Source code for panorama.panorama

import logging
    from Queue import Empty
    from queue import Empty
from time import time, sleep
from threading import Thread
from multiprocessing import Process, Manager
import os
from os import kill, getpid, listdir
from os.path import join, isfile
from ast import literal_eval

from redis import StrictRedis
from msgpack import Unpacker, packb
import traceback
from sys import version_info
import mysql.connector
from mysql.connector import errorcode

import settings
from skyline_functions import fail_check, mkdir_p

# @added 20170115 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations
# Added determination of the learn related variables so that any new metrics
# that Panorama adds to the Skyline database, it adds the default
# IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_ values or the namespace specific values matched
# from settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_NAMESPACE_CONFIG to the metric database
# entry.
from ionosphere_functions import get_ionosphere_learn_details

skyline_app = 'panorama'
skyline_app_logger = '%sLog' % skyline_app
logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger)
skyline_app_logfile = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app)
skyline_app_loglock = '%s.lock' % skyline_app_logfile
skyline_app_logwait = '%s.wait' % skyline_app_logfile

python_version = int(version_info[0])

this_host = str(os.uname()[1])

# Converting one settings variable into a local variable, just because it is a
# long string otherwise.
    logger.error('error :: cannot determine ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG from settings')

    if SERVER_METRIC_PATH == '.':

skyline_app_graphite_namespace = 'skyline.%s%s' % (skyline_app, SERVER_METRIC_PATH)

failed_checks_dir = '%s_failed' % settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH

# @added 20160907 - Handle Panorama stampede on restart after not running #26
# Allow to expire check if greater than PANORAMA_CHECK_MAX_AGE, backwards
# compatible
    test_max_age_set = 1 + settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_MAX_AGE
    if test_max_age_set > 1:
        max_age = True
    if test_max_age_set == 1:
        max_age = False
    max_age_seconds = settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_MAX_AGE
    max_age = False
    max_age_seconds = 0
expired_checks_dir = '%s_expired' % settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH

# Database configuration
config = {'user': settings.PANORAMA_DBUSER,
          'password': settings.PANORAMA_DBUSERPASS,
          'host': settings.PANORAMA_DBHOST,
          'port': settings.PANORAMA_DBPORT,
          'database': settings.PANORAMA_DATABASE,
          'raise_on_warnings': True}

