Source code for mirage.negaters

from __future__ import division
from smtplib import SMTP
import sys
python_version = int(sys.version_info[0])
if python_version == 2:
    from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
    from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
    from email.MIMEImage import MIMEImage
if python_version == 3:
    from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
    from email.mime.text import MIMEText
    from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
import negaters
    import urllib2
except ImportError:
    import urllib.request
    import urllib.error

import os.path
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), os.pardir))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(__file__))
import settings

# from skyline import settings

Create any alerter you want here. The function will be invoked from trigger_alert.
Two arguments will be passed, both of them tuples: alert and metric.

alert: the tuple specified in your settings:
    alert[0]: The matched substring of the anomalous metric
    alert[1]: the name of the strategy being used to alert
    alert[2]: The timeout of the alert that was triggered
metric: information about the anomaly itself
    metric[0]: the anomalous value
    metric[1]: The full name of the anomalous metric

[docs]def negate_analyzer_alert(alert, metric, second_order_resolution_seconds, metric_value): # FULL_DURATION to hours so that mirage can surface the relevant timeseries data # for analyzer comparison in the graph full_duration_in_hours = int(settings.FULL_DURATION) / 3600 # SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_SECONDS to hours so that mirage surfaces the # relevant timeseries data in the graph second_order_resolution_in_hours = int(second_order_resolution_seconds) / 3600 # For backwards compatibility if '@' in alert[1]: sender = settings.ALERT_SENDER recipient = alert[1] else: sender = settings.SMTP_OPTS['sender'] recipients = settings.SMTP_OPTS['recipients'][alert[0]] # Backwards compatibility if type(recipients) is str: recipients = [recipients] graph_title = '&title=skyline%%20mirage%%20negation%%20at%%20%s%%20hours%%0A%s%%20-%%20%s' % (second_order_resolution_in_hours, metric[1], metric[0]) analyzer_graph_title = '&title=skyline%%20analyzer%%20alert%%20at%%20%s%%20hours%%0A%s%%20-%%20%s' % (full_duration_in_hours, metric[1], metric_value) if settings.GRAPHITE_PORT != '': # @modified 20200417 - Task #3294: py3 - handle system parameter in Graphite cactiStyle # link = '%s://%s:%s/render/?from=-%shour&target=cactiStyle(%s)%s%s&colorList=purple' % (settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, settings.GRAPHITE_PORT, second_order_resolution_in_hours, metric[1], settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title) # analyzer_link = '%s://%s:%s/render/?from=-%shour&target=cactiStyle(%s)%s%s&colorList=orange' % (settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, settings.GRAPHITE_PORT, full_duration_in_hours, metric[1], settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, analyzer_graph_title) link = '%s://%s:%s/render/?from=-%shour&target=cactiStyle(%s,%%27si%%27)%s%s&colorList=purple' % (settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, settings.GRAPHITE_PORT, second_order_resolution_in_hours, metric[1], settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title) analyzer_link = '%s://%s:%s/render/?from=-%shour&target=cactiStyle(%s,%%27si%%27)%s%s&colorList=orange' % (settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, settings.GRAPHITE_PORT, full_duration_in_hours, metric[1], settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, analyzer_graph_title) else: # @modified 20200417 - Task #3294: py3 - handle system parameter in Graphite cactiStyle # link = '%s://%s/render/?from=-%shour&target=cactiStyle(%s)%s%s&colorList=purple' % (settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, second_order_resolution_in_hours, metric[1], settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title) # analyzer_link = '%s://%s/render/?from=-%shour&target=cactiStyle(%s)%s%s&colorList=orange' % (settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, full_duration_in_hours, metric[1], settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, analyzer_graph_title) link = '%s://%s/render/?from=-%shour&target=cactiStyle(%s,%%27si%%27)%s%s&colorList=purple' % (settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, second_order_resolution_in_hours, metric[1], settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title) analyzer_link = '%s://%s/render/?from=-%shour&target=cactiStyle(%s,%%27si%%27)%s%s&colorList=orange' % (settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, full_duration_in_hours, metric[1], settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, analyzer_graph_title) content_id = metric[1] image_data = None if settings.SMTP_OPTS.get('embed-images'): try: # @modified 20170913 - Task #2160: Test skyline with bandit # Added nosec to exclude from bandit tests image_data = urllib2.urlopen(link).read() # nosec except urllib2.URLError: image_data = None # If we failed to get the image or if it was explicitly disabled, # use the image URL instead of the content. if image_data is None: img_tag = '<img src="%s"/>' % link else: img_tag = '<img src="cid:%s"/>' % content_id analyzer_content_id = 'analyzer' analyzer_image_data = None if settings.SMTP_OPTS.get('embed-images'): try: # @modified 20170913 - Task #2160: Test skyline with bandit # Added nosec to exclude from bandit tests analyzer_image_data = urllib2.urlopen(analyzer_link).read() # nosec except urllib2.URLError: analyzer_image_data = None # If we failed to get the image or if it was explicitly disabled, # use the image URL instead of the content. if analyzer_image_data is None: analyzer_img_tag = '<img src="%s"/>' % analyzer_link else: analyzer_img_tag = '<img src="cid:%s"/>' % analyzer_content_id mirage_body = 'mirage alert NEGATION <br> analyzer reported %s as anomalous at %s over %s hours <br> <br> This metric is NOT anomalous at %s hours <br> <a href="%s">%s</a>' % (metric[1], metric_value, full_duration_in_hours, second_order_resolution_in_hours, link, img_tag) analyzer_body = ' <br> <br> <br> Analyzer graph at %s hours for anomalous value: %s<br> <a href="%s">%s</a>' % (full_duration_in_hours, metric_value, analyzer_link, analyzer_img_tag) if analyzer_image_data is not None: body = mirage_body + analyzer_body else: body = mirage_body for recipient in recipients: msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative') msg['Subject'] = 'mirage alert NEGATION - ' + metric[1] msg['From'] = sender msg['To'] = recipient msg.attach(MIMEText(body, 'html')) if image_data is not None: msg_attachment = MIMEImage(image_data) msg_attachment.add_header('Content-ID', '<%s>' % content_id) msg.attach(msg_attachment) if analyzer_image_data is not None: analyzer_msg_attachment = MIMEImage(analyzer_image_data) analyzer_msg_attachment.add_header('Content-ID', '<%s>' % analyzer_content_id) msg.attach(analyzer_msg_attachment) s = SMTP('') s.sendmail(sender, recipient, msg.as_string()) s.quit()
[docs]def negate_hipchat(alert, metric, second_order_resolution_seconds, metric_value): # SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_SECONDS to hours so that mirage surfaces the # relevant timeseries data in the graph second_order_resolution_in_hours = int(second_order_resolution_seconds) / 3600
# not really required
[docs]def negate_syslog(alert, metric, second_order_resolution_seconds, metric_value): import sys import syslog # FULL_DURATION to hours so that mirage can surface the relevant timeseries data # for analyzer comparison in the graph full_duration_in_hours = int(settings.FULL_DURATION) / 3600 # SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_SECONDS to hours so that mirage surfaces the # relevant timeseries data in the graph second_order_resolution_in_hours = int(second_order_resolution_seconds) / 3600 syslog_ident = settings.SYSLOG_OPTS['ident'] + '-mirage' message = str("not anomalous at %s hours: %s (%s hours value: %s) - (%s hours value: %s)" % (second_order_resolution_in_hours, metric[1], full_duration_in_hours, metric_value, second_order_resolution_in_hours, metric[0])) if sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 6): syslog.openlog(syslog_ident, syslog.LOG_PID, syslog.LOG_LOCAL4) elif sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 7): syslog.openlog(ident="skyline", logoption=syslog.LOG_PID, facility=syslog.LOG_LOCAL4) elif sys.version_info[:1] == (3): syslog.openlog(ident="skyline", logoption=syslog.LOG_PID, facility=syslog.LOG_LOCAL4) else: syslog.openlog(syslog_ident, syslog.LOG_PID, syslog.LOG_LOCAL4) syslog.syslog(4, message)
[docs]def trigger_negater(alert, metric, second_order_resolution_seconds, metric_value): if alert[1] == 'smtp': strategy = 'negate_analyzer_alert' else: strategy = 'negate_' + alert[1] getattr(negaters, strategy)(alert, metric, second_order_resolution_seconds, metric_value)