Source code for panorama.panorama

import logging
    from Queue import Empty
    from queue import Empty
from time import time, sleep
from threading import Thread
# @modified 20190522 - Task #3034: Reduce multiprocessing Manager list usage
# Use Redis sets in place of Manager().list() to reduce memory and number of
# processes
# from multiprocessing import Process, Manager
from multiprocessing import Process
import os
from os import kill, getpid, listdir
from os.path import join, isfile
from ast import literal_eval

# from redis import StrictRedis
from msgpack import Unpacker, packb
import traceback
from sys import version_info
import mysql.connector
from mysql.connector import errorcode

# @added 20190502 - Branch #2646: slack
from sqlalchemy.sql import select

import settings

from skyline_functions import (
    fail_check, mkdir_p,
    # @added 20191031 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings
    #                   Branch #3262: py3
    # Added a single functions to deal with Redis connection and the
    # charset='utf-8', decode_responses=True arguments required in py3
    get_redis_conn, get_redis_conn_decoded,
    # @added 20200413 - Feature #3486: analyzer_batch
    #                   Feature #3480: batch_processing

# @added 20170115 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations
# Added determination of the learn related variables so that any new metrics
# that Panorama adds to the Skyline database, it adds the default
# IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_ values or the namespace specific values matched
# from settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_NAMESPACE_CONFIG to the metric database
# entry.
from ionosphere_functions import get_ionosphere_learn_details

# @added 20190502 - Branch #2646: slack
from database import (
    get_engine, metrics_table_meta, anomalies_table_meta,
    # @added 20200928 - Task #3748: POC SNAB
    #                   Branch #3068: SNAB

# @added 20211001 - Feature #4268: Redis hash key - panorama.metrics.latest_anomaly
#                   Feature #4264: luminosity - cross_correlation_relationships
from functions.panorama.update_metric_latest_anomaly import update_metric_latest_anomaly

skyline_app = 'panorama'
skyline_app_logger = '%sLog' % skyline_app
logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger)
skyline_app_logfile = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app)
skyline_app_loglock = '%s.lock' % skyline_app_logfile
skyline_app_logwait = '%s.wait' % skyline_app_logfile

python_version = int(version_info[0])

this_host = str(os.uname()[1])

# Converting one settings variable into a local variable, just because it is a
# long string otherwise.
    logger.error('error :: cannot determine ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG from settings')

    if SERVER_METRIC_PATH == '.':

# @added 20190523 - Branch #2646: slack

skyline_app_graphite_namespace = 'skyline.%s%s' % (skyline_app, SERVER_METRIC_PATH)

failed_checks_dir = '%s_failed' % settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH

# @added 20160907 - Handle Panorama stampede on restart after not running #26
# Allow to expire check if greater than PANORAMA_CHECK_MAX_AGE, backwards
# compatible
    test_max_age_set = 1 + settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_MAX_AGE
    if test_max_age_set > 1:
        max_age = True
    if test_max_age_set == 1:
        max_age = False
    max_age_seconds = settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_MAX_AGE
    max_age = False
    max_age_seconds = 0
expired_checks_dir = '%s_expired' % settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH

# @added 20200128 - Feature #3418: PANORAMA_CHECK_INTERVAL

# @added 20200204 - Feature #3442: Panorama - add metric to metrics table immediately

# @added 20200413 - Feature #3486: analyzer_batch
#                   Feature #3480: batch_processing
    from settings import BATCH_PROCESSING
    # @modified 20200606 - Bug #3572: Apply list to settings import
    # from settings import BATCH_PROCESSING_NAMESPACES

# @added 20200929 - Task #3748: POC SNAB
#                   Branch #3068: SNAB
# If SNAB is enabled override PANORAMA_CHECK_INTERVAL
    SNAB_ENABLED = False

# Database configuration
config = {'user': settings.PANORAMA_DBUSER,
          'password': settings.PANORAMA_DBUSERPASS,
          'host': settings.PANORAMA_DBHOST,
          'port': settings.PANORAMA_DBPORT,
          'database': settings.PANORAMA_DATABASE,
          'raise_on_warnings': True}