[docs]class Panorama(Thread): """ The Panorama class which controls the panorama thread and spawned processes. """ def __init__(self, parent_pid): """ Initialize Panorama Create the :obj:`self.anomalous_metrics` list """ super(Panorama, self).__init__() # @modified 20180519 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow if settings.REDIS_PASSWORD: self.redis_conn = StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) else: self.redis_conn = StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) self.daemon = True self.parent_pid = parent_pid self.current_pid = getpid() self.anomalous_metrics = Manager().list() self.metric_variables = Manager().list() self.mysql_conn = mysql.connector.connect(**config)
[docs] def check_if_parent_is_alive(self): """ Self explanatory """ try: kill(self.current_pid, 0) kill(self.parent_pid, 0) except: exit(0)
""" These are the panorama mysql functions used to surface and input panorama data for timeseries. """
[docs] def mysql_select(self, select): """ Select data from mysql database :param select: the select string :type select: str :return: tuple :rtype: tuple, boolean - **Example usage**:: query = 'select id, test from test' result = self.mysql_select(query) - **Example of the 0 indexed results tuple, which can hold multiple results**:: >> print('results: %s' % str(results)) results: [(1, u'test1'), (2, u'test2')] >> print('results[0]: %s' % str(results[0])) results[0]: (1, u'test1') .. note:: - If the MySQL query fails a boolean will be returned not a tuple * ``False`` * ``None`` """ try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config) if ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: connected to mysql') except mysql.connector.Error as err: logger.error('error :: mysql error - %s' % str(err)) logger.error('error :: failed to connect to mysql') return False if cnx: try: if ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: %s' % (str(select))) cursor = cnx.cursor() query = ('%s' % (str(select))) cursor.execute(query) result = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() cnx.close() return result except mysql.connector.Error as err: logger.error('error :: mysql error - %s' % str(err)) logger.error('error :: failed to query database - %s' % (str(select))) try: cnx.close() return False except: return False else: if ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG: logger.error('error :: failed to connect to mysql') # Close the test mysql connection try: cnx.close() return False except: return False return False
[docs] def mysql_insert(self, insert): """ Insert data into mysql table :param select: the insert string :type select: str :return: int :rtype: int or boolean - **Example usage**:: query = 'insert into host (host) VALUES (\'this_host\')' result = self.mysql_insert(query) .. note:: - If the MySQL query fails a boolean will be returned not a tuple * ``False`` * ``None`` """ try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config) if ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: connected to mysql') except mysql.connector.Error as err: logger.error('error :: mysql error - %s' % str(err)) logger.error('error :: failed to connect to mysql') raise if cnx: try: cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(insert) inserted_id = cursor.lastrowid # Make sure data is committed to the database cnx.commit() cursor.close() cnx.close() return inserted_id except mysql.connector.Error as err: logger.error('error :: mysql error - %s' % str(err)) logger.error('Failed to insert record') cnx.close() raise else: cnx.close() return False return False
# @added 20170101 - Feature #1830: Ionosphere alerts # Bug #1460: panorama check file fails # Panorama check file fails #24 # Get rid of the skyline_functions imp as imp is deprecated in py3 anyway
[docs] def new_load_metric_vars(self, metric_vars_file): """ Load the metric variables for a check from a metric check variables file :param metric_vars_file: the path and filename to the metric variables files :type metric_vars_file: str :return: the metric_vars module object or ``False`` :rtype: list """ if os.path.isfile(metric_vars_file): 'loading metric variables from metric_check_file - %s' % ( str(metric_vars_file))) else: logger.error( 'error :: loading metric variables from metric_check_file - file not found - %s' % ( str(metric_vars_file))) return False metric_vars = [] with open(metric_vars_file) as f: for line in f: no_new_line = line.replace('\n', '') no_equal_line = no_new_line.replace(' = ', ',') array = str(no_equal_line.split(',', 1)) add_line = literal_eval(array) metric_vars.append(add_line) string_keys = ['metric', 'anomaly_dir', 'added_by', 'app', 'source'] float_keys = ['value'] int_keys = ['from_timestamp', 'metric_timestamp', 'added_at', 'full_duration'] array_keys = ['algorithms', 'triggered_algorithms'] boolean_keys = ['graphite_metric', 'run_crucible_tests'] metric_vars_array = [] for var_array in metric_vars: key = None value = None if var_array[0] in string_keys: key = var_array[0] value_str = str(var_array[1]).replace("'", '') value = str(value_str) if var_array[0] == 'metric': metric = value if var_array[0] in float_keys: key = var_array[0] value_str = str(var_array[1]).replace("'", '') value = float(value_str) if var_array[0] in int_keys: key = var_array[0] value_str = str(var_array[1]).replace("'", '') value = int(value_str) if var_array[0] in array_keys: key = var_array[0] value = literal_eval(str(var_array[1])) if var_array[0] in boolean_keys: key = var_array[0] if str(var_array[1]) == 'True': value = True else: value = False if key: metric_vars_array.append([key, value]) if len(metric_vars_array) == 0: logger.error( 'error :: loading metric variables - none found' % ( str(metric_vars_file))) return False if settings.ENABLE_DEBUG: 'debug :: metric_vars determined - metric variable - metric - %s' % str(metric_vars.metric))'debug :: metric_vars for %s' % str(metric))'debug :: %s' % str(metric_vars_array)) return metric_vars_array
