Source code for webapp.webapp

from __future__ import division
import redis
import logging
import simplejson as json
import sys
import re
import csv
import traceback
from msgpack import Unpacker
from functools import wraps
from flask import (
    Flask, request, render_template, redirect, Response, abort, flash,
from daemon import runner
from os.path import isdir
from os import path
import string
from os import remove as os_remove
from time import sleep

# @added 20160703 - Feature #1464: Webapp Redis browser
import time
# @modified 20180918 - Feature #2602: Graphs in search_features_profiles
# from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from datetime import timedelta

import os
import base64

# flask things for rebrow
# @modified 20180918 - Feature #2602: Graphs in search_features_profiles
# from flask import session, g, url_for, flash, Markup, json
from flask import url_for, Markup

# For secret_key
import uuid

# @added 20170122 - Feature #1872: Ionosphere - features profile page by id only
# Determine the features profile dir path for a fp_id
import datetime
# from pytz import timezone
import pytz

# @added 20180520 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow
# Added auth to rebrow as per by
# elky84
from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote

# @modified 20180918 - Feature #2602: Graphs in search_features_profiles
# from features_profile import feature_name_id, calculate_features_profile
from features_profile import calculate_features_profile

from tsfresh_feature_names import TSFRESH_VERSION

# @modified 20180526 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow
# Use PyJWT instead of pycryptodome
# from Crypto.Cipher import AES
# import base64
# @added 20180526 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow
import jwt
# @added 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow
import hashlib
from sys import version_info
from ast import literal_eval

# @added 20180721 - Feature #2464: luminosity_remote_data
# Use a gzipped response as the response as raw preprocessed time series
# added cStringIO, gzip and functools to implement Gzip for particular views
from flask import after_this_request
# from cStringIO import StringIO as IO
import gzip
import functools

from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler, MemoryHandler

import os.path
# @added 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85
#                   Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability
from flask import escape as flask_escape

sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), os.pardir))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(__file__))
import settings
from validate_settings import validate_settings_variables
import skyline_version
from skyline_functions import (
    # @added 20170604 - Feature #2034: analyse_derivatives
    # @added 20180804 - Feature #2488: Allow user to specifically set metric as a derivative metric in training_data

from backend import (
    panorama_request, get_list,
    # @added 20180720 - Feature #2464: luminosity_remote_data
from ionosphere_backend import (
    ionosphere_data, ionosphere_metric_data,
    # @modified 20170114 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn
    # Decoupled create_features_profile from ionosphere_backend
    # ionosphere_get_metrics_dir, create_features_profile,
    # @added 20170118 - Feature #1862: Ionosphere features profiles search page
    # @added 20170305 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers
    create_ionosphere_layers, feature_profile_layers_detail,
    # @added 20170308 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers
    # To present the operator with the existing layers and algorithms for the metric
    # @added 20170327 - Feature #2004: Ionosphere layers - edit_layers
    #                   Task #2002: Review and correct incorrectly defined layers
    # @added 20170402 - Feature #2000: Ionosphere - validated
    # @added 20170617 - Feature #2054:
    # added 20170908 - Feature #2056: ionosphere - disabled_features_profiles
    features_profile_family_tree, disable_features_profile_family_tree,
    # @added 20170916 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page
    # @added 20170917 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page
    # @added 20180812 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page
    # @added 20180815 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page
    # @added 20181205 - Bug #2746: webapp time out - Graphs in search_features_profiles
    #                   Feature #2602: Graphs in search_features_profiles

#from utilites import alerts_matcher

# @added 20170114 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn
# Decoupled the create_features_profile from ionosphere_backend and moved to
# ionosphere_functions so it can be used by ionosphere/learn
from ionosphere_functions import (
    create_features_profile, get_ionosphere_learn_details,
    # @added 20180414 - Branch #2270: luminosity

skyline_version = skyline_version.__absolute_version__

skyline_app = 'webapp'
skyline_app_logger = '%sLog' % skyline_app
logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger)
skyline_app_logfile = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app)
skyline_app_loglock = '%s.lock' % skyline_app_logfile
skyline_app_logwait = '%s.wait' % skyline_app_logfile
logfile = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app)

# werkzeug access log
access_logger = logging.getLogger('werkzeug')

python_version = int(version_info[0])

# @added 20180721 - Feature #2464: luminosity_remote_data
# Use a gzipped response as the response as raw preprocessed time series
# added cStringIO to implement Gzip for particular views
if python_version == 2:
    from StringIO import StringIO as IO
if python_version == 3:
    import io as IO

# @modified 20180519 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow
if settings.REDIS_PASSWORD:
    REDIS_CONN = redis.StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH)
    REDIS_CONN = redis.StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH)


app = Flask(__name__)

gunicorn_error_logger = logging.getLogger('gunicorn.error')

# app.secret_key = str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST))
secret_key = str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST))
app.secret_key = secret_key

app.config['PROPAGATE_EXCEPTIONS'] = True


graph_url_string = str(settings.GRAPH_URL)
PANORAMA_GRAPH_URL = re.sub('\/render\/.*', '', graph_url_string)

# @added 20160727 - Bug #1524: Panorama dygraph not aligning correctly
# Defaults for momentjs to work if the was not updated

