Custom algorithms


This section describes the process, steps and resources required to run custom algorithms in Skyline. Adding a custom algorithm or algorithms is easier and better than modifying the core Skyline algorithm files yourself.

If you are wanting to implement a custom algorithm, ensure you read this documentation thoroughly and understand the layout in the example algorithms. This will save you time if you do it properly from the beginning.

Custom algorithms are currently implemented in anlayzer, analyzer_batch, mirage and soon crucible, they are not yet consumed in boundary and probably will not unless there is a good use case for them to be added.

To implement a custom algorithm, you need to define it in settings.CUSTOM_ALGORITHMS and add the Python source custom algorithm file.


A note on speed, bear in mind that any custom algorithms added have to run FAST, otherwise analysis stops being real time and the Skyline apps will terminate their own spawned processes if they run too long. Consider that Skyline’s 3 sigma algorithms take on average 0.0023 seconds to run and all 9 are run on a metric in about 0.0207 seconds. Adding any algorithms that run substantially slower is not recommended, even if it is on a small set of metrics. If you break Skyline with your own custom algorithms, be that on your head.

Custom algorithms are run before the core 3 sigma algorithms, which allows the user to disable the running of 3 sigma algorithms on namespaces if they so desire, more on this below.


Custom algorithms are defined in the settings.CUSTOM_ALGORITHMS dictionary. The format and key values of the dictionary are shown in the following example:

    'abs_stddev_from_median': {
        'namespaces': ['telegraf.cpu-total.cpu.usage_system'],
        'algorithm_source': '/opt/skyline/github/skyline/skyline/custom_algorithms/',
        'algorithm_parameters': {},
        'max_execution_time': 0.09,
        'consensus': 6,
        'algorithms_allowed_in_consensus': [],
        'run_3sigma_algorithms': True,
        'use_with': ['analyzer', 'analyzer_batch', 'mirage', 'crucible'],
        'debug_logging': False,
    'last_same_hours': {
        'namespaces': ['telegraf.cpu-total.cpu.usage_user'],
        'algorithm_source': '/opt/skyline/github/skyline/skyline/custom_algorithms/',
        # Pass the argument 1209600 for the sample_period parameter and
        # enable debug_logging in the algorithm itself
        'algorithm_parameters': {
          'sample_period': 604800,
          'debug_logging': True
        'max_execution_time': 0.3,
        'consensus': 6,
        'algorithms_allowed_in_consensus': [],
        'run_3sigma_algorithms': True,
        # This does not run on analyzer as it is weekly data
        'use_with': ['mirage', 'crucible'],
        'debug_logging': False,
    'detect_significant_change': {
        'namespaces': ['swell.buoy.*.Hm0'],
        # Algorithm source not in the Skyline code directory
        'algorithm_source': '/opt/skyline_custom_algorithms/detect_significant_change/',
        'algorithm_parameters': {},
        'max_execution_time': 0.002,
        'consensus': 1,
        'algorithms_allowed_in_consensus': ['detect_significant_change'],
        'run_3sigma_algorithms': False,
        'use_with': ['analyzer', 'crucible'],
        'debug_logging': True,

Within the dictionary each custom algorithm is declared and its variables are defined. Each custom algorithm defined is required to adhere to the following requirements.

