Source code for webapp.on_demand_motif_analysis

from __future__ import division
import logging
from os import path
# import string
import time
from ast import literal_eval
from timeit import default_timer as timer
import traceback

from flask import request

import settings
import skyline_version
from skyline_functions import (
    mkdir_p, write_data_to_file,
# @added 20210414 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference
#                   Branch #3590: inference
from motif_plots import plot_motif_match
from motif_match_types import motif_match_types_dict

from functions.memcache.get_fp_timeseries import get_fp_timeseries
from ionosphere.common_functions import get_metrics_db_object
from functions.database.queries.get_ionosphere_fp_row import get_ionosphere_fp_db_row
from functions.numpy.percent_different import get_percent_different

skyline_version = skyline_version.__absolute_version__
skyline_app = 'webapp'
skyline_app_logger = '%sLog' % skyline_app
logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger)
skyline_app_logfile = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app)
logfile = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app)

# @added 20210415 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference
# @modified 20210417 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference
# Allow the user to define the batch_size per similarity search
# @modified 20210425 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference
# Added max_area_percent_diff for computing the area under the curve
[docs]def on_demand_motif_analysis( metric, timestamp, similarity, batch_size, top_matches, max_distance, range_padding, max_area_percent_diff): """ Process a motif similarity search on demand """ import numpy as np import mass_ts as mts logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger) dev_null = None function_str = 'on_demand_motif_analysis''%s :: with parameters :: metric: %s, timestamp: %s, similarity: %s, batch_size:%s, top_matches: %s, max_distance: %s, range_padding: %s, max_area_percent_diff: %s' % ( function_str, str(metric), str(timestamp), str(similarity), str(batch_size), str(top_matches), str(max_distance), str(range_padding), str(max_area_percent_diff))) trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'none' start = time.time() start_timer = timer() metric_vars_dict = {} metric_id = 0 fp_ids = [] timeseries = [] not_similar_enough_sample = 0 not_similar_motifs = 0 similar_motifs = 0 exact_motifs = 0 distance_motifs = 0 motifs_found = [] find_exact_matches_run = False exact_matches_found = [] fps_timeseries = {} # A motif_analysis dict to add to and return motif_analysis = {} motif_analysis[metric] = {} motif_analysis[metric]['timestamp'] = int(timestamp) motif_analysis[metric]['started'] = start motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'] = {} motif_analysis[metric]['exact_motifs'] = exact_motifs motif_analysis[metric]['similar_motifs'] = similar_motifs motif_analysis[metric]['not_similar_motifs'] = not_similar_motifs motif_analysis[metric]['not_similar_enough_sample'] = not_similar_enough_sample # @added 20210417 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Allow the user to define the batch_size per similarity search motif_analysis[metric]['batch_size'] = int(batch_size) motif_analysis[metric]['top_matches'] = int(top_matches) motif_analysis[metric]['max_distance'] = float(max_distance) # @added 20210425 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Added max_area_percent_diff for computing the area under the curve motif_analysis[metric]['max_area_percent_diff'] = float(max_area_percent_diff) fps_checked_for_motifs = [] metric_dir = metric.replace('.', '/') metric_timeseries_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, str(timestamp), metric_dir) # @added 20210418 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Allow for the similarity search on saved_training_data if 'saved_training_data' in request.args: saved_training_data_str = request.args.get('saved_training_data', 'false') if saved_training_data_str == 'true': saved_metric_timeseries_dir = '%s_saved/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, str(timestamp), metric_dir) if path.exists(saved_metric_timeseries_dir): metric_timeseries_dir = saved_metric_timeseries_dir'%s :: using saved training_data dir - %s' % (function_str, saved_metric_timeseries_dir)) metric_vars_file = '%s/%s.txt' % (metric_timeseries_dir, metric) timeseries_json = '%s/%s.json' % (metric_timeseries_dir, metric) full_duration_in_hours = int(settings.FULL_DURATION / 60 / 60) full_duration_timeseries_json = '%s/%s.mirage.redis.