Source code for boundary.boundary_alerters

from __future__ import division
import logging
import traceback
# @modified 20201207 - Task #3878: Add metric_trigger and alert_threshold to Boundary alerts
# hashlib not used
# import hashlib
from smtplib import SMTP
# @added 20220203 - Feature #4416: settings - additional SMTP_OPTS
from smtplib import SMTP_SSL

import re
# from time import time
import datetime
import os.path
import sys

# @added 20181126 - Task #2742: Update Boundary
#                   Feature #2618: alert_slack
# Added dt, redis, gmtime and strftime
# import datetime as dt
# import redis
from time import (time, gmtime, strftime)

# @added 20201127 - Feature #3820: HORIZON_SHARDS
from os import uname

# @modified 20201207 - Task #3878: Add metric_trigger and alert_threshold to Boundary alerts
# charset no longer used
# from email import charset
# @modified 20220111 - Bug #4366: Fix boundary slack channels match
# Linting removed python 2 support
# if python_version == 2:
#     from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
#     from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
#     from email.MIMEImage import MIMEImage
# if python_version == 3:
#     from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
#     from email.mime.text import MIMEText
#     from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.image import MIMEImage

# @added 20200122: Feature #3396: http_alerter
from ast import literal_eval
import requests

import boundary_alerters
    import urllib2
except ImportError:
    import urllib.request
    import urllib.error

# @added 20191023 - Task #3290: Handle urllib2 in py3
#                   Branch #3262: py3
# Use urlretrieve
    import urllib2 as urllib
except ImportError:
    from urllib import request as urllib

from requests.utils import quote

# @added 20220120 - Bug #4366: Fix boundary slack channels match
from matched_or_regexed_in_list import matched_or_regexed_in_list

python_version = int(sys.version_info[0])

sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), os.pardir))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(__file__))
if True:
    import settings
    # @added 20181126 - Task #2742: Update Boundary
    #                   Feature #2034: analyse_derivatives
    #                   Feature #2618: alert_slack
    from skyline_functions import (
        write_data_to_file, in_list,
        is_derivative_metric, get_graphite_graph_image,
        # @added 20191030 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings
        #                   Branch #3262: py3
        # Added a single functions to deal with Redis connection and the
        # charset='utf-8', decode_responses=True arguments required in py3
        # @modified 20191105 - Branch #3002: docker
        #                      Branch #3262: py3
        get_graphite_port, get_graphite_render_uri, get_graphite_custom_headers,
        # @added 20200122: Feature #3396: http_alerter
        # @added 20200825 - Feature #3704: Add alert to anomalies
        # @added 20201013 - Feature #3780: skyline_functions - sanitise_graphite_url
    # @added 20210724 - Feature #4196:
    from import send_sms
    from functions.settings.get_sms_recipients import get_sms_recipients
    # @added 20220203 - Feature #4416: settings - additional SMTP_OPTS
    from functions.smtp.determine_smtp_server import determine_smtp_server

# @added 20201127 - Feature #3820: HORIZON_SHARDS
this_host = str(uname()[1])

skyline_app = 'boundary'
skyline_app_logger = '%sLog' % skyline_app
logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger)
skyline_app_logfile = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app)

Create any alerter you want here. The function is invoked from trigger_alert.
7 arguments will be passed in as strings:
alerter, datapoint, metric_name, expiration_time, metric_trigger, algorithm, metric_timestamp

# FULL_DURATION to hours so that Boundary surfaces the relevant timeseries data
# in the graph
    full_duration_seconds = int(settings.FULL_DURATION)
    full_duration_seconds = 86400
full_duration_in_hours = full_duration_seconds / 60 / 60

    graphite_previous_hours = int(settings.BOUNDARY_SMTP_OPTS['graphite_previous_hours'])
    graphite_previous_hours = full_duration_in_hours

    graphite_graph_line_color = int(settings.BOUNDARY_SMTP_OPTS['graphite_graph_line_color'])
    graphite_graph_line_color = 'pink'