[docs] def spin_process(self, i, metric_check_file): """ Assign a metric anomaly to process. :param i: python process id :param metric_check_file: full path to the metric check file :return: returns True """ child_process_pid = os.getpid() if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: child_process_pid - %s' % str(child_process_pid)) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: processing metric check - %s' % metric_check_file) if not os.path.isfile(str(metric_check_file)): logger.error('error :: file not found - metric_check_file - %s' % (str(metric_check_file))) return check_file_name = os.path.basename(str(metric_check_file)) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: check_file_name - %s' % check_file_name) check_file_timestamp = check_file_name.split('.', 1)[0] if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: check_file_timestamp - %s' % str(check_file_timestamp)) check_file_metricname_txt = check_file_name.split('.', 1)[1] if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: check_file_metricname_txt - %s' % check_file_metricname_txt) check_file_metricname = check_file_metricname_txt.replace('.txt', '') if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: check_file_metricname - %s' % check_file_metricname) check_file_metricname_dir = check_file_metricname.replace('.', '/') if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: check_file_metricname_dir - %s' % check_file_metricname_dir) metric_failed_check_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % (failed_checks_dir, check_file_metricname_dir, check_file_timestamp) failed_check_file = '%s/%s' % (metric_failed_check_dir, check_file_name) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: failed_check_file - %s' % failed_check_file) # Load and validate metric variables try: # @modified 20170101 - Feature #1830: Ionosphere alerts # Bug #1460: panorama check file fails # Panorama check file fails #24 # Get rid of the skyline_functions imp as imp is deprecated in py3 anyway # Use def new_load_metric_vars(self, metric_vars_file): # metric_vars = load_metric_vars(skyline_app, str(metric_check_file)) metric_vars_array = self.new_load_metric_vars(str(metric_check_file)) except: logger.error('error :: failed to load metric variables from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return # Test metric variables # We use a pythonic methodology to test if the variables are defined, # this ensures that if any of the variables are not set for some reason # we can handle unexpected data or situations gracefully and try and # ensure that the process does not hang. metric = None try: # metric_vars.metric # metric = str(metric_vars.metric) key = 'metric' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] metric = str(value_list[0]) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - metric - %s' % metric) except: logger.error('error :: failed to read metric variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return if not metric: logger.error('error :: failed to load metric variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return value = None # @added 20171214 - Bug #2234: panorama metric_vars value check value_valid = None try: # metric_vars.value # value = str(metric_vars.value) key = 'value' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] value = float(value_list[0]) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - value - %s' % (value)) # @added 20171214 - Bug #2234: panorama metric_vars value check value_valid = True except: logger.error('error :: failed to read value variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return # @added 20171214 - Bug #2234: panorama metric_vars value check # If value was float of 0.0 then this was interpolated as not set # if not value: if not value_valid: # @added 20171214 - Bug #2234: panorama metric_vars value check # Added exception handling here logger.error('error :: failed to read value variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return from_timestamp = None try: # metric_vars.from_timestamp # from_timestamp = str(metric_vars.from_timestamp) key = 'from_timestamp' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] from_timestamp = int(value_list[0]) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - from_timestamp - %s' % from_timestamp) except: # @added 20160822 - Bug #1460: panorama check file fails # Added exception handling here logger.error('error :: failed to read from_timestamp variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return if not from_timestamp: logger.error('error :: failed to load from_timestamp variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return metric_timestamp = None try: # metric_vars.metric_timestamp # metric_timestamp = str(metric_vars.metric_timestamp) key = 'metric_timestamp' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] metric_timestamp = int(value_list[0]) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - metric_timestamp - %s' % metric_timestamp) except: logger.error('error :: failed to read metric_timestamp variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return if not metric_timestamp: logger.error('error :: failed to load metric_timestamp variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return algorithms = None try: # metric_vars.algorithms # algorithms = metric_vars.algorithms key = 'algorithms' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] algorithms = value_list[0] if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - algorithms - %s' % str(algorithms)) except: logger.error('error :: failed to read algorithms variable from check file setting to all - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return if not algorithms: logger.error('error :: failed to load algorithms variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return triggered_algorithms = None try: # metric_vars.triggered_algorithms # triggered_algorithms = metric_vars.triggered_algorithms key = 'triggered_algorithms' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] triggered_algorithms = value_list[0] if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - triggered_algorithms - %s' % str(triggered_algorithms)) except: logger.error('error :: failed to read triggered_algorithms variable from check file setting to all - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return if not triggered_algorithms: logger.error('error :: failed to load triggered_algorithms variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return app = None try: # # app = str( key = 'app' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] app = str(value_list[0]) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - app - %s' % app) except: logger.error('error :: failed to read app variable from check file setting to all - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return if not app: logger.error('error :: failed to load app variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return source = None try: # metric_vars.source # source = str(metric_vars.source) key = 'source' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] source = str(value_list[0]) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - source - %s' % source) except: logger.error('error :: failed to read source variable from check file setting to all - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return if not app: logger.error('error :: failed to load app variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return added_by = None try: # metric_vars.added_by # added_by = str(metric_vars.added_by) key = 'added_by' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] added_by = str(value_list[0]) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - added_by - %s' % added_by) except: logger.error('error :: failed to read added_by variable from check file setting to all - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return if not added_by: logger.error('error :: failed to load added_by variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return added_at = None try: # metric_vars.added_at # added_at = str(metric_vars.added_at) key = 'added_at' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in metric_vars_array if var_array[0] == key] added_at = str(value_list[0]) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: metric variable - added_at - %s' % added_at) except: logger.error('error :: failed to read added_at variable from check file setting to all - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return if not added_at: logger.error('error :: failed to load added_at variable from check file - %s' % (metric_check_file)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return record_anomaly = True cache_key = '%s.last_check.%s.%s' % (skyline_app, app, metric) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: cache_key - %s.last_check.%s.%s' % ( skyline_app, app, metric)) try: last_check = self.redis_conn.get(cache_key) except Exception as e: logger.error( 'error :: could not query cache_key - %s.last_check.%s.%s - %s' % ( skyline_app, app, metric, e)) last_check = None if last_check: record_anomaly = False 'Panorama metric key not expired - %s.last_check.%s.%s' % ( skyline_app, app, metric)) # @added 20160907 - Handle Panorama stampede on restart after not running #26 # Allow to expire check if greater than PANORAMA_CHECK_MAX_AGE if max_age: now = time() anomaly_age = int(now) - int(metric_timestamp) if anomaly_age > max_age_seconds: record_anomaly = False 'Panorama check max age exceeded - %s - %s seconds old, older than %s seconds discarding' % ( metric, str(anomaly_age), str(max_age_seconds))) if not record_anomaly:'not recording anomaly for - %s' % (metric)) if os.path.isfile(str(metric_check_file)): try: os.remove(str(metric_check_file))'metric_check_file removed - %s' % str(metric_check_file)) except OSError: pass return # Determine id of something thing def determine_id(table, key, value): """ Get the id of something from Redis or the database and create a new Redis key with the value if one does not exist. :param table: table name :param key: key name :param value: value name :type table: str :type key: str :type value: str :return: int or boolean """ query_cache_key = '%s.mysql_ids.%s.%s.