Source code for algorithm_scores_plot

import logging
import traceback
from os import path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]def get_algorithm_scores_plot( current_skyline_app, output_file, timeseries, algorithm, anomalous, anomalies, scores, anomaly_window=1, anomalies_in_window=None, unreliable=False, low_entropy_value=None): """ Creates a png graph image using the vortex results data. :param current_skyline_app: the Skyline app name calling the function :param output_file: full path and filename to output where the png image is to be saved to :param timeseries: the time series :param algorithm: the algorithm :param anomalous: anomalous :param anomalies: the anomalies dict :param scores: the scores list :param anomaly_window: the anomaly window :param anomaly_in_window: the number of anomalies in the anomaly_window :param unreliable: unreliable :param low_entropy_value: the spectral_entropy low_entropy_value if there is one :type current_skyline_app: str :type output_file: str :type timeseries: list :type algorithm: str :type anomalous: boolean :type anomalies: dict :type scores: list :type anomaly_window: int :type anomaly_in_window: int :type unreliable: boolean :type low_entropy_value: float :return: file :rtype: boolean|str """ current_skyline_app_logger = current_skyline_app + 'Log' current_logger = logging.getLogger(current_skyline_app_logger) if path.isfile(output_file):'get_algorithm_scores_plot - graph image already exists - %s' % output_file) return output_file try:'get_algorithm_scores_plot - creating graph image - %s' % output_file) params = { 'axes.labelsize': 10, 'axes.titlesize': 10, 'xtick.labelsize': 10, } plt.rcParams.update(params) plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 8 plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 8 anomalies_indices = [] data = [] for index, item in enumerate(timeseries): score = 0 anomaly_value = np.nan try: score = scores[index] except: score = np.nan try: ts = int(item[0]) except: continue try: if anomalies[ts]: anomalies_indices.append(index) anomaly_value = item[1] except: # Try a string as it is coerced by JSON try: ts_str = str(ts) if anomalies[ts_str]: anomalies_indices.append(index) anomaly_value = item[1] except: pass data.append([item[0], item[1], score, anomaly_value])'get_algorithm_scores_plot - %s - anomalous: %s, total anomalies: %s, requested anomaly window: last %s data points, anomalies in window: %s, anomalies_indices: %s' % ( algorithm, str(anomalous), str(len(anomalies)), str(anomaly_window), str(anomalies_in_window), str(len(anomalies_indices)))) ylabel = '%s score' % algorithm df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['date', 'value', 'score', 'anomaly']) df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'], unit='s') datetime_index = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['date'].values) df = df.set_index(datetime_index) df.drop('date', axis=1, inplace=True) fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 4)) title = '%s - anomalous: %s, total anomalies: %s\nrequested anomaly window: last %s data points, anomalies in window: %s' % ( algorithm, str(anomalous), str(len(anomalies)), str(anomaly_window), str(anomalies_in_window)) if algorithm == 'sigma': title = '%s - anomalous: %s, total anomalies: %s\nrequested anomaly window: last %s data points, anomalies in window: %s\nONLY THE LAST %s DATA POINT ARE ANALYSED FOR ANOMALIES WITH sigma NOT ALL' % ( algorithm, str(anomalous), str(len(anomalies)), str(anomaly_window), str(anomalies_in_window), str(anomaly_window)) if algorithm == 'spectral_entropy': if low_entropy_value or low_entropy_value == 0.0: title = '%s (low_entropy_value: %s) - anomalous: %s, total anomalies: %s\nrequested anomaly window: last %s data points, anomalies in window: %s' % ( algorithm, str(round(low_entropy_value, 3)), str(anomalous), str(len(anomalies)), str(anomaly_window), str(anomalies_in_window)) if unreliable: title = '%s\nUNRELIABLE RESULTS' % title plt.title(title) ax1b = ax1.twinx() plot1a, = ax1.plot(df.index, df.value, lw=0.4, alpha=1.0, zorder=1) plot1b, = ax1b.plot(df.index, df.score, color='orange', lw=0.4, alpha=0.7, zorder=3) s = [5 for item in df['anomaly'].tolist()] c = ['red' for item in df['anomaly'].tolist()] plot1c = ax1.scatter(df.index, df.anomaly, s=s, c=c) ax1.set_ylabel('value', fontsize='small') ax1b.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize='small') ax1.set_xlabel('Date', fontsize='small') ax1.xaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize='small') plt.legend([plot1a, plot1b, plot1c], df.columns, loc='best') # defining display layout plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(output_file, format='png') fig.clf() plt.close(fig)'get_algorithm_scores_plot - created graph image - %s' % output_file) except Exception as err: current_logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) current_logger.error('error :: get_algorithm_scores_plot :: failed to create %s - %s' % (output_file, err)) return False return output_file