Source code for custom_algorithms

from __future__ import division
import logging
import traceback
import os.path
from os import getpid
import sys
import importlib.util
import time
import timeout_decorator
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from settings import (

[docs]def get_function_name(): """ This is a utility function is used to determine what algorithm is reporting an algorithm error when the record_algorithm_error is used. """ return traceback.extract_stack(None, 2)[0][2]
[docs]def record_algorithm_error(current_skyline_app, parent_pid, algorithm_name, traceback_format_exc_string): """ This utility function is used to facilitate the traceback from any algorithm errors. The algorithm functions themselves we want to run super fast and without fail in terms of stopping the function returning and not reporting anything to the log, so the pythonic except is used to "sample" any algorithm errors to a tmp file and report once per run rather than spewing tons of errors into the log. .. note:: algorithm errors tmp file clean up the algorithm error tmp files are handled and cleaned up in :class:`Analyzer` after all the spawned processes are completed. :param current_skyline_app: the Skyline app :param algorithm_name: the algoritm function name :param traceback_format_exc_string: the traceback_format_exc string :param parent_pid: the pid of the parent process that will be used to in error file naming :type current_skyline_app: str :type algorithm_name: str :type traceback_format_exc_string: str :type parent_pid: int :return: - ``True`` the error string was written to the algorithm_error_file - ``False`` the error string was not written to the algorithm_error_file :rtype: - boolean """ # current_process_pid = getpid() algorithm_error_file = '%s/%s.%s.%s.algorithm.error' % ( SKYLINE_TMP_DIR, current_skyline_app, str(parent_pid), algorithm_name) try: with open(algorithm_error_file, 'w') as f: f.write(str(traceback_format_exc_string)) return True except: return False
# @added 20200603 - Feature #3566: custom_algorithms
[docs]def run_custom_algorithm_on_timeseries(current_skyline_app, parent_pid, base_name, timeseries, custom_algorithm, custom_algorithm_dict, debug_custom_algortihms): """ Return a dictionary of custom algoritms to run on a metric determined from the :mod:`settings.CUSTOM_ALGORITHMS` dictionary. """ func_name = 'run_custom_algorithm_on_timeseries' anomalous = None anomalyScore = None current_logger = None myPid = getpid() def get_log(current_skyline_app): current_skyline_app_logger = current_skyline_app + 'Log' current_logger = logging.getLogger(current_skyline_app_logger) return current_logger def str_to_class(classname, current_logger): try: return getattr(sys.modules[classname], classname) except: if not current_logger: current_logger = get_log(current_skyline_app) current_logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) current_logger.error( 'error :: %s :: with pid %s failed load custom algorithm module - %s' % ( func_name, str(myPid), str(classname))) return (None, None) debug_logging = False try: debug_logging = custom_algorithm_dict['debug_logging'] except: debug_logging = False if debug_logging or debug_custom_algortihms: current_logger = get_log(current_skyline_app) current_logger.debug( 'debug :: %s :: pid %s, running custom algorithm - %s with debug_logging for %s' % ( func_name, str(myPid), custom_algorithm, base_name)) try: algorithm_source = custom_algorithm_dict['algorithm_source'] if debug_logging or debug_custom_algortihms: current_logger.debug( 'debug :: %s :: pid %s, %s algorithm_source - %s' % ( func_name, str(myPid), custom_algorithm, str(algorithm_source))) except: if not current_logger: current_logger = get_log(current_skyline_app) current_logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) current_logger.error( 'error :: %s :: pid %s, failed determine algorithm_source for custom algorithm - %s' % ( func_name, str(myPid), custom_algorithm)) return (None, None) if algorithm_source: if not os.path.isfile(str(algorithm_source)): if not current_logger: current_logger = get_log(current_skyline_app) current_logger.error( 'error :: %s :: pid %s, failed to find custom algorithm - %s - algorithm_source file - %s' % ( func_name, str(myPid), custom_algorithm, str(algorithm_source))) return (None, None) try: if debug_logging or debug_custom_algortihms: current_logger.debug( 'debug :: %s :: pid %s, importing %s' % (func_name, str(myPid), custom_algorithm)) sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(algorithm_source)), os.pardir)) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(algorithm_source)) module_name = custom_algorithm spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, algorithm_source) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) sys.modules[module_name] = module except: if not current_logger: current_logger = get_log(current_skyline_app) current_logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) current_logger.error( 'error :: %s :: pid %s, failed to load custom algorithm - %s - from algorithm_source file - %s' % ( func_name, str(myPid), custom_algorithm, str(algorithm_source))) return (None, None) use_custom_algorithm = None try: use_custom_algorithm = str_to_class(custom_algorithm, current_logger) except: if not current_logger: current_logger = get_log(current_skyline_app) current_logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) current_logger.error( 'error :: %s :: pid %s, failed to interpolate module name for custom algorithm - %s' % ( func_name, str(myPid), custom_algorithm)) return (None, None) if not use_custom_algorithm: if not current_logger: current_logger = get_log(current_skyline_app) current_logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) current_logger.error( 'error :: %s :: pid %s, failed to get module name for custom algorithm - %s' % ( func_name, str(myPid), custom_algorithm)) return (None, None) algorithm_parameters = {} try: algorithm_parameters = custom_algorithm_dict['algorithm_parameters'] if debug_logging or debug_custom_algortihms: current_logger.debug( 'debug :: %s :: pid %s, %s algorithm_parameters - %s' % ( func_name, str(myPid), custom_algorithm, str(algorithm_parameters))) except: algorithm_parameters = {} max_execution_time = 0.05 try: max_execution_time = float(custom_algorithm_dict['max_execution_time']) if debug_logging or debug_custom_algortihms: current_logger.debug( 'debug :: %s :: pid %s, %s max_execution_time - %s' % ( func_name, str(myPid), custom_algorithm, str(max_execution_time))) except: max_execution_time = 0.05 if debug_logging or debug_custom_algortihms: current_logger.debug( 'debug :: %s :: pid %s, %s on %s with max_execution_time - %s, algorithm_parameters - %s' % ( func_name, str(myPid), custom_algorithm, base_name, str(max_execution_time), str(algorithm_parameters))) @timeout_decorator.timeout(max_execution_time, timeout_exception=StopIteration, use_signals=False) def run_custom_algorithm_with_timeout(current_logger, custom_algorithm, use_custom_algorithm, current_skyline_app, parent_pid, timeseries, algorithm_parameters, debug_custom_algortihms, max_execution_time): funcPid = getpid() if debug_custom_algortihms: start_debug_timer = timer() anomalous = None anomalyScore = None try: anomalous, anomalyScore = use_custom_algorithm(current_skyline_app, parent_pid, timeseries, algorithm_parameters) if debug_custom_algortihms: end_debug_timer = timer() if not current_logger: current_logger = get_log(current_skyline_app) current_logger.debug( 'debug :: %s :: pid %s, analysed %s (with run_custom_algorithm_with_timeout with max_execution_time set to %s, in %.6f seconds) - anomalous - %s, anomalyScore - %s' % ( func_name, str(funcPid), custom_algorithm, str(max_execution_time), (end_debug_timer - start_debug_timer), str(anomalous), str(anomalyScore))) except SystemExit: if debug_custom_algortihms: end_debug_timer = timer() if not current_logger: current_logger = get_log(current_skyline_app) current_logger.debug( 'debug :: %s :: pid %s, %s was timed out by max_execution_time of %s, after running for %.6f seconds with returning a result' % ( func_name, str(funcPid), custom_algorithm, str(max_execution_time), (end_debug_timer - start_debug_timer))) return (None, None) except: if not current_logger: current_logger = get_log(current_skyline_app) current_logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) end_debug_timer = timer() current_logger.error( 'error :: run_custom_algorithm_with_timeout :: pid %s, failed to evaluate time series with custom algorithm - %s' % ( str(funcPid), custom_algorithm)) return (None, None) return (anomalous, anomalyScore) if debug_logging or debug_custom_algortihms: current_logger.debug( 'debug :: %s :: pid %s, running %s with run_custom_algorithm_with_timeout set to %s' % ( func_name, str(myPid), custom_algorithm, str(max_execution_time))) debug_custom_algortihms = True try: # anomalous, anomalyScore = use_custom_algorithm(current_skyline_app, timeseries, algorithm_parameters) anomalous, anomalyScore = run_custom_algorithm_with_timeout(current_logger, custom_algorithm, use_custom_algorithm, current_skyline_app, parent_pid, timeseries, algorithm_parameters, debug_custom_algortihms, max_execution_time) except StopIteration: if not current_logger: current_logger = get_log(current_skyline_app) current_logger.error( 'error :: %s :: pid %s, terminated evaluation of time series after max_execution_time %s was reached (timeout) with custom algorithm - %s - loaded from algorithm_source file - %s' % ( func_name, str(myPid), str(max_execution_time), custom_algorithm, str(algorithm_source))) return (None, None) except: if not current_logger: current_logger = get_log(current_skyline_app) current_logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) current_logger.error( 'error :: %s :: pid %s, failed to evaluate time series with custom algorithm - %s - loaded from algorithm_source file - %s' % ( func_name, str(myPid), custom_algorithm, str(algorithm_source))) return (None, None) if debug_logging or debug_custom_algortihms: current_logger.debug( 'debug :: %s :: pid %s, %s with results (%s, %s)' % ( func_name, str(myPid), custom_algorithm, str(anomalous), str(anomalyScore))) return (anomalous, anomalyScore)