[docs]@app.before_request # def setup_logging(): # if not app.debug: # stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() # stream_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # app.logger.addHandler(stream_handler) # import logging # from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler, MemoryHandler # file_handler = MemoryHandler(app_logfile, mode='a') # file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # app.logger.addHandler(file_handler) # # formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s :: %(process)s :: %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # handler = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler( # app_logfile, # when="midnight", # interval=1, # backupCount=5) # handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # # memory_handler = logging.handlers.MemoryHandler(100, # flushLevel=logging.DEBUG, # target=handler) # handler.setFormatter(formatter) # app.logger.addHandler(memory_handler) # app.logger.addHandler(handler) def limit_remote_addr(): """ This function is called to check if the requesting IP address is in the settings.WEBAPP_ALLOWED_IPS array, if not 403. """ ip_allowed = False for web_allowed_ip in settings.WEBAPP_ALLOWED_IPS: if request.remote_addr == web_allowed_ip: ip_allowed = True if not settings.WEBAPP_IP_RESTRICTED: ip_allowed = True if not ip_allowed: abort(403) # Forbidden
[docs]def check_auth(username, password): """This function is called to check if a username / password combination is valid. """ if settings.WEBAPP_AUTH_ENABLED: return username == settings.WEBAPP_AUTH_USER and password == settings.WEBAPP_AUTH_USER_PASSWORD else: return True
[docs]def authenticate(): """Sends a 401 response that enables basic auth""" return Response( 'Forbidden', 401, {'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Login Required"'})
[docs]def requires_auth(f): @wraps(f) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): if settings.WEBAPP_AUTH_ENABLED: auth = request.authorization if not auth or not check_auth(auth.username, auth.password): return authenticate() return f(*args, **kwargs) else: return True return decorated
# @added 20180721 - Feature #2464: luminosity_remote_data # Use a gzipped response as the response as raw preprocessed time series with # an implementation of Gzip for particular views #
[docs]def gzipped(f): @functools.wraps(f) def view_func(*args, **kwargs): @after_this_request def zipper(response): accept_encoding = request.headers.get('Accept-Encoding', '') if 'gzip' not in accept_encoding.lower(): return response response.direct_passthrough = False if (response.status_code < 200 or response.status_code >= 300 or 'Content-Encoding' in response.headers): return response gzip_buffer = IO() gzip_file = gzip.GzipFile(mode='wb', fileobj=gzip_buffer) gzip_file.write( gzip_file.close() = gzip_buffer.getvalue() response.headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip' response.headers['Vary'] = 'Accept-Encoding' response.headers['Content-Length'] = len( return response return f(*args, **kwargs) return view_func
[docs]@app.errorhandler(500) def internal_error(message, traceback_format_exc): """ Show traceback in the browser when running a flask app on a production server. By default, flask does not show any useful information when running on a production server. By adding this view, we output the Python traceback to the error 500 page and log. As per: Show flask traceback when running on production server - Python traceback rendered nicely by Jinja2 This can be tested by hitting SKYLINE_URL/a_500 """ fail_msg = str(message) trace = str(traceback_format_exc) logger.debug('debug :: returning 500 as there was an error, why else would 500 be returned...') logger.debug('debug :: sending the user that caused the error to happen, this useful information') logger.debug('debug :: but they or I may have already emailed it to you, you should check your inbox') logger.debug('%s' % str(traceback_format_exc)) logger.debug('debug :: which is accompanied with the message') logger.debug('debug :: %s' % str(message)) logger.debug('debug :: request url :: %s' % str(request.url)) logger.debug('debug :: request referrer :: %s' % str(request.referrer)) # resp = '<pre>%s</pre><pre>%s</pre>' % (str(message), str(traceback_format_exc)) # return(resp), 500 server_name = settings.SERVER_METRICS_NAME return render_template( 'traceback.html', version=skyline_version, message=fail_msg, traceback=trace, bad_machine=server_name), 500
[docs]@app.route("/") @requires_auth def index(): start = time.time() if 'uh_oh' in request.args: try: return render_template( 'uh_oh.html', version=skyline_version, message="Testing uh_oh"), 200 except: error_string = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('error :: failed to render uh_oh.html: %s' % str(error_string)) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500 try: return render_template( 'now.html', version=skyline_version, duration=(time.time() - start)), 200 except: error_string = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('error :: failed to render index.html: %s' % str(error_string)) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500
[docs]@app.route("/a_500") @requires_auth def a_500(): if 'message' in request.args: message = request.args.get(str('message'), None) logger.debug('debug :: message - %s' % str(message)) test_500_string = message else: logger.debug('debug :: testing /a_500 route and app.errorhandler(500) internal_error function') message = 'Testing app.errorhandler(500) internal_error function, if you are seeing this it works - OK' test_500_string = 'This is a test to generate a ValueError and a HTTP response of 500 and display the traceback' try: test_errorhandler_500_internal_error = int(test_500_string) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.debug('debug :: test OK') return internal_error(message, trace) error_msg = 'failed test of /a_500 route and app.errorhandler(500) internal_error function' logger.error('error :: %s' % error_msg) resp = json.dumps({'results': error_msg}) return resp, 501
[docs]@app.route("/now") @requires_auth def now(): start = time.time() try: return render_template( 'now.html', version=skyline_version, duration=(time.time() - start)), 200 except: error_string = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('error :: failed to render now.html: %s' % str(error_string)) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500
[docs]@app.route("/then") @requires_auth def then(): try: return render_template('then.html'), 200 except: error_string = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('error :: failed to render then.html: %s' % str(error_string)) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500
[docs]@app.route("/anomalies.json") def anomalies(): try: anomalies_json = path.abspath(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), '..', settings.ANOMALY_DUMP)) with open(anomalies_json, 'r') as f: json_data = except: logger.error('error :: failed to get anomalies.json: ' + traceback.format_exc()) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500 return json_data, 200
[docs]@app.route("/panorama.json") def panorama_anomalies(): try: anomalies_json = path.abspath(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), '..', settings.ANOMALY_DUMP)) panorama_json = string.replace(str(anomalies_json), 'anomalies.json', 'panorama.json')'opening - %s' % panorama_json) with open(panorama_json, 'r') as f: json_data = except: logger.error('error :: failed to get panorama.json: ' + traceback.format_exc()) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500 return json_data, 200
[docs]@app.route("/app_settings") @requires_auth def app_settings(): try: app_settings = {'GRAPH_URL': settings.GRAPH_URL, 'OCULUS_HOST': settings.OCULUS_HOST, 'FULL_NAMESPACE': settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, 'SKYLINE_VERSION': skyline_version, 'PANORAMA_ENABLED': settings.PANORAMA_ENABLED, 'PANORAMA_DATABASE': settings.PANORAMA_DATABASE, 'PANORAMA_DBHOST': settings.PANORAMA_DBHOST, 'PANORAMA_DBPORT': settings.PANORAMA_DBPORT, 'PANORAMA_DBUSER': settings.PANORAMA_DBUSER, 'PANORAMA_DBUSERPASS': 'redacted', 'PANORAMA_GRAPH_URL': PANORAMA_GRAPH_URL, 'WEBAPP_USER_TIMEZONE': settings.WEBAPP_USER_TIMEZONE, 'WEBAPP_FIXED_TIMEZONE': settings.WEBAPP_FIXED_TIMEZONE, 'WEBAPP_JAVASCRIPT_DEBUG': settings.WEBAPP_JAVASCRIPT_DEBUG } except Exception as e: error = "error: " + e resp = json.dumps({'app_settings': error}) return resp, 500 resp = json.dumps(app_settings) return resp, 200
[docs]@app.route("/version") @requires_auth def version(): try: version_settings = {'SKYLINE_VERSION': skyline_version} resp = json.dumps(version_settings) return resp, 200 except: return "Not Found", 404
[docs]@app.route("/api", methods=['GET']) # @modified 20180720 - Feature #2464: luminosity_remote_data # Rnamed def from data to api for the purpose of trying to add some # documentation relating to the API endpoints and their required parameters, # the results or error and status codes they return and the context in which # they are used. # def data(): def api(): # @added 20180720 - Feature #2464: luminosity_remote_data # Added luminosity_remote_data endpoint, requires two request parameter: if 'luminosity_remote_data' in request.args: anomaly_timestamp = None if 'anomaly_timestamp' in request.args: anomaly_timestamp_str = request.args.get(str('anomaly_timestamp'), None) try: anomaly_timestamp = int(anomaly_timestamp_str) except: anomaly_timestamp = None else: resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: no anomaly_timestamp parameter was passed to /api?luminosity_remote_data'}) return resp, 400 luminosity_data = [] if anomaly_timestamp: luminosity_data, success, message = luminosity_remote_data(anomaly_timestamp) if luminosity_data: resp = json.dumps( {'results': luminosity_data}) return resp, 200 else: resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'No data found'}) return resp, 404 if 'metric' in request.args: metric = request.args.get(str('metric'), None) try: raw_series = REDIS_CONN.get(metric) if not raw_series: resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: No metric by that name - try /api?metric=' + settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'metric_namespace'}) return resp, 404 else: unpacker = Unpacker(use_list=False) unpacker.feed(raw_series) timeseries = [item[:2] for item in unpacker] resp = json.dumps({'results': timeseries}) return resp, 200 except Exception as e: error = "Error: " + e resp = json.dumps({'results': error}) return resp, 500 if 'graphite_metric' in request.args:'processing graphite_metric api request') for i in request.args: key = str(i) value = request.args.get(key, None)'request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(value))) valid_request = True missing_arguments = [] metric = request.args.get('graphite_metric', None) from_timestamp = request.args.get('from_timestamp', None) until_timestamp = request.args.get('until_timestamp', None) if not metric: valid_request = False missing_arguments.append('graphite_metric') logger.error('graphite_metric argument not found') else:'graphite_metric - %s' % metric) if not from_timestamp: valid_request = False missing_arguments.append('from_timestamp') logger.error('from_timestamp argument not found') else:'from_timestamp - %s' % str(from_timestamp)) if not until_timestamp: valid_request = False missing_arguments.append('until_timestamp') else:'until_timestamp - %s' % str(until_timestamp)) if not valid_request: error = 'Error: not all arguments where passed, missing %s' % str(missing_arguments) resp = json.dumps({'results': error}) return resp, 404 else:'requesting data from graphite for %s from %s to %s' % ( str(metric), str(from_timestamp), str(until_timestamp))) try: timeseries = get_graphite_metric( skyline_app, metric, from_timestamp, until_timestamp, 'json', 'object') except: error = 'error :: %s' % str(traceback.print_exc()) resp = json.dumps({'results': error}) return resp, 500 resp = json.dumps({'results': timeseries}) cleaned_resp = False try: format_resp_1 = string.replace(str(resp), '"[[', '[[') cleaned_resp = string.replace(str(format_resp_1), ']]"', ']]') except: logger.error('error :: failed string replace resp: ' + traceback.format_exc()) if cleaned_resp: return cleaned_resp, 200 else: resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: failed to generate timeseries'}) return resp, 404 resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: No argument passed - try /api?metric= or /api?graphite_metric='}) return resp, 404
# @added 20180721 - Feature #2464: luminosity_remote_data # Add a specific route for the luminosity_remote_data endpoint so that the # response can be gzipped as even the preprocessed data can run into megabyte # reponses.
[docs]@app.route("/luminosity_remote_data", methods=['GET']) @gzipped def luminosity_remote_data_endpoint(): # The luminosity_remote_data_endpoint, requires onerequest parameter: if 'anomaly_timestamp' in request.args: anomaly_timestamp_str = request.args.get(str('anomaly_timestamp'), None) try: anomaly_timestamp = int(anomaly_timestamp_str) except: anomaly_timestamp = None else: resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: no anomaly_timestamp parameter was passed to /luminosity_remote_data'}) return resp, 400 luminosity_data = [] if anomaly_timestamp: luminosity_data, success, message = luminosity_remote_data(anomaly_timestamp) if luminosity_data: resp = json.dumps( {'results': luminosity_data})'returning gzipped response') return resp, 200 else: resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'No data found'}) return resp, 404
[docs]@app.route("/docs") @requires_auth def docs(): start = time.time() try: return render_template( 'docs.html', version=skyline_version, duration=(time.time() - start)), 200 except: return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500
[docs]@app.route("/panorama", methods=['GET']) @requires_auth def panorama(): if not settings.PANORAMA_ENABLED: try: return render_template( 'uh_oh.html', version=skyline_version, message="Panorama is not enabled, please see the Panorama section in the docs and"), 200 except: return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500 start = time.time() try: apps = get_list('app') except: logger.error('error :: %s' % traceback.print_exc()) apps = ['None'] try: sources = get_list('source') except: logger.error('error :: %s' % traceback.print_exc()) sources = ['None'] try: algorithms = get_list('algorithm') except: logger.error('error :: %s' % traceback.print_exc()) algorithms = ['None'] try: hosts = get_list('host') except: logger.error('error :: %s' % traceback.print_exc()) hosts = ['None'] request_args_present = False try: request_args_len = len(request.args) request_args_present = True except: request_args_len = 0 # @added 20160803 - Sanitize request.args REQUEST_ARGS = ['from_date', 'from_time', 'from_timestamp', 'until_date', 'until_time', 'until_timestamp', 'count_by_metric', 'metric', 'metric_like', 'app', 'source', 'host', 'algorithm', 'limit', 'order', # @added 20161127 - Branch #922: ionosphere 'panorama_anomaly_id', ] get_anomaly_id = False if request_args_present: for i in request.args: key = str(i) if key not in REQUEST_ARGS: logger.error('error :: invalid request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(i))) return 'Bad Request', 400 value = request.args.get(key, None)'request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(value))) # @added 20161127 - Branch #922: ionosphere if key == 'panorama_anomaly_id': if str(value) == 'true': get_anomaly_id = True if key == 'metric' and value != 'all': if value != '': try: unique_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'unique_metrics')) except: logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the unique_metrics list from Redis') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 metric_name = settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + value # @added 20180423 - Feature #2034: analyse_derivatives # Branch #2270: luminosity other_unique_metrics = [] # @added 20190105 - Bug #2792: webapp 500 error on no metric # This needs to be set before the below conditional check # otherwise webapp return a 500 server error instead of a # 404 if the metric does not exist metric_found_in_other_redis = False if metric_name not in unique_metrics and settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: metric_found_in_other_redis = False # @modified 20180519 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # for redis_ip, redis_port in settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: for redis_ip, redis_port, redis_password in settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: if not metric_found_in_other_redis: try: if redis_password: other_redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(host=str(redis_ip), port=int(redis_port), password=str(redis_password)) else: other_redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(host=str(redis_ip), port=int(redis_port)) other_unique_metrics = list(other_redis_conn.smembers(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'unique_metrics')) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to connect to Redis at %s on port %s' % (str(redis_ip), str(redis_port))) if metric_name in other_unique_metrics: metric_found_in_other_redis = True'%s found in derivative_metrics in Redis at %s on port %s' % (metric_name, str(redis_ip), str(redis_port))) if metric_name not in unique_metrics and not metric_found_in_other_redis: error_string = 'error :: no metric - %s - exists in Redis' % metric_name logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 if key == 'count_by_metric': count_by_metric_invalid = True if value == 'false': count_by_metric_invalid = False if value == 'true': count_by_metric_invalid = False if count_by_metric_invalid: error_string = 'error :: invalid %s value passed %s' % (key, value) logger.error('error :: invalid %s value passed %s' % (key, value)) return 'Bad Request', 400 if key == 'metric_like': if value == 'all': metric_namespace_pattern = value.replace('all', '') metric_namespace_pattern = value.replace('%', '') if metric_namespace_pattern != '' and value != 'all': try: unique_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'unique_metrics')) except: logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the unique_metrics list from Redis') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 matching = [s for s in unique_metrics if metric_namespace_pattern in s] if len(matching) == 0: error_string = 'error :: no metric like - %s - exists in Redis' % metric_namespace_pattern logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 if key == 'from_timestamp' or key == 'until_timestamp': timestamp_format_invalid = True if value == 'all': timestamp_format_invalid = False # unix timestamp if value.isdigit(): timestamp_format_invalid = False # %Y%m%d %H:%M timestamp if timestamp_format_invalid: value_strip_colon = value.replace(':', '') new_value = value_strip_colon.replace(' ', '') if new_value.isdigit(): timestamp_format_invalid = False if timestamp_format_invalid: error_string = 'error :: invalid %s value passed %s' % (key, value) logger.error('error :: invalid %s value passed %s' % (key, value)) return 'Bad Request', 400 if key == 'app': if value != 'all': if value not in apps: error_string = 'error :: no %s - %s' % (key, value) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 if key == 'source': if value != 'all': if value not in sources: error_string = 'error :: no %s - %s' % (key, value) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 if key == 'algorithm': if value != 'all': if value not in algorithms: error_string = 'error :: no %s - %s' % (key, value) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 if key == 'host': if value != 'all': if value not in hosts: error_string = 'error :: no %s - %s' % (key, value) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 if key == 'limit': limit_invalid = True limit_is_not_numeric = True if value.isdigit(): limit_is_not_numeric = False if limit_is_not_numeric: error_string = 'error :: %s must be a numeric value - requested %s' % (key, value) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 400 return flask_escape(resp), 400 new_value = int(value) try: valid_value = new_value + 1 except: valid_value = None if valid_value and new_value < 101: limit_invalid = False if limit_invalid: error_string = 'error :: %s must be < 100 - requested %s' % (key, value) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 400 return flask_escape(resp), 400 if key == 'order': order_invalid = True if value == 'DESC': order_invalid = False if value == 'ASC': order_invalid = False if order_invalid: error_string = 'error :: %s must be DESC or ASC' % (key) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 400 return flask_escape(resp), 400 # @added 20161127 - Branch #922: ionosphere if get_anomaly_id: try: query, panorama_data = panorama_request()'debug :: panorama_data - %s' % str(panorama_data)) except: logger.error('error :: failed to get panorama: ' + traceback.format_exc()) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500 try: duration = (time.time() - start)'debug :: duration - %s' % str(duration)) resp = str(panorama_data) return resp, 200 except: logger.error('error :: failed to render panorama.html: ' + traceback.format_exc()) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500 if request_args_len == 0: try: panorama_data = panorama_request() #'panorama_data - %s' % str(panorama_data)) return render_template( 'panorama.html', anomalies=panorama_data, app_list=apps, source_list=sources, algorithm_list=algorithms, host_list=hosts, results='Latest anomalies', version=skyline_version, duration=(time.time() - start)), 200 except: logger.error('error :: failed to get panorama: ' + traceback.format_exc()) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500 else: count_request = 'false' if 'count_by_metric' in request.args: count_by_metric = request.args.get('count_by_metric', None) if count_by_metric == 'true': count_request = 'true' try: query, panorama_data = panorama_request() try: if settings.ENABLE_DEBUG or settings.ENABLE_WEBAPP_DEBUG:'panorama_data - %s' % str(panorama_data))'debug :: query - %s' % str(query))'debug :: panorama_data - %s' % str(panorama_data))'debug :: skyline_version - %s' % str(skyline_version)) except: logger.error('error :: ENABLE_DEBUG or ENABLE_WEBAPP_DEBUG are not set in') except: logger.error('error :: failed to get panorama_request: ' + traceback.format_exc()) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500 try: results_string = 'Found anomalies for %s' % str(query) duration = (time.time() - start)'debug :: duration - %s' % str(duration)) return render_template( 'panorama.html', anomalies=panorama_data, app_list=apps, source_list=sources, algorithm_list=algorithms, host_list=hosts, results=results_string, count_request=count_request, version=skyline_version, duration=(time.time() - start)), 200 except: logger.error('error :: failed to render panorama.html: ' + traceback.format_exc()) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500
# Feature #1448: Crucible web UI - @earthgecko # Branch #868: crucible - @earthgecko # This may actually need Django, perhaps this is starting to move outside the # realms of Flask..
[docs]@app.route("/crucible", methods=['GET']) @requires_auth def crucible(): crucible_web_ui_implemented = False if crucible_web_ui_implemented: try: return render_template( 'uh_oh.html', version=skyline_version, message="Sorry the Crucible web UI is not completed yet"), 200 except: return render_template( 'uh_oh.html', version=skyline_version, message="Sorry the Crucible web UI is not completed yet"), 200
# @added 20161123 - Branch #922: ionosphere
[docs]@app.route("/ionosphere", methods=['GET']) @requires_auth def ionosphere(): if not settings.IONOSPHERE_ENABLED: try: return render_template( 'uh_oh.html', version=skyline_version, message="Ionosphere is not enabled, please see the Ionosphere section in the docs and"), 200 except: return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500 start = time.time() request_args_present = False try: request_args_len = len(request.args) request_args_present = True except: request_args_len = 0 if request_args_len: for i in request.args: key = str(i) value = request.args.get(key, None)'request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(value))) # @added 20180419 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page # Branch #2270: luminosity # Change the default search parameters to return all matches for the # past 24 hours matched_request_timestamp = int(time.time()) default_matched_from_timestamp = matched_request_timestamp - 86400 matched_from_datetime = time.strftime('%Y%m%d %H:%M', time.localtime(default_matched_from_timestamp)) # @added 20190328 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # Added ionosphere_echo echo_hdate = False # @added 20180812 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page features_profiles_to_validate = [] fp_validate_req = False if 'fp_validate' in request.args: fp_validate_req = request.args.get(str('fp_validate'), None) if fp_validate_req == 'true': fp_validate_req = True if fp_validate_req: metric_found = False timestamp = False base_name = False # @added 20181013 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page # Added the validate_all context and function validate_all = False all_validated = False metric_id = False validated_count = 0 for i in request.args: key = str(i) value = request.args.get(key, None)'request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(value))) # @added 20181013 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page # Added the validate_all context and function if key == 'validate_all': if str(value) == 'true': validate_all = True if key == 'all_validated': if str(value) == 'true': all_validated = True # Ensure that validate_all is set to False so another call # is not made to the validate_all function validate_all = False if key == 'metric_id': try: if isinstance(int(value), int): metric_id = int(value) except: logger.error('error :: the metric_id request parameter was passed but is not an int - %s' % str(value)) if key == 'validated_count': try: if isinstance(int(value), int): validated_count = int(value) except: logger.error('error :: the validated_count request parameter was passed but is not an int - %s' % str(value)) if key == 'order': order = str(value) if order == 'DESC': ordered_by = 'DESC' if order == 'ASC': ordered_by = 'ASC' if key == 'limit': limit = str(value) try: test_limit = int(limit) + 0 limited_by = test_limit except: logger.error('error :: limit is not an integer - %s' % str(limit)) limited_by = '30' if key == 'metric': base_name = str(value) if base_name == 'all': metric_found = True metric_name = 'all' limited_by = 0 ordered_by = 'DESC' if not metric_found: metric_name = settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + base_name try: unique_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'unique_metrics')) except: logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the unique_metrics list from Redis') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 if metric_name in unique_metrics: metric_found = True # @added 20180423 - Feature #2034: analyse_derivatives # Branch #2270: luminosity other_unique_metrics = [] if metric_name not in unique_metrics and settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: metric_found_in_other_redis = False # @modified 20180519 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # for redis_ip, redis_port in settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: for redis_ip, redis_port, redis_password in settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: if not metric_found_in_other_redis: try: if redis_password: other_redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(host=str(redis_ip), port=int(redis_port), password=str(redis_password)) else: other_redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(host=str(redis_ip), port=int(redis_port)) other_unique_metrics = list(other_redis_conn.smembers(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'unique_metrics')) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to connect to Redis at %s on port %s' % (str(redis_ip), str(redis_port))) if metric_name in other_unique_metrics: metric_found_in_other_redis = True metric_found = True'%s found in derivative_metrics in Redis at %s on port %s' % (metric_name, str(redis_ip), str(redis_port))) if metric_found: # @added 20181013 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page # Added the validate_all context and function, first do the # validate_all if it has been passed if validate_all and metric_id: features_profiles_to_validate_count = 0 try: features_profiles_to_validate, fail_msg, trace = get_features_profiles_to_validate(base_name) features_profiles_to_validate_count = len(features_profiles_to_validate)'%s features profiles found that need validating for %s with metric_id %s' % ( str(features_profiles_to_validate_count), base_name, str(metric_id))) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 using get_features_profiles_to_validate(%s) with metric_id %s' % (str(base_name), str(metric_id)) return internal_error(message, trace) if features_profiles_to_validate_count > 0: try: all_validated, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc = validate_fp(int(metric_id), 'metric_id')'validated all the enabled, unvalidated features profiles for metric_id - %s' % str(metric_id)) if all_validated: validated_count = features_profiles_to_validate_count except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 using get_features_profiles_to_validate(%s) with metric_id %s' % (str(base_name), str(metric_id)) return internal_error(message, trace) features_profiles_to_validate = [] if metric_name != 'all': try: features_profiles_to_validate, fail_msg, trace = get_features_profiles_to_validate(base_name) # features_profiles_to_validate # [ fp_id, metric_id, metric, full_duration, anomaly_timestamp, # fp_parent_id, parent_full_duration, parent_anomaly_timestamp, # fp_date, fp_graph_uri, parent_fp_date, parent_fp_graph_uri, # parent_prent_fp_id, fp_learn_graph_uri, parent_fp_learn_graph_uri, # minimum_full_duration, maximum_full_duration]'%s features profiles found that need validating for %s' % ( str(len(features_profiles_to_validate)), base_name)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 using get_features_profiles_to_validate(%s)' % str(base_name) return internal_error(message, trace) try: default_learn_full_duration = int(settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_FULL_DURATION_DAYS) * 24 * 60 * 60 except: default_learn_full_duration = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate = [] if not features_profiles_to_validate: # metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate # [[metric_id, metric, fps_to_validate_count]] metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate, fail_msg, trace = get_metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate()'no features_profiles_to_validate was passed so determined metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate') return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', fp_validate=fp_validate_req, features_profiles_to_validate=features_profiles_to_validate, metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate=metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate, for_metric=base_name, order=ordered_by, limit=limited_by, default_learn_full_duration=default_learn_full_duration, matched_from_datetime=matched_from_datetime, validate_all=validate_all, all_validated=all_validated, validated_count=validated_count, version=skyline_version, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=False), 200 # @added 20170220 - Feature #1862: Ionosphere features profiles search page # Ionosphere features profiles by generations fp_search_req = None # @added 20170916 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page # Handle both fp_search and fp_matches fp_search_or_matches_req = False if 'fp_search' in request.args: fp_search_req = request.args.get(str('fp_search'), None) if fp_search_req == 'true': fp_search_req = True fp_search_or_matches_req = True else: fp_search_req = False # @added 20170916 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page fp_matches_req = None if 'fp_matches' in request.args: fp_matches_req = request.args.get(str('fp_matches'), None) if fp_matches_req == 'true': fp_matches_req = True fp_search_or_matches_req = True from_timestamp = None until_timestamp = None else: fp_matches_req = False # @modified 20170916 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page # Handle both fp_search and fp_matches # if fp_search_req and request_args_len > 1: if fp_search_or_matches_req and request_args_len > 1: REQUEST_ARGS = ['fp_search', 'metric', 'metric_like', 'from_timestamp', 'until_timestamp', 'generation_greater_than', # @added 20170315 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers 'layers_id_greater_than', # @added 20170402 - Feature #2000: Ionosphere - validated 'validated_equals', # @added 20170518 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page - matched_greater_than 'matched_greater_than', 'full_duration', 'enabled', 'tsfresh_version', 'generation', 'count_by_metric', 'count_by_matched', 'count_by_generation', 'count_by_checked', 'limit', 'order', # @added 20170916 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page 'fp_matches', # @added 20170917 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page 'fp_id', 'layer_id', # @added 20180804 - Feature #2488: Allow user to specifically set metric as a derivative metric in training_data 'load_derivative_graphs', # @added 20180917 - Feature #2602: Graphs in search_features_profiles 'show_graphs', ] count_by_metric = None ordered_by = None limited_by = None get_metric_profiles = False not_metric_wildcard = True for i in request.args: key = str(i) if key not in REQUEST_ARGS: logger.error('error :: invalid request argument - %s' % (key)) return 'Bad Request', 400 value = request.args.get(key, None)'request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(value))) if key == 'order': order = str(value) if order == 'DESC': ordered_by = 'DESC' if order == 'ASC': ordered_by = 'ASC' if key == 'limit': limit = str(value) try: test_limit = int(limit) + 0 limited_by = test_limit except: logger.error('error :: limit is not an integer - %s' % str(limit)) limited_by = '30' if key == 'from_timestamp' or key == 'until_timestamp': timestamp_format_invalid = True if value == 'all': timestamp_format_invalid = False # unix timestamp if value.isdigit(): timestamp_format_invalid = False # %Y%m%d %H:%M timestamp if timestamp_format_invalid: value_strip_colon = value.replace(':', '') new_value = value_strip_colon.replace(' ', '') if new_value.isdigit(): timestamp_format_invalid = False if timestamp_format_invalid: error_string = 'error :: invalid %s value passed %s' % (key, value) logger.error('error :: invalid %s value passed %s' % (key, value)) return 'Bad Request', 400 if key == 'count_by_metric': count_by_metric = request.args.get(str('count_by_metric'), None) if count_by_metric == 'true': count_by_metric = True else: count_by_metric = False if key == 'metric': if str(value) == 'all' or str(value) == '*': not_metric_wildcard = False get_metric_profiles = True metric = str(value) if key == 'metric' and not_metric_wildcard: try: unique_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'unique_metrics')) except: logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the unique_metrics list from Redis') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 metric_name = settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + str(value) # @added 20180423 - Feature #2034: analyse_derivatives # Branch #2270: luminosity other_unique_metrics = [] if metric_name not in unique_metrics and settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: metric_found_in_other_redis = False # @modified 20180519 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # for redis_ip, redis_port in settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: for redis_ip, redis_port, redis_password in settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: if not metric_found_in_other_redis: try: if redis_password: other_redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(host=str(redis_ip), port=int(redis_port), password=str(redis_password)) else: other_redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(host=str(redis_ip), port=int(redis_port)) other_unique_metrics = list(other_redis_conn.smembers(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'unique_metrics')) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to connect to Redis at %s on port %s' % (str(redis_ip), str(redis_port))) if metric_name in other_unique_metrics: metric_found_in_other_redis = True'%s found in derivative_metrics in Redis at %s on port %s' % (metric_name, str(redis_ip), str(redis_port))) if metric_name not in unique_metrics and not metric_found_in_other_redis: error_string = 'error :: no metric - %s - exists in Redis' % metric_name logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 else: get_metric_profiles = True metric = str(value) # @added 20170917 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page matching = False metric_like = False if key == 'metric_like': if value == 'all': metric_namespace_pattern = value.replace('all', '') metric_namespace_pattern = value.replace('%', '') if metric_namespace_pattern != '' and value != 'all': try: unique_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'unique_metrics')) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp could not get the unique_metrics list from Redis' logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) matching = [s for s in unique_metrics if metric_namespace_pattern in s] if len(matching) == 0: error_string = 'error :: no metric like - %s - exists in Redis' % metric_namespace_pattern logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 if matching: metric_like = str(value) if fp_search_req and request_args_len > 1: if count_by_metric: # @modified 20180717 - Task #2446: Optimize Ionosphere # Added missing search_success variable features_profiles, fps_count, mc, cc, gc, full_duration_list, enabled_list, tsfresh_version_list, generation_list, search_success, fail_msg, trace = ionosphere_search(False, True) return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', fp_search=fp_search_req, fp_search_results=fp_search_req, features_profiles_count=fps_count, order=ordered_by, limit=limited_by, matched_count=mc, checked_count=cc, generation_count=gc, matched_from_datetime=matched_from_datetime, version=skyline_version, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=False), 200 # @added 20180917 - Feature #2602: Graphs in search_features_profiles features_profiles_with_images = [] show_graphs = False if get_metric_profiles: search_success = False try: fps, fps_count, mc, cc, gc, full_duration_list, enabled_list, tsfresh_version_list, generation_list, search_success, fail_msg, trace = ionosphere_search(False, True) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with search_ionosphere' logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) if not search_success: return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) # @added 20180917 - Feature #2602: Graphs in search_features_profiles if search_success and fps: show_graphs = request.args.get(str('show_graphs'), False) if show_graphs == 'true': show_graphs = True if search_success and fps and show_graphs: query_context = 'features_profiles' for fp_elements in fps: # Get images try: fp_id = fp_elements[0] base_name = fp_elements[2] requested_timestamp = fp_elements[4] # @modified 20181205 - Bug #2746: webapp time out - Graphs in search_features_profiles # Feature #2602: Graphs in search_features_profiles # This function was causing the webapp to time out due # to fetching all the matched Graphite graphs # mpaths, images, hdate, m_vars, ts_json, data_to_process, p_id, gimages, gmimages, times_matched, glm_images, l_id_matched, ts_fd, i_ts_json, anomalous_timeseries, f_id_matched, fp_details_list = ionosphere_metric_data(requested_timestamp, base_name, query_context, fp_id) images, gimages = ionosphere_show_graphs(requested_timestamp, base_name, fp_id) new_fp = [] for fp_element in fp_elements: new_fp.append(fp_element) # @added 20180918 - Feature #2602: Graphs in search_features_profiles # The images are required to be sorted here in terms of # only passing the Redis image (if present) and the # full duration graph, as it is a bit too much # achieve in the Jinja template. full_duration_float = fp_elements[3] full_duration = int(full_duration_float) full_duration_in_hours = full_duration / 60 / 60 full_duration_in_hours_image_string = '.%sh.png' % str(int(full_duration_in_hours)) show_graph_images = [] redis_image = 'No Redis data graph' full_duration_image = 'No full duration graph' # @modified 20180918 - Feature #2602: Graphs in search_features_profiles # Append individual redis_image and full_duration_image # list elements instead of just added the images or # gimages list # if images: # new_fp.append(images) # else: # new_fp.append(gimages) if images: for image in images: if '.redis.plot' in image: redis_image = image if full_duration_in_hours_image_string in image: full_duration_image = image else: for image in gimages: if '.redis.plot' in image: redis_image = image if full_duration_in_hours_image_string in image: full_duration_image = image if full_duration_image == 'No full duration graph': for image in gimages: if full_duration_in_hours_image_string in image: full_duration_image = image new_fp.append(full_duration_image) new_fp.append(redis_image) features_profiles_with_images.append(new_fp) except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) if not features_profiles_with_images: if fps: for fp_elements in fps: try: new_fp = [] for fp_element in fp_elements: new_fp.append(fp_element) new_fp.append(None) features_profiles_with_images.append(new_fp) except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) # @modified 20170912 - Feature #2056: ionosphere - disabled_features_profiles # Added enabled_list to display DISABLED in search_features_profiles # page results. return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', fp_search=fp_search_req, fp_search_results=fp_search_req, features_profiles=fps, for_metric=metric, order=ordered_by, limit=limited_by, matched_count=mc, checked_count=cc, generation_count=gc, enabled_list=enabled_list, matched_from_datetime=matched_from_datetime, # @added 20180917 - Feature #2602: Graphs in search_features_profiles features_profiles_with_images=features_profiles_with_images, show_graphs=show_graphs, version=skyline_version, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=False), 200 # @added 20170916 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page if fp_matches_req: # @added 20170917 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page # Added by fp_id or layer_id as well fp_id = None layer_id = None for i in request.args: key = str(i) value = request.args.get(key, None) if key == 'fp_id':'request key %s set to %s' % (key, str(value))) try: test_fp_id = int(value) + 0 if test_fp_id > 0: fp_id = str(test_fp_id) else: # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # Test that the fp_id is an int first # fp_id = None logger.error('error :: invalid request argument - fp_id is not an int') return 'Bad Request', 400'fp_id now set to %s' % (str(fp_id))) except: error_string = 'error :: the fp_id argument was passed but not as an int - %s' % str(value) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 if key == 'layer_id':'request key %s set to %s' % (key, str(value))) try: test_layer_id = int(value) + 0 if test_layer_id > 0: layer_id = str(test_layer_id) else: layer_id = None'layer_id now set to %s' % (str(layer_id))) except: error_string = 'error :: the layer_id argument was passed but not as an int - %s' % str(value) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404'get_fp_matches with arguments :: %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s' % ( str(metric), str(metric_like), str(fp_id), str(layer_id), str(from_timestamp), str(until_timestamp), str(limited_by), str(ordered_by))) matches, fail_msg, trace = get_fp_matches(metric, metric_like, fp_id, layer_id, from_timestamp, until_timestamp, limited_by, ordered_by) if not matches: return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', fp_matches=fp_matches_req, for_metric=metric, fp_matches_results=matches, order=ordered_by, limit=limited_by, matched_from_datetime=matched_from_datetime, version=skyline_version, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=False), 200 # @modified 20170118 - Feature #1862: Ionosphere features profiles search page # Added fp_search parameter # @modified 20170122 - Feature #1872: Ionosphere - features profile page by id only # Added fp_id parameter # @modified 20170305 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Added layers arguments d_condition to fp_layer # @modified 20160315 - Feature #1972: ionosphere_layers - use D layer boundary for upper limit # Added d_boundary_times # @modified 20170327 - Feature #2004: Ionosphere layers - edit_layers # Added layers_id and edit_fp_layers # @added 20170402 - Feature #2000: Ionosphere - validated IONOSPHERE_REQUEST_ARGS = [ 'timestamp', 'metric', 'metric_td', 'a_dated_list', 'timestamp_td', 'requested_timestamp', 'fp_view', 'calc_features', 'add_fp', 'features_profiles', 'fp_search', 'learn', 'fp_id', 'd_condition', 'd_boundary_limit', 'd_boundary_times', 'e_condition', 'e_boundary_limit', 'e_boundary_times', 'es_layer', 'es_day', 'f1_layer', 'f1_from_time', 'f1_layer', 'f2_until_time', 'fp_layer', 'fp_layer_label', 'add_fp_layer', 'layers_id', 'edit_fp_layers', 'validate_fp', 'validated_equals', # @added 20170616 - Feature #2048: D1 ionosphere layer 'd1_condition', 'd1_boundary_limit', 'd1_boundary_times', # @added 20170617 - Feature #2054: 'save_training_data', 'saved_td_label', 'saved_training_data', # added 20170908 - Feature #2056: ionosphere - disabled_features_profiles 'disable_fp', # @added 20170917 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page 'matched_fp_id', 'matched_layer_id', # @added 20180804 - Feature #2488: Allow user to specifically set metric as a derivative metric in training_data 'load_derivative_graphs', ] determine_metric = False dated_list = False td_requested_timestamp = False feature_profile_view = False calculate_features = False create_feature_profile = False fp_view = False fp_profiles = [] # @added 20170118 - Feature #1862: Ionosphere features profiles search page fp_search = False # @added 20170120 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Added fp_learn and fp_fd_days parameters to allow the user to not learn at # use_full_duration_days fp_learn = False fp_fd_days = settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_FULL_DURATION_DAYS # @added 20170327 - Feature #2004: Ionosphere layers - edit_layers # Task #2002: Review and correct incorrectly defined layers # Added the argument edit_fp_layers edit_fp_layers = False layers_id = None # @added 20170617 - Feature #2054: save_training_data = False saved_training_data = False saved_td_label = False # added 20170908 - Feature #2056: ionosphere - disabled_features_profiles disable_fp = False # @added 20170917 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page matched_fp_id = False matched_layer_id = False try: if request_args_present: timestamp_arg = False metric_arg = False metric_td_arg = False timestamp_td_arg = False # @added 20180804 - Feature #2488: Allow user to specifically set metric as a derivative metric in training_data set_derivative_metric = False if 'fp_view' in request.args: fp_view = request.args.get(str('fp_view'), None) base_name = request.args.get(str('metric'), None) # @added 20170917 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page if 'matched_fp_id' in request.args: matched_fp_id = request.args.get(str('matched_fp_id'), None) if 'matched_layer_id' in request.args: matched_layer_id = request.args.get(str('matched_layer_id'), None) # @added 20170122 - Feature #1872: Ionosphere - features profile page by id only # Determine the features profile dir path for a fp_id if 'fp_id' in request.args: # @added 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # Test that the fp_id is an int first try: test_fp_id = request.args.get(str('fp_id')) test_fp_id_valid = int(test_fp_id) + 1 except: logger.error('error :: invalid request argument - fp_id is not an int') return 'Bad Request', 400 fp_id = request.args.get(str('fp_id'), None) metric_timestamp = 0 try: fp_details, fp_details_successful, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc, fp_details_object = features_profile_details(fp_id) anomaly_timestamp = int(fp_details_object['anomaly_timestamp']) created_timestamp = fp_details_object['created_timestamp'] except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'failed to get features profile details for id %s' % str(fp_id) return internal_error(message, trace) if not fp_details_successful: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: features_profile_details failed' return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) use_timestamp = 0 metric_timeseries_dir = base_name.replace('.', '/') # @modified 20170126 - Feature #1872: Ionosphere - features profile page by id only # The the incorrect logic, first it should be checked if # there is a use_full_duration parent timestamp dt = str(created_timestamp) naive = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') pytz_tz = settings.SERVER_PYTZ_TIMEZONE local = pytz.timezone(pytz_tz) local_dt = local.localize(naive, is_dst=None) utc_dt = local_dt.astimezone(pytz.utc) unix_created_timestamp = utc_dt.strftime('%s') features_profiles_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER, metric_timeseries_dir, str(unix_created_timestamp)) if os.path.exists(features_profiles_data_dir): use_timestamp = int(unix_created_timestamp) else: logger.error('no timestamp feature profiles data dir found for feature profile id %s at %s' % (str(fp_id), str(features_profiles_data_dir))) # @added 20170915 - Bug #2162: ionosphere - mismatching timestamp metadata # Feature #1872: Ionosphere - features profile page by id only # Iterate back a few seconds as the features profile dir and # file resources may have a slight offset timestamp from the # created_timestamp which is based on MySQL CURRENT_TIMESTAMP if use_timestamp == 0: check_back_to_timestamp = int(unix_created_timestamp) - 10 check_timestamp = int(unix_created_timestamp) - 1 while check_timestamp > check_back_to_timestamp: features_profiles_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER, metric_timeseries_dir, str(check_timestamp)) if os.path.exists(features_profiles_data_dir): use_timestamp = int(check_timestamp) check_timestamp = check_back_to_timestamp - 1 else: check_timestamp -= 1 features_profiles_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER, metric_timeseries_dir, str(anomaly_timestamp)) # @modified 20170126 - Feature #1872: Ionosphere - features profile page by id only # This was the incorrect logic, first it should be checked if # there is a use_full_duration parent timestamp if use_timestamp == 0: if os.path.exists(features_profiles_data_dir): use_timestamp = int(anomaly_timestamp) else: logger.error('no timestamp feature profiles data dir found for feature profile id %s at %s' % (str(fp_id), str(features_profiles_data_dir))) if use_timestamp == 0: logger.error('no timestamp feature profiles data dir found for feature profile id - %s' % str(fp_id)) # @added 20180420 - Branch #2270: luminosity # Use settings.ALTERNATIVE_SKYLINE_URLS if they are # declared try: use_alternative_urls = settings.ALTERNATIVE_SKYLINE_URLS except: use_alternative_urls = False if use_alternative_urls: alternative_urls = [] for alt_url in use_alternative_urls: alt_redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere?fp_view=true&fp_id=%s&metric=%s' % (str(alt_url), str(fp_id), str(base_name)) alternative_urls.append(alt_redirect_url) message = 'no timestamp feature profiles data dir found on this Skyline instance try at the alternative URLS listed below:''passing alternative_urls - %s' % str(alternative_urls)) try: return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', display_message=message, alternative_urls=alternative_urls, fp_view=True, version=skyline_version, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=True), 200 except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: no timestamp feature profiles data dir found for feature profile id - ' + str(fp_id) + ' - go on... nothing here.'