[docs]class Panorama(Thread): """ The Panorama class which controls the panorama thread and spawned processes. """ def __init__(self, parent_pid): """ Initialize Panorama Create the :obj:`mysql_conn` """ super(Panorama, self).__init__() # @modified 20180519 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # @modified 20191031 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # Use get_redis_conn and get_redis_conn_decoded # if settings.REDIS_PASSWORD: # self.redis_conn = StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) # else: # self.redis_conn = StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) # @added 20191031 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # Added a single functions to deal with Redis connection and the # charset='utf-8', decode_responses=True arguments required in py3 self.redis_conn = get_redis_conn(skyline_app) self.redis_conn_decoded = get_redis_conn_decoded(skyline_app) self.daemon = True self.parent_pid = parent_pid self.current_pid = getpid() # @modified 20190522 - Task #3034: Reduce multiprocessing Manager list usage # Task #3032: Debug number of Python processes and memory use # Branch #3002: docker # Reduce amount of Manager instances that are used as each requires a # copy of entire memory to be copied into each subprocess so this # results in a python process per Manager instance, using as much # memory as the parent. OK on a server, not so much in a container. # Disabled all the Manager().list() below and replaced with Redis sets # self.anomalous_metrics = Manager().list() # self.metric_variables = Manager().list() self.mysql_conn = mysql.connector.connect(**config)
[docs] def check_if_parent_is_alive(self): """ Self explanatory """ try: kill(self.current_pid, 0) kill(self.parent_pid, 0) except: # @added 20201203 - Bug #3856: Handle boring sparsely populated metrics in derivative_metrics # Log warning logger.warning('warning :: parent or current process dead') exit(0)
""" These are the panorama mysql functions used to surface and input panorama data for timeseries. """
[docs] def mysql_select(self, select_stmt): """ Select data from mysql database :param select_stmt: the select string :type select_stmt: str :return: tuple :rtype: tuple, boolean - **Example usage**:: query = 'select id, test from test' result = self.mysql_select(query) - **Example of the 0 indexed results tuple, which can hold multiple results**:: >> print('results: %s' % str(results)) results: [(1, u'test1'), (2, u'test2')] >> print('results[0]: %s' % str(results[0])) results[0]: (1, u'test1') .. note:: - If the MySQL query fails a boolean will be returned not a tuple * ``False`` * ``None`` """ try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config) if ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: connected to mysql') except mysql.connector.Error as err: logger.error('error :: mysql error - %s' % str(err)) logger.error('error :: failed to connect to mysql') return False if cnx: try: if ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: %s' % (str(select_stmt))) cursor = cnx.cursor() query = ('%s' % (str(select_stmt))) cursor.execute(query) result = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() cnx.close() return result except mysql.connector.Error as err: logger.error('error :: mysql error - %s' % str(err)) logger.error('error :: failed to query database - %s' % (str(select_stmt))) try: cnx.close() return False except: return False else: if ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG: logger.error('error :: failed to connect to mysql') # Close the test mysql connection try: cnx.close() return False except: return False return False
[docs] def mysql_insert(self, insert): """ Insert data into mysql table :param select: the insert string :type select: str :return: int :rtype: int or boolean - **Example usage**:: query = 'insert into host (host) VALUES (\'this_host\')' result = self.mysql_insert(query) .. note:: - If the MySQL query fails a boolean will be returned not a tuple * ``False`` * ``None`` """ try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config) if ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: connected to mysql') except mysql.connector.Error as err: logger.error('error :: mysql error - %s' % str(err)) logger.error('error :: failed to connect to mysql') raise if cnx: try: cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(insert) inserted_id = cursor.lastrowid # Make sure data is committed to the database cnx.commit() cursor.close() cnx.close() return inserted_id except mysql.connector.Error as err: logger.error('error :: mysql error - %s' % str(err)) logger.error('Failed to insert record') cnx.close() raise else: cnx.close() return False return False
# @added 20200204 - Feature #3442: Panorama - add metric to metrics table immediately
[docs] def insert_new_metric(self, metric_name): """ Insert a new metric into the metrics tables. :param metric_name: metric name :type metric_name: str :return: int or boolean """ # Set defaults learn_full_duration_days = int(settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_FULL_DURATION_DAYS) valid_learning_duration = int(settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_VALID_TIMESERIES_OLDER_THAN_SECONDS) max_generations = int(settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_MAX_GENERATIONS) max_percent_diff_from_origin = float(settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_MAX_PERCENT_DIFF_FROM_ORIGIN) try: use_full_duration, valid_learning_duration, use_full_duration_days, max_generations, max_percent_diff_from_origin = get_ionosphere_learn_details(skyline_app, metric_name) learn_full_duration_days = use_full_duration_days except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get_ionosphere_learn_details for %s' % metric_name)'metric learn details determined for %s' % metric_name)'learn_full_duration_days :: %s days' % (str(learn_full_duration_days)))'valid_learning_duration :: %s seconds' % (str(valid_learning_duration)))'max_generations :: %s' % (str(max_generations)))'max_percent_diff_from_origin :: %s' % (str(max_percent_diff_from_origin))) insert_query_string = '%s (%s, learn_full_duration_days, learn_valid_ts_older_than, max_generations, max_percent_diff_from_origin) VALUES (\'%s\', %s, %s, %s, %s)' % ( 'metrics', 'metric', metric_name, str(learn_full_duration_days), str(valid_learning_duration), str(max_generations), str(max_percent_diff_from_origin)) insert_query = 'insert into %s' % insert_query_string # nosec'inserting %s into %s table' % (metric_name, 'metrics')) try: results = self.mysql_insert(insert_query) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to determine the id of %s from the insert' % (metric_name)) raise determined_id = 0 if results: determined_id = int(results) return determined_id else: logger.error('error :: results not set') raise logger.error('error :: failed to determine the inserted id for %s' % metric_name) return False
# @added 20170101 - Feature #1830: Ionosphere alerts # Bug #1460: panorama check file fails # Panorama check file fails #24 # Get rid of the skyline_functions imp as imp is deprecated in py3 anyway
[docs] def new_load_metric_vars(self, metric_vars_file): """ Load the metric variables for a check from a metric check variables file :param metric_vars_file: the path and filename to the metric variables files :type metric_vars_file: str :return: the metric_vars module object or ``False`` :rtype: list """ if os.path.isfile(metric_vars_file): 'loading metric variables from metric_check_file - %s' % ( str(metric_vars_file))) else: logger.error( 'error :: loading metric variables from metric_check_file - file not found - %s' % ( str(metric_vars_file))) return False metric_vars = [] with open(metric_vars_file) as f: for line in f: no_new_line = line.replace('\n', '') no_equal_line = no_new_line.replace(' = ', ',') array = str(no_equal_line.split(',', 1)) add_line = literal_eval(array) metric_vars.append(add_line) # @added 20200429 - Feature #3486: analyzer_batch # Feature #3480: batch_processing # Allow the check file to already hold a valid python list on one line # so that a check can be added by simply echoing to debug metric_vars # line from to log for any failed checks into a new Panorama check file # The original above pattern is still the default, this is for the check # files to be added by the operator from the log or for debugging. try_literal_eval = False if metric_vars: if isinstance(metric_vars, list): pass else: try_literal_eval = True'metric_vars is not a list, set to try_literal_eval') if len(metric_vars) < 2: try_literal_eval = True'metric_vars is not a list of lists, set to try_literal_eval') else: try_literal_eval = True'metric_vars is not defined, set to try_literal_eval') if try_literal_eval: try: with open(metric_vars_file) as f: for line in f: metric_vars = literal_eval(line) if metric_vars: break except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('metric_vars not loaded with literal_eval') metric_vars = [] # @modified 20200420 - Feature #3500: webapp - crucible_process_metrics # Feature #1448: Crucible web UI # Branch #868: crucible # Added label to string_keys and user_id to int_keys string_keys = ['metric', 'anomaly_dir', 'added_by', 'app', 'source', 'label'] float_keys = ['value'] int_keys = ['from_timestamp', 'metric_timestamp', 'added_at', 'full_duration', 'user_id'] array_keys = ['algorithms', 'triggered_algorithms'] boolean_keys = ['graphite_metric', 'run_crucible_tests'] metric_vars_array = [] for var_array in metric_vars: key = None value = None if var_array[0] in string_keys: key = var_array[0] value_str = str(var_array[1]).replace("'", '') value = str(value_str) if var_array[0] == 'metric': metric = value if var_array[0] in float_keys: key = var_array[0] value_str = str(var_array[1]).replace("'", '') value = float(value_str) if var_array[0] in int_keys: key = var_array[0] value_str = str(var_array[1]).replace("'", '') value = int(value_str) if var_array[0] in array_keys: key = var_array[0] value = literal_eval(str(var_array[1])) if var_array[0] in boolean_keys: key = var_array[0] if str(var_array[1]) == 'True': value = True else: value = False if key: metric_vars_array.append([key, value]) if len(metric_vars_array) == 0: logger.error( 'error :: loading metric variables - none found in %s' % ( str(metric_vars_file))) return False if settings.ENABLE_DEBUG: # @modified 20200713 - AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'metric' - Panorama not working #255 # Bug #1460: panorama check file fails # Missed changing old method # 'debug :: metric_vars determined - metric variable - metric - %s' % str(metric_vars.metric)) 'debug :: metric_vars determined - metric variable - metric - %s' % str(metric))'debug :: metric_vars for %s' % str(metric))'debug :: %s' % str(metric_vars_array)) return metric_vars_array
