, 'slack': 30, 'smtp': 100}}
Variables:BOUNDARY_ALERTER_OPTS (dictionary) – Your Boundary alerter settings.


Boundary Alerting Because you may want to alert multiple channels on each metric and algorithm, Boundary has its own alerting settings, similar to Analyzer. However due to the nature of Boundary and it algorithms it could be VERY noisy and expensive if all your metrics dropped off a cliff. So Boundary introduces alerting the ability to limit overall alerts to an alerter channel. These limits use the same methodology that the alerts use, but each alerter is keyed too.

BOUNDARY_SMTP_OPTS = {'default_recipient': [''], 'embed-images': True, 'graphite_graph_line_color': 'pink', 'graphite_previous_hours': 7, 'recipients': {'nometrics': ['', ''], 'nometrics.either': ['', ''], 'skyline_test.alerters.test': ['']}, 'sender': ''}
Variables:BOUNDARY_SMTP_OPTS (dictionary) – Your SMTP settings.
BOUNDARY_HIPCHAT_OPTS = {'auth_token': 'hipchat_auth_token', 'color': 'purple', 'graphite_graph_line_color': 'pink', 'graphite_previous_hours': 7, 'rooms': {'nometrics': (12345,), 'skyline_test.alerters.test': (12345,)}, 'sender': 'hostname or identifier'}
Variables:BOUNDARY_HIPCHAT_OPTS (dictionary) – Your Hipchat settings.

HipChat alerts require python-simple-hipchat

BOUNDARY_PAGERDUTY_OPTS = {'auth_token': 'your_pagerduty_auth_token', 'key': 'your_pagerduty_service_api_key', 'subdomain': 'example'}
Variables:BOUNDARY_PAGERDUTY_OPTS (dictionary) – Your SMTP settings.

PagerDuty alerts require pygerduty

BOUNDARY_SLACK_OPTS = {'bot_user_oauth_access_token': 'YOUR_slack_bot_user_oauth_access_token', 'channels': {'skyline': ('#general',), 'skyline_test.alerters.test': ('#general',)}, 'icon_emoji': ':chart_with_upwards_trend:'}
Variables:BOUNDARY_SLACK_OPTS (dictionary) – Your slack settings.

slack alerts require slackclient

Variables:ENABLE_CRUCIBLE (boolean) – Enable Crucible.
Variables:CRUCIBLE_PROCESSES (int) – The number of processes that Crucible should spawn.
Variables:CRUCIBLE_TESTS_TIMEOUT (int) – # This is the number of seconds that Crucible tests can take. 60 is a reasonable default for a run with a settings.FULL_DURATION of 86400
Variables:ENABLE_CRUCIBLE_DEBUG (boolean) – DEVELOPMENT only - enables additional debug logging useful for development only, this should definitely be set to False on production system as LOTS of output
CRUCIBLE_DATA_FOLDER = '/opt/skyline/crucible/data'
Variables:CRUCIBLE_DATA_FOLDER (str) – This is the path for the Crucible data folder where anomaly data for timeseries will be stored - absolute path
WEBAPP_SERVER = 'gunicorn'
Variables:WEBAPP_SERVER (str) – Run the Webapp via gunicorn (recommended) or the Flask development server, set this to either 'gunicorn' or 'flask'
Variables:WEBAPP_IP (str) – The IP address for the Webapp to bind to
Variables:WEBAPP_PORT (int) – The port for the Webapp to listen on
Variables:WEBAPP_AUTH_ENABLED (boolean) – To enable pseudo basic HTTP auth
Variables:WEBAPP_AUTH_USER (str) – The username for pseudo basic HTTP auth
WEBAPP_AUTH_USER_PASSWORD = 'aec9ffb075f9443c8e8f23c4f2d06faa'
Variables:WEBAPP_AUTH_USER_PASSWORD (str) – The user password for pseudo basic HTTP auth
Variables:WEBAPP_IP_RESTRICTED (boolean) – To enable restricted access from IP address declared in settings.WEBAPP_ALLOWED_IPS
Variables:WEBAPP_ALLOWED_IPS (array) – The allowed IP addresses
Variables:WEBAPP_USER_TIMEZONE (boolean) – This determines the user’s timezone and renders graphs with the user’s date values. If this is set to False the timezone in settings.WEBAPP_FIXED_TIMEZONE is used.
Variables:WEBAPP_FIXED_TIMEZONE (str) – You can specific a timezone you want the client browser to render graph date and times in. This setting is only used if the settings.WEBAPP_USER_TIMEZONE is set to False. This must be a valid momentjs timezone name, see:


Timezones, UTC and javascript Date You only need to use the first element of the momentjs timezone string, some examples, ‘Europe/London’, ‘Etc/UTC’, ‘America/Los_Angeles’. Because the Webapp is graphing using data UTC timestamps, you may may want to display the graphs to users with a fixed timezone and not use the browser timezone so that the Webapp graphs are the same in any location.

