
The Analyzer service is responsible for analyzing collected data. It has a very simple divide-and-conquer strategy. It first checks Redis to get the total number of metrics stored, and then it fires up a number of processes equal to settings.ANALYZER_PROCESSES, assigning each processes a number of metrics. Analyzing a metric is a very CPU-intensive process, because each time series must be decoded from Messagepack and then run through the algorithms. Analyzer also routes metric checks to other services (Mirage, Panorama and Ionosphere) for further analysis or recording an anomaly event, as appropriately, more on that later.

Due to Analyzer being one of the most CPU-intensive Skyline process, it is advisable to set settings.ANALYZER_PROCESSES to about the number of cores you have - leaving a few for the Skyline services and Redis.

The original documentation and settings for skyline were based on:

a flow of about 5k metrics coming in every second on average (with 250k distinct metrics). We use a 32 core Sandy Bridge box, with 64 gb of memory. We experience bursts of up to 70k TPS on Redis

Skyline runs OK on much less. It can handle ~45000 metrics per minute on a 4 vCore, 4GB RAM cloud SSD server, even before the introduction of the settings.RUN_OPTIMIZED_WORKFLOW methodology.

Do read the notes in related to the settings.ANALYZER_PROCESSES settings.ANALYZER_OPTIMUM_RUN_DURATION if you are only processing a few 1000 metrics with a data point every minute then the optimum settings will most likely be something similar to:


Python multiprocessing is not very efficient if it is not needed, in fact the overall overhead of the spawned processes ends up greater than the overhead of processing with a single process.

See Optimizations results and Analyzer Optimizations


Skyline Analyzer was designed to handle a very large number of metrics, for which picking models by hand would prove infeasible. As such, Skyline Analyzer relies upon the consensus of an ensemble of a few different algorithms. If the majority of algorithms agree that any given metric is anomalous, the metric will be classified as anomalous. It may then be surfaced to the Webapp or pushed to Mirage, if Mirage is enabled and configured for the namespace of the anomalous metric.

Currently, Skyline does not come with very many algorithmic batteries included. This is by design. Included are a few algorithms to get you started, but you are not obligated to use them and are encouraged to extend them to accommodate your particular data. Indeed, you are ultimately responsible for using the proper statistical tools the correct way with respect to your data.

Of course, we welcome all pull requests containing additional algorithms to make this tool as robust as possible. To this end, the algorithms were designed to be very easy to extend and modify. All algorithms are located in To add an algorithm to the ensemble, simply define your algorithm and add the name of your settings.ALGORITHMS. Make sure your algorithm returns either True, False or None, and be sure to update the settings.CONSENSUS setting appropriately.

Algorithm philosophy

The basic algorithms are based on 3-sigma, derived from Shewhart’s statistical process control. However, you are not limited to 3-sigma based algorithms if you do not want to use them - as long as you return a boolean, you can add any sort of algorithm you like to run on time series and vote.

Using custom algorithms

Originally the intent in Skyline was allow users to add any algorithms they wanted directly into

This is no man's land. Do anything you want in here,
as long as you return a boolean that determines whether the input
timeseries is anomalous or not.

To add an algorithm, define it here, and add its name to settings.ALGORITHMS.

This is still of course possible, however it is not greatly useful if you do not want your algorithm to be tied into the Skyline CONSENSUS methodology or maintain the core algorithms files yourself. Therefore the easier and preferred method is to use the settings.CUSTOM_ALGORITHMS functionality, which always you to load any Python source algorithm file you want and define the algorithm in terms of CONSENSUS and what namespaces to run it against.

See Custom algorithms

Explanation of Exceptions

TooShort: The time series was too short, as defined in settings.MIN_TOLERABLE_LENGTH

Incomplete: The time series was less than settings.FULL_DURATION seconds long

Stale: The time series has not received a new metric in more than settings.STALE_PERIOD seconds

Boring: The time series has been the same value for the past settings.MAX_TOLERABLE_BOREDOM seconds

Other: There’s probably an error in the code, if you’ve been making changes or we have.

Metrics monotonicity

Analyzer is used to identify what metric time series are strictly increasing monotonically, metrics that have an incrementing increasing count, so that these time series can be handled via their derivative products where appropriate. For full details see Monotonic metrics

Push to Mirage

Analyzer can push anomalous metrics that have a seasonality / periodicity that is greater than settings.FULL_DURATION to the Mirage service, see Mirage.

Push to Ionosphere

Analyzer pushes anomalous metrics that are ionosphere_enabled to Ionosphere to check if the anomalous time series is known to be NOT ANOMALOUS due to it’s features profile matching a known NOT ANOMALOUS trained or learnt features profile see Ionosphere.


analyzer_batch is a submodule of Analyzer that runs as an independent service with the sole purpose of handling and analysing metrics that are not streamed in real time but are updated in batches, every x minutes or hour/s. It is a “lite” and slightly modified version of analyzer that works in conjunction with analyzer to handle batch metrics. By default analyzer_batch and settings.BATCH_PROCESSING related settings are disabled.