# @modified 20200929 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Branch #3068: SNAB # Handle snab as well # def update_slack_thread_ts(self, i, base_name, metric_timestamp, slack_thread_ts):
[docs] def update_slack_thread_ts(self, i, base_name, metric_timestamp, slack_thread_ts, snab_id): """ Update an anomaly record with the slack_thread_ts. :param i: python process id :param metric_check_file: full path to the metric check file :return: returns True """ def get_an_engine(): try: engine, log_msg, trace = get_engine(skyline_app) return engine, log_msg, trace except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) log_msg = 'error :: update_slack_thread_ts :: failed to get MySQL engine in update_slack_thread_ts' logger.error('error :: update_slack_thread_ts :: failed to get MySQL engine in update_slack_thread_ts') return None, log_msg, trace def engine_disposal(engine): if engine: try: engine.dispose() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_slack_thread_ts :: calling engine.dispose()') return child_process_pid = os.getpid() if base_name:'update_slack_thread_ts :: child_process_pid %s, processing %s, %s, %s' % ( str(child_process_pid), base_name, str(metric_timestamp), str(slack_thread_ts))) if snab_id:'update_slack_thread_ts :: child_process_pid %s, processing snab id - %s, slack_thread_ts - %s' % ( str(child_process_pid), str(snab_id), str(slack_thread_ts))) try: engine, log_msg, trace = get_an_engine() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) if base_name: logger.error('error :: update_slack_thread_ts :: could not get a MySQL engine to update slack_thread_ts in anomalies for %s' % (base_name)) if snab_id: logger.error('error :: update_slack_thread_ts :: could not get a MySQL engine to update slack_thread_ts in snab for %s' % str(snab_id)) if not engine: if base_name: logger.error('error :: update_slack_thread_ts :: engine not obtained to update slack_thread_ts in anomalies for %s' % (base_name)) if snab_id: logger.error('error :: update_slack_thread_ts :: engine not obtained to update slack_thread_ts in snab for %s' % str(snab_id)) return False if base_name: try: metrics_table, log_msg, trace = metrics_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'update_slack_thread_ts :: metrics_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_slack_thread_ts :: failed to get metrics_table meta for %s' % base_name) metric_id = None try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([metrics_table]).where(metrics_table.c.metric == base_name) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: metric_id = int(row['id']) connection.close() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_slack_thread_ts :: could not determine metric id from metrics table')'update_slack_thread_ts :: metric id determined as %s' % str(metric_id)) if metric_id: try: anomalies_table, log_msg, trace = anomalies_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'update_slack_thread_ts :: anomalies_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_slack_thread_ts :: failed to get anomalies_table meta for %s' % base_name) anomaly_id = None try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([anomalies_table]).\ where(anomalies_table.c.metric_id == metric_id).\ where(anomalies_table.c.anomaly_timestamp == metric_timestamp) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: anomaly_id = int(row['id']) connection.close() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_slack_thread_ts :: could not determine anomaly id from anomaly table')'update_slack_thread_ts :: anomaly id determined as %s' % str(anomaly_id)) anomaly_record_updated = False if anomaly_id: try: connection = engine.connect() connection.execute( anomalies_table.update( == anomaly_id). values(slack_thread_ts=slack_thread_ts)) connection.close()'update_slack_thread_ts :: updated slack_thread_ts for anomaly id %s' % str(anomaly_id)) anomaly_record_updated = True except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_slack_thread_ts :: could not update slack_thread_ts for anomaly id %s' % str(anomaly_id)) # @added 20201002 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Branch #3068: SNAB # Add a Redis key for snab to also update the original anomaly # id slack_thread_ts if anomaly_record_updated and SNAB_ENABLED: anomaly_id_slack_thread_ts_redis_key = '' % (str(anomaly_id)) try: self.redis_conn.setex(anomaly_id_slack_thread_ts_redis_key, 3600, str(slack_thread_ts))'update_slack_thread_ts :: created Redis key %s for snab with slack_thread_ts %s' % ( anomaly_id_slack_thread_ts_redis_key, str(slack_thread_ts))) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_slack_thread_ts :: failed to create Redis key - %s' % ( anomaly_id_slack_thread_ts_redis_key)) # @added 20200929 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Branch #3068: SNAB # Handle snab as well if snab_id: try: snab_table, log_msg, trace = snab_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'update_slack_thread_ts :: snab_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_slack_thread_ts :: failed to get snab_table meta for %s' % str(snab_id)) try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = snab_table.update().\ values(slack_thread_ts=slack_thread_ts).\ where( == int(snab_id)) connection.execute(stmt) connection.close()'update_slack_thread_ts :: updated slack_thread_ts for snab id %s' % str(snab_id)) anomaly_record_updated = True except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_slack_thread_ts :: could not update slack_thread_ts for snab id %s' % str(snab_id)) if engine: try: engine_disposal(engine) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_slack_thread_ts :: could not dispose engine') if base_name: cache_key = 'panorama.slack_thread_ts.%s.%s' % (str(metric_timestamp), base_name) if snab_id: cache_key = 'panorama.snab.slack_thread_ts.%s.%s' % (str(metric_timestamp), str(snab_id)) delete_cache_key = False if anomaly_record_updated: delete_cache_key = True if not anomaly_record_updated: # Allow for 60 seconds for an anomaly to be added now = time() anomaly_age = int(now) - int(metric_timestamp) if anomaly_age > 60: delete_cache_key = True if delete_cache_key:'update_slack_thread_ts :: deleting cache_key %s' % cache_key) try: self.redis_conn.delete(cache_key)'update_slack_thread_ts :: cache_key %s deleted' % cache_key) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_slack_thread_ts :: failed to delete cache_key %s' % cache_key) return
# @added 20191107 - Feature #3306: Record anomaly_end_timestamp # Branch #3262: py3
[docs] def update_anomaly_end_timestamp(self, i, anomaly_id, anomaly_end_timestamp): """ Update an anomaly record with the anomaly_end_timestamp. :param self: self :param i: python process id :param anomaly_id: the anomaly id :param anomaly_end_timestamp: the anomaly end timestamp :type self: object :type i: object :type anomaly_id: int :type anomaly_end_timestamp: int :return: boolean :rtype: boolean """ def get_an_engine(): try: engine, log_msg, trace = get_engine(skyline_app) return engine, log_msg, trace except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) log_msg = 'error :: update_anomaly_end_timestamp :: failed to get MySQL engine in update_anomaly_end_timestamp' logger.error('error :: update_anomaly_end_timestamp :: failed to get MySQL engine in update_anomaly_end_timestamp') return None, log_msg, trace def engine_disposal(engine): if engine: try: engine.dispose() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_anomaly_end_timestamp :: calling engine.dispose()') return child_process_pid = os.getpid()'update_anomaly_end_timestamp :: child_process_pid %s, processing anomaly_id %s and setting anomaly_end_timestamp as %s' % ( str(child_process_pid), str(anomaly_id), str(anomaly_end_timestamp))) updated_anomaly_record = False try: engine, log_msg, trace = get_an_engine() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_anomaly_end_timestamp :: could not get a MySQL engine to update slack_thread_ts in anomalies for anomaly_id %s' % (str(anomaly_id))) if not engine: logger.error('error :: update_anomaly_end_timestamp :: engine not obtained to update slack_thread_ts in anomalies for anomaly_id %s' % (str(anomaly_id))) return False try: anomalies_table, log_msg, trace = anomalies_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'update_anomaly_end_timestamp :: anomalies_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_anomaly_end_timestamp :: failed to get anomalies_table meta for anomaly_id %s' % str(anomaly_id)) try: connection = engine.connect() connection.execute( anomalies_table.update( == anomaly_id). values(anomaly_end_timestamp=anomaly_end_timestamp)) connection.close() updated_anomaly_record = True'update_anomaly_end_timestamp :: updated anomaly_end_timestamp (%s) for anomaly id %s' % ( str(anomaly_end_timestamp), str(anomaly_id))) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_anomaly_end_timestamp :: could not update anomaly_end_timestamp (%s) for anomaly id %s' % ( str(anomaly_end_timestamp), str(anomaly_id))) if engine: try: engine_disposal(engine) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_anomaly_end_timestamp :: could not dispose engine') return updated_anomaly_record
# @added 20200825 - Feature #3704: Add alert to anomalies
[docs] def update_alert_ts(self, i, base_name, metric_timestamp, alerted_at): """ Update an anomaly record with the alert_ts. :param i: python process id :param base_name: base name :param metric_timestamp: the anomaly timestamp :param alerted_at: the alert timestamp :return: returns True """ def get_an_engine(): try: engine, log_msg, trace = get_engine(skyline_app) return engine, log_msg, trace except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) log_msg = 'error :: update_alert_ts :: failed to get MySQL engine in update_alert_ts' logger.error('error :: update_alert_ts :: failed to get MySQL engine in update_alert_ts') return None, log_msg, trace def engine_disposal(engine): if engine: try: engine.dispose() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_alert_ts :: calling engine.dispose()') return child_process_pid = os.getpid()'update_alert_ts :: child_process_pid %s, processing %s, %s, %s' % ( str(child_process_pid), base_name, str(metric_timestamp), str(alerted_at))) try: engine, log_msg, trace = get_an_engine() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_alert_ts :: could not get a MySQL engine to update slack_thread_ts in anomalies for %s' % (base_name)) if not engine: logger.error('error :: update_alert_ts :: engine not obtained to update slack_thread_ts in anomalies for %s' % (base_name)) return False try: metrics_table, log_msg, trace = metrics_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'update_alert_ts :: metrics_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_alert_ts :: failed to get metrics_table meta for %s' % base_name) metric_id = None try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([metrics_table]).where(metrics_table.c.metric == base_name) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: metric_id = int(row['id']) connection.close() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_alert_ts :: could not determine metric id from metrics table')'update_alert_ts :: metric id determined as %s' % str(metric_id)) if metric_id: try: anomalies_table, log_msg, trace = anomalies_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'update_alert_ts :: anomalies_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_alert_ts :: failed to get anomalies_table meta for %s' % base_name) anomaly_id = None try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([anomalies_table]).\ where(anomalies_table.c.metric_id == metric_id).\ where(anomalies_table.c.anomaly_timestamp == metric_timestamp) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: anomaly_id = int(row['id']) connection.close() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_alert_ts :: could not determine anomaly id from anomaly table')'update_alert_ts :: anomaly id determined as %s' % str(anomaly_id)) anomaly_record_updated = False if anomaly_id: try: connection = engine.connect() connection.execute( anomalies_table.update( == anomaly_id). values(alert=alerted_at)) connection.close()'update_alert_ts :: updated alert for anomaly id %s' % str(anomaly_id)) anomaly_record_updated = True except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_alert_ts :: could not update alert for anomaly id %s' % str(anomaly_id)) if engine: try: engine_disposal(engine) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_alert_ts :: could not dispose engine') cache_key = 'panorama.alert.%s.%s' % (str(metric_timestamp), base_name) delete_cache_key = False if anomaly_record_updated: delete_cache_key = True if not anomaly_record_updated: # Allow for 120 seconds for an anomaly to be added now = time() anomaly_age = int(now) - int(metric_timestamp) if anomaly_age > 120: delete_cache_key = True if delete_cache_key:'update_alert_ts :: deleting cache_key %s' % cache_key) try: self.redis_conn.delete(cache_key)'update_alert_ts :: cache_key %s deleted' % cache_key) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_alert_ts :: failed to delete cache_key %s' % cache_key) return