%s' % (skyline_app, table, key, value) determined_id = None redis_determined_id = None if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: query_cache_key - %s' % (query_cache_key)) try: redis_known_id = self.redis_conn.get(query_cache_key) except: redis_known_id = None if redis_known_id: unpacker = Unpacker(use_list=False) unpacker.feed(redis_known_id) redis_determined_id = list(unpacker) if redis_determined_id: determined_id = int(redis_determined_id[0]) if determined_id: if determined_id > 0: return determined_id # Query MySQL # @modified 20170913 - Task #2160: Test skyline with bandit # Added nosec to exclude from bandit tests query = 'select id FROM %s WHERE %s=\'%s\'' % (table, key, value) # nosec # @modified 20170916 - Bug #2166: panorama incorrect mysql_id cache keys # Wrap in except # results = self.mysql_select(query) results = None try: results = self.mysql_select(query) except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine results from - %s' % (query)) determined_id = 0 if results: try: determined_id = int(results[0][0]) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: determined_id is not an int') determined_id = 0 if determined_id > 0: # Set the key for a week if not redis_determined_id: try: self.redis_conn.setex(query_cache_key, 604800, packb(determined_id))'set redis query_cache_key - %s - id: %s' % ( query_cache_key, str(determined_id))) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to set query_cache_key - %s - id: %s' % ( query_cache_key, str(determined_id))) return int(determined_id) # @added 20170115 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Added determination of the learn related variables # learn_full_duration_days, learn_valid_ts_older_than, # max_generations and max_percent_diff_from_origin value to the # insert statement if the table is the metrics table. if table == 'metrics' and key == 'metric': # Set defaults learn_full_duration_days = int(settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_FULL_DURATION_DAYS) valid_learning_duration = int(settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_VALID_TIMESERIES_OLDER_THAN_SECONDS) max_generations = int(settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_MAX_GENERATIONS) max_percent_diff_from_origin = float(settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_MAX_PERCENT_DIFF_FROM_ORIGIN) try: use_full_duration, valid_learning_duration, use_full_duration_days, max_generations, max_percent_diff_from_origin = get_ionosphere_learn_details(skyline_app, value) learn_full_duration_days = use_full_duration_days except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get_ionosphere_learn_details for %s' % value)'metric learn details determined for %s' % value)'learn_full_duration_days :: %s days' % (str(learn_full_duration_days)))'valid_learning_duration :: %s seconds' % (str(valid_learning_duration)))'max_generations :: %s' % (str(max_generations)))'max_percent_diff_from_origin :: %s' % (str(max_percent_diff_from_origin))) # INSERT because no known id # @modified 20170115 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Added the learn_full_duration_days, learn_valid_ts_older_than, # max_generations and max_percent_diff_from_origin value to the # insert statement if the table is the metrics table. # insert_query = 'insert into %s (%s) VALUES (\'%s\')' % (table, key, value) if table == 'metrics' and key == 'metric': # @modified 20170913 - Task #2160: Test skyline with bandit # Added nosec to exclude from bandit tests insert_query_string = '%s (%s, learn_full_duration_days, learn_valid_ts_older_than, max_generations, max_percent_diff_from_origin) VALUES (\'%s\', %s, %s, %s, %s)' % ( table, key, value, str(learn_full_duration_days), str(valid_learning_duration), str(max_generations), str(max_percent_diff_from_origin)) insert_query = 'insert into %s' % insert_query_string # nosec else: insert_query = 'insert into %s (%s) VALUES (\'%s\')' % (table, key, value) # nosec'inserting %s into %s table' % (value, table)) try: results = self.mysql_insert(insert_query) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to determine the id of %s from the insert' % (value)) raise determined_id = 0 if results: determined_id = int(results) else: logger.error('error :: results not set') raise if determined_id > 0: # Set the key for a week if not redis_determined_id: try: self.redis_conn.setex(query_cache_key, 604800, packb(determined_id))'set redis query_cache_key - %s - id: %s' % ( query_cache_key, str(determined_id))) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('%s' % str(e)) logger.error('error :: failed to set query_cache_key - %s - id: %s' % ( query_cache_key, str(determined_id))) return determined_id logger.error('error :: failed to determine the inserted id for %s' % value) return False try: added_by_host_id = determine_id('hosts', 'host', added_by) except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine id of %s' % (added_by)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return False try: app_id = determine_id('apps', 'app', app) except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine id of %s' % (app)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return False try: source_id = determine_id('sources', 'source', source) except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine id of %s' % (source)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return False try: metric_id = determine_id('metrics', 'metric', metric) except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine id of %s' % (metric)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return False algorithms_ids_csv = '' for algorithm in algorithms: try: algorithm_id = determine_id('algorithms', 'algorithm', algorithm) except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine id of %s' % (algorithm)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return False if