Source code for webapp.ionosphere_backend

from __future__ import division
import logging
from os import path, walk, listdir, remove
# import string
import operator
import time
import re
# import csv
# import datetime
import shutil
import glob
from ast import literal_eval
from sys import version_info

import traceback
from flask import request
import requests
# from redis import StrictRedis

# from sqlalchemy import (
#    create_engine, Column, Table, Integer, String, MetaData, DateTime)
# from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import DOUBLE, TINYINT
from sqlalchemy.sql import select
# import json
# from tsfresh import __version__ as tsfresh_version

# @added 20170916 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page
from pymemcache.client.base import Client as pymemcache_Client

# @added 20190116 - Mutliple SQL Injection Security Vulnerabilities #86
#                   Bug #2818: Mutliple SQL Injection Security Vulnerabilities
from sqlalchemy.sql import text

import settings
import skyline_version
# from skyline_functions import (
#    RepresentsInt, mkdir_p, write_data_to_file, get_graphite_metric)
from skyline_functions import (
    mkdir_p, get_graphite_metric, write_data_to_file,
    # @added 20201213 - Feature #3890: metrics_manager - sync_cluster_files
    # @added 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference
    #                   Branch #3590: inference

from skyline_functions import historical_data_dir_exists

# from tsfresh_feature_names import TSFRESH_FEATURES

from database import (
    get_engine, ionosphere_table_meta, metrics_table_meta,
    # @added 20170305 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers
    ionosphere_layers_table_meta, layers_algorithms_table_meta,
    # @added 20170307 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers
    # To present matched layers Graphite graphs
    # @added 20190502 - Branch #2646: slack
    # @added 20200929 - Task #3748: POC SNAB
    #                   Branch #3068: SNAB
    # @added 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference
    #                   Branch #3590: inference
from motif_match_types import motif_match_types_dict
from functions.numpy.percent_different import get_percent_different

# @added 20190502 - Branch #2646: slack
from slack_functions import slack_post_message, slack_post_reaction

# @added 20200512 - Bug #2534: Ionosphere - fluid approximation - IONOSPHERE_MINMAX_SCALING_RANGE_TOLERANCE on low ranges
#                   Feature #2404: Ionosphere - fluid approximation
from ionosphere_functions import create_fp_ts_graph

# @added 20210414 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference
#                   Branch #3590: inference
from motif_plots import plot_motif_match

# @added 20210430 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference
from functions.database.queries.fp_timeseries import get_db_fp_timeseries
from functions.database.queries.metric_id_from_base_name import metric_id_from_base_name
from functions.database.queries.metric_ids_from_metric_like import metric_ids_from_metric_like

# @added 20220304 - Task #4486: Review Ionosphere learn from learn duration
#                   Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles
#                   Feature #3380: Create echo features profile when a Mirage features profile is created
from functions.database.queries.get_ionosphere_fp_ids_for_full_duration import get_ionosphere_fp_ids_for_full_duration
from functions.metrics.get_metric_id_from_base_name import get_metric_id_from_base_name

# @added 20220405 - Task #4514: Integrate opentelemetry
#                   Feature #4516: flux - opentelemetry traces
except AttributeError:
    OTEL_ENABLED = False
    OTEL_ENABLED = False

skyline_version = skyline_version.__absolute_version__
skyline_app = 'webapp'
skyline_app_logger = '%sLog' % skyline_app
logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger)
skyline_app_logfile = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app)
logfile = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app)
except EnvironmentError as outer_err:
    logger.error('error :: cannot determine ENABLE_WEBAPP_DEBUG from settings - %s' % outer_err)

    full_duration_seconds = int(settings.FULL_DURATION)
    full_duration_seconds = 86400

full_duration_in_hours = int(full_duration_seconds / 60 / 60)
exclude_redis_json = 'redis.%sh.json' % str(int(full_duration_in_hours))

# @added 20190502 - Branch #2646: slack
channel_id = None
    slack_thread_updates = settings.SLACK_OPTS['thread_updates']
    slack_thread_updates = False
if slack_thread_updates and SLACK_ENABLED:
    update_slack_thread = True
    update_slack_thread = False
if update_slack_thread:
        channel = settings.SLACK_OPTS['default_channel']
        channel_id = settings.SLACK_OPTS['default_channel_id']
        channel = False
        channel_id = False
    throw_exception_on_default_channel = False
    if channel == 'YOUR_default_slack_channel':
        throw_exception_on_default_channel = True
    if channel_id == 'YOUR_default_slack_channel_id':
        throw_exception_on_default_channel = True

# @added 20191029 - Branch #3262: py3
# Allow for the use of self signed SSL certificates even if not running on
# docker.
    overall_verify_ssl = settings.VERIFY_SSL
    overall_verify_ssl = True
if overall_verify_ssl:

# @added 20200731 - Feature #3654: IONOSPHERE_GRAPHITE_NOW_GRAPHS_OVERRIDE

    IONOSPHERE_HISTORICAL_DATA_FOLDER = '/opt/skyline/ionosphere/historical_data'
# @added 20210421 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference
# @added 20210419 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference
# Only store motif data in the database if specifically enabled