# @added 20200928 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Branch #3068: SNAB # Determine id of something thing
[docs] def determine_db_id(self, table, key, value): """ Get the id of something from the database and create a new entry if it does not exist :param table: table name :param key: key name :param value: value name :type table: str :type key: str :type value: str :return: int or boolean """ determined_id = None query = 'select id FROM %s WHERE %s=\'%s\'' % (table, key, value) # nosec results = None try: results = self.mysql_select(query) except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine results from - %s' % (query)) determined_id = 0 if results: try: determined_id = int(results[0][0]) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: determined_id is not an int') determined_id = 0 if determined_id > 0: return int(determined_id) # @added 20170115 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Added determination of the learn related variables # learn_full_duration_days, learn_valid_ts_older_than, # max_generations and max_percent_diff_from_origin value to the # insert statement if the table is the metrics table. if table == 'metrics' and key == 'metric': # Set defaults learn_full_duration_days = int(settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_FULL_DURATION_DAYS) valid_learning_duration = int(settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_VALID_TIMESERIES_OLDER_THAN_SECONDS) max_generations = int(settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_MAX_GENERATIONS) max_percent_diff_from_origin = float(settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_MAX_PERCENT_DIFF_FROM_ORIGIN) try: use_full_duration, valid_learning_duration, use_full_duration_days, max_generations, max_percent_diff_from_origin = get_ionosphere_learn_details(skyline_app, value) learn_full_duration_days = use_full_duration_days except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get_ionosphere_learn_details for %s' % value)'metric learn details determined for %s' % value)'learn_full_duration_days :: %s days' % (str(learn_full_duration_days)))'valid_learning_duration :: %s seconds' % (str(valid_learning_duration)))'max_generations :: %s' % (str(max_generations)))'max_percent_diff_from_origin :: %s' % (str(max_percent_diff_from_origin))) # INSERT because no known id if table == 'metrics' and key == 'metric': insert_query_string = '%s (%s, learn_full_duration_days, learn_valid_ts_older_than, max_generations, max_percent_diff_from_origin) VALUES (\'%s\', %s, %s, %s, %s)' % ( table, key, value, str(learn_full_duration_days), str(valid_learning_duration), str(max_generations), str(max_percent_diff_from_origin)) insert_query = 'insert into %s' % insert_query_string # nosec else: insert_query = 'insert into %s (%s) VALUES (\'%s\')' % (table, key, value) # nosec'inserting %s into %s table' % (value, table)) try: results = self.mysql_insert(insert_query) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to determine the id of %s from the insert' % (value)) raise determined_id = 0 if results: determined_id = int(results) else: logger.error('error :: results not set') raise if determined_id > 0: return determined_id logger.error('error :: failed to determine the inserted id for %s' % value) return False
# @added 20200928 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Branch #3068: SNAB
[docs] def update_snab(self, i, snab_panorama_items): """ Update snab anomaly records. :param i: python process id :return: returns True """ def get_an_engine(): try: engine, log_msg, trace = get_engine(skyline_app) return engine, log_msg, trace except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) log_msg = 'error :: update_alert_ts :: failed to get MySQL engine in update_alert_ts' logger.error('error :: update_alert_ts :: failed to get MySQL engine in update_alert_ts') return None, log_msg, trace def engine_disposal(engine): if engine: try: engine.dispose() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_alert_ts :: calling engine.dispose()') return child_process_pid = os.getpid()'update_snab :: child_process_pid %s' % str(child_process_pid)) redis_set = 'snab.panorama' try: snab_panorama_items = self.redis_conn_decoded.smembers(redis_set) except: logger.error('error :: failed to get data from %s Redis set' % redis_set) snab_panorama_items = [] if not snab_panorama_items: return False try: engine, log_msg, trace = get_an_engine() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_snab :: could not get a MySQL engine to update snab table') if not engine: logger.error('error :: update_snab :: engine not obtained to update snab table') return False try: metrics_table, log_msg, trace = metrics_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'update_snab :: metrics_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_snab :: failed to get metrics_table meta') if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return False try: anomalies_table, log_msg, trace = anomalies_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'update_snab :: anomalies_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_snab :: failed to get anomalies_table meta') if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return False try: snab_table, log_msg, trace = snab_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'update_snab :: snab_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_snab :: failed to get snab_table meta') if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return False for item in snab_panorama_items: remove_item = False base_name = None try: snab_item = literal_eval(item) base_name = snab_item['metric'] metric_timestamp = snab_item['timestamp'] try: analysis_run_time = snab_item['analysis_run_time'] except: analysis_run_time = 0.0 source_app = snab_item['source'] algorithm_group = snab_item['algorithm_group'] algorithm = snab_item['algorithm'] added_at = snab_item['added_at'] # @added 20201001 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Added anomalyScore anomalyScore = snab_item['anomalyScore'] except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to evaluate data from item %s from Redis set %s' % ( str(item), redis_set)) metric_id = None if base_name: try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([metrics_table]).where(metrics_table.c.metric == base_name) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: metric_id = int(row['id']) connection.close() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_snab :: could not determine metric id from metrics table')'update_snab :: metric id determined as %s' % str(metric_id)) anomaly_id = None if metric_id: try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([anomalies_table]).\ where(anomalies_table.c.metric_id == metric_id).\ where(anomalies_table.c.anomaly_timestamp == metric_timestamp) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: anomaly_id = int(row['id']) connection.close() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_snab :: could not determine anomaly id from anomaly table')'update_snab :: anomaly id determined as %s' % str(anomaly_id)) if anomaly_id: app_id = None try: app_id = self.determine_db_id('apps', 'app', source_app) except: logger.error('error :: update_snab :: failed to determine app_id for - %s' % (source_app)) app_id = None algorithm_group_id = None try: algorithm_group_id = self.determine_db_id('algorithm_groups', 'algorithm_group', algorithm_group) except: logger.error('error :: update_snab :: failed to determine algorithm_group_id for - %s' % (algorithm_group)) algorithm_group = 0 algorithm_id = None if algorithm: try: algorithm_id = self.determine_db_id('algorithms', 'algorithm', algorithm) except: logger.error('error :: update_snab :: failed to determine algorithm_group_id for - %s' % (algorithm_group)) algorithm_id = None new_snab_id = None try: connection = engine.connect() if algorithm_id: ins = snab_table.insert().values( anomaly_id=anomaly_id, # @added 20201001 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Added anomalyScore anomalyScore=anomalyScore, app_id=int(app_id), algorithm_group_id=int(algorithm_group_id), algorithm_id=int(algorithm_id), runtime=float(analysis_run_time), snab_timestamp=int(added_at)) else: ins = snab_table.insert().values( anomaly_id=anomaly_id, # @added 20201001 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Added anomalyScore anomalyScore=anomalyScore, app_id=int(app_id), algorithm_group_id=int(algorithm_group_id), runtime=float(analysis_run_time), snab_timestamp=int(added_at)) result = connection.execute(ins) new_snab_id = result.inserted_primary_key[0] connection.close()'update_snab :: new snab id: %s' % str(new_snab_id)) remove_item = True except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error( 'error :: update_snab :: could not update snab for %s with with timestamp %s' % ( str(base_name), str(metric_timestamp))) if new_snab_id: snab_id_redis_key = '' % (algorithm_group, str(metric_timestamp), base_name, str(added_at)) try: self.redis_conn.setex(snab_id_redis_key, 3600, int(new_snab_id))'update_snab :: created Redis key %s for snab id %s' % ( snab_id_redis_key, str(new_snab_id))) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_snab :: failed to create Redis key - %s' % ( snab_id_redis_key)) if not anomaly_id: if (int(time()) - 600) > added_at: logger.error( 'error :: update_snab :: removing snab.panorama item as no anomaly id can be determined after 600 seconds - %s' % ( str(snab_item))) remove_item = True if remove_item: try: self.redis_conn.srem(redis_set, str(item))'update_snab :: removed item from Redis set %s - %s' % ( redis_set, str(item))) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_snab :: failed to remove item from Redis set %s - %s' % ( redis_set, str(item))) if engine: engine_disposal(engine) return