}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 400 return flask_escape(resp), 400 redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere?fp_view=true&timestamp=%s&metric=%s' % (settings.SKYLINE_URL, str(use_timestamp), base_name) # @added 20180815 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page validate_fp_req = False if 'validate_fp' in request.args: validate_fp_req = request.args.get(str('validate_fp'), None) if validate_fp_req == 'true': validate_fp_req = True if validate_fp_req: redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere?fp_view=true&timestamp=%s&metric=%s&validate_fp=true' % ( settings.SKYLINE_URL, str(use_timestamp), base_name) # @added 20180816 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page disable_fp_req = False if 'disable_fp' in request.args: disable_fp_id = request.args.get(str('disable_fp'), None) if isinstance(int(disable_fp_id), int): disable_fp_req = True if disable_fp_req: redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere?fp_view=true&timestamp=%s&metric=%s&disable_fp=%s' % ( settings.SKYLINE_URL, str(use_timestamp), base_name, str(disable_fp_id)) # @added 20170917 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page if matched_fp_id: if matched_fp_id != 'False': redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere?fp_view=true&timestamp=%s&metric=%s&matched_fp_id=%s' % ( settings.SKYLINE_URL, str(use_timestamp), base_name, str(matched_fp_id)) if matched_layer_id: if matched_layer_id != 'False': redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere?fp_view=true&timestamp=%s&metric=%s&matched_layer_id=%s' % ( settings.SKYLINE_URL, str(use_timestamp), base_name, str(matched_layer_id)) # @modified 20170327 - Feature #2004: Ionosphere layers - edit_layers # Task #2002: Review and correct incorrectly defined layers # Build the query string from the previous parameters if 'edit_fp_layers' in request.args: redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere?timestamp=%s' % (settings.SKYLINE_URL, str(use_timestamp)) for i in request.args: key = str(i) if key == 'timestamp': continue value = request.args.get(key, None) new_redirect_url = '%s&%s=%s' % ( redirect_url, str(key), str(value)) redirect_url = new_redirect_url if 'edit_fp_layers' in request.args:'not returning redirect as edit_fp_layers request') else:'returned redirect on original request - %s' % str(redirect_url)) return redirect(redirect_url, code=302) for i in request.args: key = str(i) if key not in IONOSPHERE_REQUEST_ARGS: logger.error('error :: invalid request argument - %s' % (key)) return 'Bad Request', 400 value = request.args.get(key, None)'request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(value))) if key == 'calc_features': if str(value) == 'true': calculate_features = True if key == 'add_fp': if str(value) == 'true': create_feature_profile = True # @added 20170317 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers - allow for floats if key == 'd_boundary_limit': try: d_boundary_limit = float(value) except ValueError: logger.error('error :: invalid request argument - %s is not numeric - %s' % (key, str(value))) return 'Bad Request\n\ninvalid request argument - %s is not numeric - %s' % (key, str(value)), 400'request argument OK - %s=%s' % (key, str(d_boundary_limit))) if key == 'e_boundary_limit': try: e_boundary_limit = float(value) except ValueError: logger.error('error :: invalid request argument - %s is not numeric - %s' % (key, str(value))) return 'Bad Request\n\ninvalid request argument - %s is not numeric - %s' % (key, str(value)), 400'request argument OK - %s=%s' % (key, str(e_boundary_limit))) if key == 'fp_view': if str(value) == 'true': fp_view = True # @added 20170118 - Feature #1862: Ionosphere features profiles search page # Added fp_search parameter if key == 'fp_search': if str(value) == 'true': fp_search = True # @added 20170120 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Added fp_learn parameter if key == 'learn': if str(value) == 'true': fp_learn = True # @added 20170305 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Being passed through as a boolean from the Create features # profile arguments and I cannot be arsed to track it down if str(value) == 'True': fp_learn = True if key == 'features_profiles': fp_profiles = str(value) # @added 20170327 - Feature #2004: Ionosphere layers - edit_layers # Task #2002: Review and correct incorrectly defined layers # Added layers and edit_fp_layers if key == 'layers_id': test_layer_id = str(value) try: layers_id = int(test_layer_id) except:'bad request argument - %s=%s not numeric' % (str(key), str(value))) resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: not a numeric id for the layers_id argument - %s' + str(value) + ' - please pass a proper id'}) if key == 'edit_fp_layers': if str(value) == 'true': edit_fp_layers = True if str(value) == 'True': edit_fp_layers = True if edit_fp_layers:'edit_fp_layers is set to %s' % (str(edit_fp_layers))) if key == 'a_dated_list': if str(value) == 'true': dated_list = True if key == 'requested_timestamp': valid_rt_timestamp = False if str(value) == 'False': valid_rt_timestamp = True if not valid_rt_timestamp: if not len(str(value)) == 10:'bad request argument - %s=%s not an epoch timestamp' % (str(key), str(value))) resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: not an epoch timestamp for ' + str(key) + ' - ' + str(value) + ' - please pass a proper epoch timestamp'}) else: try: timestamp_numeric = int(value) + 1 valid_rt_timestamp = True except: valid_timestamp = False'bad request argument - %s=%s not numeric' % (str(key), str(value))) resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: not a numeric epoch timestamp for ' + str(key) + ' - ' + str(value) + ' - please pass a proper epoch timestamp'}) if not valid_rt_timestamp: # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 400 return flask_escape(resp), 400 # @added 20170617 - Feature #2054: if key == 'save_training_data': if str(value) == 'true': save_training_data = True if key == 'saved_td_label': saved_td_label = str(value) if key == 'saved_training_data': if str(value) == 'true': saved_training_data = True check_for_purged = False if not saved_training_data: if not fp_view: check_for_purged = True if key == 'timestamp' or key == 'timestamp_td': valid_timestamp = True if not len(str(value)) == 10: valid_timestamp = False'bad request argument - %s=%s not an epoch timestamp' % (str(key), str(value))) resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: not an epoch timestamp for ' + str(key) + ' - ' + str(value) + ' - please pass a proper epoch timestamp'}) if valid_timestamp: try: timestamp_numeric = int(value) + 1 except: valid_timestamp = False'bad request argument - %s=%s not numeric' % (str(key), str(value))) resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: not a numeric epoch timestamp for ' + str(key) + ' - ' + str(value) + ' - please pass a proper epoch timestamp'}) if not valid_timestamp: # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 400 return flask_escape(resp), 400 # if not fp_view: if check_for_purged: ionosphere_data_dir = '%s/%s' % (settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, str(value)) if not isdir(ionosphere_data_dir): valid_timestamp = False now = time.time() purged_timestamp = int(now) - int(settings.IONOSPHERE_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR) if int(value) < purged_timestamp:'%s=%s timestamp it to old to have training data' % (key, str(value))) resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: timestamp too old no training data exists, training data has been purged'}) else: logger.error('%s=%s no timestamp training data dir found - %s' % (key, str(value), ionosphere_data_dir)) # @added 20180713 - Branch #2270: luminosity # Use settings.ALTERNATIVE_SKYLINE_URLS if they are # declared try: use_alternative_urls = settings.ALTERNATIVE_SKYLINE_URLS except: use_alternative_urls = False if use_alternative_urls: base_name = request.args.get(str('metric'), None) alternative_urls = [] for alt_url in use_alternative_urls: alt_redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere?timestamp=%s&metric=%s' % (str(alt_url), str(value), str(base_name)) if len(use_alternative_urls) == 1: return redirect(alt_redirect_url) alternative_urls.append(alt_redirect_url) message = 'no training data dir exists on this Skyline instance try at the alternative URLS listed below:''passing alternative_urls - %s' % str(alternative_urls)) try: return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', display_message=message, alternative_urls=alternative_urls, fp_view=True, version=skyline_version, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=True), 200 except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) else: resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: no training data dir exists - ' + ionosphere_data_dir + ' - go on... nothing here.'}) if not valid_timestamp: # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 if key == 'timestamp': requested_timestamp = str(value) timestamp_arg = True if key == 'timestamp_td': timestamp_td_arg = True requested_timestamp_td = str(value) # determine_metric = True if key == 'requested_timestamp': td_requested_timestamp = str(value) if key == 'metric' or key == 'metric_td': try: unique_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'unique_metrics')) except: logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the unique_metrics list from Redis') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 metric_name = settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + str(value) metric_found = False if metric_name not in unique_metrics and settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: # @modified 20180519 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # for redis_ip, redis_port in settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: for redis_ip, redis_port, redis_password in settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: other_unique_metrics = [] if not metric_found: try: if redis_password: OTHER_REDIS_CONN = redis.StrictRedis(host=str(redis_ip), port=int(redis_port), password=str(redis_password)) else: OTHER_REDIS_CONN = redis.StrictRedis(host=str(redis_ip), port=int(redis_port)) other_unique_metrics = list(OTHER_REDIS_CONN.smembers(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'unique_metrics'))'metric found in Redis at %s on port %s' % (str(redis_ip), str(redis_port))) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to connect to Redis at %s on port %s' % (str(redis_ip), str(redis_port))) if metric_name in other_unique_metrics: metric_found = True # if metric_name not in unique_metrics: if metric_name not in unique_metrics and not metric_found: # @added 20170917 - Bug #2158: webapp - redis metric check - existing but sparsely represented metrics # If this is an fp_view=true, it means that either the # metric is sparsely represented or no longer exists, # but an fp exists so continue and do not 404 if fp_view:'%s not in Redis, but fp passed so continuing' % metric_name) else: error_string = 'error :: no metric - %s - exists in Redis' % metric_name logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 if key == 'metric': metric_arg = True if key == 'metric_td': metric_td_arg = True if metric_arg or metric_td_arg: if key == 'metric' or key == 'metric_td': base_name = str(value) # @added 20180804 - Feature #2488: Allow user to specifically set metric as a derivative metric in training_data if timestamp_arg and metric_arg: if key == 'load_derivative_graphs': if str(value) == 'true': set_derivative_metric = set_metric_as_derivative(skyline_app, base_name) # @added 20180918 - Feature #2488: Allow user to specifically set metric as a derivative metric in training_data # Remove any graphite_now png files that are present # so that the webapp recreates the pngs as # nonNegativeDerivative graphs. # TODO - handle caching try: timeseries_dir = base_name.replace('.', '/') ionosphere_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, requested_timestamp, timeseries_dir) pattern = 'graphite_now' for f in os.listdir(ionosphere_data_dir): if, f): remove_graphite_now_file = os.path.join(ionosphere_data_dir, f) os.remove(remove_graphite_now_file)'removed graphite_now image at user request - %s' % remove_graphite_now_file) except: logger.error('failed to remove graphite_now images') if set_derivative_metric: return_url = '%s/ionosphere?timestamp=%s&metric=%s' % (str(settings.SKYLINE_URL), str(requested_timestamp), str(base_name)) return redirect(return_url) if timestamp_arg and metric_arg: timeseries_dir = base_name.replace('.', '/') if not fp_view: ionosphere_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, requested_timestamp, timeseries_dir) # @added 20170617 - Feature #2054: if saved_training_data: ionosphere_data_dir = '%s_saved/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, requested_timestamp, timeseries_dir) if not isdir(ionosphere_data_dir): '%s=%s no timestamp metric training data dir found - %s' % (key, str(value), ionosphere_data_dir)) resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: no training data dir exists - ' + ionosphere_data_dir + ' - go on... nothing here.'}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 else: ionosphere_profiles_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER, timeseries_dir, requested_timestamp, ) if not isdir(ionosphere_profiles_dir): '%s=%s no timestamp metric features profile dir found - %s' % (key, str(value), ionosphere_profiles_dir)) # @added 20180715 - Branch #2270: luminosity # Use settings.ALTERNATIVE_SKYLINE_URLS if they are # declared and redirect to alternative URL/s if no # features profile directory exists on the Skyline # instance. try: use_alternative_urls = settings.ALTERNATIVE_SKYLINE_URLS except: use_alternative_urls = False if use_alternative_urls: base_name = request.args.get(str('metric'), None) alternative_urls = [] for alt_url in use_alternative_urls: alt_redirect_url_base = '%s/ionosphere' % str(alt_url) request_url = str(request.url) request_endpoint = '%s/ionosphere' % str(settings.SKYLINE_URL) alt_redirect_url = request_url.replace(request_endpoint, alt_redirect_url_base, 1) if len(use_alternative_urls) == 1:'redirecting to %s' % str(alt_redirect_url)) return redirect(alt_redirect_url) alternative_urls.append(alt_redirect_url) message = 'no features profile dir exists on this Skyline instance try at the alternative URLS listed below:''passing alternative_urls - %s' % str(alternative_urls)) try: return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', display_message=message, alternative_urls=alternative_urls, fp_view=True, version=skyline_version, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=True), 200 except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) else: resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: no features profile dir exists - ' + ionosphere_profiles_dir + ' - go on... nothing here.'}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404'arguments validated - OK') except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) debug_on = False if fp_view: context = 'features_profiles' else: context = 'training_data' # @added 20170617 - Feature #2054: if saved_training_data: context = 'saved_training_data' fp_view_on = fp_view do_first = False if fp_view: do_first = True args = [ 'timestamp', 'metric', 'metric_td', 'timestamp_td', 'requested_timestamp', 'features_profiles'] for i_arg in args: if i_arg in request.args: do_first = False if request_args_len == 0 or dated_list: do_first = True if do_first: listed_by = 'metric' if dated_list: listed_by = 'date' try: mpaths, unique_m, unique_ts, hdates = ionosphere_data(False, 'all', context) return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', unique_metrics=unique_m, list_by=listed_by, unique_timestamps=unique_ts, human_dates=hdates, metric_td_dirs=zip(unique_ts, hdates), td_files=mpaths, requested_timestamp=td_requested_timestamp, fp_view=fp_view_on, matched_from_datetime=matched_from_datetime, version=skyline_version, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=debug_on), 200 except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) # @added 20170118 - Feature #1862: Ionosphere features profiles search page # Added fp_search parameter fp_search_param = None if fp_search: logger.debug('debug :: fp_search was True') fp_search_param = True listed_by = 'search' # get_options = [ # 'full_duration', 'enabled', 'tsfresh_version', 'generation'] fd_list = None try: # @modified 20170221 - Feature #1862: Ionosphere features profiles search page # fd_list, en_list, tsfresh_list, gen_list, fail_msg, trace = ionosphere_search_defaults(get_options) features_profiles, fp_count, mc, cc, gc, fd_list, en_list, tsfresh_list, gen_list, fail_msg, trace = ionosphere_search(True, False) logger.debug('debug :: fd_list - %s' % str(fd_list)) except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) if fd_list: try: return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', list_by=listed_by, fp_search=fp_search_param, full_duration_list=fd_list, enabled_list=en_list, tsfresh_version_list=tsfresh_list, generation_list=gen_list, matched_from_datetime=matched_from_datetime, version=skyline_version, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=debug_on), 200 except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) if metric_td_arg: listed_by = 'metric_td_dirs' try: mpaths, unique_m, unique_ts, hdates = ionosphere_data(False, base_name, context) return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', metric_td_dirs=zip(unique_ts, hdates), list_by=listed_by, for_metric=base_name, td_files=mpaths, requested_timestamp=td_requested_timestamp, fp_view=fp_view_on, matched_from_datetime=matched_from_datetime, version=skyline_version, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=debug_on), 200 except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) if timestamp_td_arg: # Note to self. Can we carry the referring timestamp through and when # a metric is selected the time is the only one wrapped in <code> .e.g red? listed_by = 'timestamp_td_dirs' try: mpaths, unique_m, unique_ts, hdates = ionosphere_get_metrics_dir(requested_timestamp_td, context) return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', unique_metrics=unique_m, list_by=listed_by, unique_timestamps=unique_ts, human_dates=hdates, td_files=mpaths, metric_td_dirs=zip(unique_ts, hdates), requested_timestamp=td_requested_timestamp, fp_view=fp_view_on, matched_from_datetime=matched_from_datetime, version=skyline_version, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=debug_on), 200 except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) if timestamp_arg and metric_arg: try: # @modified 20170104 - Feature #1842: Ionosphere - Graphite now graphs # Added the full_duration_in_hours and changed graph color from blue to orange # full_duration_in_hours # GRAPH_URL = GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL + '://' + GRAPHITE_HOST + ':' + GRAPHITE_PORT + '/render/?width=1400&from=-' + TARGET_HOURS + 'hour&target=' # A regex is required to change the TARGET_HOURS, no? extend do not modify? # Not certain will review after Dude morning excersion graph_url = '%scactiStyle(%s)%s&colorList=blue' % ( settings.GRAPH_URL, base_name, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS) except: graph_url = False # @added 20170604 - Feature #2034: analyse_derivatives # Added nonNegativeDerivative to strictly # increasing monotonically metrics in graph_url known_derivative_metric = False try: derivative_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers('derivative_metrics')) except: derivative_metrics = [] redis_metric_name = '%s%s' % (settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, str(base_name)) if redis_metric_name in derivative_metrics: known_derivative_metric = True if known_derivative_metric: try: non_derivative_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers('non_derivative_metrics')) except: non_derivative_metrics = [] skip_derivative = in_list(redis_metric_name, non_derivative_metrics) if skip_derivative: known_derivative_metric = False if known_derivative_metric: try: graph_url = '%scactiStyle(nonNegativeDerivative(%s))%s&colorList=blue' % ( settings.GRAPH_URL, base_name, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS) except: graph_url = False # @added 20170327 - Feature #2004: Ionosphere layers - edit_layers # Task #2002: Review and correct incorrectly defined layers layers_updated = False if 'edit_fp_layers' in request.args: edit_fp_layers_arg = request.args.get('edit_fp_layers', False) if edit_fp_layers_arg == 'true': edit_fp_layers = True'editing layers id - %s' % str(layers_id)) else:'not editing layers id - %s' % str(layers_id)) if edit_fp_layers:'editing layers id - %s' % str(layers_id)) try: layers_updated, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc = edit_ionosphere_layers(layers_id)'updated layers id - %s' % str(layers_id)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'failed to update layer calling edit_ionosphere_layers' return internal_error(message, trace) if not layers_updated: trace = 'none' message = 'failed to update layer' return internal_error(message, trace) else:'not editing layers') features = None f_calc = 'none' fp_exists = False fp_id = None if calculate_features or create_feature_profile or fp_view: try: fp_csv, successful, fp_exists, fp_id, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc, f_calc = calculate_features_profile(skyline_app, requested_timestamp, base_name, context) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'failed to calculate features' return internal_error(message, trace) if not successful: return internal_error(fail_msg, traceback_format_exc) if os.path.isfile(str(fp_csv)): features = [] with open(fp_csv, 'rb') as fr: reader = csv.reader(fr, delimiter=',') for i, line in enumerate(reader): features.append([str(line[0]), str(line[1])]) generation_zero = False if create_feature_profile or fp_view: if create_feature_profile: # Submit to Ionosphere to run tsfresh on create_feature_profile = True if not fp_id: # @modified 20170114 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Added parent_id and generation as all features profiles that # are created via the UI will be generation 0 parent_id = 0 generation = 0 ionosphere_job = 'learn_fp_human' try: # @modified 20170120 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Added fp_learn parameter to allow the user to not learn the # use_full_duration_days # fp_id, fp_in_successful, fp_exists, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc = create_features_profile(skyline_app, requested_timestamp, base_name, context, ionosphere_job, parent_id, generation, fp_learn) fp_id, fp_in_successful, fp_exists, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc = create_features_profile(skyline_app, requested_timestamp, base_name, context, ionosphere_job, parent_id, generation, fp_learn) if create_feature_profile: generation_zero = True except: # @modified 20161209 - - Branch #922: ionosphere # Task #1658: Patterning Skyline Ionosphere # Use raise and traceback.format_exc() to carry # through to the rendered page for the user, e.g # me. # trace = traceback_format_exc trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'failed to create features profile' return internal_error(message, trace) if not fp_in_successful: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: create_features_profile failed' return internal_error(fail_msg, 'no traceback available') fp_details = None # @added 20170305 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers l_id = None l_details = None l_details_object = False la_details = None # @added 20170402 - Feature #2000: Ionosphere - validated validated_fp_success = False # added 20170908 - Feature #2056: ionosphere - disabled_features_profiles family_tree_fp_ids = None disabled_fp_success = None if fp_view: # @added 20170402 - Feature #2000: Ionosphere - validated validate = False if 'validate_fp' in request.args: validate_arg = request.args.get('validate_fp', False) if validate_arg == 'true': validate = True'validate - %s' % str(validate)) if validate:'validating - fp_ip %s' % str(fp_id)) try: # @modified 20181013 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page # Added the extended validate_fp parameter of id_column_name # validated_fp_success, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc = validate_fp(fp_id) validated_fp_success, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc = validate_fp(fp_id, 'id')'validated fp_id - %s' % str(fp_id)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'failed to validate features profile' return internal_error(message, trace) # added 20170908 - Feature #2056: ionosphere - disabled_features_profiles family_tree_fp_ids, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc = features_profile_family_tree(fp_id) if 'disable_fp' in request.args: value = request.args.get(str('disable_fp'), None) if int(value) > 1: disable_fp = int(value)'disable_fp is set to %s' % str(disable_fp)) if disable_fp:'disabling fp ids - %s' % str(family_tree_fp_ids)) disabled_fp_success, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc = disable_features_profile_family_tree(family_tree_fp_ids) try: # @modified 20170114 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Return the fp_details_object so that webapp can pass the parent_id and # generation to the templates # fp_details, fp_details_successful, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc = features_profile_details(fp_id) fp_details, fp_details_successful, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc, fp_details_object = features_profile_details(fp_id) except: # trace = traceback_format_exc trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'failed to get features profile details' return internal_error(message, trace) if not fp_details_successful: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: features_profile_details failed' return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) # @added 20170305 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers fp_layers_id = None try: fp_layers_id = int(fp_details_object['layers_id']) except: fp_layers_id = 0 layer_details = None layer_details_success = False if fp_layers_id: try: l_details, layer_details_success, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc, l_details_object = feature_profile_layers_detail(fp_layers_id) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'failed to get features profile layers details for id %s' % str(fp_layers_id) return internal_error(message, trace) try: la_details, layer_algorithms_success, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc, la_details_object = feature_profile_layer_alogrithms(fp_layers_id) l_id = fp_layers_id except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'failed to get features profile layer algorithm details for id %s' % str(fp_layers_id) return internal_error(message, trace) valid_learning_duration = None # @added 20170308 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers - glm_images to m_app_context glm_images = None l_id_matched = None m_app_context = 'Analyzer' # @added 20170309 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers - i_ts_json i_ts_json = None sample_ts_json = None sample_i_ts_json = None # @added 20170331 - Task #1988: Review - Ionosphere layers - always show layers # Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers anomalous_timeseries = None f_id_matched = None fp_details_list = None f_id_created = None fp_generation_created = None try: # @modified 20170106 - Feature #1842: Ionosphere - Graphite now graphs # Added graphite_now_images gimages # @modified 20170107 - Feature #1852: Ionosphere - features_profile matched graphite graphs # Added graphite_matched_images gmimages # @modified 20170308 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Show the latest matched layers graphs as well added glm_images - graphite_layers_matched_images # @modified 20170309 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Also return the Analyzer FULL_DURATION timeseries if available in a Mirage # based features profile added i_ts_json # @added 20170331 - Task #1988: Review - Ionosphere layers - always show layers # Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Return the anomalous_timeseries as an array to sample and fp_id_matched # @added 20170401 - Task #1988: Review - Ionosphere layers - added fp_id_created # @added 20190328 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # Added fp_anomaly_timestamp ionosphere_echo features profiles mpaths, images, hdate, m_vars, ts_json, data_to_process, p_id, gimages, gmimages, times_matched, glm_images, l_id_matched, ts_fd, i_ts_json, anomalous_timeseries, f_id_matched, fp_details_list, fp_anomaly_timestamp = ionosphere_metric_data(requested_timestamp, base_name, context, fp_id) # @added 20170309 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers - i_ts_json # Show the last 30 if ts_json: sample_ts_json = ts_json[-30:] # @modified 20170331 - Task #1988: Review - Ionosphere layers - always show layers # Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Return the anomalous_timeseries as an array to sample # if i_ts_json: # sample_i_ts_json = i_ts_json[-30:] if anomalous_timeseries: sample_i_ts_json = anomalous_timeseries[-30:] if fp_details_list: f_id_created = fp_details_list[0] # @modified 20170729 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Make backwards compatible with older features profiles # fp_generation_created = fp_details_list[8] try: fp_generation_created = fp_details_list[8] except: fp_generation_created = 0 # @added 20170120 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Added fp_learn parameter to allow the user to not learn the # use_full_duration_days so added fp_fd_days use_full_duration, valid_learning_duration, fp_fd_days, max_generations, max_percent_diff_from_origin = get_ionosphere_learn_details(skyline_app, base_name) # @added 20170104 - Feature #1842: Ionosphere - Graphite now graphs # Added the full_duration parameter so that the appropriate graphs can be # embedded for the user in the training data page full_duration = settings.FULL_DURATION full_duration_in_hours = int(full_duration / 3600) second_order_resolution_hours = False try: key = 'full_duration' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in m_vars if var_array[0] == key] m_full_duration = int(value_list[0]) m_full_duration_in_hours = int(m_full_duration / 3600) if m_full_duration != full_duration: second_order_resolution_hours = m_full_duration_in_hours # @added 20170305 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers - m_app_context m_app_context = 'Mirage' except: m_full_duration = False m_full_duration_in_hours = False message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :( :: m_vars - %s' % str(m_vars) trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) # @added 20190330 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # For Ionosphere echo and adding red borders on the matched graphs if m_full_duration_in_hours: m_fd_in_hours_img_str = '%sh.png' % str(m_full_duration_in_hours) else: m_fd_in_hours_img_str = False # @added 20170105 - Feature #1842: Ionosphere - Graphite now graphs # We want to sort the images so that the Graphite image is always # displayed first in he training_data.html page AND we want Graphite # now graphs at TARGET_HOURS, 24h, 7d, 30d to inform the operator # about the metric sorted_images = sorted(images) # @modified 20170105 - Feature #1842: Ionosphere - Graphite now graphs # Added matched_count and only displaying one graph for each 10 # minute period if there are mulitple matches in a 10 minute period # @modified 20170114 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Added parent_id and generation par_id = 0 gen = 0 # @added 20170402 - Feature #2000: Ionosphere - validated fp_validated = 0 # added 20170908 - Feature #2056: ionosphere - disabled_features_profiles fp_enabled = False # @added 20190328 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # Added ionosphere_echo echo_fp_value = 0 # Determine the parent_id and generation as they were added to the # fp_details_object if fp_details: try: par_id = int(fp_details_object['parent_id']) gen = int(fp_details_object['generation']) # @added 20170402 - Feature #2000: Ionosphere - validated fp_validated = int(fp_details_object['validated']) # added 20170908 - Feature #2056: ionosphere - disabled_features_profiles if int(fp_details_object['enabled']) == 1: fp_enabled = True # @added 20190328 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # Added ionosphere_echo try: echo_fp_value = int(fp_details_object['echo_fp']) except: pass except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :( :: failed to determine parent or generation values from the fp_details_object' return internal_error(message, trace) # @added 20190328 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # Added ionosphere_echo echo_hdate = hdate if echo_fp_value == 1: try: # echo_hdate = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(fp_anomaly_timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') echo_hdate = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z (%A)', time.localtime(int(fp_anomaly_timestamp))) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp failed to determine the echo_hdate from the fp_anomaly_timestamp' logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) # @added 20170114 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # The fp_id will be in the fp_details_object, but if this is a # generation zero features profile we what set if generation_zero: par_id = 0 gen = 0 # @added 20170122 - Feature #1876: Ionosphere - training_data learn countdown # Add a countdown until Ionosphere will learn countdown_to = False if requested_timestamp and valid_learning_duration: try: request_time = int(time.time()) vaild_learning_timestamp = int(requested_timestamp) + int(valid_learning_duration) if request_time < vaild_learning_timestamp: countdown_to = time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(vaild_learning_timestamp)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :( :: failed to determine parent or generation values from the fp_details_object' return internal_error(message, trace) iono_metric = False if base_name: try: ionosphere_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers('ionosphere.unique_metrics')) except: logger.warn('warning :: Webapp could not get the ionosphere.unique_metrics list from Redis, this could be because there are none') metric_name = settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + str(base_name) if metric_name in ionosphere_metrics: iono_metric = True # @added 20170303 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers vconds = ['<', '>', '==', '!=', '<=', '>='] condition_list = ['<', '>', '==', '!