[docs]def ionosphere_get_metrics_dir(requested_timestamp, context): """ Get a list of all the metrics in timestamp training data or features profile folder :param requested_timestamp: the training data timestamp :param context: the request context, training_data or features_profiles :type requested_timestamp: str :type context: str :return: tuple of lists :rtype: (list, list, list, list) """ if context == 'training_data': log_context = 'training data' if context == 'features_profiles': log_context = 'features profile data' 'Metrics requested for timestamp %s dir %s' % ( log_context, str(requested_timestamp))) if context == 'training_data': data_dir = '%s' % settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER if context == 'features_profiles': data_dir = '%s' % (settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER) # @added 20160113 - Feature #1858: Ionosphere - autobuild features_profiles dir if settings.IONOSPHERE_AUTOBUILD: # TODO: see ionosphere docs page. Create any deleted/missing # features_profiles dir with best effort with the data that is # available and DB data on-demand # Build the expected features_profiles dirs from the DB and auto # provision any that are not present if not path.exists(data_dir): # provision features_profiles image resources mkdir_p(data_dir) metric_paths = [] metrics = [] timestamps = [] human_dates = [] for root, dirs, files in walk(data_dir): for file in files: if file.endswith('.json'): data_file = True if, file): data_file = False if'mirage.redis.json', file): data_file = False if, root) and data_file: metric_name = file.replace('.json', '') add_metric = True else: add_metric = False if add_metric: metric_paths.append([metric_name, root]) metrics.append(metric_name) if context == 'training_data': timestamp = int(root.split('/')[5]) if context == 'features_profiles': timestamp = int(path.split(root)[1]) timestamps.append(timestamp) # @added 20200814 - Feature #3670: IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR # Return historical metrics as well if enabled if IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR and context == 'training_data': for root, dirs, files in walk(IONOSPHERE_HISTORICAL_DATA_FOLDER): for file in files: if file.endswith('.json'): data_file = True if, file): data_file = False if'mirage.redis.json', file): data_file = False if, root) and data_file: metric_name = file.replace('.json', '') for historical_metric_namespace in IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR: if historical_metric_namespace in metric_name: add_metric = True else: add_metric = False if add_metric: metric_paths.append([metric_name, root]) metrics.append(metric_name) if context == 'training_data': timestamp = int(root.split('/')[5]) if context == 'features_profiles': timestamp = int(path.split(root)[1]) timestamps.append(timestamp) set_unique_metrics = set(metrics) unique_metrics = list(set_unique_metrics) unique_metrics.sort() set_unique_timestamps = set(timestamps) unique_timestamps = list(set_unique_timestamps) unique_timestamps.sort() for i_ts in unique_timestamps: human_date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z', time.localtime(int(i_ts))) human_dates.append(human_date) return (metric_paths, unique_metrics, unique_timestamps, human_dates)
[docs]def ionosphere_data(requested_timestamp, data_for_metric, context): """ Get a list of all training data or profiles folders and metrics :param requested_timestamp: the training data or profile timestamp :param data_for_metric: the metric base_name :param context: the request context, training_data or features_profiles :type requested_timestamp: str :type data_for_metric: str :type context: str :return: tuple of lists :rtype: (list, list, list, list) """ # @modified 20200728 - Bug #3652: Handle multiple metrics in base_name conversion # base_name = data_for_metric.replace(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, '', 1) if data_for_metric.startswith(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE): base_name = data_for_metric.replace(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, '', 1) else: base_name = data_for_metric if context == 'training_data': log_context = 'training data' if context == 'features_profiles': log_context = 'features profile data' '%s requested for %s at timestamp %s' % (log_context, str(base_name), str(requested_timestamp))) if requested_timestamp: timeseries_dir = base_name.replace('.', '/') if context == 'training_data': data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, requested_timestamp, timeseries_dir) if context == 'features_profiles': data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER, timeseries_dir, requested_timestamp) else: if context == 'training_data': data_dir = '%s' % settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER if context == 'features_profiles': data_dir = '%s' % (settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER) metric_paths = [] metrics = [] timestamps = [] human_dates = [] if context == 'training_data': data_dir = '%s' % settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER if context == 'features_profiles': data_dir = '%s' % settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER for root, dirs, files in walk(data_dir): for file in files: if file.endswith('.json'): data_file = True if, file): data_file = False if'mirage.redis.json', file): data_file = False if'\\d{10}', root) and data_file: metric_name = file.replace('.json', '') if data_for_metric != 'all': add_metric = False if metric_name == base_name: add_metric = True if requested_timestamp: if, file): add_metric = True else: add_metric = False if add_metric: metric_paths.append([metric_name, root]) metrics.append(metric_name) if context == 'training_data': timestamp = int(root.split('/')[5]) if context == 'features_profiles': timestamp = int(path.split(root)[1]) timestamps.append(timestamp) else: metric_paths.append([metric_name, root]) metrics.append(metric_name) if context == 'training_data': timestamp = int(root.split('/')[5]) if context == 'features_profiles': timestamp = int(path.split(root)[1]) timestamps.append(timestamp) # @added 20200813 - Feature #3670: IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR # If the IONOSPHERE_HISTORICAL_DATA_FOLDER dir exist iterate it and # and historical training data to the list. if IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR and context == 'training_data': check_for_historical_training_data = False for historical_metric_namespace in IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR: if historical_metric_namespace in base_name: check_for_historical_training_data = True # @added 20200814 - Feature #3670: IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR # Return historical metrics if this is an 'all' request to list_by date # or metric (if no training data exists for the metric) if base_name in 'all': check_for_historical_training_data = True historical_data_path_exists = False if check_for_historical_training_data: if path.exists(IONOSPHERE_HISTORICAL_DATA_FOLDER): historical_data_path_exists = True if check_for_historical_training_data and historical_data_path_exists: for root, dirs, files in walk(IONOSPHERE_HISTORICAL_DATA_FOLDER): for file in files: if file.endswith('.json'): data_file = True if, file): data_file = False if'mirage.redis.json', file): data_file = False if'\\d{10}', root) and data_file: metric_name = file.replace('.json', '') if data_for_metric != 'all': add_metric = False if metric_name == base_name: add_metric = True if requested_timestamp: if, file): add_metric = True else: add_metric = False if add_metric: metric_paths.append([metric_name, root]) metrics.append(metric_name) if context == 'training_data': timestamp = int(root.split('/')[5]) if context == 'features_profiles': timestamp = int(path.split(root)[1]) timestamps.append(timestamp) else: metric_paths.append([metric_name, root]) metrics.append(metric_name) if context == 'training_data': timestamp = int(root.split('/')[5]) if context == 'features_profiles': timestamp = int(path.split(root)[1]) timestamps.append(timestamp) set_unique_metrics = set(metrics) unique_metrics = list(set_unique_metrics) unique_metrics.sort() set_unique_timestamps = set(timestamps) unique_timestamps = list(set_unique_timestamps) unique_timestamps.sort() for i_ts in unique_timestamps: human_date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z (%A)', time.localtime(int(i_ts))) human_dates.append(human_date) return (metric_paths, unique_metrics, unique_timestamps, human_dates)
[docs]def get_an_engine(): try: engine, fail_msg, trace = get_engine(skyline_app) return engine, fail_msg, trace except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: failed to get MySQL engine for' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) # return None, fail_msg, trace raise # to webapp to return in the UI
[docs]def engine_disposal(engine): if engine: try: engine.dispose() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: calling engine.dispose()') return
[docs]def ionosphere_metric_data(requested_timestamp, data_for_metric, context, fp_id): """ Get a list of all training data folders and metrics """ # @added 20170104 - Feature #1842: Ionosphere - Graphite now graphs # Feature #1830: Ionosphere alerts # Use the new_load_metric_vars method def new_load_metric_vars(metric_vars_file): """ Load the metric variables for a check from a metric check variables file :param metric_vars_file: the path and filename to the metric variables files :type metric_vars_file: str :return: the metric_vars module object or ``False`` :rtype: list """ if path.isfile(metric_vars_file): 'loading metric variables from metric_check_file - %s' % ( str(metric_vars_file))) else: logger.error( 'error :: loading metric variables from metric_check_file - file not found - %s' % ( str(metric_vars_file))) return False metric_vars = [] with open(metric_vars_file) as f: for line in f: no_new_line = line.replace('\n', '') no_equal_line = no_new_line.replace(' = ', ',') array = str(no_equal_line.split(',', 1)) add_line = literal_eval(array) metric_vars.append(add_line) string_keys = ['metric', 'anomaly_dir', 'added_by', 'app', 'source'] float_keys = ['value'] int_keys = ['from_timestamp', 'metric_timestamp', 'added_at', 'full_duration'] array_keys = ['algorithms', 'triggered_algorithms', 'algorithms_run'] boolean_keys = ['graphite_metric', 'run_crucible_tests'] metric_vars_array = [] for var_array in metric_vars: key = None value = None if var_array[0] in string_keys: key = var_array[0] value_str = str(var_array[1]).replace("'", '') value = str(value_str) if var_array[0] == 'metric': metric = value if var_array[0] in float_keys: key = var_array[0] value_str = str(var_array[1]).replace("'", '') value = float(value_str) if var_array[0] in int_keys: key = var_array[0] value_str = str(var_array[1]).replace("'", '') value = int(value_str) if var_array[0] in array_keys: key = var_array[0] value = literal_eval(str(var_array[1])) if var_array[0] in boolean_keys: key = var_array[0] if str(var_array[1]) == 'True': value = True else: value = False if key: metric_vars_array.append([key, value]) if len(metric_vars_array) == 0: logger.error( 'error :: loading metric variables - none found' % ( str(metric_vars_file))) return False if settings.ENABLE_DEBUG: 'debug :: metric_vars determined - metric variable - metric - %s' % str(metric_vars.metric)) # @added 20170113 - Feature #1842: Ionosphere - Graphite now graphs # Handle features profiles that were created pre the addition of # full_duration full_duration_present = False for key, value in metric_vars_array: if key == 'full_duration': full_duration_present = True if not full_duration_present: try: for key, value in metric_vars_array: if key == 'from_timestamp': value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] use_from_timestamp = int(value_list[0]) if key == 'metric_timestamp': value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] use_metric_timestamp = int(value_list[0]) round_full_duration_days = int((use_metric_timestamp - use_from_timestamp) / 86400) round_full_duration = int(round_full_duration_days) * 86400'debug :: calculated missing full_duration') metric_vars_array.append(['full_duration', round_full_duration]) except: logger.error('error :: could not calculate missing full_duration') metric_vars_array.append(['full_duration', 'unknown'])'debug :: metric_vars for %s' % str(metric))'debug :: %s' % str(metric_vars_array)) return metric_vars_array # @modified 20200728 - Bug #3652: Handle multiple metrics in base_name conversion # base_name = data_for_metric.replace(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, '', 1) if data_for_metric.startswith(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE): base_name = data_for_metric.replace(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, '', 1) else: base_name = data_for_metric'%s requested for %s at %s' % ( context, str(base_name), str(requested_timestamp))) metric_paths = [] images = [] timeseries_dir = base_name.replace('.', '/') if context == 'training_data': metric_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, str(requested_timestamp), timeseries_dir) # @added 20200813 - Feature #3670: IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR metric_data_dir_does_not_exist = False if not path.exists(metric_data_dir): metric_data_dir_does_not_exist = True if IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR and metric_data_dir_does_not_exist:'ionosphere_metric_data :: checking for historical training data for %s' % metric_data_dir) try: historical_data, metric_data_dir = historical_data_dir_exists('webapp', metric_data_dir) if historical_data:'ionosphere_metric_data :: using historical training data - %s' % metric_data_dir) else:'ionosphere_metric_data :: no historical training data found for %s' % metric_data_dir) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: ionosphere_metric_data :: failed to determine whether this is historical training data' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if context == 'training_data': # Raise to webbapp I believe to provide traceback to user in UI raise else: return False, False, False, fail_msg, trace if context == 'features_profiles': metric_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER, timeseries_dir, str(requested_timestamp)) # @added 20160113 - Feature #1858: Ionosphere - autobuild features_profiles dir if settings.IONOSPHERE_AUTOBUILD: # TODO: see ionosphere docs page. Create any deleted/missing # features_profiles dir with best effort with the data that is # available and DB data on-demand if not path.exists(metric_data_dir): # provision features_profiles image resources mkdir_p(metric_data_dir) # @added 20170617 - Feature #2054: if context == 'saved_training_data': metric_data_dir = '%s_saved/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, str(requested_timestamp), timeseries_dir) human_date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z (%A)', time.localtime(int(requested_timestamp))) # @added 20190328 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # For ionosphere_echo features profiles fp_anomaly_timestamp = int(requested_timestamp) metric_var_filename = '%s.txt' % str(base_name) metric_vars_file = False ts_json_filename = '%s.json' % str(base_name) ts_json_file = 'none' # @added 20170309 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Also return the Analyzer FULL_DURATION timeseries if available in a Mirage # based features profile full_duration_in_hours = int(settings.FULL_DURATION) / 3600 ionosphere_json_filename = '%s.mirage.redis.%sh.json' % ( base_name, str(int(full_duration_in_hours))) ionosphere_json_file = 'none' # @added 20170308 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers layers_id_matched_file = False layers_id_matched = None # @added 20170331 - Task #1988: Review - Ionosphere layers - always show layers # Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers fp_id_matched_file = None fp_id_matched = None # @added 20170401 - Task #1988: Review - Ionosphere layers - added fp_details_list # Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers fp_created_file = None fp_details_list = [] td_files = listdir(metric_data_dir) for i_file in td_files: metric_file = path.join(metric_data_dir, i_file) metric_paths.append([i_file, metric_file]) if i_file.endswith('.png'): # @modified 20170106 - Feature #1842: Ionosphere - Graphite now graphs # Exclude any graphite_now png files from the images lists append_image = True if '.graphite_now.' in i_file: append_image = False # @added 20170107 - Feature #1852: Ionosphere - features_profile matched graphite graphs # Exclude any matched.fp-id images if '.matched.fp_id' in i_file: append_image = False # @added 20170308 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Feature #1852: Ionosphere - features_profile matched graphite graphs # Exclude any matched.fp-id images if '.matched.layers.fp_id' in i_file: append_image = False # @added 20210419 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Plot the macthed motif if '.matched_motif.' in i_file: append_image = False if append_image: images.append(str(metric_file)) if i_file == metric_var_filename: metric_vars_file = str(metric_file) if i_file == ts_json_filename: ts_json_file = str(metric_file) # @added 20170308 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers if '.layers_id_matched.layers_id' in i_file: layers_id_matched_file = str(metric_file) # @added 20170331 - Task #1988: Review - Ionosphere layers - always show layers # Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Added mirror functionality of the layers_id_matched_file # for feature profile matches too as it has proved useful # in the frontend with regards to training data sets being # matched by layers and can do the same for in the frontend # training data for feature profile matches too. if '.profile_id_matched.fp_id' in i_file: fp_id_matched_file = str(metric_file) # @added 20170401 - Task #1988: Review - Ionosphere layers - added fp_details_list # Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers if '.fp.created.txt' in i_file: fp_created_file = str(metric_file) # @added 20170309 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers if i_file == ionosphere_json_filename: ionosphere_json_file = str(metric_file) metric_vars_ok = False metric_vars = ['error: could not read metrics vars file', metric_vars_file] # @added 20181114 - Bug #2684: - metric_vars_file not set # Handle if the metrics_var_file has not been set and is still False so # that the path.isfile does not error with # TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, bool found metric_vars_file_exists = False if metric_vars_file: try: if path.isfile(metric_vars_file): metric_vars_file_exists = True except: logger.error('error :: metric_vars_file %s was not found' % str(metric_vars_file)) # @modified 20181114 - Bug #2684: - metric_vars_file not set # if path.isfile(metric_vars_file): if metric_vars_file_exists: try: # @modified 20170104 - Feature #1842: Ionosphere - Graphite now graphs # Feature #1830: Ionosphere alerts # Use the new_load_metric_vars method # metric_vars = [] # with open(metric_vars_file) as f: # for line in f: # add_line = line.replace('\n', '') # metric_vars.append(add_line) metric_vars = new_load_metric_vars(metric_vars_file) metric_vars_ok = True except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) metric_vars_ok = False # logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) fail_msg = metric_vars logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) logger.error('error :: failed to load metric_vars from: %s' % str(metric_vars_file)) raise # to webapp to return in the UI # TODO # Make a sample ts for lite frontend ts_json_ok = False # @modified 20190314 - Bug #2870: webapp incorrectly reporting no timeseries json file # ts_json = ['error: no timeseries json file', ts_json_file] ts_json = [] if path.isfile(ts_json_file): try: # ts_json = [] with open(ts_json_file) as f: for line in f: ts_json.append(line) ts_json_ok = True with open((ts_json_file), 'r') as f: raw_timeseries = timeseries_array_str = str(raw_timeseries).replace('(', '[').replace(')', ']') ts_json = literal_eval(timeseries_array_str) except: ts_json_ok = False # @added 20190314 - Bug #2870: webapp incorrectly reporting no timeseries json file ts_json = ['error: could not read the time series from the json file', ts_json_file] logger.error('error :: could not read the time series from the json file - %s' % str(ts_json_file)) else: # @added 20190314 - Bug #2870: webapp incorrectly reporting no timeseries json file ts_json = ['error: no timeseries json file', ts_json_file] logger.error('error :: no timeseries json file - %s' % str(ts_json_file)) # @added 20170309 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Also return the Analyzer FULL_DURATION timeseries if available in a Mirage # based features profile ionosphere_json = False ionosphere_json = [] # @added 20170331 - Task #1988: Review - Ionosphere layers - always show layers # Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Return the anomalous_timeseries as an array to sample anomalous_timeseries = [] if path.isfile(ionosphere_json_file): try: with open(ionosphere_json_file) as f: for line in f: ionosphere_json.append(line) # @added 20170331 - Task #1988: Review - Ionosphere layers - always show layers # Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Return the anomalous_timeseries as an array to sample with open((ionosphere_json_file), 'r') as f: raw_timeseries = timeseries_array_str = str(raw_timeseries).replace('(', '[').replace(')', ']') anomalous_timeseries = literal_eval(timeseries_array_str) except: logger.error('error :: failed to get time series from ionosphere_json_file - %s' % str(ionosphere_json_file)) # @added 20171130 - Task #1988: Review - Ionosphere layers - always show layers # Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Return the anomalous_timeseries as an array to sample and just use the # ts_json file if there is no ionosphere_json_file if not anomalous_timeseries: # @modified 20191018 - Bug #3286: fallback to available ts_json # Wrapped in try except try: with open((ts_json_file), 'r') as f: raw_timeseries = timeseries_array_str = str(raw_timeseries).replace('(', '[').replace(')', ']') anomalous_timeseries = literal_eval(timeseries_array_str) except:'ionosphere_backend :: no time series json found at %s' % ts_json_file) # @added 20191018 - Bug #3286: fallback to available ts_json # If no ts_json file has been found, use metric.analyzer.redis.FULL_DURATION.json # if it is available. This is the fallback if no metric.json or # metric.mirage.redis.FULL_DURATION.json exists in the case of Analyzer only # metrics and raise if no anomalous_timeseries if not anomalous_timeseries: full_duration_in_hours = int(settings.FULL_DURATION) / 3600 fallback_json_filename = '%s.analyzer.redis.%sh.json' % ( base_name, str(int(full_duration_in_hours))) fallback_json_file = 'none' fallback_json_file = '%s/%s' % (metric_data_dir, fallback_json_filename)'ionosphere_backend :: trying fallback_json_file - %s' % fallback_json_file) if path.isfile(fallback_json_file): try: with open((fallback_json_file), 'r') as f: raw_timeseries = timeseries_array_str = str(raw_timeseries).replace('(', '[').replace(')', ']') anomalous_timeseries = literal_eval(timeseries_array_str)'ionosphere_backend :: loaded data from fallback_json_file - %s' % fallback_json_file) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: ionosphere_backend :: failed to load any time series data after trying to load the fallback_json_file' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) raise # to webapp to return in the UI if not anomalous_timeseries: fail_msg = 'error :: ionosphere_backend :: failed to load any time series data form json files' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) raise # to webapp to return in the UI # @added 20170308 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers if layers_id_matched_file: if path.isfile(layers_id_matched_file): try: with open(layers_id_matched_file) as f: output = layers_id_matched = int(output) except: layers_id_matched = False # @added 20170331 - Task #1988: Review - Ionosphere layers - always show layers # Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Added mirror functionality of the layers_id_matched_file # for feature profile matches too as it has proved useful # in the frontend with regards to training data sets being # matched by layers and can do the same for in the frontend # training data for feature profile matches too. if fp_id_matched_file: if path.isfile(fp_id_matched_file): try: with open(fp_id_matched_file) as f: output = fp_id_matched = int(output) except: fp_id_matched = False # @added 20170401 - Task #1988: Review - Ionosphere layers - added fp_id_created # Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers if fp_created_file: if path.isfile(fp_created_file): try: with open(fp_created_file) as f: output = fp_details_list = literal_eval(output) except: fp_details_list = None ts_full_duration = None if metric_vars_ok and ts_json_ok: for key, value in metric_vars: if key == 'full_duration': ts_full_duration = value data_to_process = False if metric_vars_ok and ts_json_ok: data_to_process = True panorama_anomaly_id = False # @modified 20180608 - Bug #2406: Ionosphere - panorama anomaly id lag # Time shift the requested_timestamp by 120 seconds either way on the # from_timestamp and until_timestamp parameter to account for any lag in the # insertion of the anomaly by Panorama in terms Panorama only running every # 60 second and Analyzer to Mirage to Ionosphere and back introduce # additional lags. Panorama will not add multiple anomalies from the same # metric in the time window so there is no need to consider the possibility # of there being multiple anomaly ids being returned. # url = '%s/panorama?metric=%s&from_timestamp=%s&until_timestamp=%s&panorama_anomaly_id=true' % (settings.SKYLINE_URL, str(base_name), str(requested_timestamp), str(requested_timestamp)) grace_from_timestamp = int(requested_timestamp) - 120 grace_until_timestamp = int(requested_timestamp) + 120 url = '%s/panorama?metric=%s&from_timestamp=%s&until_timestamp=%s&panorama_anomaly_id=true' % (settings.SKYLINE_URL, str(base_name), str(grace_from_timestamp), str(grace_until_timestamp)) panorama_resp = None'getting anomaly id from panorama: %s' % str(url)) # @added 20190519 - Branch #3002: docker # Handle self signed certificate on Docker verify_ssl = True try: running_on_docker = settings.DOCKER except: running_on_docker = False if running_on_docker: verify_ssl = False # @added 20191029 - Branch #3262: py3 # Allow for the use of self signed SSL certificates even if not running on # docker. try: overall_verify_ssl = settings.VERIFY_SSL except: overall_verify_ssl = True if not overall_verify_ssl: verify_ssl = False if settings.WEBAPP_AUTH_ENABLED: user = str(settings.WEBAPP_AUTH_USER) password = str(settings.WEBAPP_AUTH_USER_PASSWORD) try: if settings.WEBAPP_AUTH_ENABLED: # @modified 20181106 - Bug #2668: Increase timeout on requests panorama id # r = requests.get(url, timeout=2, auth=(user, password)) # @modified 20190519 - Branch #3002: docker # Handle self signed certificate on Docker # r = requests.get(url, timeout=settings.GRAPHITE_READ_TIMEOUT, auth=(user, password)) r = requests.get(url, timeout=settings.GRAPHITE_READ_TIMEOUT, auth=(user, password), verify=verify_ssl) else: # @modified 20181106 - Bug #2668: Increase timeout on requests panorama id # r = requests.get(url, timeout=2) # @modified 20190519 - Branch #3002: docker # Handle self signed certificate on Docker # r = requests.get(url, timeout=settings.GRAPHITE_READ_TIMEOUT) r = requests.get(url, timeout=settings.GRAPHITE_READ_TIMEOUT, verify=verify_ssl) panorama_resp = True except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get anomaly id from panorama: %s' % str(url)) if panorama_resp: try: data = literal_eval(r.text) if str(data) == '[]': panorama_anomaly_id = None logger.debug('debug :: panorama anomlay data: %s' % str(data)) else: panorama_anomaly_id = int(data[0][0]) logger.debug('debug :: panorama anomlay data: %s' % str(data)) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get anomaly id from panorama response: %s' % str(r.text)) # @added 20170106 - Feature #1842: Ionosphere - Graphite now graphs # Graphite now graphs at TARGET_HOURS, 24h, 7d, 30d to fully inform the # operator about the metric. graphite_now_images = [] graphite_now = int(time.time()) # @added 20200731 - Feature #3654: IONOSPHERE_GRAPHITE_NOW_GRAPHS_OVERRIDE # Allow to override the Graphite NOW graphs with Graphite THEN graphs if IONOSPHERE_GRAPHITE_NOW_GRAPHS_OVERRIDE: graphite_now = int(requested_timestamp) graph_resolutions = [] # @modified 20170116 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Feature #1842: Ionosphere - Graphite now graphs # Also include the Graphite NOW graphs in the features_profile page as # graphs WHEN CREATED # if context == 'training_data': if context == 'training_data' or context == 'features_profiles' or context == 'saved_training_data': graph_resolutions = [int(settings.TARGET_HOURS), 24, 168, 720] # @modified 20170107 - Feature #1842: Ionosphere - Graphite now graphs # Exclude if matches TARGET_HOURS - unique only _graph_resolutions = sorted(set(graph_resolutions)) graph_resolutions = _graph_resolutions for target_hours in graph_resolutions: graph_image = False try: graph_image_file = '%s/%s.graphite_now.