[docs] def spin_process(self, i, metric_check_file): """ Assign a metric anomaly to process. :param i: python process id :param metric_check_file: full path to the metric check file :return: returns True """ child_process_pid = os.getpid() if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: child_process_pid - %s' % str(child_process_pid)) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: processing metric check - %s' % metric_check_file) if not os.path.isfile(str(metric_check_file)): logger.error('error :: file not found - metric_check_file - %s' % (str(metric_check_file))) return check_file_name = os.path.basename(str(metric_check_file)) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: check_file_name - %s' % check_file_name) check_file_timestamp = check_file_name.split('.', 1)[0] if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: check_file_timestamp - %s' % str(check_file_timestamp)) check_file_metricname_txt = check_file_name.split('.', 1)[1] if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: check_file_metricname_txt - %s' % check_file_metricname_txt) check_file_metricname = check_file_metricname_txt.replace('.txt', '') if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: check_file_metricname - %s' % check_file_metricname) check_file_metricname_dir = check_file_metricname.replace('.', '/') if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: check_file_metricname_dir - %s' % check_file_metricname_dir) metric_failed_check_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % (failed_checks_dir, check_file_metricname_dir, check_file_timestamp) failed_check_file = '%s/%s' % (metric_failed_check_dir, check_file_name) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: failed_check_file - %s' % failed_check_file) # Load and validate metric variables try: # @modified 20170101 - Feature #1830: Ionosphere alerts # Bug #1460: panorama check file fails # Panorama check file fails #24 # Get rid of the skyline_functions imp as imp is deprecated in py3 anyway # Use def new_load_metric_vars(self, metric_vars_file): # metric_vars = load_metric_vars(skyline_app, str(metric_check_file)) metric_vars_array = self.new_load_metric_vars(str(metric_check_file)) except: logger.error('error :: failed to load metric variables from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return # Test metric variables # We use a pythonic methodology to test if the variables are defined, # this ensures that if any of the variables are not set for some reason # we can handle unexpected data or situations gracefully and try and # ensure that the process does not hang. metric = None try: # metric_vars.metric # metric = str(metric_vars.metric) key = 'metric' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] metric = str(value_list[0]) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - metric - %s' % metric) except: logger.error('error :: failed to read metric variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return if not metric: logger.error('error :: failed to load metric variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return value = None # @added 20171214 - Bug #2234: panorama metric_vars value check value_valid = None try: # metric_vars.value # value = str(metric_vars.value) key = 'value' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] value = float(value_list[0]) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - value - %s' % (value)) # @added 20171214 - Bug #2234: panorama metric_vars value check value_valid = True except: logger.error('error :: failed to read value variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return # @added 20171214 - Bug #2234: panorama metric_vars value check # If value was float of 0.0 then this was interpolated as not set # if not value: if not value_valid: # @added 20171214 - Bug #2234: panorama metric_vars value check # Added exception handling here logger.error('error :: failed to read value variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return from_timestamp = None try: # metric_vars.from_timestamp # from_timestamp = str(metric_vars.from_timestamp) key = 'from_timestamp' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] from_timestamp = int(value_list[0]) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - from_timestamp - %s' % from_timestamp) except: # @added 20160822 - Bug #1460: panorama check file fails # Added exception handling here logger.error('error :: failed to read from_timestamp variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return if not from_timestamp: logger.error('error :: failed to load from_timestamp variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return metric_timestamp = None try: # metric_vars.metric_timestamp # metric_timestamp = str(metric_vars.metric_timestamp) key = 'metric_timestamp' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] metric_timestamp = int(value_list[0]) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - metric_timestamp - %s' % metric_timestamp) except: logger.error('error :: failed to read metric_timestamp variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return if not metric_timestamp: logger.error('error :: failed to load metric_timestamp variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return algorithms = None try: # metric_vars.algorithms # algorithms = metric_vars.algorithms key = 'algorithms' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] algorithms = value_list[0] if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - algorithms - %s' % str(algorithms)) except: logger.error('error :: failed to read algorithms variable from check file setting to all - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return if not algorithms: logger.error('error :: failed to load algorithms variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return triggered_algorithms = None try: # metric_vars.triggered_algorithms # triggered_algorithms = metric_vars.triggered_algorithms key = 'triggered_algorithms' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] triggered_algorithms = value_list[0] if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - triggered_algorithms - %s' % str(triggered_algorithms)) except: logger.error('error :: failed to read triggered_algorithms variable from check file setting to all - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return if not triggered_algorithms: logger.error('error :: failed to load triggered_algorithms variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return app = None try: # # app = str( key = 'app' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] app = str(value_list[0]) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - app - %s' % app) except: logger.error('error :: failed to read app variable from check file setting to all - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return if not app: logger.error('error :: failed to load app variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return source = None try: # metric_vars.source # source = str(metric_vars.source) key = 'source' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] source = str(value_list[0]) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - source - %s' % source) except: logger.error('error :: failed to read source variable from check file setting to all - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return if not app: logger.error('error :: failed to load app variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return added_by = None try: # metric_vars.added_by # added_by = str(metric_vars.added_by) key = 'added_by' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] added_by = str(value_list[0]) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - added_by - %s' % added_by) except: logger.error('error :: failed to read added_by variable from check file setting to all - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return if not added_by: logger.error('error :: failed to load added_by variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return added_at = None try: # metric_vars.added_at # added_at = str(metric_vars.added_at) key = 'added_at' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] added_at = str(value_list[0]) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - added_at - %s' % added_at) except: logger.error('error :: failed to read added_at variable from check file setting to all - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return if not added_at: logger.error('error :: failed to load added_at variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return # @modified 20200420 - Feature #3500: webapp - crucible_process_metrics # Feature #1448: Crucible web UI # Branch #868: crucible # Added label to string_keys and user_id to int_keys label = None try: key = 'label' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] label = str(value_list[0]) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - label - %s' % label) except: if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - label was not found - %s' % label) user_id = None try: key = 'user_id' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] user_id = str(value_list[0]) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - user_id - %s' % user_id) except: if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - user_id was not found - %s' % user_id) record_anomaly = True cache_key = '%s.last_check.%s.%s' % (skyline_app, app, metric) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: cache_key - %s.last_check.%s.%s' % ( skyline_app, app, metric)) try: # @modified 20200603 - Task #3562; Change panorama.last_check keys to timestamp value # Feature #3486: analyzer_batch # Feature #3480: batch_processing # As a int is now used and not a msgpack value, decoded the key # value # last_check = self.redis_conn.get(cache_key) last_check = self.redis_conn_decoded.get(cache_key) except Exception as e: logger.error( 'error :: could not query cache_key - %s.last_check.%s.%s - %s' % ( skyline_app, app, metric, e)) last_check = None # @modified 20200420 - Feature #3500: webapp - crucible_process_metrics # Feature #1448: Crucible web UI # Branch #868: crucible # Added label to string_keys and user_id to int_keys if app == 'webapp' or app == 'crucible':'anomaly added by %s recording anomaly unsetting last_check' % ( app)) last_check = None # @added 20200413 - Feature #3486: analyzer_batch # Feature #3480: batch_processing # Evaluate the reported anomaly timestamp to determine whether # PANORAMA_EXPIRY_TIME should be applied to a batch metric batch_metric = None if BATCH_PROCESSING: batch_metric = True try: batch_metric = is_batch_metric(skyline_app, metric) except: batch_metric = True if batch_metric: # Is this a analyzer_batch related anomaly analyzer_batch_anomaly = None analyzer_batch_metric_anomaly_key = 'analyzer_batch.anomaly.%s.%s' % ( str(metric_timestamp), metric) try: analyzer_batch_anomaly = self.redis_conn_decoded.get(analyzer_batch_metric_anomaly_key) except Exception as e: logger.error( 'error :: could not query cache_key - %s - %s' % ( analyzer_batch_metric_anomaly_key, e)) analyzer_batch_anomaly = None if analyzer_batch_anomaly:'identified as an analyzer_batch triggered anomaly from the presence of the Redis key %s' % analyzer_batch_metric_anomaly_key) else:'not identified as an analyzer_batch triggered anomaly as no Redis key found - %s' % analyzer_batch_metric_anomaly_key) if last_check and analyzer_batch_anomaly: last_timestamp = None try: last_timestamp = int(last_check) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to determine last_timestamp for batch metric Panorama key- %s' % cache_key) last_timestamp = None seconds_between_batch_anomalies = None if last_timestamp: try: seconds_between_batch_anomalies = int(metric_timestamp) - int(last_timestamp) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to determine seconds_between_batch_anomalies for batch metric Panorama key- %s' % cache_key) last_timestamp = None if seconds_between_batch_anomalies: if seconds_between_batch_anomalies > settings.PANORAMA_EXPIRY_TIME:'the difference between the last anomaly timestamp (%s) and the current anomaly timestamp (%s) for batch metric %s is greater than %s' % ( str(last_timestamp), str(metric_timestamp), metric, str(settings.PANORAMA_EXPIRY_TIME)))'recording anomaly for batch metric %s, so setting last_check to None' % ( metric)) last_check = None else:'the difference between the last anomaly timestamp (%s) and the current anomaly timestamp (%s) for batch metric %s is less than %s, not recording the anomaly' % ( str(last_timestamp), str(metric_timestamp), metric, str(settings.PANORAMA_EXPIRY_TIME))) # @added 20200603 - Task #3562; Change panorama.last_check keys to timestamp value # Feature #3486: analyzer_batch # Feature #3480: batch_processing # If the metric is a batch processing metric and the anomaly # timestamp is less than the last_check timestamp, insert # the anomaly if int(metric_timestamp) < last_timestamp:'batch anomaly timestamp (%s) less than the last_check timestamp (%s), recording anomaly for batch metric %s, so setting last_check to None' % ( str(metric_timestamp), str(last_timestamp), metric)) last_check = None if last_check: record_anomaly = False 'Panorama metric key not expired - %s.last_check.