Source code for webapp.webapp

from __future__ import division
import sys
import re
import csv
import traceback
import logging
from functools import wraps
import os
import base64
from os.path import isdir
from os import path
import string
from os import remove as os_remove
from time import sleep
# @added 20201126 - Feature #3850: webapp - yhat_values API endoint
from timeit import default_timer as timer
# @added 20160703 - Feature #1464: Webapp Redis browser
import time
# @modified 20180918 - Feature #2602: Graphs in search_features_profiles
# from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from datetime import timedelta
# @added 20210415 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference
from shutil import rmtree
# For secret_key
import uuid
# @added 20170122 - Feature #1872: Ionosphere - features profile page by id only
# Determine the features profile dir path for a fp_id
import datetime
# @added 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow
import hashlib
from sys import version_info
from ast import literal_eval
# @added 20180721 - Feature #2464: luminosity_remote_data
# Use a gzipped response as the response as raw preprocessed time series
# added cStringIO, gzip and functools to implement Gzip for particular views
# from cStringIO import StringIO as IO
import gzip
# @added 20180721 - Feature #2464: luminosity_remote_data
# Use a gzipped response as the response as raw preprocessed time series
# added cStringIO to implement Gzip for particular views
import io as IO
import functools
import os.path
# @added 20191029 - Task #3302: Handle csv.reader in py3
#                   Branch #3262: py3
import codecs

import redis
import simplejson as json
from msgpack import Unpacker
from flask import (
    Flask, request, render_template, redirect, Response, abort, flash,
    send_file, jsonify)
from daemon import runner

# @added 20220112 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars
# @modified 20220115 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars
# Roll back change - breaking existing metrics with colons
# import urllib.parse

# flask things for rebrow
# @modified 20180918 - Feature #2602: Graphs in search_features_profiles
# from flask import session, g, url_for, flash, Markup, json
from flask import url_for, Markup

# @added 20170122 - Feature #1872: Ionosphere - features profile page by id only
# Determine the features profile dir path for a fp_id
# from pytz import timezone
import pytz

# @added 20180520 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow
# Added auth to rebrow as per by
# elky84
from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote

# @modified 20180918 - Feature #2602: Graphs in search_features_profiles
# from features_profile import feature_name_id, calculate_features_profile
from features_profile import calculate_features_profile

from tsfresh_feature_names import TSFRESH_VERSION

# @modified 20180526 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow
# Use PyJWT instead of pycryptodome
# from Crypto.Cipher import AES
# import base64
# @added 20180526 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow
import jwt

# @added 20180721 - Feature #2464: luminosity_remote_data
# Use a gzipped response as the response as raw preprocessed time series
# added cStringIO, gzip and functools to implement Gzip for particular views
from flask import after_this_request
# from cStringIO import StringIO as IO

# @modified 20210421 - Task #4030: refactoring
# from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler, MemoryHandler

# @added 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85
#                   Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability
from flask import escape as flask_escape

# @added 20220112 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars
# @modified 20220115 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars
# Roll back change - breaking existing metrics with colons
# from werkzeug.urls import iri_to_uri

if True:
    sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), os.pardir))
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(__file__))
    import settings
    from validate_settings import validate_settings_variables
    import skyline_version
    from skyline_functions import (
        # @added 20170604 - Feature #2034: analyse_derivatives
        # @added 20180804 - Feature #2488: Allow user to specifically set metric as a derivative metric in training_data
        # @added 20190510 - Feature #2990: Add metrics id to relevant web pages
        # get_memcache_metric_object,
        # @added 20190920 - Feature #3230: users DB table
        #                   Ideas #2476: Label and relate anomalies
        #                   Feature #2516: Add label to features profile
        # @added 20191030 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings
        #                   Branch #3262: py3
        # Added a single functions to deal with Redis connection and the
        # charset='utf-8', decode_responses=True arguments required in py3
        get_redis_conn, get_redis_conn_decoded,
        # @added 20200813 - Feature #3670: IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR
        # @added 20201202- Feature #3858: skyline_functions - correlate_or_relate_with
        # @modified 20220504 - Task #4544: Handle EXTERNAL_SETTINGS in correlate_or_relate_with
        # Moved to new functions.metrics.correlate_or_relate_with
        # correlate_or_relate_with,
        # @added 20210324 - Feature #3642: Anomaly type classification

    from backend import (
        panorama_request, get_list,
        # @added 20180720 - Feature #2464: luminosity_remote_data
        # @added 20200908 - Feature #3740: webapp - anomaly API endpoint
        # @added 20201103 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data
        # @added 20201125 - Feature #3850: webapp - yhat_values API endoint
        # @added 20210326 - Feature #3994: Panorama - mirage not anomalous
        # @added 20210328 - Feature #3994: Panorama - mirage not anomalous
        # @added 20210617 - Feature #4144: webapp - stale_metrics API endpoint
        #                   Feature #4076: CUSTOM_STALE_PERIOD
        #                   Branch #1444: thunder
    from ionosphere_backend import (
        ionosphere_data, ionosphere_metric_data,
        # @modified 20170114 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn
        # Decoupled create_features_profile from ionosphere_backend
        # ionosphere_get_metrics_dir, create_features_profile,
        # @added 20170118 - Feature #1862: Ionosphere features profiles search page
        # @added 20170305 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers
        create_ionosphere_layers, feature_profile_layers_detail,
        # @added 20170308 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers
        # To present the operator with the existing layers and algorithms for the metric
        # @added 20170327 - Feature #2004: Ionosphere layers - edit_layers
        #                   Task #2002: Review and correct incorrectly defined layers
        # @added 20170402 - Feature #2000: Ionosphere - validated
        # @added 20170617 - Feature #2054:
        # added 20170908 - Feature #2056: ionosphere - disabled_features_profiles
        features_profile_family_tree, disable_features_profile_family_tree,
        # @added 20170916 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page
        # @added 20170917 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page
        # @added 20180812 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page
        # @added 20180815 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page
        # @added 20181205 - Bug #2746: webapp time out - Graphs in search_features_profiles
        #                   Feature #2602: Graphs in search_features_profiles
        # @added 20190502 - Branch #2646: slack
        # @added 20190601 - Feature #3084: Ionosphere - validated matches
        # @added 20200226: Ideas #2476: Label and relate anomalies
        #                  Feature #2516: Add label to features profile
        # @added 20201213 - Feature #3890: metrics_manager - sync_cluster_files
        # @added 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference
        #                   Branch #3590: inference
        # @added 20210419 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference

    # @added 20210107 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance
    from ionosphere_performance import get_ionosphere_performance

    # @added 20210415 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference
    from on_demand_motif_analysis import on_demand_motif_analysis

    # @added 20210419 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference
    from motif_plots import plot_motif_match

    # from utilites import alerts_matcher
    # @added 20201212 - Feature #3880: webapp - utilities - match_metric
    from matched_or_regexed_in_list import matched_or_regexed_in_list

    # @added 20170114 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn
    # Decoupled the create_features_profile from ionosphere_backend and moved to
    # ionosphere_functions so it can be used by ionosphere/learn
    from ionosphere_functions import (
        create_features_profile, get_ionosphere_learn_details,
        # @added 20180414 - Branch #2270: luminosity
        # @added 20200113 - Feature #3390: luminosity related anomalies
        #                   Branch #2270: luminosity

    # @added 20200420 - Feature #3500: webapp - crucible_process_metrics
    #                   Feature #1448: Crucible web UI
    #                   Branch #868: crucible
    from crucible_backend import (
        submit_crucible_job, get_crucible_jobs, get_crucible_job,

    # @added 20210317 - Feature #3978: luminosity - classify_metrics
    #                   Feature #3642: Anomaly type classification
    from luminosity_backend import get_classify_metrics

    # @added 20210604 - Branch #1444: thunder
    from functions.metrics.get_top_level_namespaces import get_top_level_namespaces

    # @added 20210617 - Feature #4144: webapp - stale_metrics API endpoint
    #                   Feature #4076: CUSTOM_STALE_PERIOD
    #                   Branch #1444: thunder
    from functions.redis.get_metric_timeseries import get_metric_timeseries
    from functions.timeseries.determine_data_sparsity import determine_data_sparsity

    # @added 20210710 - Bug #4168: webapp/ - handle old features profile dir not been found
    from functions.database.queries.get_all_db_metric_names import get_all_db_metric_names

    # @added 20210720 - Feature #4188: metrics_manager.boundary_metrics
    from get_boundary_metrics import get_boundary_metrics

    # @added 20210727 - Feature #4206: webapp - saved_training_data page
    from get_saved_training_data import get_saved_training_data

    # @added 20210825 - Feature #4164: luminosity - cloudbursts
    from luminosity_cloudbursts import get_cloudbursts
    from luminosity_plot_cloudburst import get_cloudburst_plot

    # @added 20211001 - Feature #4264: luminosity - cross_correlation_relationships
    from functions.metrics.get_related_metrics import get_related_metrics
    from functions.metrics.get_metric_id_from_base_name import get_metric_id_from_base_name
    # from functions.database.queries.base_name_from_metric_id import base_name_from_metric_id
    from functions.metrics.get_base_name_from_metric_id import get_base_name_from_metric_id
    from functions.database.queries.get_metric_group_info import get_metric_group_info
    from functions.metrics.get_related_to_metric_groups import get_related_to_metric_groups

    # @added 20211102 - Branch #3068: SNAB
    #                   Bug #4308: matrixprofile - fN on big drops
    from functions.database.queries.get_algorithms import get_algorithms
    from functions.database.queries.get_algorithm_groups import get_algorithm_groups
    from get_snab_results import get_snab_results

    # @added 20211125 - Feature #4326: webapp - panorama_plot_anomalies
    from panorama_plot_anomalies import panorama_plot_anomalies

    # @added 20220114 - Feature #4376: webapp - update_external_settings
    from functions.settings.manage_external_settings import manage_external_settings

    # @added 20220117 - Feature #4324: flux - reload external_settings
    #                   Feature #4376: webapp - update_external_settings
    # from functions.flux.reload_flux import reload_flux

    # @added 20220128 - Feature #4376: webapp - update_external_settings
    from functions.settings.get_external_settings import get_external_settings

    # @added 20220216 - Feature #4444: webapp - inactive_metrics
    from functions.metrics.get_inactive_metrics import get_inactive_metrics

    # @added 20220224 - Feature #4468: flux - remove_namespace_quota_metrics
    #                   Feature #4464: flux - quota - cluster_sync
    from functions.flux.remove_namespace_quota_metrics import remove_namespace_quota_metrics

    # @added 20220317 - Feature #4540: Plot matched timeseries
    #                   Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference
    from functions.ionosphere.get_matched_timeseries import get_matched_timeseries
    from fp_match_plots import plot_fp_match

    # @added 20220504 - Task #4544: Handle EXTERNAL_SETTINGS in correlate_or_relate_with
    #                   Feature #3858: skyline_functions - correlate_or_relate_with
    # New function to handle external_settings
    from functions.metrics.correlate_or_relate_with import correlate_or_relate_with

    # @added 202200504 - Feature #4530: namespace.analysed_events
    from api_get_metric_analysed_events import api_get_metric_analysed_events
    from api_get_analysed_events import api_get_analysed_events

    # @added 20220405 - Task #4514: Integrate opentelemetry
    #                   Feature #4516: flux - opentelemetry traces
    OTEL_ENABLED = False
        OTEL_ENABLED = settings.OTEL_ENABLED
    except AttributeError:
        OTEL_ENABLED = False
    except Exception as outer_err:
        OTEL_ENABLED = False
        from opentelemetry import trace
        from opentelemetry.instrumentation.flask import FlaskInstrumentor
        from opentelemetry.instrumentation.redis import RedisInstrumentor

    # @added 20220509 - Feature #4564: authoritative_node
    from functions.metrics.get_authoritative_node import get_authoritative_node

# @added 20200516 - Feature #3538: webapp - upload_data endoint
file_uploads_enabled = False
    flux_process_uploads = settings.FLUX_PROCESS_UPLOADS
    flux_process_uploads = False
if flux_process_uploads:
        file_uploads_enabled = settings.WEBAPP_ACCEPT_DATA_UPLOADS
        file_uploads_enabled = False
if file_uploads_enabled:
    from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename
    from skyline_functions import mkdir_p, write_data_to_file
        DATA_UPLOADS_PATH = '/tmp/skyline/data_uploads'
    ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = {'json', 'csv', 'xlsx', 'xls', 'zip', 'gz'}
    ALLOWED_FORMATS = {'csv', 'xlsx', 'xls'}
    # @modified 20200520 - Bug #3552: flux.uploaded_data_worker - tar.gz
    # tar.gz needs more work
    # ALLOWED_ARCHIVES = {'none', 'zip', 'gz', 'tar_gz'}
    ALLOWED_ARCHIVES = {'none', 'zip', 'gz'}
        flux_upload_keys = settings.FLUX_UPLOADS_KEYS
        flux_upload_keys = {}

# @added 20200929 - Task #3748: POC SNAB
#                   Branch #3068: SNAB
    SNAB_ENABLED = False
    from snab_backend import update_snab_result
    update_snab_result = None

# @added 20201127 - Feature #3820: HORIZON_SHARDS
# Added the HORIZON_SHARD variable to add to alerts for determining which
# Skyline instance sent the alert
this_host = str(os.uname()[1])

# @added 20201210 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data
    AUTH_DEBUG = settings.AUTH_DEBUG
    AUTH_DEBUG = False

# @added 20210324 - Feature #3642: Anomaly type classification

skyline_version = skyline_version.__absolute_version__

skyline_app = 'webapp'
skyline_app_logger = '%sLog' % skyline_app
logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger)
skyline_app_logfile = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app)
skyline_app_loglock = '%s.lock' % skyline_app_logfile
skyline_app_logwait = '%s.wait' % skyline_app_logfile
logfile = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app)

# werkzeug access log for Python errors
access_logger = logging.getLogger('werkzeug')

python_version = int(version_info[0])

# @modified 20180519 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow
# @modified 20191030 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings
#                      Branch #3262: py3
# Use get_redis_conn and get_redis_conn_decoded
# if settings.REDIS_PASSWORD:
#    # @modified 20190130 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings
#    #                      Branch #3262: py3
#    # REDIS_CONN = redis.StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH)
#    # REDIS_CONN = redis.StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH, charset='utf-8', decode_responses=True)
#    # @added 20191015 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings
#    #                   Branch #3262: py3
#    # REDIS_CONN_UNDECODE = redis.StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH)
# else:
#    # REDIS_CONN = redis.StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH)
#    # REDIS_CONN = redis.StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH, charset='utf-8', decode_responses=True)
#    # @added 20191015 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings
#    #                   Branch #3262: py3
#    # REDIS_CONN_UNDECODE = redis.StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH)

# @added 20220405 - Task #4514: Integrate opentelemetry
#                   Feature #4516: flux - opentelemetry traces
    # Instrument redis
    except Exception as outer_err:
        logger.error('RedisInstrumentor().instrument() failed - %s' % outer_err)

# @added 20191030 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings
#                   Branch #3262: py3
# Added a single functions to deal with Redis connection and the
# charset='utf-8', decode_responses=True arguments required in py3
REDIS_CONN_UNDECODE = get_redis_conn(skyline_app)
REDIS_CONN = get_redis_conn_decoded(skyline_app)


app = Flask(__name__)

# @added 20220405 - Task #4514: Integrate opentelemetry
#                   Feature #4516: flux - opentelemetry traces
        tracer = trace.get_tracer(__name__)
    except Exception as outer_err:
        logger.error('FlaskInstrumentor().instrument_app and tracer failed - %s' % outer_err)

# @modified 20190502 - Branch #2646: slack
# Reduce logging, removed gunicorn
# gunicorn_error_logger = logging.getLogger('gunicorn.error')
# logger.handlers.extend(gunicorn_error_logger.handlers)
# logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

# app.secret_key = str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST))
secret_key = str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST))
app.secret_key = secret_key

app.config['PROPAGATE_EXCEPTIONS'] = True


if file_uploads_enabled:
    app.config['MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH'] = 16 * 1024 * 1024

graph_url_string = str(settings.GRAPH_URL)
PANORAMA_GRAPH_URL = re.sub('\/render.*', '', graph_url_string)

# @added 20160727 - Bug #1524: Panorama dygraph not aligning correctly
# Defaults for momentjs to work if the was not updated

# @added 20190520 - Branch #3002: docker
    GRAPHITE_RENDER_URI = 'render'

# @added 20200731 - Feature #3654: IONOSPHERE_GRAPHITE_NOW_GRAPHS_OVERRIDE

    IONOSPHERE_HISTORICAL_DATA_FOLDER = '/opt/skyline/ionosphere/historical_data'

# @added 20210112 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance
ionosphere_dir = path.dirname(settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER)
performance_dir = '%s/performance' % (ionosphere_dir)

# @added 20210209 - Feature #1448: Crucible web UI
    crucible_jobs_dir = '%s/jobs' % path.dirname(settings.CRUCIBLE_DATA_FOLDER)
    crucible_jobs_dir = '/opt/skyline/crucible/jobs'

# @added 20210316 - Feature #3978: luminosity - classify_metrics
#                   Feature #3642: Anomaly type classification
    luminosity_data_folder = settings.LUMINOSITY_DATA_FOLDER
    luminosity_data_folder = '/opt/skyline/luminosity'

# @added 20220408 - Task #4514: Integrate opentelemetry
#                   Feature #4516: flux - opentelemetry traces
except AttributeError:

[docs]@app.before_request # def setup_logging(): # if not app.debug: # stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() # stream_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # app.logger.addHandler(stream_handler) # import logging # from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler, MemoryHandler # file_handler = MemoryHandler(app_logfile, mode='a') # file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # app.logger.addHandler(file_handler) # # formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s :: %(process)s :: %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # handler = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler( # app_logfile, # when="midnight", # interval=1, # backupCount=5) # handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # # memory_handler = logging.handlers.MemoryHandler(100, # flushLevel=logging.DEBUG, # target=handler) # handler.setFormatter(formatter) # app.logger.addHandler(memory_handler) # app.logger.addHandler(handler) def limit_remote_addr(): """ This function is called to check if the requesting IP address is in the settings.WEBAPP_ALLOWED_IPS array, if not 403. """ ip_allowed = False for web_allowed_ip in settings.WEBAPP_ALLOWED_IPS: if request.remote_addr == web_allowed_ip: ip_allowed = True if not settings.WEBAPP_IP_RESTRICTED: ip_allowed = True if not ip_allowed: abort(403) # Forbidden
# @added 20200514 - Feature #3538: webapp - upload_data endoint
[docs]def allowed_file(filename): return '.' in filename and \ filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower() in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS
[docs]def check_auth(username, password): """This function is called to check if a username / password combination is valid. """ # @added 20200814 - Feature #3670: IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR # Log full request'request :: %s' % (request.url)) if settings.WEBAPP_AUTH_ENABLED: return username == settings.WEBAPP_AUTH_USER and password == settings.WEBAPP_AUTH_USER_PASSWORD else: return True
[docs]def authenticate(): """Sends a 401 response that enables basic auth""" return Response( 'Forbidden', 401, {'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Login Required"'})
[docs]def requires_auth(f): @wraps(f) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): if settings.WEBAPP_AUTH_ENABLED: auth = request.authorization if not auth or not check_auth(auth.username, auth.password): return authenticate() return f(*args, **kwargs) else: return True return decorated
# @added 20180721 - Feature #2464: luminosity_remote_data # Use a gzipped response as the response as raw preprocessed time series with # an implementation of Gzip for particular views #
[docs]def gzipped(f): @functools.wraps(f) def view_func(*args, **kwargs): @after_this_request def zipper(response): accept_encoding = request.headers.get('Accept-Encoding', '') if 'gzip' not in accept_encoding.lower(): return response response.direct_passthrough = False if (response.status_code < 200 or response.status_code >= 300 or 'Content-Encoding' in response.headers): return response gzip_buffer = IO() gzip_file = gzip.GzipFile(mode='wb', fileobj=gzip_buffer) gzip_file.write( gzip_file.close() = gzip_buffer.getvalue() response.headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip' response.headers['Vary'] = 'Accept-Encoding' response.headers['Content-Length'] = len( return response return f(*args, **kwargs) return view_func
# @added 20220112 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars
[docs]def url_encode_metric_name(metric_name): """ URL Encode a metric name """ url_encoded_metric_name = False if ':' in metric_name: url_encoded_metric_name = True if '/' in metric_name: url_encoded_metric_name = True if url_encoded_metric_name: metric_name = urllib.parse.quote(metric_name, safe='')'url encoded metric_name to %s' % metric_name) return metric_name
[docs]@app.errorhandler(500) def internal_error(message, traceback_format_exc): """ Show traceback in the browser when running a flask app on a production server. By default, flask does not show any useful information when running on a production server. By adding this view, we output the Python traceback to the error 500 page and log. As per: Show flask traceback when running on production server - Python traceback rendered nicely by Jinja2 This can be tested by hitting SKYLINE_URL/a_500 """ fail_msg = str(message) trace = str(traceback_format_exc) logger.debug('debug :: returning 500 as there was an error, why else would 500 be returned...') logger.debug('debug :: sending the user that caused the error to happen, this useful information') # logger.debug('debug :: but they or I may have already emailed it to you, you should check your inbox') logger.debug('%s' % str(traceback_format_exc)) logger.debug('debug :: which is accompanied with the message') logger.debug('debug :: %s' % str(message)) logger.debug('debug :: request url :: %s' % str(request.url)) logger.debug('debug :: request referrer :: %s' % str(request.referrer)) # resp = '<pre>%s</pre><pre>%s</pre>' % (str(message), str(traceback_format_exc)) # return(resp), 500 server_name = settings.SERVER_METRICS_NAME return render_template( 'traceback.html', version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, message=fail_msg, traceback=trace, bad_machine=server_name), 500
[docs]@app.route("/") @requires_auth def index(): start = time.time() if 'uh_oh' in request.args: try: return render_template( 'uh_oh.html', version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, message="Testing uh_oh"), 200 except: error_string = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('error :: failed to render uh_oh.html: %s' % str(error_string)) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500 try: return render_template( 'now.html', version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start)), 200 except: error_string = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('error :: failed to render index.html: %s' % str(error_string)) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500
[docs]@app.route("/a_500") @requires_auth def a_500(): if 'message' in request.args: message = request.args.get(str('message'), None) logger.debug('debug :: message - %s' % str(message)) test_500_string = message else: logger.debug('debug :: testing /a_500 route and app.errorhandler(500) internal_error function') message = 'Testing app.errorhandler(500) internal_error function, if you are seeing this it works - OK' test_500_string = 'This is a test to generate a ValueError and a HTTP response of 500 and display the traceback' try: test_errorhandler_500_internal_error = int(test_500_string) logger.debug( 'debug :: test_errorhandler_500_internal_error tests OK with %s' % ( str(test_errorhandler_500_internal_error))) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.debug('debug :: test OK') return internal_error(message, trace) error_msg = 'failed test of /a_500 route and app.errorhandler(500) internal_error function' logger.error('error :: %s' % error_msg) resp = json.dumps({'results': error_msg}) return resp, 501
[docs]@app.route("/now") @requires_auth def now(): start = time.time() try: return render_template( 'now.html', version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start)), 200 except: error_string = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('error :: failed to render now.html: %s' % str(error_string)) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500
[docs]@app.route("/then") @requires_auth def then(): try: return render_template('then.html'), 200 except: error_string = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('error :: failed to render then.html: %s' % str(error_string)) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500
[docs]@app.route("/anomalies.json") def anomalies(): try: anomalies_json = path.abspath(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), '..', settings.ANOMALY_DUMP)) with open(anomalies_json, 'r') as f: json_data = except: logger.error('error :: failed to get anomalies.json: ' + traceback.format_exc()) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500 return json_data, 200
[docs]@app.route("/panorama.json") def panorama_anomalies(): try: anomalies_json = path.abspath(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), '..', settings.ANOMALY_DUMP)) # @modified 20191014 - Task #3270: Deprecate string.replace for py3 # panorama_json = string.replace(str(anomalies_json), 'anomalies.json', 'panorama.json') panorama_json = anomalies_json.replace('anomalies.json', 'panorama.json')'opening - %s' % panorama_json) with open(panorama_json, 'r') as f: json_data = except: logger.error('error :: failed to get panorama.json: ' + traceback.format_exc()) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500 return json_data, 200
[docs]@app.route("/panorama_not_anomalous.json") def panorama_not_anomalous(): try: anomalies_json = path.abspath(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), '..', settings.ANOMALY_DUMP)) panorama_not_anomalous_json = anomalies_json.replace('anomalies.json', 'panorama_not_anomalous.json')'opening - %s' % panorama_not_anomalous_json) with open(panorama_not_anomalous_json, 'r') as f: json_data = except: logger.error('error :: failed to get panorama_not_anomalous.json: ' + traceback.format_exc()) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500 return json_data, 200
[docs]@app.route("/app_settings") @requires_auth def app_settings(): try: app_settings = {'GRAPH_URL': settings.GRAPH_URL, 'OCULUS_HOST': settings.OCULUS_HOST, 'FULL_NAMESPACE': settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, 'SKYLINE_VERSION': skyline_version, 'PANORAMA_ENABLED': settings.PANORAMA_ENABLED, 'PANORAMA_DATABASE': settings.PANORAMA_DATABASE, 'PANORAMA_DBHOST': settings.PANORAMA_DBHOST, 'PANORAMA_DBPORT': settings.PANORAMA_DBPORT, 'PANORAMA_DBUSER': settings.PANORAMA_DBUSER, 'PANORAMA_DBUSERPASS': 'redacted', 'PANORAMA_GRAPH_URL': PANORAMA_GRAPH_URL, 'WEBAPP_USER_TIMEZONE': settings.WEBAPP_USER_TIMEZONE, 'WEBAPP_FIXED_TIMEZONE': settings.WEBAPP_FIXED_TIMEZONE, 'WEBAPP_JAVASCRIPT_DEBUG': settings.WEBAPP_JAVASCRIPT_DEBUG } except Exception as e: error = "error: " + str(e) resp = json.dumps({'app_settings': error}) return resp, 500 resp = json.dumps(app_settings) return resp, 200
[docs]@app.route("/version") @requires_auth def version(): try: version_settings = {'SKYLINE_VERSION': skyline_version} resp = json.dumps(version_settings) return resp, 200 except: return "Not Found", 404
[docs]@app.route("/api", methods=['GET']) # @modified 20180720 - Feature #2464: luminosity_remote_data # Rnamed def from data to api for the purpose of trying to add some # documentation relating to the API endpoints and their required parameters, # the results or error and status codes they return and the context in which # they are used. # def data(): def api(): start = time.time() # @added 20201110 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Allow for the cluster_data argument to be added to certain api requests # to allow for data from all remote Skyline instances to be concatenated # into a single response # IMPORTANT: cluster_data MUST be the first argument that is evaluated as it # is used and required by many of the following API methods cluster_data = False if 'cluster_data' in request.args: try: cluster_data_argument = request.args.get('cluster_data', 'false') if cluster_data_argument == 'true': cluster_data = True'api request with cluster_data=true') elif cluster_data_argument == 'false': cluster_data = False'api request with cluster_data=false') else: logger.error('error :: api request with invalid cluster_data argument - %s' % str(cluster_data_argument)) return 'Bad Request', 400 except: logger.error('error :: /api request with invalid cluster_data argument') return 'Bad Request', 400 # @added 20220509 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Release #4562 - v3.0.4 # Force cluster_data on appropriate methods cluster_call = False try: cluster_call_str = request.args.get('cluster_call', 'false') if cluster_call_str == 'true': cluster_call = True except KeyError: cluster_call = False except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: Webapp error with api?thunder_no_data_remove_namespace - %s' % err) # IMPORTANT: cluster_data ^^ MUST be the first argument that is evaluated as it # is used and required by many of the following API methods # @added 20220504 - Feature #4530: namespace.analysed_events if 'get_analysed_events' in request.args: start_get_analysed_events = timer() analysed_events = {} try: # @modified 20220509 - Feature #4530: namespace.analysed_events # Release #4562 - v3.0.4 # analysed_events = api_get_analysed_events(skyline_app, cluster_data=cluster_data) analysed_events = api_get_analysed_events(skyline_app, cluster_data) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: api_get_analysed_events failed - %s' % err) return 'Internal Server Error', 500 end_get_analysed_events = timer() get_analysed_events_time = (end_get_analysed_events - start_get_analysed_events) # @modified 20220509 - Feature #4530: namespace.analysed_events # Release #4562 - v3.0.4 # Added handle 400 if analysed_events == 400: return 'Bad Request', 400 if not analysed_events: data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": get_analysed_events_time, "response": 404}, "data": {}} return jsonify(data_dict), 404 data = {'analysed_events': analysed_events} data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": get_analysed_events_time, "response": 200}, "data": data} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 202200504 - Feature #4530: namespace.analysed_events if 'get_metric_analysed_events' in request.args: start_get_metric_analysed_events = timer() # @added 20220509 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Release #4562 - v3.0.4 # Force cluster_data on appropriate methods if not cluster_data: cluster_data = True'api forcing cluster_data=true') if cluster_call: cluster_data = False'api cluster_call forcing cluster_data=false') analysed_events = {} try: # @modified 20220509 - Feature #4530: namespace.analysed_events # Release #4562 - v3.0.4 # analysed_events = api_get_metric_analysed_events(skyline_app, cluster_data=cluster_data) analysed_events = api_get_metric_analysed_events(skyline_app, cluster_data) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: api_get_metric_analysed_events failed - %s' % err) return 'Internal Server Error', 500 end_get_metric_analysed_events = timer() get_metric_analysed_events_time = (end_get_metric_analysed_events - start_get_metric_analysed_events) # @modified 20220509 - Feature #4530: namespace.analysed_events # Release #4562 - v3.0.4 # Added handle 400 if analysed_events == 400: return 'Bad Request', 400 if not analysed_events: data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": get_metric_analysed_events_time, "response": 404}, "data": {}} return jsonify(data_dict), 404 else: data = {'analysed_events': analysed_events} data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": get_metric_analysed_events_time, "response": 200}, "data": data} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20220318 - Feature #4540: Plot matched timeseries # Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference if 'get_matched_timeseries' in request.args: start_get_matched_timeseries = timer() match_id = 0 try: match_id = int(request.args.get('match_id', '0'))'/api?get_matched_timeseries with match_id: %s' % match_id) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: api get_matched_timeseries - %s' % err) return 'Internal Server Error', 500 layers_match_id = 0 try: layers_match_id = int(request.args.get('layers_match_id', '0'))'/api?get_matched_timeseries with layers_match_id: %s' % layers_match_id) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: api get_matched_timeseries - %s' % err) return 'Internal Server Error', 500 plot = False strip_prefix = False try: plot_str = request.args.get('plot', 'false') if plot_str == 'true': plot = True'/api?get_matched_timeseries with plot: %s' % plot_str) strip_prefix = request.args.get('strip_prefix', 'false') if strip_prefix == 'true': strip_prefix = True except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: api get_matched_timeseries - %s' % err) return 'Internal Server Error', 500 try: matched_timeseries = get_matched_timeseries( skyline_app, match_id, layers_match_id) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: api get_matched_timeseries - %s' % err) return 'Internal Server Error', 500 if plot: plotted_comparsion_image = None output_file = '%s/%s.%s.macth_plot.png' % ( settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR, str(matched_timeseries['match']['metric_timestamp']), matched_timeseries['metric']) try: plotted_comparsion_image, plotted_match_comparison_image_file = plot_fp_match( skyline_app, matched_timeseries['metric'], matched_timeseries['match']['fp_id'], [value for ts, value in matched_timeseries['matched_fp_timeseries']], matched_timeseries['timeseries'], output_file, strip_prefix) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: api plot_fp_match - %s' % err) return 'Internal Server Error', 500 if plotted_comparsion_image: redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere_images?image=%s' % ( settings.SKYLINE_URL, str(plotted_match_comparison_image_file))'returning redirect to image url - %s' % str(redirect_url)) return redirect(redirect_url, code=302) end_get_matched_timeseries = timer() get_matched_timeseries_time = (end_get_matched_timeseries - start_get_matched_timeseries) if not matched_timeseries: data_dict = {"status": {"request_time": get_matched_timeseries_time, "response": 404}, "data": matched_timeseries} return jsonify(data_dict), 404 data_dict = {"status": {"request_time": get_matched_timeseries_time, "response": 200}, "data": matched_timeseries} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20220301 - Feature #4482: Test alerts if 'test_alert' in request.args: start_test_alert = timer() metric = None try: metric = request.args.get('metric')'/api?test_alert with metric: %s' % metric) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: api test_alert request no metric argument - %s' % err) return 'Bad Request', 400 alerter_app = None try: alerter_app = request.args.get('app')'/api?test_alert with app: %s' % alerter_app) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: api test_alert request no app argument - %s' % err) return 'Bad Request', 400 alerter = None try: alerter = request.args.get('alerter')'/api?test_alert with alerter: %s' % alerter) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: api test_alert request no alerter argument - %s' % err) return 'Bad Request', 400 alerter_id = 0 try: alerter_id_str = request.args.get('alerter_id', 0) if alerter_id_str: alerter_id = int(alerter_id_str)'/api?test_alert with alerter_id: %s' % str(alerter_id)) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: api test_alert error - %s' % err) return 'Bad Request', 400 test_alert_added = False trigger_anomaly = False try: trigger_anomaly_str = request.args.get('trigger_anomaly', 'false') if trigger_anomaly_str == 'true': trigger_anomaly = True'/api?test_alert with trigger_anomaly: %s' % str(trigger_anomaly_str)) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: api test_alert error - %s' % err) return 'Bad Request', 400 # @added 20220509 - Feature #4564: authoritative_node # Feature #4482: Test alerts # Ensure that the test alert is triggered on the correct cluster node cluster_request = False if HORIZON_SHARDS: authoritative_node = None try: authoritative_node = get_authoritative_node(metric)'api test_alert get_authoritative_node - reports - %s as the authoritative cluster node' % authoritative_node) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: api test_alert get_authoritative_node failed - %s' % err) if authoritative_node == this_host:'api test_alert creating test alert from a cluster_call because this host is authoritative_node: %s' % authoritative_node) if authoritative_node != this_host: cluster_request = True cluster_call = False try: cluster_call = request.args.get('cluster_call', 'false') if cluster_call == 'true':'api test_alert - requested test_alert but not authoritative_node so allowing %s to handle the request' % authoritative_node) end_test_alert = timer() test_alert_time = (end_test_alert - start_test_alert) data_dict = {"status": {"request_time": test_alert_time, "response": 200}, "data": {"test alert added": False, "cluster_node": this_host, "authoritative_node": authoritative_node}}'api test_alert - responding with: %s' % str(data_dict)) return jsonify(data_dict), 200 except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: api test_alert error - %s' % err) return 'Internal Server Error', 500 if cluster_request:'api test_alert - requesting test_alert from %s' % authoritative_node) if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES and cluster_data: test_alert_list = [] test_alert_uri = 'test_alert&metric=%s&app=%s&alerter=%s&cluster_call=true' % ( metric, alerter_app, alerter) if alerter_id: test_alert_uri = '%s&alerter_id=%s' % (test_alert_uri, str(alerter_id)) if trigger_anomaly: test_alert_uri = '%s&trigger_anomaly=true' % test_alert_uri try: test_alert_list = get_cluster_data(test_alert_uri, 'test alert added') except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /api?test_alert get_cluster_data failed - could not get data from the remote Skyline instances - %s' % err) if test_alert_list.count(True) > 0: data = {'test alert added': True, 'metric': metric, 'app': alerter_app, "alerter": alerter, "trigger_anomaly": trigger_anomaly, "cluster_node": this_host, "authoritative_node": authoritative_node} if alerter_id: data['id'] = alerter_id end_test_alert = timer() test_alert_time = (end_test_alert - start_test_alert) data_dict = {"status": {"request_time": test_alert_time, "response": 200, "cluster_data": True}, "data": data}'api test_alert - got a True test_alert_added from a cluster node, responding with: %s' % str(data_dict)) return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20220315 - Feature #4482: Test alerts # Allow for full testing with the injection of an anomaly on a # metric if trigger_anomaly: if alerter_app != 'mirage': trigger_anomaly = False'/api?test_alert trigger_anomaly set to False only available for Mirage') if trigger_anomaly: key_data = { 'metric': metric, 'alerter': alerter, 'alerter_app': alerter_app, 'alerter_id': alerter_id, 'trigger_anomaly': trigger_anomaly } try: test_alert_redis_key = '%s.test_alerts' % alerter_app REDIS_CONN.hset(test_alert_redis_key, time.time(), str(key_data)) test_alert_added = True except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to save test_alert dict to Redis key - %s' % err) return 'Internal Server Error', 500 else: alert_test_file = '%s/%s_alert_test.txt' % (settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR, alerter_app) if alerter_id: test_alert_data = '[\'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\']' % (str(metric), str(alerter), str(alerter_id)) else: test_alert_data = '[\'%s\', \'%s\']' % (str(metric), str(alerter)) try: write_data_to_file(skyline_app, alert_test_file, 'w', test_alert_data)'/api?test_alert - created test alert file - %s' % alert_test_file) test_alert_added = True except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to save test alert file - %s' % alert_test_file) return 'Internal Server Error', 500 data = {'test alert added': test_alert_added, 'metric': metric, 'app': alerter_app, "alerter": alerter, "trigger_anomaly": trigger_anomaly} if alerter_id: data['id'] = alerter_id end_test_alert = timer() test_alert_time = (end_test_alert - start_test_alert) data_dict = {"status": {"request_time": test_alert_time, "response": 200}, "data": data}'api test_alert - responding with: %s' % str(data_dict)) return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20220223 - Feature #4466: webapp - api - redis_data if 'redis_data' in request.args: allowed_redis_data_keys = [ 'flux.namespace_metrics', 'flux.quota.namespace_metrics', 'aet.analyzer.unique_base_names', 'metrics_manager.flux.aggregate_namespaces', # @added 20220302 - Feature #4400: flux - quota 'flux.quota.namespace_rejected_metrics', # @added 20220510 - Feature #4464: flux - quota - cluster_sync # Release #4562 - v3.0.4 # Use single hash that contains all the flux.quota.namespace_metrics 'metrics_manager.flux.quota.namespace_metrics', ] start_redis_data = timer() key = None try: key = request.args.get('key', 'false') if str(key) == 'false': key = None except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: /api?redis_data request failed to query key - %s' % err) if not key: return 'Bad Request', 400 key_allowed = False for allowed_redis_data_key in allowed_redis_data_keys: if allowed_redis_data_key in key: key_allowed = True break if not key_allowed: logger.error('error :: /api?redis_data key not allowed - %s' % key) return 'Bad Request', 400 key_type = None try: key_type = request.args.get('type', 'false') if key_type not in ['hash', 'set', 'key']: key_type = None logger.error('error :: /api?redis_data type not allowed - %s' % key_type) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: /api?redis_data request failed to query type - %s' % err) if not key_type: return 'Bad Request', 400'/api?redis_data - %s' % str(request.args.to_dict())) data = [] if key_type == 'hash': data = {} try: if key_type == 'set': data = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers(key)) if data:'/api?redis_data - got list of length %s from Redis for %s' % (str(len(data)), key)) if key_type == 'hash': data = REDIS_CONN.hgetall(key) if data:'/api?redis_data - got dict of length %s from Redis for %s' % (str(len(data)), key)) if key_type == 'key': key_data = REDIS_CONN.get(key) data = [key_data] if data:'/api?redis_data - got data from Redis for %s' % (key)) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /api?redis_data - failed - %s' % ( err)) if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES and cluster_data: redis_data_lists = [] # @modified 20220509 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Release #4562 - v3.0.4 # Added cluster_call redis_data_uri = 'redis_data&type=%s&key=%s&cluster_call=true' % (key_type, key) try: redis_data_lists = get_cluster_data(redis_data_uri, key) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /api?redis_data could not get redis_data from the remote Skyline instances - %s' % err) if redis_data_lists: try: if key_type == 'set':'/api?redis_data - got list of length %s from a remote Skyline instances' % str(len(redis_data_lists))) if isinstance(redis_data_lists, list): all_data = data + redis_data_lists data = list(set(all_data)) else: logger.warning('warning :: /api?redis_data - got data from a remote Skyline instance for %s but not a list' % key) if key_type == 'hash':'/api?redis_data - got list of dicts of length %s from a remote Skyline instance' % str(len(redis_data_lists))) for data_dict in redis_data_lists: for hash_key in list(data_dict.keys()): data[hash_key] = data_dict[hash_key] if key_type == 'key':'/api?redis_data - got data from a remote Skyline instances') for redis_data_list in redis_data_lists: data.append(redis_data_list) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /api?redis_data failed to build data from remote