%sh.png' % (metric_data_dir, base_name, str(target_hours)) # These are NOW graphs, so if the graph_image_file exists, remove it # @modified 20170116 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Feature #1842: Ionosphere - Graphite now graphs # Only remove if this is the training_data context and match on the # graph_image_file rather than graph_image response if context == 'training_data': target_seconds = int((target_hours * 60) * 60) from_timestamp = str(graphite_now - target_seconds) until_timestamp = str(graphite_now) if path.isfile(graph_image_file): try: remove(str(graph_image_file))'graph_image_file removed - %s' % str(graph_image_file)) except OSError: pass'getting Graphite graph for %s hours - from_timestamp - %s, until_timestamp - %s' % (str(target_hours), str(from_timestamp), str(until_timestamp))) graph_image = get_graphite_metric( skyline_app, base_name, from_timestamp, until_timestamp, 'image', graph_image_file) # if graph_image: if path.isfile(graph_image_file): graphite_now_images.append(graph_image_file) # @added 20170106 - Feature #1842: Ionosphere - Graphite now graphs # TODO: Un/fortunately there is no simple method by which to annotate # these Graphite NOW graphs at the anomaly timestamp, if these were # from Grafana, yes but we cannot add Grafana as a dep :) It would # be possible to add these using the dygraph js method ala now, then # and Panorama, but that is BEYOND the scope of js I want to have to # deal with. I think we can leave this up to the operator's # neocortex to do the processing. Which may be a valid point as # sticking a single red line vertical line in the graphs ala Etsy # deployments # or how @andymckay does it # would arguably introduce a bias in this context. The neocortex # should be able to handle this timeshifting fairly simply with a # little practice. except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get Graphite graph at %s hours for %s' % (str(target_hours), base_name)) # @added 20170107 - Feature #1852: Ionosphere - features_profile matched graphite graphs # Get the last 9 matched timestamps for the metric and get graphite graphs # for them graphite_matched_images = [] matched_count = 0 if context == 'features_profiles':'getting MySQL engine') try: engine, fail_msg, trace = get_an_engine() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) logger.error('error :: could not get a MySQL engine to get fp_ids') raise # to webapp to return in the UI if not engine: trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'error :: engine not obtained' logger.error(fail_msg) raise try: ionosphere_matched_table, log_msg, trace = ionosphere_matched_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'ionosphere_matched_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get ionosphere_checked_table meta for %s' % base_name) # @added 20170806 - Bug #2130: MySQL - Aborted_clients # Added missing disposal if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI # @added 20210421 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference matched_timestamps_motif_ids_dict = {} matched_timestamps = [] # @added 20170107 - Feature #1852: Ionosphere - features_profile matched graphite graphs # Added details of match anomalies for verification added to tsfresh_version # all_calc_features_sum = None # all_calc_features_count = None # sum_common_values = None # common_features_count = None # That is more than it looks... try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([ionosphere_matched_table]).where(ionosphere_matched_table.c.fp_id == int(fp_id)) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: matched_timestamp = row['metric_timestamp'] matched_timestamps.append(int(matched_timestamp)) # @added 20210421 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference motifs_matched_id = 0 try: motifs_matched_id = row['motifs_matched_id'] if motifs_matched_id:'found motif_id from the DB - %s' % (str(motifs_matched_id))) matched_timestamps_motif_ids_dict[int(matched_timestamp)] = motifs_matched_id except KeyError: motifs_matched_id = 0 connection.close() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not determine timestamps from ionosphere_matched for fp_id %s' % str(fp_id)) # @added 20170806 - Bug #2130: MySQL - Aborted_clients # Added missing disposal and raise if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise len_matched_timestamps = len(matched_timestamps) matched_count = len_matched_timestamps'determined %s matched timestamps for fp_id %s' % (str(len_matched_timestamps), str(fp_id))) last_matched_timestamps = [] if len_matched_timestamps > 0: last_graph_timestamp = int(time.time()) # skip_if_last_graph_timestamp_less_than = 600 sorted_matched_timestamps = sorted(matched_timestamps) # get_matched_timestamps = sorted_matched_timestamps[-4:] get_matched_timestamps = sorted_matched_timestamps[-20:] # Order newest first for ts in get_matched_timestamps[::-1]: if len(get_matched_timestamps) > 4: graph_time_diff = int(last_graph_timestamp) - int(ts) if graph_time_diff > 600: last_matched_timestamps.append(ts) else: last_matched_timestamps.append(ts) last_graph_timestamp = int(ts) # @added 20190327 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles fp_db_full_duration = None try: ionosphere_table, log_msg, trace = ionosphere_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'ionosphere_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get ionosphere_table meta for fp id %s' % str(fp_id)) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([ionosphere_table]).where( == int(fp_id)) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: fp_db_full_duration = int(row['full_duration'])'found fp id full_duration from the DB - %s' % (str(fp_db_full_duration))) # @added 20190328 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # For ionosphere_echo features profiles fp_anomaly_timestamp = int(row['anomaly_timestamp'])'found fp anomaly_timestamp from the DB - %s' % (str(fp_anomaly_timestamp))) connection.close() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not determine full_duration from ionosphere for fp_id %s' % str(fp_id)) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise for matched_timestamp in last_matched_timestamps: # Get Graphite images graph_image = False try: key = 'full_duration' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars if var_array[0] == key] full_duration = int(value_list[0]) if fp_db_full_duration: full_duration = fp_db_full_duration from_timestamp = str(int(matched_timestamp) - int(full_duration)) until_timestamp = str(matched_timestamp) graph_image_file = '%s/%s.matched.fp_id-%s.%s.png' % (metric_data_dir, base_name, str(fp_id), str(matched_timestamp)) # @added 20210421 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference try: motifs_matched_id = matched_timestamps_motif_ids_dict[int(matched_timestamp)] except KeyError: motifs_matched_id = 0 if motifs_matched_id: graph_image_file = '%s/%s.matched.fp_id-%s.motif_id-%s.%s.png' % ( metric_data_dir, base_name, str(fp_id), str(motifs_matched_id), str(matched_timestamp)) if not path.isfile(graph_image_file):'getting Graphite graph for fp_id %s matched timeseries from_timestamp - %s, until_timestamp - %s' % (str(fp_id), str(from_timestamp), str(until_timestamp))) graph_image = get_graphite_metric( skyline_app, base_name, from_timestamp, until_timestamp, 'image', graph_image_file) else: graph_image = True'not getting Graphite graph as exists - %s' % (graph_image_file)) if graph_image: graphite_matched_images.append(graph_image_file) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get Graphite graph for fp_id %s at %s' % (str(fp_id), str(matched_timestamp))) # @added 20170308 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Added matched layers Graphite graphs graphite_layers_matched_images = [] layers_matched_count = 0 if context == 'features_profiles': if not engine: fail_msg = 'error :: no engine obtained for ionosphere_layers_matched_table' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) raise # to webapp to return in the UI try: ionosphere_layers_matched_table, log_msg, trace = ionosphere_layers_matched_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'ionosphere_layers_matched_table OK') except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: failed to get ionosphere_layers_matched_table meta for %s' % base_name logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI layers_id_matched = [] try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([ionosphere_layers_matched_table]).where(ionosphere_layers_matched_table.c.fp_id == int(fp_id)) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: matched_layers_id = row['layer_id'] matched_timestamp = row['anomaly_timestamp'] layers_id_matched.append([int(matched_timestamp), int(matched_layers_id)]) #'found matched_timestamp %s' % (str(matched_timestamp))) connection.close() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not determine timestamps from ionosphere_matched for fp_id %s' % str(fp_id) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI layers_matched_count = len(layers_id_matched)'determined %s matched layers timestamps for fp_id %s' % (str(layers_matched_count), str(fp_id))) last_matched_layers = [] if layers_matched_count > 0: last_graph_timestamp = int(time.time()) # skip_if_last_graph_timestamp_less_than = 600 sorted_matched_layers = sorted(layers_id_matched) get_matched_layers = sorted_matched_layers[-20:] # Order newest first for matched_layer in get_matched_layers[::-1]: if len(get_matched_layers) > 4: graph_time_diff = int(last_graph_timestamp) - int(matched_layer[0]) if graph_time_diff > 600: last_matched_layers.append(matched_layer) else: last_matched_layers.append(matched_layer) last_graph_timestamp = int(matched_layer[0])'determined %s matched layers timestamps for graphs for fp_id %s' % (str(len(last_matched_layers)), str(fp_id))) for matched_layer in last_matched_layers: # Get Graphite images graph_image = False matched_layer_id = None try: full_duration = int(settings.FULL_DURATION) from_timestamp = str(int(matched_layer[0]) - int(full_duration)) until_timestamp = str(matched_layer[0]) matched_layer_id = str(matched_layer[1]) graph_image_file = '%s/%s.layers_id-%s.matched.layers.fp_id-%s.%s.png' % ( metric_data_dir, base_name, str(matched_layer_id), str(fp_id), str(matched_layer[0])) if not path.isfile(graph_image_file): 'getting Graphite graph for fp_id %s layer_id %s matched timeseries from_timestamp - %s, until_timestamp - %s' % ( str(fp_id), str(matched_layer_id), str(from_timestamp), str(until_timestamp))) graph_image = get_graphite_metric( skyline_app, base_name, from_timestamp, until_timestamp, 'image', graph_image_file) else: graph_image = True'not getting Graphite graph as exists - %s' % (graph_image_file)) if graph_image: graphite_layers_matched_images.append(graph_image_file) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get Graphite graph for fp_id %s at %s' % (str(fp_id), str(matched_timestamp))) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return ( metric_paths, images, human_date, metric_vars, ts_json, data_to_process, panorama_anomaly_id, graphite_now_images, graphite_matched_images, matched_count, # @added 20170308 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Show the latest matched layers graphs as well and the matched layers_id_matched # in the training_data page if there has been one. graphite_layers_matched_images, layers_id_matched, ts_full_duration, # @added 20170309 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Also return the Analyzer FULL_DURATION timeseries if available in a Mirage # based features profile ionosphere_json, # @added 20170331 - Task #1988: Review - Ionosphere layers - always show layers # Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Return the anomalous_timeseries as an array to sample and fp_id_matched anomalous_timeseries, fp_id_matched, # @added 20170401 - Task #1988: Review - Ionosphere layers - added fp_details_list # Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers fp_details_list, # @added 20190328 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # For ionosphere_echo features profiles fp_anomaly_timestamp)
# @modified 20170114 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn # DEPRECATED create_features_profile here as this function has been migrated in # order to decouple the creation of features profiles from the webapp as # ionosphere/learn now requires access to this function as well. Moved to a # shared function in # REMOVED # def create_features_profile(requested_timestamp, data_for_metric, context):
[docs]def features_profile_details(fp_id): """ Get the Ionosphere details of a fetures profile :param fp_id: the features profile id :type fp_id: str :return: tuple :rtype: (str, boolean, str, str) """ logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger) function_str = ' :: features_profile_details' trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'none' fp_details = None'%s :: getting MySQL engine' % function_str) try: engine, fail_msg, trace = get_an_engine() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not get a MySQL engine' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) # return False, False, fail_msg, trace, False raise # to webapp to return in the UI if not engine: trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'error :: engine not obtained' logger.error(fail_msg) # return False, False, fail_msg, trace, False raise # to webapp to return in the UI ionosphere_table = None try: ionosphere_table, fail_msg, trace = ionosphere_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: failed to get ionosphere_table meta for fp_id %s details' % str(fp_id) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) # return False, False, fail_msg, trace, False raise # to webapp to return in the UI'%s :: ionosphere_table OK' % function_str) try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([ionosphere_table]).where( == int(fp_id)) result = connection.execute(stmt) row = result.fetchone() # fp_details_object = row fp_details_object = dict(row) connection.close() try: tsfresh_version = row['tsfresh_version'] except: tsfresh_version = 'unknown' try: calc_time = row['calc_time'] except: calc_time = 'unknown' full_duration = row['full_duration'] features_count = row['features_count'] features_sum = row['features_sum'] deleted = row['deleted'] matched_count = row['matched_count'] last_matched = row['last_matched'] if str(last_matched) == '0': human_date = 'never matched' else: human_date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z (%A)', time.localtime(int(last_matched))) created_timestamp = row['created_timestamp'] full_duration = row['full_duration'] # @modified 20161229 - Feature #1830: Ionosphere alerts # Added checked_count and last_checked last_checked = row['last_checked'] if str(last_checked) == '0': checked_human_date = 'never checked' else: checked_human_date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z (%A)', time.localtime(int(last_checked))) checked_count = row['checked_count'] # @modified 20170114 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn # Added parent_id and generation parent_id = row['parent_id'] generation = row['generation'] # @added 20170402 - Feature #2000: Ionosphere - validated validated = row['validated'] # @added 20170305 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers layers_id = row['layers_id'] # @added 20190922 - Feature #2516: Add label to features profile label = row['label'] # @added 20210421 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference motif_checked_count = row['motif_checked_count'] motif_last_checked = row['motif_last_checked'] motif_matched_count = row['motif_matched_count'] motif_last_matched = row['motif_last_matched'] if str(motif_last_checked) == '0': motif_checked_human_date = 'never checked' else: motif_checked_human_date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z (%A)', time.localtime(int(motif_last_checked))) if str(motif_last_matched) == '0': motif_matched_human_date = 'never checked' else: motif_matched_human_date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z (%A)', time.localtime(int(motif_last_matched))) fp_details = ''' tsfresh_version :: %s | calc_time :: %s features_count :: %s features_sum :: %s deleted :: %s matched_count :: %s last_matched :: %s | human_date :: %s checked_count :: %s last_checked :: %s | human_date :: %s motif_matched_count :: %s motif_last_matched :: %s | human_date :: %s motif_checked_count :: %s motif_last_checked :: %s | human_date :: %s created_timestamp :: %s full_duration :: %s parent_id :: %s | generation :: %s | validated :: %s layers_id :: %s label :: %s ''' % (str(tsfresh_version), str(calc_time), str(features_count), str(features_sum), str(deleted), str(matched_count), str(last_matched), str(human_date), str(checked_count), str(last_checked), str(checked_human_date), str(motif_matched_count), str(motif_last_matched), str(motif_matched_human_date), str(motif_checked_count), str(motif_last_checked), str(motif_checked_human_date), str(created_timestamp), str(full_duration), str(parent_id), str(generation), str(validated), str(layers_id), str(label)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not get fp_id %s details from ionosphere DB table' % str(fp_id) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) # return False, False, fail_msg, trace, False raise # to webapp to return in the UI if engine: engine_disposal(engine) # @modified 20170114 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Return the fp_details_object so that webapp can pass the parent_id and # generation to the templates # return fp_details, True, fail_msg, trace return fp_details, True, fail_msg, trace, fp_details_object
# @added 20170118 - Feature #1862: Ionosphere features profiles search page # Added fp_search parameter # @modified 20170220 - Feature #1862: Ionosphere features profiles search page # @added 20170305 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers
[docs]def create_ionosphere_layers(base_name, fp_id, requested_timestamp): """ Create a layers profile. :param None: determined from :obj:`request.args` :return: array :rtype: array """ function_str = ' :: create_ionosphere_layers' trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'none' layers_algorithms = None layers_added = None value_conditions = ['<', '>', '==', '!=', '<=', '>='] conditions = ['<', '>', '==', '!=', '<=', '>=', 'in', 'not in'] if 'd_condition' in request.args: d_condition = request.args.get('d_condition', '==') else: logger.error('no d_condition argument passed') fail_msg = 'error :: no d_condition argument passed' return False, False, layers_algorithms, layers_added, fail_msg, trace if not str(d_condition) in conditions: logger.error('d_condition not a valid conditon - %s' % str(d_condition)) fail_msg = 'error :: d_condition not a valid conditon - %s' % str(d_condition) return False, False, layers_algorithms, layers_added, fail_msg, trace if 'd_boundary_limit' in request.args: d_boundary_limit = request.args.get('d_boundary_limit', '0') else: logger.error('no d_boundary_limit argument passed') fail_msg = 'error :: no d_boundary_limit argument passed' return False, False, layers_algorithms, layers_added, fail_msg, trace try: # @modified 20170317 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers - allow for floats # test_d_boundary_limit = int(d_boundary_limit) + 1 test_d_boundary_limit = float(d_boundary_limit) + 1'd_boundary_limit tested OK with %s' % str(test_d_boundary_limit)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: d_boundary_limit is not an int' return False, False, layers_algorithms, layers_added, fail_msg, trace # @modified 20160315 - Feature #1972: ionosphere_layers - use D layer boundary for upper limit # Added d_boundary_times if 'd_boundary_times' in request.args: d_boundary_times = request.args.get('d_boundary_times', '1') else: logger.error('no d_boundary_times argument passed') fail_msg = 'error :: no d_boundary_times argument passed' return False, False, layers_algorithms, layers_added, fail_msg, trace try: test_d_boundary_times = int(d_boundary_times) + 1'd_boundary_times tested OK with %s' % str(test_d_boundary_times)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: d_boundary_times is not an int' return False, False, layers_algorithms, layers_added, fail_msg, trace # @added 20170616 - Feature #2048: D1 ionosphere layer if 'd1_condition' in request.args: d1_condition = request.args.get('d1_condition', 'none') else: logger.error('no d1_condition argument passed') fail_msg = 'error :: no d1_condition argument passed' return False, False, layers_algorithms, layers_added, fail_msg, trace if str(d1_condition) == 'none': d1_condition = 'none' d1_boundary_limit = 0 d1_boundary_times = 0 else: if not str(d1_condition) in conditions: logger.error('d1_condition not a valid conditon - %s' % str(d1_condition)) fail_msg = 'error :: d1_condition not a valid conditon - %s' % str(d1_condition) return False, False, layers_algorithms, layers_added, fail_msg, trace if 'd1_boundary_limit' in request.args: d1_boundary_limit = request.args.get('d1_boundary_limit', '0') else: logger.error('no d1_boundary_limit argument passed') fail_msg = 'error :: no d1_boundary_limit argument passed' return False, False, layers_algorithms, layers_added, fail_msg, trace try: test_d1_boundary_limit = float(d1_boundary_limit) + 1'd1_boundary_limit tested OK with %s' % str(test_d1_boundary_limit)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: d1_boundary_limit is not an int' return False, False, layers_algorithms, layers_added, fail_msg, trace if 'd1_boundary_times' in request.args: d1_boundary_times = request.args.get('d1_boundary_times', '1') else: logger.error('no d1_boundary_times argument passed') fail_msg = 'error :: no d1_boundary_times argument passed' return False, False, layers_algorithms, layers_added, fail_msg, trace try: test_d1_boundary_times = int(d1_boundary_times) + 1'd1_boundary_times tested OK with %s' % str(test_d1_boundary_times)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: d1_boundary_times is not an int' return False, False, layers_algorithms, layers_added, fail_msg, trace if 'e_condition' in request.args: e_condition = request.args.get('e_condition', None) else: logger.error('no e_condition argument passed') fail_msg = 'error :: no e_condition argument passed' return False, False, layers_algorithms, layers_added, fail_msg, trace if not str(e_condition) in value_conditions: logger.error('e_condition not a valid value conditon - %s' % str(e_condition)) fail_msg = 'error :: e_condition not a valid value conditon - %s' % str(e_condition) return False, False, layers_algorithms, layers_added, fail_msg, trace if 'e_boundary_limit' in request.args: e_boundary_limit = request.args.get('e_boundary_limit') else: logger.error('no e_boundary_limit argument passed') fail_msg = 'error :: no e_boundary_limit argument passed' return False, False, layers_algorithms, layers_added, fail_msg, trace try: # @modified 20170317 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers - allow for floats # test_e_boundary_limit = int(e_boundary_limit) + 1 test_e_boundary_limit = float(e_boundary_limit) + 1'test_e_boundary_limit tested OK with %s' % str(test_e_boundary_limit)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: e_boundary_limit is not an int' return False, False, layers_algorithms, layers_added, fail_msg, trace if 'e_boundary_times' in request.args: e_boundary_times = request.args.get('e_boundary_times') else: logger.error('no e_boundary_times argument passed') fail_msg = 'error :: no e_boundary_times argument passed' return False, False, layers_algorithms, layers_added, fail_msg, trace try: test_e_boundary_times = int(e_boundary_times) + 1'test_e_boundary_times tested OK with %s' % str(test_e_boundary_times)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: e_boundary_times is not an int' return False, False, layers_algorithms, layers_added, fail_msg, trace es_layer = False if 'es_layer' in request.args: es_layer_arg = request.args.get('es_layer') if es_layer_arg == 'true': es_layer = True if es_layer: es_day = None if 'es_day' in request.args: es_day = request.args.get('es_day') else: logger.error('no es_day argument passed') fail_msg = 'error :: no es_day argument passed' return False, False, layers_algorithms, layers_added, fail_msg, trace f1_layer = False if 'f1_layer' in request.args: f1_layer_arg = request.args.get('f1_layer') if f1_layer_arg == 'true': f1_layer = True if f1_layer: from_time = None valid_f1_from_time = False if 'from_time' in request.args: from_time = request.args.get('from_time') if from_time: values_valid = True if len(from_time) == 4: for digit in from_time: try: int(digit) + 1 except: values_valid = False if values_valid: if int(from_time) < 2400: valid_f1_from_time = True if not valid_f1_from_time: logger.error('no valid f1_layer from_time argument passed - %s' % str(from_time)) fail_msg = 'error :: no valid f1_layer from_time argument passed - %s' % str(from_time) return False, False, layers_algorithms, layers_added, fail_msg, trace f2_layer = False if 'f2_layer' in request.args: f2_layer_arg = request.args.get('f2_layer') if f2_layer_arg == 'true': f2_layer = True if f2_layer: until_time = None valid_f2_until_time = False if 'until_time' in request.args: until_time = request.args.get('until_time') if until_time: values_valid = True if len(until_time) == 4: for digit in until_time: try: int(digit) + 1 except: values_valid = False if values_valid: if int(until_time) < 2400: valid_f2_until_time = True if not valid_f2_until_time: logger.error('no valid f2_layer until_time argument passed - %s' % str(until_time)) fail_msg = 'error :: no valid f2_layer until_time argument passed - %s' % str(until_time) return False, False, layers_algorithms, layers_added, fail_msg, trace label = False if 'fp_layer_label' in request.args: label_arg = request.args.get('fp_layer_label') label = label_arg[:255] engine_needed = True engine = None if engine_needed:'%s :: getting MySQL engine' % function_str) try: engine, fail_msg, trace = get_an_engine() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not get a MySQL engine' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) raise if not engine: trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'error :: engine not obtained' logger.error(fail_msg) raise try: metrics_table, log_msg, trace = metrics_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'metrics_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get metrics_table meta') if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI metrics_id = 0 try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([metrics_table]).where(metrics_table.c.metric == base_name) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: metrics_id = int(row['id']) connection.close() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not determine metric id from metrics table' if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # Create layer profile ionosphere_layers_table = None try: ionosphere_layers_table, fail_msg, trace = ionosphere_layers_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: ionosphere_backend :: failed to get ionosphere_layers_table meta for %s' % base_name logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise layer_id = 0 try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([ionosphere_layers_table]).where(ionosphere_layers_table.c.fp_id == fp_id) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: layer_id = int(row['id']) connection.close() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not determine id from ionosphere_layers_table' if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise if layer_id > 0: return layer_id, True, None, None, fail_msg, trace new_layer_id = False try: connection = engine.connect() ins = ionosphere_layers_table.insert().values( fp_id=fp_id, metric_id=int(metrics_id), enabled=1, label=label) result = connection.execute(ins) connection.close() new_layer_id = result.inserted_primary_key[0]'new ionosphere layer_id: %s' % str(new_layer_id)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: failed to insert a new record into the ionosphere_layers table for %s' % base_name logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # Create layer profile layers_algorithms_table = None try: layers_algorithms_table, fail_msg, trace = layers_algorithms_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: ionosphere_backend :: failed to get layers_algorithms_table meta for %s' % base_name logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise new_layer_algorithm_ids = [] layers_added = [] # D layer try: connection = engine.connect() ins = layers_algorithms_table.insert().values( layer_id=new_layer_id, fp_id=fp_id, metric_id=int(metrics_id), layer='D', type='value', condition=d_condition, # @modified 20170317 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers - allow for floats # layer_boundary=int(d_boundary_limit), layer_boundary=str(d_boundary_limit), # @modified 20160315 - Feature #1972: ionosphere_layers - use D layer boundary for upper limit # Added d_boundary_times times_in_row=int(d_boundary_times)) result = connection.execute(ins) connection.close() new_layer_algorithm_id = result.inserted_primary_key[0]'new ionosphere_algorithms D layer id: %s' % str(new_layer_algorithm_id)) new_layer_algorithm_ids.append(new_layer_algorithm_id) layers_added.append('D') except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: failed to insert a new D layer record into the layers_algorithms table for %s' % base_name logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # E layer try: connection = engine.connect() ins = layers_algorithms_table.insert().values( layer_id=new_layer_id, fp_id=fp_id, metric_id=int(metrics_id), layer='E', type='value', condition=e_condition, # @modified 20170317 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers - allow for floats # layer_boundary=int(e_boundary_limit), layer_boundary=str(e_boundary_limit), times_in_row=int(e_boundary_times)) result = connection.execute(ins) connection.close() new_layer_algorithm_id = result.inserted_primary_key[0]'new ionosphere_algorithms E layer id: %s' % str(new_layer_algorithm_id)) new_layer_algorithm_ids.append(new_layer_algorithm_id) layers_added.append('E') except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: failed to insert a new E layer record into the layers_algorithms table for %s' % base_name logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # @added 20170616 - Feature #2048: D1 ionosphere layer # This must be the third created algorithm layer as in the frontend list # D is [0], E is [1], so D1 has to be [2] if d1_condition: try: connection = engine.connect() ins = layers_algorithms_table.insert().values( layer_id=new_layer_id, fp_id=fp_id, metric_id=int(metrics_id), layer='D1', type='value', condition=d1_condition, layer_boundary=str(d1_boundary_limit), times_in_row=int(d1_boundary_times)) result = connection.execute(ins) connection.close() new_layer_algorithm_id = result.inserted_primary_key[0]'new ionosphere_algorithms D1 layer id: %s' % str(new_layer_algorithm_id)) new_layer_algorithm_ids.append(new_layer_algorithm_id) layers_added.append('D1') except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: failed to insert a new D1 layer record into the layers_algorithms table for %s' % base_name logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # Es layer if es_layer: try: connection = engine.connect() ins = layers_algorithms_table.insert().values( layer_id=new_layer_id, fp_id=fp_id, metric_id=int(metrics_id), layer='Es', type='day', condition='in', layer_boundary=es_day) result = connection.execute(ins) connection.close() new_layer_algorithm_id = result.inserted_primary_key[0]'new ionosphere_algorithms Es layer id: %s' % str(new_layer_algorithm_id)) new_layer_algorithm_ids.append(new_layer_algorithm_id) layers_added.append('Es') except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: failed to insert a new Es layer record into the layers_algorithms table for %s' % base_name logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # F1 layer if f1_layer: try: connection = engine.connect() ins = layers_algorithms_table.insert().values( layer_id=new_layer_id, fp_id=fp_id, metric_id=int(metrics_id), layer='F1', type='time', condition='>', layer_boundary=str(from_time)) result = connection.execute(ins) connection.close() new_layer_algorithm_id = result.inserted_primary_key[0]'new ionosphere_algorithms F1 layer id: %s' % str(new_layer_algorithm_id)) new_layer_algorithm_ids.append(new_layer_algorithm_id) layers_added.append('F1') except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: failed to insert a new F1 layer record into the layers_algorithms table for %s' % base_name logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # F2 layer if f2_layer: try: connection = engine.connect() ins = layers_algorithms_table.insert().values( layer_id=new_layer_id, fp_id=fp_id, metric_id=int(metrics_id), layer='F2', type='time', condition='<', layer_boundary=str(until_time)) result = connection.execute(ins) connection.close() new_layer_algorithm_id = result.inserted_primary_key[0]'new ionosphere_algorithms F2 layer id: %s' % str(new_layer_algorithm_id)) new_layer_algorithm_ids.append(new_layer_algorithm_id) layers_added.append('F2') except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: failed to insert a new F2 layer record into the layers_algorithms table for %s' % base_name logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise ionosphere_table = None try: ionosphere_table, fail_msg, trace = ionosphere_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: failed to get ionosphere_table meta for options' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise'%s :: ionosphere_table OK' % function_str) try: connection = engine.connect() connection.execute( ionosphere_table.update( == fp_id). values(layers_id=new_layer_id)) connection.close()'updated layers_id for %s' % str(fp_id)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not update layers_id for %s ' % str(fp_id) logger.error(fail_msg) # @added 20170806 - Bug #2130: MySQL - Aborted_clients # Added missing disposal if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise if engine: engine_disposal(engine) # @added 20190502 - return new_layer_id, True, layers_added, new_layer_algorithm_ids, fail_msg, trace