%s.%s' % ( skyline_app, app, metric)) # @added 20200420 - Feature #3500: webapp - crucible_process_metrics # Feature #1448: Crucible web UI # Branch #868: crucible # Added check_max_age check_max_age = True set_anomaly_key = True add_to_current_anomalies = True if app == 'webapp' or app == 'crucible': check_max_age = False set_anomaly_key = False add_to_current_anomalies = False if batch_metric: check_max_age = False # @added 20160907 - Handle Panorama stampede on restart after not running #26 # Allow to expire check if greater than PANORAMA_CHECK_MAX_AGE # @modified 20200413 - Feature #3486: analyzer_batch # Feature #3480: batch_processing # Only evaluate max_age is the metric is not a batch metric # @modied 20200420 - Feature #3500: webapp - crucible_process_metrics # Feature #1448: Crucible web UI # Branch #868: crucible # if not batch_metric: if check_max_age: if max_age: now = time() anomaly_age = int(now) - int(metric_timestamp) if anomaly_age > max_age_seconds: record_anomaly = False 'Panorama check max age exceeded - %s - %s seconds old, older than %s seconds discarding' % ( metric, str(anomaly_age), str(max_age_seconds))) if not record_anomaly:'not recording anomaly for - %s' % (metric)) if os.path.isfile(str(metric_check_file)): try: os.remove(str(metric_check_file))'metric_check_file removed - %s' % str(metric_check_file)) except OSError: pass return # Determine id of something thing def determine_id(table, key, value): """ Get the id of something from Redis or the database and create a new Redis key with the value if one does not exist. :param table: table name :param key: key name :param value: value name :type table: str :type key: str :type value: str :return: int or boolean """ query_cache_key = '%s.mysql_ids.%s.%s.%s' % (skyline_app, table, key, value) determined_id = None redis_determined_id = None if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: query_cache_key - %s' % (query_cache_key)) try: redis_known_id = self.redis_conn.get(query_cache_key) except: redis_known_id = None if redis_known_id: unpacker = Unpacker(use_list=False) unpacker.feed(redis_known_id) redis_determined_id = list(unpacker) if redis_determined_id: determined_id = int(redis_determined_id[0]) if determined_id: if determined_id > 0: return determined_id # Query MySQL # @modified 20170913 - Task #2160: Test skyline with bandit # Added nosec to exclude from bandit tests query = 'select id FROM %s WHERE %s=\'%s\'' % (table, key, value) # nosec # @modified 20170916 - Bug #2166: panorama incorrect mysql_id cache keys # Wrap in except # results = self.mysql_select(query) results = None try: results = self.mysql_select(query) except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine results from - %s' % (query)) determined_id = 0 if results: try: determined_id = int(results[0][0]) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: determined_id is not an int - %s' % e) determined_id = 0 if determined_id > 0: # Set the key for a week if not redis_determined_id: try: self.redis_conn.setex(query_cache_key, 604800, packb(determined_id))'set redis query_cache_key - %s - id: %s' % ( query_cache_key, str(determined_id))) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to set query_cache_key - %s - id: %s - %s' % ( query_cache_key, str(determined_id), e)) return int(determined_id) # @added 20170115 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Added determination of the learn related variables # learn_full_duration_days, learn_valid_ts_older_than, # max_generations and max_percent_diff_from_origin value to the # insert statement if the table is the metrics table. if table == 'metrics' and key == 'metric': # Set defaults learn_full_duration_days = int(settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_FULL_DURATION_DAYS) valid_learning_duration = int(settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_VALID_TIMESERIES_OLDER_THAN_SECONDS) max_generations = int(settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_MAX_GENERATIONS) max_percent_diff_from_origin = float(settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_MAX_PERCENT_DIFF_FROM_ORIGIN) try: use_full_duration, valid_learning_duration, use_full_duration_days, max_generations, max_percent_diff_from_origin = get_ionosphere_learn_details(skyline_app, value) learn_full_duration_days = use_full_duration_days except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get_ionosphere_learn_details for %s' % value)'metric learn details determined for %s' % value)'learn_full_duration_days :: %s days' % (str(learn_full_duration_days)))'valid_learning_duration :: %s seconds' % (str(valid_learning_duration)))'max_generations :: %s' % (str(max_generations)))'max_percent_diff_from_origin :: %s' % (str(max_percent_diff_from_origin))) # INSERT because no known id # @modified 20170115 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Added the learn_full_duration_days, learn_valid_ts_older_than, # max_generations and max_percent_diff_from_origin value to the # insert statement if the table is the metrics table. # insert_query = 'insert into %s (%s) VALUES (\'%s\')' % (table, key, value) if table == 'metrics' and key == 'metric': # @modified 20170913 - Task #2160: Test skyline with bandit # Added nosec to exclude from bandit tests insert_query_string = '%s (%s, learn_full_duration_days, learn_valid_ts_older_than, max_generations, max_percent_diff_from_origin) VALUES (\'%s\', %s, %s, %s, %s)' % ( table, key, value, str(learn_full_duration_days), str(valid_learning_duration), str(max_generations), str(max_percent_diff_from_origin)) insert_query = 'insert into %s' % insert_query_string # nosec else: insert_query = 'insert into %s (%s) VALUES (\'%s\')' % (table, key, value) # nosec'inserting %s into %s table' % (value, table)) try: results = self.mysql_insert(insert_query) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to determine the id of %s from the insert' % (value)) raise determined_id = 0 if results: determined_id = int(results) else: logger.error('error :: results not set') raise if determined_id > 0: # Set the key for a week if not redis_determined_id: try: self.redis_conn.setex(query_cache_key, 604800, packb(determined_id))'set redis query_cache_key - %s - id: %s' % ( query_cache_key, str(determined_id))) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('%s' % str(e)) logger.error('error :: failed to set query_cache_key - %s - id: %s' % ( query_cache_key, str(determined_id))) return determined_id logger.error('error :: failed to determine the inserted id for %s' % value) return False try: added_by_host_id = determine_id('hosts', 'host', added_by) except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine id of %s' % (added_by)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return False try: app_id = determine_id('apps', 'app', app) except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine id of %s' % (app)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return False try: source_id = determine_id('sources', 'source', source) except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine id of %s' % (source)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return False try: metric_id = determine_id('metrics', 'metric', metric) except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine id of %s' % (metric)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return False algorithms_ids_csv = '' for algorithm in algorithms: try: algorithm_id = determine_id('algorithms', 'algorithm', algorithm) except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine id of %s' % (algorithm)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return False if algorithms_ids_csv == '': algorithms_ids_csv = str(algorithm_id) else: new_algorithms_ids_csv = '%s,%s' % (algorithms_ids_csv, str(algorithm_id)) algorithms_ids_csv = new_algorithms_ids_csv triggered_algorithms_ids_csv = '' for triggered_algorithm in triggered_algorithms: try: triggered_algorithm_id = determine_id('algorithms', 'algorithm', triggered_algorithm) except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine id of %s' % (triggered_algorithm)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return False if triggered_algorithms_ids_csv == '': triggered_algorithms_ids_csv = str(triggered_algorithm_id) else: new_triggered_algorithms_ids_csv = '%s,%s' % ( triggered_algorithms_ids_csv, str(triggered_algorithm_id)) triggered_algorithms_ids_csv = new_triggered_algorithms_ids_csv'inserting anomaly') try: full_duration = int(metric_timestamp) - int(from_timestamp) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: full_duration - %s' % str(full_duration)) except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine full_duration') fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return False try: anomalous_datapoint = round(float(value), 6) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: anomalous_datapoint - %s' % str(anomalous_datapoint)) except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine anomalous_datapoint') fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return False try: # @modified 20200420 - Feature #3500: webapp - crucible_process_metrics # Feature #1448: Crucible web UI # Branch #868: crucible # Added label and user_id columns = '%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s' % ( 'metric_id', 'host_id', 'app_id', 'source_id', 'anomaly_timestamp', 'anomalous_datapoint', 'full_duration', 'algorithms_run', 'triggered_algorithms', 'label', 'user_id') if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: columns - %s' % str(columns)) except: logger.error('error :: failed to construct columns string') fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return False try: # @modified 20170913 - Task #2160: Test skyline with bandit # Added nosec to exclude from bandit tests # @modified 20200420 - Feature #3500: webapp - crucible_process_metrics # Feature #1448: Crucible web UI # Branch #868: crucible # Added label and user_id if not user_id: # User the Skyline user id user_id = 1 query_string = '(%s) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, %d, %s, %.6f, %d, \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\', %d)' % ( columns, metric_id, added_by_host_id, app_id, source_id, metric_timestamp, anomalous_datapoint, full_duration, algorithms_ids_csv, triggered_algorithms_ids_csv, str(label), int(user_id)) query = 'insert into anomalies %s' % query_string # nosec except: logger.error('error :: failed to construct insert query') fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return False if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: anomaly insert - %s' % str(query)) anomaly_id = None try: anomaly_id = self.mysql_insert(query)'anomaly id - %d - created for %s at %s' % ( anomaly_id, metric, metric_timestamp)) except: logger.error('error :: failed to insert anomaly %s at %s' % ( metric, metric_timestamp)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return False # @added 20211001 - Feature #4268: Redis hash key - panorama.metrics.latest_anomaly # Feature #4264: luminosity - cross_correlation_relationships if anomaly_id: latest_anomaly = {} try: latest_anomaly = update_metric_latest_anomaly(skyline_app, metric, metric_id) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_metric_latest_anomaly failed - %s' % str(err)) # @added 20200929 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Branch #3068: SNAB # If snab is enabled add a Redis key with the anomaly_id if anomaly_id: anomaly_id_redis_key = 'panorama.anomaly_id.