data - %s - %s' % ( str(redis_data_list), err)) else: logger.warning('warning :: failed to get redis_data_lists from the remote Skyline instances') if key_type == 'key' and len(data) == 1: data = data[0] data = {key: data} end_redis_data = timer() redis_data_time = (end_redis_data - start_redis_data) if not data:'/api?redis_data - took %.6f seconds - returning 404' % redis_data_time) data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": redis_data_time, "response": 404}, "data": data} return jsonify(data_dict), 404'/api?redis_data - took %.6f seconds - returning data and 200' % redis_data_time) data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": redis_data_time, "response": 200}, "data": data} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20220216 - Feature #4444: webapp - inactive_metrics if 'inactive_metrics' in request.args:'/api?inactive_metrics') inactive_metrics = {} start_inactive_metrics = timer() namespace = None try: namespace = request.args.get('namespace', 'false') if str(namespace) == 'false': namespace = None except: logger.error('error :: /api?inactive_metrics request falied to query namespace') if namespace:'/api?inactive_metrics - namespace: %s' % str(namespace)) else:'/api?inactive_metrics - namespace parameter not passed') try: inactive_metrics = get_inactive_metrics(skyline_app, namespace) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /api?inactive_metrics - get_inactive_metrics failed - %s' % ( err)) # @added 20220509 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Release #4562 - v3.0.4 # Force cluster_data on appropriate methods if not cluster_data: cluster_data = True'api forcing cluster_data=true') if cluster_call: cluster_data = False'api cluster_call forcing cluster_data=false') if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES and cluster_data: inactive_metrics_lists = [] inactive_metrics_uri = 'inactive_metrics&cluster_call=true' if namespace: inactive_metrics_uri = 'inactive_metrics?namespace=%s&cluster_call=true' % str(namespace) try: inactive_metrics_lists = get_cluster_data(inactive_metrics_uri, 'metrics') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get inactive_metrics from the remote Skyline instances') if inactive_metrics_lists: for inactive_metrics_dict in inactive_metrics_lists:'got inactive_metrics_list of length %s from a remote Skyline instances' % str(len(inactive_metrics_dict))) for base_name in list(inactive_metrics_dict.keys()): inactive_metrics[base_name] = inactive_metrics_dict[base_name] else: logger.warning('warning :: failed to get inactive_metrics_dicts from the remote Skyline instances') end_inactive_metrics = timer() inactive_metrics_time = (end_inactive_metrics - start_inactive_metrics) data = {"metrics": inactive_metrics, "metrics_count": len(inactive_metrics), "metrics_properties": {"key": "metric", "value": "id"}} if not inactive_metrics: data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": inactive_metrics_time, "response": 404}, "data": data} return jsonify(data_dict), 404 data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": inactive_metrics_time, "response": 200}, "data": data} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20220128 - Feature #4376: webapp - update_external_settings if 'external_settings' in request.args:'/api?external_settings') external_settings = {} start_external_settings = timer() namespace = None try: namespace = request.args.get('namespace', 'false') if str(namespace) == 'false': namespace = None except: logger.error('error :: /api?external_settings request falied to query namespace') if namespace:'/api?external_settings - namespace: %s' % str(namespace)) else:'/api?external_settings - namespace parameter not passed') try: external_settings = get_external_settings(skyline_app, namespace, True) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /api?external_settings - get_external_settings failed - %s' % ( err)) end_external_settings = timer() external_settings_time = (end_external_settings - start_external_settings) if not external_settings: data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": external_settings_time, "response": 404}, "data": external_settings} return jsonify(data_dict), 404 data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": external_settings_time, "response": 200}, "data": external_settings} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20211006 - Feature #4264: luminosity - cross_correlation_relationships if 'related_to_metrics' in request.args:'/api?related_to_metrics') related_to_metrics_dict = {} start_related_to_metrics = timer() metric = None metric_id = 0 try: metric = request.args.get('metric', 'false') if str(metric) == 'false': metric = None except: logger.error('error :: /api?related_to_metrics request with invalid metric') return 'Bad Request', 400 try: metric_id = request.args.get('metric_id', 0) if str(metric_id) != '0': metric_id = int(metric_id) except: logger.error('error :: /api?related_to_metrics request with metric_id argument') return 'Bad Request', 400 try: related_to_metrics_dict = get_related_to_metric_groups(skyline_app, metric, metric_id) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: get_related_to_metric_groups failed - %s' % str(err)) end_related_to_metrics = timer() related_to_metrics_time = (end_related_to_metrics - start_related_to_metrics) if not related_to_metrics_dict: data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": related_to_metrics_time, "response": 404}, "data": related_to_metrics_dict} return jsonify(data_dict), 404 data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": related_to_metrics_time, "response": 200}, "data": related_to_metrics_dict} # The related_to_metrics dict is an ordered dict sorted by confidence # and avg_coefficient flask.jsonify does not preserve order so in this # case the response is created with json.dumps to maintain insertion # order in the dict. response = app.response_class( json.dumps(data_dict, sort_keys=False), mimetype=app.config['JSONIFY_MIMETYPE']) return response, 200 # @added 20211001 - Feature #4264: luminosity - cross_correlation_relationships related_metrics_request = False if 'related_metrics' in request.args: related_metrics_request = True metric = None'/api?related_metrics') start_related_metrics = timer() if related_metrics_request: metric = None full_details = False metric_id = 0 try: metric = request.args.get('metric', 'false') if str(metric) == 'false': metric = False except: logger.error('error :: /api?related_metrics request with invalid metric') return 'Bad Request', 400 try: metric_id = request.args.get('metric_id', 0) if str(metric_id) != '0': metric_id = int(metric_id) except: logger.error('error :: /api?related_metrics request with metric_id argument') return 'Bad Request', 400 if not metric and metric_id: try: # metric = base_name_from_metric_id(skyline_app, metric_id) metric = get_base_name_from_metric_id(skyline_app, metric_id) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: base_name_from_metric_id failed to determine metric from metric_id: %s - %s' % ( str(metric_id), str(err))) metric_id = 0 if not metric_id and metric: try: metric_id = get_metric_id_from_base_name(skyline_app, metric) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: get_metric_id_from_base_name failed to determine metric_id from base_name: %s - %s' % ( str(metric), str(err))) metric_id = 0 if not metric and not metric_id: logger.error('error :: /api?related_metrics request with invalid metric or metric_id argument') return 'Bad Request', 400 if not metric_id: end_related_metrics = timer() related_metrics_time = (end_related_metrics - start_related_metrics) data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": related_metrics_time, "response": 404}, "data": {"error": "no metric found"}} return jsonify(data_dict), 404 if 'full_details' in request.args: try: full_details_argument = request.args.get('full_details', 'false') if str(full_details_argument) == 'true': full_details = True except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: /api invalid full_details argument - %s' % str(err)) related_metrics = {} try: related_metrics = get_related_metrics(skyline_app, cluster_data, full_details, metric, metric_id) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: get_related_metrics failed - %s' % str(err)) end_related_metrics = timer() related_metrics_time = (end_related_metrics - start_related_metrics) if not related_metrics: data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": related_metrics_time, "response": 404}, "data": related_metrics} return jsonify(data_dict), 404 data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": related_metrics_time, "response": 200}, "data": related_metrics} # The related_metrics dict is an ordered dict sorted by avg_coefficient # flask.jsonify does not preserve order so in this case the response is # created with json.dumps to maintain insertion order in the dict. # return jsonify(data_dict), 200 response = app.response_class( json.dumps(data_dict, sort_keys=False), mimetype=app.config['JSONIFY_MIMETYPE']) return response, 200 # @added 20210619 - Feature #4148: analyzer.metrics_manager.resolutions # Bug #4146: check_data_sparsity - incorrect on low fidelity and inconsistent metrics # Feature #4144: webapp - stale_metrics API endpoint # Feature #4076: CUSTOM_STALE_PERIOD # Branch #1444: thunder if 'metrics_resolutions' in request.args:'/api?metrics_resolutions') start_metrics_resolution = timer() namespace = 'all' try: namespace = request.args.get('namespace', 'all') except KeyError: namespace = 'all' except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with api?metrics_resolutions - %s' % e logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace)'/api?metrics_resolutions - namespace: %s' % namespace) remove_prefix = False try: remove_prefix_str = request.args.get('remove_prefix', 'false') if remove_prefix_str != 'false': remove_prefix = remove_prefix_str except KeyError: remove_prefix = False except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with api?metrics_resolutions - %s' % e logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace)'/api?metrics_resolutions - remove_prefix: %s' % str(remove_prefix)) less_than = False try: less_than_str = request.args.get('less_than', 'false') if less_than_str != 'false': less_than = int(less_than_str) except KeyError: less_than = False except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with api?metrics_resolutions - %s' % e logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace)'/api?metrics_resolutions - less_than: %s' % str(less_than)) greater_than = False try: greater_than_str = request.args.get('greater_than', 'false') if greater_than_str != 'false': greater_than = int(greater_than_str) except KeyError: greater_than = False except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with api?metrics_resolutions - %s' % e logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace)'/api?metrics_resolutions - greater_than: %s' % str(greater_than)) count_by_resolution = False try: count_by_resolution_str = request.args.get('count_by_resolution', 'false') if count_by_resolution_str == 'true': count_by_resolution = True except KeyError: greater_than = False except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with api?metrics_resolutions - %s' % e logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace)'/api?metrics_resolutions - count_by_resolution: %s' % str(count_by_resolution)) redis_hash_key = 'analyzer.metrics_manager.resolutions' resolutions_dict = {} try: resolutions_dict = REDIS_CONN.hgetall(redis_hash_key) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: /api?metrics_resolutions fail to query Redis hash key %s - %s' % ( redis_hash_key, e) logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) # @added 20220509 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Release #4562 - v3.0.4 # Force cluster_data on appropriate methods if not cluster_data: cluster_data = True'api forcing cluster_data=true') if cluster_call: cluster_data = False'api cluster_call forcing cluster_data=false') if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES and cluster_data: remote_resolutions_dicts = [] redis_metric_data_uri = 'metrics_resolutions&cluster_call=true' try: remote_resolutions_dicts = get_cluster_data(redis_metric_data_uri, 'resolutions') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get resolution from the remote Skyline instances') if remote_resolutions_dicts: for remote_resolutions_dict in remote_resolutions_dicts:'got remote_resolutions_dict of length %s from a remote Skyline instances' % str(len(remote_resolutions_dict))) new_resolutions_dict = {**resolutions_dict, **remote_resolutions_dict} resolutions_dict = new_resolutions_dict.copy() del new_resolutions_dict else: logger.warning('warning :: failed to get remote_resolutions_dicts from the remote Skyline instances')'%s resolutions determined' % ( str(len(resolutions_dict)))) filtered_discarded = 0 filtered_resolutions_dict = {} for metric in list(resolutions_dict.keys()): metric_data = resolutions_dict[metric] use_metric = metric.replace(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, '') if greater_than: if int(float(metric_data)) <= greater_than: filtered_discarded += 1 continue if less_than: if int(float(metric_data)) >= less_than: filtered_discarded += 1 continue if namespace != 'all': if not use_metric.startswith(namespace): filtered_discarded += 1 continue if remove_prefix: if not remove_prefix.endswith('.'): remove_prefix = '%s.' % str(remove_prefix) use_metric = metric.replace(remove_prefix, '') filtered_resolutions_dict[use_metric] = float(metric_data) resolutions_dict = filtered_resolutions_dict if remove_prefix:'removed prefix %s from all metrics' % str(remove_prefix)) if namespace != 'all':'filtered out %s metrics from the response that did not match namespace %s' % ( str(filtered_discarded), namespace)) resolutions_count = len(resolutions_dict) if count_by_resolution: resolutions_count_dict = {} resolutions = [] metric_resolutions = [] for metric in list(resolutions_dict.keys()): resolutions.append(resolutions_dict[metric]) metric_resolutions.append([metric, resolutions_dict[metric]]) unique_resolutions = list(set(resolutions)) for resolution in unique_resolutions: int_resolution = int(resolution) resolutions_count_dict[int_resolution] = {} metrics_matching_resolution = [metric for metric, res in metric_resolutions if res == resolution] resolutions_count_dict[int_resolution]['metrics'] = metrics_matching_resolution resolutions_count_dict[int_resolution]['count'] = len(metrics_matching_resolution) resolutions_dict = resolutions_count_dict end_metrics_resolution = timer() metrics_resolution_time = (end_metrics_resolution - start_metrics_resolution) if resolutions_dict: data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": metrics_resolution_time, "response": 200}, "data": {'resolutions': resolutions_dict, 'resolution_results_count': resolutions_count}} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 else: data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": metrics_resolution_time, "response": 404}, "data": {"resolutions": 'null', 'resolution_results_count': 0}} return jsonify(data_dict), 404 # @added 20210618 - Bug #4146: check_data_sparsity - incorrect on low fidelity and inconsistent metrics # Feature #4144: webapp - stale_metrics API endpoint # Feature #4076: CUSTOM_STALE_PERIOD # Branch #1444: thunder if 'metrics_sparsity' in request.args:'/api?metrics_sparsity') start_metrics_sparsity = timer() namespace = 'all' try: namespace = request.args.get('namespace', 'all') except KeyError: namespace = 'all' except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with api?metrics_sparsity - %s' % e logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace)'/api?metrics_sparsity - namespace: %s' % namespace) remove_prefix = False try: remove_prefix_str = request.args.get('remove_prefix', 'false') if remove_prefix_str != 'false': remove_prefix = remove_prefix_str except KeyError: remove_prefix = False except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with api?metrics_sparsity - %s' % e logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace)'/api?metrics_sparsity - remove_prefix: %s' % str(remove_prefix)) below = False try: below_str = request.args.get('below', 'false') if below_str != 'false': below = float(below_str) except KeyError: below = False except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with api?metrics_sparsity - %s' % e logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace)'/api?metrics_sparsity - below: %s' % str(remove_prefix)) redis_hash_key = 'analyzer.metrics_manager.hash_key.metrics_data_sparsity' sparsity_dict = {} try: sparsity_dict = REDIS_CONN.hgetall(redis_hash_key) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: /api?metrics_sparsity fail to query Redis hash key %s - %s' % ( redis_hash_key, e) logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) # @added 20220509 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Release #4562 - v3.0.4 # Force cluster_data on appropriate methods if not cluster_data: cluster_data = True'api forcing cluster_data=true') if cluster_call: cluster_data = False'api cluster_call forcing cluster_data=false') if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES and cluster_data: remote_sparsity_dicts = [] redis_metric_data_uri = 'metrics_sparsity&cluster_call=true' try: remote_sparsity_dicts = get_cluster_data(redis_metric_data_uri, 'sparsity') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get timeseries from the remote Skyline instances') if remote_sparsity_dicts: for remote_sparsity_dict in remote_sparsity_dicts:'got remote_sparsity_dict of length %s from a remote Skyline instances' % str(len(remote_sparsity_dict))) new_sparsity_dict = {**sparsity_dict, **remote_sparsity_dict} sparsity_dict = new_sparsity_dict.copy() del new_sparsity_dict else: logger.warning('warning :: failed to get remote_sparsity_dicts from the remote Skyline instances')'%s sparsity determined' % ( str(len(sparsity_dict)))) filtered_discarded = 0 filtered_sparsity_dict = {} for metric in list(sparsity_dict.keys()): metric_data = sparsity_dict[metric] use_metric = metric.replace(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, '') if below: if float(metric_data) > below: filtered_discarded += 1 continue if namespace != 'all': if not use_metric.startswith(namespace): filtered_discarded += 1 continue if remove_prefix: if not remove_prefix.endswith('.'): remove_prefix = '%s.' % str(remove_prefix) use_metric = metric.replace(remove_prefix, '') filtered_sparsity_dict[use_metric] = float(metric_data) sparsity_dict = filtered_sparsity_dict if remove_prefix:'removed prefix %s from all metrics' % str(remove_prefix)) if namespace != 'all':'filtered out %s metrics from the response that did not match namespace %s' % ( str(filtered_discarded), namespace)) sparsity_count = len(sparsity_dict) end_metrics_sparsity = timer() metrics_sparsity_time = (end_metrics_sparsity - start_metrics_sparsity) if sparsity_dict: data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": metrics_sparsity_time, "response": 200}, "data": {'sparsity': sparsity_dict, 'sparsity_results_count': sparsity_count}} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 else: data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": metrics_sparsity_time, "response": 404}, "data": {"sparsity": 'null', 'sparsity_results_count': 0}} return jsonify(data_dict), 404 # @added 20210617 - Feature #4144: webapp - stale_metrics API endpoint # Feature #4076: CUSTOM_STALE_PERIOD # Branch #1444: thunder if 'metrics_timestamp_resolutions' in request.args:'/api?metrics_timestamp_resolutions') start_metrics_timestamp_resolutions = timer() namespace = 'all' try: namespace = request.args.get('namespace', 'all') except KeyError: namespace = 'all' except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with api?metrics_timestamp_resolutions - %s' % e logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace)'/api?metrics_timestamp_resolutions - namespace: %s' % namespace) remove_prefix = False try: remove_prefix_str = request.args.get('remove_prefix', 'false') if remove_prefix_str != 'false': remove_prefix = remove_prefix_str except KeyError: remove_prefix = False except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with api?metrics_timestamp_resolutions - %s' % e logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace)'/api?metrics_timestamp_resolutions - remove_prefix: %s' % str(remove_prefix)) redis_hash_key = 'analyzer.metrics_manager.hash_key.metrics_timestamp_resolutions' timestamp_resolutions_dict = {} try: timestamp_resolutions_dict = REDIS_CONN.hgetall(redis_hash_key) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: /api?metrics_timestamp_resolutions fail to query Redis hash key %s - %s' % ( redis_hash_key, e) logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) # @added 20220509 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Release #4562 - v3.0.4 # Force cluster_data on appropriate methods if not cluster_data: cluster_data = True'api forcing cluster_data=true') if cluster_call: cluster_data = False'api cluster_call forcing cluster_data=false') if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES and cluster_data: remote_timestamp_resolutions_dict = {} redis_metric_data_uri = 'metrics_timestamp_resolutions&cluster_call=true' try: remote_timestamp_resolutions_dicts = get_cluster_data(redis_metric_data_uri, 'timestamp_resolutions') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get timeseries from the remote Skyline instances') if remote_timestamp_resolutions_dicts: for remote_timestamp_resolutions_dict in remote_timestamp_resolutions_dicts:'got remote_timestamp_resolutions_dict of length %s from a remote Skyline instances' % str(len(remote_timestamp_resolutions_dict))) new_timestamp_resolutions_dict = {**timestamp_resolutions_dict, **remote_timestamp_resolutions_dict} timestamp_resolutions_dict = new_timestamp_resolutions_dict.copy() del new_timestamp_resolutions_dict else: logger.warning('warning :: failed to get remote_timestamp_resolutions_dicts from the remote Skyline instances')'%s timestamp_resolutions determined' % ( str(len(timestamp_resolutions_dict)))) filtered_discarded = 0 filtered_timestamp_resolutions_dict = {} for metric in list(timestamp_resolutions_dict.keys()): metric_data = timestamp_resolutions_dict[metric] use_metric = metric.replace(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, '') if namespace != 'all': if not use_metric.startswith(namespace): filtered_discarded += 1 continue if remove_prefix: if not remove_prefix.endswith('.'): remove_prefix = '%s.' % str(remove_prefix) use_metric = metric.replace(remove_prefix, '') filtered_timestamp_resolutions_dict[use_metric] = metric_data timestamp_resolutions_dict = filtered_timestamp_resolutions_dict if remove_prefix:'removed prefix %s from all metrics' % str(remove_prefix)) if namespace != 'all':'filtered out %s metrics from the response that did not match namespace %s' % ( str(filtered_discarded), namespace)) end_metrics_timestamp_resolutions = timer() metrics_timestamp_resolutions_time = (end_metrics_timestamp_resolutions - start_metrics_timestamp_resolutions) if timestamp_resolutions_dict: data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": metrics_timestamp_resolutions_time, "response": 200}, "data": {'timestamp_resolutions': timestamp_resolutions_dict}} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 else: data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": metrics_timestamp_resolutions_time, "response": 404}, "data": {"timestamp_resolutions": 'null'}} return jsonify(data_dict), 404 # @added 20210617 - Feature #4144: webapp - stale_metrics API endpoint # Feature #4076: CUSTOM_STALE_PERIOD # Branch #1444: thunder if 'determine_data_sparsity' in request.args:'/api?determine_data_sparsity') start_stale_metrics = timer() base_name = None try: base_name = request.args.get('metric')'/api?determine_data_sparsity with metric: %s' % base_name) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: api determine_data_sparsity request no metric argument - %s' % e) return 'Bad Request', 400 if not base_name: return 'Bad Request', 400 timeseries = [] try: timeseries = get_metric_timeseries(skyline_app, base_name) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with api?determine_data_sparsity - %s' % e logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) if not timeseries: if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES and cluster_data: redis_metric_data_uri = 'metric=%s&format=json' % str(base_name) try: timeseries = get_cluster_data(redis_metric_data_uri, 'timeseries') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get timeseries from the remote Skyline instances') if timeseries:'got timeseries of length %s from the remote Skyline instances' % str(len(timeseries))) else: logger.warning('warning :: failed to get timeseries from the remote Skyline instances') if not timeseries: data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "response": 404}, "data": {"sparsity": 'null'}} return jsonify(data_dict), 404 sparsity = None if timeseries: try: sparsity = determine_data_sparsity(skyline_app, timeseries, None, True) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with api?determine_data_sparsity - %s' % e logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) if sparsity is not None: data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "response": 200}, "data": {"sparsity": {base_name: sparsity}}} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 else: data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "response": 404}, "data": {"sparsity": {base_name: 'null'}}} return jsonify(data_dict), 404 # @added 20210617 - Feature #4144: webapp - stale_metrics API endpoint # Feature #4076: CUSTOM_STALE_PERIOD # Branch #1444: thunder if 'stale_metrics' in request.args:'/api?stale_metrics') start_stale_metrics = timer() namespace = 'all' try: namespace = request.args.get('namespace', 'all') except KeyError: namespace = 'all' except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with api?stale_metrics - %s' % e logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) exclude_sparsely_populated = False try: exclude_sparsely_populated_str = request.args.get('exclude_sparsely_populated', 'false') if exclude_sparsely_populated_str == 'true': exclude_sparsely_populated = True except KeyError: exclude_sparsely_populated = False except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with api?stale_metrics - %s' % e logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) # Add a key that functions.thunder.stale_metrics uses to determine if # webapp requests should include sparsely_populated_metrics or not if exclude_sparsely_populated: try: REDIS_CONN.setex('webapp.stale_metrics.exclude_sparsely_populated', 2, str(exclude_sparsely_populated)) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with api?stale_metrics - %s' % e logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) # @added 20220509 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Release #4562 - v3.0.4 # Force cluster_data on appropriate methods if not cluster_data: cluster_data = True'api forcing cluster_data=true') if cluster_call: cluster_data = False'api cluster_call forcing cluster_data=false') namespaces_namespace_stale_metrics_dict = {} try: namespaces_namespace_stale_metrics_dict = namespace_stale_metrics(namespace, cluster_data, exclude_sparsely_populated) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with api?stale_metrics - %s' % e logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace)'%s namespaces checked for stale metrics discovered with thunder_stale_metrics' % ( str(len(namespaces_namespace_stale_metrics_dict)))) end_stale_metrics = timer() stale_metrics_time = (end_stale_metrics - start_stale_metrics) if namespaces_namespace_stale_metrics_dict: data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": stale_metrics_time, "response": 200}, "data": namespaces_namespace_stale_metrics_dict} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 else: data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": stale_metrics_time, "response": 404}, "data": {"stale_metrics": 'null'}} return jsonify(data_dict), 404 # @added 20210601 - Branch #1444: thunder if 'thunder_stale_metrics' in request.args:'/api?thunder_stale_metrics') start_thunder_stale_metrics = timer() try: timestamp = request.args.get('timestamp') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /api?thunder_stale_metrics request with no timestamp argument') timestamp = None if not timestamp: data_dict = {"status": {"error": "no timestamp passed"}} return jsonify(data_dict), 400 redis_key = 'thunder.stale_metrics.alert.