[docs]def feature_profile_layers_detail(fp_layers_id): """ Get the Ionosphere layers details of a fetures profile :param fp_layers_id: the features profile layers_id :type fp_id: str :return: tuple :rtype: (str, boolean, str, str, object) """ logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger) function_str = ' :: features_profile_layers_details' trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'none' # fp_details = None'%s :: getting MySQL engine' % function_str) try: engine, fail_msg, trace = get_an_engine() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not get a MySQL engine' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) # return False, False, fail_msg, trace, False raise # to webapp to return in the UI if not engine: trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'error :: engine not obtained' logger.error(fail_msg) # return False, False, fail_msg, trace, False raise # to webapp to return in the UI ionosphere_layers_table = None try: ionosphere_layers_table, fail_msg, trace = ionosphere_layers_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: failed to get ionosphere_layers_table meta for fp_id %s details' % str(fp_layers_id) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) # return False, False, fail_msg, trace, False raise # to webapp to return in the UI'%s :: ionosphere_layers_table OK' % function_str) try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([ionosphere_layers_table]).where( == int(fp_layers_id)) result = connection.execute(stmt) row = result.fetchone() layer_details_object = row connection.close() feature_profile_id = row['fp_id'] metric_id = row['metric_id'] enabled = row['enabled'] deleted = row['deleted'] matched_count = row['matched_count'] last_matched = row['last_matched'] if str(last_matched) == '0': human_date = 'never matched' else: human_date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z (%A)', time.localtime(int(last_matched))) created_timestamp = row['created_timestamp'] last_checked = row['last_checked'] if str(last_checked) == '0': checked_human_date = 'never checked' else: checked_human_date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z (%A)', time.localtime(int(last_checked))) check_count = row['check_count'] label = row['label'] layer_details = ''' fp_id :: %s | metric_id :: %s enabled :: %s deleted :: %s matched_count :: %s last_matched :: %s | human_date :: %s created_timestamp :: %s checked_count :: %s last_checked :: %s | human_date :: %s label :: %s ''' % (str(feature_profile_id), str(metric_id), str(enabled), str(deleted), str(matched_count), str(last_matched), str(human_date), str(created_timestamp), str(check_count), str(last_checked), str(checked_human_date), str(label)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not get layers_id %s details from ionosphere_layers DB table' % str(fp_layers_id) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return layer_details, True, fail_msg, trace, layer_details_object
[docs]def feature_profile_layer_alogrithms(fp_layers_id): """ Get the Ionosphere layer algorithm details of a layer :param fp_layers_id: the features profile layers_id :type fp_id: str :return: tuple :rtype: (str, boolean, str, str) """ logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger) function_str = ' :: features_profile_layer_algorithms' trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'none' # fp_details = None'%s :: getting MySQL engine' % function_str) try: engine, fail_msg, trace = get_an_engine() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not get a MySQL engine' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) # return False, False, fail_msg, trace, False raise # to webapp to return in the UI if not engine: trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'error :: engine not obtained' logger.error(fail_msg) # return False, False, fail_msg, trace, False raise # to webapp to return in the UI layers_algorithms_table = None try: layers_algorithms_table, fail_msg, trace = layers_algorithms_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: failed to get layers_algorithms_table meta for fp_id %s details' % str(fp_layers_id) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) # return False, False, fail_msg, trace, False raise # to webapp to return in the UI'%s :: layers_algorithms_table OK' % function_str) es_condition = None es_day = None es_layer = ' [\'NOT ACTIVE - Es layer not created\']' f1_from_time = None f1_layer = ' [\'NOT ACTIVE - F1 layer not created\']' f2_until_time = None f2_layer = ' [\'NOT ACTIVE - F2 layer not created\']' # @added 20170616 - Feature #2048: D1 ionosphere layer d1_layer = ' [\'NOT ACTIVE - D1 layer not created\']' d1_condition = 'none' d1_boundary_limit = 'none' d1_boundary_times = 'none' try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([layers_algorithms_table]).where(layers_algorithms_table.c.layer_id == int(fp_layers_id)) result = connection.execute(stmt) connection.close() layer_algorithms_details_object = result layer_active = '[\'ACTIVE\']' for row in result: layer = row['layer'] if layer == 'D': d_condition = row['condition'] d_boundary_limit = row['layer_boundary'] # @added 20170616 - Feature #2048: D1 ionosphere layer if layer == 'D1': d1_condition = row['condition'] if str(d1_condition) != 'none': d1_condition = row['condition'] d1_layer = ' [\'ACTIVE\']' d1_boundary_limit = row['layer_boundary'] d1_boundary_times = row['times_in_row'] else: d1_condition = 'none' if layer == 'E': e_condition = row['condition'] e_boundary_limit = row['layer_boundary'] e_boundary_times = row['times_in_row'] if layer == 'Es': es_condition = row['condition'] es_day = row['layer_boundary'] es_layer = layer_active if layer == 'F1': f1_from_time = row['layer_boundary'] f1_layer = layer_active if layer == 'F2': f2_until_time = row['layer_boundary'] f2_layer = layer_active layer_algorithms_details = ''' D layer :: if value %s %s :: [do not check] :: ['ACTIVE'] D1 layer :: if value %s %s in last %s values :: [do not check] :: %s E layer :: if value %s %s in last %s values :: [not_anomalous, if active Es, F1 and F2 layers match] :: ['ACTIVE'] Es layer :: if day %s %s :: [not_anomalous, if active F1 and F2 layers match] :: %s F1 layer :: if from_time > %s :: [not_anomalous, if active F2 layer matchs] :: %s F2 layer :: if until_time < %s :: [not_anomalous] :: %s ''' % (str(d_condition), str(d_boundary_limit), str(d1_condition), str(d1_boundary_limit), str(d1_boundary_times), str(d1_layer), str(e_condition), str(e_boundary_limit), str(e_boundary_times), str(es_condition), str(es_day), str(es_layer), str(f1_from_time), str(f1_layer), str(f2_until_time), str(f2_layer)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not get layers_algorithms for layer_id %s from layers_algorithms DB table' % str(fp_layers_id) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return layer_algorithms_details, True, fail_msg, trace, layer_algorithms_details_object
# @added 20170308 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # To present the operator with the existing layers and algorithms for the metric
[docs]def metric_layers_alogrithms(base_name): """ Get the Ionosphere layer algorithm details of a metric :param base_name: the metric base_name :type base_name: str :return: tuple :rtype: (str, boolean, str, str) """ logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger) function_str = ' :: metric_layers_alogrithms' trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'none' metric_layers_algorithm_details = None'%s :: getting MySQL engine' % function_str) try: engine, fail_msg, trace = get_an_engine() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not get a MySQL engine' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) raise # to webapp to return in the UI if not engine: trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'error :: engine not obtained' logger.error(fail_msg) raise # to webapp to return in the UI try: metrics_table, log_msg, trace = metrics_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'metrics_table OK') except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: failed to get metrics_table meta' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI metric_id = 0 try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([metrics_table]).where(metrics_table.c.metric == base_name) result = connection.execute(stmt) connection.close() for row in result: metric_id = int(row['id']) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: failed to get id for %s from metrics table' % str(base_name) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI if not metric_id: # @added 20181024 - Bug #2638: anomalies db table - anomalous_datapoint greater than DECIMAL # For debugging trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: no id for %s' % str(base_name) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI ionosphere_layers_table = None try: ionosphere_layers_table, fail_msg, trace = ionosphere_layers_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: failed to get ionosphere_layers_table meta for %s details' % str(base_name) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI metric_layers_details = [] metric_layers_count = 0 metric_layers_matched_count = 0 try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([ionosphere_layers_table]).where(ionosphere_layers_table.c.metric_id == metric_id) result = connection.execute(stmt) connection.close() for row in result: try: l_id = row['id'] l_fp_id = row['fp_id'] l_metric_id = row['metric_id'] l_matched_count = row['matched_count'] l_check_count = row['check_count'] l_label = str(row['label']) metric_layers_details.append([l_id, l_fp_id, l_metric_id, l_matched_count, l_check_count, l_label]) metric_layers_count += 1 metric_layers_matched_count += int(l_matched_count)'%s :: added layer id %s to layer count' % (function_str, str(l_id))) except: metric_layers_count += 0 except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not get layers ids for metric_id %s from ionosphere_layers DB table' % str(metric_id) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI layers_algorithms_table = None try: layers_algorithms_table, fail_msg, trace = layers_algorithms_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: failed to get layers_algorithms_table meta for base_name %s details' % str(base_name) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI metric_layers_algorithm_details = []'%s :: layers_algorithms_table OK' % function_str) try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([layers_algorithms_table]).where(layers_algorithms_table.c.metric_id == metric_id) result = connection.execute(stmt) connection.close() for row in result: la_id = row['id'] la_layer_id = row['layer_id'] la_fp_id = row['fp_id'] la_metric_id = row['metric_id'] la_layer = str(row['layer']) la_type = str(row['type']) la_condition = str(row['condition']) la_layer_boundary = str(row['layer_boundary']) la_times_in_a_row = row['times_in_row'] metric_layers_algorithm_details.append([la_id, la_layer_id, la_fp_id, la_metric_id, la_layer, la_type, la_condition, la_layer_boundary, la_times_in_a_row]) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not get layers_algorithms for metric_id %s from layers_algorithms DB table' % str(metric_id) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI if engine: engine_disposal(engine)'metric_layers_details :: %s' % str(metric_layers_details))'metric_layers_algorithm_details :: %s' % str(metric_layers_algorithm_details)) return metric_layers_details, metric_layers_algorithm_details, metric_layers_count, metric_layers_matched_count, True, fail_msg, trace
# @added 20170327 - Feature #2004: Ionosphere layers - edit_layers # Task #2002: Review and correct incorrectly defined layers
[docs]def edit_ionosphere_layers(layers_id): """ Edit a layers profile. :param layers_id: the layer id to edit :return: array :rtype: array """ logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger) function_str = ' :: edit_ionosphere_layers''updating layers for %s' % str(layers_id)) trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'none' value_conditions = ['<', '>', '==', '!=', '<=', '>='] conditions = ['<', '>', '==', '!=', '<=', '>=', 'in', 'not in'] if 'd_condition' in request.args: d_condition = request.args.get('d_condition', '==') else: logger.error('no d_condition argument passed') fail_msg = 'error :: no d_condition argument passed' return False, fail_msg, trace if not str(d_condition) in conditions: logger.error('d_condition not a valid conditon - %s' % str(d_condition)) fail_msg = 'error :: d_condition not a valid conditon - %s' % str(d_condition) return False, fail_msg, trace if 'd_boundary_limit' in request.args: d_boundary_limit = request.args.get('d_boundary_limit', '0') else: logger.error('no d_boundary_limit argument passed') fail_msg = 'error :: no d_boundary_limit argument passed' return False, fail_msg, trace try: test_d_boundary_limit = float(d_boundary_limit) + 1'test_d_boundary_limit tested OK with %s' % str(test_d_boundary_limit)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: d_boundary_limit is not an int' return False, fail_msg, trace if 'd_boundary_times' in request.args: d_boundary_times = request.args.get('d_boundary_times', '1') else: logger.error('no d_boundary_times argument passed') fail_msg = 'error :: no d_boundary_times argument passed' return False, fail_msg, trace try: test_d_boundary_times = int(d_boundary_times) + 1'test_d_boundary_times tested OK with %s' % str(test_d_boundary_times)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: d_boundary_times is not an int' return False, fail_msg, trace # @added 20170616 - Feature #2048: D1 ionosphere layer d1_condition = None if 'd1_condition' in request.args: d1_condition = request.args.get('d1_condition', 'none') else: logger.error('no d1_condition argument passed') fail_msg = 'error :: no d1_condition argument passed' return False, fail_msg, trace if str(d1_condition) == 'none': d1_condition = None else: if not str(d1_condition) in conditions: logger.error('d1_condition not a valid conditon - %s' % str(d1_condition)) fail_msg = 'error :: d1_condition not a valid conditon - %s' % str(d1_condition) return False, fail_msg, trace if 'd1_boundary_limit' in request.args: d1_boundary_limit = request.args.get('d1_boundary_limit', '0') else: logger.error('no d1_boundary_limit argument passed') fail_msg = 'error :: no d1_boundary_limit argument passed' return False, fail_msg, trace try: test_d1_boundary_limit = float(d1_boundary_limit) + 1'test_d1_boundary_limit tested OK with %s' % str(test_d1_boundary_limit)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: d1_boundary_limit is not an int' return False, fail_msg, trace if 'd1_boundary_times' in request.args: d1_boundary_times = request.args.get('d1_boundary_times', '1') else: logger.error('no d1_boundary_times argument passed') fail_msg = 'error :: no d1_boundary_times argument passed' return False, fail_msg, trace try: test_d1_boundary_times = int(d1_boundary_times) + 1'test_d1_boundary_times tested OK with %s' % str(test_d1_boundary_times)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: d1_boundary_times is not an int' return False, fail_msg, trace if 'e_condition' in request.args: e_condition = request.args.get('e_condition', None) else: logger.error('no e_condition argument passed') fail_msg = 'error :: no e_condition argument passed' return False, fail_msg, trace if not str(e_condition) in value_conditions: logger.error('e_condition not a valid value conditon - %s' % str(e_condition)) fail_msg = 'error :: e_condition not a valid value conditon - %s' % str(e_condition) return False, fail_msg, trace if 'e_boundary_limit' in request.args: e_boundary_limit = request.args.get('e_boundary_limit') else: logger.error('no e_boundary_limit argument passed') fail_msg = 'error :: no e_boundary_limit argument passed' return False, fail_msg, trace try: test_e_boundary_limit = float(e_boundary_limit) + 1'test_e_boundary_limit tested OK with %s' % str(test_e_boundary_limit)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: e_boundary_limit is not an int' return False, fail_msg, trace if 'e_boundary_times' in request.args: e_boundary_times = request.args.get('e_boundary_times') else: logger.error('no e_boundary_times argument passed') fail_msg = 'error :: no e_boundary_times argument passed' return False, fail_msg, trace try: test_e_boundary_times = int(e_boundary_times) + 1'test_e_boundary_times tested OK with %s' % str(test_e_boundary_times)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: e_boundary_times is not an int' return False, fail_msg, trace # NOT IMPLEMENTED YET # es_layer = False # f1_layer = False # f2_layer = False update_label = False if 'fp_layer_label' in request.args: label_arg = request.args.get('fp_layer_label') update_label = label_arg[:255] engine_needed = True engine = None ionosphere_layers_table = None layers_algorithms_table = None if engine_needed:'%s :: getting MySQL engine' % function_str) try: engine, fail_msg, trace = get_an_engine() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not get a MySQL engine' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) raise if not engine: trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'error :: engine not obtained' logger.error(fail_msg) raise try: ionosphere_layers_table, fail_msg, trace = ionosphere_layers_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: ionosphere_backend :: failed to get ionosphere_layers_table meta for layers_id %s' % (str(layers_id)) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI try: layers_algorithms_table, fail_msg, trace = layers_algorithms_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: ionosphere_backend :: failed to get layers_algorithms_table meta for layers_id %s' % (str(layers_id)) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI if update_label: # Update layers_id label try: connection = engine.connect() connection.execute( ionosphere_layers_table.update( == layers_id). values(label=update_label)) connection.close()'updated label for %s - %s' % (str(layers_id), str(update_label))) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: could not update label for layers_id %s ' % str(layers_id)) fail_msg = 'error :: could not update label for layers_id %s ' % str(layers_id) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise layers_algorithms = [] try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([layers_algorithms_table]).where(layers_algorithms_table.c.layer_id == layers_id) result = connection.execute(stmt) connection.close() for row in result: la_id = row['id'] la_layer = str(row['layer']) layers_algorithms.append([la_id, la_layer]) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not get layers_algorithms for layer id %s from layers_algorithms DB table' % str(layers_id) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI # Remake D and E layers as defined by arguments for algorithm_id, layer_name in layers_algorithms: # D layer if layer_name == 'D': try: connection = engine.connect() connection.execute( layers_algorithms_table.update( == algorithm_id).values( condition=d_condition, layer_boundary=d_boundary_limit, times_in_row=d_boundary_times)) connection.close()'updated D layer for %s - %s, %s, %s' % ( str(layers_id), str(d_condition), str(d_boundary_limit), str(d_boundary_times))) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: failed to update D layer record into the layers_algorithms table for %s' % str(layers_id) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # @added 20170616 - Feature #2048: D1 ionosphere layer if d1_condition and layer_name == 'D1': try: connection = engine.connect() connection.execute( layers_algorithms_table.update( == algorithm_id).values( condition=d1_condition, layer_boundary=d1_boundary_limit, times_in_row=d1_boundary_times)) connection.close()'updated D1 layer for %s - %s, %s, %s' % ( str(layers_id), str(d1_condition), str(d1_boundary_limit), str(d1_boundary_times))) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: failed to update D1 layer record into the layers_algorithms table for %s' % str(layers_id) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # E layer if layer_name == 'E': try: connection = engine.connect() connection.execute( layers_algorithms_table.update( == algorithm_id).values( condition=e_condition, layer_boundary=e_boundary_limit, times_in_row=e_boundary_times)) connection.close()'updated E layer for %s - %s, %s, %s' % ( str(layers_id), str(e_condition), str(e_boundary_limit), str(e_boundary_times))) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: failed to update E layer record into the layers_algorithms table for %s' % str(layers_id) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return True, fail_msg, trace
# @added 20170402 - Feature #2000: Ionosphere - validated # @modified 20181013 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page # Extended the validate_fp function to validate a single fp id or all the unvalidated, # enabled features profiles for a metric_id # def validate_fp(fp_id): # @modified 20190919 - Feature #3230: users DB table # Ideas #2476: Label and relate anomalies # Feature #2516: Add label to features profile # Added user # def validate_fp(update_id, id_column_name):
[docs]def validate_fp(update_id, id_column_name, user_id): """ Validate a single features profile or validate all enabled, unvalidated features profiles for a metric_id. :param update_id: the features profile id or metric_id to validate :type update_id: int :param id_column_name: the column name to select where on, e.g. id or metric_id :param user_id: the user id of the user that is validating :type update_id: int :type id_column_name: str :type user_id: int :return: tuple :rtype: (boolean, str, str) """ logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger) function_str = ' :: validate_fp' # @added 20181013 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page fp_id = update_id # @modified 20181013 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page if id_column_name == 'id':'%s validating fp_id %s' % (function_str, str(fp_id))) if id_column_name == 'metric_id':'%s validating all enabled and unvalidated features profiles for metric_id - %s' % (function_str, str(update_id))) trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'none''%s :: getting MySQL engine' % function_str) try: engine, fail_msg, trace = get_an_engine() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not get a MySQL engine' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) raise if not engine: trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'error :: engine not obtained' logger.error(fail_msg) raise try: ionosphere_table, fail_msg, trace = ionosphere_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) # @modified 20181013 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page # fail_msg = 'error :: ionosphere_backend :: failed to get ionosphere_table meta for fp_id %s' % (str(fp_id)) if id_column_name == 'id': fail_msg = 'error :: ionosphere_backend :: %s :: failed to get ionosphere_table meta for fp_id %s' % (function_str, str(fp_id)) if id_column_name == 'metric_id': fail_msg = 'error :: ionosphere_backend :: %s :: failed to get ionosphere_table meta for metric_id - %s' % (function_str, str(update_id)) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI try: connection = engine.connect() # @modified 20181013 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page # fail_msg = 'error :: ionosphere_backend :: failed to get ionosphere_table meta for fp_id %s' % (str(fp_id)) # @modified 20190919 - Feature #3230: users DB table # Ideas #2476: Label and relate anomalies # Feature #2516: Add label to features profile # Added user_id if id_column_name == 'id': connection.execute( ionosphere_table.update( == int(fp_id)). values(validated=1, user_id=user_id)) if id_column_name == 'metric_id': stmt = ionosphere_table.update().\ values(validated=1, user_id=user_id).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.metric_id == int(update_id)).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.validated == 0).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.enabled == 1) connection.execute(stmt) connection.close() if id_column_name == 'id':'updated validated for %s' % (str(fp_id))) if id_column_name == 'metric_id':'updated validated for all enabled, unvalidated features profiles for metric_id - %s' % (str(update_id))) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) if id_column_name == 'id': logger.error('error :: could not update validated for fp_id %s ' % str(fp_id)) fail_msg = 'error :: could not update validated label for fp_id %s ' % str(fp_id) if id_column_name == 'metric_id': logger.error('error :: could not update validated for all enabled, unvalidated features profiles for metric_id - %s ' % str(update_id)) fail_msg = 'error :: could not update validated labels for all enabled, unvalidated features profiles for metric_id - %s ' % str(update_id) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # @added 20170806 - Bug #2130: MySQL - Aborted_clients # Added missing disposal if engine: engine_disposal(engine) if id_column_name == 'id': return True, fail_msg, trace if id_column_name == 'metric_id': return True, fail_msg, trace
# @added 20170617 - Feature #2054:
[docs]def save_training_data_dir(timestamp, base_name, label, hdate): """ Save training_data and return details or just return details if exists :param timestamp: the Ionosphere training_data metric timestamp :param base_name: metric base_name :param label: the saved training_data label :param hdate: human date for the saved training_data :type timestamp: str :type base_name: str :type label: str :type hdate: str :return: saved_successful, details, fail_msg, trace :rtype: boolean, list, str, str """ logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger) function_str = ' :: save_training_data' trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'none' training_data_saved = True '%s :: Saving training_data for %s.%s' % ( function_str, (timestamp), str(base_name))) metric_timeseries_dir = base_name.replace('.', '/') metric_training_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, str(timestamp), metric_timeseries_dir) saved_metric_training_data_dir = '%s_saved/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, str(timestamp), metric_timeseries_dir) details_file = '%s/%s.%s.saved_training_data_label.txt' % (saved_metric_training_data_dir, str(timestamp), base_name) if path.isfile(details_file): '%s :: Saved training_data for %s.%s already exists' % ( function_str, (timestamp), str(base_name))) saved_training_data_details = [] try: with open(details_file) as f: for line in f: saved_training_data_details.append(line) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = '%s :: error :: failed to read details file %s' % (function_str, details_file) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) raise return True, saved_training_data_details, fail_msg, trace if not path.exists(saved_metric_training_data_dir): try: mkdir_p(saved_metric_training_data_dir) '%s :: created %s' % (function_str, saved_metric_training_data_dir)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = '%s :: error :: failed to create %s' % (function_str, saved_metric_training_data_dir) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) training_data_saved = False if training_data_saved: # @modified 20210419 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Include motif data in saved_training_data, use os.walk instead of # glob use_old_glob_method = False if use_old_glob_method: save_data_files = [] try: glob_path = '%s/*.*' % metric_training_data_dir save_data_files = glob.glob(glob_path) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error( '%s :: error :: glob %s - training data not copied to %s' % ( function_str, metric_training_data_dir, saved_metric_training_data_dir)) fail_msg = 'error :: glob failed to copy' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) training_data_saved = False # @added 20210419 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Include motif data in saved_training_data save_data_files = [] for dir_path, folders, files in walk(metric_training_data_dir): try: if files: for i in files: path_and_file = '%s/%s' % (dir_path, i) save_data_files.append(path_and_file) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: %s :: training data not found from %s' % ( str(function_str), str(metric_training_data_dir))) fail_msg = 'error :: walk failed to find training_data files' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) training_data_saved = False if not training_data_saved: raise for i_file in save_data_files: try: # @added 20210419 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Include motif data in saved_training_data i_dir = path.dirname(i_file) saved_data_dir = '%s_saved' % settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER use_saved_metric_training_data_dir = i_dir.replace(settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, saved_data_dir) if not path.exists(use_saved_metric_training_data_dir): mkdir_p(use_saved_metric_training_data_dir) # @modified 20210419 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # shutil.copy(i_file, saved_metric_training_data_dir) shutil.copy(i_file, use_saved_metric_training_data_dir) '%s :: training data copied to %s/%s' % ( # function_str, saved_metric_training_data_dir, i_file)) function_str, use_saved_metric_training_data_dir, i_file)) except shutil.Error as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) logger.error( '%s :: error :: shutil error - %s - not copied to %s' % ( function_str, i_file, saved_metric_training_data_dir)) logger.error('%s :: error :: %s' % (function_str, e)) training_data_saved = False fail_msg = 'error :: shutil error' # Any error saying that the directory doesn't exist except OSError as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) logger.error( '%s :: error :: OSError error %s - training data not copied to %s' % ( function_str, metric_training_data_dir, saved_metric_training_data_dir)) logger.error( '%s :: error :: %s' % (function_str, e)) training_data_saved = False fail_msg = 'error :: shutil error' if not training_data_saved: raise # Create a label file try: # @modified 20210727 - Feature #4206: webapp - saved_training_data page # Make it a list of dicts so literal_eval can be applied to it. It was # only ever created to use as plaintext in HTML <code>, this change # makes no difference to its original usage. # saved_training_data_details = '[[label: \'%s\'], [saved_date: \'%s\']]' % (str(label), str(hdate)) saved_training_data_details = "[{'label': '%s'}, {'saved_date': '%s'}]" % (str(label), str(hdate)) write_data_to_file(skyline_app, details_file, 'w', saved_training_data_details) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = '%s :: error :: failed to write label file' % (function_str) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) return True, False, fail_msg, trace