%s.%s' % (str(int(metric_timestamp)), metric) try: self.redis_conn.setex(anomaly_id_redis_key, 86400, int(anomaly_id))'set Redis anomaly_key - %s' % (anomaly_id_redis_key)) except Exception as e: logger.error( 'error :: could not set anomaly_id_redis_key - %s - %s' % ( anomaly_id_redis_key, e)) # Set anomaly record cache key # @modified 20200420 - Feature #3500: webapp - crucible_process_metrics # Feature #1448: Crucible web UI # Branch #868: crucible # Only if it was not added_by webapp or crucible if set_anomaly_key: try: # @modified 20200413 - Feature #3486: analyzer_batch # Feature #3480: batch_processing # Set key to timestamp if a batch metric. I have looked and cannot # find where the panorama.last_check is used anyway else other than # above in panorama its self and further it does not appear that the # packb(value) is used at all, just the existence of the key its # self. if batch_metric: self.redis_conn.setex( cache_key, settings.PANORAMA_EXPIRY_TIME, int(metric_timestamp)) else: self.redis_conn.setex( # @modified 20200603 - Feature #3486: analyzer_batch # Feature #3480: batch_processing # As per above do not use msgpack with the value, set the # value to the timestamp # cache_key, settings.PANORAMA_EXPIRY_TIME, packb(value)) cache_key, settings.PANORAMA_EXPIRY_TIME, int(metric_timestamp))'set cache_key - %s.last_check.%s.%s - %s' % ( skyline_app, app, metric, str(settings.PANORAMA_EXPIRY_TIME))) except Exception as e: logger.error( 'error :: could not set cache_key - %s.last_check.%s.%s - %s' % ( skyline_app, app, metric, e)) # @added 20191031 - Feature #3306: Record anomaly_end_timestamp # Add to current anomalies set # @modified 20200420 - Feature #3500: webapp - crucible_process_metrics # Feature #1448: Crucible web UI # Branch #868: crucible # Only if it was not added_by webapp or crucible if add_to_current_anomalies: try: redis_set = 'current.anomalies' data = [metric, metric_timestamp, anomaly_id, None] self.redis_conn.sadd(redis_set, str(data))'added %s to Redis set %s' % (str(data), redis_set)) except Exception as e: logger.error( 'error :: could not add %s to Redis set %s - %s' % ( str(data), redis_set, e)) if os.path.isfile(str(metric_check_file)): try: os.remove(str(metric_check_file))'metric_check_file removed - %s' % str(metric_check_file)) except OSError: pass return anomaly_id
[docs] def run(self): """ Called when the process intializes. Determine if what is known in the Skyline DB blah """ # Log management to prevent overwriting # Allow the bin/<skyline_app>.d to manage the log if os.path.isfile(skyline_app_logwait): try:'removing %s' % skyline_app_logwait) os.remove(skyline_app_logwait) except OSError: logger.error('error :: failed to remove %s, continuing' % skyline_app_logwait) pass now = time() log_wait_for = now + 5 while now < log_wait_for: if os.path.isfile(skyline_app_loglock): sleep(.1) now = time() else: now = log_wait_for + 1'starting %s run' % skyline_app) if os.path.isfile(skyline_app_loglock): logger.error('error :: bin/%s.d log management seems to have failed, continuing' % skyline_app) try: os.remove(skyline_app_loglock)'log lock file removed') except OSError: logger.error('error :: failed to remove %s, continuing' % skyline_app_loglock) pass else:'bin/%s.d log management done' % skyline_app) # See if I am known in the DB, if so, what are my variables # self.populate mysql # What is my host id in the Skyline panorama DB? # - if not known - INSERT hostname INTO hosts # What are the known apps? # - if returned make a dictionary # What are the known algorithms? # - if returned make a dictionary while 1: now = time() # Make sure Redis is up try: if ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: connected to Redis') except: logger.error('error :: cannot connect to redis at socket path %s' % ( settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH)) sleep(30) # @modified 20180519 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # @modified 20191031 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # if settings.REDIS_PASSWORD: # self.redis_conn = StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) # else: # self.redis_conn = StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) self.redis_conn = get_redis_conn(skyline_app) continue # Report app up try: self.redis_conn.setex(skyline_app, 120, now)'updated Redis key for %s up' % skyline_app) except: logger.error('error :: failed to update Redis key for %s up' % skyline_app) if ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG: # Make sure mysql is available mysql_down = True while mysql_down: query = 'SHOW TABLES' results = self.mysql_select(query) if results: mysql_down = False'debug :: tested database query - OK') else: logger.error('error :: failed to query database') sleep(30) if ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG: try: query = 'SELECT id, test FROM test' result = self.mysql_select(query)'debug :: tested mysql SELECT query - OK')'debug :: result: %s' % str(result))'debug :: result[0]: %s' % str(result[0]))'debug :: result[1]: %s' % str(result[1])) # Works # 2016-06-10 19:07:23 :: 4707 :: result: [(1, u'test1')] except: logger.error( 'error :: mysql error - %s' % traceback.print_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to SELECT') # self.populate the database metatdata tables # What is my host id in the Skyline panorama DB? host_id = False # @modified 20170913 - Task #2160: Test skyline with bandit # Added nosec to exclude from bandit tests query = 'select id FROM hosts WHERE host=\'%s\'' % this_host # nosec results = self.mysql_select(query) if results: host_id = results[0][0]'host_id: %s' % str(host_id)) else:'failed to determine host id of %s' % this_host) # - if not known - INSERT hostname INTO host if not host_id:'inserting %s into hosts table' % this_host) # @modified 20170913 - Task #2160: Test skyline with bandit # Added nosec to exclude from bandit tests query = 'insert into hosts (host) VALUES (\'%s\')' % this_host # nosec host_id = self.mysql_insert(query) if host_id:'new host_id: %s' % str(host_id)) if not host_id: logger.error( 'error :: failed to determine populate %s into the hosts table' % this_host) sleep(30) continue # Like loop through the panorama dir and see if anyone has left you # any work, etc # Make sure check_dir exists and has not been removed try: if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: checking check dir exists - %s' % settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH) os.path.exists(settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH) except: logger.error('error :: check dir did not exist - %s' % settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH) mkdir_p(settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH)'check dir created - %s' % settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH) os.path.exists(settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH) # continue """ Determine if any metric has been added to add """ while True: metric_var_files = False try: metric_var_files = [f for f in listdir(settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH) if isfile(join(settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH, f))] except: logger.error('error :: failed to list files in check dir') if not metric_var_files: # @added 20200204 - Feature #3442: Panorama - add metric to metrics table immediately if PANORAMA_INSERT_METRICS_IMMEDIATELY: # Only check once a minute redis_insert_new_metrics_key = 'panorama.insert_new_metrics' redis_insert_new_metrics_key_exists = False try: redis_insert_new_metrics_key_exists = self.redis_conn.get(redis_insert_new_metrics_key) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: could not query Redis for key %s: %s' % (redis_insert_new_metrics_key, e)) check_metrics_to_insert = False if not redis_insert_new_metrics_key_exists: check_metrics_to_insert = True'checking for new metrics to insert into the metrics table') if check_metrics_to_insert: redis_set = '%sunique_metrics' % settings.FULL_NAMESPACE try: unique_metrics = list(self.redis_conn_decoded.smembers(redis_set)) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get data from %s Redis set' % redis_set) unique_metrics = [] db_fullnamespace_unique_metrics = [] results = False if unique_metrics: query = 'SELECT metric FROM metrics' results = self.mysql_select(query) if results: for result in results: db_metric_name = '%s%s' % (settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, str(result[0])) db_fullnamespace_unique_metrics.append(db_metric_name) if unique_metrics and db_fullnamespace_unique_metrics: for unique_metric in unique_metrics: if unique_metric not in db_fullnamespace_unique_metrics: try: # @modified 20200728 - Bug #3652: Handle multiple metrics in base_name conversion # base_name = unique_metric.replace(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, '', 1) if unique_metric.startswith(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE): base_name = unique_metric.replace(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, '', 1) else: base_name = unique_metric metric_id = self.insert_new_metric(base_name)'inserted %s into metrics table, assigned id %s' % (base_name, str(metric_id))) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to insert %s into metrics table' % unique_metric) try: del unique_metrics except: pass try: del results except: pass try: self.redis_conn.setex(redis_insert_new_metrics_key, 60, int(time())) except: logger.error('error :: failed to set key :: %s' % redis_insert_new_metrics_key) # @modified 20200128 - Feature #3418: PANORAMA_CHECK_INTERVAL # Allow Panaroma to check for anomalies more frequently. At # some point TODO replace Panorama check files with Redis # keys or a set. #'sleeping 20 no metric check files') # sleep(20)'sleeping for %s seconds - no metric check files' % str(PANORAMA_CHECK_INTERVAL)) sleep(PANORAMA_CHECK_INTERVAL) # Discover metric anomalies to insert metric_var_files = False try: metric_var_files = [f for f in listdir(settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH) if isfile(join(settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH, f))] except: logger.error('error :: failed to list files in check dir') if metric_var_files: break # @added 20191107 - Feature #3306: Record anomaly_end_timestamp # Branch #3262: py3 # Set the anomaly_end_timestamp for any metrics no longer anomalous redis_set = 'current.anomalies' try: current_anomalies = self.redis_conn_decoded.smembers(redis_set) except: logger.error('error :: failed to get data from %s Redis set' % redis_set) current_anomalies = [] if current_anomalies: for item in current_anomalies: remove_item = False try: list_data = literal_eval(item) anomalous_metric = str(list_data[0]) anomaly_timestamp = int(list_data[1]) try: anomaly_id = int(list_data[2]) except: anomaly_id = None try: anomaly_end_timestamp = int(list_data[3]) except: anomaly_end_timestamp = None except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to evaluate data from item %s from Redis set %s' % ( str(item), redis_set)) if not anomaly_id: if anomaly_timestamp > (int(time()) - settings.STALE_PERIOD): # If no anomaly is has been created by now, it # never will be created. remove_item = True if not anomaly_end_timestamp: if not remove_item: continue if anomaly_id and anomaly_end_timestamp: # Update SQL # Spawn update_anomaly_end_timestamp process pids = [] spawned_pids = [] pid_count = 0 now = time() for i in range(1, 2): try: p = Process(target=self.update_anomaly_end_timestamp, args=(i, anomaly_id, anomaly_end_timestamp)) pids.append(p) pid_count += 1'starting update_anomaly_end_timestamp') p.start() spawned_pids.append( except: logger.error('error :: to start update_anomaly_end_timestamp') continue p_starts = time() # If the Skyline MySQL database is on a remote host # 2 seconds here is sometimes not sufficient so # increased to 10 while time() - p_starts <= 10: if any(p.is_alive() for p in pids): # Just to avoid hogging the CPU sleep(.1) else: # All the processes are done, break now. time_to_run = time() - p_starts '%s :: update_anomaly_end_timestamp completed in %.2f seconds' % ( skyline_app, time_to_run)) remove_item = True break else: # We only enter this if we didn't 'break' above.'