%sh.json' % ( metric_timeseries_dir, metric, str(full_duration_in_hours)) try: metric_vars_dict = mirage_load_metric_vars(skyline_app, metric_vars_file, True) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: inference :: failed to load metric variables from check file - %s - %s' % ( metric_vars_file, e)) if not metric_vars_dict: motif_analysis[metric]['status'] = 'error' motif_analysis[metric]['reason'] = 'could not load training data variables' return motif_analysis full_duration = metric_vars_dict['metric_vars']['full_duration'] # Determine the metric details from the database metric_id = 0 metric_db_object = {} try: metric_db_object = get_metrics_db_object(metric) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to get_metrics_db_object - %s' % (function_str, e)) try: metric_id = int(metric_db_object['id']) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to determine metric_id from metric_db_object %s - %s' % ( function_str, str(metric_db_object), e)) metric_id = 0 if not metric_id: logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to get metric id for %s from the database' % (function_str, str(metric))) fail_msg = 'failed to get metric id' motif_analysis[metric]['status'] = 'error' motif_analysis[metric]['reason'] = 'could not determine metric id' return motif_analysis, fail_msg, trace # @modified 20210419 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Create a unique dir for each batch_size max_distance # motif_images_dir = '%s/motifs' % metric_timeseries_dir motif_images_dir = '%s/motifs/batch_size.%s/top_matches.%s/max_distance.%s' % ( metric_timeseries_dir, str(batch_size), str(top_matches), str(max_distance)) if not path.exists(motif_images_dir): # provision motifs image resources mkdir_p(motif_images_dir) full_durations = [full_duration] if path.isfile(full_duration_timeseries_json): full_durations = [full_duration, settings.FULL_DURATION]'%s :: full_durations - %s' % (function_str, str(full_durations))) # Loop through analysis per full_duration for full_duration in full_durations: start_full_duration = timer() fp_ids = [] try: query = 'SELECT id,last_matched from ionosphere WHERE metric_id=%s AND full_duration=%s AND enabled=1 ORDER BY last_matched DESC' % ( str(metric_id), str(full_duration)) results = mysql_select(skyline_app, query) for row in results: fp_ids.append(int(row[0])) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to get fp ids via mysql_select from %s - %s' % (function_str, metric, e))'%s :: metric_id: %s, full_duration: %s, fp_ids: %s' % ( function_str, (metric_id), str(full_duration), str(fp_ids))) if not fp_ids: continue # Now there are known fps, load the timeseries if full_duration == settings.FULL_DURATION: timeseries_json_file = full_duration_timeseries_json else: timeseries_json_file = timeseries_json try: with open((timeseries_json_file), 'r') as f: raw_timeseries = timeseries_array_str = str(raw_timeseries).replace('(', '[').replace(')', ']') del raw_timeseries timeseries = literal_eval(timeseries_array_str) del timeseries_array_str except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to load timeseries for %s from %s - %s' % ( function_str, metric, timeseries_json_file, e)) continue anomalous_timeseries_subsequence = [] for timestamp_float, value in timeseries[-int(batch_size):]: anomalous_timeseries_subsequence.append([int(timestamp_float), value])'%s :: looking for motif in trained fps of full_duration: %s' % (function_str, (full_duration))) dataset = [float(item[1]) for item in anomalous_timeseries_subsequence] max_y = max(dataset) min_y = min(dataset) # full_y_range = max_y - min_y # range_padding_percent = range_padding # This was just a test that did not have the desired results # if full_y_range < 10: # range_padding_percent = 35 # if full_y_range < 5: # range_padding_percent = 75 # if full_y_range < 2: # range_padding_percent = 100 use_range_padding = ((max_y - min_y) / 100) * range_padding if min_y > 0 and (min_y - use_range_padding) > 0: min_y_padded = min_y - use_range_padding else: min_y_padded = min_y max_y_padded = max_y + use_range_padding if min_y_padded == max_y_padded: min_y_padded = min_y_padded - ((min_y_padded / 100) * range_padding) max_y_padded = max_y_padded + ((max_y_padded / 100) * range_padding) # anomalous_ts = np.array(dataset) anomalous_ts = dataset mass2_batch_times = [] exact_match_times = [] nan = np.array([np.nan]) nanj = complex(0.0, float('nan')) empty_dists = np.array(nan + nanj) # plotted = False count = 0 # fp_ids = [fp_id for index, fp_id in enumerate(fp_ids) if index == 0] # motifs_found = [] # exact_matches_found = [] # fps_timeseries = {} for fp_id in fp_ids: if (time.time() - start) >= 20: break # Attempt to surface the fp timeseries from memcache and/or db # @modified 20210424 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Task #4030: refactoring fp_timeseries = None try: fp_timeseries = get_fp_timeseries(skyline_app, metric_id, fp_id) except Exception as e: logger.error('inference :: did not get fp timeseries with get_fp_timeseries(%s, %s, %s) - %s' % ( skyline_app, str(metric_id), str(fp_id), e)) if not fp_timeseries: continue relate_dataset = [float(item[1]) for item in fp_timeseries] fps_timeseries[fp_id] = fp_timeseries current_best_indices = [] current_best_dists = [] best_indices = None best_dists = None try:'%s :: running mts.mass2_batch fp_id: %s, full_duration: %s, batch_size: %s, top_matches: %s, max_distance: %s, motif_size: %s' % ( function_str, str(fp_id), str(full_duration), str(batch_size), str(top_matches), str(max_distance), str(len(anomalous_ts)))) # @added 