%s' % str(timestamp) stale_metrics_dict = {} try: stale_metrics_raw = REDIS_CONN.get(redis_key) if stale_metrics_raw: stale_metrics_dict = literal_eval(stale_metrics_raw) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /api?thunder_stale_metrics fail to query Redis key %s %s' % (redis_key, e)) stale_metrics_dict = {} end_thunder_stale_metrics = timer() thunder_stale_metrics_time = (end_thunder_stale_metrics - start_thunder_stale_metrics) if stale_metrics_dict: data_dict = {"status": {"request_time": thunder_stale_metrics_time, "response": 200}, "data": stale_metrics_dict} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 else: data_dict = {"status": {"request_time": thunder_stale_metrics_time, "response": 404}, "data": {"metrics": 'null'}} return jsonify(data_dict), 404 # @added 20210720 - Branch #1444: thunder if 'thunder_no_data_remove_namespace' in request.args:'/api?thunder_no_data_remove_namespace') start_thunder_no_data_remove_namespace = timer() try: namespace = request.args.get('namespace') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /api?thunder_no_data_remove_namespace request with no namespace argument') namespace = None if not namespace: data_dict = {"status": {"error": "no namespace passed"}} return jsonify(data_dict), 400 # @added 20220222 - Branch #1444: thunder # Add expiry to allow to pass a specific expiry time expiry = 3600 try: expiry_str = request.args.get('expiry', 3600) if expiry_str: expiry = int(expiry_str) except KeyError: expiry = 3600 except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp error with api?metrics_timestamp_resolutions - %s' % err) redis_key = 'webapp.thunder.remove.namespace.metrics.last_timeseries_timestamp' key_set = False try: # @modified 20220222 - Branch #1444: thunder # Change to setex to set a specific expiry # REDIS_CONN.set(redis_key, str(namespace)) REDIS_CONN.setex(redis_key, expiry, str(namespace)) key_set = True except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /api?thunder_no_data_remove_namespace fail to create Redis key %s %s' % (redis_key, e)) # @added 20220509 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Release #4562 - v3.0.4 # Force cluster_data on appropriate methods if not cluster_data: cluster_data = True'api forcing cluster_data=true') if cluster_call: cluster_data = False'api cluster_call forcing cluster_data=false') if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES and cluster_data: thunder_no_data_remove_namespace_uri = 'thunder_no_data_remove_namespace&namespace=%s&expiry=%s&cluster_call=true' % ( namespace, str(expiry)) try: remove_namespace_from_no_data_check = get_cluster_data(thunder_no_data_remove_namespace_uri, 'remove_namespace_from_no_data_check') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get remove_namespace_from_no_data_check from the remote Skyline instances') end_thunder_no_data_remove_namespace = timer() thunder_no_data_remove_namespace_time = (end_thunder_no_data_remove_namespace - start_thunder_no_data_remove_namespace) if key_set: data_dict = {"status": {"request_time": thunder_no_data_remove_namespace_time, "response": 200}, "data": {'namespace': namespace, 'remove_namespace_from_no_data_check': True}} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 data_dict = {"status": {"request_time": thunder_no_data_remove_namespace_time, "response": 500}, "data": {'namespace': namespace, 'remove_namespace_from_no_data_check': False, 'reason': 'failed to add key'}} return jsonify(data_dict), 500 # @added 20220202 - Feature #4412: flux - quota - thunder alert if 'thunder_metric_quota_exceeded' in request.args:'/api?thunder_metric_quota_exceeded') start_thunder_metric_quota_exceeded = timer() try: timestamp = request.args.get('timestamp') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /api?thunder_metric_quota_exceeded request with no timestamp argument') timestamp = None if not timestamp: data_dict = {"status": {"error": "no timestamp passed"}} return jsonify(data_dict), 400 redis_key = 'thunder.metric_quota_exceeded.alert.%s' % str(timestamp) metric_quota_exceeded_dict = {} try: metric_quota_exceeded_raw = REDIS_CONN.get(redis_key) if metric_quota_exceeded_raw: metric_quota_exceeded_dict = literal_eval(metric_quota_exceeded_raw) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /api?thunder_metric_quota_exceeded fail to query Redis key %s %s' % (redis_key, e)) metric_quota_exceeded_dict = {} end_thunder_metric_quota_exceeded = timer() thunder_metric_quota_exceeded_time = (end_thunder_metric_quota_exceeded - start_thunder_metric_quota_exceeded) if metric_quota_exceeded_dict: data_dict = {"status": {"request_time": thunder_metric_quota_exceeded_time, "response": 200}, "data": metric_quota_exceeded_dict} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 else: data_dict = {"status": {"request_time": thunder_metric_quota_exceeded_time, "response": 404}, "data": {"metrics": 'null'}} return jsonify(data_dict), 404 # @added 20210720 - Feature #4188: metrics_manager.boundary_metrics if 'boundary_metrics' in request.args:'/api?boundary_metrics') start_boundary_metrics = timer() metric = None try: metric = request.args.get('metric') except KeyError: metric = None except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /api?boundary_metrics request evaluating metric parameter - %s' % e) namespaces = None try: namespaces = request.args.get('namespaces') except KeyError: namespaces = None except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) namespaces = None logger.error('error :: /api?boundary_metrics request evaluating namespaces parameter - %s' % e) metrics = [] if metric is not None: metrics = [str(metric)] if namespaces is not None: namespaces_str = namespaces namespaces = namespaces_str.split(',') else: namespaces = []'/api?boundary_metrics - get_boundary_metrics with metrics: %s, namespaces: %s' % ( str(metrics), str(namespaces))) # @added 20220509 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Release #4562 - v3.0.4 # Force cluster_data on appropriate methods if not cluster_data: cluster_data = True'api forcing cluster_data=true') if cluster_call: cluster_data = False'api cluster_call forcing cluster_data=false') boundary_metrics = None try: boundary_metrics = get_boundary_metrics(skyline_app, metrics, namespaces, cluster_data, True) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /api?boundary_metrics get_boundary_metrics failed - %s' % e) end_boundary_metrics = timer() boundary_metrics_time = (end_boundary_metrics - start_boundary_metrics) data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": boundary_metrics_time, "response": 500}, "data": None} return jsonify(data_dict), 500 end_boundary_metrics = timer() boundary_metrics_time = (end_boundary_metrics - start_boundary_metrics) if boundary_metrics: data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": boundary_metrics_time, "response": 200}, "data": {"boundary_metrics": boundary_metrics}} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 else: data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": boundary_metrics_time, "response": 404}, "data": {"boundary_metrics": None}} return jsonify(data_dict), 404 # @added 20210211 - Feature - last_analyzed_timestamp # @added 20210211 - Feature #3968: webapp - last_analyzed_timestamp API endpoint if 'last_analyzed_timestamp' in request.args:'/api?last_analyzed_timestamp') start_last_analyzed_timestamp = timer() try: metric = request.args.get('metric') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /api?last_analyzed_timestamp request with invalid metric argument') metric = None if not metric: data_dict = {"status": {"error": "no metric passed"}} return jsonify(data_dict), 400 redis_hash_key = 'analyzer.metrics.last_analyzed_timestamp' last_analyzed_timestamp = 0 try: last_analyzed_timestamp = REDIS_CONN.hget(redis_hash_key, metric) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /api?last_analyzed_timestamp fail to query Redis hash key %s for %s - %s' % (redis_hash_key, metric, e)) last_analyzed_timestamp = None if not last_analyzed_timestamp: redis_hash_key = 'analyzer.low_priority_metrics.last_analyzed_timestamp' redis_metric_name = '%s%s' % (settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, metric) # @added 20220112 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars # @modified 20220115 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars # Roll back change - breaking existing metrics with colons # redis_metric_name = url_encode_metric_name(redis_metric_name) try: last_analyzed_timestamp = REDIS_CONN.hget(redis_hash_key, redis_metric_name) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /api?last_analyzed_timestamp fail to query Redis hash key %s for %s - %s' % (redis_hash_key, redis_metric_name, e)) last_analyzed_timestamp = None # @added 20210714 - Feature #3884: ANALYZER_CHECK_LAST_TIMESTAMP # Alway return the last timestamp for the metric for the Redis metric # data if the ANALYZER_CHECK_LAST_TIMESTAMP feature is not enabled if not last_analyzed_timestamp: metric_timeseries = None try: metric_timeseries = get_metric_timeseries(skyline_app, metric, log=True) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /api?last_analyzed_timestamp get_metric_timeseries failed for %s - %s' % (redis_metric_name, e)) last_analyzed_timestamp = None if metric_timeseries: try: last_analyzed_timestamp = int(metric_timeseries[-1][0]) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /api?last_analyzed_timestamp failed to determine last timestamp for %s from metric_timeseries - %s' % (redis_metric_name, e)) last_analyzed_timestamp = None if last_analyzed_timestamp: end_last_analyzed_timestamp = timer() last_analyzed_timestamp_time = '%.6f' % (end_last_analyzed_timestamp - start_last_analyzed_timestamp) data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "remote_data": False, "request_time": float(last_analyzed_timestamp_time), "response": 200}, "data": {"metric": metric, "last_analyzed_timestamp": int(last_analyzed_timestamp)}} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 remote_last_analyzed_timestamp = None if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES and cluster_data: last_analyzed_timestamp_uri = 'last_analyzed_timestamp&metric=%s&cluster_call=true' % metric try: remote_last_analyzed_timestamps = get_cluster_data(last_analyzed_timestamp_uri, 'last_analyzed_timestamp') except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: /api?last_analyzed_timestamp fail to get last_analyzed_timestamp for %s from other cluster nodes - %s' % (metric, e)) if remote_last_analyzed_timestamps: for item in remote_last_analyzed_timestamps: if isinstance(item, int): remote_last_analyzed_timestamp = item end_last_analyzed_timestamp = timer() last_analyzed_timestamp_time = '%.6f' % (end_last_analyzed_timestamp - start_last_analyzed_timestamp) if remote_last_analyzed_timestamp: status_code = 200 data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "remote_data": True, "request_time": float(last_analyzed_timestamp_time), "response": 200}, "data": {"metric": metric, "last_analyzed_timestamp": int(remote_last_analyzed_timestamp)}} else: status_code = 400 data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "remote_data": False, "request_time": float(last_analyzed_timestamp_time), "reason": "no last analyzed timestamp found for the named metric, does not exist", "response": 400}, "data": {"metric": metric, "last_analyzed_timestamp": None}} return jsonify(data_dict), status_code # @added 20201213 - Feature #3890: metrics_manager - sync_cluster_files if 'expected_features_profiles_dir' in request.args:'/api?expected_features_profiles_dir') start_features_profiles_dir = timer() features_profiles_dirs = {} try: features_profiles_dirs = expected_features_profiles_dirs() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: expected_features_profiles_dirs failed returning 500') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 end_features_profiles_dir = timer() features_profiles_dir_time = '%.6f' % (end_features_profiles_dir - start_features_profiles_dir)'report %s expected features_profiles_dirs took, %s seconds' % ( str(len(features_profiles_dirs)), str(features_profiles_dir_time))) if features_profiles_dirs: data_dict = {"status": {"request_time": features_profiles_dir_time, "response": 200}, "data": {"features_profile_dirs": features_profiles_dirs}} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 else: data_dict = {"status": {"request_time": features_profiles_dir_time, "response": 404}, "data": {"features_profile_dirs": 'null'}} return jsonify(data_dict), 404 # @added 20201125 - Feature #3850: webapp - yhat_values API endoint # api?yhat_value=true&metric=metric&from=<from>&until=<until>&include_value=true&include_mean=true&include_yhat_real_lower=true if 'yhat_values' in request.args:'/api?yhat_values request') # @added 20201126 - Feature #3850: webapp - yhat_values API endoint start_yhat = timer() try: metric = request.args.get('metric', 0) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /api?yhat_values request with invalid metric argument') metric = None if not metric: data_dict = {"status": {"error": "no metric passed"}} return jsonify(data_dict), 400 try: from_timestamp = int(request.args.get('from', '0')) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /api?yhat_values request with invalid from argument') from_timestamp = None if not from_timestamp: data_dict = {"status": {"error": "invalid from argument passed"}} return jsonify(data_dict), 400 try: until_timestamp = int(request.args.get('until', '0')) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /api?yhat_values request with invalid until argument') until_timestamp = None if not until_timestamp: data_dict = {"status": {"error": "invalid until argument passed"}} return jsonify(data_dict), 400 include_value = False try: include_value_str = request.args.get('include_value', 'false') if include_value_str == 'true': include_value = True except: pass include_mean = False try: include_mean_str = request.args.get('include_mean', 'false') if include_mean_str == 'true': include_mean = True except: pass include_yhat_real_lower = False try: include_yhat_real_lower_str = request.args.get('include_yhat_real_lower', 'false') if include_yhat_real_lower_str == 'true': include_yhat_real_lower = True except: pass # @modified 20210126 - Task #3958: Handle secondary algorithms in yhat_values # Added anomalous periods and remove prefix include_anomalous_periods = False try: include_anomalous_periods_str = request.args.get('include_anomalous_periods', 'false') if include_anomalous_periods_str == 'true': include_anomalous_periods = True except: pass remove_prefix = False try: remove_prefix_str = request.args.get('remove_prefix', 'false') if remove_prefix_str != 'false': remove_prefix = True except: pass yhat_dict = {} # @added 20201126 - Feature #3850: webapp - yhat_values API endoint # Cache request yhat_dict yhat_dict_cache_key = 'webapp.%s.%s.%s.%s.%s.%s' % ( metric, str(from_timestamp), str(until_timestamp), str(include_value), str(include_mean), str(include_yhat_real_lower)) yhat_dict_str = None try: yhat_dict_str = REDIS_CONN.get(yhat_dict_cache_key) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the Redis key - %s' % yhat_dict_cache_key) use_cache_data = False if yhat_dict_str:'got yhat_values from Redis key - %s' % yhat_dict_cache_key) try: yhat_dict = literal_eval(yhat_dict_str) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp failed to literal_eval yhat_dict_str') if yhat_dict: use_cache_data = True # @modified 20210126 - Task #3958: Handle secondary algorithms in yhat_values # Added anomalous_periods_dict anomalous_periods_dict = {} if include_anomalous_periods: anomalous_periods_dict_cache_key = 'webapp.%s.%s.%s.%s.%s.%s.anomalous_periods' % ( metric, str(from_timestamp), str(until_timestamp), str(include_value), str(include_mean), str(include_yhat_real_lower)) anomalous_periods_dict_str = None try: anomalous_periods_dict_str = REDIS_CONN.get(anomalous_periods_dict_cache_key) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the Redis key - %s' % anomalous_periods_dict_cache_key) if anomalous_periods_dict_str:'got anomalous_periods_dict from Redis key - %s' % anomalous_periods_dict_cache_key) try: anomalous_periods_dict = literal_eval(anomalous_periods_dict_str) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp failed to literal_eval anomalous_periods_dict_str') if not anomalous_periods_dict: use_cache_data = False yhat_dict = {} if not yhat_dict: try:'running get_yhat_values(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' % ( metric, str(from_timestamp), str(until_timestamp), str(include_value), str(include_mean), str(include_yhat_real_lower))) # @modified 20210126 - Task #3958: Handle secondary algorithms in yhat_values # Added anomalous_periods_dict and include_anomalous_periods yhat_dict, anomalous_periods_dict = get_yhat_values(metric, from_timestamp, until_timestamp, include_value, include_mean, include_yhat_real_lower, include_anomalous_periods) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: error in get_yhat_values(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' % ( metric, str(from_timestamp), str(until_timestamp), str(include_value), str(include_mean), str(include_yhat_real_lower))) logger.error('error :: returning 500') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 else:'yhat_values retrieved from Redis') # @added 20201126 - Feature #3850: webapp - yhat_values API endoint # Added yhat_time end_yhat = timer() yhat_time = '%.6f' % (end_yhat - start_yhat)'yhat_values calculations took %s seconds' % str(yhat_time)) if yhat_dict is None: logger.error('error :: returning 500 yhat_dict is %s' % str(yhat_dict)) data_dict = {"status": {"request_time": yhat_time, "response": 500}, "data": {}} return 'Internal Server Error', 500 # @added 20210126 - Task #3958: Handle secondary algorithms in yhat_values # Allow for the removal of a prefix from the metric name if remove_prefix: try: if remove_prefix_str.endswith('.'): remove_prefix = '%s' % remove_prefix_str else: remove_prefix = '%s.' % remove_prefix_str metric = metric.replace(remove_prefix, '') except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: failed to remove prefix %s from %s - %s' % (str(remove_prefix_str), metric, e)) if yhat_dict: if include_anomalous_periods: data_dict = {"status": {"request_time": yhat_time, "response": 200, "cached": use_cache_data}, "data": {"metric": metric, "yhat_values": yhat_dict, "anomalous_periods": anomalous_periods_dict}} else: data_dict = {"status": {"request_time": yhat_time, "response": 200, "cached": use_cache_data}, "data": {"metric": metric, "yhat_values": yhat_dict}} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 else: # @modified 20210112 - Feature #3850: webapp - yhat_values API endoint # Return a 204 with null rather than a 404 # data_dict = {"status": {"request_time": yhat_time, "response": 404}, "data": {"metric": metric, "yhat_values": 'null'}} # return jsonify(data_dict), 404 # @modified 20210112 - Feature #3850: webapp - yhat_values API endoint # Return a 200 with null rather than 204 as 204 can have No content # data_dict = {"status": {"request_time": yhat_time, "response": 204, "cached": use_cache_data, "no_data": "true"}, "data": {"metric": metric, "yhat_values": 'null'}} # return jsonify(data_dict), 204 if include_anomalous_periods: data_dict = {"status": {"request_time": yhat_time, "response": 200, "cached": use_cache_data, "no_data": "true"}, "data": {"metric": metric, "yhat_values": None, "anomalous_periods": None}} else: data_dict = {"status": {"request_time": yhat_time, "response": 200, "cached": use_cache_data, "no_data": "true"}, "data": {"metric": metric, "yhat_values": None}} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20201103 - Feature #3770: webapp - analyzer_last_status API endoint if 'analyzer_last_status' in request.args:'/api?analyzer_last_status request') analyzer_last_status = None try: analyzer_last_status = int(float(str(REDIS_CONN.get('analyzer')))) # @added 20210511 - Feature #3770: webapp - analyzer_last_status API endoint # Handle a None result as a warning not an error except ValueError as e: logger.warning('warning :: Webapp could not get the analyzer key from Redis - %s' % e) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the analyzer key from Redis - %s' % e)'/api?analyzer_last_status responding with %s' % str(analyzer_last_status)) data_dict = {"status": {}, "data": {"timestamp": analyzer_last_status}} if not analyzer_last_status: # Return with status code 410 Gone'/api?analyzer_last_status responding with status code 410 GONE') return jsonify(data_dict), 410 return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20201007 - Feature #3770: webapp - batch_processing metrics API endoint if 'batch_processing_metrics' in request.args:'/api?batch_processing_metrics request') batch_processing_metrics = [] try: batch_processing_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers('aet.analyzer.batch_processing_metrics')) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the aet.analyzer.batch_processing_metrics list from Redis') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 # @added 20201103 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES and cluster_data: remote_batch_processing_metrics = None try: remote_batch_processing_metrics = get_cluster_data('batch_processing_metrics&cluster_call=true', 'metrics') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get batch_processing_metrics from the remote Skyline instances') if remote_batch_processing_metrics:'got %s remote metrics from the remote Skyline instances' % str(len(remote_batch_processing_metrics))) batch_processing_metrics_list = batch_processing_metrics + remote_batch_processing_metrics batch_processing_metrics = list(set(batch_processing_metrics_list))'/api?batch_processing_metrics responding with %s metrics' % str(len(batch_processing_metrics))) data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data}, "data": {"metrics": batch_processing_metrics}} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20200929 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Branch #3068: SNAB if 'snab' in request.args:'/api?snab request') if not SNAB_ENABLED:'/api?snab not handled and snab is not enabled') return 'Bad Request', 400 snab_id = None if 'snab_id' in request.args: try: snab_id = int(request.args.get('snab_id', None))'/api?snab request with snab_id - %s' % str(snab_id)) except: logger.error('error :: /api?snab request with invalid snab_id - %s' % str(request.args.get('anomaly_id', None))) snab_id = False if not snab_id: logger.error('error :: /api?snab no valid snab_id parameter sent') return 'Bad Request', 400 anomaly_id = None if 'anomaly_id' in request.args: try: anomaly_id = int(request.args.get('anomaly_id', None))'/api?snab request with anomaly_id - %s' % str(anomaly_id)) except: logger.error('error :: /api?snab request with invalid anomaly_id - %s' % str(request.args.get('anomaly_id', None))) anomaly_id = False if not anomaly_id: logger.error('error :: /api?snab no anomaly_id parameter sent') return 'Bad Request', 400'/api?snab request with anomaly_id - %s' % ( str(anomaly_id))) result = None snab_results = ['tP', 'fP', 'tN', 'fN', 'unsure', 'NULL'] if 'result' in request.args: snab_result = request.args.get('result', None) if snab_result not in snab_results: logger.error('error :: /api?snab invalid result value sent - %s' % str(snab_result)) return 'Bad Request', 400 else: result = snab_result if not result: logger.error('error :: /api?snab no result value was sent') return 'Bad Request', 400 base_name = None anomaly_timestamp = None snab_result_updated = None snab_dict = {} try: # @modified 20201004 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Branch #3068: SNAB # Allow results to be changed # snab_result_updated, base_name, anomaly_timestamp = update_snab_result(snab_id, anomaly_id, result) snab_result_updated, base_name, anomaly_timestamp, existing_result = update_snab_result(snab_id, anomaly_id, result) snab_dict = { 'snab_id': snab_id, 'anomaly_id': anomaly_id, 'metric': base_name, 'anomaly_timestamp': anomaly_timestamp, 'result': result, 'updated': snab_result_updated, } except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with update_snab_result' logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) if base_name and anomaly_timestamp: # Using the snab_id instead of base_name, a bit of hack but works slack_updated = webapp_update_slack_thread(snab_id, int(anomaly_timestamp), result, 'snab_result')'slack_updated for snab evaluation - %s, with result %s' % ( str(slack_updated), str(result))) # @added 20201004 - Task #3748: POC SNAB # Branch #3068: SNAB # Allow results to be changed if existing_result: slack_notified_of_change = webapp_update_slack_thread(snab_id, int(anomaly_timestamp), [existing_result, result], 'snab_result_changed')'slack_updated for snab evaluation - %s, with result %s' % ( str(slack_notified_of_change), str(result))) data_dict = {"status": {}, "data": {"snab_updated": snab_dict}} if snab_result_updated and snab_dict:'/api?snab request returning 200 with json data - %s' % ( str(data_dict))) return jsonify(data_dict), 200 else:'/api?snab request returning 500 with json data - %s' % ( str(data_dict))) return jsonify(data_dict), 500 # @added 20200908 - Feature #3740: webapp - anomaly API endpoint if 'anomaly' in request.args:'/api?anomaly') anomaly_id = None if 'id' in request.args: try: anomaly_id = int(request.args.get('id', 0)) except: logger.error('error :: /api?anomaly id parameter sent is not an int') anomaly_id = False if not anomaly_id: logger.error('error :: /api?anomaly no id parameter sent') return 'Bad Request', 400'/api?anomaly request with id - %s' % ( str(anomaly_id))) start = time.time() anomaly_data = [] try: # anomaly_data = [int(anomaly_id), str(metric), anomalous_datapoint, anomaly_timestamp, full_duration, created_timestamp, anomaly_end_timestamp] anomaly_data = panorama_anomaly_details(anomaly_id) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with panorama_anomaly_details' logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) anomaliesDict = {} matchesDict = {} if anomaly_data: metric = anomaly_data[1] anomaly_timestamp = int(anomaly_data[3]) requested_timestamp = anomaly_timestamp try: anomaly_end_timestamp = int(anomaly_data[6]) except: anomaly_end_timestamp = None related = [] try: related, labelled_anomalies, fail_msg, trace = get_related(skyline_app, anomaly_id, anomaly_timestamp) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with get_related' logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) # @added 20220504 - Task #4544: Handle EXTERNAL_SETTINGS in correlate_or_relate_with # Feature #3858: skyline_functions - correlate_or_relate_with external_settings = {} if settings.EXTERNAL_SETTINGS: try: external_settings = get_external_settings(skyline_app, None, False) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: get_external_settings failed - %s' % ( err)) for related_anomaly_id, related_metric_id, related_metric_name, related_anomaly_timestamp, related_full_duration in related: # @added 20201202- Feature #3858: skyline_functions - correlate_or_relate_with # Filter only related anomalies that are in correlations group # @modified 20220504 - Task #4544: Handle EXTERNAL_SETTINGS in correlate_or_relate_with # Feature #3858: skyline_functions - correlate_or_relate_with # Added external_settings correlate_or_relate = correlate_or_relate_with(skyline_app, metric, related_metric_name, external_settings) if not correlate_or_relate: continue metric_dict = { 'metric': related_metric_name, 'timestamp': int(related_anomaly_timestamp), } anomaliesDict[related_anomaly_id] = metric_dict related_matches = [] related_metric = 'get_related_matches' related_metric_like = 'all' related_fp_id = None related_layer_id = None minus_two_minutes = int(requested_timestamp) - 120 plus_two_minutes = int(requested_timestamp) + 120 related_limited_by = None related_ordered_by = 'DESC' try: related_matches, fail_msg, trace = get_fp_matches(related_metric, related_metric_like, related_fp_id, related_layer_id, minus_two_minutes, plus_two_minutes, related_limited_by, related_ordered_by) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with get_fp_matches for related_matches' logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) if len(related_matches) == 1: # @modified 20200908 - Feature #3740: webapp - anomaly API endpoint # Added match_anomaly_timestamp # @modified 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference # Added related_motifs_matched_id for related_human_date, related_match_id, related_matched_by, related_fp_id, related_layer_id, related_metric, related_uri_to_matched_page, related_validated, match_anomaly_timestamp, related_motifs_matched_id in related_matches: if related_matched_by == 'no matches were found': related_matches = [] if related_matches:'%s possible related matches found' % (str(len(related_matches)))) # @added 20220504 - Task #4544: Handle EXTERNAL_SETTINGS in correlate_or_relate_with # Feature #3858: skyline_functions - correlate_or_relate_with external_settings = {} if settings.EXTERNAL_SETTINGS: try: external_settings = get_external_settings(skyline_app, None, False) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: get_external_settings failed - %s' % ( err)) # @modified 20200908 - Feature #3740: webapp - anomaly API endpoint # Added match_anomaly_timestamp # @modified 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference # Added related_motifs_matched_id for related_human_date, related_match_id, related_matched_by, related_fp_id, related_layer_id, related_metric, related_uri_to_matched_page, related_validated, match_anomaly_timestamp, related_motifs_matched_id in related_matches: # @added 20201202- Feature #3858: skyline_functions - correlate_or_relate_with # Filter only related matches that are in correlations group # @modified 20220504 - Task #4544: Handle EXTERNAL_SETTINGS in correlate_or_relate_with # Feature #3858: skyline_functions - correlate_or_relate_with # Added external_settings correlate_or_relate = correlate_or_relate_with(skyline_app, metric, related_metric, external_settings) if not correlate_or_relate: continue metric_dict = { 'metric': related_metric, 'timestamp': match_anomaly_timestamp, 'matched by': related_matched_by, 'fp id': related_fp_id, 'layer id': related_layer_id, # @modified 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference # Added motifs_matched_id 'motif id': related_motifs_matched_id, } matchesDict[related_match_id] = metric_dict try: correlations, fail_msg, trace = get_correlations(skyline_app, anomaly_id) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with get_correlations' logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) correlationsDict = {} # @added 20220504 - Task #4544: Handle EXTERNAL_SETTINGS in correlate_or_relate_with # Feature #3858: skyline_functions - correlate_or_relate_with external_settings = {} if settings.EXTERNAL_SETTINGS and correlations: try: external_settings = get_external_settings(skyline_app, None, False) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: get_external_settings failed - %s' % ( err)) try: for correlation in correlations: correlated_metric = correlation[0] # @added 20201202- Feature #3858: skyline_functions - correlate_or_relate_with # Filter only correlations that are in correlations group # @modified 20220504 - Task #4544: Handle EXTERNAL_SETTINGS in correlate_or_relate_with # Feature #3858: skyline_functions - correlate_or_relate_with # Added external_settings correlate_or_relate = correlate_or_relate_with(skyline_app, metric, correlated_metric, external_settings) if not correlate_or_relate: continue metric_dict = { 'coefficient': float(correlation[1]), 'shifted': float(correlation[2]), 'shifted_coefficient': float(correlation[3]) } correlationsDict[correlated_metric] = metric_dict except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with get_correlations' logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) # @added 20210324 - Feature #3642: Anomaly type classification anomaly_types = [] if LUMINOSITY_CLASSIFY_ANOMALIES: try: anomaly_types, anomaly_type_ids = get_anomaly_type(skyline_app, anomaly_id) except Exception as e: fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with get_anomaly_type - %s' % str(e) logger.error(fail_msg) anomaly_dict = { # @modified 20201201 - Feature #3740: webapp - anomaly API endpoint # Due to the anomaly ids being used as json keys in the possible # related anomalies and matches the anomaly id is always typed as a # str # 'id': anomaly_id, 'id': str(anomaly_id), 'metric': anomaly_data[1], 'timestamp': anomaly_data[3], 'value': anomaly_data[2], 'end_timestamp': anomaly_end_timestamp, 'cross correlations': correlationsDict, # @modified 20201201 - Feature #3740: webapp - anomaly API endpoint # Corrected the key names # 'possible related anomaly ids': anomaliesDict, # 'possible related match ids': matchesDict, 'possible related anomalies': anomaliesDict, 'possible related matches': matchesDict, # @added 20210324 - Feature #3642: Anomaly type classification 'anomaly_types': anomaly_types, } data_dict = {"status": {"response": 200, "request_time": (time.time() - start)}, "data": {"anomaly": anomaly_dict}}'/api?anomaly request returning data - %s' % ( str(data_dict))) return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20200611 - Feature #3578: Test alerts if 'test_alert' in request.args:'/api?test_alert request') if 'skyline_app' in request.args: test_skyline_app = request.args.get('skyline_app', None) if not test_skyline_app: logger.error('error :: /api?test_alert request no skyline_app parameter sent') return 'Bad Request', 400 if 'metric' in request.args: metric = request.args.get('metric', None) if not metric: logger.error('error :: /api?test_alert request no metric parameter sent') return 'Bad Request', 400'/api?test_alert request with skyline_app - %s and metric - %s' % ( test_skyline_app, metric)) test_alert_redis_key = '%s.test_alerts' % test_skyline_app try: REDIS_CONN.sadd(test_alert_redis_key, metric) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not add %s to %s Redis set - %s' % ( test_skyline_app, metric, e)) return 'Internal Server Error', 500 test_alert_dict = { 'skyline_app': test_skyline_app, 'metric': metric } data_dict = {"status": {}, "data": {"test_alert": test_alert_dict}}'/api?test_alert request returning data - %s' % ( str(data_dict))) return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20200517 - Feature #3538: webapp - upload_data endpoint # Feature #3550: flux.uploaded_data_worker if 'upload_status' in request.args:'/api?upload_status request') if not file_uploads_enabled: return 'Not Found', 404 if 'upload_id_key' in request.args: upload_id_key = request.args.get('upload_id_key', None) if not upload_id_key: logger.error('error :: /api?upload_status request') resp = json.dumps( {'error': 'no upload_id_key was passed'}) return resp, 400'/api?upload_status request for upload_id_key - %s' % upload_id_key) upload_status_redis_key = 'flux.upload_status.%s' % upload_id_key try: upload_status = REDIS_CONN.get(upload_status_redis_key) if not upload_status: resp = json.dumps( {'not found': 'there is not status for ' + str(upload_id_key)}) return flask_escape(resp), 404 except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not get the %s from Redis - %s' % (upload_status_redis_key, e)) logger.error('error :: /api?upload_status request') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 upload_status_dict = {} if upload_status: try: upload_status_dict = literal_eval(upload_status) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not literal_eval the %s data from Redis' % upload_status_redis_key) return 'Internal Server Error', 500 data_dict = {"status": {}, "data": {"upload": upload_status_dict}}'/api?upload_status request for upload_id_key - %s, returning data' % ( upload_id_key)) return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20200410 - Feature #3474: webapp api - training_data # Feature #3472: ionosphere.training_data Redis set if 'training_data' in request.args: metric_filter = None timestamp_filter = None if 'metric' in request.args: metric_filter = request.args.get('metric', None) if 'timestamp' in request.args: timestamp_filter = request.args.get('timestamp', 0) training_data = [] training_data_raw = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers('ionosphere.training_data')) for training_data_str in training_data_raw: try: training_data_item = literal_eval(training_data_str) training_metric = str(training_data_item[0]) training_timestamp = int(training_data_item[1]) # @added 20200425 - Feature #3508: ionosphere.untrainable_metrics # Added resolution_seconds try: training_resolution_seconds = int(training_data_item[2]) except: training_resolution_seconds = None if not training_resolution_seconds: for alert in settings.ALERTS: if training_resolution_seconds: break alert_match_pattern = alert[0] metric_pattern = training_metric pattern_match = False try: alert_match_pattern = re.compile(alert_match_pattern) pattern_match = alert_match_pattern.match(metric_pattern) if pattern_match: pattern_match = True except: pattern_match = False if not pattern_match: if alert[0] in training_metric: pattern_match = True if not pattern_match: continue try: training_resolution_seconds = int(alert[3] * 3600) except: training_resolution_seconds = None if not training_resolution_seconds: training_resolution_seconds = settings.FULL_DURATION add_to_response = True if metric_filter: if metric_filter != training_metric: add_to_response = False # @added 20200417 - Feature #3474: webapp api - training_data # Allow to match namespaces too if not add_to_response: if metric_filter in training_metric: add_to_response = True if not add_to_response: metric_filter_namespace_elements = metric_filter.split('.') training_metric_namespace_elements = training_metric.split('.') elements_matched = set(metric_filter_namespace_elements) & set(training_metric_namespace_elements) if len(elements_matched) == len(metric_filter_namespace_elements): add_to_response = True if timestamp_filter: if int(timestamp_filter) != training_timestamp: add_to_response = False # @added 20200425 - Feature #3508: ionosphere.untrainable_metrics # Remove ionosphere.untrainable_metrics from the training data # when entries exist at the same resolution ionosphere_untrainable_metrics = [] ionosphere_untrainable_metrics_redis_set = 'ionosphere.untrainable_metrics' try: ionosphere_untrainable_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers(ionosphere_untrainable_metrics_redis_set)) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not get the ionosphere.untrainable_metrics set from Redis') ionosphere_untrainable_metrics = None if add_to_response and ionosphere_untrainable_metrics: for ionosphere_untrainable_metric_str in ionosphere_untrainable_metrics: try: ionosphere_untrainable_metric = literal_eval(ionosphere_untrainable_metric_str) ium_metric_name = ionosphere_untrainable_metric[0] if ium_metric_name == training_metric: ium_resolution = int(ionosphere_untrainable_metric[5]) if ium_resolution == training_resolution_seconds: add_to_response = False'removed training data from response as identified as untrainable as has negative value/s - %s' % str(ionosphere_untrainable_metric)) break except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to determine if metric is in ionosphere.untrainable_metrics Redis set') if add_to_response: training_data.append([training_metric, training_timestamp]) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error( 'error :: failed to iterate literal_eval of training_data_raw') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 # @added 20201110 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES and cluster_data: remote_training_data = None training_data_uri = 'training_data' if metric_filter: training_data_uri = 'training_data&metric=%s&cluster_call=true' % metric_filter if timestamp_filter: training_data_uri = '%s&timestamp=%s&cluster_call=true' % (training_data_uri, timestamp_filter) try: remote_training_data = get_cluster_data(training_data_uri, 'metrics') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get remote_training_data from the remote Skyline instances') if remote_training_data:'got %s remote metrics training data instances from the remote Skyline instances' % str(len(remote_training_data))) remote_training_data_list = training_data + remote_training_data # @modified 20201126 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # set cannot be used here as each training_data item includes a # list which is unhashable # training_data = list(set(remote_training_data_list)) training_data = remote_training_data_list data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data}, "data": {"metrics": training_data}} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20200129 - Feature #3422: webapp api - alerting_metrics and non_alerting_metrics if 'non_alerting_metrics' in request.args: non_alerting_metrics = [] try: non_alerting_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers('aet.analyzer.non_smtp_alerter_metrics')) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the aet.analyzer.smtp_alerter_metrics list from Redis') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 # @added 20201103 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES and cluster_data: remote_non_alerting_metrics = None try: remote_non_alerting_metrics = get_cluster_data('non_alerting_metrics&cluster_call=true', 'metrics') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get non_alerting_metrics from the remote Skyline instances') if remote_non_alerting_metrics:'got %s remote non_alerting_metrics from the remote Skyline instances' % str(len(remote_non_alerting_metrics))) non_alerting_metrics_list = non_alerting_metrics + remote_non_alerting_metrics non_alerting_metrics = list(set(non_alerting_metrics_list))'/api?non_alerting_metrics responding with %s metrics' % str(len(non_alerting_metrics))) data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data}, "data": {"metrics": non_alerting_metrics}} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 if 'alerting_metrics' in request.args: alerting_metrics = [] try: alerting_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers('aet.analyzer.smtp_alerter_metrics')) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the aet.analyzer.smtp_alerter_metrics list from Redis - %s' % e) return 'Internal Server Error', 500 # @added 20220509 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Release #4562 - v3.0.4 # Force cluster_data on appropriate methods if not cluster_data: cluster_data = True'api forcing cluster_data=true') if cluster_call: cluster_data = False'api cluster_call forcing cluster_data=false') # @added 20201103 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES and cluster_data: remote_alerting_metrics = None try: remote_alerting_metrics = get_cluster_data('alerting_metrics&cluster_call=true', 'metrics') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get alerting_metrics from the remote Skyline instances') if remote_alerting_metrics:'got %s remote alerting_metrics from the remote Skyline instances' % str(len(remote_alerting_metrics))) alerting_metrics_list = alerting_metrics + remote_alerting_metrics alerting_metrics = list(set(alerting_metrics_list))'/api?non_alerting_metrics responding with %s metrics' % str(len(alerting_metrics))) data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data}, "data": {"metrics": alerting_metrics}} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20200117 - Feature #3400: Identify air gaps in the metric data if 'airgapped_metrics' in request.args: airgapped_metrics = [] try: airgapped_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers('analyzer.airgapped_metrics')) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the analyzer.airgapped_metrics list from Redis') return 'Internal Server Error', 500'airgapped_metrics responding with %s metrics' % str(len(airgapped_metrics))) data_dict = {"status": {}, "data": {"metrics": airgapped_metrics}} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20200205 - Feature #3400: Identify air gaps in the metric data # /api?airgap_filled&metric=<metric>&resoluion=<resolution>&start=<start-unix-timestamp>&end=<end-unix-timestamp>&attempt<attempts> if 'airgap_filled' in request.args: metric = None resolution = None start = None end = None attempts = None for i in request.args: key = str(i) value = request.args.get(key, None)'api?airgap_filled - request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(value))) if 'metric' in request.args: metric = request.args.get('metric', None) if not metric: resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: no metric parameter was passed to /api?airgap_filled'}) return resp, 400 if 'resolution' in request.args: resolution = request.args.get('resolution', None) if not resolution: resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: no resolution parameter was passed to /api?airgap_filled'}) return resp, 400 if 'start' in request.args: start = request.args.get('start', None) if not start: resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: no start parameter was passed to /api?airgap_filled'}) return resp, 400 if 'end' in request.args: end = request.args.get('end', None) if not end: resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: no end parameter was passed to /api?airgap_filled'}) return resp, 400 if 'attempts' in request.args: attempts = request.args.get('attempts', None) if not attempts: resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: no attempts parameter was passed to /api?airgap_filled'}) return resp, 400 # Check airgap is in the set airgapped_metrics = [] try: airgapped_metrics = REDIS_CONN.smembers('analyzer.airgapped_metrics') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the analyzer.airgapped_metrics list from Redis') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 airgap_present = False for airgap_str in airgapped_metrics: try: airgap = literal_eval(airgap_str) if str(metric) != (airgap[0]): continue if int(resolution) != int(airgap[1]): continue if int(start) != int(airgap[2]): continue if int(end) != int(airgap[3]): continue if int(attempts) != int(airgap[4]): continue airgap_present = airgap break except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to iterate literal_eval of airgapped_metrics') continue if not airgap_present:'api?airgap_filled responding with 404 no matching airgap found in analyzer.airgapped_metrics Redis set') return 'Not found', 404'removing airgapped metric item - %s' % str(airgap)) try: REDIS_CONN_UNDECODE.srem('analyzer.airgapped_metrics', str(airgap)) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not remove item from analyzer.airgapped_metrics Redis set - %s' % str(e)) resp = json.dumps( {'error': 'Error: could not remove item from analyzer.airgapped_metrics Redis set'}) return resp, 500 # @added 20200501 - Feature #3400: Identify air gaps in the metric data # Handle airgaps filled so that once they have been submitted as filled # Analyzer will not identify them as airgapped again try: REDIS_CONN.sadd('analyzer.airgapped_metrics.filled', str(airgap)) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not add item from analyzer.airgapped_metrics.filled Redis set - %s' % str(e)) data_dict = {"status": {}, "data": {"removed_airgap": airgap}} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20191231 - Feature #3368: webapp api - ionosphere_learn_work if 'ionosphere_learn_work' in request.args: ionosphere_learn_work = [] try: ionosphere_learn_work = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers('')) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the list from Redis') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 # @added 20200109 - Feature #3380: Create echo features profile when a Mirage features profile is created # Add pending echo features profiles to the to response try: ionosphere_echo_work = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers('')) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the list from Redis') echo_work_no_full_duration = [] if ionosphere_echo_work: for work in ionosphere_echo_work: work_list = literal_eval(work) work_no_fd = [work_list[0], work_list[1], work_list[2], work_list[3], work_list[4], work_list[5]] echo_work_no_full_duration.append(work_no_fd) # @added 20201110 - Feature #3368: webapp api - ionosphere_learn_work # Just add as it is literal_evaled below or not ionosphere_learn_work.append(work) # if echo_work_no_full_duration: # new_ionosphere_learn_work = ionosphere_learn_work + echo_work_no_full_duration # ionosphere_learn_work = new_ionosphere_learn_work # @added 20201202 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Added some debug logging logger.debug('debug :: ionosphere_learn_work - %s' % str(ionosphere_learn_work)) # @added 20201112 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES and cluster_data: remote_ionosphere_learn_work = None try: remote_ionosphere_learn_work = get_cluster_data('ionosphere_learn_work&cluster_call=true', 'metrics') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get ionosphere_learn_work from the remote Skyline instances') if remote_ionosphere_learn_work:'got %s remote ionosphere_learn_work from the remote Skyline instances' % str(len(remote_ionosphere_learn_work))) ionosphere_learn_work_list = ionosphere_learn_work + remote_ionosphere_learn_work # @modified 20201202 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Cannot use set on unhashable list and debug logging # ionosphere_learn_work = list(set(ionosphere_learn_work_list)) ionosphere_learn_work = list(ionosphere_learn_work_list) logger.debug('debug :: remote_ionosphere_learn_work - ionosphere_learn_work - %s' % str(ionosphere_learn_work)) # @added 20201104 - Feature #3368: webapp api - ionosphere_learn_work # Convert strings to json convert_to_json = False if 'format' in request.args: json_passed = request.args.get('format', None) if json_passed == 'json': convert_to_json = True if convert_to_json: # @modified 20201208 - Feature #3368: webapp api - ionosphere_learn_work # Return an array of work # metrics_json = {} work_list = [] for str_item in ionosphere_learn_work: try: item = literal_eval(str_item) if item[4] is None: parent_id = 0 else: parent_id = item[4] if item[5] is None: generation = 0 else: generation = item[5] # @modified 20201208 - Feature #3368: webapp api - ionosphere_learn_work # Return an array of work # metrics_json[item[3]] = { # 'deadline_type': item[0], # 'job_type': item[1], # 'timestamp': item[2], # 'parent_id': parent_id, # 'generation': generation work_dict = { 'metric': item[3], 'deadline_type': item[0], 'job_type': item[1], 'timestamp': item[2], 'parent_id': parent_id, 'generation': generation } work_list.append(work_dict) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not build the ionosphere_learn_work dict to jsonify - %s' % str(str_item)) # @modified 20201208 - Feature #3368: webapp api - ionosphere_learn_work # Return an array of work # data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data}, "data": {"metrics": metrics_json}} data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data}, "data": {"work": work_list}} # @added 20201202 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Added some debug logging logger.debug('debug :: data_dict - %s' % str(data_dict)) return jsonify(data_dict), 200 data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data}, "data": {"metrics": ionosphere_learn_work}} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20191203 - Feature #3350: webapp api - mirage_metrics and ionosphere_metrics if 'mirage_metrics' in request.args: try: mirage_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers('mirage.unique_metrics')) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the mirage.unique_metrics list from Redis') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 # @added 20220509 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Release #4562 - v3.0.4 # Force cluster_data on appropriate methods if not cluster_data: cluster_data = True'api forcing cluster_data=true') if cluster_call: cluster_data = False'api cluster_call forcing cluster_data=false') # @added 20201112 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES and cluster_data: remote_mirage_metrics = None try: remote_mirage_metrics = get_cluster_data('mirage_metrics&cluster_call=true', 'metrics') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get mirage_metrics from the remote Skyline instances') if remote_mirage_metrics:'got %s remote mirage_metrics from the remote Skyline instances' % str(len(remote_mirage_metrics))) mirage_metrics_list = mirage_metrics + remote_mirage_metrics mirage_metrics = list(set(mirage_metrics_list)) data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data}, "data": {"metrics": mirage_metrics}} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20191203 - Feature #3350: webapp api - mirage_metrics and ionosphere_metrics if 'ionosphere_metrics' in request.args: try: ionosphere_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers('ionosphere.unique_metrics')) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the ionosphere.unique_metrics