# added 20170908 - Feature #2056: ionosphere - disabled_features_profiles
[docs]def features_profile_family_tree(fp_id): """ Returns the all features profile ids of the related progeny features profiles, the whole family tree. :param fp_id: the features profile id :return: array :rtype: array """ logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger) function_str = ' :: features_profile_progeny''%s getting the features profile ids of the progeny of fp_id %s' % (function_str, str(fp_id))) trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'none' current_fp_id = int(fp_id) family_tree_fp_ids = [current_fp_id]'%s :: getting MySQL engine' % function_str) try: engine, fail_msg, trace = get_an_engine() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not get a MySQL engine' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) raise if not engine: trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'error :: engine not obtained' logger.error(fail_msg) raise try: ionosphere_table, fail_msg, trace = ionosphere_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: ionosphere_backend :: failed to get ionosphere_table meta for fp_id %s' % (str(fp_id)) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI row = current_fp_id while row: try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([ionosphere_table]).where(ionosphere_table.c.parent_id == current_fp_id) result = connection.execute(stmt) connection.close() row = None for row in result: progeny_id = row['id'] family_tree_fp_ids.append(int(progeny_id)) current_fp_id = progeny_id except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not get id for %s' % str(current_fp_id) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return family_tree_fp_ids, fail_msg, trace
# added 20170908 - Feature #2056: ionosphere - disabled_features_profiles
[docs]def disable_features_profile_family_tree(fp_ids): """ Disable a features profile and all related progeny features profiles :param fp_ids: a list of the the features profile ids to disable :return: array :rtype: array """ logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger) function_str = ' :: disable_features_profile_and_progeny''%s disabling fp ids - %s' % (function_str, str(fp_ids))) trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'none''%s :: getting MySQL engine' % function_str) try: engine, fail_msg, trace = get_an_engine() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not get a MySQL engine' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) raise if not engine: trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'error :: engine not obtained' logger.error(fail_msg) raise try: ionosphere_table, fail_msg, trace = ionosphere_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: ionosphere_backend :: failed to get ionosphere_table meta for disable_features_profile_family_tree' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI # @added 20200516 - Bug #3546: Change ionosphere_enabled if all features profiles are disabled # Disable any related layers as well try: ionosphere_layers_table, fail_msg, trace = ionosphere_layers_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: ionosphere_backend :: failed to get ionosphere_layers_table meta for disable_features_profile_family_tree' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI # @added 20190503 - Branch #2646: slack message_on_features_profile_disabled = False if slack_thread_updates and SLACK_ENABLED: try: message_on_features_profile_disabled = settings.SLACK_OPTS['message_on_features_profile_disabled'] except: message_on_features_profile_disabled = False if message_on_features_profile_disabled: try: metrics_table, fail_msg, trace = metrics_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: ionosphere_backend :: failed to get metrics_table meta for disable_features_profile_family_tree' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if channel: try: anomalies_table, fail_msg, trace = anomalies_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: ionosphere_backend :: failed to get anomalies_table meta for disable_features_profile_family_tree' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) for fp_id in fp_ids: # @added 20200516 - Bug #3546: Change ionosphere_enabled if all features profiles are disabled # Disable any related layers as well layers_disabled = 0 layer_ids = [] try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([ionosphere_layers_table]).where(ionosphere_layers_table.c.fp_id == int(fp_id)) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: layer_id = int(row['id']) layer_ids.append(layer_id)'disable_features_profile_family_tree :: found layer id %s for fp id %s to disabled' % ( str(layer_id), str(fp_id))) connection.close() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: could not determine layers to disable for fp_id %s ' % str(fp_id)) fail_msg = 'error :: could not determine layers to disable for fp_id %s ' % str(fp_id) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise try: connection = engine.connect() connection.execute( ionosphere_table.update( == int(fp_id)). values(enabled=0)) connection.close()'updated enabled for %s to 0' % (str(fp_id))) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: could not update enabled for fp_id %s ' % str(fp_id)) fail_msg = 'error :: could not update enabled for fp_id %s ' % str(fp_id) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # @added 20200516 - Bug #3546: Change ionosphere_enabled if all features profiles are disabled # Disable any related layers as well if layer_ids: for layer_id in layer_ids: try: connection = engine.connect() connection.execute( ionosphere_layers_table.update( == int(layer_id)). values(enabled=0)) connection.close()'updated enabled for layer id %s to 0' % (str(layer_id))) layers_disabled += 1 except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: could not update enabled for layer id %s ' % str(layer_id)) fail_msg = 'error :: could not update enabled for layer id %s ' % str(layer_id) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # @added 20190503 - Branch #2646: slack if message_on_features_profile_disabled: # TODO # To generate a slack message with a link to the features profile, # the metric name and anomaly_timestamp has to be determined fp_metric_id = 0 fp_anomaly_timestamp = 0 try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([ionosphere_table]).where( == int(fp_id)) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: fp_metric_id = int(row['metric_id']) fp_anomaly_timestamp = int(row['anomaly_timestamp'])'disable_features_profile_family_tree :: found fp metric_id %s and anomaly_timestamp %s from the DB to message disabled to slack' % ( str(fp_metric_id), str(fp_anomaly_timestamp))) connection.close() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: disable_features_profile_family_tree :: could not determine metric_id and anomaly_timestamp from ionosphere for fp_id %s to message disabled to slack' % str(fp_id)) continue if fp_metric_id and fp_anomaly_timestamp: base_name = None try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([metrics_table]).where( == fp_metric_id) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: base_name = row['metric'] connection.close() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: disable_features_profile_family_tree :: could not determine metric from metrics table to message disabled fp id %s to slack' % str(fp_id) continue if base_name: ionosphere_link = '%s/ionosphere?fp_view=true&fp_id=%s&metric=%s' % ( settings.SKYLINE_URL, str(fp_id), base_name) # @added 20200516 - Bug #3546: Change ionosphere_enabled if all features profiles are disabled # Disable any related layers as well # message = '*DISABLED* - features profile id %s was disabled for %s via %s - %s' % ( # str(fp_id), str(base_name), skyline_app, ionosphere_link) message = '*DISABLED* - features profile id %s and %s related layers were disabled for %s via %s - %s' % ( str(fp_id), str(layers_disabled), str(base_name), skyline_app, ionosphere_link) if throw_exception_on_default_channel: fail_msg = 'error :: disable_features_profile_family_tree :: the default_channel or default_channel_id from settings.SLACK_OPTS is set to the default, please replace these with your channel details or set SLACK_ENABLED or SLACK_OPTS[\'thread_updates\'] to False and restart webapp' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) raise # to webapp to return in the UI if channel_id: slack_response = {'ok': False} try: slack_response = slack_post_message(skyline_app, channel_id, None, message) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: disable_features_profile_family_tree :: failed to slack_post_message - %s' % message logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if not slack_response['ok']: fail_msg = 'error :: disable_features_profile_family_tree :: failed to slack_post_message, slack dict output follows' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) logger.error('%s' % str(slack_response)) else:'disable_features_profile_family_tree :: posted slack update to %s, fp id %s disabled' % ( channel_id, str(fp_id))) # Post a X reaction if there is a slack_thread_ts that is not # too old anomaly_id = None slack_thread_ts = 0 try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([anomalies_table]).\ where(anomalies_table.c.metric_id == fp_metric_id).\ where(anomalies_table.c.anomaly_timestamp == int(fp_anomaly_timestamp)) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: anomaly_id = row['id'] slack_thread_ts = row['slack_thread_ts'] break connection.close()'disable_features_profile_family_tree :: determined anomaly id %s for metric id %s at anomaly_timestamp %s with slack_thread_ts %s' % ( str(anomaly_id), str(fp_metric_id), str(fp_anomaly_timestamp), str(slack_thread_ts))) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: disable_features_profile_family_tree :: could not determine id of anomaly from DB for metric id %s at anomaly_timestamp %s' % ( str(fp_metric_id), str(fp_anomaly_timestamp)) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if float(slack_thread_ts) == 0: slack_thread_ts = None'disable_features_profile_family_tree :: slack_thread_ts is %s, so uknown, not posting reaction' % ( str(slack_thread_ts))) continue if slack_thread_ts: slack_thread_ts_int = int(float(slack_thread_ts)) time_now = int(time.time()) oldest_ts = time_now - 604800 if slack_thread_ts_int < oldest_ts:'disable_features_profile_family_tree :: slack_thread_ts %s is older than a week not posting reaction' % ( str(slack_thread_ts))) continue slack_response = {'ok': False} try: slack_response = slack_post_message(skyline_app, channel_id, str(slack_thread_ts), message) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: disable_features_profile_family_tree :: failed to slack_post_message - %s' % message logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if not slack_response['ok']: fail_msg = 'error :: disable_features_profile_family_tree :: failed to slack_post_message, slack dict output follows' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) logger.error('%s' % str(slack_response)) else:'disable_features_profile_family_tree :: posted slack update to %s, fp id %s disabled' % ( channel_id, str(fp_id))) try: reaction_emoji = settings.SLACK_OPTS['message_on_features_profile_disabled_reaction_emoji'] except: reaction_emoji = 'x' slack_response = {'ok': False} try: slack_response = slack_post_reaction(skyline_app, channel_id, str(slack_thread_ts), reaction_emoji) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: webapp_update_slack_thread :: failed to slack_post_reaction to channel id %s and slack_thread_ts %s with reaction %s' % ( str(channel_id), str(slack_thread_ts), str(reaction_emoji)) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return True, fail_msg, trace
# @added 20170915 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page
[docs]def get_fp_matches(metric, metric_like, get_fp_id, get_layer_id, from_timestamp, until_timestamp, limit, sort): """ Get all the matches. :param metric: all or the metric name :param metric_like: False or the metric MySQL like string e.g statsd.% :param get_fp_id: None or int :param get_layer_id: None or int :param from_timestamp: timestamp or None :param until_timestamp: timestamp or None :param limit: None or number to limit to :param sort: DESC or ASC :return: list :rtype: list """ logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger) function_str = ' :: get_fp_matches''%s getting matches' % (function_str))'arguments :: %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s' % ( str(metric), str(metric_like), str(get_fp_id), str(get_layer_id), str(from_timestamp), str(until_timestamp), str(limit), str(sort))) trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'none' # @added 20200113 - Feature #3390: luminosity related anomalies # Branch #2270: luminosity get_related_matches = False if metric == 'get_related_matches': get_related_matches = True metric = 'all' related_from_timestamp = from_timestamp related_until_timestamp = until_timestamp # @added 20220405 - Task #4514: Integrate opentelemetry # Feature #4516: flux - opentelemetry traces if OTEL_ENABLED and settings.MEMCACHE_ENABLED: from opentelemetry.instrumentation.pymemcache import PymemcacheInstrumentor # @modified 20220505 - Task #4514: Integrate opentelemetry # Fail gracefully if opentelemetry breaks it breaks try: PymemcacheInstrumentor().instrument() except: pass if settings.MEMCACHE_ENABLED: memcache_client = pymemcache_Client((settings.MEMCACHED_SERVER_IP, settings.MEMCACHED_SERVER_PORT), connect_timeout=0.1, timeout=0.2) else: memcache_client = None'%s :: getting MySQL engine' % function_str) try: engine, fail_msg, trace = get_an_engine() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not get a MySQL engine' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) return False, fail_msg, trace if not engine: trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'error :: engine not obtained' logger.error(fail_msg) return False, fail_msg, trace query_string = 'SELECT * FROM ionosphere_matched' needs_and = False if metric and metric != 'all': metric_id_stmt = 'SELECT id FROM metrics WHERE metric=\'%s\'' % str(metric) metric_id = None'metric set to %s' % str(metric)) try: connection = engine.connect() result = connection.execute(metric_id_stmt) connection.close() for row in result: if not metric_id: metric_id = int(row[0])'metric_id set to %s' % str(metric_id)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: could not determine id from metrics table') # Disposal and return False, fail_msg, trace for Bug #2130: MySQL - Aborted_clients if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return False, fail_msg, trace fp_ids_stmt = 'SELECT id FROM ionosphere WHERE metric_id=%s' % str(metric_id) fp_ids = '' try: connection = engine.connect() results = connection.execute(fp_ids_stmt) connection.close() for row in results: fp_id = str(row[0]) if fp_ids == '': fp_ids = '%s' % (fp_id) else: new_fp_ids = '%s, %s' % (fp_ids, fp_id) fp_ids = new_fp_ids except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: could not determine id from metrics table') # Disposal and return False, fail_msg, trace for Bug #2130: MySQL - Aborted_clients if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return False, fail_msg, trace'fp_ids set to %s' % str(fp_ids)) query_string = 'SELECT * FROM ionosphere_matched WHERE fp_id in (%s)' % str(fp_ids) needs_and = True # if 'metric_like' in request.args: if metric_like: if metric_like and metric_like != 'all': # SQLAlchemy requires the MySQL wildcard % to be %% to prevent # interpreting the % as a printf-like format character python_escaped_metric_like = metric_like.replace('%', '%%') # nosec to exclude from bandit tests metrics_like_query = 'SELECT id FROM metrics WHERE metric LIKE \'%s\'' % (str(python_escaped_metric_like)) # nosec'executing metrics_like_query - %s' % metrics_like_query) metric_ids = '' try: connection = engine.connect() results = connection.execute(metrics_like_query) connection.close() for row in results: metric_id = str(row[0]) if metric_ids == '': metric_ids = '%s' % (metric_id) else: new_metric_ids = '%s, %s' % (metric_ids, metric_id) metric_ids = new_metric_ids except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: could not determine ids from metrics table') # Disposal and return False, fail_msg, trace for Bug #2130: MySQL - Aborted_clients if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return False, fail_msg, trace fp_ids_stmt = 'SELECT id FROM ionosphere WHERE metric_id IN (%s)' % str(metric_ids) fp_ids = '' try: connection = engine.connect() results = connection.execute(fp_ids_stmt) connection.close() for row in results: fp_id = str(row[0]) if fp_ids == '': fp_ids = '%s' % (fp_id) else: new_fp_ids = '%s, %s' % (fp_ids, fp_id) fp_ids = new_fp_ids except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: could not determine id from metrics table') # Disposal and return False, fail_msg, trace for Bug #2130: MySQL - Aborted_clients if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return False, fail_msg, trace query_string = 'SELECT * FROM ionosphere_matched WHERE fp_id in (%s)' % str(fp_ids) needs_and = True # @added 20170917 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page # Added by fp_id or layer_id as well get_features_profiles_matched = True get_layers_matched = True if get_fp_id or get_layer_id: if get_fp_id:'get_fp_id set to %s' % str(get_fp_id)) if get_fp_id != '0': get_layers_matched = False query_string = 'SELECT * FROM ionosphere_matched WHERE fp_id=%s' % str(get_fp_id) if get_layer_id:'get_layer_id set to %s' % str(get_layer_id)) if get_layer_id != '0': get_features_profiles_matched = False query_string = 'SELECT * FROM ionosphere_layers_matched WHERE layer_id=%s' % str(get_layer_id) fp_id_query_string = 'SELECT fp_id FROM ionosphere_layers WHERE id=%s' % str(get_layer_id) fp_id = None try: connection = engine.connect() result = connection.execute(fp_id_query_string) connection.close() for row in result: if not fp_id: fp_id = int(row[0]) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: could not determine id from metrics table') # Disposal and return False, fail_msg, trace for Bug #2130: MySQL - Aborted_clients if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return False, fail_msg, trace needs_and = True # @added 20190524 - Branch #3002: docker if str(get_fp_id) == '0': needs_and = False if 'from_timestamp' in request.args: from_timestamp = request.args.get('from_timestamp', None) if from_timestamp and from_timestamp != 'all': if ":" in from_timestamp: import datetime new_from_timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(from_timestamp, '%Y%m%d %H:%M').timetuple()) from_timestamp = str(int(new_from_timestamp)) # @added 20190530 - Branch #3002: docker # Fix search so that if timestamps are passed and there is a list of # fp ids the SQL does not break try: if len(fp_ids) > 0: needs_and = True except:'fp_ids length unknown, OK') if needs_and: new_query_string = '%s AND metric_timestamp >= %s' % (query_string, from_timestamp) query_string = new_query_string needs_and = True else: new_query_string = '%s WHERE metric_timestamp >= %s' % (query_string, from_timestamp) query_string = new_query_string needs_and = True if 'until_timestamp' in request.args: until_timestamp = request.args.get('until_timestamp', None) if until_timestamp and until_timestamp != 'all': if ":" in until_timestamp: import datetime new_until_timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(until_timestamp, '%Y%m%d %H:%M').timetuple()) until_timestamp = str(int(new_until_timestamp)) if needs_and: new_query_string = '%s AND metric_timestamp <= %s' % (query_string, until_timestamp) query_string = new_query_string needs_and = True else: new_query_string = '%s WHERE metric_timestamp <= %s' % (query_string, until_timestamp) query_string = new_query_string needs_and = True if 'validated_equals' in request.args: filter_matches = False validated_equals = request.args.get('validated_equals', None) if validated_equals == 'any': filter_matches = False if validated_equals == 'true': filter_match_validation = 1 filter_matches = True if validated_equals == 'false': filter_match_validation = 0 filter_matches = True if validated_equals == 'invalid': filter_match_validation = 2 filter_matches = True if filter_matches: if needs_and: new_query_string = '%s AND validated = %s' % (query_string, str(filter_match_validation)) query_string = new_query_string needs_and = True else: new_query_string = '%s WHERE validated = %s' % (query_string, str(filter_match_validation)) query_string = new_query_string needs_and = True ordered_by = None if 'order' in request.args: order = request.args.get('order', 'DESC') if str(order) == 'DESC': ordered_by = 'DESC' if str(order) == 'ASC': ordered_by = 'ASC' if ordered_by: new_query_string = '%s ORDER BY id %s' % (query_string, ordered_by) query_string = new_query_string if 'limit' in request.args: limit = request.args.get('limit', '30') try: test_limit = int(limit) + 0 if int(limit) != 0: new_query_string = '%s LIMIT %s' % (query_string, str(limit)) query_string = new_query_string'test_limit tested OK with %s' % str(test_limit)) except: logger.error('error :: limit is not an integer - %s' % str(limit)) # @added 20200113 - Feature #3390: luminosity related anomalies # Branch #2270: luminosity if get_related_matches: try: query_string = 'SELECT * FROM ionosphere_matched WHERE metric_timestamp > %s AND metric_timestamp <= %s' % ( str(related_from_timestamp), str(related_until_timestamp)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: could not generate query_string for get_related_matches') if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return False, fail_msg, trace # Get ionosphere_summary memcache object from which metric names will be # determined memcache_result = None ionosphere_summary_list = None if settings.MEMCACHE_ENABLED: try: # @modified 20191029 - Task #3304: py3 - handle pymemcache bytes not str # memcache_result = memcache_client.get('ionosphere_summary_list') python_version = int(version_info[0]) if python_version == 2: memcache_result = memcache_client.get('ionosphere_summary_list') else: memcache_result = memcache_client.get('ionosphere_summary_list').decode('utf-8') except: # @modified 20200507 - stop reporting this as an error # it can be expected to happen from time to time # logger.error('error :: failed to get ionosphere_summary_list from memcache')'failed to get ionosphere_summary_list from memcache, will query DB') try: memcache_client.close() # Added nosec to exclude from bandit tests except: # nosec pass if memcache_result: try:'using memcache ionosphere_summary_list key data') ionosphere_summary_list = literal_eval(memcache_result) except: logger.error('error :: failed to process data from memcache key - ionosphere_summary_list') ionosphere_summary_list = False if not ionosphere_summary_list: stmt = "SELECT, ionosphere.metric_id, metrics.metric FROM ionosphere INNER JOIN metrics ON" try: connection = engine.connect() results = connection.execute(stmt) connection.close() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: could not determine metrics from metrics table') # Disposal and raise for Bug #2130: MySQL - Aborted_clients if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return False, fail_msg, trace if results: # Because the each row in the results is a dict and all the rows are # being used, these are being converted into a list and stored in # memcache as a list ionosphere_summary_list = [] for row in results: ionosphere_summary_list.append([int(row['id']), int(row['metric_id']), str(row['metric'])]) if settings.MEMCACHE_ENABLED: try: memcache_client.set('ionosphere_summary_list', ionosphere_summary_list, expire=600)'set memcache ionosphere_summary_list key with DB results') except: logger.error('error :: failed to get ionosphere_summary_list from memcache') try: memcache_client.close() # Added nosec to exclude from bandit tests except: # nosec pass # @added 20190328 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # Added ionosphere_echo, get the ids of all echo_fp features profiles echo_fp_ids = [] if settings.IONOSPHERE_ECHO_ENABLED: echo_fp_ids_stmt = 'SELECT id FROM ionosphere WHERE echo_fp=1' try: connection = engine.connect() results = connection.execute(echo_fp_ids_stmt) connection.close() for row in results: fp_id = int(row[0]) echo_fp_ids.append(fp_id) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: could not determine echo fp ids from ionosphere table') if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return False, fail_msg, trace'Determined %s echo_fp fp ids' % str(len(echo_fp_ids))) # ionosphere_matched table layout # | id | fp_id | metric_timestamp | all_calc_features_sum | all_calc_features_count | sum_common_values | common_features_count | tsfresh_version | # | 39793 | 782 | 1505560867 | 9856.36758282061 | 210 | 9813.63277426169 | 150 | 0.4.0 | # @modified 20180620 - Feature #2404: Ionosphere - fluid approximation # Added minmax scaling # | id | fp_id | metric_timestamp | all_calc_features_sum | all_calc_features_count | sum_common_values | common_features_count | tsfresh_version | minmax | minmax_fp_features_sum | minmax_fp_features_count | minmax_anomalous_features_sum | minmax_anomalous_features_count | # | 68071 | 3352 | 1529490602 | 383311386.647846 | 210 | 383283135.786868 | 150 | 0.4.0 | 1 | 4085.7427786846 | 210 | 4048.14642205812 | 210 | # ionosphere_layers_matched table layout # | id | layer_id | fp_id | metric_id | anomaly_timestamp | anomalous_datapoint | full_duration | # | 25069 | 24 | 1108 | 195 | 1505561823 | 2.000000 | 86400 | # @modified 20190601 - Feature #3084: Ionosphere - validated matches # Added validated # ionosphere_matched table layout # | id | fp_id | metric_timestamp | all_calc_features_sum | all_calc_features_count | sum_common_values | common_features_count | tsfresh_version | minmax | minmax_fp_features_sum | minmax_fp_features_count | minmax_anomalous_features_sum | minmax_anomalous_features_count | fp_count | fp_checked | validated | # | 26946 | 2925 | 1529664909 | -214679719261.15 | 210 | -214680153882.557 | 150 | 0.4.0 | 1 | 4162.60829454032 | 210 | 4196.51947426028 | 210 | 0 | 0 | 0 | # ionosphere_layers_matched table layout # | id | layer_id | fp_id | metric_id | anomaly_timestamp | anomalous_datapoint | full_duration | layers_count | layers_checked | approx_close | validated | # | 1 | 27 | 1114 | 34 | 1488971471 | 10.000000 | 86400 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | matches = [] # matches list elements - where id is the ionosphere_matched or the # ionosphere_layers_matched table id for the match being processed # [metric_timestamp, id, matched_by, fp_id, layer_id, metric, uri_to_matched_page] # e.g. # [[1505560867, 39793, 'features_profile', 782, 'None', 'stats.skyline-dev-3-40g-gra1.vda.ioInProgress', 'ionosphere?fp_matched=true...'], # [1505561823, 25069, 'layers', 1108, 24, 'stats.controller-dev-3-40g-sbg1.apache.sending', 'ionosphere?fp_matched=true...']] metric_list = [] if get_features_profiles_matched: try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = query_string'executing %s' % stmt) results = connection.execute(stmt) connection.close() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not determine metrics from metrics table') # @added 20170806 - Bug #2130: MySQL - Aborted_clients # Added missing disposal and raise if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return False, fail_msg, trace for row in results: metric_timestamp = int(row['metric_timestamp']) metric_human_date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z (%A)', time.localtime(int(metric_timestamp))) match_id = int(row['id']) # @modified 20180620 - Feature #2404: Ionosphere - fluid approximation # Added minmax scaling # matched_by = 'features profile' minmax = int(row['minmax']) if minmax == 0: matched_by = 'features profile' else: matched_by = 'features profile - minmax' fp_id = int(row['fp_id']) # @added 20190601 - Feature #3084: Ionosphere - validated matches validated = int(row['validated']) # @added 20190328 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # Added ionosphere_echo if settings.IONOSPHERE_ECHO_ENABLED: for echo_fp_id in echo_fp_ids: if echo_fp_id == fp_id: new_matched_by = '%s - echo' % matched_by matched_by = new_matched_by break layer_id = 'None' # Get metric name, first get metric id from the features profile # record try: metric_list = [row[2] for row in ionosphere_summary_list if row[0] == fp_id] metric = metric_list[0] except: metric = 'UNKNOWN' uri_to_matched_page = 'None' # @added 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference motifs_matched_id = 0 try: motifs_matched_id = int(row['motifs_matched_id']) if motifs_matched_id: matched_by = 'motif' except: motifs_matched_id = 0 # @modified 20190601 - Feature #3084: Ionosphere - validated matches # Added validated # matches.append([metric_human_date, match_id, matched_by, fp_id, layer_id, metric, uri_to_matched_page]) # @added 20200908 - Feature #3740: webapp - anomaly API endpoint # Added metric_timestamp # matches.append([metric_human_date, match_id, matched_by, fp_id, layer_id, metric, uri_to_matched_page, validated]) # @modified 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference # Added motifs_matched_id matches.append([metric_human_date, match_id, matched_by, fp_id, layer_id, metric, uri_to_matched_page, validated, metric_timestamp, motifs_matched_id]) if get_layers_matched: # layers matches new_query_string = query_string.replace('ionosphere_matched', 'ionosphere_layers_matched') query_string = new_query_string new_query_string = query_string.replace('metric_timestamp', 'anomaly_timestamp') query_string = new_query_string try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = query_string'executing %s' % stmt) results = connection.execute(stmt) connection.close() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not determine metrics from metrics table') # @added 20170806 - Bug #2130: MySQL - Aborted_clients # Added missing disposal and raise if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return False, fail_msg, trace for row in results: anomaly_timestamp = int(row['anomaly_timestamp']) metric_human_date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z (%A)', time.localtime(int(anomaly_timestamp))) match_id = int(row['id']) # @modified 20180921 - Feature #2558: Ionosphere - fluid approximation - approximately_close on layers # matched_by = 'layers' try: approx_close = int(row['approx_close']) except: approx_close = 0 if approx_close == 0: matched_by = 'layers' else: matched_by = 'layers - approx_close' # @added 20190601 - Feature #3084: Ionosphere - validated matches validated = int(row['validated']) fp_id = int(row['fp_id']) layer_id = int(row['layer_id']) # Get metric name, first get metric id from the features profile # record try: metric_list = [row[2] for row in ionosphere_summary_list if row[0] == fp_id] metric = metric_list[0] except: metric = 'UNKNOWN' uri_to_matched_page = 'None' # @modified 20190601 - Feature #3084: Ionosphere - validated matches # Added validated # matches.append([metric_human_date, match_id, matched_by, fp_id, layer_id, metric, uri_to_matched_page]) # @added 20200908 - Feature #3740: webapp - anomaly API endpoint # Added anomaly_timestamp # matches.append([metric_human_date, match_id, matched_by, fp_id, layer_id, metric, uri_to_matched_page, validated]) # @modified 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference # Added motifs_matched_id motifs_matched_id = 0 matches.append([metric_human_date, match_id, matched_by, fp_id, layer_id, metric, uri_to_matched_page, validated, anomaly_timestamp, motifs_matched_id]) sorted_matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda x: x[0]) matches = sorted_matches if engine: engine_disposal(engine) try: del metric_list except: logger.error('error :: failed to del metrics_list') # @added 20180809 - Bug #2496: error reported on no matches found # # If there are no matches return this information in matches to prevent # webapp from reporting an error if not matches: # [[1505560867, 39793, 'features_profile', 782, 'None', 'stats.skyline-dev-3-40g-gra1.vda.ioInProgress', 'ionosphere?fp_matched=true...'], # @modified 20180921 - Feature #2558: Ionosphere - fluid approximation - approximately_close on layers # matches = [['None', 'None', 'no matches were found', 'None', 'None', 'no matches were found', 'None']] # @added 20200908 - Feature #3740: webapp - anomaly API endpoint # Added anomaly_timestamp # matches = [['None', 'None', 'no matches were found', 'None', 'None', 'no matches were found', 'None', 'None']] # @modified 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference # Added motifs_matched_id matches = [['None', 'None', 'no matches were found', 'None', 'None', 'no matches were found', 'None', 'None', 'None', 'None']] return matches, fail_msg, trace