Variables:WEBAPP_ACCEPT_DATA_UPLOADS (boolean) – Enables the webapp to accept data uploads for Flux to process. This is related to settings.FLUX_PROCESS_UPLOADS and uploads are saved to settings.DATA_UPLOADS_PATH
Variables:WEBAPP_JAVASCRIPT_DEBUG (boolean) – Enables some javascript console.log when enabled.
Variables:ENABLE_WEBAPP_DEBUG (boolean) – Enables some app specific debugging to log.
Variables:WEBAPP_PREPROCESS_TIMESERIES (boolean) – Allow for the time series to be aggregated by median or sum per minute so that webapp can return a reasonable number of data points for dyngraph to load and display in the browser without causing lag. This is achieved by aggregating the time series using either the median of values or the sum as defined by settings.WEBAPP_PREPROCESS_AGGREGATE_BY. At the interval defined by settings. Not implemented - UNDER DEVELOPMENT
Variables:WEBAPP_PREPROCESS_AGGREGATE_BY (str) – The method by which to aggregate the time series by. Valid strings here are ‘median’ and ‘sum’. settings.WEBAPP_PREPROCESS_AGGREGATE_BY. Not implemented - UNDER DEVELOPMENT
IONOSPHERE_CHECK_PATH = '/opt/skyline/ionosphere/check'
Variables:IONOSPHERE_CHECK_PATH (str) – This is the location the Skyline apps will write the anomalies to for Ionosphere to check to a file on disk - absolute path
Variables:IONOSPHERE_ENABLED (boolean) – Enable Ionosphere
Variables:IONOSPHERE_PROCESSES – Number of processes to assign to Ionosphere, however Ionosphere should never need more than 1 and is effectively hard coded as such currently. This variable is only declared for the purpose of maintaining a standard set up in each module and to possibly enable more than one processor on Ionosphere in the future, should there be a requirement for Ionosphere to analyse the metrics quicker. Running Ionosphere with more than one process is untested and currently it is hard coded to be 1 (
Variables:IONOSPHERE_MAX_RUNTIME (int) – The maximum number of seconds an Ionosphere check should run for.
Variables:ENABLE_IONOSPHERE_DEBUG (boolean) – DEVELOPMENT only - enables additional debug logging useful for development only, this should definitely be set to False on production system as LOTS of output
IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER = '/opt/skyline/ionosphere/data'
Variables:IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER (str) – This is the path for the Ionosphere data folder where anomaly data for timeseries will be stored - absolute path
IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER = '/opt/skyline/ionosphere/features_profiles'
Variables:IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER – This is the path for the Ionosphere data folder where anomaly data for timeseries will be stored - absolute path
IONOSPHERE_LEARN_FOLDER = '/opt/skyline/ionosphere/learn'
Variables:IONOSPHERE_LEARN_FOLDER (str) – This is the path for the Ionosphere learning data folder where learning data for timeseries will be processed - absolute path
Variables:IONOSPHERE_CHECK_MAX_AGE (int) – Ionosphere will only process a check file if it is not older than IONOSPHERE_CHECK_MAX_AGE seconds. If it is set to 0 it does all. This setting just ensures if Ionosphere stalls for some hours and is restarted, the user can choose to discard older checks and miss anomalies being recorded if they so choose to, to prevent Ionosphere stampeding.
Variables:IONOSPHERE_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR (int) – Ionosphere will keep timeseries data files for this long, for the operator to review.
Variables:IONOSPHERE_MANAGE_PURGE (boolean) – Ionosphere will manage purging the training_data and learn data directories. Under normal running conditions with a SSD hard drive this is perfectly acceptable, however if for some reason your file system is not purely SSD or you are using a distributed file system that is not extreme fast, managing purging via Ionosphere can cause Ionosphere analysis to lag. This can be set to False and you can manage purging with your own script or method and Ionosphere will not purge data.
Variables:IONOSPHERE_GRAPHITE_NOW_GRAPHS_OVERRIDE – By defualt Graphite NOW graphs in training_data are retrieved from Graphite when the training data is viewed. Graphite NOW graphs are then generated using the current timestamp and plotting graphs at now - 7h, now - 24h, now - 7days and now - 30days, this can cause the actual anomalous period to not be shown in the Graphite NOW graphs if the training data is only loaded days later. This is especially true if metrics are batch processed with historic data. If this settings is set to True, Graphite NOW graphs will be loaded as Graphite THEN graphs, using the anomaly timestamp as now.
Variables:SKYLINE_URL (str) – The http or https URL (and port if required) to access your Skyline on (no trailing slash). For example if you were not using SSL termination and listening on a specific port it could be like
Variables:SERVER_PYTZ_TIMEZONE (str) – You must specify a pytz timezone you want Ionosphere to use for the creation of features profiles and converting datetimes to UTC. This must be a valid pytz timezone name, see:
Variables:IONOSPHERE_FEATURES_PERCENT_SIMILAR (float) – The percentage difference between a features profile sum and a calculated profile sum to result in a match.
Variables:IONOSPHERE_MINMAX_SCALING_ENABLED (boolean) – Implement Min-Max scaling on features profile time series and an anomalous time series if the features profile sums do not match. This adds a form of standardization that significantly improves the Ionosphere features sum comparison technique of high range metrics within the IONOSPHERE_MINMAX_SCALING_RANGE_TOLERANCE boundaries.
Variables:IONOSPHERE_MINMAX_SCALING_RANGE_TOLERANCE (float) – Min-Max scaling will only be implemented if the lower and upper ranges of both the features profile time series and the anomalous time series are within these margins. The default being 0.15 (or 15 percent). This prevents Ionosphere from Min-Max scaling and comparing time series that are in significantly different ranges and only applying Min-Max scaling comparisons when it is sensible to do so.
Variables:IONOSPHERE_ECHO_ENABLED (boolean) – This enables Ionosphere to create and test features profiles for Mirage metrics but at settings.FULL_DURATION as well. Features profiles will be made on the fly for any existing, validated Mirage metric features profiles. Ionosphere’s matching performance is increased between 30 to 50 percent when Ionosphere echo is run.
Variables:IONOSPHERE_ECHO_MAX_FP_CREATE_TIME (int) – The maximum number of seconds an Ionosphere echo process should run creating FULL_DURATION features profiles for created Mirage features profiles. This setting is specifically relevant for Skyline implematations pre Ionosphere echo (v1.2.12) to prevent timeouts if Ionosphere echo needs to make > 30 echo features profiles for Mirage metrics with lots of existing features profiles.
Variables:IONOSPHERE_ECHO_FEATURES_PERCENT_SIMILAR (float) – In terms of Ionosphere echo a value of 2.0 is the default. This default is above the normal IONOSPHERE_FEATURES_PERCENT_SIMILAR due to that fact that the the resolution of Ionosphere echo is at FULL_DURATION. During testing this value was tested at 1.0, 2 and 2.5, with 2.5 resulting in the most desirable results in terms of matching time series that are similarly not anomalous.
Variables:IONOSPHERE_ECHO_MINMAX_SCALING_FEATURES_PERCENT_SIMILAR (float) – In terms of Ionosphere echo Min-Max scaling percentage similar, a value of 3.5 is the default. This default is above the normal IONOSPHERE_FEATURES_PERCENT_SIMILAR due to that fact that the the resolution of Ionosphere echo is at FULL_DURATION and echo is using the normal IONOSPHERE_MINMAX_SCALING_RANGE_TOLERANCE to determine if Min-Max scaling should be run. During testing this value was tested at 1, 2 and 3.5, with 3.5 resulting in the most desirable results in terms of matching time series that are similarly not anomalous.
Variables:IONOSPHERE_LAYERS_USE_APPROXIMATELY_CLOSE (boolean) – The D and E boundary limits will be matched if the value is approximately close to the limit. This is only implemented on boundary values that are > 10. The approximately close value is calculated as within 10 percent for limit values between 11 and 29 and within 5 percent when the limit value >= 30. It is only applied to the D layer with a ‘>’ or ‘>=’ condition and to the E layer with a ‘<’ or ‘<=’ condition.
Variables:IONOSPHERE_LEARN (boolean) – Whether Ionosphere is set to learn