list from Redis') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 # @added 20220509 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Release #4562 - v3.0.4 # Force cluster_data on appropriate methods if not cluster_data: cluster_data = True'api forcing cluster_data=true') if cluster_call: cluster_data = False'api cluster_call forcing cluster_data=false') # @added 20201112 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES and cluster_data: remote_ionosphere_metrics = None try: remote_ionosphere_metrics = get_cluster_data('ionosphere_metrics&cluster_call=true', 'metrics') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get ionosphere_metrics from the remote Skyline instances') if remote_ionosphere_metrics:'got %s remote ionosphere_metrics from the remote Skyline instances' % str(len(remote_ionosphere_metrics))) ionosphere_metrics_list = ionosphere_metrics + remote_ionosphere_metrics ionosphere_metrics = list(set(ionosphere_metrics_list)) data_dict = { "status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data}, "data": { "metrics": ionosphere_metrics } } return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20191126 - Feature #3336: webapp api - derivative_metrics if 'derivative_metrics' in request.args: try: # @modified 20211012 - Feature #4280: aet.metrics_manager.derivative_metrics Redis hash # derivative_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers('derivative_metrics')) derivative_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers('aet.metrics_manager.derivative_metrics')) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the derivative_metrics list from Redis') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 # @added 20220509 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Release #4562 - v3.0.4 # Force cluster_data on appropriate methods if not cluster_data: cluster_data = True'api forcing cluster_data=true') if cluster_call: cluster_data = False'api cluster_call forcing cluster_data=false') # @added 20201112 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES and cluster_data: remote_derivative_metrics = None try: # @modified 20211012 - Feature #4280: aet.metrics_manager.derivative_metrics Redis hash # remote_derivative_metrics = get_cluster_data('derivative_metrics', 'metrics') remote_derivative_metrics = get_cluster_data('derivative_metrics&cluster_call=true', 'metrics') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get derivative_metrics from the remote Skyline instances') if remote_derivative_metrics:'got %s remote derivative_metrics from the remote Skyline instances' % str(len(remote_derivative_metrics))) derivative_metrics_list = derivative_metrics + remote_derivative_metrics derivative_metrics = list(set(derivative_metrics_list)) data_dict = { "status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data}, "data": { "metrics": derivative_metrics } } return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20191008 - Feature #3252: webapp api - unique_metrics if 'unique_metrics' in request.args: try: unique_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'unique_metrics')) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the unique_metrics list from Redis') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 # @added 20220509 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Release #4562 - v3.0.4 # Force cluster_data on appropriate methods if not cluster_data: cluster_data = True'api forcing cluster_data=true') if cluster_call: cluster_data = False'api cluster_call forcing cluster_data=false') # @added 20201112 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES and cluster_data: remote_unique_metrics = None try: remote_unique_metrics = get_cluster_data('unique_metrics&cluster_call=true', 'metrics') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get unique_metrics from the remote Skyline instances') if remote_unique_metrics:'got %s remote unique_metrics from the remote Skyline instances' % str(len(remote_unique_metrics))) unique_metrics_list = unique_metrics + remote_unique_metrics unique_metrics = list(set(unique_metrics_list)) # @added 20210416 - Feature #3252: webapp api - unique_metrics # Allow to filter by namespace and remove_full_namespace_prefix total_unique_metrics = len(unique_metrics) filtered = False filter_namespace = None if 'filter_namespace' in request.args: filtered_unique_metrics = [] filter_namespace_str = request.args.get('filter_namespace', '')'/api?unique_metrics filter_namespace passed filtering: %s' % filter_namespace_str) filter_namespace = [filter_namespace_str] for metric_name in unique_metrics: pattern_match, matched_by = matched_or_regexed_in_list(skyline_app, metric_name, filter_namespace, False) if pattern_match: filtered_unique_metrics.append(metric_name)'/api?unique_metrics filtered_namespace found %s metrics from the %s unique_metrics' % ( str(len(filtered_unique_metrics)), str(total_unique_metrics))) unique_metrics = filtered_unique_metrics filtered = True remove_full_namespace_prefix = False if 'remove_full_namespace_prefix' in request.args: filtered_unique_metrics = [] remove_full_namespace_prefix_str = request.args.get('remove_full_namespace_prefix', 'false') if remove_full_namespace_prefix_str == 'true': remove_full_namespace_prefix = True'/api?unique_metrics remove_full_namespace_prefix passed stripping: %s' % settings.FULL_NAMESPACE) if remove_full_namespace_prefix: basename_unique_metrics = [] for metric_name in unique_metrics: if metric_name.startswith(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE): base_name = metric_name.replace(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, '', 1) else: base_name = metric_name basename_unique_metrics.append(base_name)'/api?unique_metrics stripped: %s' % settings.FULL_NAMESPACE) unique_metrics = basename_unique_metrics duration = (time.time() - start) data_dict = { "status": { "cluster_data": cluster_data, "filtered": filtered, "filter_namespace": filter_namespace, "remove_full_namespace_prefix": remove_full_namespace_prefix, "response": 200, "request_time": duration }, "data": { "metrics": unique_metrics } } return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20180929 if 'get_json' in request.args: source = None metric = None timestamp = None full_duration_data = False if 'source' in request.args: valid_source = False source = request.args.get('source', None) if source == 'features_profile' or source == 'training_data': valid_source = True if not valid_source: resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: an invalid source parameter was passed to /api?get_json valid sources are features_profile or training_data'}) return resp, 400 else: resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: the required parameter source was not passed to /api?get_json - valid sources are features_profile or training_data'}) return resp, 400 if 'metric' in request.args: metric = request.args.get('metric', None) if not metric: resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: no metric parameter was passed to /api?get_json'}) return resp, 400 if 'timestamp' in request.args: timestamp = request.args.get('timestamp', None) if not timestamp: resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: no timestamp parameter was passed to /api?get_json'}) return resp, 400 if metric and timestamp: tuple_json_file = '%s.json' % metric if 'full_duration_data' in request.args: full_duration_data = request.args.get('full_duration_data', None) if full_duration_data == 'true': full_duration_in_hours = int(settings.FULL_DURATION / 60 / 60) tuple_json_file = '%s.mirage.redis.%sh.json' % (metric, str(full_duration_in_hours)) metric_timeseries_dir = metric.replace('.', '/') if source == 'features_profile': source_file = '%s/%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER, metric_timeseries_dir, str(timestamp), tuple_json_file) if source == 'training_data': source_file = '%s/%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, str(timestamp), metric_timeseries_dir, tuple_json_file)'converting tuple data for %s %s at %s to json' % (source, metric, timestamp)) datapoints = None if not os.path.isfile(source_file): logger.error('error :: file not found - %s' % source_file) resp = json.dumps( {'results': '404 data file not found'}) return resp, 404 with open(source_file) as f: for line in f: datapoints = str(line).replace('(', '[').replace(')', ']') data_dict = {'metric': metric} datapoints = literal_eval(datapoints) data_dict['datapoints'] = datapoints return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20180720 - Feature #2464: luminosity_remote_data # Added luminosity_remote_data endpoint, requires two request parameter: if 'luminosity_remote_data' in request.args:'/api?luminosity_remote_data') anomaly_timestamp = None if 'anomaly_timestamp' in request.args: anomaly_timestamp_str = request.args.get(str('anomaly_timestamp'), 0) try: anomaly_timestamp = int(anomaly_timestamp_str) except: anomaly_timestamp = None else:'/api?luminosity_remote_data - no anomaly_timestamp parameter was passed to /api?luminosity_remote_data') resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: no anomaly_timestamp parameter was passed to /api?luminosity_remote_data'}) return resp, 400 # @added 20201203 - Feature #3860: luminosity - handle low frequency data # Add the metric resolution resolution = 60 if 'resolution' in request.args: resolution_str = request.args.get('resolution', 0) try: resolution = int(resolution_str) except: resolution = 60 luminosity_data = [] if anomaly_timestamp: # @modified 20201117 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Feature #2464: luminosity_remote_data # Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # Wrapped in try try: # @modified 20201203 - Feature #3860: luminosity - handle low frequency data # Added resolution # luminosity_data, success, message = luminosity_remote_data(anomaly_timestamp) luminosity_data, success, message = luminosity_remote_data(anomaly_timestamp, resolution) if luminosity_data: # @modified 20201123 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Feature #2464: luminosity_remote_data # Change from json.dumps to jsonify # resp = json.dumps( # {'results': luminosity_data}) # return resp, 200 data_dict = {'results': luminosity_data} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 else: resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'No data found'}) return resp, 404 except Exception as e: error = "Error: " + str(e) logger.error('error :: luminosity_remote_data - %s' % str(e)) resp = json.dumps({'results': error}) return resp, 500 # @added 20201117 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Feature #2464: luminosity_remote_data # Log 400 if no timestamp else:'/api?luminosity_remote_data - no anomaly_timestamp parameter was passed to /api?luminosity_remote_data, returning 400') resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: no anomaly_timestamp parameter was passed to /api?luminosity_remote_data'}) return resp, 400 if 'metric' in request.args: metric = request.args.get(str('metric'), None) # @added 20220503 - Feature #4530: namespace.analysed_events # Handle cluster_data'/api?metric=%s' % str(metric)) timeseries = [] raw_series = None try: # @modified 20200225 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # raw_series = REDIS_CONN.get(metric) raw_series = REDIS_CONN_UNDECODE.get(metric) if not raw_series: metric_name = '%s%s' % (settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, metric) # @added 20220112 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars # @modified 20220115 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars # Roll back change - breaking existing metrics with colons # metric_name = url_encode_metric_name(metric_name) raw_series = REDIS_CONN_UNDECODE.get(metric_name) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not get raw data from Redis for %s' % metric) if raw_series: try: unpacker = Unpacker(use_list=False) unpacker.feed(raw_series) # @modified 20201117 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Feature #2464: luminosity_remote_data # Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # Replace redefinition of item from line 1338 # timeseries = [item[:2] for item in unpacker] timeseries = [ts_item[:2] for ts_item in unpacker] except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to unpack raw data from Redis for %s' % metric) if not timeseries: if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES and cluster_data: redis_metric_data_uri = 'metric=%s&format=json&cluster_call=true' % str(metric) try: timeseries = get_cluster_data(redis_metric_data_uri, 'timeseries') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get timeseries from the remote Skyline instances') if timeseries:'got timeseries of length %s from the remote Skyline instances' % str(len(timeseries))) else: logger.warning('warning :: failed to get timeseries from the remote Skyline instances') if not timeseries: data_dict = {"status": {"cluster_data": cluster_data, "response": 404}} return jsonify(data_dict), 404 resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: No metric by that name - try /api?metric=' + settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'metric_namespace'}) return resp, 404 try: remove_full_namespace_prefix = False if 'remove_full_namespace_prefix' in request.args: remove_full_namespace_prefix_str = request.args.get('remove_full_namespace_prefix', 'false') if remove_full_namespace_prefix_str == 'true': remove_full_namespace_prefix = True if metric.startswith(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE): metric = metric.replace(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, '', 1) if 'format' in request.args: use_format = request.args.get(str('format'), 'pjson') if use_format == 'json': duration = (time.time() - start) data_dict = { "status": { "cluster_data": cluster_data, "format": use_format, "response": 200, "request_time": duration, "remove_full_namespace_prefix": remove_full_namespace_prefix }, "data": { "metric": metric, "timeseries": timeseries } } return jsonify(data_dict), 200 resp = json.dumps({'results': timeseries}) return resp, 200 except Exception as err: error = "Error: " + str(err) resp = json.dumps({'results': error}) return resp, 500 if 'graphite_metric' in request.args:'processing graphite_metric api request') for i in request.args: key = str(i) value = request.args.get(key, None)'request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(value))) valid_request = True missing_arguments = [] metric = request.args.get('graphite_metric', None) from_timestamp = request.args.get('from_timestamp', None) until_timestamp = request.args.get('until_timestamp', None) if not metric: valid_request = False missing_arguments.append('graphite_metric') logger.error('graphite_metric argument not found') else:'graphite_metric - %s' % metric) if not from_timestamp: valid_request = False missing_arguments.append('from_timestamp') logger.error('from_timestamp argument not found') else:'from_timestamp - %s' % str(from_timestamp)) if not until_timestamp: valid_request = False missing_arguments.append('until_timestamp') else:'until_timestamp - %s' % str(until_timestamp)) if not valid_request: error = 'Error: not all arguments where passed, missing %s' % str(missing_arguments) resp = json.dumps({'results': error}) return resp, 404 else:'requesting data from graphite for %s from %s to %s' % ( str(metric), str(from_timestamp), str(until_timestamp))) try: timeseries = get_graphite_metric( skyline_app, metric, from_timestamp, until_timestamp, 'json', 'object') except: error = 'error :: %s' % str(traceback.print_exc()) resp = json.dumps({'results': error}) return resp, 500 resp = json.dumps({'results': timeseries}) cleaned_resp = False try: # @modified 20191014 - Task #3270: Deprecate string.replace for py3 # format_resp_1 = string.replace(str(resp), '"[[', '[[') # cleaned_resp = string.replace(str(format_resp_1), ']]"', ']]') resp_str = str(resp) format_resp_1 = resp_str.replace('"[[', '[[') cleaned_resp = format_resp_1.replace(']]"', ']]') except: logger.error('error :: failed string replace resp: ' + traceback.format_exc()) if cleaned_resp: return cleaned_resp, 200 else: resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: failed to generate timeseries'}) return resp, 404 # @modified 20200128 - Feature #3424: webapp - api documentation # resp = json.dumps( # {'results': 'Error: No argument passed - try /api?metric= or /api?graphite_metric='}) # return resp, 404 try: start = time.time() return render_template( 'api.html', version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start)), 200 except: return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500
# @added 20200116: Feature #3396: http_alerter
[docs]@app.route("/mock_api", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def mock_api(): if 'alert_reciever' in request.args: if request.method == 'POST': try: # post_data = request.form.to_dict() # TESTING raw_data = request.get_data()'mock_api :: /alert_reciever POST raw_data: %s' % str(raw_data)) try: post_data = request.get_json() except: logger.warning('warning :: mock_api :: /alert_reciever request.get_json() failed trying request.json() to see if data is cached') try: post_data = request.json() except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get alert details from the alert_reciever POST request - %s' % str(err)) resp = json.dumps( {'error': 'malformed or missing data in the POST request'}) return resp, 400'mock_api :: /alert_reciever recieved %s' % str(post_data)) metric = str(post_data['data']['alert']['metric']) # timestamp = int(request.form['timestamp']) # value = float(request.form['value']) timestamp = int(post_data['data']['alert']['timestamp']) value = float(post_data['data']['alert']['value']) # full_duration = int(request.form['full_duration']) # expiry = int(request.form['expiry']) full_duration = int(post_data['data']['alert']['full_duration']) expiry = int(post_data['data']['alert']['expiry']) source = str(post_data['data']['alert']['source']) token = str(post_data['data']['alert']['token']) metric_alert_dict = { "metric": metric, "timestamp": timestamp, "value": value, "full_duration": full_duration, "expiry": expiry, "source": source, "token": token } except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get alert details from the alert_reciever POST request - %s' % str(request.form)) resp = json.dumps( {'error': 'malformed or missing data in the POST request'}) return resp, 400 testing_http_alerter = False if testing_http_alerter: resp = json.dumps( {'status': 'testing with a 400'}) return resp, 400 data_dict = {"status": {}, "data": {"alert": metric_alert_dict}} redis_set = 'mock_api.alert_reciever.alerts' try: REDIS_CONN_UNDECODE.sadd(redis_set, str(data_dict)) # @added 20200528 - Feature #3560: External alert config # Expire this set REDIS_CONN_UNDECODE.expire(redis_set, 3600)'added alert to %s' % redis_set) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: mock_api :: could not add data_dict to Redis set - %s' % redis_set)'mock_api :: responding with 200 and %s' % str(data_dict)) return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20200528 - Feature #3560: External alert config if 'alert_config' in request.args: token = None if request.method == 'GET': # return 'Method Not Allowed', 405 try: token = request.args.get('token', None) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get token from the alert_config request, returning 400') if request.method == 'POST': try: post_data = request.get_json()'mock_api :: /alert_config recieved %s' % str(post_data)) token = str(post_data['data']['token']) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) # @modified 20210421 - Task #4030: refactoring # semgrep - python-logger-credential-disclosure # logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get token from the alert_config POST request, returning 400 - %s' % str(request.form)) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get token from the alert_config POST request, returning 400') if not token: error_msg = 'no token found' logger.error('error :: %s, returning 400' % error_msg) data_dict = {"status": {"error"}, "data": {"error": error_msg}} return jsonify(data_dict), 400 if token != settings.FLUX_SELF_API_KEY: error_msg = 'no token found' # @modified 20210421 - Task #4030: refactoring # semgrep - python-logger-credential-disclosure # logger.error('error :: the token %s does not match settings.FLUX_SELF_API_KEY, returning 401' % str(token)) logger.error('error :: the token does not match settings.FLUX_SELF_API_KEY, returning 401') return 'Unauthorized', 401 count = 1 alerts_dict = {} for alert in settings.ALERTS: try: namespace = alert[0] except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: mock_api :: alert_config :: could not determine namespace from alert_tuple - %s' % str(alert)) continue try: alerter = alert[1] except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: mock_api :: alert_config :: could not determine alerter from alert_tuple - %s' % str(alert)) continue try: expiration = alert[2] except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: mock_api :: alert_config :: could not determine expiration from alert_tuple - %s' % str(alert)) continue try: second_order_resolution_hours = int(alert[3]) second_order_resolution = int(second_order_resolution_hours * 3600) except: second_order_resolution = settings.FULL_DURATION namespace_prefix_1 = namespace.replace('^', '') namespace_prefix_2 = namespace_prefix_1.replace('\\', '') namespace_prefix = namespace_prefix_2.split('.')[0] learn_days = 30 count_id = str(count) alerts_dict[count_id] = { 'alerter': str(alerter), 'expiration': str(expiration), 'namespace': str(namespace), 'namespace_prefix': str(namespace_prefix), 'second_order_resolution': str(second_order_resolution), 'learn_days': str(learn_days) } count += 1 data_dict = {"status": {}, "data": alerts_dict} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20200528 - Feature #3560: External alert config if 'test_alert_config' in request.args: alerts_dict = {} alerts_dict['test_external_alert_config'] = { 'alerter': 'http_alerter-mock_api', 'expiration': '60', 'namespace': 'analyzer.runtime', 'namespace_prefix': 'skyline', 'second_order_resolution': '604800', 'learn_days': '30' } data_dict = {"status": {}, "data": alerts_dict} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20210601 - Feature #4000: EXTERNAL_SETTINGS if 'test_external_settings' in request.args: settings_dict = { 'id': 'test_external_settings', 'namespace': 'skyline-test-external-settings', 'retention_1_resolution_seconds': 60, 'retention_1_period_seconds': 604800, 'retention_2_resolution_seconds': 600, 'retention_2_period_seconds': 63072000, 'full_duration': 86400, 'second_order_resolution_seconds': 604800, 'learn_full_duration_seconds': 2592000, 'flux_token': None, "thunder_alert_endpoint": '', 'thunder_alert_token': None, 'alert_on_no_data': { 'enabled': True, 'stale_period': 300, 'expiry': 1800, }, 'alert_on_stale_metrics': { 'enabled': True, 'stale_period': 900, 'expiry': 0, }, # @added 20220128 - Feature #4404: flux - external_settings - aggregation 'metric_limit': 1000, 'aggregate': { 'skyline-test-external-settings.1': { 'method': ['avg'], 'interval': 60, 'zero_fill': False, 'last_known_value': False, 'method_suffix': False, }, 'skyline-test-external-settings.2': { 'method': ['avg', 'sum', 'max', 'min'], 'interval': 60, 'zero_fill': False, 'last_known_value': False, 'method_suffix': True, }, }, } namespaces = [settings_dict] data_dict = {"status": {}, "data": {"namespaces": namespaces}} return jsonify(data_dict), 200
# @added 20180721 - Feature #2464: luminosity_remote_data # Add a specific route for the luminosity_remote_data endpoint so that the # response can be gzipped as even the preprocessed data can run into megabyte # reponses.
[docs]@app.route("/luminosity_remote_data", methods=['GET']) @gzipped def luminosity_remote_data_endpoint(): # The luminosity_remote_data_endpoint, requires onerequest parameter: if 'anomaly_timestamp' in request.args: anomaly_timestamp_str = request.args.get(str('anomaly_timestamp'), None) try: anomaly_timestamp = int(anomaly_timestamp_str) except: anomaly_timestamp = None else: resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: no anomaly_timestamp parameter was passed to /luminosity_remote_data'}) return resp, 400 luminosity_data = [] if anomaly_timestamp: luminosity_data, success, message = luminosity_remote_data(anomaly_timestamp) if luminosity_data: resp = json.dumps( {'results': luminosity_data})'returning gzipped response') return resp, 200 else: resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'No data found'}) return resp, 404
[docs]@app.route("/docs") @requires_auth def docs(): start = time.time() try: return render_template( 'docs.html', version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start)), 200 except: return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500
