
The Mirage service is responsible for analyzing selected timeseries at custom time ranges when a timeseries seasonality does not fit within settings.FULL_DURATION. Mirage allows for testing of real time data and algorithms in parallel to Analyzer. Mirage was inspired by Abe Stanway’s Crucible and the desire to extend the temporal data pools available to Skyline in an attempt to handle seasonality better, reduce noise and increase signal, specifically on seasonal metrics.

An overview of Mirage

  • Mirage is fed specific user defined metrics by Analyzer.
  • Mirage gets timeseries data for metrics from Graphite.
  • Mirage does not have its own ALERTS settings it uses settings.ALERTS just like Analyzer does.
  • Mirage also sends anomaly details to Panorama, like Analyzer does.
An overview of Mirage

Fullsize overview image for a clearer picture.

Why Mirage?

Analyzer’s settings.FULL_DURATION somewhat limits Analyzer’s usefulness for metrics that have a seasonality / periodicity that is greater than settings.FULL_DURATION. This means Analyzer is not great in terms of “seeing the bigger picture” when it comes to metrics that have a weekly pattern as well as a daily patterns for example.

Increasing settings.FULL_DURATION to anything above 24 hours (86400) is not necessarily realistic or useful, because the greater the settings.FULL_DURATION, the greater memory required for Redis and the longer Analyzer will take to run.

What Mirage can and cannot do

It is important to know that Mirage is not necessarily suited to making highly variable metrics less noisy e.g. spikey metrics.

Mirage is more useful on fairly constant rate metrics which contain known or expected seasonalities. For example take a metric such as office.energy.consumation.per.hour, this type of metric would most likely have 2 common seasonalities.

As an example we can use the Department of Education Sanctuary Buildings energy consumption public data set to demonstrate how Mirage and Analyzer views are different. The energy consumption in an office building is a good example of a multi-seasonal data set.

  • Office hour peaks
  • Out of hour troughs
  • Weekend troughs
  • Holidays
  • There could be summer and winter seasonality too

For now let us just consider the daily and weekly seasonality.

The difference between the Analyzer and Mirage views of a timeseries

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Fullsize image for a clearer picture.

As we can see above, on a Saturday morning the energy consumption does not increase as it normally does during the week days. Analyzer would probably find the metric to be anomalous if settings.FULL_DURATION was set to 86400 (24 hours), Saturday morning would seem anomalous.

However, if the metric’s alert tuple was set up with a SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS of 168, Mirage would analyze the data point against a week’s worth of data points and the Saturday and Sunday daytime data points would have less probability of triggering as anomalous. The above image is plotted as if the Mirage SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS was set to 172 hours just so that the trailing edges can be seen.

A real world example with tenfold.com

blak3r2:Our app logs phone calls for businesses and I want to be able to detect when VIP phone systems go down or act funny and begin flooding us with events. Our work load is very noisy from 9-5pm… where 9-5 is different for each customer depending on their workload so thresholding and modeling isn’t good.
earthgecko:Yes, Mirage is great at user defined seasonality, in your case weekday 9-5 peaks, evening drop offs, early morning and weekend lows - multi seasonal, Mirage is the ticket. Your best bet would be to try 7days (168) as your SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS value for those app log metrics, however, you may get away with a 3 day window, it depends on the metrics really, but it may not be noisy at 3 days resolution, even at the weekends.

Mirage “normalizes”

Mirage is a “tuning” tool for seasonal metrics and it is important to understand that Mirage is probably using aggregated data (unless your Graphite is not using retentions and aggregating) and due to this Mirage will lose some resolution resulting in it being less sensitive to anomalies than Analyzer is.

So Mirage does some “normalizing” if your have aggregations in Graphite (e.g retentions), however it is analyzing the timeseries at the aggregated resolution so it is “normalised” as the data point that Analyzer triggered on is ALSO aggregated in the timeseries resolution that Mirage is analyzing. Intuitively one may think it may miss it in the aggregation then. This is true to an extent, but Analyzer will likely trigger multiple times if the metric IS anomalous, so when Analyzer pushes to Mirage again, each aggregation is more likely to trigger as anomalous, IF the metric anomalous at the user defined full duration. A little flattened maybe, a little lag maybe, but less noise, more signal.

Setting up and enabling Mirage

By default Mirage is disabled, various Mirage options can be configured in the settings.py file and Analyzer and Mirage can be configured as appropriate for your environment.