20210418 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Handle top_matches being greater than possible kth that can be found # mts.mass2_batch error: kth(=50) out of bounds (16) use_top_matches = int(top_matches) if (len(fp_timeseries) / int(batch_size)) <= int(top_matches): use_top_matches = round(len(fp_timeseries) / int(batch_size)) - 1 if use_top_matches == 2: use_top_matches = 1'%s :: adjusting top_matches to %s (the maximum possible top - 1) as kth(=%s) will be out of bounds mts.mass2_batch' % ( function_str, str(use_top_matches), str(top_matches))) start_mass2_batch = timer() # @modified 20210418 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Handle top_matches being greater than possible kth that can be found # best_indices, best_dists = mts.mass2_batch(relate_dataset, anomalous_ts, batch_size=int(batch_size), top_matches=int(top_matches)) best_indices, best_dists = mts.mass2_batch(relate_dataset, anomalous_ts, batch_size=int(batch_size), top_matches=int(use_top_matches)) end_mass2_batch = timer() mass2_batch_times.append((end_mass2_batch - start_mass2_batch)) current_best_indices = best_indices.tolist() current_best_dists = best_dists.tolist() # @added 20210412 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference # Add fp_id to fps_checked_for_motifs to enable ionosphere to update the # motif related columns in the ionosphere database table fps_checked_for_motifs.append(fp_id) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: %s :: %s mts.mass2_batch error: %s' % ( function_str, (fp_id), str(e))) continue try: if str(list(best_dists)) == str(list(empty_dists)):'%s :: mts.mass2_batch no similar motif from fp id %s - best_dists: %s' % ( function_str, (fp_id), str(list(best_dists)))) continue except Exception as e: dev_null = e if not current_best_indices[0]: continue # if list(best_indices)[0] != anomalous_index: # continue # If the best_dists is > 1 they are not very similar # if list(best_dists)[0].real > 1.0: # continue # if list(best_indices)[0] and best_dists: for index, best_dist in enumerate(current_best_dists): try: motif_added = False """ Note: mass_ts finds similar motifs NOT the same motif, the same motif will result in the best_dists being a nan+nanj So it is DIYed """ try: # @modified 20210414 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference # Store the not anomalous motifs # motif = [fp_id, current_best_indices[index], best_dist.real] motif = [fp_id, current_best_indices[index], best_dist.real, anomalous_timeseries_subsequence, full_duration] except Exception as e: dev_null = e motif = [] # if list(best_indices)[0] and best_dists: # If it is greater than 1.0 it is not similar # if best_dist.real > 1.0: # if best_dist.real > IONOSPHERE_INFERENCE_MASS_TS_MAX_DISTANCE: if best_dist.real > float(max_distance): continue else: if motif: count += 1 motifs_found.append(motif) motif_added = True if not motif_added: if best_dist == nanj: count += 1 motifs_found.append(motif) motif_added = True if not motif_added: if str(best_dist) == 'nan+nanj': count += 1 motifs_found.append([fp_id, current_best_indices[index], 0.0, anomalous_timeseries_subsequence, full_duration]) motif_added = True if not motif_added: if best_dist == empty_dists: count += 1 motifs_found.append(motif) motif_added = True except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: %s :: could not determine is if fp id %s timeseries at index %s was a match - %s' % ( function_str, str(fp_id), str(current_best_indices[index]), e)) continue # FIND EXACT MATCHES # Seeing as I cannot reproduce finding nan+nanj which represents an # exact match with mts.mass2_batch, do it DIY style - iterate the # timeseries and create a batch_size subsequence for every index and # compare the values to the anomalous_ts for an exact match. # This takes ~0.024850 seconds on a timeseries with 10079 datapoints # @modified 20210418 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # However fiding exact matches can add ~2.5 seconds on 90 minute # batch_size and with a proproptionally scaled max_distance of say 15 # finding an exact match in a longer sequence is less important, # the greater the batch_size the most likely greater the variability # and the chance of an exact match decreases. So save 2.5 seconds. # UNLESS # At a 5 (to 10) batch_size and max_distance of 1.0 an exact match # can be found. Exact matches are quite frequent and sometimes with # such little variability, similar matchs may not be found. # Therefore find find_exact_matches has its place. MASS # A CAVEAT here is that boring metrics and that change and have a # low variability even at a larger batch_size could also benefit and # possibly achieve better accruracy from the use of find_exact_matches # as they can be shapelets resemble a batch_size 5 shapelet. # It would perhaps be possible to use one or more of the features # profile tsfresh values to identify these types of shapelets, if # you knew which feature/s were most descriptive of this type of # shapelet, e.g. 