[docs]@app.route("/panorama", methods=['GET']) @requires_auth def panorama(): if not settings.PANORAMA_ENABLED: try: return render_template( 'uh_oh.html', version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, message="Panorama is not enabled, please see the Panorama section in the docs and"), 200 except: return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500 start = time.time() # @added 20211125 - Feature #4326: webapp - panorama_plot_anomalies if 'plot_metric_anomalies' in request.args: metric = None anomalies_dict = {} plot_file = None if 'metric' in request.args: metric = request.args.get('metric', 'None') if metric == 'None': metric = None from_timestamp = None if 'from_timestamp' in request.args: from_timestamp = request.args.get('from_timestamp', 'all') if ':' in from_timestamp: new_from_timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(from_timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M').timetuple()) from_timestamp = int(new_from_timestamp) if from_timestamp == 'all': from_timestamp = None else: try: from_timestamp = int(from_timestamp) except: data_dict = {"status": {"response": 400, "request_time": (time.time() - start)}, "data": {"error": "invalid from_timestamp"}} return jsonify(data_dict), 400 until_timestamp = None if 'until_timestamp' in request.args: until_timestamp = request.args.get('until_timestamp', 'all') if ':' in until_timestamp: new_until_timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(until_timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M').timetuple()) until_timestamp = int(new_until_timestamp) if until_timestamp == 'all': until_timestamp = None else: try: until_timestamp = int(until_timestamp) except: data_dict = {"status": {"response": 400, "request_time": (time.time() - start)}, "data": {"error": "invalid until_timestamp"}} return jsonify(data_dict), 400 if metric: try: anomalies_dict, plot_file = panorama_plot_anomalies(metric, from_timestamp, until_timestamp) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 using panorama_plot_anomalies' return internal_error(message, trace) return render_template( 'panorama.html', plot_metric_anomalies=True, metric=metric, anomalies_dict=anomalies_dict, plot_file=plot_file, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=False), 200 # @added 20210326 - Feature #3994: Panorama - mirage not anomalous if 'not_anomalous' in request.args: not_anomalous_dict = {} anomalies_dict = {} try: not_anomalous_dict, anomalies_dict = get_mirage_not_anomalous_metrics() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 using get_mirage_not_anomalous_metrics' return internal_error(message, trace) output_format = None if 'format' in request.args: output_format = request.args.get('format', 'normal') anomalies_param = False if 'anomalies' in request.args: anomalies_str = request.args.get('anomalies', 'false') if anomalies_str == 'true': anomalies_param = True if output_format == 'json': if not not_anomalous_dict and not anomalies_dict: data_dict = {"status": {"response": 204, "request_time": (time.time() - start), "message": "no data"}, "data": {"not anomalous": {}, "anomalies": {}}} else: if anomalies_param: data_dict = {"status": {"response": 200, "request_time": (time.time() - start)}, "data": {"not anomalous": not_anomalous_dict, "anomalies": anomalies_dict}} else: data_dict = {"status": {"response": 200, "request_time": (time.time() - start)}, "data": {"not anomalous": not_anomalous_dict}}'mirage_not_anomalous returned json with %s metrics' % str(len(not_anomalous_dict))) return jsonify(data_dict), 200 not_anomalous_metrics_dict = {} if not_anomalous_dict: for i_metric in list(not_anomalous_dict.keys()): not_anomalous_metrics_dict[i_metric] = {} not_anomalous_metrics_dict[i_metric]['count'] = len(not_anomalous_dict[i_metric]['timestamps']) not_anomalous_metrics_dict[i_metric]['from'] = not_anomalous_dict[i_metric]['from'] not_anomalous_metrics_dict[i_metric]['until'] = not_anomalous_dict[i_metric]['until'] anomalies_metrics_dict = {} if anomalies_dict: for i_metric in list(anomalies_dict.keys()): anomalies_metrics_dict[i_metric] = {} anomalies_metrics_dict[i_metric]['count'] = len(anomalies_dict[i_metric]['timestamps']) anomalies_metrics_dict[i_metric]['from'] = anomalies_dict[i_metric]['from'] anomalies_metrics_dict[i_metric]['until'] = anomalies_dict[i_metric]['until'] return render_template( 'panorama.html', not_anomalous=True, not_anomalous_dict=not_anomalous_dict, not_anomalous_metrics_dict=not_anomalous_metrics_dict, anomalies_dict=anomalies_dict, anomalies_metrics_dict=anomalies_metrics_dict, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=False), 200 # @added 20210328 - Feature #3994: Panorama - mirage not anomalous if 'not_anomalous_metric' in request.args: base_name = None anomalies_param = False if 'metric' in request.args: base_name = request.args.get('metric', None) if base_name == 'all': base_name = None if not base_name: data_dict = {"status": {"response": 400, "request_time": (time.time() - start)}, "error": "no metric parameter passed", "data": {}} return jsonify(data_dict), 400 from_timestamp = None if 'from_timestamp' in request.args: from_timestamp = request.args.get('from_timestamp', 'all') if not from_timestamp: data_dict = {"status": {"response": 400, "request_time": (time.time() - start)}, "error": "no from_timestamp parameter passed", "data": {}} return jsonify(data_dict), 400 until_timestamp = None if 'until_timestamp' in request.args: until_timestamp = request.args.get('until_timestamp', 'all') if not until_timestamp: data_dict = {"status": {"response": 400, "request_time": (time.time() - start)}, "error": "no until_timestamp parameter passed", "data": {}} return jsonify(data_dict), 400 if 'anomalies' in request.args: anomalies_arg = request.args.get('anomalies', 'false') if anomalies_arg == 'true': anomalies_param = True def get_cache_dict(plot_type, base_name, from_timestamp, until_timestamp): data_dict_key = 'panorama.%s_dict.%s.%s.%s' % ( plot_type, str(from_timestamp), str(until_timestamp), base_name) metric_data_dict = {} data_dict = {} try: raw_data_dict = REDIS_CONN.get(data_dict_key) if raw_data_dict: metric_data_dict = literal_eval(raw_data_dict) if metric_data_dict:'key found: %s' % data_dict_key) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the Redis key - %s' % data_dict_key) if not metric_data_dict:'key not found: %s' % data_dict_key) try: data_dict_all_key = 'panorama.%s_dict.%s.%s' % ( plot_type, str(from_timestamp), str(until_timestamp)) raw_data_dict_all = REDIS_CONN.get(data_dict_all_key) data_dict_all = {} if raw_data_dict_all: data_dict_all = literal_eval(raw_data_dict_all) if data_dict_all: metric_data_dict = data_dict_all[base_name] if data_dict:'key found: %s' % data_dict_all_key) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the Redis key - %s' % data_dict_all_key) if not metric_data_dict:'key not found: %s' % data_dict_all_key) recent_data_dict_all_key = 'panorama.%s_dict.recent' % plot_type try: raw_data_dict_all = REDIS_CONN.get(recent_data_dict_all_key) data_dict_all = {} if raw_data_dict_all: data_dict_all = literal_eval(raw_data_dict_all) if data_dict_all: metric_data_dict = data_dict_all[base_name] if data_dict:'key found: %s' % data_dict_all_key) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the Redis key - %s' % recent_data_dict_all_key) if metric_data_dict: data_dict[base_name] = metric_data_dict return data_dict not_anomalous_dict = {} try: not_anomalous_dict = get_cache_dict('not_anomalous', base_name, from_timestamp, until_timestamp) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 using get_mirage_not_anomalous_metrics' return internal_error(message, trace) anomalies_dict = {} if anomalies_param: try: anomalies_dict = get_cache_dict('anomalies', base_name, from_timestamp, until_timestamp) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 using get_mirage_not_anomalous_metrics' return internal_error(message, trace) if not not_anomalous_dict:'not_anomalous_dict data not found in Redis')'calling get_mirage_not_anomalous_metrics(%s, %s, %s, %s)' % ( str(base_name), str(from_timestamp), str(until_timestamp), str(anomalies_param))) try: not_anomalous_dict, anomalies_dict = get_mirage_not_anomalous_metrics(base_name, from_timestamp, until_timestamp, anomalies_param) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 using get_mirage_not_anomalous_metrics' return internal_error(message, trace) output_format = None if 'format' in request.args: output_format = request.args.get('format', 'normal') if output_format == 'json': if anomalies_param: data_dict = {"status": {"response": 200, "request_time": (time.time() - start)}, "data": {"not anomalous": not_anomalous_dict, "anomalies": anomalies_dict}} else: data_dict = {"status": {"response": 200, "request_time": (time.time() - start)}, "data": {"not anomalous": not_anomalous_dict}} try: not_anomalous_count = len(not_anomalous_dict[base_name]['timestamps']) except: not_anomalous_count = 0 if anomalies_param: try: anomalies_count = len(anomalies_dict[base_name]['timestamps']) except: anomalies_count = 0 if anomalies_param:'mirage_not_anomalous returned json with %s not_anomalous events and %s anomalies for %s' % ( str(not_anomalous_count), str(anomalies_count), base_name)) else:'mirage_not_anomalous returned json with %s not_anomalous events for %s' % ( str(not_anomalous_count), base_name)) return jsonify(data_dict), 200 not_anomalous_plot = None if not_anomalous_dict or anomalies_dict: try: not_anomalous_plot = plot_not_anomalous_metric(not_anomalous_dict, anomalies_dict, 'not_anomalous') except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 using get_mirage_not_anomalous_metrics' return internal_error(message, trace) else: logger.warning('warning :: no not_anomalous_dict or anomalies_dict to plot for %s' % base_name) anomalies_plot = False if anomalies_param: if anomalies_dict: try: anomalies_plot = plot_not_anomalous_metric(not_anomalous_dict, anomalies_dict, 'anomalies') except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 using get_mirage_not_anomalous_metrics' return internal_error(message, trace) else: logger.warning('warning :: no anomalies_dict to plot for %s' % base_name) return render_template( 'panorama.html', not_anomalous_metric=True, metric=base_name, not_anomalous_dict=not_anomalous_dict, from_timestamp=from_timestamp, until_timestamp=until_timestamp, not_anomalous_plot=not_anomalous_plot, anomalies_plot=anomalies_plot, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=False), 200 try: apps = get_list('app') except: logger.error('error :: %s' % traceback.print_exc()) apps = ['None'] try: sources = get_list('source') except: logger.error('error :: %s' % traceback.print_exc()) sources = ['None'] try: algorithms = get_list('algorithm') except: logger.error('error :: %s' % traceback.print_exc()) algorithms = ['None'] try: hosts = get_list('host') except: logger.error('error :: %s' % traceback.print_exc()) hosts = ['None'] request_args_present = False try: request_args_len = len(request.args) request_args_present = True except: request_args_len = 0 # @added 20200226: Ideas #2476: Label and relate anomalies # Feature #2516: Add label to features profile label_anomalies_request = False if 'label_anomalies' in request.args: label_anomalies_request = request.args.get(str('label_anomalies'), None) if label_anomalies_request == 'true': label_anomalies_request = True if label_anomalies_request: start_timestamp = 0 end_timestamp = 0 metrics_list = [] namespaces_list = [] label = None if 'start_timestamp' in request.args: start_timestamp = request.args.get(str('start_timestamp'), None) if 'end_timestamp' in request.args: end_timestamp = request.args.get(str('end_timestamp'), None) if 'metrics' in request.args: metrics = request.args.get(str('metrics'), None) if 'namespaces' in request.args: namespaces = request.args.get(str('namespaces'), None) if 'label' in request.args: label = request.args.get(str('label'), None) do_label_anomalies = False if start_timestamp and end_timestamp and label: if metrics: do_label_anomalies = True metrics_list = metrics.split(',')'label_anomalies metrics_list - %s' % str(metrics_list)) if namespaces: do_label_anomalies = True namespaces_list = namespaces.split(',')'label_anomalies namespaces_list - %s' % str(namespaces_list)) labelled = False anomalies_labelled = 0 if do_label_anomalies: labelled, anomalies_labelled = label_anomalies(start_timestamp, end_timestamp, metrics_list, namespaces_list, label) return render_template( 'panorama.html', label_anomalies=True, anomalies_labelled=anomalies_labelled, start_timestamp=int(start_timestamp), end_timestamp=int(end_timestamp), metrics=metrics_list, namespaces=namespaces_list, label=label, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=False), 200 # @added 20160803 - Sanitize request.args REQUEST_ARGS = ['from_date', 'from_time', 'from_timestamp', 'until_date', 'until_time', 'until_timestamp', 'count_by_metric', 'metric', 'metric_like', 'app', 'source', 'host', 'algorithm', 'limit', 'order', # @added 20161127 - Branch #922: ionosphere 'panorama_anomaly_id', ] # @added 20190919 - Feature #3230: users DB table # Ideas #2476: Label and relate anomalies # Feature #2516: Add label to features profile user_id = None if settings.WEBAPP_AUTH_ENABLED: auth = request.authorization user = auth.username else: user = 'Skyline' user_id = 1 if not user_id: success, user_id = get_user_details(skyline_app, 'id', 'username', str(user)) if not success: logger.error('error : /panorama could not get_user_details(%s)' % str(user)) return 'Internal Server Error - ref: i - could not determine user_id', 500 else: try: user_id = int(user_id) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /panorama get_user_details(%s, %s) did not return an int' % ( str(user), str(user_id))) return 'Internal Server Error - ref: p - user_id not int', 500 get_anomaly_id = False if request_args_present: for i in request.args: key = str(i) if key not in REQUEST_ARGS: logger.error('error :: invalid request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(i))) # @modified 20190524 - Branch #3002: docker # Return data # return 'Bad Request', 400 error_string = 'error :: invalid request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(i)) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'400 Bad Request': error_string}) return flask_escape(resp), 400 value = request.args.get(key, None)'request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(value))) # @added 20161127 - Branch #922: ionosphere if key == 'panorama_anomaly_id': if str(value) == 'true': get_anomaly_id = True if key == 'metric' and value != 'all': if value != '': try: unique_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'unique_metrics')) except: logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the unique_metrics list from Redis') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 metric_name = settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + value # @added 20220112 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars # @modified 20220115 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars # Roll back change - breaking existing metrics with colons # metric_name = url_encode_metric_name(metric_name) # @added 20180423 - Feature #2034: analyse_derivatives # Branch #2270: luminosity other_unique_metrics = [] # @added 20190105 - Bug #2792: webapp 500 error on no metric # This needs to be set before the below conditional check # otherwise webapp return a 500 server error instead of a # 404 if the metric does not exist metric_found_in_other_redis = False if metric_name not in unique_metrics and settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: metric_found_in_other_redis = False # @modified 20180519 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # for redis_ip, redis_port in settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: for redis_ip, redis_port, redis_password in settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: if not metric_found_in_other_redis: try: if redis_password: other_redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(host=str(redis_ip), port=int(redis_port), password=str(redis_password)) else: other_redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(host=str(redis_ip), port=int(redis_port)) other_unique_metrics = list(other_redis_conn.smembers(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'unique_metrics')) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to connect to Redis at %s on port %s' % (str(redis_ip), str(redis_port))) if metric_name in other_unique_metrics: metric_found_in_other_redis = True'%s found in derivative_metrics in Redis at %s on port %s' % (metric_name, str(redis_ip), str(redis_port))) # @added 20201127 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Feature #3820: HORIZON_SHARDS # Change from the deprecated OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES # to use the REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES and get_cluster_data if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES: remote_unique_metrics = None try: remote_unique_metrics = get_cluster_data('unique_metrics&cluster_call=true', 'metrics') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get unique_metrics from the remote Skyline instances') if remote_unique_metrics:'got %s remote unique_metrics from the remote Skyline instances' % str(len(remote_unique_metrics))) unique_metrics_list = unique_metrics + remote_unique_metrics unique_metrics = list(set(unique_metrics_list)) if metric_name not in unique_metrics and not metric_found_in_other_redis: # @added 20200715 - Task #3648: webapp - fp_search - do not use Redis metric check # Do not use the Redis metric check result in a webapp # fp_search request as this allows retried metric fps to # accessed if request.args.get(str('fp_search'), None):'check request.args - %s not in Redis, but fp_search request so continuing' % metric_name) else: error_string = 'error :: no metric - %s - exists in Redis' % metric_name logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'404 Not Found': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 if key == 'count_by_metric': count_by_metric_invalid = True if value == 'false': count_by_metric_invalid = False if value == 'true': count_by_metric_invalid = False if count_by_metric_invalid: error_string = 'error :: invalid %s value passed %s' % (key, str(value)) logger.error(error_string) # @modified 20190524 - Branch #3002: docker # Return data # return 'Bad Request', 400 resp = json.dumps( {'400 Bad Request': error_string}) return flask_escape(resp), 400 if key == 'metric_like': if value == 'all': metric_namespace_pattern = value.replace('all', '') metric_namespace_pattern = value.replace('%', '') if metric_namespace_pattern != '' and value != 'all': try: unique_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'unique_metrics')) except: logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the unique_metrics list from Redis') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 matching = [s for s in unique_metrics if metric_namespace_pattern in s] if len(matching) == 0: error_string = 'error :: no metric like - %s - exists in Redis' % metric_namespace_pattern logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 if key == 'from_timestamp' or key == 'until_timestamp': timestamp_format_invalid = True if value == 'all': timestamp_format_invalid = False # unix timestamp if value.isdigit(): timestamp_format_invalid = False # %Y%m%d %H:%M timestamp if timestamp_format_invalid: value_strip_colon = value.replace(':', '') new_value = value_strip_colon.replace(' ', '') if new_value.isdigit(): timestamp_format_invalid = False if timestamp_format_invalid: error_string = 'error :: invalid %s value passed %s' % (key, value) logger.error('error :: invalid %s value passed %s' % (key, value)) # @modified 20190524 - Branch #3002: docker # Return data # return 'Bad Request', 400 resp = json.dumps( {'400 Bad Request': error_string}) return flask_escape(resp), 400 if key == 'app': if value != 'all': if value not in apps: error_string = 'error :: no %s - %s' % (key, value) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 if key == 'source': if value != 'all': if value not in sources: error_string = 'error :: no %s - %s' % (key, value) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 if key == 'algorithm': if value != 'all': if value not in algorithms: error_string = 'error :: no %s - %s' % (key, value) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 if key == 'host': if value != 'all': if value not in hosts: error_string = 'error :: no %s - %s' % (key, value) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 if key == 'limit': limit_invalid = True limit_is_not_numeric = True if value.isdigit(): limit_is_not_numeric = False if limit_is_not_numeric: error_string = 'error :: %s must be a numeric value - requested %s' % (key, value) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 400 return flask_escape(resp), 400 new_value = int(value) try: valid_value = new_value + 1 except: valid_value = None if valid_value and new_value < 501: limit_invalid = False if limit_invalid: error_string = 'error :: %s must be < 500 - requested %s' % (key, value) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 400 return flask_escape(resp), 400 if key == 'order': order_invalid = True if value == 'DESC': order_invalid = False if value == 'ASC': order_invalid = False if order_invalid: error_string = 'error :: %s must be DESC or ASC' % (key) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 400 return flask_escape(resp), 400 # @added 20161127 - Branch #922: ionosphere if get_anomaly_id: try: query, panorama_data = panorama_request()'debug :: panorama_data - %s' % str(panorama_data)) except: logger.error('error :: failed to get panorama: ' + traceback.format_exc()) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500 try: duration = (time.time() - start)'debug :: duration - %s' % str(duration)) resp = str(panorama_data) return resp, 200 except: logger.error('error :: failed to render panorama.html: ' + traceback.format_exc()) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500 if request_args_len == 0: try: panorama_data = panorama_request() #'panorama_data - %s' % str(panorama_data)) return render_template( 'panorama.html', anomalies=panorama_data, app_list=apps, source_list=sources, algorithm_list=algorithms, host_list=hosts, results='Latest anomalies', version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start)), 200 except: logger.error('error :: failed to get panorama: ' + traceback.format_exc()) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500 else: count_request = 'false' if 'count_by_metric' in request.args: count_by_metric = request.args.get('count_by_metric', None) if count_by_metric == 'true': count_request = 'true' try: query, panorama_data = panorama_request() try: if settings.ENABLE_DEBUG or settings.ENABLE_WEBAPP_DEBUG:'panorama_data - %s' % str(panorama_data))'debug :: query - %s' % str(query))'debug :: panorama_data - %s' % str(panorama_data))'debug :: skyline_version - %s' % str(skyline_version)) except: logger.error('error :: ENABLE_DEBUG or ENABLE_WEBAPP_DEBUG are not set in') except: logger.error('error :: failed to get panorama_request: ' + traceback.format_exc()) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500 try: results_string = 'Found anomalies for %s' % str(query) duration = (time.time() - start)'debug :: duration - %s' % str(duration)) return render_template( 'panorama.html', anomalies=panorama_data, app_list=apps, source_list=sources, algorithm_list=algorithms, host_list=hosts, results=results_string, count_request=count_request, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start)), 200 except: logger.error('error :: failed to render panorama.html: ' + traceback.format_exc()) return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500
# Feature #1448: Crucible web UI - @earthgecko # Branch #868: crucible - @earthgecko # This may actually need Django, perhaps this is starting to move outside the # realms of Flask..
[docs]@app.route("/crucible", methods=['GET']) @requires_auth def crucible(): crucible_web_ui_implemented = False if crucible_web_ui_implemented: try: return render_template( 'uh_oh.html', version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, message="Sorry the Crucible web UI is not completed yet"), 200 except: return render_template( 'uh_oh.html', version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, message="Sorry the Crucible web UI is not completed yet"), 200 # @added 20200420 - Feature #1448: Crucible web UI # Branch #868: crucible else: start = time.time() try: request_args_len = len(request.args) except: request_args_len = 0 from_timestamp = 0 until_timestamp = 0 metrics_list = [] namespaces_list = [] source = 'graphite' alert_interval = int(settings.PANORAMA_EXPIRY_TIME) crucible_job_id = None metrics_submitted_to_process = [] process_metrics = None process_metrics_request = None user_id = None user = None job_submitted = None crucible_jobs_list = [] crucible_jobs = [] crucible_job_request = False crucible_job_dir = None crucible_job_metric = None crucible_job_details = [] completed_job = False has_anomalies = False skyline_anomalies = [] skyline_consensus_anomalies = [] image_files = [] image_file_names = [] graph_image_file = None send_anomalies_panorama = False send_to_panorama_request = False sent_to_panorama = None panorama_done = False panorama_done_timestamp = None panorama_done_user_id = None skyline_consensus_anomalies_present = 0 # @added 20200421 - Feature #3500: webapp - crucible_process_metrics # Feature #1448: Crucible web UI add_to_panorama = False add_to_panorama_request = False # @added 20200422 - Feature #3500: webapp - crucible_process_metrics # Feature #1448: Crucible web UI pad_timeseries = None # @added 20200428 - Feature #3500: webapp - crucible_process_metrics # Feature #1448: Crucible web UI # Paginate crucible_jobs page as when there are 1000s of jobs this page # fails to load pagination_start = 0 pagination_end = 100 offset = 100 total_crucible_jobs = 0 pagination_start_request = False offset_request = False # @added 20200607 - Feature #3630: webapp - crucible_process_training_data training_data_json = None # @added 20200817 - Feature #3682: SNAB - webapp - crucible_process - run_algorithms # Allow the user to pass algorithms to run --> run_algorithms = settings.ALGORITHMS if request_args_len: if 'process_metrics' in request.args: process_metrics_request = request.args.get(str('process_metrics'), None) if process_metrics_request == 'true': process_metrics_request = True process_metrics = True if 'crucible_job' in request.args: crucible_job_request = request.args.get(str('crucible_job'), None) if crucible_job_request == 'true': crucible_job_request = True process_metrics_request = False process_metrics = False if 'send_anomalies_panorama' in request.args: send_to_panorama_request = request.args.get(str('send_anomalies_panorama'), None) if send_to_panorama_request == 'true': send_anomalies_panorama = True send_to_panorama_request = True process_metrics_request = False process_metrics = False crucible_job_request = False process_metrics_request = False process_metrics = False # @added 20200428 - Feature #3500: webapp - crucible_process_metrics # Feature #1448: Crucible web UI # Added paginate crucible_jobs page if 'pagination_start' in request.args: pagination_start_request = request.args.get(str('pagination_start'), '0') if pagination_start_request: try: pagination_start = int(pagination_start_request) pagination_start_request = True except: pagination_start = 0 if 'offset' in request.args: offset_request = request.args.get(str('offset'), '100') if offset_request: try: offset = int(offset) offset_request = True except: offset = 100 if crucible_job_request or send_to_panorama_request: if 'crucible_job_id' in request.args: crucible_job_id = request.args.get(str('crucible_job_id'), None) if 'metric' in request.args: crucible_job_metric = request.args.get(str('metric'), None) if crucible_job_id and crucible_job_metric: crucible_path = os.path.dirname(settings.CRUCIBLE_DATA_FOLDER) crucible_job_dir = '%s/jobs/%s/%s' % (crucible_path, crucible_job_id, crucible_job_metric) if crucible_job_request:'crucible_job request for crucible_job_id %s and metric %s' % ( str(crucible_job_id), str(crucible_job_metric))) crucible_job_details, completed_job, has_anomalies, skyline_anomalies, skyline_consensus_anomalies, panorama_done, panorama_done_timestamp, panorama_done_user_id, image_files, image_file_names, graph_image_file, fail_msg, trace = get_crucible_job(crucible_job_id, crucible_job_metric) if process_metrics or send_anomalies_panorama: if settings.WEBAPP_AUTH_ENABLED: auth = request.authorization user = auth.username else: user = 'Skyline' user_id = 1 # Allow the user_id to be passed as a request argument if 'user_id' in request.args: user_id_str = request.args.get(str('user_id'), None) try: user_id = int(user_id_str) except: logger.error('error :: the /crucible user_id argument is not an int - %s' % str(user_id_str)) return '400 Bad Request - invalid user_id argument', 400 if not user_id: success, user_id = get_user_details(skyline_app, 'id', 'username', str(user)) if not success: logger.error('error :: /crucible could not get_user_details(%s)' % str(user)) return 'Internal Server Error - ref: i - could not determine user_id', 500 else: try: user_id = int(user_id)'/crucible get_user_details() with %s returned user id %s' % ( str(user), str(user_id))) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /crucible get_user_details() with %s did not return an int' % ( str(user))) return 'Internal Server Error - ref: i - user_id not int', 500 if process_metrics_request:'process_metrics request') from_timestamp = 0 