skyline.analyzer package


skyline.analyzer.agent module

skyline.analyzer.alerters module

skyline_version = 'Skyline (ionosphere v1.1.11-stable)'

Create any alerter you want here. The function will be invoked from trigger_alert.

Three arguments will be passed, two of them tuples: alert and metric.

alert: the tuple specified in your settings:

alert[0]: The matched substring of the anomalous metric

alert[1]: the name of the strategy being used to alert

alert[2]: The timeout of the alert that was triggered

metric: information about the anomaly itself

metric[0]: the anomalous value

metric[1]: The full name of the anomalous metric

metric[2]: anomaly timestamp

context: app name

alert_smtp(alert, metric, context)[source]

Called by trigger_alert() and sends an alert via smtp to the recipients that are configured for the metric.

alert_pagerduty(alert, metric, context)[source]

Called by trigger_alert() and sends an alert via PagerDuty

alert_hipchat(alert, metric, context)[source]

Called by trigger_alert() and sends an alert the hipchat room that is configured in

alert_syslog(alert, metric, context)[source]

Called by trigger_alert() and log anomalies to syslog.

trigger_alert(alert, metric, context)[source]

Called by skyline.analyzer.Analyzer.spawn_alerter_process to trigger an alert.

Analyzer passes three arguments, two of them tuples. The alerting strategy is determined and the approriate alert def is then called and passed the tuples.

  • alert

    The alert tuple specified in

    alert[0]: The matched substring of the anomalous metric

    alert[1]: the name of the strategy being used to alert

    alert[2]: The timeout of the alert that was triggered

  • meric

    The metric tuple.

    metric[0]: the anomalous value

    metric[1]: The full name of the anomalous metric

    metric[2]: anomaly timestamp

  • context (str) – app name

skyline.analyzer.algorithms module

skyline.analyzer.analyzer module

Module contents