# @added 20200122 - Branch #3002: docker

[docs]def alert_smtp(datapoint, metric_name, expiration_time, metric_trigger, algorithm, metric_timestamp, alert_threshold): sender = settings.BOUNDARY_SMTP_OPTS['sender'] matched_namespaces = [] for namespace in settings.BOUNDARY_SMTP_OPTS['recipients']: CHECK_MATCH_PATTERN = namespace check_match_pattern = re.compile(CHECK_MATCH_PATTERN) pattern_match = check_match_pattern.match(metric_name) if pattern_match: matched_namespaces.append(namespace) matched_recipients = [] for namespace in matched_namespaces: for recipients in settings.BOUNDARY_SMTP_OPTS['recipients'][namespace]: matched_recipients.append(recipients) def unique_noHash(seq): seen = set() return [x for x in seq if str(x) not in seen and not seen.add(str(x))] recipients = unique_noHash(matched_recipients) # Backwards compatibility # @modified 20220111 - Bug #4366: Fix boundary slack channels match # Linting # if type(recipients) is str: if isinstance(recipients, str): recipients = [recipients] # @added 20180524 - Task #2384: Change alerters to cc other recipients # The alerters did send an individual email to each recipient. This would be # more useful if one email was sent with the first smtp recipient being the # to recipient and the subsequent recipients were add in cc. primary_recipient = False cc_recipients = False if recipients: for i_recipient in recipients: if not primary_recipient: primary_recipient = str(i_recipient) if primary_recipient != i_recipient: if not cc_recipients: cc_recipients = str(i_recipient) else: new_cc_recipients = '%s,%s' % (str(cc_recipients), str(i_recipient)) cc_recipients = str(new_cc_recipients) 'alert_smtp - will send to primary_recipient :: %s, cc_recipients :: %s' % (str(primary_recipient), str(cc_recipients))) alert_algo = str(algorithm) alert_context = alert_algo.upper() # @added 20191008 - Feature #3194: Add CUSTOM_ALERT_OPTS to settings try: main_alert_title = settings.CUSTOM_ALERT_OPTS['main_alert_title'] except: main_alert_title = 'Skyline' try: app_alert_context = settings.CUSTOM_ALERT_OPTS['boundary_alert_heading'] except: app_alert_context = 'Boundary' # @modified 20191002 - Feature #3194: Add CUSTOM_ALERT_OPTS to settings # Use alert_context # unencoded_graph_title = 'Skyline Boundary - %s at %s hours - %s - %s' % ( # alert_context, graphite_previous_hours, metric_name, datapoint) # @modified 20201207 - Task #3878: Add metric_trigger and alert_threshold to Boundary alerts # unencoded_graph_title = '%s %s - %s at %s hours - %s - %s' % ( # main_alert_title, app_alert_context, alert_context, graphite_previous_hours, metric_name, datapoint) unencoded_graph_title = '%s %s - %s %s %s times - %s' % ( main_alert_title, app_alert_context, alert_context, str(metric_trigger), str(alert_threshold), str(datapoint)) # @added 20181126 - Task #2742: Update Boundary # Feature #2034: analyse_derivatives # Added deriative functions to convert the values of metrics strictly # increasing monotonically to their deriative products in alert graphs and # specify it in the graph_title known_derivative_metric = False try: # @modified 20180519 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # @modified 20191030 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # Use get_redis_conn_decoded # if settings.REDIS_PASSWORD: # # @modified 20191022 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # # Branch #3262: py3 # # REDIS_ALERTER_CONN = redis.StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) # REDIS_ALERTER_CONN = redis.StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH, charset='utf-8', decode_responses=True) # else: # # REDIS_ALERTER_CONN = redis.StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) # REDIS_ALERTER_CONN = redis.StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH, charset='utf-8', decode_responses=True) REDIS_ALERTER_CONN = get_redis_conn_decoded(skyline_app) except: logger.error('error :: alert_smtp - redis connection failed') # @modified 20191022 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 try: # @modified 20211012 - Feature #4280: aet.metrics_manager.derivative_metrics Redis hash # derivative_metrics = list(REDIS_ALERTER_CONN.smembers('derivative_metrics')) derivative_metrics = list(REDIS_ALERTER_CONN.smembers('aet.metrics_manager.derivative_metrics')) except: derivative_metrics = [] redis_metric_name = '%s%s' % (settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, str(metric_name)) if redis_metric_name in derivative_metrics: known_derivative_metric = True if known_derivative_metric: try: non_derivative_monotonic_metrics = settings.NON_DERIVATIVE_MONOTONIC_METRICS except: non_derivative_monotonic_metrics = [] skip_derivative = in_list(redis_metric_name, non_derivative_monotonic_metrics) if skip_derivative: known_derivative_metric = False known_derivative_metric = is_derivative_metric(skyline_app, metric_name) if known_derivative_metric: # @modified 20191002 - Feature #3194: Add CUSTOM_ALERT_OPTS to settings # unencoded_graph_title = 'Skyline Boundary - %s at %s hours - derivative graph - %s - %s' % ( # alert_context, graphite_previous_hours, metric_name, datapoint) # @modified 20201207 - Task #3878: Add metric_trigger and alert_threshold to Boundary alerts # unencoded_graph_title = '%s %s - %s at %s hours - derivative graph - %s - %s' % ( # main_alert_title, app_alert_context, alert_context, graphite_previous_hours, metric_name, datapoint) unencoded_graph_title = '%s %s - %s %s %s times - derivative graph - %s' % ( main_alert_title, app_alert_context, alert_context, str(metric_trigger), str(alert_threshold), str(datapoint)) # @added 20220301 - Feature #4482: Test alerts if algorithm == 'testing': main_alert_title = 'TEST - %s' % main_alert_title unencoded_graph_title = 'TEST - %s' % unencoded_graph_title graph_title_string = quote(unencoded_graph_title, safe='') graph_title = '&title=%s' % graph_title_string # @added 20181126 - Bug #2498: Incorrect scale in some graphs # Task #2742: Update Boundary # If -xhours is used the scale is incorrect if x hours > than first # retention period, passing from and until renders the graph with the # correct scale. graphite_port = '80' if settings.GRAPHITE_PORT != '': graphite_port = str(settings.GRAPHITE_PORT) until_timestamp = int(time()) from_seconds_ago = graphite_previous_hours * 3600 from_timestamp = until_timestamp - from_seconds_ago graphite_from = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(from_timestamp)).strftime('%H:%M_%Y%m%d')'graphite_from - %s' % str(graphite_from)) graphite_until = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(until_timestamp)).strftime('%H:%M_%Y%m%d')'graphite_until - %s' % str(graphite_until)) # @modified 20191022 - Task #3294: py3 - handle system parameter in Graphite cactiStyle # graphite_target = 'target=cactiStyle(%s)' # @added 20201013 - Feature #3780: skyline_functions - sanitise_graphite_url encoded_graphite_metric_name = encode_graphite_metric_name(skyline_app, metric_name) # @modified 20201013 - Feature #3780: skyline_functions - sanitise_graphite_url # graphite_target = 'target=cactiStyle(%s,%%27si%%27)' % metric_name graphite_target = 'target=cactiStyle(%s,%%27si%%27)' % encoded_graphite_metric_name if known_derivative_metric: # @modified 20191022 - Task #3294: py3 - handle system parameter in Graphite cactiStyle # graphite_target = 'target=cactiStyle(nonNegativeDerivative(%s))' # @modified 20201013 - Feature #3780: skyline_functions - sanitise_graphite_url # graphite_target = 'target=cactiStyle(nonNegativeDerivative(%s),%%27si%%27)' % metric_name graphite_target = 'target=cactiStyle(nonNegativeDerivative(%s),%%27si%%27)' % encoded_graphite_metric_name # @modified 20190520 - Branch #3002: docker # Use GRAPHITE_RENDER_URI # link = '%s://%s:%s/render/?from=%s&until=%s&%s%s%s&colorList=%s' % ( # settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, graphite_port, # str(graphite_from), str(graphite_until), graphite_target, # settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title, # graphite_graph_line_color) link = '%s://%s:%s/%s/?from=%s&until=%s&%s%s%s&colorList=%s' % ( settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, graphite_port, settings.GRAPHITE_RENDER_URI, str(graphite_from), str(graphite_until), graphite_target, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title, graphite_graph_line_color) content_id = metric_name image_data = None image_file = '%s/%s.