It should only be enabled if you have metrics that are received in infrequent batches, metrics feed per minute do not require batch processing. For example if a metric/s are sent to Skyline every 15 minutes with a data point for each minute in the period, Analyzer’s default analysis would only analyse the latest data point against the metric time series data and not all the 14 data points since the last analysis, analyzer_batch does.

It is not default Analyzer behaviour as it adds unnecessary computational overhead on analysing real time metrics, therefore it is only implemented if required.

analyzer_batch and settings.BATCH_PROCESSING needs to be enabled if you wish to use Flux to process uploaded data files, see Flux.

Analyzer settings.ALERTS

For all the specific alert configurations see the Alerts page.

Order Matters

In terms of the settings.ALERTS order matters in Analyzer and in the Mirage context as well.


It is important to note that Analyzer uses the first alert tuple that matches.

So for example, with some annotation. Let us say we have a set of metrics related to how many requests are made per customer. We have two very important customers which we have tight SLAs and we want to know very quickly if there is ANY anomalies in the number of requests they are doing as it has immediate effect on our revenue. We have other customers too, we want to know there is a problem but we do not want to be nagged, just reminded about them every hour if there are anomalous changes.

           ('skyline', 'smtp', 3600),
           ('stats.requests.bigcheese_customer', 'smtp', 600),    # --> alert every 10 mins
           ('stats.requests.biggercheese_customer', 'smtp', 600), # --> alert every 10 mins
           ('stats.requests\..*', 'smtp', 3600),                  # --> alert every 60 mins

The above would ensure if Analyzer found bigcheese_customer or biggercheese_customer metrics anomalous, they would fire off an alert every 10 minutes, but for all other metrics in the namespace, Analyzer would only fire off an alert every hour if they were found to be anomalous.

The below would NOT have the desired effect of analysing the metrics for bigcheese_customer and biggercheese_customer

           ('skyline', 'smtp', 3600),
           ('stats.requests\..*', 'smtp', 3600),                  # --> alert every 60 mins
           ('stats.requests.bigcheese_customer', 'smtp', 600),    # --> NEVER REACHED
           ('stats.requests.biggercheese_customer', 'smtp', 600), # --> NEVER REACHED

Hopefully it is clear that Analyzer would not reach the bigcheese_customer and biggercheese_customer alert tuples as in the above example the stats.requests\..* tuple would match BEFORE the specific tuples were evaluated and the bigcheese metrics would be alerted on every 60 mins instead of the desired every 10 minutes.

Please refer to Mirage - Order Matters section for a similar example of how order matters in the Mirage context and how to define a metric namespace as a Mirage metric.

Analyzer SMTP alert graphs

Analyzer by default now sends 2 graphs in any SMTP alert. The original Graphite graph is sent and an additional graph image is sent that is plotted using the actual Redis time series data for the metric.

The Redis data graph has been added to make it specifically clear as to the data that Analyzer is alerting on. Often your metrics are aggregated in Graphite and a Graphite graph is not the exact representation of the time series data that triggered the alert, so having both is clearer.

The Redis data graph also adds the mean and the 3-sigma boundaries to the plot, which is useful for brain training. This goes against the “less is more (effective)” data visualization philosophy, however if the human neocortex is presented with 3-sigma boundaries enough times, it will probably eventually be able to calculate 3-sigma boundaries in any time series, reasonably well.

Bearing in mind that when we view anomalous time series in the UI we are presented with a red line depicting the anomalous range, this graph just does the similar in the alert context.

Should you wish to disable the Redis data graph and simply have the Graphite graph, simply set settings.PLOT_REDIS_DATA to False.

Example alert

Redis data graph in Analyzer alert

Example of the Redis data graph in the alert


The Redis data graphs do make the alerter a little more CPU when matplotlib plots the alerts and the alert email larger in size.

What Analyzer does

  • Analyzer determines all unique metrics in Redis and divides them between settings.ANALYZER_PROCESSES to be analysed between spin_process processes.
  • The spawned spin_process processes pull the all time series for their assigned_metrics they have been assigned from Redis and iterate through each metric and analyse the time series against the settings.ALGORITHMS declared in the
  • The spin_process will add any metric that it finds anomalous (triggers settings.CONSENSUS number of algorithms) to a list of anomalous_metrics.
  • The parent Analyzer process will then check every metric in the anomalous_metrics list to see if:
    • If the metric matches an settings.ALERTS tuple in
    • If a Mirage SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS parameter is set in the tuple, then Analyzer does not alert, but hands the metric off to Mirage by adding a Mirage check file.
    • If a metric is an Ionosphere enabled metric (and not a Mirage metric), then Analyzer does not alert, but sends the metric to Ionosphere by adding an Ionosphere check file.
    • If ENABLE_CRUCIBLE is True, Analyzer adds the time series as a json file and a Crucible check file.
    • If no Mirage parameter, but the metric matches an settings.ALERTS tuple namespace, Analyzer then checks if an Analyzer alert key exists for the metric by querying the metric’s Analyzer alert key in Redis.
    • If no alert key, Analyzer sends alert/s to the configured alerters and sets the metric’s Analyzer alert key for settings.EXPIRATION_TIME seconds.
    • Analyzer will alert for an Analyzer metric that has been returned from Ionosphere as anomalous having not matched any known features profile or layers.