'value__skewness': 3.079477685394873, etc (maybe) # However I predict that this method will perform worst on these # types of shapelets. # find_exact_matches = False # exact matches can be found in batch sizes of 500 and similar not # So actually always run it. find_exact_matches = True find_exact_matches_run = True if int(batch_size) < 10: find_exact_matches = True find_exact_matches_run = True if find_exact_matches: try: start_exact_match = timer() indexed_relate_dataset = [] for index, item in enumerate(relate_dataset): indexed_relate_dataset.append([index, item]) last_index = indexed_relate_dataset[-1][0] current_index = 0 while current_index < last_index: subsequence = [value for index, value in indexed_relate_dataset[current_index:(current_index + int(batch_size))]] if subsequence == anomalous_ts: exact_matches_found.append([fp_id, current_index, 0.0, anomalous_timeseries_subsequence, full_duration]) motifs_found.append([fp_id, current_index, 0.0, anomalous_timeseries_subsequence, full_duration]) current_index += 1 end_exact_match = timer() exact_match_times.append((end_exact_match - start_exact_match)) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: %s :: could not determine it any exact matches could be found in fp id %s timeseries - %s' % ( function_str, str(fp_id), e))'%s :: mts.mass2_batch runs on %s fps of full_duration %s in %.6f seconds' % ( function_str, str(len(mass2_batch_times)), str(full_duration), sum(mass2_batch_times))) if find_exact_matches_run:'%s :: exact_match runs on %s fps of full_duration %s in %.6f seconds' % ( function_str, str(len(exact_match_times)), str(full_duration), sum(exact_match_times))) end_full_duration = timer()'%s :: analysed %s fps of full_duration %s in %.6f seconds' % ( function_str, str(len(fp_ids)), str(full_duration), (end_full_duration - start_full_duration))) # Patterns are sorted sorted_motifs = [] motifs_found_in_fps = [] if motifs_found: sorted_motifs = sorted(motifs_found, key=lambda x: x[2]) for item in sorted_motifs: motifs_found_in_fps.append(item[0])'%s :: %s motifs found' % ( function_str, str(len(sorted_motifs)))) for motif in sorted_motifs: if (time.time() - start) >= 25: break try: add_match = False all_in_range = False fp_id = motif[0] best_index = motif[1] best_dist = motif[2] # @added 20210414 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference # Store the not anomalous motifs motif_sequence = motif[3] motif_full_duration = motif[4] match_type = 'not_similar_enough' if motif in exact_matches_found: add_match = True match_type = 'exact' all_in_range = True exact_motifs += 1 full_relate_timeseries = fps_timeseries[fp_id] # full_relate_dataset = [float(item[1]) for item in full_relate_timeseries] relate_timeseries = [item for index, item in enumerate(full_relate_timeseries) if index >= best_index and index < (best_index + int(batch_size))] relate_dataset = [item[1] for item in relate_timeseries] if not add_match: all_in_range = True for value in relate_dataset: if value < min_y_padded: all_in_range = False break if value > max_y_padded: all_in_range = False break if all_in_range: related_max_y = max(relate_dataset) if related_max_y < (max_y - range_padding): all_in_range = False if related_max_y > (max_y + range_padding): all_in_range = False related_min_y = min(relate_dataset) if related_min_y < (min_y - range_padding): all_in_range = False if related_min_y > (min_y + range_padding): all_in_range = False if all_in_range:'%s :: ALL IN RANGE - all_in_range: %s, motif: %s' % ( function_str, str(all_in_range), str(relate_dataset[0:2]))) add_match = True match_type = 'all_in_range' similar_motifs += 1 # @added 20210425 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Compute the area using the composite trapezoidal rule. motif_area = None fp_motif_area = None percent_different = None try: batch_size_dataset = [float(item[1]) for item in motif_sequence] y_motif = np.array(batch_size_dataset) motif_area = np.trapz(y_motif, dx=1) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to get motif_area with np.trapz - %s' % ( function_str, e)) try: y_fp_motif = np.array(relate_dataset) fp_motif_area = np.trapz(y_fp_motif, dx=1) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to get fp_motif_area with np.trapz - %s' % ( function_str, e)) # Determine the percentage difference (as a # positive value) of the areas under the # curves. if motif_area and fp_motif_area: percent_different = get_percent_different(fp_motif_area, motif_area, True) if percent_different > max_area_percent_diff: if add_match:'%s :: AREA TOO DIFFERENT - not adding all_in_range match' % ( function_str)) add_match = False # BUT ... if best_dist < 3 and not add_match:'%s :: DISTANCE VERY SIMILAR - adding match even though area_percent_diff is greater than max_area_percent_diff because best_dist: %s' % ( function_str, str(best_dist))) add_match = True match_type = 'distance' distance_motifs += 1 if similarity == 'all': if not add_match: not_similar_motifs += 1 if not_similar_enough_sample >= 10: continue not_similar_enough_sample += 1 add_match = True match_type = 'not_similar_enough' if