%s.%s.alert_smtp.png' % ( settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR, skyline_app, str(until_timestamp), metric_name) if settings.BOUNDARY_SMTP_OPTS.get('embed-images'): image_data = get_graphite_graph_image(skyline_app, link, image_file) if settings.BOUNDARY_SMTP_OPTS.get('embed-images_disabled3290'): # @modified 20191021 - Task #3290: Handle urllib2 in py3 # Branch #3262: py3 if python_version == 2: try: # @modified 20170913 - Task #2160: Test skyline with bandit # Added nosec to exclude from bandit tests # image_data = urllib2.urlopen(link).read() # nosec image_data = None except urllib2.URLError: image_data = None if python_version == 3: try: # image_data = urllib.request.urlopen(link).read() # nosec image_data = None except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: boundary_alerters :: alert_smtp :: failed to urlopen %s' % str(link)) image_data = None # If we failed to get the image or if it was explicitly disabled, # use the image URL instead of the content. if image_data is None: img_tag = '<img src="%s"/>' % link else: img_tag = '<img src="cid:%s"/>' % content_id # @modified 20191002 - Feature #3194: Add CUSTOM_ALERT_OPTS to settings # body = '%s :: %s <br> Next alert in: %s seconds <br> skyline Boundary alert - %s <br><a href="%s">%s</a>' % ( # datapoint, metric_name, expiration_time, alert_context, link, img_tag) body = '%s :: %s <br> Next alert in: %s seconds <br> %s %s alert - %s <br><a href="%s">%s</a>' % ( main_alert_title, app_alert_context, expiration_time, datapoint, metric_name, alert_context, link, img_tag) # @added 20200122 - Branch #3002: docker # Do not try to alert if the settings are default send_email_alert = True if '' in str(sender):'alert_smtp - sender is not configured, not sending alert') send_email_alert = False if '' in str(primary_recipient):'alert_smtp - sender is not configured, not sending alert') send_email_alert = False if '' in str(sender):'alert_smtp - sender is not configured, not sending alert') send_email_alert = False if '' in str(primary_recipient):'alert_smtp - sender is not configured, not sending alert') send_email_alert = False if DOCKER_FAKE_EMAIL_ALERTS:'alert_smtp - DOCKER_FAKE_EMAIL_ALERTS is set to %s, not executing SMTP command' % str(DOCKER_FAKE_EMAIL_ALERTS)) send_email_alert = False # @added 20200122 - Feature #3406: Allow for no_email SMTP_OPTS no_email = False if str(sender) == 'no_email': send_email_alert = False no_email = True if str(primary_recipient) == 'no_email': send_email_alert = False no_email = True if no_email:'alert_smtp - no_email is set in BOUNDARY_SMTP_OPTS, not executing SMTP command') # @modified 20180524 - Task #2384: Change alerters to cc other recipients # Do not send to each recipient, send to primary_recipient and cc the other # recipients, thereby sending only one email # for recipient in recipients: # @modified 20200122 - Feature #3406: Allow for no_email SMTP_OPTS # if primary_recipient: if primary_recipient and send_email_alert: 'alert_smtp - will send to primary_recipient :: %s, cc_recipients :: %s' % (str(primary_recipient), str(cc_recipients))) msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative') # @modified 20191002 - Feature #3194: Add CUSTOM_ALERT_OPTS to settings # msg['Subject'] = '[Skyline alert] ' + 'Boundary ALERT - ' + alert_context + ' - ' + datapoint + ' - ' + metric_name # @modified 20201207 - Task #3878: Add metric_trigger and alert_threshold to Boundary alerts # msg['Subject'] = '[' + main_alert_title + ' alert] ' + app_alert_context + ' ALERT - ' + alert_context + ' - ' + datapoint + ' - ' + metric_name email_subject = '[%s alert] %s ALERT - %s - %s' % ( main_alert_title, app_alert_context, alert_context, metric_name) msg['Subject'] = email_subject # @added 20220301 - Feature #4482: Test alerts if algorithm == 'testing': msg['Subject'] = 'TEST - %s' % email_subject msg['From'] = sender # @modified 20180524 - Task #2384: Change alerters to cc other recipients # msg['To'] = recipient msg['To'] = primary_recipient # @added 20180524 - Task #2384: Change alerters to cc other recipients # Added Cc if cc_recipients: msg['Cc'] = cc_recipients msg.attach(MIMEText(body, 'html')) if image_data is not None: # msg_attachment = MIMEImage(image_data) fp = open(image_file, 'rb') msg_attachment = MIMEImage(, _subtype='png') fp.close() msg_attachment.add_header('Content-ID', '<%s>' % content_id) msg.attach(msg_attachment) # @added 20220203 - Feature #4416: settings - additional SMTP_OPTS smtp_server = None try: smtp_server = determine_smtp_server() except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: determine_smtp_server failed - %s' % err) if not smtp_server: logger.error('error :: no smtp_server mail cannot be sent') return # @modified 20220203 - Feature #4416: settings - additional SMTP_OPTS # s = SMTP('') if not smtp_server['ssl']: s = SMTP(smtp_server['host'], smtp_server['port']) else: s = SMTP_SSL(smtp_server['host'], smtp_server['port']) if smtp_server['user']: s.login(smtp_server['user'], smtp_server['password']) # @modified 20180524 - Task #2384: Change alerters to cc other recipients # Send to primary_recipient and cc_recipients # s.sendmail(sender, recipient, msg.as_string()) try: if cc_recipients: s.sendmail(sender, [primary_recipient, cc_recipients], msg.as_string()) else: s.sendmail(sender, primary_recipient, msg.as_string()) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error( 'error :: alert_smtp - could not send email to primary_recipient :: %s, cc_recipients :: %s' % (str(primary_recipient), str(cc_recipients))) s.quit() # @added 20200825 - Feature #3704: Add alert to anomalies # @modified 20220301 - Feature #4482: Test alerts # if settings.PANORAMA_ENABLED: if settings.PANORAMA_ENABLED and algorithm != 'testing': added_panorama_alert_event = add_panorama_alert(skyline_app, int(metric_timestamp), metric_name) if not added_panorama_alert_event: logger.error( 'error :: failed to add Panorama alert event - panorama.alert.%s.%s' % ( str(metric_timestamp), metric_name))
[docs]def alert_pagerduty(datapoint, metric_name, expiration_time, metric_trigger, algorithm, metric_timestamp, alert_threshold): if settings.PAGERDUTY_ENABLED: import pygerduty pager = pygerduty.PagerDuty(settings.BOUNDARY_PAGERDUTY_OPTS['subdomain'], settings.BOUNDARY_PAGERDUTY_OPTS['auth_token']) # @modified 20201207 - Task #3878: Add metric_trigger and alert_threshold to Boundary alerts # pager.trigger_incident(settings.BOUNDARY_PAGERDUTY_OPTS['key'], 'Anomalous metric: %s (value: %s) - %s' % (metric_name, datapoint, algorithm)) pager.trigger_incident(settings.BOUNDARY_PAGERDUTY_OPTS['key'], 'Anomalous metric: %s (value: %s) - %s %s %s times' % ( metric_name, str(datapoint), algorithm, str(metric_trigger), str(alert_threshold))) # @added 20200825 - Feature #3704: Add alert to anomalies if settings.PANORAMA_ENABLED: added_panorama_alert_event = add_panorama_alert(skyline_app, int(metric_timestamp), metric_name) if not added_panorama_alert_event: logger.error( 'error :: failed to add Panorama alert event - panorama.alert.%s.%s' % ( str(metric_timestamp), metric_name)) else: return False