%s :: timed out, killing all update_anomaly_end_timestamp processes' % (skyline_app)) for p in pids: p.terminate() if remove_item: try: redis_set = 'current.anomalies' self.redis_conn.srem(redis_set, str(list_data)) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to remove %s for Redis set %s' % (str(list_data), redis_set)) # @added 20200928 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Branch #3068: SNAB redis_set = 'snab.panorama' snab_panorama_items = [] if SNAB_ENABLED: try: snab_panorama_items = self.redis_conn_decoded.smembers(redis_set) except: logger.error('error :: failed to get data from %s Redis set' % redis_set) snab_panorama_items = [] if snab_panorama_items: # Update SQL # Spawn update_snab process pids = [] spawned_pids = [] pid_count = 0 now = time() for i in range(1, 2): try: p = Process(target=self.update_snab, args=(i, snab_panorama_items)) pids.append(p) pid_count += 1'starting update_snab') p.start() spawned_pids.append( except: logger.error('error :: to start update_snab') continue p_starts = time() del snab_panorama_items # If the Skyline MySQL database is on a remote host # 2 seconds here is sometimes not sufficient so # increased to 10 while time() - p_starts <= 10: if any(p.is_alive() for p in pids): # Just to avoid hogging the CPU sleep(.1) else: # All the processes are done, break now. time_to_run = time() - p_starts '%s :: update_snab completed in %.2f seconds' % ( skyline_app, time_to_run)) remove_item = True break else: # We only enter this if we didn't 'break' above.'%s :: timed out, killing all update_snab processes' % (skyline_app)) for p in pids: p.terminate() # @added 20190501 - Branch #2646: slack # Check if any Redis keys exist with a slack_thread_ts to update # any anomaly records slack_thread_ts_updates = None # @added 20190523 - Branch #3002: docker # Branch #2646: slack # Only check if slack is enabled if SLACK_ENABLED: try: # @modified 20200430 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # slack_thread_ts_updates = list(self.redis_conn.scan_iter(match='panorama.slack_thread_ts.*')) slack_thread_ts_updates = list(self.redis_conn_decoded.scan_iter(match='panorama.slack_thread_ts.*')) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to scan panorama.slack_thread_ts.* from Redis') slack_thread_ts_updates = [] # @added 20200929 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Branch #3068: SNAB # Handle snab slack threads as well snab_slack_thread_ts_updates = [] if SNAB_ENABLED: try: snab_slack_thread_ts_updates = list(self.redis_conn_decoded.scan_iter(match='panorama.snab.slack_thread_ts.*')) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to scan panorama.snab.slack_thread_ts.* from Redis') snab_slack_thread_ts_updates = [] if snab_slack_thread_ts_updates: for snab_slack_thread_ts_update in snab_slack_thread_ts_updates: slack_thread_ts_updates.append(snab_slack_thread_ts_update) if not slack_thread_ts_updates:'no panorama.slack_thread_ts Redis keys to process, OK') if slack_thread_ts_updates: for cache_key in slack_thread_ts_updates: # @added 20200929 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Branch #3068: SNAB update_table = 'anomalies' snab_id = None if 'panorama.snab.slack_thread_ts' in cache_key: update_table = 'snab' base_name = None metric_timestamp = None if update_table == 'anomalies': try: # @modified 20191106 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # update_on = self.redis_conn.get(cache_key) update_on = self.redis_conn_decoded.get(cache_key) # cache_key_value = [base_name, metric_timestamp, slack_thread_ts] update_for = literal_eval(update_on) base_name = str(update_for[0]) metric_timestamp = int(float(update_for[1])) slack_thread_ts = float(update_for[2]) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get details from cache_key %s' % cache_key) update_db_record = False if base_name and metric_timestamp: update_db_record = True else:'Could not determine base_name and metric_timestamp from cache_key %s, deleting' % cache_key) try: self.redis_conn.delete(cache_key) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to delete cache_key %s' % cache_key) # @added 20200929 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Branch #3068: SNAB if update_table == 'snab': cache_key_elements = cache_key.split('.') if cache_key_elements[4] == 'None': try: self.redis_conn.delete(cache_key) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to delete cache_key %s' % cache_key) else: try: slack_thread_ts = self.redis_conn_decoded.get(cache_key) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to read cache_key %s' % cache_key) try: metric_timestamp = int(cache_key_elements[3]) snab_id = int(cache_key_elements[4]) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to determine metric_timestamp from cache_key element - %s' % str(cache_key)) if slack_thread_ts and metric_timestamp: update_db_record = True if update_db_record: # Spawn update_slack_thread_ts process process_data = [base_name, metric_timestamp, slack_thread_ts, snab_id] pids = [] spawned_pids = [] pid_count = 0 now = time() for i in range(1, 2): try: # @modified 20200929 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Branch #3068: SNAB # Handle snab as well # p = Process(target=self.update_slack_thread_ts, args=(i, base_name, metric_timestamp, slack_thread_ts)) p = Process(target=self.update_slack_thread_ts, args=(i, base_name, metric_timestamp, slack_thread_ts, snab_id)) pids.append(p) pid_count += 1'starting update_slack_thread_ts - %s' % process_data) p.start() spawned_pids.append( except: logger.error('error :: to start update_slack_thread_ts') continue p_starts = time() # @modified 20190509 - Branch #2646: slack # If the Skyline MySQL database is on a remote host # 2 seconds here is sometimes not sufficient so # increased to 10 while time() - p_starts <= 10: if any(p.is_alive() for p in pids): # Just to avoid hogging the CPU sleep(.1) else: # All the processes are done, break now. time_to_run = time() - p_starts '%s :: update_slack_thread_ts completed in %.2f seconds' % ( skyline_app, time_to_run)) break else: # We only enter this if we didn't 'break' above.'%s :: timed out, killing all update_slack_thread_ts processes' % (skyline_app)) for p in pids: p.terminate() # @added 20210612 - Branch #1444: thunder # Report app up try: self.redis_conn.setex(skyline_app, 120, int(time()))'updated Redis key for %s up' % skyline_app) except: logger.error('error :: failed to update Redis key for %s up' % skyline_app) # @added 20200825 - Feature #3704: Add alert to anomalies # Check if any Redis keys exist with anomaly alerts to update # the alert field on any anomaly records alert_updates = None try: alert_updates = list(self.redis_conn_decoded.scan_iter(match='panorama.alert.*')) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to scan panorama.alert.* from Redis') alert_updates = [] if not alert_updates:'no panorama.alert Redis keys to process, OK') if alert_updates: for cache_key in alert_updates: base_name = None metric_timestamp = None try: update_on = self.redis_conn_decoded.get(cache_key) # cache_key_value = [base_name, metric_timestamp, alerted_at_timestamp] update_for = literal_eval(update_on) base_name = str(update_for[0]) metric_timestamp = int(float(update_for[1])) alerted_at = int(update_for[2]) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get details from cache_key %s' % cache_key) update_db_record = False if base_name and metric_timestamp and alerted_at: update_db_record = True else:'Could not determine base_name, metric_timestamp or alerted_at from cache_key %s, deleting' % cache_key) try: self.redis_conn.delete(cache_key) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to delete cache_key %s' % cache_key) if update_db_record: # Spawn update_alert_ts process pids = [] spawned_pids = [] pid_count = 0 now = time() for i in range(1, 2): try: p = Process(target=self.update_alert_ts, args=(i, base_name, metric_timestamp, alerted_at)) pids.append(p) pid_count += 1'starting update_alert_ts') p.start() spawned_pids.append( except: logger.error('error :: failed to start update_alert_ts') continue p_starts = time() while time() - p_starts <= 10: if any(p.is_alive() for p in pids): # Just to avoid hogging the CPU sleep(.1) else: # All the processes are done, break now. time_to_run = time() - p_starts '%s :: update_alert_ts completed in %.2f seconds' % ( skyline_app, time_to_run)) break else: # We only enter this if we didn't 'break' above.'%s :: timed out, killing all update_alert_ts processes' % (skyline_app)) for p in pids: p.terminate() metric_var_files_sorted = sorted(metric_var_files) metric_check_file = '%s/%s' % (settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH, str(metric_var_files_sorted[0]))'assigning anomaly for insertion - %s' % str(metric_var_files_sorted[0])) # Spawn processes pids = [] spawned_pids = [] pid_count = 0 now = time() for i in range(1, settings.PANORAMA_PROCESSES + 1): try: p = Process(target=self.spin_process, args=(i, metric_check_file)) pids.append(p) pid_count += 1'starting %s of %s spin_process/es' % (str(pid_count), str(settings.PANORAMA_PROCESSES))) p.start() spawned_pids.append( except: logger.error('error :: to start spin_process') continue # Send wait signal to zombie processes # for p in pids: # p.join() # Self monitor processes and terminate if any spin_process has run # for longer than CRUCIBLE_TESTS_TIMEOUT p_starts = time() while time() - p_starts <= 20: if any(p.is_alive() for p in pids): # Just to avoid hogging the CPU sleep(.1) else: # All the processes are done, break now. time_to_run = time() - p_starts '%s :: %s spin_process/es completed in %.2f seconds' % ( skyline_app, str(settings.PANORAMA_PROCESSES), time_to_run)) break else: # We only enter this if we didn't 'break' above.'%s :: timed out, killing all spin_process processes' % (skyline_app)) for p in pids: p.terminate() # p.join() check_file_name = os.path.basename(str(metric_check_file)) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: check_file_name - %s' % check_file_name) check_file_timestamp = check_file_name.split('.', 1)[0] if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: check_file_timestamp - %s' % str(check_file_timestamp)) check_file_metricname_txt = check_file_name.split('.', 1)[1] if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: check_file_metricname_txt - %s' % check_file_metricname_txt) check_file_metricname = check_file_metricname_txt.replace('.txt', '') if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: check_file_metricname - %s' % check_file_metricname) check_file_metricname_dir = check_file_metricname.replace('.', '/') if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: check_file_metricname_dir - %s' % check_file_metricname_dir) metric_failed_check_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % (failed_checks_dir, check_file_metricname_dir, check_file_timestamp) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) for p in pids: if p.is_alive():'%s :: stopping spin_process - %s' % (skyline_app, str(p.is_alive()))) p.join()