=', '<=', '>=', 'in', 'not in'] crit_types = ['value', 'time', 'day', 'from_time', 'until_time'] fp_layers = None if 'fp_layer' in request.args: fp_layer_arg = request.args.get(str('fp_layer'), None) if str(fp_layer_arg) == 'true': fp_layers = True add_fp_layers = None if 'add_fp_layer' in request.args: add_fp_layer_arg = request.args.get(str('add_fp_layer'), None) if str(add_fp_layer_arg) == 'true': add_fp_layers = True new_l_algos = None new_l_algos_ids = None if add_fp_layers: if 'learn' in request.args: value = request.args.get(str('learn')) if str(value) == 'true': fp_learn = True if str(value) == 'True': fp_learn = True if 'fp_id' in request.args: fp_id = request.args.get(str('fp_id')) l_id, layer_successful, new_l_algos, new_l_algos_ids, fail_msg, trace = create_ionosphere_layers(base_name, fp_id, requested_timestamp) if not layer_successful: return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) # @added 20170308 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # To present the operator with the existing layers and algorithms for the metric # The metric layers algoritms are required to present the user with # if the add_fp=true argument is passed, which if so results in the # local variable of create_feature_profile being set and in the # fp_view metric_layers_details = None metric_layers_algorithm_details = None # @modified 20170331 - Task #1988: Review - Ionosphere layers - always show layers # Set to True so they are always displayed # get_metric_existing_layers = False get_metric_existing_layers = True metric_lc = 0 metric_lmc = None if create_feature_profile: get_metric_existing_layers = True if fp_view and fp_details: get_metric_existing_layers = True if 'add_fp' in request.args: get_layers_add_fp = request.args.get(str('add_fp'), None) if get_layers_add_fp == 'true': get_metric_existing_layers = True if get_metric_existing_layers: metric_layers_details, metric_layers_algorithm_details, metric_lc, metric_lmc, mlad_successful, fail_msg, trace = metric_layers_alogrithms(base_name) if not mlad_successful: return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) # @added 20170616 - Feature #2048: D1 ionosphere layer fp_layer_algorithms = [] if metric_layers_algorithm_details: for i_layer_algorithm in metric_layers_algorithm_details: try: if int(i_layer_algorithm[1]) == int(l_id): fp_layer_algorithms.append(i_layer_algorithm) except: logger.warn('warning :: Webapp could not determine layer_algorithm in metric_layers_algorithm_details') fp_current_layer = [] if metric_layers_details: for i_layer in metric_layers_details: try: if int(i_layer[0]) == int(l_id): fp_current_layer.append(i_layer) except: logger.warn('warning :: Webapp could not determine layer in metric_layers_details') # @added 20170617 - Feature #2054: training_data_saved = False saved_td_details = False if save_training_data:'saving training data') try: request_time = int(time.time()) saved_hdate = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z (%A)', time.localtime(request_time)) training_data_saved, saved_td_details, fail_msg, trace = save_training_data_dir(requested_timestamp, base_name, saved_td_label, saved_hdate)'saved training data') except: logger.error('error :: Webapp could not save_training_data_dir') return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) saved_td_requested = False if saved_training_data: saved_td_requested = True try: training_data_saved, saved_td_details, fail_msg, trace = save_training_data_dir(requested_timestamp, base_name, None, None)'got saved training data details') except: logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get saved training_data details') return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) # @added 20170917 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page matched_id_resources = None matched_graph_image_file = None if matched_fp_id: if matched_fp_id != 'False': matched_id_resources, successful, fail_msg, trace, matched_details_object, matched_graph_image_file = get_matched_id_resources(int(matched_fp_id), 'features_profile', base_name, requested_timestamp) if matched_layer_id: if matched_layer_id != 'False': matched_id_resources, successful, fail_msg, trace, matched_details_object, matched_graph_image_file = get_matched_id_resources(int(matched_layer_id), 'layers', base_name, requested_timestamp) # @added 20180620 - Feature #2404: Ionosphere - fluid approximation # Added minmax scaling minmax = 0 if matched_fp_id: minmax = int(matched_details_object['minmax'])'the fp match has minmax set to %s' % str(minmax)) # @added 20180921 - Feature #2558: Ionosphere - fluid approximation - approximately_close on layers approx_close = 0 if matched_layer_id: approx_close = int(matched_details_object['approx_close'])'the layers match has approx_close set to %s' % str(approx_close)) # @added 20180414 - Branch #2270: luminosity # Add correlations to features_profile and training_data pages if a # panorama_anomaly_id is present correlations = False correlations_with_graph_links = [] if p_id: try: correlations, fail_msg, trace = get_correlations(skyline_app, p_id) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with search_ionosphere' logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) if correlations: # @added 20180723 - Feature #2470: Correlations Graphite graph links # Branch #2270: luminosity # Added Graphite graph links to Correlations block for metric_name, coefficient, shifted, shifted_coefficient in correlations: from_timestamp = int(requested_timestamp) - m_full_duration graphite_from = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(from_timestamp)).strftime('%H:%M_%Y%m%d') graphite_until = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(requested_timestamp)).strftime('%H:%M_%Y%m%d') unencoded_graph_title = '%s\ncorrelated with anomaly id %s' % ( metric_name, str(p_id)) graph_title_string = quote(unencoded_graph_title, safe='') graph_title = '&title=%s' % graph_title_string if settings.GRAPHITE_PORT != '': correlation_graphite_link = '%s://%s:%s/render/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(%s)%s%s&colorList=blue' % (settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, settings.GRAPHITE_PORT, str(graphite_from), str(graphite_until), metric_name, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title) else: correlation_graphite_link = '%s://%s/render/?from=%s&until=%starget=cactiStyle(%s)%s%s&colorList=blue' % (settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, str(graphite_from), str(graphite_until), metric_name, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title) correlations_with_graph_links.append([metric_name, coefficient, shifted, shifted_coefficient, str(correlation_graphite_link)]) return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', timestamp=requested_timestamp, for_metric=base_name, metric_vars=m_vars, metric_files=mpaths, metric_images=sorted_images, human_date=hdate, timeseries=ts_json, data_ok=data_to_process, td_files=mpaths, panorama_anomaly_id=p_id, graphite_url=graph_url, extracted_features=features, calc_time=f_calc, features_profile_id=fp_id, features_profile_exists=fp_exists, fp_view=fp_view_on, features_profile_details=fp_details, redis_full_duration=full_duration, redis_full_duration_in_hours=full_duration_in_hours, metric_full_duration=m_full_duration, metric_full_duration_in_hours=m_full_duration_in_hours, metric_second_order_resolution_hours=second_order_resolution_hours, tsfresh_version=TSFRESH_VERSION, graphite_now_images=gimages, graphite_matched_images=gmimages, matched_count=times_matched, parent_id=par_id, generation=gen, learn=fp_learn, use_full_duration_days=fp_fd_days, countdown=countdown_to, ionosphere_metric=iono_metric, value_condition_list=vconds, criteria_types=crit_types, fp_layer=fp_layers, layer_id=l_id, layers_algorithms=new_l_algos, layers_algorithms_ids=new_l_algos_ids, layer_details=l_details, layer_details_object=l_details_object, layer_algorithms_details=la_details, existing_layers=metric_layers_details, existing_algorithms=metric_layers_algorithm_details, metric_layers_count=metric_lc, metric_layers_matched_count=metric_lmc, graphite_layers_matched_images=glm_images, layers_id_matched=l_id_matched, ts_full_duration=ts_fd, app_context=m_app_context, ionosphere_json=i_ts_json, baseline_fd=full_duration, last_ts_json=sample_ts_json, last_i_ts_json=sample_i_ts_json, layers_updated=layers_updated, fp_id_matched=f_id_matched, fp_id_created=f_id_created, fp_generation=fp_generation_created, validated=fp_validated, validated_fp_successful=validated_fp_success, profile_layer_algorithms=fp_layer_algorithms, current_layer=fp_current_layer, save_metric_td=save_training_data, saved_metric_td_label=saved_td_label, saved_metric_td=saved_training_data, metric_training_data_saved=training_data_saved, saved_metric_td_requested=saved_td_requested, saved_metric_td_details=saved_td_details, profile_enabled=fp_enabled, disable_feature_profile=disable_fp, disabled_fp_successful=disabled_fp_success, family_tree_ids=family_tree_fp_ids, matched_fp_id=matched_fp_id, matched_layer_id=matched_layer_id, matched_id_resources=matched_id_resources, matched_graph_image_file=matched_graph_image_file, # @added 20180620 - Feature #2404: Ionosphere - fluid approximation # Added minmax scaling minmax=minmax, correlations=correlations, # @added 20180723 - Feature #2470: Correlations Graphite graph links # Branch #2270: luminosity # Added Graphite graph links to the Correlations block in # the correlations.html and training_data.html templates correlations_with_graph_links=correlations_with_graph_links, matched_from_datetime=matched_from_datetime, # @added 20180921 - Feature #2558: Ionosphere - fluid approximation - approximately_close on layers approx_close=approx_close, # @added 20190328 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # Added ionosphere_echo echo_fp=echo_fp_value, echo_human_date=echo_hdate, metric_full_duration_in_hours_image_str=m_fd_in_hours_img_str, version=skyline_version, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=debug_on), 200 except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) try: message = 'Unknown request' return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', display_message=message, version=skyline_version, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=debug_on), 200 except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace)
[docs]@app.route('/ionosphere_images') def ionosphere_images(): request_args_present = False try: request_args_len = len(request.args) request_args_present = True except: request_args_len = 0 IONOSPHERE_REQUEST_ARGS = ['image'] if request_args_present: for i in request.args: key = str(i) if key not in IONOSPHERE_REQUEST_ARGS: logger.error('error :: invalid request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(i))) return 'Bad Request', 400 value = request.args.get(key, None)'request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(value))) if key == 'image': filename = str(value) if os.path.isfile(filename): try: return send_file(filename, mimetype='image/png') except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :( - could not return %s' % filename trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) else: image_404_path = 'webapp/static/images/skyline.ionosphere.image.404.png' filename = path.abspath( path.join(path.dirname(__file__), '..', image_404_path)) try: return send_file(filename, mimetype='image/png') except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :( - could not return %s' % filename trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) return 'Bad Request', 400
# @added 20170102 - Feature #1838: utilites - ALERTS matcher # Branch #922: ionosphere # Task #1658: Patterning Skyline Ionosphere # Added utilities TODO
[docs]@app.route("/utilities") @requires_auth def utilities(): start = time.time() try: return render_template('utilities.html'), 200 except: error_string = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('error :: failed to render utilities.html: %s' % str(error_string)) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500
# @added 20160703 - Feature #1464: Webapp Redis browser # A port of Marian Steinbach's rebrow - # Description of info keys # TODO: to be continued. serverinfo_meta = { 'aof_current_rewrite_time_sec': "Duration of the on-going <abbr title='Append-Only File'>AOF</abbr> rewrite operation if any", 'aof_enabled': "Flag indicating <abbr title='Append-Only File'>AOF</abbr> logging is activated", 'aof_last_bgrewrite_status': "Status of the last <abbr title='Append-Only File'>AOF</abbr> rewrite operation", 'aof_last_rewrite_time_sec': "Duration of the last <abbr title='Append-Only File'>AOF</abbr> rewrite operation in seconds", 'aof_last_write_status': "Status of last <abbr title='Append-Only File'>AOF</abbr> write operation", 'aof_rewrite_in_progress': "Flag indicating a <abbr title='Append-Only File'>AOF</abbr> rewrite operation is on-going", 'aof_rewrite_scheduled': "Flag indicating an <abbr title='Append-Only File'>AOF</abbr> rewrite operation will be scheduled once the on-going RDB save is complete", 'arch_bits': 'Architecture (32 or 64 bits)', 'blocked_clients': 'Number of clients pending on a blocking call (BLPOP, BRPOP, BRPOPLPUSH)', 'client_biggest_input_buf': 'biggest input buffer among current client connections', 'client_longest_output_list': None, 'cmdstat_client': 'Statistics for the client command', 'cmdstat_config': 'Statistics for the config command', 'cmdstat_dbsize': 'Statistics for the dbsize command', 'cmdstat_del': 'Statistics for the del command', 'cmdstat_dump': 'Statistics for the dump command', 'cmdstat_expire': 'Statistics for the expire command', 'cmdstat_flushall': 'Statistics for the flushall command', 'cmdstat_get': 'Statistics for the get command', 'cmdstat_hgetall': 'Statistics for the hgetall command', 'cmdstat_hkeys': 'Statistics for the hkeys command', 'cmdstat_hmset': 'Statistics for the hmset command', 'cmdstat_info': 'Statistics for the info command', 'cmdstat_keys': 'Statistics for the keys command', 'cmdstat_llen': 'Statistics for the llen command', 'cmdstat_ping': 'Statistics for the ping command', 'cmdstat_psubscribe': 'Statistics for the psubscribe command', 'cmdstat_pttl': 'Statistics for the pttl command', 'cmdstat_sadd': 'Statistics for the sadd command', 'cmdstat_scan': 'Statistics for the scan command', 'cmdstat_select': 'Statistics for the select command', 'cmdstat_set': 'Statistics for the set command', 'cmdstat_smembers': 'Statistics for the smembers command', 'cmdstat_sscan': 'Statistics for the sscan command', 'cmdstat_ttl': 'Statistics for the ttl command', 'cmdstat_type': 'Statistics for the type command', 'cmdstat_zadd': 'Statistics for the zadd command', 'cmdstat_zcard': 'Statistics for the zcard command', 'cmdstat_zrange': 'Statistics for the zrange command', 'cmdstat_zremrangebyrank': 'Statistics for the zremrangebyrank command', 'cmdstat_zrevrange': 'Statistics for the zrevrange command', 'cmdstat_zscan': 'Statistics for the zscan command', 'config_file': None, 'connected_clients': None, 'connected_slaves': None, 'db0': None, 'evicted_keys': None, 'expired_keys': None, 'gcc_version': None, 'hz': None, 'instantaneous_ops_per_sec': None, 'keyspace_hits': None, 'keyspace_misses': None, 'latest_fork_usec': None, 'loading': None, 'lru_clock': None, 'master_repl_offset': None, 'mem_allocator': None, 'mem_fragmentation_ratio': None, 'multiplexing_api': None, 'os': None, 'process_id': None, 'pubsub_channels': None, 'pubsub_patterns': None, 'rdb_bgsave_in_progress': None, 'rdb_changes_since_last_save': None, 'rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec': None, 'rdb_last_bgsave_status': None, 'rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec': None, 'rdb_last_save_time': None, 'redis_build_id': None, 'redis_git_dirty': None, 'redis_git_sha1': None, 'redis_mode': None, 'redis_version': None, 'rejected_connections': None, 'repl_backlog_active': None, 'repl_backlog_first_byte_offset': None, 'repl_backlog_histlen': None, 'repl_backlog_size': None, 'role': None, 'run_id': None, 'sync_full': None, 'sync_partial_err': None, 'sync_partial_ok': None, 'tcp_port': None, 'total_commands_processed': None, 'total_connections_received': None, 'uptime_in_days': None, 'uptime_in_seconds': None, 'used_cpu_sys': None, 'used_cpu_sys_children': None, 'used_cpu_user': None, 'used_cpu_user_children': None, 'used_memory': None, 'used_memory_human': None, 'used_memory_lua': None, 'used_memory_peak': None, 'used_memory_peak_human': None, 'used_memory_rss': None } # @added 20180520 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Added auth to rebrow as per by # elky84
[docs]def get_redis(host, port, db, password): if password == "": return redis.StrictRedis(host=host, port=port, db=db) else: return redis.StrictRedis(host=host, port=port, db=db, password=password)
# @added 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Added token, client_id and salt to replace password parameter and determining # client protocol
[docs]def get_client_details(): """ Gets the first X-Forwarded-For address and sets as the IP address. Gets the client_id by simply using a md5 hash of the client IP address and user agent. Determines whether the request was proxied. Determines the client protocol. :return: client_id, protocol, proxied, salt :rtype: str, str, boolean, str """ proxied = False if request.headers.getlist('X-Forwarded-For'): client_ip = str(request.headers.getlist('X-Forwarded-For')[0])'rebrow access :: client ip set from X-Forwarded-For[0] to %s' % (str(client_ip))) proxied = True else: client_ip = str(request.remote_addr)'rebrow access :: client ip set from remote_addr to %s, no X-Forwarded-For header was found' % (str(client_ip))) client_user_agent = request.headers.get('User-Agent')'rebrow access :: %s client_user_agent set to %s' % (str(client_ip), str(client_user_agent))) client_id = '%s_%s' % (client_ip, client_user_agent) if python_version == 2: client_id = hashlib.md5(client_id).hexdigest() else: client_id = hashlib.md5(client_id.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()'rebrow access :: %s has client_id %s' % (str(client_ip), str(client_id))) if request.headers.getlist('X-Forwarded-Proto'): protocol_list = request.headers.getlist('X-Forwarded-Proto') protocol = str(protocol_list[0])'rebrow access :: protocol for %s was set from X-Forwarded-Proto to %s' % (client_ip, str(protocol))) else: protocol = 'unknown''rebrow access :: protocol for %s was not set from X-Forwarded-Proto to %s' % (client_ip, str(protocol))) if not proxied:'rebrow access :: Skyline is not set up correctly, the expected X-Forwarded-For header was not found') return client_id, protocol, proxied