[docs]def alert_hipchat(datapoint, metric_name, expiration_time, metric_trigger, algorithm, metric_timestamp): if settings.HIPCHAT_ENABLED: sender = settings.BOUNDARY_HIPCHAT_OPTS['sender'] import hipchat hipster = hipchat.HipChat(token=settings.BOUNDARY_HIPCHAT_OPTS['auth_token']) # Allow for absolute path metric namespaces but also allow for and match # match wildcard namepaces if there is not an absolute path metric namespace rooms = 'unknown' notify_rooms = [] matched_rooms = [] try: rooms = settings.BOUNDARY_HIPCHAT_OPTS['rooms'][metric_name] notify_rooms.append(rooms) except: for room in settings.BOUNDARY_HIPCHAT_OPTS['rooms']: CHECK_MATCH_PATTERN = room check_match_pattern = re.compile(CHECK_MATCH_PATTERN) pattern_match = check_match_pattern.match(metric_name) if pattern_match: matched_rooms.append(room) if matched_rooms != []: for i_metric_name in matched_rooms: rooms = settings.BOUNDARY_HIPCHAT_OPTS['rooms'][i_metric_name] notify_rooms.append(rooms) alert_algo = str(algorithm) alert_context = alert_algo.upper() unencoded_graph_title = 'Skyline Boundary - %s at %s hours - %s - %s' % ( alert_context, graphite_previous_hours, metric_name, datapoint) graph_title_string = quote(unencoded_graph_title, safe='') graph_title = '&title=%s' % graph_title_string # @modified 20170706 - Support #2072: Make Boundary hipchat alerts show fixed timeframe graphite_now = int(time()) target_seconds = int((graphite_previous_hours * 60) * 60) from_timestamp = str(graphite_now - target_seconds) until_timestamp = str(graphite_now) graphite_from = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(from_timestamp)).strftime('%H:%M_%Y%m%d') graphite_until = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(until_timestamp)).strftime('%H:%M_%Y%m%d') if settings.GRAPHITE_PORT != '': # link = '%s://%s:%s/render/?from=-%shours&target=cactiStyle(%s)%s%s&colorList=%s' % ( # settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, settings.GRAPHITE_PORT, # graphite_previous_hours, metric_name, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, # @modified 20190520 - Branch #3002: docker # Use GRAPHITE_RENDER_URI # link = '%s://%s:%s/render/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(%s)%s%s&colorList=%s' % ( # settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, settings.GRAPHITE_PORT, # graphite_from, graphite_until, metric_name, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, # graph_title, graphite_graph_line_color) # @modified 20200417 - Task #3294: py3 - handle system parameter in Graphite cactiStyle # link = '%s://%s:%s/%s/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(%s)%s%s&colorList=%s' % ( link = '%s://%s:%s/%s/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(%s,%%27si%%27)%s%s&colorList=%s' % ( settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, settings.GRAPHITE_PORT, settings.GRAPHITE_RENDER_URI, graphite_from, graphite_until, metric_name, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title, graphite_graph_line_color) else: # link = '%s://%s/render/?from=-%shour&target=cactiStyle(%s)%s%s&colorList=%s' % ( # settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, graphite_previous_hours, # @modified 20190520 - Branch #3002: docker # Use GRAPHITE_RENDER_URI # link = '%s://%s/render/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(%s)%s%s&colorList=%s' % ( # settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, graphite_from, graphite_until, # metric_name, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title, # graphite_graph_line_color) # @modified 20200417 - Task #3294: py3 - handle system parameter in Graphite cactiStyle # link = '%s://%s/%s/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(%s)%s%s&colorList=%s' % ( link = '%s://%s/%s/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(%s,%%27si%%27)%s%s&colorList=%s' % ( settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, settings.GRAPHITE_RENDER_URI, graphite_from, graphite_until, metric_name, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title, graphite_graph_line_color) embed_graph = "<a href='" + link + "'><img height='308' src='" + link + "'>" + metric_name + "</a>" for rooms in notify_rooms: for room in rooms: hipster.method('rooms/message', method='POST', parameters={'room_id': room, 'from': 'skyline', 'color': settings.BOUNDARY_HIPCHAT_OPTS['color'], 'message': '%s - Boundary - %s - Anomalous metric: %s (value: %s) at %s hours %s' % (sender, algorithm, metric_name, datapoint, graphite_previous_hours, embed_graph)}) else: return False
[docs]def alert_syslog(datapoint, metric_name, expiration_time, metric_trigger, algorithm, metric_timestamp, alert_threshold): if settings.SYSLOG_ENABLED: import sys import syslog syslog_ident = settings.SYSLOG_OPTS['ident'] # @modified 20201207 - Task #3878: Add metric_trigger and alert_threshold to Boundary alerts # message = str('Boundary - Anomalous metric: %s (value: %s) - %s' % (metric_name, datapoint, algorithm)) message = 'Boundary - Anomalous metric: %s (value: %s) - %s with %s %s times' % ( metric_name, str(datapoint), algorithm, str(metric_trigger), str(alert_threshold)) if sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 6): syslog.openlog(syslog_ident, syslog.LOG_PID, syslog.LOG_LOCAL4) elif sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 7): syslog.openlog(ident='skyline', logoption=syslog.LOG_PID, facility=syslog.LOG_LOCAL4) elif sys.version_info[:1] == (3): syslog.openlog(ident='skyline', logoption=syslog.LOG_PID, facility=syslog.LOG_LOCAL4) else: syslog.openlog(syslog_ident, syslog.LOG_PID, syslog.LOG_LOCAL4) syslog.syslog(4, message) else: return False
# @added 20181126 - Task #2742: Update Boundary # Feature #2618: alert_slack
[docs]def alert_slack(datapoint, metric_name, expiration_time, metric_trigger, algorithm, metric_timestamp, alert_threshold): if not settings.SLACK_ENABLED: return False # @modified 20200701 - Task #3612: Upgrade to slack v2 # Task #3608: Update Skyline to Python 3.8.3 and deps # Task #3556: Update deps # slackclient v2 has a version function, < v2 does not # from slackclient import SlackClient try: from slack import version as slackVersion slack_version = slackVersion.