Mirage requires some directories as per settings.py defines (these require absolute path):


Configure settings.py with some settings.ALERTS alert tuples that have the SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS defined. For example below is an Analyzer only settings.ALERTS tuple that does not have Mirage enabled as it has no SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS defined:

           ('stats_counts.http.rpm.publishers.*', 'smtp', 300),  # --> Analyzer sends to alerter

To enable Analyzer to send the metric to Mirage we append the metric alert tuple in settings.ALERTS with the SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS value. Below we have used 168 hours to get Mirage to analyze any anomalous metric in the ‘stats_counts.http.rpm.publishers.*’ namespace using using 7 days worth of timeseries data from Graphite:

#          ('stats_counts.http.rpm.publishers.*', 'smtp', 300),  # --> Analyzer sends to alerter
           ('stats_counts.http.rpm.publishers.*', 'smtp', 300, 168),  # --> Analyzer sends to Mirage

Order Matters


It is important to note that Mirage enabled metric namespaces must be defined before non Mirage enabled metric namespace tuples as Analyzer uses the first alert tuple that matches.

So for example, with some annotation

           ('skyline', 'smtp', 1800),
           ('stats_counts.http.rpm.publishers.seasonal_pub1', 'smtp', 300, 168),    # --> To Mirage
           ('stats_counts.http.rpm.publishers.seasonal_pub_freddy', 'smtp', 300, 168),    # --> To Mirage
           ('stats_counts.http.rpm.publishers.*', 'smtp', 300),    # --> To alerter

The above would ensure if Analyzer found seasonal_pub1 or seasonal_pub_freddy anomalous, instead of firing an alert as it does for all other stats_counts.http.rpm.publishers.*, because they have 168 defined, Analyzer sends the metric to Mirage.

The below would NOT have the desired effect of analysing the metrics seasonal_pub1 and seasonal_pub_freddy with Mirage

           ('skyline', 'smtp', 1800),
           ('stats_counts.http.rpm.publishers.*', 'smtp', 300),    # --> To alerter
           ('stats_counts.http.rpm.publishers.seasonal_pub1', 'smtp', 300, 168),    # --> NEVER gets reached
           ('stats_counts.http.rpm.publishers.seasonal_pub_freddy', 'smtp', 300, 168),    # --> NEVER gets reached

Hopefully it is clear that the first stats_counts.http.rpm.publishers.* alert tuple would route ALL to alerter and seasonal_pub1 and seasonal_pub_freddy would never get sent to Mirage to be analyzed.


And ensure that settings.py has Mirage options enabled, specifically the basic ones:


Start Mirage and restart Analyzer:

cd skyline/bin
./mirage.d start
./analyzer.d restart

Rate limited

Mirage is rate limited to analyze 30 metrics per minute, this is by design and desired. Surfacing data from Graphite and analyzing ~1000 data points in a timeseries takes less than 1 second and is much less CPU intensive than Analyzer in general, but it is probably sufficient to have 30 calls to Graphite per minute. If a large number of metrics went anomalous, even with Mirage discarding settings.MIRAGE_STALE_SECONDS checks due to processing limit, signals would still be sent.

Periodic Checks

Due to the fact that Analyzer feeds Mirage metrics to check when Analyzer finds a Mirage metric anomalous, there are situations where a metric may change fairly substantially over a period greater than settings.FULL_DURATION, for example over 36 hours. In these cases Analyser will not detect these changes as anomalous and therefore Mirage will not have a chance to check them.

Periodic checks can be enabled on Mirage metric namespaces that are declared in settings.MIRAGE_PERIODIC_CHECK_NAMESPACES. It is not advisable to analyse all Mirage metrics periodically as this would probably have a significant impact on both Skyline and Graphite.

Periodic checks should only be run on Mirage key metrics. Periodic checks suit KPI metrics that are have fairly constant rate. Periodic checks should not be implemented on general server and app metrics.

It is important to note that the settings.MIRAGE_PERIODIC_CHECK_NAMESPACES will match the exact string and dotted namespace elements as per documented in settings.SKIP_LIST.

The types of metrics that suit periodic checks are total/global metrics, summed metrics rather than individual metrics. The type of individual metrics that suit Mirage periodic checks are metrics like % disk space used on fairly consistent servers that are not expected to fluctuate too drastically over a period of days, like a DB server volume.

You definitely do not what to run all your server or app metrics through Mirage periodic checks.

What Mirage does

  • If Analyzer finds a metric to be anomalous at settings.FULL_DURATION and the metric alert tuple has SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS and settings.ENABLE_MIRAGE is True, Analyzer will push the metric variables to the Mirage check file.
  • Mirage watches for added check files.
  • When a check is found, Mirage determines what the configured SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS is for the metric from the tuple in settings.ALERTS
  • Mirage queries graphite to surface the json data for the metric timeseries at SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS.
  • Mirage then analyses the retrieved metric timeseries against the configured settings.MIRAGE_ALGORITHMS.
  • If a metric is an Ionosphere enabled metric, then Mirage does not alert, but hands the metric off to Ionosphere by adding an Ionosphere check file.
  • If the metric is anomalous over SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS then alerts via the configured alerters for the matching metric settings.ALERT tuple and sets the metric alert key for EXPIRATION_TIME seconds.
  • Mirage will alert for a Mirage metric that has been returned from Ionosphere as anomalous having not matched any known features profile or layers.