# @added 20170917 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page
[docs]def get_matched_id_resources(matched_id, matched_by, metric, requested_timestamp): """ Get the Ionosphere matched details of a features profile or layer :param matched_id: the matched id :type id: int :param matched_by: either features_profile, layers or motif :type id: str :param metric: metric base_name :type id: str :param requested_timestamp: the timestamp of the features profile :type id: int :return: tuple :rtype: (str, boolean, str, str) """ logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger) function_str = ' :: get_matched_id_resources' trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'none' matched_details = None matched_details_object = None use_table = 'ionosphere_matched' if matched_by == 'layers': use_table = 'ionosphere_layers_matched' # @added 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference if matched_by == 'motif': use_table = 'motifs_matched''%s :: getting MySQL engine' % function_str) try: engine, fail_msg, trace = get_an_engine() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not get a MySQL engine' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) # return False, False, fail_msg, trace, False raise # to webapp to return in the UI if not engine: trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'error :: engine not obtained' logger.error(fail_msg) # return False, False, fail_msg, trace, False raise # to webapp to return in the UI if matched_by == 'features_profile': ionosphere_matched_table = None try: ionosphere_matched_table, fail_msg, trace = ionosphere_matched_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) if matched_by == 'layers': ionosphere_layers_matched_table = None try: ionosphere_layers_matched_table, fail_msg, trace = ionosphere_layers_matched_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) # @added 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference if matched_by == 'motif': motifs_matched_table = None try: motifs_matched_table, fail_msg, trace = motifs_matched_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) if trace != 'none': fail_msg = 'error :: failed to get %s table for matched id %s' % (use_table, str(matched_id)) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) # return False, False, fail_msg, trace, False raise # to webapp to return in the UI'%s :: %s table OK' % (function_str, use_table)) if matched_by == 'features_profile': stmt = select([ionosphere_matched_table]).where( == int(matched_id)) if matched_by == 'layers': stmt = select([ionosphere_layers_matched_table]).where( == int(matched_id)) # @added 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference if matched_by == 'motif': stmt = select([motifs_matched_table]).where( == int(matched_id)) try: connection = engine.connect() # stmt = select([ionosphere_matched_table]).where( == int(matched_id)) result = connection.execute(stmt) row = result.fetchone() # @modified 20210415 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # TypeError: 'RowProxy' object does not support item assignment # Convert RowProxy to dict to enable adding elements to the # matched_details_object object, like motif_period_minutes # matched_details_object = row # @modified 20210416 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Check data was returned from the query because if a not existent motif # id is passed ... # matched_details_object = dict(row) # TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable # matched_details_object = dict(row) try: matched_details_object = dict(row) except Exception as err: trace = traceback.format_exc() connection.close() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not get matched_id %s details from %s DB table row - %s' % (str(matched_id), use_table, err) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI connection.close() except Exception as err: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not get matched_id %s details from %s DB table - %s' % (str(matched_id), use_table, err) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) # return False, False, fail_msg, trace, False raise # to webapp to return in the UI if matched_by == 'features_profile': try: fp_id = row['fp_id'] metric_timestamp = row['metric_timestamp'] all_calc_features_sum = row['all_calc_features_sum'] all_calc_features_count = row['all_calc_features_count'] sum_common_values = row['sum_common_values'] common_features_count = row['common_features_count'] tsfresh_version = row['tsfresh_version'] matched_human_date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z (%A)', time.localtime(int(metric_timestamp))) # @added 20180620 - Feature #2404: Ionosphere - fluid approximation # Added minmax scaling minmax = int(row['minmax']) minmax_fp_features_sum = row['minmax_fp_features_sum'] minmax_fp_features_count = row['minmax_fp_features_count'] minmax_anomalous_features_sum = row['minmax_anomalous_features_sum'] minmax_anomalous_features_count = row['minmax_anomalous_features_count'] matched_details = ''' tsfresh_version :: %s all_calc_features_sum :: %s | all_calc_features_count :: %s sum_common_values :: %s | common_features_count :: %s metric_timestamp :: %s | human_date :: %s minmax_scaled :: %s minmax_fp_features_sum :: %s | minmax_fp_features_count :: %s minmax_anomalous_features_sum :: %s | minmax_anomalous_features_count :: %s ''' % (str(tsfresh_version), str(all_calc_features_sum), str(all_calc_features_count), str(sum_common_values), str(common_features_count), str(metric_timestamp), str(matched_human_date), str(minmax), str(minmax_fp_features_sum), str(minmax_fp_features_count), str(minmax_anomalous_features_sum), str(minmax_anomalous_features_count)) except Exception as err: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not get details for matched id %s - %s' % (str(matched_id), err) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) # return False, False, fail_msg, trace, False raise # to webapp to return in the UI full_duration_stmt = 'SELECT full_duration FROM ionosphere WHERE id=%s' % str(fp_id) full_duration = None try: connection = engine.connect() result = connection.execute(full_duration_stmt) connection.close() for row in result: if not full_duration: full_duration = int(row[0])'full_duration for matched determined as %s' % (str(full_duration))) except Exception as err: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: could not determine full_duration from ionosphere table - %s' % err) # Disposal and return False, fail_msg, trace for Bug #2130: MySQL - Aborted_clients if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return False, fail_msg, trace if matched_by == 'layers': try: layer_id = row['layer_id'] fp_id = row['fp_id'] metric_timestamp = row['anomaly_timestamp'] anomalous_datapoint = row['anomalous_datapoint'] full_duration = row['full_duration'] matched_human_date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z (%A)', time.localtime(int(metric_timestamp))) matched_details = ''' layer_id :: %s anomalous_datapoint :: %s full_duration :: %s metric_timestamp :: %s | human_date :: %s ''' % (str(layer_id), str(anomalous_datapoint), str(full_duration), str(metric_timestamp), str(matched_human_date)) except Exception as err: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not get details for matched id %s - %s' % (str(matched_id), err) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) # return False, False, fail_msg, trace, False raise # to webapp to return in the UI # @added 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference if matched_by == 'motif': motif_match_types = motif_match_types_dict() try: motif_id = row['id'] metric_id = row['metric_id'] fp_id = row['fp_id'] metric_timestamp = row['metric_timestamp'] primary_match = row['primary_match'] index = row['index'] size = row['size'] distance = row['distance'] type_id = row['type_id'] for match_type in motif_match_types: if type_id == motif_match_types[match_type]: break validated = row['validated'] matched_human_date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z (%A)', time.localtime(int(metric_timestamp))) if str(distance) == '0E-10': use_distance = 0.0 else: use_distance = distance if str(primary_match) == '0': primary_match_str = 'False' else: primary_match_str = 'True' # @added 20210424 - try: motif_area = row['motif_area'] fp_motif_area = row['fp_motif_area'] area_percent_diff = row['area_percent_diff'] except KeyError: motif_area = None fp_motif_area = None area_percent_diff = None except Exception as err: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not get details for motif matched id %s - %s' % (str(matched_id), err) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) # return False, False, fail_msg, trace, False raise # to webapp to return in the UI full_duration = size * 60 generation = 0 try: query = 'SELECT generation FROM ionosphere WHERE id=%s' % (str(fp_id)) results = mysql_select(skyline_app, query) for result in results: generation = int(result[0]) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: get_matched_id_resources :: failed to get generation from the database for fp_id %s from ionoshere table - %s' % ( str(fp_id), err)) if generation == 0: generation_str = 'trained' else: generation_str = 'LEARNT' # @added 20210424 - # matched_id, matched_by, metric, requested_timestamp # /opt/skyline/ionosphere/data/1619267040/telegraf/ssdnodes-26820/sda1/diskio/iops_in_progress/1619267040.telegraf.ssdnodes-26820.sda1.diskio.iops_in_progress.inference.matched_motifs.dict metric_timeseries_dir = metric.replace('.', '/') inference_file = '%s/%s/%s/%s.%s.inference.matched_motifs.dict' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, str(metric_timestamp), metric_timeseries_dir, str(metric_timestamp), metric) if path.isfile(inference_file): if not motif_area or fp_motif_area: matched_motif_dict = {} try: with open(inference_file, 'r') as f: matched_motif_dict_str = matched_motif_dict = literal_eval(matched_motif_dict_str) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to evaluate matched_motifs_dict from %s - %s' % (inference_file, err)) matched_motif_dict = {} matched_motif = None if matched_motif_dict: try: matched_motif = list(matched_motif_dict.keys())[0] motif_area = matched_motif_dict[matched_motif]['motif_area'] fp_motif_area = matched_motif_dict[matched_motif]['fp_motif_area'] except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to evaluate matched_motifs_dict from %s - %s' % (inference_file, err)) try: area_percent_diff = matched_motif_dict[matched_motif]['area_percent_diff'] except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to evaluate matched_motifs_dict from %s - %s' % (inference_file, err)) percent_different = None if motif_area and fp_motif_area: try: percent_different = get_percent_different(fp_motif_area, motif_area, True)'percent_different between fp_motif_area and motif_area - %s' % str(percent_different)) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: failed to calculate percent_different - %s' % err) try: matched_details = ''' motif_id :: %s | fp_id :: %s (%s) size :: %s | index :: %s distance :: %s motif_area :: %s fp_motif_area :: %s area_diff :: %s %% match_type :: %s | type_id :: %s validated :: %s | primary_match :: %s metric_timestamp :: %s human_date :: %s ''' % (str(motif_id), str(fp_id), generation_str, str(size), str(index), str(use_distance), str(motif_area), str(fp_motif_area), str(area_percent_diff), str(match_type), str(type_id), str(validated), primary_match_str, str(metric_timestamp), str(matched_human_date)) except Exception as err: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not create matched_details for motif matched id %s - %s' % (str(matched_id), err) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) matched_details = ''' %s %s ''' % (fail_msg, trace) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) # Create a Graphite image from_timestamp = str(int(metric_timestamp) - int(full_duration)) until_timestamp = str(metric_timestamp) timeseries_dir = metric.replace('.', '/') metric_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER, timeseries_dir, str(requested_timestamp)) if matched_by == 'features_profile': graph_image_file = '%s/%s.matched.fp_id-%s.%s.png' % ( metric_data_dir, metric, str(fp_id), str(metric_timestamp)) if matched_by == 'layers': graph_image_file = '%s/%s.layers_id-%s.matched.layers.fp_id-%s.%s.png' % ( metric_data_dir, metric, str(matched_id), str(fp_id), str(layer_id)) # @added 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference if matched_by == 'motif': graph_image_file = '%s/%s.matched.motif_id-%s.%s.png' % ( metric_data_dir, metric, str(motif_id), str(metric_timestamp)) # Create the fp motif fp_timeseries = [] # metric_fp_ts_table = 'z_ts_%s' % str(metric_id) try: # query = 'SELECT timestamp,value FROM %s WHERE fp_id=%s' % (metric_fp_ts_table, str(fp_id)) # results = mysql_select(skyline_app, query) # for result in results: # fp_timeseries.append([int(result[0]), result[1]]) int_fp_id = int(fp_id) + 0 fp_timeseries = get_db_fp_timeseries(skyline_app, metric_id, int_fp_id) except Exception as e: # logger.error('error :: get_matched_id_resources :: failed to get timeseries from the database for fp_id %s from %s table - %s' % ( # str(fp_id), metric_fp_ts_table, e)) logger.error('error :: get_matched_id_resources :: failed to get timeseries with get_db_fp_timeseries - %s' % ( e)) # @modified 20220408 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Use same method as # This is due to the fact that index:(index + size) does not always # capture the entire motif due to there perhaps being more a then one # data point in a period in relation to echo/full_duration data, the # method used does. # fp_motif = [item[1] for item in fp_timeseries[index:(index + size)]] fp_motif = [item[1] for i_index, item in enumerate(fp_timeseries) if i_index >= index < (index + size)] if len(fp_motif) > size: fp_motif = fp_motif[-size:] # last_fp_timeseries_index = len(fp_timeseries) - 1 # @modified 20220408 - Use same method as # last_fp_timeseries_index = len(fp_timeseries) # if last_fp_timeseries_index < (index + size): #'get_matched_id_resources :: adjusting index for fp_motif sequence because (index + size) > last_fp_timeseries_index') # index_diff = (index + size) - last_fp_timeseries_index # use_index = index - index_diff # fp_motif = [item[1] for item in fp_timeseries[use_index:last_fp_timeseries_index]] # Create the not anomalous motif that was matched with the fp_motif not_anomalous_motif_sequence = [] if IONOSPHERE_INFERENCE_STORE_MATCHED_MOTIFS: try: query = 'SELECT timestamp,value FROM not_anomalous_motifs WHERE motif_id=%s' % (str(motif_id)) results = mysql_select(skyline_app, query) for result in results: not_anomalous_motif_sequence.append([int(result[0]), result[1]]) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: get_matched_id_resources :: failed to get motif sequence from not_anomalous_motifs for motif_id %s - %s' % ( str(motif_id), e)) if not not_anomalous_motif_sequence: logger.error('error :: get_matched_id_resources :: failed to get not_anomalous_motif_sequence from not_anomalous_motifs table for motif_id %s' % ( str(motif_id))) # If the timeseries was not found in the DB try and load it from the # training data, this should only ever be needed for testing if not not_anomalous_motif_sequence:'get_matched_id_resources :: trying to get not_anomalous_motif_sequence from training data for motif_id %s' % ( str(motif_id))) metric_dir = metric.replace('.', '/') metric_training_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, str(metric_timestamp), metric_dir) timeseries_json = '%s/%s.json' % (metric_training_dir, metric) # @modified 20210419 - # Properly interpolate the FULL_DURATION hours # full_duration_timeseries_json = '%s/%s.mirage.redis.24h.json' % (metric_training_dir, metric) full_duration_in_hours_int = int(settings.FULL_DURATION / 60 / 60) full_duration_timeseries_json = '%s/%s.mirage.redis.%sh.json' % ( metric_training_dir, metric, str(full_duration_in_hours_int)) full_duration = 0 try: query = 'SELECT full_duration from ionosphere WHERE id=%s' % (str(fp_id)) results = mysql_select(skyline_app, query) for result in results: full_duration = int(result[0]) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: get_matched_id_resources :: failed to get full_duration of fp id %s via mysql_select - %s' % (str(fp_id), e)) if full_duration == settings.FULL_DURATION: timeseries_json_file = full_duration_timeseries_json else: timeseries_json_file = timeseries_json timeseries = [] if path.isfile(timeseries_json_file): try: with open((timeseries_json_file), 'r') as f: raw_timeseries = timeseries_array_str = str(raw_timeseries).replace('(', '[').replace(')', ']') del raw_timeseries timeseries = literal_eval(timeseries_array_str) del timeseries_array_str except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: get_matched_id_resources :: failed to load timeseries from %s - %s' % (metric, e)) if timeseries: not_anomalous_motif_sequence = timeseries[-size:] if not not_anomalous_motif_sequence: logger.error('error :: get_matched_id_resources :: failed to load any timeseries data to created matched_motif plot from %s' % (timeseries_json_file)) graph_image_file = None return matched_details, False, fail_msg, trace, matched_details_object, graph_image_file matched_details_object['motif_timeseries'] = not_anomalous_motif_sequence matched_details_object['motif_sequence'] = [item[1] for item in not_anomalous_motif_sequence] # @added 20210415 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # I realised looking through the graphs with Sab that users of Skyline are # normally used to 7 days graps mostly, 24hour graphs and 30d graphs. # They are not used to minutes. # Make the user aware of the specific resolution they are viewing, a new # UI resolution for Skyline (LAST X MINUTES). Thank you my love. # For everything. not_anomalous_timestamp = int(not_anomalous_motif_sequence[-1][0]) graph_period_seconds = not_anomalous_timestamp - int(not_anomalous_motif_sequence[0][0]) matched_details_object['motif_period_seconds'] = graph_period_seconds matched_details_object['motif_period_minutes'] = round(graph_period_seconds / 60) # @added 20220410 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Ensure that the not_anomalous_motif_sequence and fp_motif are the # same length, becasue when the full_duration data is being used there # can be missing data points in either data set if Redis did not # receive data for any timestamps, which does happen.'not_anomalous_motif_sequence: %s' % (str(len(not_anomalous_motif_sequence))))'fp_motif length: %s' % (str(len(fp_motif)))) if len(not_anomalous_motif_sequence) > len(fp_motif):'resizing not_anomalous_motif_sequence becasue it is greater than the fp_motif length') not_anomalous_motif_sequence = not_anomalous_motif_sequence[-len(fp_motif):] if len(fp_motif) > len(not_anomalous_motif_sequence):'resizing fp_motif becasue it is greater than the not_anomalous_motif_sequence') fp_motif = fp_motif[-len(not_anomalous_motif_sequence):] plotted_image = False if not path.isfile(graph_image_file): on_demand_motif_analysis = True #'fp_motif length: %s' % (str(len(fp_motif)))) plotted_image, plotted_image_file = plot_motif_match( skyline_app, metric, metric_timestamp, fp_id, full_duration, generation_str, motif_id, index, size, distance, type_id, fp_motif, not_anomalous_motif_sequence, graph_image_file, on_demand_motif_analysis) else: plotted_image = True if not plotted_image: logger.error('failed to plot motif match plot') graph_image_file = None return matched_details, True, fail_msg, trace, matched_details_object, graph_image_file if not path.isfile(graph_image_file):'getting Graphite graph for match - from_timestamp - %s, until_timestamp - %s' % (str(from_timestamp), str(until_timestamp))) graph_image = get_graphite_metric( skyline_app, metric, from_timestamp, until_timestamp, 'image', graph_image_file) if not graph_image: logger.error('failed getting Graphite graph') graph_image_file = None # @added 20200512 - Bug #2534: Ionosphere - fluid approximation - IONOSPHERE_MINMAX_SCALING_RANGE_TOLERANCE on low ranges # Feature #2404: Ionosphere - fluid approximation # Due to the loss of resolution in the Graphite graph images due # to their size, create a matplotlib graph for the DB fp time # series data for more accurate validation fp_ts_graph_file = '%s/%s.fp_id_ts.%s.matplotlib.png' % ( metric_data_dir, metric, str(fp_id)) if not path.isfile(fp_ts_graph_file): try: no_timeseries = [] created_fp_ts_graph = create_fp_ts_graph('webapp', metric_data_dir, metric, int(fp_id), int(metric_timestamp), no_timeseries) if created_fp_ts_graph:'get_matched_id_resources :: created_fp_ts_graph for %s fp id %s' % (metric, str(fp_id))) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: get_matched_id_resources :: failed to created_fp_ts_graph for %s fp id %s' % (metric, str(fp_id))) return matched_details, True, fail_msg, trace, matched_details_object, graph_image_file
# @added 20180812 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page # @modified 20190601 - Task #3082 - Ionosphere - validate matched table - add generation
[docs]def get_features_profiles_to_validate(base_name): """ Get the details for Ionosphere features profiles that need to be validated for a metric and returns a list of the details for each of the features profile including the ionosphere_image API URIs for all the relevant graph images for the weabpp Ionosphere validate_features_profiles page. For example:: [[ fp_id, metric_id, metric, fp_full_duration, anomaly_timestamp, fp_parent_id, parent_full_duration, parent_anomaly_timestamp, fp_date, fp_graph_uri, parent_fp_date, parent_fp_graph_uri, parent_parent_fp_id, fp_learn_graph_uri, parent_fp_learn_graph_uri, minimum_full_duration, maximum_full_duration, generation]] :param base_name: metric base_name :type base_name: str :return: list of lists :rtype: [[int, int, str, int, int, int, int, int, str, str, str, str, int, str, str, int, int]] """ logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger) function_str = ' :: get_feature_profiles_validate' trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'none' # Query the ionosphere_functions function for base_name, validated == false # and get the details for each features profile that needs to be validated features_profiles_to_validate = [] search_success = False fps = [] try: fps, fps_count, mc, cc, gc, full_duration_list, enabled_list, tsfresh_version_list, generation_list, search_success, fail_msg, trace = ionosphere_search(False, True)'fp object :: %s' % str(fps)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: %s :: error with search_ionosphere' % function_str logger.error(fail_msg) return (features_profiles_to_validate, fail_msg, trace) if not search_success: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: %s :: Webapp error with search_ionosphere' % function_str logger.error(fail_msg) return (features_profiles_to_validate, fail_msg, trace) # Determine the minimum and maximum full durations from the returned fps so # this can be used later to determine what class of features profile is # being dealt with in terms of whether the features profile is a # full_duration LEARNT features profile or a settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_FULL_DURATION_DAYS # LEARNT features profile. This allows for determining the correct other # resolution ionosphere_image URIs which are interpolated for display in the # HTML table on the validate_features_profiles page. minimum_full_duration = None maximum_full_duration = None # [fp_id, metric_id, metric, full_duration, anomaly_timestamp, tsfresh_version, calc_time, features_count, features_sum, deleted, fp_matched_count, human_date, created_timestamp, fp_checked_count, checked_human_date, fp_parent_id, fp_generation, fp_validated, fp_layers_id, layer_matched_count, layer_human_date, layer_check_count, layer_checked_human_date, layer_label] # [4029, 157, 'stats.skyline-dev-3.vda1.ioTime', 604800, 1534001973, '0.4.0', 0.841248, 210, 70108436036.9, 0, 0, 'never matched', '2018-08-11 16:41:04', 0, 'never checked', 3865, 6, 0, 0] # for fp_id, metric_id, metric, fp_full_duration, anomaly_timestamp, tsfresh_version, calc_time, features_count, features_sum, deleted, fp_matched_count, human_date, created_timestamp, fp_checked_count, checked_human_date, fp_parent_id, fp_generation, fp_validated, fp_layers_id in fps: # @modified 20210425 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Added motif_matched_count, motif_last_matched, motif_last_checked, motif_checked_count for fp_id, metric_id, metric, fp_full_duration, anomaly_timestamp, tsfresh_version, calc_time, features_count, features_sum, deleted, fp_matched_count, human_date, created_timestamp, fp_checked_count, checked_human_date, fp_parent_id, fp_generation, fp_validated, fp_layers_id, layer_matched_count, layer_human_date, layer_check_count, layer_checked_human_date, layer_label, motif_matched_count, motif_last_matched, motif_last_checked, motif_checked_count in fps: if not minimum_full_duration: minimum_full_duration = int(fp_full_duration) else: if int(fp_full_duration) < int(minimum_full_duration): minimum_full_duration = int(fp_full_duration) if not maximum_full_duration: maximum_full_duration = int(fp_full_duration) else: if int(fp_full_duration) > int(maximum_full_duration): maximum_full_duration = int(fp_full_duration) # @added 20220304 - Task #4486: Review Ionosphere learn from learn duration # Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # Feature #3380: Create echo features profile when a Mirage features profile is created # With the introduce of echo features profiles there can now be 3 durations, # when previously there were only 3. Now there can be # [FULL_DURATION, SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_SECONDS, IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_FULL_DURATION_DAYS] # this only impacts the metadata displayed on the validate features profiles # page. metric_id = get_metric_id_from_base_name(skyline_app, base_name) all_full_durations = [] metric_fp_ids = get_ionosphere_fp_ids_for_full_duration(skyline_app, metric_id, full_duration=0, enabled=True) for i_fp_id in list(metric_fp_ids.keys()): all_full_durations.append(metric_fp_ids[i_fp_id][2]) all_full_durations = sorted(list(set(all_full_durations)))'%s :: all_full_durations: %s' % ( function_str, str(all_full_durations))) if all_full_durations[0] == settings.FULL_DURATION: minimum_full_duration = all_full_durations[1] else: minimum_full_duration = all_full_durations[0] maximum_full_duration = all_full_durations[-1] # Get the features profile parent details (or parent parent if needed) to # determine the correct arguments for the ionosphere_image URIs for the # graph images of the parent, from which the fp being evaluated this was # learn for side-by-side visual comparison to inform the user and all for # them to # [fp_id, metric_id, metric, full_duration, anomaly_timestamp, tsfresh_version, calc_time, features_count, features_sum, deleted, fp_matched_count, human_date, created_timestamp, fp_checked_count, checked_human_date, fp_parent_id, fp_generation, fp_validated, fp_layers_id, layer_matched_count, layer_human_date, layer_check_count, layer_checked_human_date, layer_label] # for fp_id, metric_id, metric, fp_full_duration, anomaly_timestamp, tsfresh_version, calc_time, features_count, features_sum, deleted, fp_matched_count, human_date, created_timestamp, fp_checked_count, checked_human_date, fp_parent_id, fp_generation, fp_validated, fp_layers_id in fps: # @modified 20210425 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Added motif_matched_count, motif_last_matched, motif_last_checked, motif_checked_count for fp_id, metric_id, metric, fp_full_duration, anomaly_timestamp, tsfresh_version, calc_time, features_count, features_sum, deleted, fp_matched_count, human_date, created_timestamp, fp_checked_count, checked_human_date, fp_parent_id, fp_generation, fp_validated, fp_layers_id, layer_matched_count, layer_human_date, layer_check_count, layer_checked_human_date, layer_label, motif_matched_count, motif_last_matched, motif_last_checked, motif_checked_count in fps: if int(fp_parent_id) == 0: continue if int(fp_validated) == 1: continue # @added 20181013 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page if fp_id not in enabled_list: continue parent_fp_details_object = None parent_parent_fp_id = None try: parent_fp_details, success, fail_msg, trace, parent_fp_details_object = features_profile_details(fp_parent_id) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: %s :: failed to get parent_fp_details_object from features_profile_details for parent fp_id %s' % ( function_str, str(fp_parent_id)) logger.error(fail_msg) return (features_profiles_to_validate, fail_msg, trace) if not parent_fp_details_object: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: %s :: no parent_fp_details_object from features_profile_details for parent fp_id %s' % ( function_str, str(fp_parent_id)) logger.error(fail_msg) return (features_profiles_to_validate, fail_msg, trace) parent_full_duration = parent_fp_details_object['full_duration'] # If the features profile is learnt at a full_duration of # settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_FULL_DURATION_DAYS (aka # maximum_full_duration), the graphs of the parent's parent fp ip are # required. This is because a features profile that is LEARNT in the # learn full duration in days context, will essentially have the same # graphs as it's parent. Therefore the graphs of the parent's parent # are required to allow for the side-by-side visual comparsion. get_parent_parent = False if int(fp_full_duration) > int(minimum_full_duration): get_parent_parent = True logger.debug('debug :: ionosphere_backend :: get_features_profiles_to_validate :: get_parent_parent: %s' % str(get_parent_parent)) try: parent_parent_fp_id = parent_fp_details_object['parent_id'] except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to get parent_parent_fp_id from parent_fp_details_object[\'parent_id\'] - %s' % ( function_str, err)) parent_parent_fp_id = 0 logger.debug('debug :: ionosphere_backend :: get_features_profiles_to_validate :: parent_parent_fp_id: %s' % str(parent_parent_fp_id)) if int(parent_parent_fp_id) == 0: get_parent_parent = False parent_parent_fp_details_object = None if get_parent_parent: try: parent_parent_fp_id = parent_fp_details_object['parent_id'] parent_parent_fp_details, success, fail_msg, trace, parent_parent_fp_details_object = features_profile_details(parent_parent_fp_id) parent_parent_full_duration = parent_parent_fp_details_object['full_duration'] parent_parent_anomaly_timestamp = parent_parent_fp_details_object['anomaly_timestamp'] logger.debug('debug :: ionosphere_backend :: get_features_profiles_to_validate :: parent_parent_full_duration: %s' % str(parent_parent_full_duration)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: %s :: failed to get parent_parent_fp_details_object from features_profile_details for parent parent fp_id %s' % ( function_str, str(parent_parent_fp_id)) logger.error(fail_msg) return (features_profiles_to_validate, fail_msg, trace) if not parent_fp_details_object: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: %s :: no parent_fp_details_object from features_profile_details for parent fp_id %s' % ( function_str, str(fp_parent_id)) logger.error(fail_msg) return (features_profiles_to_validate, fail_msg, trace) parent_full_duration = parent_fp_details_object['full_duration'] parent_anomaly_timestamp = parent_fp_details_object['anomaly_timestamp'] metric_timeseries_dir = base_name.replace('.', '/') # # Existing image URLs are namespaced and available via the API from: # ionosphere_images?image=/opt/skyline/ionosphere/features_profiles/stats/<base_name>/io/received/<timestamp>/<graphite_metric_namespace>.graphite_now.