Source code for webapp.luminosity_backend

from __future__ import division
import logging
import os
from ast import literal_eval
import traceback
from time import time

import settings
import skyline_version

skyline_version = skyline_version.__absolute_version__
skyline_app = 'webapp'
skyline_app_logger = '%sLog' % skyline_app
logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger)
skyline_app_logfile = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app)
logfile = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app)
except EnvironmentError as err:
    logger.error('error :: cannot determine ENABLE_WEBAPP_DEBUG from settings - %s' % err)

    luminosity_data_folder = settings.LUMINOSITY_DATA_FOLDER
    luminosity_data_folder = '/opt/skyline/luminosity'
# classify_metrics_dir = '%s/classify_metrics' % luminosity_data_folder

this_host = str(os.uname()[1])

[docs]def get_classify_metrics(base_name, timestamp, algorithm, significant): """ Get a list of all the files for metrics in classify_metrics :param base_name: the name of the metric :param timestamp: the timestamp :param algorithm: the algorithm :param significant: whether to return only significant results :type base_name: str :type timestamp: str :type algorithm: str :return: list of dicts :rtype: {} Returns a dict of algorithm, metrics, timestamps and significance { "classify_metrics": { "level_shift": { 'metric1': { 1604596200: {'siginifcant': True}, 1606410600: {'siginifcant': True}, 1607015400: {'siginifcant': True}, 1602177000: {'siginifcant': False} }, 'metric2': { 1604596200: {'siginifcant': True}, 1606410600: {'siginifcant': True}, 1607015400: {'siginifcant': True}, 1602177000: {'siginifcant': False} }, }, "volatility_shift": { 'metric1': { 1604596200: {'siginifcant': True}, 1606410600: {'siginifcant': True}, 1607015400: {'siginifcant': True}, 1602177000: {'siginifcant': False} }, 'metric2': { 1604596200: {'siginifcant': True}, 1606410600: {'siginifcant': True}, 1607015400: {'siginifcant': True}, 1602177000: {'siginifcant': False} }, } } } """ fail_msg = None trace = None 'get_classify_metrics - base_name: %s, timestamp: %s, algorithm: %s, significant: %s' % ( str(base_name), str(timestamp), str(algorithm), str(significant))) start = int(time()) # @added 20211001 - reduce os.walk classify_metrics_dir = '%s/classify_metrics' % luminosity_data_folder if algorithm != 'all': classify_metrics_dir = '%s/classify_metrics/%s' % (luminosity_data_folder, algorithm) if base_name != 'all': metric_dir_str = base_name.replace('.', '/') classify_metrics_dir = '%s/%s' % (classify_metrics_dir, metric_dir_str) classified_metrics = [] metrics = [] classify_metrics_dict = {} for root, dirs, files in os.walk(classify_metrics_dir): # @added 20211001 - limit default results if base_name != 'all': root_str = root.replace('/', '.') if base_name not in root_str: continue if base_name == 'all': if len(classify_metrics_dict) == 10: break # if int(time()) > (start + 24): # # 'get_classify_metrics - breaking from os.walk due to run time') # break data_dict = None if files: for file in files: # @added 20211001 - limit default results if base_name == 'all': if len(classify_metrics_dict) == 10: break # if int(time()) > (start + 24): # # 'get_classify_metrics - breaking from files in os.walk due to run time') # break try: if file == 'data.txt': data_dict = None data_file = '%s/%s' % (root, file) try: with open(data_file) as f: for line in f: data_dict = literal_eval(line) if data_dict: break except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: get_classify_metrics :: failed to open data_file: %s - %s' % (data_file, e) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if data_dict: metric = data_dict['metric'] if base_name != 'all': if metric != base_name: continue if timestamp != 'all': if str(timestamp) != str(data_dict['timestamp']): continue if algorithm != 'all': if algorithm != data_dict['algorithm']: continue if significant: if 'significant.txt' not in files: continue if 'significant.txt' not in files: labelled_significant = False else: labelled_significant = True if metric not in metrics: metrics.append(metric) classify_metrics_dict[metric] = {} algorithm = data_dict['algorithm'] algorithm_dict = None try: algorithm_dict = classify_metrics_dict[metric][algorithm] except: classify_metrics_dict[metric][algorithm] = {} algorithm_dict = True timestamps_dict = None if algorithm_dict: try: timestamps_dict = classify_metrics_dict[metric][algorithm]['timestamps'] except: classify_metrics_dict[metric][algorithm]['timestamps'] = {} timestamps_dict = True if timestamps_dict: ts = data_dict['timestamp'] classify_metrics_dict[metric][algorithm]['timestamps'][ts] = {} classify_metrics_dict[metric][algorithm]['timestamps'][ts]['files'] = files classify_metrics_dict[metric][algorithm]['timestamps'][ts]['files_count'] = len(files) classify_metrics_dict[metric][algorithm]['timestamps'][ts]['significant'] = labelled_significant classify_metrics_dict[metric][algorithm]['timestamps'][ts]['anomalies'] = data_dict['anomalies'] classify_metrics_dict[metric][algorithm]['timestamps'][ts]['anomalies_count'] = len(data_dict['anomalies']) classify_metrics_dict[metric][algorithm]['timestamps'][ts]['file_path'] = data_dict['file_path'] break except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: get_classify_metrics :: failed to add data to classify_metrics_dict - %s' % (e) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) classified_metrics = list(metrics) if classify_metrics_dict: for current_metric in classify_metrics_dict: for current_algorithm in classify_metrics_dict[current_metric]: classify_metrics_dict[current_metric][current_algorithm]['classifications'] = len(classify_metrics_dict[current_metric][current_algorithm]['timestamps']) significant_classifications = 0 for ts in classify_metrics_dict[current_metric][current_algorithm]['timestamps']: if classify_metrics_dict[current_metric][current_algorithm]['timestamps'][ts]['significant']: significant_classifications += 1 classify_metrics_dict[current_metric][current_algorithm]['significant'] = significant_classifications'get_classify_metrics - classify_metrics_dict has %s items' % ( str(len(classify_metrics_dict)))) return (classify_metrics_dict, classified_metrics, fail_msg, trace)