[docs]def decode_token(client_id): """ Use the app.secret, client_id and salt to decode the token JWT encoded payload and determine the Redis password. :param client_id: the client_id string :type client_id: str return token, decoded_redis_password, fail_msg, trace :return: token, decoded_redis_password, fail_msg, trace :rtype: str, str, str, str """ fail_msg = False trace = False token = False'decode_token for client_id - %s' % str(client_id)) if not request.args.getlist('token'): fail_msg = 'No token url parameter was passed, please log into Redis again through rebrow' else: token = request.args.get('token', type=str)'token found in request.args - %s' % str(token)) if not token: client_id, protocol, proxied = get_client_details() fail_msg = 'No token url parameter was passed, please log into Redis again through rebrow' trace = 'False' client_token_data = False if token: try: if settings.REDIS_PASSWORD: redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) else: redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) key = 'rebrow.token.%s' % token client_token_data = redis_conn.get(key) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'Failed to get client_token_data from Redis key - %s' % key client_token_data = False token = False client_id_match = False if client_token_data is not None:'client_token_data retrieved from Redis - %s' % str(client_token_data)) try: client_data = literal_eval(client_token_data)'client_token_data - %s' % str(client_token_data)) client_data_client_id = str(client_data[0])'client_data_client_id - %s' % str(client_data_client_id)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) err_msg = 'error :: failed to get client data from Redis key' logger.error('%s' % err_msg) fail_msg = 'Invalid token. Please log into Redis through rebrow again.' client_data_client_id = False if client_data_client_id != client_id: logger.error( 'rebrow access :: error :: the client_id does not match the client_id of the token - %s - %s' % (str(client_data_client_id), str(client_id))) try: if settings.REDIS_PASSWORD: redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) else: redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) key = 'rebrow.token.%s' % token redis_conn.delete(key)'due to possible attempt at unauthorised use of the token, deleted the Redis key - %s' % str(key)) except: pass fail_msg = 'The request data did not match the token data, due to possible attempt at unauthorised use of the token it has been deleted.' trace = 'this was a dodgy request' token = False else: client_id_match = True else: fail_msg = 'Invalid token, there was no data found associated with the token, it has probably expired. Please log into Redis again through rebrow' trace = client_token_data token = False client_data_salt = False client_data_jwt_payload = False if client_id_match: client_data_salt = str(client_data[1]) client_data_jwt_payload = str(client_data[2]) decoded_redis_password = False if client_data_salt and client_data_jwt_payload: try: jwt_secret = '%s.%s.%s' % (app.secret_key, client_id, client_data_salt) jwt_decoded_dict = jwt.decode(client_data_jwt_payload, jwt_secret, algorithms=['HS256']) jwt_decoded_redis_password = str(jwt_decoded_dict['auth']) decoded_redis_password = jwt_decoded_redis_password except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) err_msg = 'error :: failed to decode the JWT token with the salt and client_id' logger.error('%s' % err_msg) fail_msg = 'failed to decode the JWT token with the salt and client_id. Please log into rebrow again.' token = False return token, decoded_redis_password, fail_msg, trace
[docs]@app.route('/rebrow', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @requires_auth # def login(): def rebrow(): """ Start page """ if request.method == 'POST': # TODO: test connection, handle failures host = str(request.form['host']) port = int(request.form['port']) db = int(request.form['db']) # @modified 20180520 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Added auth to rebrow as per by # elky84 # url = url_for('rebrow_server_db', host=host, port=port, db=db) password = str(request.form['password']) # @added 20180529 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow token_valid_for = int(request.form['token_valid_for']) if token_valid_for > 3600: token_valid_for = 3600 if token_valid_for < 30: token_valid_for = 30 # @added 20180520 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Added auth to rebrow as per by # elky84 and add encryption to the password URL parameter trying to use # pycrypto/pycryptodome to encode it, but no, used PyJWT instead # padded_password = password.rjust(32) # secret_key = '1234567890123456' # create new & store somewhere safe # cipher =,AES.MODE_ECB) # never use ECB in strong systems obviously # encoded = base64.b64encode(cipher.encrypt(padded_password)) # @added 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Added client_id, token and salt salt = str(uuid.uuid4()) client_id, protocol, proxied = get_client_details() # @added 20180526 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Use pyjwt - JSON Web Token implementation to encode the password and # pass a token in the URL password parameter, the password in the POST # data should be encrypted via the reverse proxy SSL endpoint # encoded = jwt.encode({'some': 'payload'}, 'secret', algorithm='HS256') # jwt.decode(encoded, 'secret', algorithms=['HS256']) # {'some': 'payload'} try: jwt_secret = '%s.%s.%s' % (app.secret_key, client_id, salt) jwt_encoded_payload = jwt.encode({'auth': str(password)}, jwt_secret, algorithm='HS256') except: message = 'Failed to create set jwt_encoded_payload for %s' % client_id trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) # HERE WE WANT TO PUT THIS INTO REDIS with a TTL key and give the key # a salt and have the client use that as their token client_token = str(uuid.uuid4())'rebrow access :: generated client_token %s for client_id %s' % (client_token, client_id)) try: if settings.REDIS_PASSWORD: redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) else: redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) key = 'rebrow.token.%s' % client_token value = '[\'%s\',\'%s\',\'%s\']' % (client_id, salt, jwt_encoded_payload) redis_conn.setex(key, token_valid_for, value)'rebrow access :: set Redis key - %s' % (key)) except: message = 'Failed to set Redis key - %s' % key trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) # @modified 20180526 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Change password parameter to token parameter # url = url_for("rebrow_server_db", host=host, port=port, db=db, password=password) url = url_for( "rebrow_server_db", host=host, port=port, db=db, token=client_token) return redirect(url) else: start = time.time() # @added 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Added client_id client_id, protocol, proxied = get_client_details() # @added 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Added client message to give relevant messages on the login page client_message = False return render_template( 'rebrow_login.html', # @modified 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Change password parameter to token parameter and added protocol, # proxied # redis_password=redis_password, protocol=protocol, proxied=proxied, client_message=client_message, version=skyline_version, duration=(time.time() - start))
[docs]@app.route("/rebrow_server_db/<host>:<int:port>/<int:db>/") @requires_auth def rebrow_server_db(host, port, db): """ List all databases and show info on server """ start = time.time() # @modified 20180520 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # r = redis.StrictRedis(host=host, port=port, db=0) # @modified 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Use client_id and JWT token # password = False # url_password = False # if request.args.getlist('password'): # password = request.args.get('password', default='', type=str) # url_password = quote(password, safe='') # @added 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Added client_id and token client_id, protocol, proxied = get_client_details() token, redis_password, fail_msg, trace = decode_token(client_id) if not token: if fail_msg: return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) try: r = get_redis(host, port, db, redis_password) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: rebrow access :: failed to login to Redis with token') try: info ='all') except: message = 'Failed to get INFO all from Redis, this could be an issue with the Redis password you entered.' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) dbsize = r.dbsize() return render_template( 'rebrow_server_db.html', host=host, port=port, db=db, # @added 20180520 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # password=password, # url_password=url_password, # @added 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow token=token, info=info, dbsize=dbsize, serverinfo_meta=serverinfo_meta, version=skyline_version, duration=(time.time() - start))
[docs]@app.route("/rebrow_keys/<host>:<int:port>/<int:db>/keys/", methods=['GET', 'POST']) @requires_auth def rebrow_keys(host, port, db): """ List keys for one database """ start = time.time() # @modified 20180520 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # r = redis.StrictRedis(host=host, port=port, db=db) # @modified 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # password = request.args.get('password', default='', type=str) # url_password = quote(password, safe='') # r = get_redis(host, port, db, password) # @added 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Added client_id and token client_id, protocol, proxied = get_client_details() token, redis_password, fail_msg, trace = decode_token(client_id) if not token: if fail_msg: return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) try: r = get_redis(host, port, db, redis_password) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: rebrow access :: failed to login to Redis with token') if request.method == 'POST': action = request.form['action'] app.logger.debug(action) if action == 'delkey': if request.form['key'] is not None: try: result = r.delete(request.form['key']) except: message = 'Failed to delete Redis key - %s' % str(request.form['key']) trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) if result == 1: flash('Key %s has been deleted.' % request.form['key'], category='info') else: flash('Key %s could not be deleted.' % request.form['key'], category='error') return redirect(request.url) else: offset = int(request.args.get('offset', '0')) # @modified 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # List more keys per page # perpage = int(request.args.get('perpage', '10')) perpage = int(request.args.get('perpage', '50')) pattern = request.args.get('pattern', '*') try: dbsize = r.dbsize() except: message = 'Failed to determine Redis dbsize' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) keys = sorted(r.keys(pattern)) limited_keys = keys[offset:(perpage + offset)] types = {} for key in limited_keys: types[key] = r.type(key) return render_template( 'rebrow_keys.html', host=host, port=port, db=db, # @added 20180520 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # password=password, # url_password=url_password, # @added 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow token=token, dbsize=dbsize, keys=limited_keys, types=types, offset=offset, perpage=perpage, pattern=pattern, num_keys=len(keys), version=skyline_version, duration=(time.time() - start))
[docs]@app.route("/rebrow_key/<host>:<int:port>/<int:db>/keys/<key>/") @requires_auth def rebrow_key(host, port, db, key): """ Show a specific key. key is expected to be URL-safe base64 encoded """ # @added 20160703 - Feature #1464: Webapp Redis browser # metrics encoded with msgpack original_key = key msg_pack_key = False # if key.startswith('metrics.'): # msg_packed_key = True key = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(key.encode('utf8')) start = time.time() # @modified 20180520 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # r = redis.StrictRedis(host=host, port=port, db=db) # @modified 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Use client_id and token # password = request.args.get('password', default='', type=str) # url_password = quote(password, safe='') # r = get_redis(host, port, db, password) # @added 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Added client_id and token client_id, protocol, proxied = get_client_details() token, redis_password, fail_msg, trace = decode_token(client_id) if not token: if fail_msg: return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) try: r = get_redis(host, port, db, redis_password) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: rebrow access :: failed to login to Redis with token') try: dump = r.dump(key) except: message = 'Failed to dump Redis key - %s' % str(key) trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) if dump is None: abort(404) # if t is None: # abort(404) size = len(dump) # @modified 20170809 - Bug #2136: Analyzer stalling on no metrics # Added except to all del methods to prevent stalling if any object does # not exist try: del dump except: logger.error('error :: failed to del dump') t = r.type(key) ttl = r.pttl(key) if t == 'string': # @modified 20160703 - Feature #1464: Webapp Redis browser # metrics encoded with msgpack # val = r.get(key) try: val = r.get(key) except: abort(404) test_string = all(c in string.printable for c in val) # @added 20170920 - Bug #2166: panorama incorrect mysql_id cache keys # There are SOME cache key msgpack values that DO == string.printable # for example [73] msgpacks to I # panorama.mysql_ids will always be msgpack if 'panorama.mysql_ids' in str(key): test_string = False if not test_string: raw_result = r.get(key) unpacker = Unpacker(use_list=False) unpacker.feed(raw_result) val = list(unpacker) msg_pack_key = True elif t == 'list': val = r.lrange(key, 0, -1) elif t == 'hash': val = r.hgetall(key) elif t == 'set': val = r.smembers(key) elif t == 'zset': val = r.zrange(key, 0, -1, withscores=True) return render_template( 'rebrow_key.html', host=host, port=port, db=db, # @added 20180520 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # password=password, # url_password=url_password, # @added 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow token=token, key=key, value=val, type=t, size=size, ttl=ttl / 1000.0, now=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), expiration=datetime.datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=ttl / 1000.0), version=skyline_version, duration=(time.time() - start), msg_packed_key=msg_pack_key)
[docs]@app.template_filter('urlsafe_base64') def urlsafe_base64_encode(s): # @modified 20180520 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # if type(s) == 'Markup': # s = s.unescape() if isinstance(s, Markup): s = s.unescape() elif isinstance(s, bytes): s = s.decode('utf-8') s = s.encode('utf8') s = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(s) return Markup(s)
# END rebrow
[docs]class App(): def __init__(self): self.stdin_path = '/dev/null' self.stdout_path = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app) self.stderr_path = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app) self.pidfile_path = '%s/' % (settings.PID_PATH, skyline_app) self.pidfile_timeout = 5
[docs] def run(self): # Log management to prevent overwriting # Allow the bin/<skyline_app>.d to manage the log if os.path.isfile(skyline_app_logwait): try: os_remove(skyline_app_logwait) except OSError: logger.error('error - failed to remove %s, continuing' % skyline_app_logwait) pass now = time.time() # log_wait_for = now + 5 log_wait_for = now + 1 while now < log_wait_for: if os.path.isfile(skyline_app_loglock): sleep(.1) now = time.time() else: now = log_wait_for + 1'starting %s run' % skyline_app) if os.path.isfile(skyline_app_loglock): logger.error('error - bin/%s.d log management seems to have failed, continuing' % skyline_app) try: os_remove(skyline_app_loglock)'log lock file removed') except OSError: logger.error('error - failed to remove %s, continuing' % skyline_app_loglock) pass else:'bin/%s.d log management done' % skyline_app) try:'starting %s - %s' % (skyline_app, skyline_version)) except:'starting %s - version UNKNOWN' % (skyline_app))'hosted at %s' % settings.WEBAPP_IP)'running on port %d' % settings.WEBAPP_PORT), settings.WEBAPP_PORT)
[docs]def run(): """ Start the Webapp server """ if not isdir(settings.PID_PATH): print ('pid directory does not exist at %s' % settings.PID_PATH) sys.exit(1) if not isdir(settings.LOG_PATH): print ('log directory does not exist at %s' % settings.LOG_PATH) sys.exit(1) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s :: %(process)s :: %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") handler = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler( logfile, when="midnight", interval=1, backupCount=5) memory_handler = logging.handlers.MemoryHandler(100, flushLevel=logging.DEBUG, target=handler) handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(memory_handler) # Validate settings variables valid_settings = validate_settings_variables(skyline_app) if not valid_settings: print ('error :: invalid variables in - cannot start') sys.exit(1) try: settings.WEBAPP_SERVER except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_SERVER')) print ('Failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_SERVER')) sys.exit(1) try: settings.WEBAPP_IP except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_IP')) print ('Failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_IP')) sys.exit(1) try: settings.WEBAPP_PORT except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_PORT')) print ('Failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_PORT')) sys.exit(1) try: settings.WEBAPP_AUTH_ENABLED except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_AUTH_ENABLED')) print ('Failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_AUTH_ENABLED')) sys.exit(1) try: settings.WEBAPP_IP_RESTRICTED except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_IP_RESTRICTED')) print ('Failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_IP_RESTRICTED')) sys.exit(1) try: settings.WEBAPP_AUTH_USER except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_AUTH_USER')) print ('Failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_AUTH_USER')) sys.exit(1) try: settings.WEBAPP_AUTH_USER_PASSWORD except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_AUTH_USER_PASSWORD')) print ('Failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_AUTH_USER_PASSWORD')) sys.exit(1) try: settings.WEBAPP_ALLOWED_IPS except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_ALLOWED_IPS')) print ('Failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_ALLOWED_IPS')) sys.exit(1) webapp = App() # Does this make it log? # if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'run': # # else: # daemon_runner = runner.DaemonRunner(webapp) # daemon_runner.daemon_context.files_preserve = [] # daemon_runner.do_action() daemon_runner = runner.DaemonRunner(webapp) daemon_runner.daemon_context.files_preserve = [] daemon_runner.do_action()
if __name__ == "__main__": run()