<full_duration_in_hours>h.png fp_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER, metric_timeseries_dir, str(anomaly_timestamp)) fp_full_duration_in_hours = fp_full_duration / 60 / 60 fp_date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z', time.localtime(int(anomaly_timestamp))) fp_graph_uri = 'ionosphere_images?image=%s/%s.graphite_now.%sh.png' % ( str(fp_data_dir), base_name, str(int(fp_full_duration_in_hours))) if int(fp_full_duration) < maximum_full_duration: fp_hours = int(maximum_full_duration / 60 / 60) get_hours = str(fp_hours) else: fp_hours = int(minimum_full_duration / 60 / 60) get_hours = str(fp_hours) # @added 20220304 - Task #4486: Review Ionosphere learn from learn duration # Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # Feature #3380: Create echo features profile when a Mirage features profile is created for index, i_full_duration in enumerate(all_full_durations): if int(fp_full_duration) == i_full_duration: try: get_fp_hours = int(all_full_durations[(index + 1)] / 60 / 60) except IndexError: get_fp_hours = int(all_full_durations[index] / 60 / 60)'%s :: changing get_hours from %s to %s for fp_learn_graph_uri' % ( function_str, str(get_hours), str(get_fp_hours))) get_hours = str(get_fp_hours) break fp_learn_graph_uri = 'ionosphere_images?image=%s/%s.graphite_now.%sh.png' % ( str(fp_data_dir), base_name, get_hours) # For this is a LEARNT feature profile at settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_FULL_DURATION_DAYS # the we want to compare the graph to the parent's parent graph at # settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_FULL_DURATION_DAYS parent_fp_date_str = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z', time.localtime(int(parent_anomaly_timestamp))) parent_fp_date = '%s - using parent fp id %s' % (str(parent_fp_date_str), str(int(fp_parent_id))) if get_parent_parent and parent_parent_fp_details_object: parent_fp_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER, metric_timeseries_dir, str(parent_parent_anomaly_timestamp)) if parent_parent_full_duration < maximum_full_duration: parent_full_duration_in_hours = int(minimum_full_duration) / 60 / 60 else: parent_full_duration_in_hours = int(parent_parent_full_duration) / 60 / 60 parent_parent_fp_date_str = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z', time.localtime(int(parent_parent_anomaly_timestamp))) parent_fp_date = '%s - using parent\'s parent fp id %s' % (str(parent_parent_fp_date_str), str(int(parent_parent_fp_id))) else: parent_fp_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER, metric_timeseries_dir, str(parent_anomaly_timestamp)) if parent_full_duration > fp_full_duration: parent_full_duration_in_hours = int(fp_full_duration) / 60 / 60 else: parent_full_duration_in_hours = int(parent_full_duration) / 60 / 60 parent_fp_graph_uri = 'ionosphere_images?image=%s/%s.graphite_now.%sh.png' % ( str(parent_fp_data_dir), base_name, str(int(parent_full_duration_in_hours))) if int(fp_full_duration) == maximum_full_duration: fp_hours = int(minimum_full_duration / 60 / 60) get_hours = str(fp_hours) else: fp_hours = int(maximum_full_duration / 60 / 60) get_hours = str(fp_hours) # @added 20220304 - Task #4486: Review Ionosphere learn from learn duration # Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # Feature #3380: Create echo features profile when a Mirage features profile is created for index, i_full_duration in enumerate(all_full_durations): if int(fp_full_duration) == i_full_duration: try: get_fp_hours = int(all_full_durations[(index + 1)] / 60 / 60) except IndexError: get_fp_hours = int(all_full_durations[index] / 60 / 60)'%s :: changing get_hours from %s to %s for fp_learn_graph_uri' % ( function_str, str(get_hours), str(get_fp_hours))) get_hours = str(get_fp_hours) break parent_fp_learn_graph_uri = 'ionosphere_images?image=%s/%s.graphite_now.%sh.png' % ( # str(parent_fp_data_dir), base_name, str(int(parent_full_duration_in_hours))) str(parent_fp_data_dir), base_name, get_hours) # @modified 20190601 - Task #3082 - Ionosphere - validate matched table - add generation # Added parent_fp_generation parent_fp_generation = parent_fp_details_object['generation'] # @modified 20181013 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page # Only add to features_profiles_to_validate if fp_id in enabled_list # @modified 20190601 - Task #3082 - Ionosphere - validate matched table - add generation # Added fp_generation and parent_fp_generation if fp_id in enabled_list: features_profiles_to_validate.append([fp_id, metric_id, metric, fp_full_duration, anomaly_timestamp, fp_parent_id, parent_full_duration, parent_anomaly_timestamp, fp_date, fp_graph_uri, parent_fp_date, parent_fp_graph_uri, parent_parent_fp_id, fp_learn_graph_uri, parent_fp_learn_graph_uri, minimum_full_duration, maximum_full_duration, fp_generation, parent_fp_generation])'%s :: features_profiles_to_validate - %s' % ( function_str, str(features_profiles_to_validate))) return (features_profiles_to_validate, fail_msg, trace)
# @added 20180815 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page
[docs]def get_metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate(): """ Get the metrics with Ionosphere features profiles that need to be validated and return a list of the details for each metric. [[metric_id, metric, fps_to_validate_count]] :return: list of lists :rtype: [[int, str, int]] """ logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger) function_str = ' :: get_metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate' trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'none' # Query the ionosphere_functions function for base_name, validated == false # and get the details for each features profile that needs to be validated metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate = [] search_success = False fps = [] try: fps, fps_count, mc, cc, gc, full_duration_list, enabled_list, tsfresh_version_list, generation_list, search_success, fail_msg, trace = ionosphere_search(False, True) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: %s :: error with search_ionosphere' % function_str logger.error(fail_msg) return (metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate, fail_msg, trace) if not search_success: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: %s :: Webapp error with search_ionosphere' % function_str logger.error(fail_msg) return (metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate, fail_msg, trace) # Determine the minimum and maximum full durations from the returned fps so # this can be used later to determine what class of features profile is # being dealt with in terms of whether the features profile is a # full_duration LEARNT features profile or a settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_FULL_DURATION_DAYS # LEARNT features profile. This allows for determining the correct other # resolution ionosphere_image URIs which are interpolated for display in the # HTML table on the validate_features_profiles page. # [fp_id, metric_id, metric, full_duration, anomaly_timestamp, tsfresh_version, calc_time, features_count, features_sum, deleted, fp_matched_count, human_date, created_timestamp, fp_checked_count, checked_human_date, fp_parent_id, fp_generation, fp_validated, fp_layers_id, layer_matched_count, layer_human_date, layer_check_count, layer_checked_human_date, layer_label] metric_ids_with_fps_to_validate = [] # for fp_id, metric_id, metric, fp_full_duration, anomaly_timestamp, tsfresh_version, calc_time, features_count, features_sum, deleted, fp_matched_count, human_date, created_timestamp, fp_checked_count, checked_human_date, fp_parent_id, fp_generation, fp_validated, fp_layers_id in fps: # @modified 20210425 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Added motif_matched_count, motif_last_matched, motif_last_checked, motif_checked_count for fp_id, metric_id, metric, fp_full_duration, anomaly_timestamp, tsfresh_version, calc_time, features_count, features_sum, deleted, fp_matched_count, human_date, created_timestamp, fp_checked_count, checked_human_date, fp_parent_id, fp_generation, fp_validated, fp_layers_id, layer_matched_count, layer_human_date, layer_check_count, layer_checked_human_date, layer_label, motif_matched_count, motif_last_matched, motif_last_checked, motif_checked_count in fps: # @added 20181013 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page # Only add to features_profiles_to_validate if fp_id in enabled_list if fp_id not in enabled_list: continue if metric_id not in metric_ids_with_fps_to_validate: metric_ids_with_fps_to_validate.append(metric_id) for i_metric_id in metric_ids_with_fps_to_validate: fps_to_validate_count = 0 # @modified 20210425 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Added motif_matched_count, motif_last_matched, motif_last_checked, motif_checked_count for fp_id, metric_id, metric, fp_full_duration, anomaly_timestamp, tsfresh_version, calc_time, features_count, features_sum, deleted, fp_matched_count, human_date, created_timestamp, fp_checked_count, checked_human_date, fp_parent_id, fp_generation, fp_validated, fp_layers_id, layer_matched_count, layer_human_date, layer_check_count, layer_checked_human_date, layer_label, motif_matched_count, motif_last_matched, motif_last_checked, motif_checked_count in fps: if i_metric_id != metric_id: continue # @added 20181013 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page # Only add to features_profiles_to_validate if fp_id in enabled_list if fp_id not in enabled_list: continue if fp_validated == 0: fps_to_validate_count += 1 i_metric = metric if fps_to_validate_count > 0: metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate.append([i_metric_id, i_metric, fps_to_validate_count])'%s :: metrics with features profiles to validate - %s' % ( function_str, str(metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate))) return (metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate, fail_msg, trace)
# @added 20181205 - Bug #2746: webapp time out - Graphs in search_features_profiles # Feature #2602: Graphs in search_features_profiles
[docs]def ionosphere_show_graphs(requested_timestamp, data_for_metric, fp_id): """ Get a list of all graphs """ # @modified 20200728 - Bug #3652: Handle multiple metrics in base_name conversion # base_name = data_for_metric.replace(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, '', 1) if data_for_metric.startswith(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE): base_name = data_for_metric.replace(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, '', 1) else: base_name = data_for_metric log_context = 'features profile data show graphs''%s requested for %s at %s' % ( log_context, str(base_name), str(requested_timestamp))) images = [] timeseries_dir = base_name.replace('.', '/') metric_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER, timeseries_dir, str(requested_timestamp)) # @modified 20210710 - Bug #4168: webapp/ - handle old features profile dir not been found # Circa 2017 there was a bug that was related to features_profile dir not # using the anomaly_timestamp but using it offset with max +60 try: td_files = listdir(metric_data_dir) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: ionosphere_show_graphs :: td_files dir - %s' % e) image_404_path = 'webapp/static/images/skyline.ionosphere.image.404.png' image_404_file = path.abspath( path.join(path.dirname(__file__), '..', image_404_path)) images.append(str(image_404_file)) td_files = [] for i_file in td_files: metric_file = path.join(metric_data_dir, i_file) if i_file.endswith('.png'): # @modified 20170106 - Feature #1842: Ionosphere - Graphite now graphs # Exclude any graphite_now png files from the images lists append_image = True if '.graphite_now.' in i_file: append_image = False # @added 20170107 - Feature #1852: Ionosphere - features_profile matched graphite graphs # Exclude any matched.fp-id images if '.matched.fp_id' in i_file: append_image = False # @added 20170308 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Feature #1852: Ionosphere - features_profile matched graphite graphs # Exclude any matched.fp-id images if '.matched.layers.fp_id' in i_file: append_image = False if append_image: images.append(str(metric_file)) graphite_now_images = [] graph_resolutions = [] graph_resolutions = [int(settings.TARGET_HOURS), 24, 168, 720] # @modified 20170107 - Feature #1842: Ionosphere - Graphite now graphs # Exclude if matches TARGET_HOURS - unique only _graph_resolutions = sorted(set(graph_resolutions)) graph_resolutions = _graph_resolutions for target_hours in graph_resolutions: try: graph_image_file = '%s/%s.graphite_now.%sh.png' % (metric_data_dir, base_name, str(target_hours)) if path.isfile(graph_image_file): graphite_now_images.append(graph_image_file) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get Graphite graph at %s hours for %s' % (str(target_hours), base_name)) return (images, graphite_now_images)
# @added 20190502 - Branch #2646: slack
[docs]def webapp_update_slack_thread(base_name, metric_timestamp, value, message_context): """ Update slack threads with enabled events. :param base_name: metric base_name :param metric_timestamp: the anomaly_timestamp :param value: the features profile id, the validated_count or None :param message_context: training_data_viewed or layers_created :type base_name: str :type metric_timestamp: str or int :type value: int or None :type message_context: str :return: True or False :rtype: boolean """ if not update_slack_thread: return False message_context_known = False if message_context == 'training_data_viewed': message_context_known = True fp_id = value if message_context == 'layers_created': message_context_known = True fp_id = value if message_context == 'validated': message_context_known = True validated_count = value # @added 20200929 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Branch #3068: SNAB if message_context == 'snab_result': log_message = 'updating slack that snab result has been submitted' message_context_known = True snab_result = value # @added 20201004 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Branch #3068: SNAB # Allow results to be changed if message_context == 'snab_result_changed': log_message = 'updating slack that the snab result has been changed' message_context_known = True try: snab_result_changed_from = value[0] snab_result_changed_to = value[1] except: fail_msg = 'error :: webapp_update_slack_thread :: snab_result_changed could not determine the original and changed to values from - %s' % str(value) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) raise # to webapp to return in the UI if not message_context_known: fail_msg = 'error :: webapp_update_slack_thread :: unknown message context - %s' % str(message_context) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) raise # to webapp to return in the UI update_for_message_context = True message_context_not_updating_log_message = False if message_context == 'training_data_viewed': log_message = 'updating slack that training data was viewed' message_on_training_data_viewed = False try: message_on_training_data_viewed = settings.SLACK_OPTS['message_on_training_data_viewed'] except: message_on_training_data_viewed = False if not message_on_training_data_viewed: update_for_message_context = False message_context_not_updating_log_message = 'SLACK_OPTS[\'message_on_training_data_viewed\'] is False or not defined not updating slack' if message_context == 'layers_created': log_message = 'updating slack that a features profile was created' message_on_features_profile_created = False try: message_on_features_profile_created = settings.SLACK_OPTS['message_on_features_profile_created'] except: message_on_features_profile_created = False if not message_on_features_profile_created: update_for_message_context = False message_context_not_updating_log_message = 'SLACK_OPTS[\'message_on_features_profile_created\'] is False or not defined not updating slack' if message_context == 'validated': log_message = 'updating slack that %s features profiles were validated for %s' % (str(validated_count), base_name) message_context_known = True validated_count = value try: message_on_validated_features_profiles = settings.SLACK_OPTS['message_on_validated_features_profiles'] except: message_on_validated_features_profiles = False if not message_on_validated_features_profiles: update_for_message_context = False message_context_not_updating_log_message = 'SLACK_OPTS[\'message_on_validated_features_profiles\'] is False or not defined not updating slack' if not update_for_message_context: return False if throw_exception_on_default_channel: fail_msg = 'error :: webapp_update_slack_thread :: the default_channel or default_channel_id from settings.SLACK_OPTS is set to the default, please replace these with your channel details or set SLACK_ENABLED or SLACK_OPTS[\'thread_updates\'] to False and restart webapp' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) raise # to webapp to return in the UI if not update_slack_thread: return False if message_context == 'validated': message = '*VALIDATED* - %s features profiles were validated for %s via the webapp' % (str(validated_count), base_name) slack_response = {'ok': False} try: if not channel: fail_msg = 'error :: webapp_update_slack_thread :: could not determine the slack default_channel or default_channel_id from settings.SLACK_OPTS please add these to your settings or set SLACK_ENABLED or SLACK_OPTS[\'thread_updates\'] to False and restart webapp' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) raise # to webapp to return in the UI slack_response = slack_post_message(skyline_app, channel, None, message) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: webapp_update_slack_thread :: failed to slack_post_message for validated' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) return False if not slack_response['ok']: fail_msg = 'error :: webapp_update_slack_thread :: failed to slack_post_message for validated, slack dict output follows' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) logger.error('%s' % str(slack_response)) return False else:'posted slack update to %s, %s features profiles were validated for %s' % ( channel, str(validated_count), base_name)) return True use_anomaly_timestamp = int(metric_timestamp) try: engine, fail_msg, trace = get_an_engine() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) logger.error('error :: webapp_update_slack_thread :: could not get a MySQL engine to get slack_thread_ts') raise # to webapp to return in the UI if not engine: trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'error :: webapp_update_slack_thread :: engine not obtained' logger.error(fail_msg) raise if message_context != 'snab_result' and message_context != 'snab_result_changed': try: ionosphere_matched_table, log_msg, trace = ionosphere_matched_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'ionosphere_matched_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: webapp_update_slack_thread :: failed to get ionosphere_checked_table meta for %s' % base_name) # @added 20170806 - Bug #2130: MySQL - Aborted_clients # Added missing disposal if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI try: metrics_table, log_msg, trace = metrics_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'metrics_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: webapp_update_slack_thread :: failed to get metrics_table meta for %s' % base_name) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI metric_id = None try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([metrics_table]).where(metrics_table.c.metric == base_name) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: metric_id = int(row['id']) connection.close() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: webapp_update_slack_thread :: could not determine metric id from metrics table') if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI'metric id determined as %s' % str(metric_id)) if metric_id: try: anomalies_table, log_msg, trace = anomalies_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'anomalies_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: webapp_update_slack_thread :: failed to get anomalies_table meta for %s' % base_name) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI anomaly_id = None slack_thread_ts = 0 try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([anomalies_table]).\ where(anomalies_table.c.metric_id == metric_id).\ where(anomalies_table.c.anomaly_timestamp == int(use_anomaly_timestamp)) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: anomaly_id = row['id'] slack_thread_ts = row['slack_thread_ts'] break connection.close()'determined anomaly id %s for metric id %s at anomaly_timestamp %s with slack_thread_ts %s' % ( str(anomaly_id), str(metric_id), str(use_anomaly_timestamp), str(slack_thread_ts))) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: webapp_update_slack_thread :: could not determine id or slack_thread_ts of the anomaly from DB for metric id %s at anomaly_timestamp %s' % ( str(metric_id), str(use_anomaly_timestamp)) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI if message_context == 'snab_result' or message_context == 'snab_result_changed': try: snab_table, log_msg, trace = snab_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'snab_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: webapp_update_slack_thread :: failed to get snab_table meta') if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI slack_thread_ts = 0 # The hacky bit snab_id = base_name try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([snab_table]).\ where( == snab_id) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: slack_thread_ts = row['slack_thread_ts'] anomaly_id = row['anomaly_id'] break connection.close()'determined slack_thread_ts %s for snab id %s' % ( str(slack_thread_ts), str(snab_id))) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: webapp_update_slack_thread :: could not slack_thread_ts for snab id %s' % ( str(snab_id)) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI if slack_thread_ts: if int(slack_thread_ts) == 0: slack_thread_ts = None if not slack_thread_ts and anomaly_id: try: anomalies_table, log_msg, trace = anomalies_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'anomalies_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: webapp_update_slack_thread :: failed to get anomalies_table meta for %s' % base_name) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([anomalies_table]).\ where( == anomaly_id) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: slack_thread_ts = row['slack_thread_ts'] break connection.close()'determined slack_thread_ts %s for anomaly_id %s' % ( str(slack_thread_ts), str(anomaly_id))) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: webapp_update_slack_thread :: could not determine slack_thread_ts' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI if float(slack_thread_ts) == 0: # There is no known slack_thread_ts value so there is no thread to posted # to return False if message_context == 'training_data_viewed': message = 'The training data page has been reviewed' if message_context == 'layers_created': ionosphere_link = '%s/ionosphere?fp_view=true&fp_id=%s&metric=%s' % ( settings.SKYLINE_URL, str(fp_id), base_name) label = None if 'fp_layer_label' in request.args: label_arg = request.args.get('fp_layer_label') label = label_arg[:255] message = '*TRAINED layers* - with label - %s, layers were created on features profile id %s for %s - %s' % ( str(label), str(fp_id), base_name, ionosphere_link) # @added 20200929 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Branch #3068: SNAB if message_context == 'snab_result': message = '*SNAB* - user *EVALUATED* as - %s' % ( str(snab_result)) # @added 20201004 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Branch #3068: SNAB # Allow results to be changed if message_context == 'snab_result_changed': message = 'Skyline *SNAB* - the result for snab id %s with anomaly id %s was changed from %s to %s' % ( str(snab_id), str(anomaly_id), str(snab_result_changed_from), str(snab_result_changed_to)) slack_thread_ts = None slack_response = {'ok': False} try: if not channel: fail_msg = 'error :: webapp_update_slack_thread :: could not determine the slack default_channel or default_channel_id from settings.SLACK_OPTS please add these to your settings or set SLACK_ENABLED or SLACK_OPTS[\'thread_updates\'] to False and restart webapp' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) raise # to webapp to return in the UI slack_response = slack_post_message(skyline_app, channel, str(slack_thread_ts), message) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: webapp_update_slack_thread :: failed to slack_post_message' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if not slack_response['ok']: fail_msg = 'error :: webapp_update_slack_thread :: failed to slack_post_message, slack dict output follows' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) logger.error('%s' % str(slack_response)) else:'posted slack update to %s, thread %s' % ( channel, str(slack_thread_ts))) try: reaction_emoji = settings.SLACK_OPTS['message_on_training_data_viewed_reaction_emoji'] except: reaction_emoji = 'eyes' # @added 20200929 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Branch #3068: SNAB if message_context == 'snab_result': if snab_result == 'tP' or snab_result == 'tN' or snab_result == 'NULL': reaction_emoji = 'heavy_check_mark' elif snab_result == 'unsure': reaction_emoji = 'question' else: reaction_emoji = 'x' slack_response = {'ok': False} try: if not channel_id: fail_msg = 'error :: webapp_update_slack_thread :: could not determine the slack default_channel or default_channel_id from settings.SLACK_OPTS please add these to your settings or set SLACK_ENABLED or SLACK_OPTS[\'thread_updates\'] to False and restart webapp' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) raise # to webapp to return in the UI slack_response = slack_post_reaction(skyline_app, channel_id, str(slack_thread_ts), reaction_emoji) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: webapp_update_slack_thread :: failed to slack_post_reaction to channel id %s and slack_thread_ts %s with reaction %s' % ( str(channel_id), str(slack_thread_ts), str(reaction_emoji)) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) return True