The below IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_ variables are all overrideable in the IONOSPHERE_LEARN_NAMESPACE_CONFIG tuple per defined metric namespace further to this ALL metrics and their settings in terms of the Ionosphere learning context can also be modified via the webapp UI Ionosphere section. These settings are the defaults that are used in the creation of learnt features profiles and new metrics, HOWEVER the database is the preferred source of truth and will always be referred to first and the default or settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_NAMESPACE_CONFIG values shall only be used if database values are not determined. These settings are here so that it is easy to paint all metrics and others specifically as a whole, once a metric is added to Ionosphere via the creation of a features profile, it is painted with these defaults or the appropriate namespace settings in settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_NAMESPACE_CONFIG


Changes made to a metric settings in the database directly via the UI or your own SQL will not be overridden IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_ variables or the IONOSPHERE_LEARN_NAMESPACE_CONFIG tuple per defined metric namespace even if the metric matches the namespace, the database is the source of truth.

Variables:IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_MAX_GENERATIONS (int) – The maximum number of generations that Ionosphere can automatically learn up to from the original human created features profile within the IONOSPHERE_DEFAULT_MAX_PERCENT_DIFF_FROM_ORIGIN Overridable per namespace in settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_NAMESPACE_CONFIG and via webapp UI to update DB
Variables:IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_MAX_PERCENT_DIFF_FROM_ORIGIN (float) – The maximum percent that an automatically generated features profile can be from the original human created features profile, any automatically generated features profile with the a greater percent difference above this value when summed common features are calculated will be discarded. Anything below this value will be considered a valid learned features profile.


This percent value will match -/+ e.g. works both ways x percent above or below. In terms of comparisons, a negative percent is simply multiplied by -1.0. The lower the value, the less Ionosphere can learn, to literally disable Ionosphere learning set this to 0. The difference can be much greater than 100, but between 7 and 100 is reasonable for learning. However to really disable learning, also set all max_generations settings to 1.

Variables:IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_FULL_DURATION_DAYS (int) – The default full duration in in days at which Ionosphere should learn, the default is 30 days. Overridable per namespace in settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_NAMESPACE_CONFIG
Variables:IONOSPHERE_LEARN_VALID_TIMESERIES_OLDER_THAN_SECONDS – The number of seconds that Ionosphere should wait before surfacing the metric timeseries for to learn from. What Graphite aggregration do you want the retention to run before querying it to learn from? Overridable per namespace in settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_NAMESPACE_CONFIG
IONOSPHERE_LEARN_NAMESPACE_CONFIG = (('skyline_test.alerters.test', 30, 3661, 16, 100.0), ('.*', 30, 3661, 16, 100.0))
Variables:IONOSPHERE_LEARN_NAMESPACE_CONFIG – Configures specific namespaces at specific learning full duration in days. Overrides settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_FULL_DURATION_DAYS, settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_VALID_TIMESERIES_OLDER_THAN_SECONDS, settings.IONOSPHERE_MAX_GENERATIONS and settings.IONOSPHERE_MAX_PERCENT_DIFF_FROM_ORIGIN per defined namespace, first matched, used. Order highest to lowest namespace resoultion. Like settings.ALERTS, you know how this works now…

This is the config by which each declared namespace can be assigned a learning full duration in days. It is here to allow for overrides so that if a metric does not suit being learned at say 30 days, it could be learned at say 14 days instead if 14 days was a better suited learning full duration.

To specifically disable learning on a namespace, set LEARN_FULL_DURATION_DAYS to 0

  • Tuple schema example:

        # ('<metric_namespace>', LEARN_FULL_DURATION_DAYS,
        # Wildcard namespaces can be used as well
        ('metric3.thing\..*', 90, 3661, 16, 100.0),
        ('metric4.thing\..*.\.requests', 14, 3661, 16, 100.0),
        # However beware of wildcards as the above wildcard should really be
        ('metric4.thing\..*.\.requests', 14, 7261, 3, 7.0),
        # Disable learning on a namespace
        ('metric5.thing\..*.\.rpm', 0, 3661, 5, 7.0),
        # Learn all Ionosphere enabled metrics at 30 days
        ('.*', 30, 3661, 16, 100.0),
  • Namespace tuple parameters are:

  • metric_namespace (str) – metric_namespace pattern
  • LEARN_FULL_DURATION_DAYS (int) – The number of days that Ionosphere should should surface the metric timeseries for
  • LEARN_VALID_TIMESERIES_OLDER_THAN_SECONDS (int) – The number of seconds that Ionosphere should wait before surfacing the metric timeseries for to learn from. What Graphite aggregration do you want the retention at before querying it to learn from? REQUIRED, NOT optional, we could use the settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_VALID_TIMESERIES_OLDER_THAN_SECONDS but that be some more conditionals, that we do not need, be precise, by now if you are training Skyline well you will understand, be precise helps :)
  • MAX_GENERATIONS (int) – The maximum number of generations that Ionosphere can automatically learn up to from the original human created features profile on this metric namespace.
  • MAX_PERCENT_DIFF_FROM_ORIGIN – The maximum percent that an automatically generated features profile can be from the original human created features profile for a metric in the namespace.
Variables:IONOSPHERE_AUTOBUILD (boolean) – Make best effort attempt to auto provision any features_profiles directory and resources that have been deleted or are missing. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET


This is highlighted as a setting as the number of features_profiles dirs that Ionosphere learn could spawn and the amount of data storage that would result is unknown at this point. It is possible the operator is going to need to prune this data a lot of which will probably never be looked at. Or a Skyline node is going to fail, not have the features_profiles dirs backed up and all the data is going to be lost or deleted. So it is possible for Ionosphere to created all the human interrupted resources for the features profile back under a best effort methodology. Although the original Redis graph image would not be available, nor the Graphite graphs in the resolution at which the features profile was created, however the fp_ts is available so the Redis plot could be remade and all the Graphite graphs could be made as best effort with whatever resoultion is available for that time period. This allows the operator to delete/prune feature profile dirs by possibly least matched by age, etc or all and still be able to surface the available features profile page data on-demand. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET

Variables:IONOSPHERE_UNTRAINABLES (list) – a list of metric names or namespaces that should be deemed as untrainable. For example you do not want to allow http.status.500 to be trained that an occassional 1 or 2 errors is normal and can be expected.
Variables:MEMCACHE_ENABLED (boolean) – Enables the use of memcache in Ionosphere to optimise DB usage
Variables:MEMCACHE_SERVER_IP (str) – The IP address of the memcached server
Variables:MEMCACHE_SERVER_PORT – The port of the memcached server
Variables:LUMINOSITY_PROCESSES (int) – This is the number of Luminosity processes to run.
Variables:OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES (list) – This a nested list of any Redis instances that Skyline should query for correlation time series ONLY applicable if there are multiple Skyline instances each with their own Redis.

THIS IS TO BE DEPRECATED IN v.1.2.5, there is no longer a requirement to access Redis remotely between Skyline instances, this has been replaced by a api method which uses the REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES settings below as of v1.2.4. For example, the IP or FQDN as a string and the port as an int and the Redis password as a str OR if there is no password the boolean None: OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES = [[‘’, 6379, ‘this_is_the_redis_password’], [‘’, 6379, None]]


If you run multiple Skyline instances and are going to run cross correlations and query another Redis please ensure that you have Redis authentication enabled. See and for more info.

Variables:ALTERNATIVE_SKYLINE_URLS (list) – The alternative URLs of any other Skyline instances. This ONLY applicable if there are multiple Skyline instances each with their own Redis.

For example (note NO trailing slash): ALTERNATIVE_SKYLINE_URLS = [‘’,’’]

Variables:REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES (list) – This a nested list of any remote instances that Skyline should query for correlation time series this is ONLY applicable if there are multiple Skyline instances each with their own Redis data. This is for Skyline Luminosity to query other Skyline instances via the luminosity_remote_data API get the relevant time series fragments, by default the previous 12 minutes, for all the metrics on the other Skyline instance/s (gizpped) in order to run correlations in all metrics in the population.

For example, the IP or FQDN, the username and password as a strings str:

    ['', 'another_remote_WEBAPP_AUTH_USER','another_WEBAPP_AUTH_USER_PASSWORD']]
Variables:CORRELATE_ALERTS_ONLY (boolean) – Only cross correlate anomalies the have an alert setting (other than syslog). This reduces the number of correlations that are recorded in the database. Non alerter metrics are still however cross correlated against when an anomaly triggers on an alerter metric.
Variables:LUMINOL_CROSS_CORRELATION_THRESHOLD (float) – Only record Luminol cross correlated metrics where the correlation coefficient is > this float value. Linkedin’s Luminol library is hardcoded to 0.8, however with lots of testing 0.8 proved to be too low a threshold and resulted in listing many metrics that were not related. You may find 0.9 too low as well, it can also record a lot, however in root cause analysis and determining relationships between metrics 0.9 has proved more useful for in seeing the tress in the forest. This can be a value between 0.0 and 1.00000 - 1.0 being STRONGEST cross correlation
Variables:LUMINOSITY_RELATED_TIME_PERIOD (int) – The time period (in seconds) either side of the anomaly that should be checked to report possible related anomalies.
Variables:LUMINOSITY_CORRELATE_NAMESPACES_ONLY – A list of namespaces that metrics in the same namespace should be correlated with. The default is an empty list which results in all metrics being correlated with all metrics. If namespaces are declared in the list, all metrics will be evaluated as to whether they are in the list. Metrics in the list will only be correlated with metrics in the same namespace and excluded from correlations within ANY other namespace.
DOCKER = False
Variables:DOCKER (boolean) – Whether Skyline is running on Docker or not
Variables:DOCKER_DISPLAY_REDIS_PASSWORD_IN_REBROW (boolean) – Whether to show the Redis password in the webapp Rebrow login page
Variables:DOCKER_FAKE_EMAIL_ALERTS (boolean) – Whether to make docker fake email alerts. At the moment docker has no support to send email alerts, however an number of Ionosphere resources are created when a email alert is sent. Therefore in the docker context email alerts are processed only the SMTP action is not run. If Skyline is running on docker, this must be set to True.
FLUX_IP = ''
Variables:FLUX_IP (str) – The IP to bind the gunicorn flux server on.
FLUX_PORT = 8000
Variables:FLUX_PORT (int) – The port for the gunicorn flux server to listen on.
Variables:FLUX_WORKERS (int) – The number of gunicorn flux workers
FLUX_SELF_API_KEY = 'YOURown32charSkylineAPIkeySecret'
Variables:FLUX_SELF_API_KEY (str) – this is a 32 alphanumeric string that is used to validate direct requests to Flux. Vista uses it and connects directly to Flux and bypass the reverse proxy and authenticates itself. It can only be digits and letters e.g. [0-9][a-Z]
Variables:FLUX_BACKLOG – The maximum number of pending connections. This refers to the number of clients that can be waiting to be served. Exceeding this number results in the client getting an error when attempting to connect. It should only affect servers under significant load. As per
Variables:FLUX_MAX_AGE (int) – The maximum age of a timestamp that flux will accept as valid. This can vary depending on retentions in question and this method may be altered in a future release.
Variables:FLUX_SEND_TO_CARBON (boolean) – Whether to send metrics recieved by flux to Graphite.
Variables:FLUX_CARBON_HOST (str) – The carbon host that flux should send metrics to if FLUX_SEND_TO_CARBON is enabled.
Variables:FLUX_CARBON_PORT (int) – The carbon host port that flux should send metrics via FLUX_SEND_TO_CARBON is enabled.
Variables:FLUX_CARBON_PICKLE_PORT (int) – The port for the Carbon PICKLE_RECEIVER_PORT on Graphite as per defined in Graphite’s carbon.conf
Variables:FLUX_PROCESS_UPLOADS (boolean) – Whether flux is enabled to process uploaded data files in settings.DATA_UPLOADS_PATH. This is related to the settings.WEBAPP_ACCEPT_DATA_UPLOADS setting and files in settings.DATA_UPLOADS_PATH are processed and the data is sent to Graphite.
Variables:FLUX_SAVE_UPLOADS (boolean) – Whether flux should save processed upload data in settings.FLUX_SAVE_UPLOADS_PATH.
FLUX_SAVE_UPLOADS_PATH = '/opt/skyline/flux/processed_uploads'
Variables:FLUX_SAVE_UPLOADS_PATH (str) – The path flux saves processed data to if settings.FLUX_SAVE_UPLOADS is True. Note that this directory must exist and be writable to the user that Skyline processes are running as. Or the parent directory must exist and be owned by the user that Skyline processes are running as.
Variables:FLUX_UPLOADS_KEYS (dict) – For each parent_metric_namespace a key must be assigned to the namespace as the upload_data endpoint is not authenticated. For uploads via the webapp Flux page these are handled using the settings.FLUX_SELF_API_KEY key.
  • Example:

        'remote_sites.warehouse.1': 'c65909df-9e06-41b7-a455-4f10b99aa741',
        'remote_sites.warehouse.2': '1e8b1c63-10d3-4a24-bb27-d2513861dbf6'
Variables:FLUX_SEND_TO_STATSD (boolean) – Whether to send metrics recieved by flux to statsd.
Variables:FLUX_STATSD_HOST (str) – The statsd host that flux should send metrics to if FLUX_SEND_TO_STATSD is enabled.
Variables:FLUX_STATSD_PORT (int) – The statsd host port that flux should send metrics via FLUX_SEND_TO_STATSD is enabled.
Variables:VISTA_ENABLED (boolean) – Enables Skyline vista
Variables:VISTA_FETCHER_PROCESSES (int) – the number of Vista fetcher processes to run. In all circumstances 1 process should be sufficient as the process runs asynchronous requests.
Variables:VISTA_FETCHER_PROCESS_MAX_RUNTIME (int) – the maximum number of seconds Vista fetcher process/es should run before being terminated.
Variables:VISTA_WORKER_PROCESSES (int) – the number of Vista worker processes to run to validate and submit the metrics to Flux and Graphite.
Variables:VISTA_DO_NOT_SUBMIT_CURRENT_MINUTE (boolean) – Do not resample or send data that falls into the current minute bin to Graphite. This means that Skyline will only analyse data 60 seconds behind. In terms of fetching high frequency data this should always be the default, so that Skyline is analysing the last complete data point for a minute and is not analysing a partially populated data point which will result in false positives.
Variables:VISTA_FETCH_METRICS (tuple) – Enables Skyline vista

This is the config where metrics that need to be fetched are defined.

  • Tuple schema example:

        # (remote_host, remote_host_type, frequency, remote_target, graphite_target, uri, namespace_prefix, api_key, token, user, password, (populate_at_resolution_1, populate_at_resolution_2, ...)),
        # Example with no authentication
        ('', 'graphite', 60, 'stats.web01.cpu.user', 'stats.web01.cpu.user', '/render/?from=-10minutes&format=json&target=', 'vista.graphite_example_org', None, None, None, None, ('90days', '7days', '24hours', '6hours')),
        ('', 'graphite', 60, 'sumSeries(stats.*.cpu.user)', 'stats.cumulative.cpu.user', '/render/?from=-10minutes&format=json&target=', 'vista.graphite_example_org', None, None, None, None, ('90days', '7days', '24hours', '6hours')),
        ('', 'graphite', 3600, 'swell.tar.hm0', 'swell.tar.hm0', '/render/?from=-120minutes&format=json&target=', 'graphite_example_org', None, None, None, None, ('90days', '7days', '24hours', '6hours')),
        ('', 'prometheus', 60, 'node_load1', 'node_load1', 'default', 'vista.prometheus_example_org', None, None, None, None, ('15d',))
        ('', 'prometheus', 60, 'node_network_transmit_bytes_total{device="eth0"}', 'node_network_transmit_bytes_total.eth0', '/api/v1/query?query=node_network_transmit_bytes_total%7Bdevice%3D%22eth0%22%7D%5B5m%5D', 'vista.prometheus_example_org', None, None, None, None, None)
  • All the fetch tuple parameters are required to be present in each fetch tuple.

  • remote_host (str) – the remote metric host base URL, including the protocol and port.
  • remote_host_type (str) – the type of remote host, valid options are graphite and prometheus.
  • frequency (int) – the frequency with which to fetch data in seconds.
  • remote_target (str) – the remote target to fetch, this can be a single metric, a single metric with function/s applied or a series of metrics with function/s applied which result is a single derived time series.
  • graphite_target (str) – the absolute metric name to be used to store in Graphite this excludes the namespace_prefix set by the namespace_prefix param below.
  • uri (str) – the metric host endpoint URI used to retrieve the metric. FOR GRAPHITE: valid Graphite URIs are only in the form of from=-<period><minutes|hours|days>`, only minutes, hours and days can be passed otherwise the regexs for back filling any missing data will not work. FOR PROMETHEUS: the uri can be passed a ‘default’, this will dynamically generate a URI in terms of the URLENCODED_TARGET, start= and end= parameters that are passed to query_range, based on the current time. A Prometheus API URI can be passed, but the query should be URL encoded and cannot have any dynamic date based parameters.
  • namespace_prefix (str) – the Graphite namespace prefix to use for submitting metrics to, can be passed as ‘’ if you do not want to prefix the metric names. The namespace_prefix must NOT have a trailing dot.
  • api_key – an API key if one is required, otherwise pass the boolean None
  • token (str) – a token if one is required, otherwise pass the boolean None
  • user (str) – a username if one is required, otherwise pass the boolean None
  • password (str) – a password if one is required, otherwise pass the boolean None
  • populate_at_resolutions – if you want Vista to populate the metric with historic data this tuple allows you to declare at what resolutions to populate the data with. If you do not want to pre-populated then do not declare a tuple and simply pass an empty tuple (). NOTE - you cannot declare a resolution from Prometheus metrics which use a custom uri, historic metrics cannot currently be pulled with a custom uri. For a detailed description of this functionality please see the Vista documentation page at:
Variables:VISTA_GRAPHITE_BATCH_SIZE (int) – The number of metrics that Vista should retrieve from a Graphite host in a single request, if the metrics being requested are being requested with the same from parameter (timestamp).

skyline.skyline_functions module

Skyline functions

These are shared functions that are required in multiple modules.


