
Skyline can be integrated with slack in terms of alerts and making automatic updates to slack alert threads, informing you that a training data page has been reviewed, a features profile has been created or learnt and validated.

To use slack with Skyline you need to create a slack skyline app and a bot user.

On slack:

  • Create a Slack App

  • Basic Information > Building Apps for Slack > Add features and functionality > Bots

  • Bot User click Add a Bot User

  • Set Display name and Default username to skyline

  • And Save Changes

  • In the left hand Settings menu for the skyline app, click Basic Information

  • In App Credentials click Add features and functionality > Permissions

  • Under OAuth Tokens & Redirect URLs click Install App to Workspace and click Authorize

  • Copy the Bot User OAuth Access Token and add it to settings.SLACK_OPTS as the value for bot_user_oauth_access_token

  • If you want to add the Skyline icon to the app, in the left hand Settings menu for the skyline app, click Basic Information Under Display Information > App icon & Preview and click and add:

  • Create a new channel called skyline and invite the skyline bot user.

Skyline slack settings

In set


And update the the SLACK_OPTS as appropriate for your metrics. Note that even if you map multiple channels to a metric namespace, only ONE, the first channel, will get slack updates to the thread. Also note the channels are parsed in order and the first match will be the channel/s were alerts are sent.

    # Bot User OAuth Access Token
    'bot_user_oauth_access_token': 'YOUR_slack_bot_user_oauth_access_token',
    # list of slack channels to notify about each anomaly
    # (similar to SMTP_OPTS['recipients'])
    # channel names - you can either pass the channel name (#general) or encoded
    # ID (C024BE91L)
    'channels': {
        'skyline': ('#skyline',),
        'skyline_test.alerters.test': ('#skyline',),
        'horizon.udp.test': ('#skyline'),
    'icon_emoji': ':chart_with_upwards_trend:',
    # Your default slack Skyline channel name e.g. '#skyline'
    'default_channel': 'YOUR_default_slack_channel',
    # Your default slack Skyline channel id e.g. 'C0XXXXXX'
    'default_channel_id': 'YOUR_default_slack_channel_id',
    # Whether to update slack message threads on any of the below events
    'thread_updates': True,
    'message_on_training_data_viewed': True,
    'message_on_training_data_viewed_reaction_emoji': 'eyes',
    'message_on_features_profile_created': True,
    'message_on_features_profile_created_reaction_emoji': 'thumbsup',
    'message_on_features_profile_learnt': True,
    'message_on_features_profile_learnt_reaction_emoji': 'heavy_check_mark',
    'message_on_features_profile_disabled': True,
    'message_on_features_profile_disabled_reaction_emoji': 'x',
    'message_on_validated_features_profiles': True,