algorithms_ids_csv == '': algorithms_ids_csv = str(algorithm_id) else: new_algorithms_ids_csv = '%s,%s' % (algorithms_ids_csv, str(algorithm_id)) algorithms_ids_csv = new_algorithms_ids_csv triggered_algorithms_ids_csv = '' for triggered_algorithm in triggered_algorithms: try: triggered_algorithm_id = determine_id('algorithms', 'algorithm', triggered_algorithm) except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine id of %s' % (triggered_algorithm)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return False if triggered_algorithms_ids_csv == '': triggered_algorithms_ids_csv = str(triggered_algorithm_id) else: new_triggered_algorithms_ids_csv = '%s,%s' % ( triggered_algorithms_ids_csv, str(triggered_algorithm_id)) triggered_algorithms_ids_csv = new_triggered_algorithms_ids_csv'inserting anomaly') try: full_duration = int(metric_timestamp) - int(from_timestamp) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: full_duration - %s' % str(full_duration)) except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine full_duration') fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return False try: anomalous_datapoint = round(float(value), 6) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: anomalous_datapoint - %s' % str(anomalous_datapoint)) except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine anomalous_datapoint') fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return False try: columns = '%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s' % ( 'metric_id', 'host_id', 'app_id', 'source_id', 'anomaly_timestamp', 'anomalous_datapoint', 'full_duration', 'algorithms_run', 'triggered_algorithms') if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: columns - %s' % str(columns)) except: logger.error('error :: failed to construct columns string') fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return False try: # @modified 20170913 - Task #2160: Test skyline with bandit # Added nosec to exclude from bandit tests query_string = '(%s) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, %d, %s, %.6f, %d, \'%s\', \'%s\')' % ( columns, metric_id, added_by_host_id, app_id, source_id, metric_timestamp, anomalous_datapoint, full_duration, algorithms_ids_csv, triggered_algorithms_ids_csv) query = 'insert into anomalies %s' % query_string # nosec except: logger.error('error :: failed to construct insert query') fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return False if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: anomaly insert - %s' % str(query)) try: anomaly_id = self.mysql_insert(query)'anomaly id - %d - created for %s at %s' % ( anomaly_id, metric, metric_timestamp)) except: logger.error('error :: failed to insert anomaly %s at %s' % ( anomaly_id, metric, metric_timestamp)) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) return False # Set anomaly record cache key try: self.redis_conn.setex( cache_key, settings.PANORAMA_EXPIRY_TIME, packb(value))'set cache_key - %s.last_check.%s.%s - %s' % ( skyline_app, app, metric, str(settings.PANORAMA_EXPIRY_TIME))) except Exception as e: logger.error( 'error :: could not query cache_key - %s.last_check.%s.%s - %s' % ( skyline_app, app, metric, e)) if os.path.isfile(str(metric_check_file)): try: os.remove(str(metric_check_file))'metric_check_file removed - %s' % str(metric_check_file)) except OSError: pass return anomaly_id
[docs] def run(self): """ Called when the process intializes. Determine if what is known in the Skyline DB blah """ # Log management to prevent overwriting # Allow the bin/<skyline_app>.d to manage the log if os.path.isfile(skyline_app_logwait): try:'removing %s' % skyline_app_logwait) os.remove(skyline_app_logwait) except OSError: logger.error('error :: failed to remove %s, continuing' % skyline_app_logwait) pass now = time() log_wait_for = now + 5 while now < log_wait_for: if os.path.isfile(skyline_app_loglock): sleep(.1) now = time() else: now = log_wait_for + 1'starting %s run' % skyline_app) if os.path.isfile(skyline_app_loglock): logger.error('error :: bin/%s.d log management seems to have failed, continuing' % skyline_app) try: os.remove(skyline_app_loglock)'log lock file removed') except OSError: logger.error('error :: failed to remove %s, continuing' % skyline_app_loglock) pass else:'bin/%s.d log management done' % skyline_app) # See if I am known in the DB, if so, what are my variables # self.populate mysql # What is my host id in the Skyline panorama DB? # - if not known - INSERT hostname INTO hosts # What are the known apps? # - if returned make a dictionary # What are the known algorithms? # - if returned make a dictionary while 1: now = time() # Make sure Redis is up try: if ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: connected to Redis') except: logger.error('error :: cannot connect to redis at socket path %s' % ( settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH)) sleep(30) # @modified 20180519 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow if settings.REDIS_PASSWORD: self.redis_conn = StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) else: self.redis_conn = StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) continue # Report app up try: self.redis_conn.setex(skyline_app, 120, now)'updated Redis key for %s up' % skyline_app) except: logger.error('error :: failed to update Redis key for %s up' % skyline_app) if ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG: # Make sure mysql is available mysql_down = True while mysql_down: query = 'SHOW TABLES' results = self.mysql_select(query) if results: mysql_down = False'debug :: tested database query - OK') else: logger.error('error :: failed to query database') sleep(30) if ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG: try: query = 'SELECT id, test FROM test' result = self.mysql_select(query)'debug :: tested mysql SELECT query - OK')'debug :: result: %s' % str(result))'debug :: result[0]: %s' % str(result[0]))'debug :: result[1]: %s' % str(result[1])) # Works # 2016-06-10 19:07:23 :: 4707 :: result: [(1, u'test1')] except: logger.error( 'error :: mysql error - %s' % traceback.print_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to SELECT') # self.populate the database metatdata tables # What is my host id in the Skyline panorama DB? host_id = False # @modified 20170913 - Task #2160: Test skyline with bandit # Added nosec to exclude from bandit tests query = 'select id FROM hosts WHERE host=\'%s\'' % this_host # nosec results = self.mysql_select(query) if results: host_id = results[0][0]'host_id: %s' % str(host_id)) else:'failed to determine host id of %s' % this_host) # - if not known - INSERT hostname INTO host if not host_id:'inserting %s into hosts table' % this_host) # @modified 20170913 - Task #2160: Test skyline with bandit # Added nosec to exclude from bandit tests query = 'insert into hosts (host) VALUES (\'%s\')' % this_host # nosec host_id = self.mysql_insert(query) if host_id:'new host_id: %s' % str(host_id)) if not host_id: logger.error( 'error :: failed to determine populate %s into the hosts table' % this_host) sleep(30) continue # Like loop through the panorama dir and see if anyone has left you # any work, etc # Make sure check_dir exists and has not been removed try: if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: checking check dir exists - %s' % settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH) os.path.exists(settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH) except: logger.error('error :: check dir did not exist - %s' % settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH) mkdir_p(settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH)'check dir created - %s' % settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH) os.path.exists(settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH) # continue """ Determine if any metric has been added to add """ while True: metric_var_files = False try: metric_var_files = [f for f in listdir(settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH) if isfile(join(settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH, f))] except: logger.error('error :: failed to list files in check dir') if not metric_var_files:'sleeping 20 no metric check files') sleep(20) # Discover metric anomalies to insert metric_var_files = False try: metric_var_files = [f for f in listdir(settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH) if isfile(join(settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH, f))] except: logger.error('error :: failed to list files in check dir') if metric_var_files: break metric_var_files_sorted = sorted(metric_var_files) metric_check_file = '%s/%s' % (settings.PANORAMA_CHECK_PATH, str(metric_var_files_sorted[0]))'assigning anomaly for insertion - %s' % str(metric_var_files_sorted[0])) # Spawn processes pids = [] spawned_pids = [] pid_count = 0 now = time() for i in range(1, settings.PANORAMA_PROCESSES + 1): try: p = Process(target=self.spin_process, args=(i, metric_check_file)) pids.append(p) pid_count += 1'starting %s of %s spin_process/es' % (str(pid_count), str(settings.PANORAMA_PROCESSES))) p.start() spawned_pids.append( except: logger.error('error :: to start spin_process') continue # Send wait signal to zombie processes # for p in pids: # p.join() # Self monitor processes and terminate if any spin_process has run # for longer than CRUCIBLE_TESTS_TIMEOUT p_starts = time() while time() - p_starts <= 20: if any(p.is_alive() for p in pids): # Just to avoid hogging the CPU sleep(.1) else: # All the processes are done, break now. time_to_run = time() - p_starts '%s :: %s spin_process/es completed in %.2f seconds' % ( skyline_app, str(settings.PANORAMA_PROCESSES), time_to_run)) break else: # We only enter this if we didn't 'break' above.'%s :: timed out, killing all spin_process processes' % (skyline_app)) for p in pids: p.terminate() # p.join() check_file_name = os.path.basename(str(metric_check_file)) if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: check_file_name - %s' % check_file_name) check_file_timestamp = check_file_name.split('.', 1)[0] if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: check_file_timestamp - %s' % str(check_file_timestamp)) check_file_metricname_txt = check_file_name.split('.', 1)[1] if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: check_file_metricname_txt - %s' % check_file_metricname_txt) check_file_metricname = check_file_metricname_txt.replace('.txt', '') if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: check_file_metricname - %s' % check_file_metricname) check_file_metricname_dir = check_file_metricname.replace('.', '/') if settings.ENABLE_PANORAMA_DEBUG:'debug :: check_file_metricname_dir - %s' % check_file_metricname_dir) metric_failed_check_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % (failed_checks_dir, check_file_metricname_dir, check_file_timestamp) fail_check(skyline_app, metric_failed_check_dir, str(metric_check_file)) for p in pids: if p.is_alive():'%s :: stopping spin_process - %s' % (skyline_app, str(p.is_alive()))) p.join()