Get a Redis connection

Parameters:current_skyline_app (str) – the skyline app using this function
Return type:object

Get a Redis connection with decoded responses, to read sets

Parameters:current_skyline_app (str) – the skyline app using this function
Return type:object
send_graphite_metric(current_skyline_app, metric, value)[source]

Sends the skyline_app metrics to the GRAPHITE_HOST if a graphite host is defined.

  • current_skyline_app (str) – the skyline app using this function
  • metric (str) – the metric namespace
  • value (str) – the metric value (as a str not an int)

True or False

Return type:



Create nested directories.

Parameters:path (str) – directory path to create
Returns:returns True
get_graphite_graph_image(current_skyline_app, url=None, image_file=None)[source]

Fetches a Graphite graph image of a metric and saves the image to the specified file.

  • current_skyline_app (str) – the app calling the function so the function knows which log to write too.
  • url (str) – the graph URL
  • image_file (str) – the absolute path and file name to save the graph png image as.


Return type:


load_metric_vars(current_skyline_app, metric_vars_file)[source]

Import the metric variables for a check from a metric check variables file

  • current_skyline_app (str) – the skyline app using this function
  • metric_vars_file (str) – the path and filename to the metric variables files

the metric_vars module object or False

Return type:

object or boolean

write_data_to_file(current_skyline_app, write_to_file, mode, data)[source]

Write date to a file

  • current_skyline_app (str) – the skyline app using this function
  • file (str) – the path and filename to write the data into
  • mode (str) – w to overwrite, a to append
  • data (str) – the data to write to the file

True or False

Return type:


fail_check(current_skyline_app, failed_check_dir, check_file_to_fail)[source]

Move a failed check file.

  • current_skyline_app (str) – the skyline app using this function
  • failed_check_dir (str) – the directory where failed checks are moved to
  • check_file_to_fail (str) – failed check file to move

True, False

Return type:


get_graphite_metric(current_skyline_app, metric, from_timestamp, until_timestamp, data_type, output_object)[source]

Fetch data from graphite and return it as object or save it as file

  • current_skyline_app (str) – the skyline app using this function
  • metric (str) – metric name
  • from_timestamp (str) – unix timestamp
  • until_timestamp (str) – unix timestamp
  • data_type (str) – image or json
  • output_object (str) – object or path and filename to save data as, if set to object, the object is returned

timeseries string, True, False

Return type:

str or boolean


Returns a file system safe name for a metric name in terms of creating check files, etc

send_anomalous_metric_to(current_skyline_app, send_to_app, timeseries_dir, metric_timestamp, base_name, datapoint, from_timestamp, triggered_algorithms, timeseries, full_duration, parent_id)[source]

Assign a metric and timeseries to Crucible or Ionosphere.


As per and @Aivar I must agree with @Triptycha > “This 5 line function is not a complex mechanism.”

mysql_select(current_skyline_app, select)[source]

Select data from mysql database

  • current_skyline_app (str) – the Skyline app that is calling the function
  • select (str) – the select string


Return type:

tuple, boolean

  • Example usage:

    from skyline_functions import mysql_select
    query = 'select id, metric from anomalies'
    results = mysql_select(query)
  • Example of the 0 indexed results tuple, which can hold multiple results:

    >> print('results: %s' % str(results))
    results: [(1, u'test1'), (2, u'test2')]
    >> print('results[0]: %s' % str(results[0]))
    results[0]: (1, u'test1')


  • If the MySQL query fails a boolean will be returned not a tuple
    • False
    • None

This function is used to convert an integral or incrementing count to a derivative by calculating the delta between subsequent datapoints. The function ignores datapoints that trend down and is useful for metrics that increase over time and then reset. This based on part of the Graphite render function nonNegativeDerivative at:


This function is used to determine whether timeseries is strictly increasing monotonically, it will only return True if the values are strictly increasing, an incrementing count.

in_list(metric_name, check_list)[source]

Check if the metric is in list.

# @added 20170602 - Feature #2034: analyse_derivatives # Feature #1978: worker - DO_NOT_SKIP_LIST This is a part copy of the SKIP_LIST allows for a string match or a match on dotted elements within the metric namespace used in Horizon/worker

get_memcache_metric_object(current_skyline_app, base_name)[source]

Return the metrics_db_object from memcache if it exists.

get_memcache_fp_ids_object(current_skyline_app, base_name)[source]

Return the fp_ids list from memcache if it exists.

move_file(current_skyline_app, dest_dir, file_to_move)[source]

Move a file.

  • current_skyline_app (str) – the skyline app using this function
  • dest_dir (str) – the directory the file is to be moved to
  • file_to_move (str) – path and filename of the file to move

True, False

Return type:


is_derivative_metric(current_skyline_app, base_name)[source]

Determine if a metric is a known derivative metric.

  • current_skyline_app (str) – the Skyline app that is calling the function
  • base_name (str) – The metric base_name


Return type:


set_metric_as_derivative(current_skyline_app, base_name)[source]

Add the metric to the derivative_metrics Redis set and create a z_derivative_metrics Redis key.

  • current_skyline_app (str) – the Skyline app that is calling the function
  • base_name (str) – the metric base_name


Return type:


get_user_details(current_skyline_app, desired_value, key, value)[source]

Determines the user details for a user given the desired_value, key and value. If you want the username of the user with id 1 then: get_user_details(‘username’, ‘id’, 1) # Will return ‘Skyline’ get_user_details(‘id’, ‘username’, ‘Skyline’) # Will return ‘1’

  • current_skyline_app (str) – the app calling the function so the function knows which log to write too.
  • desired_value (str) – the id or username
  • key (str) – the field for the value
  • value (str or int) – the value of the item you want to query in the key field


Return type:

(boolean, str)


Returns graphite port based on configuration in


Returns graphite render uri based on configuration in


Returns custom http headers

forward_alert(current_skyline_app, alert_data)[source]

Sends alert data to a HTTP endpoint

  • current_skyline_app (str) – the app calling the function so the function knows which log to write too.
  • alert_data (list) – a list containing the alert data


Return type:

(boolean, str)

is_batch_metric(current_skyline_app, base_name)[source]

Determine if the metric is designated as an analyzer batch processing metric

  • current_skyline_app (str) – the app calling the function so the function knows which log to write too.
  • metric_name (str) – the metric name


Return type:



Check if a metric matches a metric namespace in CHECK_AIRGAPS or one in SKIP_AIRGAPS.