add_match: generation = 0 fp_id_row = None try: fp_id_row = get_ionosphere_fp_db_row(skyline_app, int(fp_id)) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to get_ionosphere_fp_db_row for fp_id %s - %s' % ( function_str, str(fp_id), e)) if fp_id_row: try: generation = fp_id_row['generation'] except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to generation from fp_id_row for fp_id %s - %s' % ( function_str, str(fp_id), e)) if generation == 0: generation_str = 'trained' else: generation_str = 'LEARNT' motif_match_types = motif_match_types_dict() type_id = motif_match_types[match_type] motif_id = '%s-%s' % (str(fp_id), str(best_index)) motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id] = {} motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id]['metric_id'] = metric_id motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id]['fp_id'] = fp_id motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id]['generation'] = generation motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id]['index'] = best_index motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id]['distance'] = best_dist motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id]['size'] = int(batch_size) motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id]['max_distance'] = float(max_distance) motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id]['timestamp'] = timestamp motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id]['type_id'] = type_id motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id]['type'] = match_type motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id]['full_duration'] = motif_full_duration # @added 20210414 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference # Store the not anomalous motifs motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id]['motif_timeseries'] = anomalous_timeseries_subsequence motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id]['motif_sequence'] = motif_sequence not_anomalous_timestamp = int(anomalous_timeseries_subsequence[-1][0]) graph_period_seconds = not_anomalous_timestamp - int(anomalous_timeseries_subsequence[0][0]) motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id]['motif_period_seconds'] = graph_period_seconds motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id]['motif_period_minutes'] = round(graph_period_seconds / 60) motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id]['image'] = None motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id]['motif_area'] = motif_area motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id]['fp_motif_area'] = fp_motif_area motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id]['area_percent_diff'] = percent_different motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id]['max_area_percent_diff'] = max_area_percent_diff if (time.time() - start) >= 25: continue graph_image_file = '%s/motif.%s.%s.%s.with_max_distance.%s.png' % ( motif_images_dir, motif_id, match_type, str(batch_size), str(max_distance)) plotted_image = False on_demand_motif_analysis = True if not path.isfile(graph_image_file): plotted_image, plotted_image_file = plot_motif_match( skyline_app, metric, timestamp, fp_id, full_duration, generation_str, motif_id, best_index, int(batch_size), best_dist, type_id, relate_dataset, anomalous_timeseries_subsequence, graph_image_file, on_demand_motif_analysis) else: plotted_image = True'%s :: plot already exists - %s' % (function_str, str(graph_image_file))) if plotted_image: motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id]['image'] = graph_image_file else: logger.error('failed to plot motif match plot') graph_image_file = None except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: inference :: with fp id %s proceesing motif at index: %s - %s' % ( str(fp_id), str(motif[0]), str(e))) continue end_timer = timer() motif_analysis[metric]['fps_checked'] = fps_checked_for_motifs motif_analysis[metric]['exact_motifs'] = exact_motifs motif_analysis[metric]['similar_motifs'] = similar_motifs motif_analysis[metric]['distance_motifs'] = distance_motifs motif_analysis[metric]['not_similar_motifs'] = not_similar_motifs motif_analysis[metric]['not_similar_enough_sample'] = not_similar_enough_sample motif_analysis_file = '%s/motif.analysis.similarity_%s.batch_size_%s.top_matches_%s.max_distance_%s.dict' % ( motif_images_dir, similarity, str(batch_size), str(top_matches), str(max_distance)) try: write_data_to_file(skyline_app, motif_analysis_file, 'w', str(motif_analysis)) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = '%s :: error :: failed to write motif_analysis_file - %s' % (function_str, motif_analysis_file) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) dev_null = e motif_ids = list(motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'].keys())'%s :: %s motif matches found, %s fps where checked and motifs plotted in %.6f seconds for %s' % ( function_str, str(len(motif_ids)), str(len(fps_checked_for_motifs)), (end_timer - start_timer), metric)) if dev_null: del dev_null return motif_analysis, fail_msg, trace