  • algorithm_name: firstly and importantly, name of algorithm must be simple, unbroken, alphanumeric string. It must also be the name of the main algorithm function, this is because it is loaded by importlib and the name in the dictionary is used to load the custom algorithm at runtime.
  • namespaces: this is a list of the namespaces you want to run the custom algorithm against. These can be absolute metric names, substrings or dotted elements of a namespace or a regex of a namespace.
  • algorithm_source: the full path to the custom algorithm Python file, the file can be deployed to any directory it does not need to be in the same path as the Skyline code, just ensure the user running the Skyline process has read permissions on the path and file itself.
  • algorithm_parameters - this is a dictionary of any parameters/arguments that you want to pass to your algorithm. In your custom algorithm you will need to interpolate your parameters/arguments (key/value) from this dictionary. If none are required simply use an empty dict {}.
  • max_execution_time - a float and read the warning about speed above.
  • consensus - this allows you to add your algorithm to the CONSENSUS or override CONSENSUS by setting this to 1. If you are running CONSENSUS = 6 and wanted to just add your custom algorithm as an addition to the normal 3 sigma algorithms, you would just pass 'consensus': 6 or 'consensus': 7 depending on what you want. The only other option currently is to override the CONSENSUS, if you want an anomaly triggered every time your custom algorithm triggers, regardless of 3 sigma CONSENSUS then set 'consensus': 1
  • algorithms_allowed_in_consensus: must be passed but is not implemented yet but this is a list of algorithms that must have triggered for consensus to be achieved. If an empty list is passed [] this will be ignored and normal CONSENSUS will be used.
  • run_3sigma_algorithms: a boolean stating whether to run the normal 3 sigma algorithms, this is optional and defaults to True if it is not passed in the dictionary. If any custom algorithm is run that has this set to False no 3 sigma algorithms will be run regardless of what any other custom algorithms are set to.
  • use_with - a list of the Skyline apps that should apply the custom algorithm. All the apps can be declared but they will only apply the custom algorithm if they actually handle the metric. Simply declaring them in the list does not mean that the app will just automatically run them all the time. If the app does not handle the metric, it being declared makes no difference, therefore if you are unsure, it is safe to list them all. Altough do note that if your custom algorithm needs more data than settings.FULL_DURATION then do not specify 'analyzer', 'analyzer_batch' as apps to run the custom algorithm with.
  • debug_logging: a boolean to enable debug_logging, which wraps the custom algorithm run in a bit of additional logging, regarding timings, etc this is useful for development and testing. In general use and production this should always be set to False.

It is also possible to set settings.DEBUG_CUSTOM_ALGORITHMS to True and this enables debug logging on all custom algorithms, regardless of what their debug_logging is set to. However if this is set to False debug logging can still be implemented on each custom_algorithm individually using 'debug_logging': True, in the algorithm item in settings.CUSTOM_ALGORITHMS.

The custom algorithm file

Although any Python code can be added to a custom algorithm file, the algorithm file must meet some basic requirements that are required to properly integrate and be run by Skyline.

Below the requirements are outlined, please read them and you can refer to a couple of example custom algorithm files in the skyline/custom_algorithms directory of the repo.


Do remember if the algorithm has requirements that are not declared in Skyline’s requirements.txt file, ensure that you install the algorithm’s requirements in the Skyline virtualenv.


Unlike the core Skyline algorithms, custom algorithms introduces the requirement for the algorithm to also return a anomalyScore. The concept of the anomalyScore is used in many anomaly detection algorithms and methods and it is useful in many cases for algorithm testing.