Parameters:base_name (str) – the metric base_name
Return type:boolean

This function is used to sort a time series by timestamp to ensure that there are no unordered timestamps in the time series which are artefacts of the collector or carbon-relay. So all Redis time series are sorted by timestamp before analysis.

skyline.skyline_version module

version info

skyline.slack_functions module

slack functions

These are shared slack functions that are required in multiple modules.

slack_post_message(current_skyline_app, channel, thread_ts, message)[source]

Post a message to a slack channel or thread.

  • current_skyline_app (str) – the skyline app using this function
  • channel (str) – the slack channel
  • thread_ts (str or None) – the slack thread timestamp
  • message (str) – message

slack response dict

Return type:


slack_post_reaction(current_skyline_app, channel, thread_ts, emoji)[source]

Post a message to a slack channel or thread.

  • current_skyline_app (str) – the skyline app using this function
  • channel (str) – the slack channel
  • thread_ts (str) – the slack thread timestamp
  • emoji (str) – emoji e.g. thumbsup

slack response dict

Return type:


skyline.tsfresh_feature_names module

Variables:TSFRESH_VERSION (str) – The version of tsfresh installed by pip, this is important in terms of feature extraction baselines
Variables:TSFRESH_BASELINE_VERSION (str) – The version of tsfresh that was used to generate feature extraction baselines on.
TSFRESH_FEATURES = [[1, 'value__symmetry_looking__r_0.65'], [2, 'value__first_location_of_maximum'], [3, 'value__absolute_sum_of_changes'], [4, 'value__large_number_of_peaks__n_1'], [5, 'value__large_number_of_peaks__n_3'], [6, 'value__large_number_of_peaks__n_5'], [7, 'value__last_location_of_minimum'], [8, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_0.4__ql_0.0'], [9, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_0.4__ql_0.2'], [10, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_0.4__ql_0.4'], [11, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_0.4__ql_0.6'], [12, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_0.4__ql_0.8'], [13, 'value__maximum'], [14, 'value__value_count__value_-inf'], [15, 'value__skewness'], [16, 'value__number_peaks__n_3'], [17, 'value__longest_strike_above_mean'], [18, 'value__number_peaks__n_5'], [19, 'value__first_location_of_minimum'], [20, 'value__large_standard_deviation__r_0.25'], [21, 'value__augmented_dickey_fuller'], [22, 'value__count_above_mean'], [23, 'value__symmetry_looking__r_0.75'], [24, 'value__percentage_of_reoccurring_datapoints_to_all_datapoints'], [25, 'value__mean_abs_change'], [26, 'value__mean_change'], [27, 'value__value_count__value_1'], [28, 'value__value_count__value_0'], [29, 'value__minimum'], [30, 'value__autocorrelation__lag_5'], [31, 'value__median'], [32, 'value__symmetry_looking__r_0.85'], [33, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_0.8__ql_0.4'], [34, 'value__symmetry_looking__r_0.05'], [35, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_0.8__ql_0.6'], [36, 'value__value_count__value_inf'], [37, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_0.8__ql_0.0'], [38, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_0.8__ql_0.2'], [39, 'value__large_standard_deviation__r_0.45'], [40, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_0.8__ql_0.8'], [41, 'value__autocorrelation__lag_6'], [42, 'value__autocorrelation__lag_7'], [43, 'value__autocorrelation__lag_4'], [44, 'value__last_location_of_maximum'], [45, 'value__autocorrelation__lag_2'], [46, 'value__autocorrelation__lag_3'], [47, 'value__autocorrelation__lag_0'], [48, 'value__autocorrelation__lag_1'], [49, 'value__autocorrelation__lag_8'], [50, 'value__autocorrelation__lag_9'], [51, 'value__range_count__max_1__min_-1'], [52, 'value__variance'], [53, 'value__mean'], [54, 'value__standard_deviation'], [55, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_0.6__ql_0.6'], [56, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_0.6__ql_0.4'], [57, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_0.6__ql_0.2'], [58, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_0.6__ql_0.0'], [59, 'value__symmetry_looking__r_0.15'], [60, 'value__ratio_value_number_to_time_series_length'], [61, 'value__mean_second_derivate_central'], [62, 'value__number_peaks__n_1'], [63, 'value__length'], [64, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_1.0__ql_0.0'], [65, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_1.0__ql_0.2'], [66, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_1.0__ql_0.4'], [67, 'value__time_reversal_asymmetry_statistic__lag_3'], [68, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_1.0__ql_0.6'], [69, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_1.0__ql_0.8'], [70, 'value__sum_of_reoccurring_values'], [71, 'value__abs_energy'], [72, 'value__variance_larger_than_standard_deviation'], [73, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_0.6__ql_0.8'], [74, 'value__kurtosis'], [75, 'value__approximate_entropy__m_2__r_0.7'], [76, 'value__approximate_entropy__m_2__r_0.5'], [77, 'value__symmetry_looking__r_0.25'], [78, 'value__approximate_entropy__m_2__r_0.3'], [79, 'value__percentage_of_reoccurring_values_to_all_values'], [80, 'value__approximate_entropy__m_2__r_0.1'], [81, 'value__time_reversal_asymmetry_statistic__lag_2'], [82, 'value__approximate_entropy__m_2__r_0.9'], [83, 'value__time_reversal_asymmetry_statistic__lag_1'], [84, 'value__symmetry_looking__r_0.35'], [85, 'value__large_standard_deviation__r_0.3'], [86, 'value__large_standard_deviation__r_0.2'], [87, 'value__large_standard_deviation__r_0.1'], [88, 'value__large_standard_deviation__r_0.0'], [89, 'value__large_standard_deviation__r_0.4'], [90, 'value__large_standard_deviation__r_0.15'], [91, 'value__mean_autocorrelation'], [92, 'value__binned_entropy__max_bins_10'], [93, 'value__large_standard_deviation__r_0.35'], [94, 'value__symmetry_looking__r_0.95'], [95, 'value__longest_strike_below_mean'], [96, 'value__sum_values'], [97, 'value__symmetry_looking__r_0.45'], [98, 'value__symmetry_looking__r_0.6'], [99, 'value__symmetry_looking__r_0.7'], [100, 'value__symmetry_looking__r_0.4'], [101, 'value__symmetry_looking__r_0.5'], [102, 'value__symmetry_looking__r_0.2'], [103, 'value__symmetry_looking__r_0.3'], [104, 'value__symmetry_looking__r_0.0'], [105, 'value__symmetry_looking__r_0.1'], [106, 'value__has_duplicate'], [107, 'value__symmetry_looking__r_0.8'], [108, 'value__symmetry_looking__r_0.9'], [109, 'value__value_count__value_nan'], [110, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_0.2__ql_0.8'], [111, 'value__large_standard_deviation__r_0.05'], [112, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_0.2__ql_0.2'], [113, 'value__has_duplicate_max'], [114, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_0.2__ql_0.0'], [115, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_0.2__ql_0.6'], [116, 