__version__ except: slack_version = '1.3' if slack_version == '1.3': from slackclient import SlackClient else: from slack import WebClient metric = metric_name'alert_slack - anomalous metric :: metric: %s - %s' % (metric, algorithm)) base_name = metric alert_algo = str(algorithm) alert_context = alert_algo.upper() # The known_derivative_metric state is determine in case we need to surface # the png image from Graphite if the Ionosphere image is not available for # some reason. This will result in Skyline at least still sending an alert # to slack, even if some gear fails in Ionosphere or slack alerting is used # without Ionosphere enabled. Yes not DRY but multiprocessing and spawn # safe. known_derivative_metric = False # try: # if settings.REDIS_PASSWORD: # # @modified 20191022 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # # Branch #3262: py3 # # REDIS_ALERTER_CONN = redis.StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) # REDIS_ALERTER_CONN = redis.StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH, charset='utf-8', decode_responses=True) # else: # # REDIS_ALERTER_CONN = redis.StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) # REDIS_ALERTER_CONN = redis.StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH, charset='utf-8', decode_responses=True) # except: # logger.error('error :: alert_slack - redis connection failed') # try: # derivative_metrics = list(REDIS_ALERTER_CONN.smembers('derivative_metrics')) # except: # derivative_metrics = [] # @modified 20201207 - Task #3878: Add metric_trigger and alert_threshold to Boundary alerts # redis_metric_name not used # redis_metric_name = '%s%s' % (settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, str(base_name)) # if redis_metric_name in derivative_metrics: # known_derivative_metric = True known_derivative_metric = is_derivative_metric(skyline_app, str(base_name)) # if known_derivative_metric: # try: # non_derivative_monotonic_metrics = settings.NON_DERIVATIVE_MONOTONIC_METRICS # except: # non_derivative_monotonic_metrics = [] # skip_derivative = in_list(redis_metric_name, non_derivative_monotonic_metrics) # if skip_derivative: # known_derivative_metric = False # @added 20191008 - Feature #3194: Add CUSTOM_ALERT_OPTS to settings try: main_alert_title = settings.CUSTOM_ALERT_OPTS['main_alert_title'] except: main_alert_title = 'Skyline' try: app_alert_context = settings.CUSTOM_ALERT_OPTS['boundary_alert_heading'] except: app_alert_context = 'Boundary' if known_derivative_metric: # @modified 20191008 - Feature #3194: Add CUSTOM_ALERT_OPTS to settings # unencoded_graph_title = 'Skyline Boundary - ALERT %s at %s hours - derivative graph - %s' % ( # alert_context, str(graphite_previous_hours), metric) # slack_title = '*Skyline Boundary - ALERT* %s on %s at %s hours - derivative graph - %s' % ( # alert_context, metric, str(graphite_previous_hours), datapoint) # @modified 20201207 - Task #3878: Add metric_trigger and alert_threshold to Boundary alerts # unencoded_graph_title = '%s %s - ALERT %s at %s hours - derivative graph - %s' % ( # main_alert_title, app_alert_context, alert_context, str(graphite_previous_hours), metric) # slack_title = '*%s %s - ALERT* %s on %s at %s hours - derivative graph - %s' % ( # main_alert_title, app_alert_context, alert_context, metric, str(graphite_previous_hours), datapoint) unencoded_graph_title = '%s %s - ALERT %s %s %s times - derivative graph - %s' % ( main_alert_title, app_alert_context, alert_context, str(metric_trigger), str(alert_threshold), metric) slack_title = '*%s %s - ALERT* %s %s %s times on %s - derivative graph - %s' % ( main_alert_title, app_alert_context, alert_context, str(metric_trigger), str(alert_threshold), metric, str(datapoint)) else: # unencoded_graph_title = 'Skyline Boundary - ALERT %s at %s hours - %s' % ( # alert_context, str(graphite_previous_hours), metric) # slack_title = '*Skyline Boundary - ALERT* %s on %s at %s hours - %s' % ( # alert_context, metric, str(graphite_previous_hours), datapoint) # @modified 20201207 - Task #3878: Add metric_trigger and alert_threshold to Boundary alerts # unencoded_graph_title = '%s %s - ALERT %s at %s hours - %s' % ( # main_alert_title, app_alert_context, alert_context, str(graphite_previous_hours), metric) # slack_title = '*%s %s - ALERT* %s on %s at %s hours - %s' % ( # main_alert_title, app_alert_context, alert_context, metric, str(graphite_previous_hours), datapoint) unencoded_graph_title = '%s %s - ALERT %s %s %s times - %s' % ( main_alert_title, app_alert_context, alert_context, str(metric_trigger), str(alert_threshold), metric) slack_title = '*%s %s - ALERT* %s %s %s times on %s - %s' % ( main_alert_title, app_alert_context, alert_context, str(metric_trigger), str(alert_threshold), metric, str(datapoint)) # @added 20220301 - Feature #4482: Test alerts if algorithm == 'testing': unencoded_graph_title = 'TEST - %s' % unencoded_graph_title slack_title = '*TEST* - %s' % slack_title graph_title_string = quote(unencoded_graph_title, safe='') graph_title = '&title=%s' % graph_title_string until_timestamp = int(time()) target_seconds = int((graphite_previous_hours * 60) * 60) from_timestamp = str(until_timestamp - target_seconds) graphite_from = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(from_timestamp)).strftime('%H:%M_%Y%m%d')'graphite_from - %s' % str(graphite_from)) graphite_until = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(until_timestamp)).strftime('%H:%M_%Y%m%d')'graphite_until - %s' % str(graphite_until)) # @added 20181025 - Feature #2618: alert_slack # Added date and time info so you do not have to mouseover the slack # message to determine the time at which the alert came in timezone = strftime("%Z", gmtime()) # @modified 20181029 - Feature #2618: alert_slack # Use the standard UNIX data format # human_anomaly_time = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(until_timestamp)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') human_anomaly_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(until_timestamp)).strftime('%c') slack_time_string = '%s %s' % (human_anomaly_time, timezone) # @added 20191106 - Branch #3262: py3 # Branch #3002: docker graphite_port = get_graphite_port(skyline_app) graphite_render_uri = get_graphite_render_uri(skyline_app) graphite_custom_headers = get_graphite_custom_headers(skyline_app) # @added 20201013 - Feature #3780: skyline_functions - sanitise_graphite_url encoded_graphite_metric_name = encode_graphite_metric_name(skyline_app, metric_name) if settings.GRAPHITE_PORT != '': if known_derivative_metric: # @modified 20190520 - Branch #3002: docker # Use GRAPHITE_RENDER_URI # link = '%s://%s:%s/render/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(nonNegativeDerivative(%s))%s%s&colorList=orange' % ( # settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, # settings.GRAPHITE_PORT, str(graphite_from), str(graphite_until), # metric, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title) # @modified 20191022 - Task #3294: py3 - handle system parameter in Graphite cactiStyle # link = '%s://%s:%s/%s/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(nonNegativeDerivative(%s))%s%s&colorList=orange' % ( link = '%s://%s:%s/%s/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(nonNegativeDerivative(%s),%%27si%%27)%s%s&colorList=orange' % ( settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, # @modified 20201207 - Task #3878: Add metric_trigger and alert_threshold to Boundary alerts # Branch #3262: py3 # Branch #3002: docker # settings.GRAPHITE_PORT, settings.GRAPHITE_RENDER_URI, graphite_port, graphite_render_uri, str(graphite_from), str(graphite_until), # @modified 20201013 - Feature #3780: skyline_functions - sanitise_graphite_url # metric, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title) encoded_graphite_metric_name, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title) else: # @modified 20190520 - Branch #3002: docker # Use GRAPHITE_RENDER_URI # link = '%s://%s:%s/render/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(%s)%s%s&colorList=orange' % ( # settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, # settings.GRAPHITE_PORT, str(graphite_from), str(graphite_until), # metric, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title) # @modified 20191022 - Task #3294: py3 - handle system parameter in Graphite cactiStyle # link = '%s://%s:%s/%s/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(%s)%s%s&colorList=orange' % ( link = '%s://%s:%s/%s/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(%s,%%27si%%27)%s%s&colorList=orange' % ( settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, # @modified 20201207 - Task #3878: Add metric_trigger and alert_threshold to Boundary alerts # Branch #3262: py3 # Branch #3002: docker # settings.GRAPHITE_PORT, settings.GRAPHITE_RENDER_URI, graphite_port, graphite_render_uri, # str(graphite_from), str(graphite_until), metric, # @modified 20201013 - Feature #3780: skyline_functions - sanitise_graphite_url str(graphite_from), str(graphite_until), encoded_graphite_metric_name, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title) else: if known_derivative_metric: # @modified 20190520 - Branch #3002: docker # Use GRAPHITE_RENDER_URI # link = '%s://%s/render/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(nonNegativeDerivative(%s))%s%s&colorList=orange' % ( # settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, # str(graphite_from), str(graphite_until), metric, # settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title) # @modified 20191022 - Task #3294: py3 - handle system parameter in Graphite cactiStyle # link = '%s://%s/%s/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(nonNegativeDerivative(%s))%s%s&colorList=orange' % ( link = '%s://%s/%s/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(nonNegativeDerivative(%s),%%27si%%27)%s%s&colorList=orange' % ( settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, settings.GRAPHITE_RENDER_URI, str(graphite_from), # @modified 20201013 - Feature #3780: skyline_functions - sanitise_graphite_url # str(graphite_until), metric, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, str(graphite_until), encoded_graphite_metric_name, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title) else: # @modified 20190520 - Branch #3002: docker # Use GRAPHITE_RENDER_URI # link = '%s://%s/render/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(%s)%s%s&colorList=orange' % ( # settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, # str(graphite_from), str(graphite_until), metric, # settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title) # @modified 20191022 - Task #3294: py3 - handle system parameter in Graphite cactiStyle # link = '%s://%s/%s/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(%s)%s%s&colorList=orange' % ( link = '%s://%s/%s/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(%s,%%27si%%27)%s%s&colorList=orange' % ( settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, settings.GRAPHITE_RENDER_URI, str(graphite_from), # @modified 20201013 - Feature #3780: skyline_functions - sanitise_graphite_url # str(graphite_until), metric, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, str(graphite_until), encoded_graphite_metric_name, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title) # slack does not allow embedded images, nor will it fetch links behind # authentication so Skyline uploads a png graphite image with the message image_file = None # Fetch the png from Graphite # @modified 20191021 - Task #3290: Handle urllib2 in py3 # Branch #3262: py3 image_file = '%s/%s.%s.graphite.%sh.png' % ( settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR, base_name, skyline_app, str(int(graphite_previous_hours))) if python_version == 22: try: # image_data = urllib2.urlopen(link).read() # nosec image_data = None # except urllib2.URLError: except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: alert_slack - failed to get image graph') logger.error('error :: alert_slack - %s' % str(link)) image_data = None if python_version == 33: try: image_file = '%s/%s.%s.graphite.%sh.png' % ( settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR, base_name, skyline_app, str(int(graphite_previous_hours))) # urllib.request.urlretrieve(link, image_file) image_data = 'retrieved' image_data = None except: try: # @added 20191022 - Task #3294: py3 - handle system parameter in Graphite cactiStyle image_data = None original_traceback = traceback.format_exc() if 'cactiStyle' in link: metric_replace = '%s,%%27si%%27' % metric original_link = link link = link.replace(metric, metric_replace)'link replaced with cactiStyle system parameter added - %s' % str(link)) urllib.request.urlretrieve(link, image_file) image_data = 'retrieved' except: new_trackback = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(original_traceback) logger.error('error :: boundary_alerters :: alert_slack :: failed to urlopen %s' % str(original_link)) logger.error(new_trackback) logger.error('error :: boundary_alerters :: alert_slack :: failed to urlopen with system parameter added %s' % str(link)) image_data = None # @added 20191025 - image_data = get_graphite_graph_image(skyline_app, link, image_file) if image_data == 'disabled_for_testing': image_file = '%s/%s.%s.graphite.%sh.png' % ( settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR, base_name, skyline_app, str(int(graphite_previous_hours))) if image_data != 'retrieved': try: write_data_to_file(skyline_app, image_file, 'w', image_data)'alert_slack - added Graphite image :: %s' % ( image_file)) except: logger.error( 'error :: alert_slack - failed to add %s Graphite image' % ( image_file)) image_file = None try: filename = os.path.basename(image_file) except: filename = None try: bot_user_oauth_access_token = settings.BOUNDARY_SLACK_OPTS['bot_user_oauth_access_token'] except: logger.error('error :: alert_slack - could not determine bot_user_oauth_access_token') return False # Allow for absolute path metric namespaces but also allow for and match # match wildcard namepaces if there is not an absolute path metric namespace channels = 'unknown' notify_channels = [] matched_channels = [] try: channels = settings.BOUNDARY_SLACK_OPTS['channels'][metric_name] notify_channels.append(channels) except: for channel in settings.BOUNDARY_SLACK_OPTS['channels']: CHECK_MATCH_PATTERN = channel check_match_pattern = re.compile(CHECK_MATCH_PATTERN) pattern_match = check_match_pattern.match(metric_name) if pattern_match: # @modified 20220114 - Bug #4366: Fix boundary slack channels match # Handle multiple channels in the tuple # matched_channels.append(channel) for i_channel in settings.BOUNDARY_SLACK_OPTS['channels'][channel]: matched_channels.append(i_channel) # @added 20220120 - Bug #4366: Fix boundary slack channels match # Check namespace elements as well if not matched_channels: for channel in settings.BOUNDARY_SLACK_OPTS['channels']: pattern_match, metric_matched_by = matched_or_regexed_in_list('boundary', metric_name, [channel]) if pattern_match: for i_channel in settings.BOUNDARY_SLACK_OPTS['channels'][channel]: matched_channels.append(i_channel) if matched_channels: # @modified 20220111 - Bug #4366: Fix boundary slack channels match # for i_metric_name in matched_channels: # channels = settings.BOUNDARY_SLACK_OPTS['channels'][i_metric_name] # @modified 20220114 - Bug #4366: Fix boundary slack channels match # De-duplicate channels # for i_channel in matched_channels: # notify_channels.append(i_channel) notify_channels = list(set(matched_channels)) if not notify_channels: logger.error('error :: alert_slack - could not determine channel') return False channels = notify_channels try: icon_emoji = settings.BOUNDARY_SLACK_OPTS['icon_emoji'] except: icon_emoji = ':chart_with_upwards_trend:' try: # @modified 20200701 - Task #3612: Upgrade to slack v2 # Task #3608: Update Skyline to Python 3.8.3 and deps # Task #3556: Update deps # sc = SlackClient(bot_user_oauth_access_token) if slack_version == '1.3': sc = SlackClient(bot_user_oauth_access_token) else: sc = WebClient(bot_user_oauth_access_token, timeout=10) except: logger.error('error :: alert_slack - could not initiate SlackClient') return False # @added 20200815 - Bug #3676: Boundary slack alert errors # Task #3608: Update Skyline to Python 3.8.3 and deps # Task #3612: Upgrade to slack v2 # Strange only Boundary slack messages are erroring on a tuple or part # thereof, mirage_alerters using the same method are fine??? # The server responded with: {'ok': False, 'error': 'invalid_channel', 'channel': "('#skyline'"} # This fix handles converting tuple items into list items where the channel # is a tuple. channels_list = [] for channel in channels: # @modified 20220111 - Bug #4366: Fix boundary slack channels match # if type(channel) == tuple: if isinstance(channel, tuple): for ichannel in channel: channels_list.append(str(ichannel)) else: channels_list.append(str(channel)) if channels_list: channels = channels_list for channel in channels: initial_comment = slack_title + ' :: <' + link + '|graphite image link>\nFor anomaly at ' + slack_time_string # @added 20201127 - Feature #3820: HORIZON_SHARDS # Add the origin and shard for debugging purposes if HORIZON_SHARDS: initial_comment = initial_comment + ' - from ' + this_host + ' (shard ' + str(HORIZON_SHARD) + ')' try: # slack does not allow embedded images, nor links behind authentication # or color text, so we have jump through all the API hoops to end up # having to upload an image with a very basic message. if os.path.isfile(image_file): # @modified 20200701 - Task #3612: Upgrade to slack v2 # Task #3608: Update Skyline to Python 3.8.3 and deps # Task #3556: Update deps if slack_version == '1.3': slack_file_upload = sc.api_call( 'files.upload', filename=filename, channels=channel, initial_comment=initial_comment, file=open(image_file, 'rb')) else: slack_file_upload = sc.files_upload( filename=filename, channels=channel, initial_comment=initial_comment, file=open(image_file, 'rb')) if not slack_file_upload['ok']: logger.error('error :: alert_slack - failed to send slack message with file upload') logger.error('error :: alert_slack - slack_file_upload - %s' % str(slack_file_upload)) # @modified 20210708 - Bug #4166: Allow boundary to send same image to multiple slack channels # If there are multiple slack channels for an alert, the # image_file is removed after posting to the first channel and # subsequent channel posts fail. Moved to outside the loop. # try: # os.remove(image_file) # except OSError: # logger.error('error - failed to remove %s, continuing' % image_file) # pass else: send_text = initial_comment + ' :: error :: there was no graph image to upload' send_message = sc.api_call( 'chat.postMessage', channel=channel, icon_emoji=icon_emoji, text=send_text) if not send_message['ok']: logger.error('error :: alert_slack - failed to send slack message') else:'alert_slack - sent slack message') except: logger.error('error :: alert_slack - could not upload file') return False # @added 20200825 - Feature #3704: Add alert to anomalies # @modified 20220301 - Feature #4482: Test alerts # if settings.PANORAMA_ENABLED: if settings.PANORAMA_ENABLED and algorithm != 'testing': added_panorama_alert_event = add_panorama_alert(skyline_app, int(metric_timestamp), metric_name) if not added_panorama_alert_event: logger.error( 'error :: failed to add Panorama alert event - panorama.alert.%s.%s' % ( str(metric_timestamp), metric_name)) # @added 20210708 - Bug #4166: Allow boundary to send same image to multiple slack channels # Move from inside the channels loop above. try: os.remove(image_file) except OSError: logger.error('error - failed to remove %s, continuing' % image_file)
# @added 20200122: Feature #3396: http_alerter
[docs]def alert_http(alerter, datapoint, metric_name, expiration_time, metric_trigger, algorithm, metric_timestamp, alert_threshold): """ Called by :func:`~trigger_alert` and sends and resend anomalies to a http endpoint. """ if settings.HTTP_ALERTERS_ENABLED: alerter_name = alerter alerter_enabled = False try: alerter_enabled = settings.HTTP_ALERTERS_OPTS[alerter_name]['enabled'] except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: alert_http failed to determine the enabled from settings.HTTP_ALERTERS_OPTS for alerter - %s and metric %s with algorithm %s' % ( str(alerter), str(metric_name), algorithm)) if not alerter_enabled:'alert_http - %s enabled %s, not alerting' % ( str(alerter_name), str(alerter_enabled))) return alerter_endpoint = False try: alerter_endpoint = settings.HTTP_ALERTERS_OPTS[alerter_name]['endpoint'] except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: alert_http failed to determine the endpoint from settings.HTTP_ALERTERS_OPTS for alert - %s and metric %s with algorithm %s' % ( str(alerter), str(metric_name), algorithm)) if not alerter_endpoint: logger.error('alert_http - no endpoint set for %s, not alerting' % ( str(alerter_name))) return alerter_token = None try: alerter_token = settings.HTTP_ALERTERS_OPTS[alerter_name]['token'] except: pass source = 'boundary' metric_alert_dict = {} alert_data_dict = {} try: timestamp_str = str(metric_timestamp) value_str = str(datapoint) full_duration_str = str(int(full_duration_seconds)) expiry_str = str(expiration_time) metric_alert_dict = { "metric": metric_name, "algorithm": algorithm, # @modified 20220301 - Feature #: Test alerts # Use native json types apart from anomaly_id which is converted # into a str for direct use in URLs # "timestamp": timestamp_str, # "value": value_str, # "full_duration": full_duration_str, # "expiry": expiry_str, "timestamp": int(timestamp_str), "value": float(value_str), "full_duration": int(full_duration_str), "expiry": int(expiry_str), # @added 20201207 - Task #3878: Add metric_trigger and alert_threshold to Boundary alerts "metric_trigger": float(metric_trigger), "alert_threshold": int(alert_threshold), "source": str(source), "token": alerter_token } # @added 20220301 - Feature #4482: Test alerts if algorithm == 'testing': metric_alert_dict['test alert'] = True # @modified 20200302: Feature #3396: http_alerter # Add the token as an independent entity from the alert # alert_data_dict = {"status": {}, "data": {"alert": metric_alert_dict}} alerter_token_str = str(alerter_token) # @modified 20201127 - Feature #3820: HORIZON_SHARDS # Add the origin and shard to status for debugging purposes if not HORIZON_SHARDS: alert_data_dict = {"status": {}, "data": {"token": alerter_token_str, "alert": metric_alert_dict}} else: alert_data_dict = {"status": {"origin": this_host, "shard": HORIZON_SHARD}, "data": {"token": alerter_token_str, "alert": metric_alert_dict}}'alert_http :: alert_data_dict to send - %s' % str(alert_data_dict)) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: alert_http failed to construct the alert data for %s from alert - %s and metric - %s' % ( str(alerter_name), str(algorithm), str(metric_name))) return in_resend_queue = False redis_set = '%s.http_alerter.queue' % str(source) resend_queue = None previous_attempts = 0 REDIS_HTTP_ALERTER_CONN_DECODED = get_redis_conn_decoded(skyline_app) try: resend_queue = REDIS_HTTP_ALERTER_CONN_DECODED.smembers(redis_set) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: alert_http :: could not query Redis for %s - %s' % (redis_set, e)) if REDIS_HTTP_ALERTER_CONN_DECODED: try: del REDIS_HTTP_ALERTER_CONN_DECODED except: pass item_to_resend = None if resend_queue: try: # for index, resend_item in enumerate(resend_queue): for resend_item in resend_queue: resend_item_list = literal_eval(resend_item) # resend_alert = literal_eval(resend_item_list[0]) # resend_metric = literal_eval(resend_item_list[1]) resend_metric_alert_dict = literal_eval(resend_item_list[2]) if resend_metric_alert_dict['metric'] == metric_name: if int(resend_metric_alert_dict['timestamp']) == int(metric_timestamp): previous_attempts = int(resend_metric_alert_dict['attempts']) in_resend_queue = True item_to_resend = resend_item break except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: alert_http failed iterate to resend_queue') # REDIS_HTTP_ALERTER_CONN = None # if in_resend_queue: # REDIS_HTTP_ALERTER_CONN = get_redis_conn(skyline_app) REDIS_HTTP_ALERTER_CONN = get_redis_conn(skyline_app) add_to_resend_queue = False fail_alerter = False if alert_data_dict and alerter_endpoint: # @modified 20200403 - Feature #3396: http_alerter # Changed timeouts from 2, 2 to 5, 20 connect_timeout = 5 read_timeout = 20 if requests.