Custom algorithm requirements

  • Must be written in Python
  • Must import all modules and classes it requires.
  • The algorithm must have four parameters, e.g.
def last_same_hours_weekly(current_skyline_app, parent_pid, timeseries, algorithm_parameters):
  • The four parameters are:
    • current_skyline_app - this will be passed to the custom algorithm by Skyline to identify which Skyline app is executing the algorithm, this is required for error handling and logging. You do not have to worry about handling the current_skyline_app argument in your algorithm, your algorithm must just accept it as the first argument.
    • parent_pid - this will be passed to the custom algorithm by Skyline to identify which pid has executed the algorithm, this is required for error handling and logging. You do not have to worry about handling the parent_pid argument in your algorithm, your algorithm must just accept it as the second argument.
    • timeseries - the algorithm must accept a time series as a list e.g. [[1578916800.0, 29.0], [1578920400.0, 55.0], ... [1580353200.0, 55.0]]
    • algorithm_parameters - this is a dictionary of any of parameters that the algorithm requires.
  • Your algorithm should be a simple single function, see the example algorithms for guidance. It is possible that a multi classed algorithm could work, but your mileage may vary. This method is only tested with the algorithm being a simple function.
  • The custom algorithm must return a boolean to state whether the data point is anomalous and a anomalyScore, e.g.
# return (anomalous, anomalyScore)
    return (True, 1.0)
return (False, 0.2)
  • The returned boolean must be one of the following three choices:
    • True - the data point is anomalous
    • False - the data point is not anomalous
    • None - returned when the algorithm could not determine True or False, an error occurred or there was no data, etc.
  • The returned anomalyScore must be a float between 0.0 and 1.0, 0.0 being not anomalous and 1.0 being a certain anomaly. You can pass (False, 0.7), you just have to normalise your anomalyScore between 0.0 and 1.0. The anomalyScore is currently only for testing it is not used in any way but it must be returned. The anomalous classification is currently only determined from the boolean and the anomalyScore is currently not used in any way other than for testing. If your algorithm does not calculate an anomaly score, when your algorithm returns False just return it with a 0.0 and when your algorithm returns True just return it with 1.0

Error handling

In the example algorithms there are examples of how to wrap your algorithm in normal Skyline algorithm exception handling method. Although you can implement your own logging in a custom algorithm, before you do, consider using the method described in the example algorithms, because the algorithms iterate over 1000s of time series every minute, logging all errors that are encountered in the developing or running of an algorithm is not practical (due to simply I/O) or desired. To accommodate error logging from algorithms, Skyline’s error handling method writes out any errors to a single file per algorithm during the analysis phase, overwriting the file with each error. The errors files are handled in the /tmp directory which is normal memory based tmpfs resources so no disk I/O is encountered. Once analysis is complete, the parent process checks for any algorithm error files and logs any errors found to the main application log once. As shown in the example below.

2020-06-07 05:47:40 :: 12856 :: error :: spin_process with pid 12870 has reported an error with the abs_stddev_from_median algorithm
2020-06-07 05:47:40 :: 12856 :: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/skyline/github/skyline/skyline/custom_algorithms/", line 46, in abs_stddev_from_median
    make_an_error = median * UNDEFINED_VARIABLE
NameError: name 'UNDEFINED_VARIABLE' is not defined

This allows for errors to be encountered while not spewing 1000s and 1000s of lines of errors to disk based the application logs and incurring masses of I/O.

Example custom algorithms

There are two example custom algorithms in the repo for you to model the structure of your custom algorithm on.


This is the simplest custom algorithm structure, it does not have any algorithm_parameters and has no debug logging.


This is an example of a more complex custom algorithm structure, that uses algorithm_parameters and can even debug log to the Skyline app log if debug_logging is passed and enabled via the algorithm_parameters.

Running a Mirage only custom algorithm on a metric all the time

Normally for Analyzer to push a metric to Mirage, Analyzer would have to trigger on it as anomalous. However if you wish to run a custom algorithm on a metric that requires SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS of data to run against as the settings.FULL_DURATION data is not sufficient for the custom algorithm, perhaps due to seasonality, then you need to declare the metric in settings.MIRAGE_ALWAYS_METRICS. This will cause Analyzer to add the metric to Mirage on every run. Note that the metric needs to be defined as a mirage enabled metric in the normal way, ensuring it matches a smtp alert defined in settings.ALERTS with a SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS declared.

Some things to consider

  • Think about what Skyline apps you want your algorithm to run in. If you are wanting to use data > settings.FULL_DURATION then ensure you only specify 'use_with': ['mirage', 'crucible'],.
  • Thoroughly test your algorithm with debug_logging
  • Purposefully break your algorithm during testing to test and see how the error handling is working.
  • Any custom algorithms applied to analyzer must be FAST. Custom algorithms that are only applied to mirage and analyzer_batch can take a bit longer to run, but they will delay analysis the longer their execution time.