'value__mean_abs_change_quantiles__qh_0.2__ql_0.4'], [117, 'value__number_cwt_peaks__n_5'], [118, 'value__number_cwt_peaks__n_1'], [119, 'value__sample_entropy'], [120, 'value__has_duplicate_min'], [121, 'value__symmetry_looking__r_0.55'], [122, 'value__count_below_mean'], [123, 'value__quantile__q_0.1'], [124, 'value__quantile__q_0.2'], [125, 'value__quantile__q_0.3'], [126, 'value__quantile__q_0.4'], [127, 'value__quantile__q_0.6'], [128, 'value__quantile__q_0.7'], [129, 'value__quantile__q_0.8'], [130, 'value__quantile__q_0.9'], [131, 'value__ar_coefficient__k_10__coeff_0'], [132, 'value__ar_coefficient__k_10__coeff_1'], [133, 'value__ar_coefficient__k_10__coeff_2'], [134, 'value__ar_coefficient__k_10__coeff_3'], [135, 'value__ar_coefficient__k_10__coeff_4'], [136, 'value__index_mass_quantile__q_0.1'], [137, 'value__index_mass_quantile__q_0.2'], [138, 'value__index_mass_quantile__q_0.3'], [139, 'value__index_mass_quantile__q_0.4'], [140, 'value__index_mass_quantile__q_0.6'], [141, 'value__index_mass_quantile__q_0.7'], [142, 'value__index_mass_quantile__q_0.8'], [143, 'value__index_mass_quantile__q_0.9'], [144, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_0__w_2"'], [145, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_1__w_2"'], [146, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_2__w_2"'], [147, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_3__w_2"'], [148, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_4__w_2"'], [149, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_5__w_2"'], [150, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_6__w_2"'], [151, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_7__w_2"'], [152, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_8__w_2"'], [153, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_9__w_2"'], [154, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_10__w_2"'], [155, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_11__w_2"'], [156, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_12__w_2"'], [157, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_13__w_2"'], [158, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_14__w_2"'], [159, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_0__w_5"'], [160, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_1__w_5"'], [161, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_2__w_5"'], [162, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_3__w_5"'], [163, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_4__w_5"'], [164, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_5__w_5"'], [165, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_6__w_5"'], [166, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_7__w_5"'], [167, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_8__w_5"'], [168, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_9__w_5"'], [169, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_10__w_5"'], [170, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_11__w_5"'], [171, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_12__w_5"'], [172, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_13__w_5"'], [173, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_14__w_5"'], [174, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_0__w_10"'], [175, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_1__w_10"'], [176, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_2__w_10"'], [177, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_3__w_10"'], [178, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_4__w_10"'], [179, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_5__w_10"'], [180, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_6__w_10"'], [181, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_7__w_10"'], [182, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_8__w_10"'], [183, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_9__w_10"'], [184, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_10__w_10"'], [185, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_11__w_10"'], [186, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_12__w_10"'], [187, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_13__w_10"'], [188, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_14__w_10"'], [189, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_0__w_20"'], [190, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_1__w_20"'], [191, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_2__w_20"'], [192, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_3__w_20"'], [193, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_4__w_20"'], [194, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_5__w_20"'], [195, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_6__w_20"'], [196, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_7__w_20"'], [197, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_8__w_20"'], [198, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_9__w_20"'], [199, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_10__w_20"'], [200, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_11__w_20"'], [201, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_12__w_20"'], [202, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_13__w_20"'], [203, '"value__cwt_coefficients__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)__coeff_14__w_20"'], [204, 'value__spkt_welch_density__coeff_2'], [205, 'value__spkt_welch_density__coeff_5'], [206, 'value__spkt_welch_density__coeff_8'], [207, 'value__fft_coefficient__coeff_0'], [208, 'value__fft_coefficient__coeff_1'], [209, 'value__fft_coefficient__coeff_2'], [210, 'value__fft_coefficient__coeff_3'], [211, 'value__fft_coefficient__coeff_4'], [212, 'value__fft_coefficient__coeff_5'], [213, 'value__fft_coefficient__coeff_6'], [214, 'value__fft_coefficient__coeff_7'], [215, 'value__fft_coefficient__coeff_8'], [216, 'value__fft_coefficient__coeff_9']]
Variables:TSFRESH_FEATURES (array) – This array defines the Skyline id for each known tsfresh feature.


This is array is linked to relational fields in the database and ids as such should be consider immutable objects that must not be modified after they are created. This array should only ever be extended.


There is a helper script to generate is array for the feature names returned by current/running version of tsfresh and compare them to this array. The helper script outputs changes and the full generated array for diffing against this array of known feature names. See: skyline/tsfresh_features/

skyline.validate_settings module


This function is used by the to validate the variables in are valid

Parameters:current_skyline_app – the skyline app using this function
Returns:True or False
Return type:boolean

Module contents