# @added 20190601 - Feature #3084: Ionosphere - validated matches # @modified 20190919 - Feature #3230: users DB table # Ideas #2476: Label and relate anomalies # Feature #2516: Add label to features profile # Added user_id # def validate_ionosphere_match(match_id, validate_context, match_validated):
[docs]def validate_ionosphere_match(match_id, validate_context, match_validated, user_id): """ Update the validated value in the DB for the match. :param match_id: the match id :param validate_context: the context to validate either ionosphere_matched or ionosphere_layers_matched :param match_validated: 1 for valid or 2 for invalid :param user_id: the user id of the user validating :type match_id: str :type validate_context: str :type match_validated: int :type user_id: int :return: True or False :rtype: boolean """ try: engine, fail_msg, trace = get_an_engine() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) logger.error('error :: validate_ionosphere_match :: could not get a MySQL engine to get slack_thread_ts') raise # to webapp to return in the UI if not engine: trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'error :: validate_ionosphere_match :: engine not obtained' logger.error(fail_msg) raise if validate_context == 'ionosphere_matched': try: ionosphere_matched_table, log_msg, trace = ionosphere_matched_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'ionosphere_matched_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: validate_ionosphere_match :: failed to get ionosphere_checked_table meta for match_id %s' % str(match_id)) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI try: connection = engine.connect() # @modified 20190919 - Feature #3230: users DB table # Ideas #2476: Label and relate anomalies # Feature #2516: Add label to features profile # Added user_id connection.execute( ionosphere_matched_table.update( == match_id). values(validated=match_validated, user_id=user_id)) connection.close()'updated validated for %s by user id %s' % (str(match_id), user_id)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not update validated for %s by user id %s' % ( str(match_id), user_id) logger.error(fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise if validate_context == 'ionosphere_layers_matched': try: ionosphere_layers_matched_table, log_msg, trace = ionosphere_layers_matched_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'ionosphere_layers_matched_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: validate_ionosphere_match :: failed to get ionosphere_checked_table meta for match_id %s' % str(match_id)) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI try: connection = engine.connect() connection.execute( ionosphere_layers_matched_table.update( == match_id). values(validated=match_validated)) connection.close()'updated validated for %s' % str(match_id)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not update validated for %s ' % str(match_id) logger.error(fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # @added 20210414 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference if validate_context == 'matched_motifs': try: motifs_matched_table, log_msg, trace = motifs_matched_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'motifs_matched_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: validate_ionosphere_match :: failed to get ionosphere_checked_table meta for match_id %s' % str(match_id)) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI try: connection = engine.connect() connection.execute( motifs_matched_table.update( == match_id). values(validated=match_validated, user_id=user_id)) connection.close()'updated validated in the motifs_matched for id %s' % str(match_id)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not update validated for %s ' % str(match_id) logger.error(fail_msg) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise try: ionosphere_matched_table, log_msg, trace = ionosphere_matched_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'ionosphere_matched_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: validate_ionosphere_match :: failed to get ionosphere_checked_table meta for match_id %s' % str(match_id)) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI try: connection = engine.connect() connection.execute( ionosphere_matched_table.update( ionosphere_matched_table.c.motifs_matched_id == int(match_id)). values(validated=match_validated, user_id=user_id)) connection.close()'updated validated for match with motifs_matched_id %s by user id %s in the ionosphere_matched table' % ( str(match_id), user_id)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: could not update validated for ionosphere_matched record with matched_motif_id %s by user id %s' % ( str(match_id), user_id) logger.error(fail_msg) # In test mode this can be expected # if engine: # engine_disposal(engine) # raise # @added 20190921 - Feature #3234: Ionosphere - related matches vaildation # TODO - here related matches will also be validated if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return True
# @added 20200226: Ideas #2476: Label and relate anomalies # Feature #2516: Add label to features profile
[docs]def label_anomalies(start_timestamp, end_timestamp, metrics, namespaces, label): """ Label all anomalies from start_timestamp to end_timestamp for metrics and and metric namespaces with the given label. :param start_timestamp: the start timestamp :param end_timestamp: the end timestamp :param metrics: a list of metric names :param namespaces: a list of namespaces :type start_timestamp: int :type end_timestamp: int :type metrics: list :type namespace: list :return: boolean :rtype: (list, list, list, list) """ 'label_anomalies :: determine metric ids for label anomalies between %s and %s with label %s' % ( str(start_timestamp), str(end_timestamp), str(label)))'getting MySQL engine') try: engine, fail_msg, trace = get_an_engine() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) logger.error('error :: could not get a MySQL engine to get fp_ids') raise # to webapp to return in the UI if not engine: trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'error :: engine not obtained' logger.error(fail_msg) raise try: metrics_table, log_msg, trace = metrics_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'metrics_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get metrics_table meta') # @added 20170806 - Bug #2130: MySQL - Aborted_clients # Added missing disposal if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI metric_ids = []'label_anomalies :: %s metrics passed' % str(len(metrics))) for metric in metrics: try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([metrics_table]).where(metrics_table.c.metric == str(metric)) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: metric_id = row['id'] metric_ids.append(int(metric_id)) connection.close() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not determine metric id from metrics for metric %s' % str(metric)) # @added 20170806 - Bug #2130: MySQL - Aborted_clients # Added missing disposal and raise if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise'label_anomalies :: %s metric ids determined from passed namespaces' % str(len(metric_ids)))'label_anomalies :: %s namespaces passed' % str(len(namespaces))) if namespaces: metrics_like_query = text("""SELECT id FROM metrics WHERE metric LIKE :like_string""") for namespace in namespaces: try: # @added 20200425 - Ideas #2476: Label and relate anomalies # Added missing namespace_like namespace_str = namespace.rstrip('.') wildcard = '%' # @modified 20210703 - Ideas #2476: Label and relate anomalies # Do not append double wildcard if already specified # namespace_like = '%s.%s' % (namespace_str, wildcard) if '%' not in list(namespace_str): namespace_like = '%s.%s' % (namespace_str, wildcard) else: namespace_like = namespace_str connection = engine.connect() # @modified 20200425 - Ideas #2476: Label and relate anomalies # Use namespace_like # results = connection.execute(metrics_like_query, like_string=str(namespace)) results = connection.execute(metrics_like_query, like_string=str(namespace_like)) connection.close() for row in results: metric_id = str(row[0]) metric_ids.append(int(metric_id)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: could not determine ids from metrics table') if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise'label_anomalies :: %s metric ids determined from passed namespaces' % str(len(metric_ids))) try: anomalies_table, log_msg, trace = anomalies_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'anomalies_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get anomalies_table meta') # @added 20170806 - Bug #2130: MySQL - Aborted_clients # Added missing disposal if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI anomaly_ids_to_label = [] all_anomalies = [] try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([anomalies_table]).\ where(anomalies_table.c.anomaly_timestamp >= start_timestamp).\ where(anomalies_table.c.anomaly_timestamp <= end_timestamp) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: anomaly_id = row['id'] metric_id = row['metric_id'] all_anomalies.append(int(anomaly_id)) if int(metric_id) in metric_ids: anomaly_ids_to_label.append(int(anomaly_id)) connection.close() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not determine anomaly ids') if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise'label_anomalies :: a total of %s anomalies were found in the specific time period' % str(len(all_anomalies)))'label_anomalies :: %s of these anomalies were related to the specified metrics/namespaces' % str(len(anomaly_ids_to_label))) # Label anomalies for anomaly_id in anomaly_ids_to_label: try: connection = engine.connect() connection.execute( anomalies_table.update( == int(anomaly_id)). values(label=label)) connection.close() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: could not update label for anomaly_id %s ' % str(anomaly_id)) fail_msg = 'error :: could not update label for anomaly %s ' % str(anomaly_id) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # @added 20210826 - Feature #4246: label_anomalies - update slack thread slack_threads_to_update_with_label = {} if update_slack_thread: for anomaly_id in anomaly_ids_to_label: try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([anomalies_table.c.slack_thread_ts]).\ where( == anomaly_id) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: slack_thread_ts = row['slack_thread_ts'] break if slack_thread_ts > 0: message = '*LABELLED* - %s' % str(label) slack_threads_to_update_with_label[slack_thread_ts] = message connection.close() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: could not determine slack_thread_ts or create slack thread update message for anomaly_id %s ' % str(anomaly_id)) for slack_thread_ts in list(slack_threads_to_update_with_label.keys()): slack_response = {'ok': False} message = slack_threads_to_update_with_label[slack_thread_ts] try: slack_response = slack_post_message(skyline_app, channel_id, str(slack_thread_ts), message) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: label_anomalies :: failed to slack_post_message - %s' % message logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if not slack_response['ok']: fail_msg = 'error :: label_anomalies :: failed to slack_post_message, slack dict output follows' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) logger.error('%s' % str(slack_response)) else:'label_anomalies :: posted slack update to %s, anomaly_id %s labelled - %s' % ( channel_id, str(anomaly_id), message)) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return True, len(anomaly_ids_to_label)
# @added 20201213 - Feature #3890: metrics_manager - sync_cluster_files
[docs]def expected_features_profiles_dirs(): """ Generate a dict of all features_profiles ids and directories that SHOULD exist. :rtype: dict """ try: engine, fail_msg, trace = get_an_engine() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) logger.error('error :: could not get a MySQL engine to get fp_ids') raise # to webapp to return in the UI if not engine: trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'error :: engine not obtained' logger.error(fail_msg) raise try: ionosphere_table, log_msg, trace = ionosphere_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get ionosphere_table meta for features_profiles_dirs') if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI last_fp_id = 0 try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([ionosphere_table]).where( > 0).order_by( result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: last_fp_id = int(row['id']) connection.close() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not determine details of features profiles from ionosphere table for features_profiles_dirs') if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise'db reports last_fp_id of %s for features_profile_dirs_dict' % str(last_fp_id)) redis_conn_decoded = None try: redis_conn_decoded = get_redis_conn_decoded(skyline_app) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: get_redis_conn_decoded failed for features_profiles_dirs') features_profile_dirs_dict = {} if redis_conn_decoded: try: features_profile_dirs_dict = redis_conn_decoded.hgetall('analyzer.metrics_manager.local_features_profile_dirs') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get Redis hash key analyzer.metrics_manager.local_features_profile_dirs for features_profiles_dirs') features_profile_dirs_dict = {} if not features_profile_dirs_dict:'no features_profile_dirs_dict found for features_profiles_dirs from analyzer.metrics_manager.local_features_profile_dirs') else:'features_profile_dirs_dict found with %s features_profiles_dirs from analyzer.metrics_manager.local_features_profile_dirs' % str(len(features_profile_dirs_dict))) last_fp_dir = None if last_fp_id and features_profile_dirs_dict: try: last_fp_dir = features_profile_dirs_dict[last_fp_id] except: last_fp_dir = None if last_fp_dir:'features_profiles_dirs - no new features profile ids, all known return %s items' % str(len(features_profile_dirs_dict))) return features_profile_dirs_dict else:'features_profiles_dirs - new features profile ids found determing new dirs, %s currently known dirs' % str(len(features_profile_dirs_dict))) fps = {} try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([ionosphere_table]).where( > 0) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: fp_id = int(row['id']) fp_metric_id = int(row['metric_id']) fp_anomaly_timestamp = int(row['anomaly_timestamp']) fps[fp_id] = {} fps[fp_id]['metric_id'] = fp_metric_id fps[fp_id]['anomaly_timestamp'] = fp_anomaly_timestamp connection.close() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not determine details of features profiles from ionosphere table for features_profiles_dirs') if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise'features_profiles_dirs - db responded with %s fps' % str(len(fps))) try: metrics_table, log_msg, trace = metrics_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'metrics_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get metrics_table meta for features_profiles_dirs') if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI metrics = {} try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([metrics_table]).where( > 0) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: metric_id = row['id'] metric_name = row['metric'] metrics[metric_id] = {} metrics[metric_id]['metric'] = metric_name connection.close() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not determine metric ids from metrics for features_profiles_dirs') if engine: engine_disposal(engine) raise'features_profiles_dirs - db responded with %s metrics' % str(len(metrics))) # features_profiles_dirs_error_logged = False added_fps = 0 if fps and metrics: for fp_id in fps: fp_dir = None if features_profile_dirs_dict: try: fp_id_str = str(fp_id) fp_dir = features_profile_dirs_dict[fp_id_str] except: # if not features_profiles_dirs_error_logged: # logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) # logger.error('error :: could not determine fp_dir for fp_id %s' % str(fp_id)) # features_profiles_dirs_error_logged = True fp_dir = None if not fp_dir: try: metric_id = fps[fp_id]['metric_id'] metric = metrics[metric_id]['metric'] timestamp = fps[fp_id]['anomaly_timestamp'] metric_timeseries_dir = metric.replace('.', '/') fp_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER, metric_timeseries_dir, str(timestamp)) # @modified 20220503 - Feature #3890: metrics_manager - sync_cluster_files # Use a str for jsonify # features_profile_dirs_dict[fp_id] = fp_dir features_profile_dirs_dict[str(fp_id)] = fp_dir added_fps += 1 except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: features_profiles_dirs failed to fp_dir to features_profile_dirs_dict')'added %s new items to features_profiles_dirs, returning %s items' % ( str(added_fps), str(len(features_profile_dirs_dict)))) return features_profile_dirs_dict
# @added 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference
[docs]def get_matched_motifs( metric, metric_like, from_timestamp, until_timestamp, sort_by): """ Get all motif matches. :param metric: all or the metric name :param metric_like: False or the metric MySQL like string e.g statsd.% :param from_timestamp: timestamp or None :param until_timestamp: timestamp or None :param limit: None or number to limit to :return: list :rtype: list """ logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger) function_str = ' :: get_motif_matches''%s :: with parameters :: %s, %s, %s, %s' % ( function_str, str(metric), str(metric_like), str(from_timestamp), str(until_timestamp))) trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'none' dev_null = None'%s :: getting MySQL engine' % function_str) try: engine, fail_msg, trace = get_an_engine() except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: %s :: could not get a MySQL engine - %s' % (function_str, e) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) return False, fail_msg, trace if not engine: trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'error :: %s :: engine not obtained' % function_str logger.error(fail_msg) return False, fail_msg, trace query_string = 'SELECT * FROM motifs_matched' needs_and = False if metric and metric != 'all': metric_id = None'%s :: metric set to %s' % (function_str, str(metric))) try: metric_id = metric_id_from_base_name(skyline_app, metric) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to get metric id from db: %s' % e) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return False, fail_msg, trace fp_ids_stmt = 'SELECT id FROM ionosphere WHERE metric_id=%s' % str(metric_id) fp_ids = '' try: connection = engine.connect() results = connection.execute(fp_ids_stmt) connection.close() for row in results: fp_id = str(row[0]) if fp_ids == '': fp_ids = '%s' % (fp_id) else: new_fp_ids = '%s, %s' % (fp_ids, fp_id) fp_ids = new_fp_ids except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: %s :: could not determine fp ids from ionosphere table' % function_str) dev_null = e if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return False, fail_msg, trace'%s :: fp_ids set to %s' % (function_str, str(fp_ids))) query_string = 'SELECT * FROM motifs_matched WHERE fp_id in (%s)' % str(fp_ids) needs_and = True if metric_like: if metric_like and metric_like != 'all': db_metric_ids = None try: db_metric_ids = metric_ids_from_metric_like(skyline_app, metric_like) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to get metric ids from metric_ids_from_metric_like: %s' % (function_str, e)) return False metric_ids = '0' if db_metric_ids: metric_ids = '' for db_metric_id in db_metric_ids: if metric_ids == '': metric_ids = '%s' % str(db_metric_id) else: metric_ids = '%s, %s' % (metric_ids, str(db_metric_id)) else: # Get nothing metric_ids = '0' fp_ids_stmt = 'SELECT id FROM ionosphere WHERE metric_id IN (%s)' % str(metric_ids) fp_ids = '' try: connection = engine.connect() results = connection.execute(fp_ids_stmt) connection.close() for row in results: fp_id = str(row[0]) if fp_ids == '': fp_ids = '%s' % (fp_id) else: new_fp_ids = '%s, %s' % (fp_ids, fp_id) fp_ids = new_fp_ids except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: %s :: could not determine id from metrics table' % function_str) # Disposal and return False, fail_msg, trace for Bug #2130: MySQL - Aborted_clients dev_null = e if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return False, fail_msg, trace query_string = 'SELECT * FROM motifs_matched WHERE fp_id in (%s)' % str(fp_ids) needs_and = True if 'from_timestamp' in request.args: from_timestamp = request.args.get('from_timestamp', None) if from_timestamp and from_timestamp != 'all': if ":" in from_timestamp: import datetime new_from_timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(from_timestamp, '%Y%m%d %H:%M').timetuple()) from_timestamp = str(int(new_from_timestamp)) # @added 20190530 - Branch #3002: docker # Fix search so that if timestamps are passed and there is a list of # fp ids the SQL does not break try: if len(fp_ids) > 0: needs_and = True except Exception as e:'%s :: fp_ids length unknown, OK' % function_str) dev_null = e if needs_and: new_query_string = '%s AND metric_timestamp >= %s' % (query_string, from_timestamp) query_string = new_query_string needs_and = True else: new_query_string = '%s WHERE metric_timestamp >= %s' % (query_string, from_timestamp) query_string = new_query_string needs_and = True if 'until_timestamp' in request.args: until_timestamp = request.args.get('until_timestamp', None) if until_timestamp and until_timestamp != 'all': if ":" in until_timestamp: import datetime new_until_timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(until_timestamp, '%Y%m%d %H:%M').timetuple()) until_timestamp = str(int(new_until_timestamp)) if needs_and: new_query_string = '%s AND metric_timestamp <= %s' % (query_string, until_timestamp) query_string = new_query_string needs_and = True else: new_query_string = '%s WHERE metric_timestamp <= %s' % (query_string, until_timestamp) query_string = new_query_string needs_and = True if 'validated_equals' in request.args: filter_matches = False validated_equals = request.args.get('validated_equals', 'any') if validated_equals == 'any': filter_matches = False if validated_equals == 'true': filter_match_validation = 1 filter_matches = True if validated_equals == 'false': filter_match_validation = 0 filter_matches = True if validated_equals == 'invalid': filter_match_validation = 2 filter_matches = True if filter_matches: if needs_and: new_query_string = '%s AND validated = %s' % (query_string, str(filter_match_validation)) query_string = new_query_string needs_and = True else: new_query_string = '%s WHERE validated = %s' % (query_string, str(filter_match_validation)) query_string = new_query_string needs_and = True if 'primary_match' in request.args: filter_matches = False primary_match = request.args.get('primary_match', 'any') if primary_match == 'any': filter_matches = False if primary_match == 'true': filter_primary_validation = 1 filter_matches = True if primary_match == 'false': filter_primary_validation = 0 filter_matches = True if filter_matches: if needs_and: new_query_string = '%s AND primary_match = %s' % (query_string, str(filter_primary_validation)) query_string = new_query_string needs_and = True else: new_query_string = '%s WHERE primary_match = %s' % (query_string, str(filter_primary_validation)) query_string = new_query_string needs_and = True # @added 20210415 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference # Allow to sort_by, to enable sorting by distance as the larger the distance # the less similar if sort_by: new_query_string = '%s ORDER BY %s' % (query_string, sort_by) query_string = new_query_string ordered_by = 'ASC' if 'order_by' in request.args: order = request.args.get('order', 'DESC') if str(order) == 'DESC': ordered_by = 'DESC' if str(order) == 'ASC': ordered_by = 'ASC' # @modified 20210421 - Task #4030: refactoring # semgrep - # if ordered_by: use_ordered_by = True if use_ordered_by: if not sort_by: new_query_string = '%s ORDER BY id %s' % (query_string, ordered_by) query_string = new_query_string else: new_query_string = '%s %s' % (query_string, ordered_by) query_string = new_query_string limit = 100 if 'limit' in request.args: limit = request.args.get('limit', '100') try: test_limit = int(limit) + 0 if int(limit) != 0: new_query_string = '%s LIMIT %s' % (query_string, str(limit)) query_string = new_query_string'%s :: test_limit tested OK with %s' % (function_str, (test_limit))) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: %s :: limit is not an integer - %s - %s' % (function_str, str(limit), e)) new_query_string = '%s LIMIT 100' % (query_string) # Get ionosphere_summary memcache object from which metric names will be # determined memcache_result = None ionosphere_summary_list = None if settings.MEMCACHE_ENABLED: memcache_client = pymemcache_Client((settings.MEMCACHED_SERVER_IP, settings.MEMCACHED_SERVER_PORT), connect_timeout=0.1, timeout=0.2) else: memcache_client = None if settings.MEMCACHE_ENABLED: try: memcache_result = memcache_client.get('ionosphere_summary_list').decode('utf-8') except Exception as e: # @modified 20200507 - stop reporting this as an error # it can be expected to happen from time to time # logger.error('error :: failed to get ionosphere_summary_list from memcache')'%s :: failed to get ionosphere_summary_list from memcache, will query DB' % function_str) dev_null = e try: memcache_client.close() except Exception as e: dev_null = e if memcache_result: try:'%s :: using memcache ionosphere_summary_list key data' % function_str) ionosphere_summary_list = literal_eval(memcache_result) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to process data from memcache key - ionosphere_summary_list - %s' % (function_str, e)) ionosphere_summary_list = False try: del memcache_result except Exception as e: dev_null = e if not ionosphere_summary_list: stmt = "SELECT, ionosphere.metric_id, metrics.metric FROM ionosphere INNER JOIN metrics ON" try: connection = engine.connect() results = connection.execute(stmt) connection.close() except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: %s :: could not determine metrics from metrics table' % function_str) dev_null = e # Disposal and raise for Bug #2130: MySQL - Aborted_clients if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return False, fail_msg, trace if results: # Because the each row in the results is a dict and all the rows are # being used, these are being converted into a list and stored in # memcache as a list ionosphere_summary_list = [] for row in results: ionosphere_summary_list.append([int(row['id']), int(row['metric_id']), str(row['metric'])]) if settings.MEMCACHE_ENABLED: try: memcache_client.set('ionosphere_summary_list', ionosphere_summary_list, expire=600)'%s :: set memcache ionosphere_summary_list key with DB results' % function_str) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to get ionosphere_summary_list from memcache - %s' % (function_str, e)) try: memcache_client.close() except Exception as e: dev_null = e matched_motifs = {} metric_list = [] get_motifs_matched = True if get_motifs_matched: try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = query_string'%s :: executing %s' % (function_str, stmt)) results = connection.execute(stmt) connection.close() except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: %s :: could not determine motif matches from motifs_matched table' % function_str) dev_null = e # @added 20170806 - Bug #2130: MySQL - Aborted_clients # Added missing disposal and raise if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return False, fail_msg, trace for row in results: try: fp_id = int(row['fp_id']) try: metric_list = [row[2] for row in ionosphere_summary_list if row[0] == fp_id] metric = metric_list[0] except Exception as e: metric = 'UNKNOWN' dev_null = e match_id = int(row['id']) matched_motifs[match_id] = {} matched_motifs[match_id]['metric'] = metric matched_motifs[match_id]['metric_id'] = int(row['metric_id']) matched_motifs[match_id]['fp_id'] = fp_id metric_timestamp = int(row['metric_timestamp']) matched_motifs[match_id]['metric_timestamp'] = metric_timestamp matched_motifs[match_id]['human_date'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z (%A)', time.localtime(int(metric_timestamp))) matched_motifs[match_id]['primary_match'] = int(row['primary_match']) matched_motifs[match_id]['index'] = int(row['index']) matched_motifs[match_id]['size'] = int(row['size']) matched_motifs[match_id]['distance'] = float(row['distance']) matched_motifs[match_id]['type_id'] = int(row['type_id']) matched_motifs[match_id]['validated'] = int(row['validated']) # @added 20210428 - matched_motifs[match_id]['motif_area'] = float(row['motif_area']) matched_motifs[match_id]['fp_motif_area'] = float(row['fp_motif_area']) matched_motifs[match_id]['area_percent_diff'] = float(row['area_percent_diff']) matched_motifs[match_id]['fps_checked'] = int(row['fps_checked']) matched_motifs[match_id]['runtime'] = float(row['runtime']) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: %s :: could not add motif match to matched_motifs' % function_str) dev_null = e'%s :: returning %s matched_motifs' % (function_str, str(len(matched_motifs)))) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) try: del ionosphere_summary_list except Exception as e: dev_null = e try: del metric_list except Exception as e: dev_null = e try: del results except Exception as e: dev_null = e if dev_null: del dev_null return matched_motifs, fail_msg, trace
# @added 20210419 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference
[docs]def get_matched_motif_id(fp_id, timestamp, index, size): """ Return the matched_motif_id, motif_validated, ionosphere_matched_id for a motif """ logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger) function_str = 'get_matched_motif_id''%s :: with parameters :: fp_id: %s, timestamp: %s, index: %s, size: %s' % ( function_str, str(fp_id), str(timestamp), str(index), str(size))) matched_motif_id = None motif_validated = None ionosphere_matched_id = None try: query = 'SELECT id,validated FROM motifs_matched WHERE fp_id=%s AND metric_timestamp=%s AND `index`=%s AND size=%s' % ( str(fp_id), str(timestamp), str(index), str(size)) results = mysql_select(skyline_app, query) for result in results: matched_motif_id = int(result[0]) motif_validated = int(result[1]) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to get motifs_matched id and validated from the database for fp_id %s - %s' % ( function_str, (fp_id), e)) if matched_motif_id: try: query = 'SELECT id FROM ionosphere_matched WHERE fp_id=%s AND metric_timestamp=%s AND motifs_matched_id=%s' % ( str(fp_id), str(timestamp), str(matched_motif_id)) results = mysql_select(skyline_app, query) for result in results: ionosphere_matched_id = int(result[0]) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: %s :: failed to get ionosphere_matched_id from the database for fp_id %s - %s' % ( function_str, (fp_id), e)) return matched_motif_id, motif_validated, ionosphere_matched_id