__version__ >= '2.4.0': use_timeout = (int(connect_timeout), int(read_timeout)) else: use_timeout = int(connect_timeout) if settings.ENABLE_DEBUG: logger.debug('debug :: use_timeout - %s' % (str(use_timeout))) response = None try: response =, json=alert_data_dict, timeout=use_timeout) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to post alert to %s - %s' % ( str(alerter_name), str(alert_data_dict))) add_to_resend_queue = True response = None if in_resend_queue: try: # REDIS_HTTP_ALERTER_CONN.srem(redis_set, str(resend_item)) REDIS_HTTP_ALERTER_CONN.srem(redis_set, str(item_to_resend))'alert_http :: alert removed from %s' % ( str(redis_set))) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: alert_http :: failed remove %s from Redis set %s' % ( # str(resend_item), redis_set)) str(item_to_resend), redis_set)) # @added 20200310 - Feature #3396: http_alerter # When the response code is 401 the response object appears to be # False, although the response.code and response.reason are set try: if response.status_code != 200: logger.error('error :: alert_http :: %s %s responded with status code %s and reason %s' % ( str(alerter_name), str(alerter_endpoint), str(response.status_code), str(response.reason))) add_to_resend_queue = True fail_alerter = True except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: alert_http :: failed determine response.status_code') if response: if response.status_code == 200:'alert_http :: alert sent to %s - %s' % ( str(alerter_endpoint), str(alert_data_dict))) if in_resend_queue:'alert_http :: alert removed from %s after %s attempts to send' % ( str(redis_set), str(previous_attempts))) try: del REDIS_HTTP_ALERTER_CONN except: pass # @added 20200825 - Feature #3704: Add alert to anomalies # @modified 20220301 - Feature #4482: Test alerts # if settings.PANORAMA_ENABLED: if settings.PANORAMA_ENABLED and algorithm != 'testing': added_panorama_alert_event = add_panorama_alert(skyline_app, int(metric_timestamp), metric_name) if not added_panorama_alert_event: logger.error( 'error :: failed to add Panorama alert event - panorama.alert.%s.%s' % ( str(metric_timestamp), metric_name)) return logger.error('error :: alert_http :: %s %s responded with status code %s and reason %s' % ( str(alerter_name), str(alerter_endpoint), str(response.status_code), str(response.reason))) add_to_resend_queue = True fail_alerter = True else: logger.error('error :: alert_http :: %s %s did not respond' % ( str(alerter_name), str(alerter_endpoint))) add_to_resend_queue = True fail_alerter = True number_of_send_attempts = previous_attempts + 1 metric_alert_dict['attempts'] = number_of_send_attempts if add_to_resend_queue: data = [alerter, datapoint, metric_name, expiration_time, metric_trigger, algorithm, metric_timestamp, str(metric_alert_dict)]'alert_http :: adding alert to %s after %s attempts to send - %s' % ( str(redis_set), str(number_of_send_attempts), str(metric_alert_dict))) try: # redis_conn.sadd(redis_set, str(metric_alert_dict)) REDIS_HTTP_ALERTER_CONN.sadd(redis_set, str(data)) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: alert_http :: failed to add %s from Redis set %s' % ( str(metric_alert_dict), redis_set)) # Create a Redis if there was a bad or no response from the # alerter_endpoint, to ensure that Boundary does not loop through # every alert in the queue for an alerter_endpoint, if the # alerter_endpoint is down if fail_alerter: alerter_endpoint_cache_key = 'http_alerter.down.%s' % str(alerter_name) logger.error('error :: alert_http :: alerter_endpoint %s failed adding Redis key %s' % ( str(alerter_endpoint), str(alerter_endpoint_cache_key))) if REDIS_HTTP_ALERTER_CONN: try: failed_timestamp = int(time()) REDIS_HTTP_ALERTER_CONN.setex(alerter_endpoint_cache_key, 60, failed_timestamp) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to set Redis key %s' % alerter_endpoint_cache_key) try: del REDIS_HTTP_ALERTER_CONN except: pass else:'alert_http :: settings.HTTP_ALERTERS_ENABLED not enabled nothing to do') return
# @added 20210724 - Feature #4196:
[docs]def alert_sms(datapoint, metric_name, expiration_time, metric_trigger, algorithm, metric_timestamp, alert_threshold): """ Called by :func:`~trigger_alert` and sends anomalies to a SMS endpoint. """ if not settings.AWS_SNS_SMS_ALERTS_ENABLED: logger.error('error :: alert_sms recieved but settings.AWS_SNS_SMS_ALERTS_ENABLED not enabled - metric %s' % ( str(metric_name))) return if metric_name.startswith(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE): base_name = metric_name.replace(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, '', 1) else: base_name = metric_name if alert_threshold == 0: alert_threshold = 1 message = '[Skyline alert] Boundary - %s: %s triggered %s %s times' % ( base_name, str(datapoint), algorithm, str(alert_threshold)) sms_recipients = [] try: sms_recipients = get_sms_recipients(skyline_app, base_name) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: get_sms_recipients failed checking %s - %s' % ( base_name, e))'sending SMS alert to %s' % str(sms_recipients)) for sms_number in sms_recipients: success = False response = None try: success, response = send_sms(skyline_app, sms_number, message) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to determine number for SMS recipient %s - %s' % ( sms_number, err)) if success:'sent SMS alert to %s' % sms_number) else: logger.warning('warning :: failed to send SMS alert to %s' % sms_number)
# @modified 20201207 - Task #3878: Add metric_trigger and alert_threshold to Boundary alerts # def trigger_alert(alerter, datapoint, metric_name, expiration_time, metric_trigger, algorithm, metric_timestamp):
[docs]def trigger_alert(alerter, datapoint, metric_name, expiration_time, metric_trigger, algorithm, metric_timestamp, alert_threshold): if alerter == 'smtp': strategy = 'alert_smtp' # @added 20200122: Feature #3396: http_alerter # Added http_alerter elif 'http_alerter' in alerter: strategy = 'alert_http' else: strategy = 'alert_%s' % alerter try: if strategy == 'alert_http': # @modified 20201207 - Task #3878: Add metric_trigger and alert_threshold to Boundary alerts getattr(boundary_alerters, strategy)(alerter, datapoint, metric_name, expiration_time, metric_trigger, algorithm, metric_timestamp, alert_threshold) else: getattr(boundary_alerters, strategy)(datapoint, metric_name, expiration_time, metric_trigger, algorithm, metric_timestamp, alert_threshold) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: alerters - %s - getattr error' % strategy)