until_timestamp = 0 metrics_list = [] namespaces_list = [] source = 'graphite' alert_interval = str(int(settings.PANORAMA_EXPIRY_TIME)) if 'from_timestamp' in request.args: try: # If int is used it does not work # from_timestamp = request.args.get(int('from_timestamp'), 0) str_from_timestamp = request.args.get(str('from_timestamp'), 0) if str_from_timestamp: from_timestamp = int(str_from_timestamp) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: from_timestamp argument is not an int') return 'Bad Request - from_timestamp argument is not an int', 400 if 'until_timestamp' in request.args: try: str_until_timestamp = request.args.get(str('until_timestamp'), 0) if str_until_timestamp: until_timestamp = int(str_until_timestamp) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: until_timestamp argument is not an int') return 'Bad Request - until_timestamp argument is not an int', 400 if 'metrics' in request.args: metrics = request.args.get(str('metrics'), None) if 'namespaces' in request.args: namespaces = request.args.get(str('namespaces'), None) if 'source' in request.args: source = request.args.get(str('source'), None) if 'alert_interval' in request.args: try: str_alert_interval = request.args.get(str('alert_interval'), 0) if str_alert_interval: alert_interval = int(str_alert_interval) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: alert_interval argument is not an int') return 'Bad Request - alert_interval argument is not an int', 400 # @added 20200421 - Feature #3500: webapp - crucible_process_metrics # Feature #1448: Crucible web UI # Added add_to_panorama if 'add_to_panorama' in request.args: add_to_panorama_request = request.args.get(str('add_to_panorama'), None) if add_to_panorama_request == 'true': add_to_panorama = True else: add_to_panorama = False # @added 20200422 - Feature #3500: webapp - crucible_process_metrics # Feature #1448: Crucible web UI if 'pad_timeseries' in request.args: str_pad_timeseries = request.args.get(str('pad_timeseries'), 'auto') if str_pad_timeseries: pad_timeseries = str_pad_timeseries # @added 20200607 - Feature #3630: webapp - crucible_process_training_data if 'training_data_json' in request.args: training_data_json = request.args.get(str('training_data_json'), None) # @added 20200817 - Feature #3682: SNAB - webapp - crucible_process - run_algorithms # Allow the user to pass run_algorithms to run if 'run_algorithms' in request.args: known_algorithms = ['detect_drop_off_cliff'] for s_algorithm in settings.ALGORITHMS: known_algorithms.append(s_algorithm) # @added 20220430 - Feature #4118: crucible - custom_algorithms # Feature #3566: custom_algorithms for s_algorithm in list(settings.CUSTOM_ALGORITHMS.keys()): known_algorithms.append(s_algorithm) run_algorithms_str = request.args.get(str('run_algorithms'), settings.ALGORITHMS) run_algorithms = [] if run_algorithms_str == 'true': run_algorithms = settings.ALGORITHMS if not run_algorithms: run_algorithms_list = run_algorithms_str.split(',')'crucible_process_metrics - run_algorithms passed, generated run_algorithms_list - %s' % str(run_algorithms_list)) if run_algorithms_list: run_algorithms = [] for r_algorithm in run_algorithms_list: if r_algorithm in known_algorithms: run_algorithms.append(r_algorithm) else: logger.error('error :: crucible_process_metrics - run_algorithms passed, with invalid algorithm - %s, excluding' % str(r_algorithm)) do_process_metrics = False if from_timestamp and until_timestamp: if metrics: do_process_metrics = True metrics_list = metrics.split(',')'crucible_process_metrics - metrics_list - %s' % str(metrics_list)) if namespaces: do_process_metrics = True namespaces_list = namespaces.split(',')'crucible_process_metrics namespaces_list - %s' % str(namespaces_list)) # @added 20200607 - Feature #3630: webapp - crucible_process_training_data if source == 'training_data' and training_data_json: do_process_metrics = True crucible_job_id = None metrics_submitted_to_process = [] if do_process_metrics: try: # @modified 20200421 - Feature #3500: webapp - crucible_process_metrics # Feature #1448: Crucible web UI # Added add_to_panorama # crucible_job_id, metrics_submitted_to_process, message, trace = submit_crucible_job(from_timestamp, until_timestamp, metrics_list, namespaces_list, source, alert_interval, user_id, user) # @modified 20200422 - Feature #3500: webapp - crucible_process_metrics # Feature #1448: Crucible web UI # Added pad_timeseries # @added 20200607 - Feature #3630: webapp - crucible_process_training_data # Added training_data_json # @modified 20200817 - Feature #3682: SNAB - webapp - crucible_process - run_algorithms # Allow the user to pass run_algorithms to run crucible_job_id, metrics_submitted_to_process, message, trace = submit_crucible_job(from_timestamp, until_timestamp, metrics_list, namespaces_list, source, alert_interval, user_id, user, add_to_panorama, pad_timeseries, training_data_json, run_algorithms)'crucible_process_metrics - submit_crucible_job returned (%s, %s, %s, %s)' % ( str(crucible_job_id), str(metrics_submitted_to_process), str(message), str(trace))) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 using submit_crucible_job(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' % ( str(from_timestamp), str(until_timestamp), str(metrics_list), str(namespaces_list), str(source), str(alert_interval), str(user_id), str(user)) return internal_error(message, trace) if not crucible_job_id: return internal_error(message, trace) else: job_submitted = True if send_to_panorama_request:'send_anomalies_panorama request')'send_anomalies_panorama request for crucible_job_id %s and metric %s' % ( str(crucible_job_id), str(crucible_job_metric))) crucible_job_details, completed_job, has_anomalies, skyline_anomalies, skyline_consensus_anomalies, panorama_done, panorama_done_timestamp, panorama_done_user_id, image_files, image_file_names, graph_image_file, fail_msg, trace = get_crucible_job(crucible_job_id, crucible_job_metric) try: sent_to_panorama, message, trace = send_crucible_job_metric_to_panorama(crucible_job_id, crucible_job_metric, user_id, user, skyline_consensus_anomalies)'send_anomalies_panorama request sent %s anomalies to Panorama' % str(sent_to_panorama)) crucible_job_request = True except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 using get_crucible_jobs' return internal_error(message, trace) if not process_metrics_request and not crucible_job_request and not send_to_panorama_request:'crucible_jobs_list request') try: crucible_jobs_list, message, trace = get_crucible_jobs()'crucible_jobs_list determined') except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 using get_crucible_jobs' return internal_error(message, trace) if crucible_jobs_list: # @added 20200428 - Feature #3500: webapp - crucible_process_metrics # Feature #1448: Crucible web UI # Added pagination to crucible_jobs page sorted_crucible_jobs_list = sorted(crucible_jobs_list, key=lambda x: x[0]) # sorted_crucible_jobs = sorted(crucible_jobs, key=lambda x: x[8]) sorted_crucible_jobs_list.reverse() total_crucible_jobs = len(crucible_jobs_list)'crucible_jobs_list has a total of %s jobs' % ( str(total_crucible_jobs))) paginated_crucible_jobs_list = [] pagination_end = pagination_start + offset for job in sorted_crucible_jobs_list[pagination_start:pagination_end]: paginated_crucible_jobs_list.append(job)'crucible_jobs_list paginated from %s to %s' % ( str(pagination_start), str(pagination_end))) del sorted_crucible_jobs_list # @modified 20200428 - Feature #3500: webapp - crucible_process_metrics # Feature #1448: Crucible web UI # Added pagination to crucible_jobs page # for metric_name, root, crucible_job_id, human_date, completed_job, has_anomalies, panorama_done, skyline_consensus_anomalies_present in crucible_jobs_list: job_list_item = 1 for metric_name, root, crucible_job_id, human_date, completed_job, has_anomalies, panorama_done, skyline_consensus_anomalies_present in paginated_crucible_jobs_list: crucible_jobs.append([human_date, crucible_job_id, completed_job, has_anomalies, root, metric_name, panorama_done, skyline_consensus_anomalies_present, job_list_item]) job_list_item += 1 del paginated_crucible_jobs_list if crucible_jobs: sorted_crucible_jobs = sorted(crucible_jobs, key=lambda x: x[0]) # sorted_crucible_jobs = sorted(crucible_jobs, key=lambda x: x[8]) crucible_jobs = sorted_crucible_jobs crucible_jobs.reverse() del sorted_crucible_jobs del crucible_jobs_list return render_template( 'crucible.html', process_metrics=process_metrics, crucible_job_id=crucible_job_id, from_timestamp=int(from_timestamp), until_timestamp=int(until_timestamp), metrics=metrics_list, namespaces=namespaces_list, source=source, alert_interval=alert_interval, job_submitted=job_submitted, metrics_submitted_to_process=metrics_submitted_to_process, crucible_jobs=crucible_jobs, crucible_job=crucible_job_request, crucible_job_dir=crucible_job_dir, crucible_job_metric=crucible_job_metric, crucible_job_details=crucible_job_details, completed_job=completed_job, has_anomalies=has_anomalies, skyline_anomalies=skyline_anomalies, skyline_consensus_anomalies=skyline_consensus_anomalies, skyline_consensus_anomalies_present=skyline_consensus_anomalies_present, sent_to_panorama=sent_to_panorama, panorama_done=panorama_done, panorama_done_timestamp=panorama_done_timestamp, panorama_done_user_id=panorama_done_user_id, image_files=image_files, image_file_names=image_file_names, graph_image_file=graph_image_file, crucible_enabled=settings.ENABLE_CRUCIBLE, # @added 20200428 - Feature #3500: webapp - crucible_process_metrics # Feature #1448: Crucible web UI # Added pagination to crucible_jobs page pagination_start=pagination_start, offset=offset, pagination_end=pagination_end, total_crucible_jobs=total_crucible_jobs, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=False), 200
# @added 20161123 - Branch #922: ionosphere
[docs]@app.route('/ionosphere', methods=['GET']) @requires_auth def ionosphere(): if not settings.IONOSPHERE_ENABLED: try: return render_template( 'uh_oh.html', version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, message="Ionosphere is not enabled, please see the Ionosphere section in the docs and"), 200 except: return 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(', 500 start = time.time() # @added 20190919 - Feature #3230: users DB table # Ideas #2476: Label and relate anomalies # Feature #2516: Add label to features profile user_id = None if settings.WEBAPP_AUTH_ENABLED: auth = request.authorization user = auth.username else: user = 'Skyline' user_id = 1 # @added 20201210 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data if AUTH_DEBUG and settings.WEBAPP_AUTH_ENABLED: try: logger.debug('debug :: auth debug - username - %s' % str(auth.username)) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error ::auth debug - username') try: logger.debug('debug :: auth debug - password - %s' % str(auth.password)) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error ::auth debug - password') # @added 20191211 - Feature #3230: users DB table # Ideas #2476: Label and relate anomalies # Feature #2516: Add label to features profile # Allow the user_id to be passed as a request argument if 'user_id' in request.args: user_id_str = request.args.get(str('user_id'), None) try: user_id = int(user_id_str) except: logger.error('error :: the /ionosphere user_id argument is not an int - %s' % str(user_id_str)) return '400 Bad Request - invalid user_id argument', 400 if not user_id: success, user_id = get_user_details(skyline_app, 'id', 'username', str(user)) if not success: logger.error('error :: /ionosphere could not get_user_details(%s)' % str(user)) return 'Internal Server Error - ref: i - could not determine user_id', 500 else: try: user_id = int(user_id)'/ionosphere get_user_details() with %s returned user id %s' % ( str(user), str(user_id))) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /ionosphere get_user_details() with %s did not return an int' % ( str(user))) return 'Internal Server Error - ref: i - user_id not int', 500'request.url: %s' % str(request.url)) # logger.debug('request.args: %s' % str(request.args)) request_args_present = False try: request_args_len = len(request.args) request_args_present = True except: request_args_len = 0 if request_args_len: for i in request.args: key = str(i) value = request.args.get(key, 'None')'request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(value))) # @added 20180419 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page # Branch #2270: luminosity # Change the default search parameters to return all matches for the # past 24 hours matched_request_timestamp = int(time.time()) default_matched_from_timestamp = matched_request_timestamp - 86400 matched_from_datetime = time.strftime('%Y%m%d %H:%M', time.localtime(default_matched_from_timestamp)) # @added 20190328 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # Added ionosphere_echo echo_hdate = False metric_id = False # @added 20210417 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference batch_size = None top_matches = None max_distance = None saved_training_data = None # @added 20210727 - Feature #4206: webapp - saved_training_data page ionosphere_saved_training_data = None # @added 20210415 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference motif_analysis_images = None motif_analysis = None # @added 20210419 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference inference_match_motif_dict = None inference_match_motif_image = None # @added 20210422 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Allow user to specify the range_padding motif_range_padding = None # @added 20210425 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Allow user to specify the difference between the areas under the # curve motif_max_area_percent_diff = None # This allows to plot best first, just makes an ordered list of the motif_id # in the dict ordered by dist, just to add some order to a dict :) motif_analysis_motif_id_by_distance = [] motif_analysis_images = [] if 'motif_analysis' in request.args: MOTIF_ANALYSIS_ARGS = [ 'motif_analysis', 'metric', 'timestamp', 'requested_timestamp', 'similarity', 'purge', # @added 20210417 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Allow the user to define the batch_size per similarity search 'batch_size', 'top_matches', 'max_distance', # @added 20210418 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Allow for the similarity search on saved_training_data 'saved_training_data', # @added 20210422 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Allow user to specify the range_padding 'range_padding', # @added 20210425 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Allow user to specify the difference between the areas under the # curve 'max_area_percent_diff', ] motif_purge = False for i in request.args: key = str(i) if key not in MOTIF_ANALYSIS_ARGS: error_string = 'error :: invalid request argument - %s' % (key) logger.error('%s - not in MOTIF_ANALYSIS_ARGS' % (error_string)) resp = json.dumps( {'400 Bad Request': error_string}) return flask_escape(resp), 400 value = request.args.get(key, 0)'request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(value))) if key == 'metric': metric = str(value) if key == 'timestamp': timestamp = str(value) if key == 'requested_timestamp': requested_timestamp = str(value) if key == 'similarity': similarity = str(value) if key == 'purge': if str(value) == 'true': motif_purge = True # @added 20210417 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Allow the user to define the batch_size per similarity search if key == 'batch_size': batch_size = int(value) if key == 'top_matches': top_matches = int(value) if key == 'max_distance': max_distance = float(value) # @added 20210418 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Allow for the similarity search on saved_training_data if key == 'saved_training_data': if str(value) == 'true': saved_training_data = True # @added 20210422 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Allow user to specify the range_padding if key == 'range_padding': motif_range_padding = int(value) # @added 20210425 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Allow user to specify the difference between the areas under the # curve if key == 'max_area_percent_diff': max_area_percent_diff = float(value) if not timestamp and not metric and not similarity and not batch_size and not top_matches and not max_distance and not motif_range_padding and not max_area_percent_diff: error_string = 'error :: invalid request' logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'400 Bad Request': error_string}) return flask_escape(resp), 400 # Use previous if they exist motif_metricname_dir = metric.replace('.', '/') # @modified 20210419 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Create a unique dir for each batch_size, top_matches and max_distance # motif_metric_dir = '%s/%s/%s/motifs' % ( # settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, str(timestamp), motif_metricname_dir) motif_metric_dir = '%s/%s/%s/motifs/batch_size.%s/top_matches.%s/max_distance.%s/range_padding.%s/max_area_percent_diff.%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, str(timestamp), motif_metricname_dir, str(batch_size), str(top_matches), str(max_distance), str(motif_range_padding), str(max_area_percent_diff)) # @added 20210418 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Allow for the similarity search on saved_training_data if saved_training_data: try: # saved_motif_metric_dir = '%s_saved/%s/%s/motifs' % ( # settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, str(timestamp), motif_metricname_dir) saved_data_dir = '%s_saved' % settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER saved_motif_metric_dir = motif_metric_dir.replace(settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, saved_data_dir) if os.path.exists(saved_motif_metric_dir): motif_metric_dir = saved_motif_metric_dir'motif_analysis - using saved training_data dir - %s' % (saved_motif_metric_dir)) except Exception as e: error_string = 'error :: saved_training_data dir not found - %s/%s - %s' % ( str(timestamp), motif_metricname_dir, e) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'400 Bad Request': error_string}) return flask_escape(resp), 400 # @modified 20210419 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Create a unique dir for each batch_size, top_matches and max_distance # metric_motif_analysis_file = '%s/motif.analysis.%s.%s.%s.dict' % ( # motif_metric_dir, similarity, str(batch_size), str(max_distance)) metric_motif_analysis_file = '%s/motif.analysis.similarity_%s.batch_size_%s.top_matches_%s.max_distance_%s.range_padding_%s.max_area_percent_diff_%s.dict' % ( motif_metric_dir, similarity, str(batch_size), str(top_matches), str(max_distance), str(motif_range_padding), str(max_area_percent_diff)) if motif_purge: if os.path.exists(motif_metric_dir): try: rmtree(motif_metric_dir)'motif_analysis - purge true - removed - %s' % (motif_metric_dir)) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: motif_analysis - purge true - failed to rmtree %s - %s' % (motif_metric_dir, e)) if os.path.isfile(metric_motif_analysis_file): try: with open(metric_motif_analysis_file, 'r') as f: motif_analysis_str = motif_analysis = literal_eval(motif_analysis_str) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to evaluate motif_analysis from %s' % metric_motif_analysis_file) motif_analysis = None else:'no previous motif_analysis file found %s, running analysis' % metric_motif_analysis_file) if not motif_analysis: # @modified 20210417 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Allow the user to define the batch_size per similarity search # @modified 20210425 - Feature #4014: Ionospher - inference # Added max_area_percent_diff motif_analysis, fail_msg, trace = on_demand_motif_analysis( metric, timestamp, similarity, batch_size, top_matches, max_distance, motif_range_padding, max_area_percent_diff) else:'previous motif_analysis loaded from %s' % metric_motif_analysis_file) if motif_analysis: motif_ids_found = list(motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'].keys()) motif_id_and_distance = [] for motif_id_found in motif_ids_found: motif_id_and_distance.append([motif_id_found, motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id_found]['distance']]) try: if motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id_found]['image']: motif_analysis_images.append(motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id_found]['image']) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: failed to append motif to motif_id_and_distance for motif_id_found: %s - %s' % (str(motif_id_found), e)) ordered_motif_id_by_distance = sorted(motif_id_and_distance, key=lambda x: x[1]) all_motif_analysis_motif_id_by_distance = [item[0] for item in ordered_motif_id_by_distance] # Now only add the one which have images for motif_id_found in all_motif_analysis_motif_id_by_distance: try: has_image = motif_analysis[metric]['motifs'][motif_id_found]['image'] if has_image in motif_analysis_images: motif_analysis_motif_id_by_distance.append(motif_id_found) except Exception as e: # logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to evaluate if has image for motif_id_found: %s - %s' % (str(motif_id_found), e)) # logger.debug('debug :: motif_analysis_motif_id_by_distance: %s' % str(motif_analysis_motif_id_by_distance)) # logger.debug('debug :: motif_analysis: %s' % str(motif_analysis)) # @added 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference motif_matches_req = False if 'motif_matches' in request.args: motif_matches_req = True MOTIF_MATCHES_ARGS = [ 'motif_matches', 'metric', 'metric_like', 'from_timestamp', 'until_timestamp', 'validated_equals', 'limit', 'format', 'primary_match', # @added 20210415 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference 'sort_by', 'order_by', ] metric = None metric_like = None from_timestamp = 'all' until_timestamp = 'all' limit = 100 format = 'normal' # Validate a metric or metric_like parameter with all known metrics in # the DB not just Redis. These parameters are validated as they are # passed to a database query in get_matched_motifs known_db_metrics = [] try: known_db_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers('aet.analyzer.metrics_manager.db.metric_names')) except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: failed to known_db_metrics from Redis set aet.analyzer.metrics_manager.db.metric_names - %s' % (e)) for i in request.args: key = str(i) if key not in MOTIF_MATCHES_ARGS: error_string = 'error :: invalid request argument - %s' % (key) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'400 Bad Request': error_string}) return flask_escape(resp), 400 value = request.args.get(key, None)'request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(value))) if key == 'metric': metric_str = str(value) if metric_str == 'all': metric = 'all' else: if metric_str in known_db_metrics: metric = metric_str if key == 'metric_like': metric_like_str = str(value) if metric_like_str == 'all': metric_like = 'all' else: metric_like_namespace_str = metric_like_str.replace('%', '') for i_metric in known_db_metrics: if metric_like_namespace_str in i_metric: metric_like = metric_like_str if key == 'from_timestamp': from_timestamp = str(value) if key == 'until_timestamp': until_timestamp = str(value) if key == 'validated_equals': validated_equals = str(value) if key == 'format': format = str(value) # @added 20210415 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference # Allow to sort_by, to enable sorting by distance as the larger the distance # the less similar sort_by = None valid_sort_by_columns = [ 'id', 'metric_id', 'fp_id', 'metric_timestamp', 'distance', 'size', ] if 'sort_by' in request.args: sort_by = request.args.get('sort_by', 'none') if sort_by == 'none': sort_by = None if sort_by not in valid_sort_by_columns: error_string = 'error :: invalid request argument - %s: %s' % (key, str(value)) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'400 Bad Request': error_string}) return flask_escape(resp), 400 if 'order_by' in request.args: valid_order_by = ['DESC', 'ASC'] order_by = request.args.get('order_by', 'DESC') if order_by not in valid_order_by: error_string = 'error :: invalid request argument - %s: %s' % (key, str(value)) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'400 Bad Request': error_string}) return flask_escape(resp), 400 matched_motifs, fail_msg, trace = get_matched_motifs(metric, metric_like, from_timestamp, until_timestamp, sort_by) if matched_motifs is False: return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) data_dict = {"status": {"response": 200, "request_time": (time.time() - start)}, "data": {"metric": metric, "metric_like": metric_like, "matched_motifs": matched_motifs}} if not matched_motifs: data_dict = {"status": {"response": 204, "request_time": (time.time() - start)}, "data": {"metric": metric, "metric_like": metric_like, "matched_motifs": matched_motifs, "success": False, "reason": "no data for query"}} if format == 'json':'ionosphere motif_matches returned json with %s matched_motifs elements listed' % str(len(matched_motifs))) return jsonify(data_dict), 200 return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', motif_matches=motif_matches_req, matched_motifs=matched_motifs, for_metric=metric, matched_from_datetime=matched_from_datetime, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, user=user, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=False), 200 # @added 20180812 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page features_profiles_to_validate = [] fp_validate_req = False if 'fp_validate' in request.args: fp_validate_req = request.args.get(str('fp_validate'), None) if fp_validate_req == 'true': fp_validate_req = True if fp_validate_req: metric_found = False # @modified 20190503 - Branch #2646: slack - linting # timestamp = False base_name = False # @added 20181013 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page # Added the validate_all context and function validate_all = False all_validated = False metric_id = False validated_count = 0 for i in request.args: key = str(i) value = request.args.get(key, None)'request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(value))) # @added 20181013 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page # Added the validate_all context and function if key == 'validate_all': if str(value) == 'true': validate_all = True if key == 'all_validated': if str(value) == 'true': all_validated = True # Ensure that validate_all is set to False so another call # is not made to the validate_all function validate_all = False if key == 'metric_id': try: if isinstance(int(value), int): metric_id = int(value) except: logger.error('error :: the metric_id request parameter was passed but is not an int - %s' % str(value)) if key == 'validated_count': try: if isinstance(int(value), int): validated_count = int(value) except: logger.error('error :: the validated_count request parameter was passed but is not an int - %s' % str(value)) if key == 'order': order = str(value) if order == 'DESC': ordered_by = 'DESC' if order == 'ASC': ordered_by = 'ASC' if key == 'limit': limit = str(value) try: test_limit = int(limit) + 0 limited_by = test_limit except: logger.error('error :: limit is not an integer - %s' % str(limit)) limited_by = '30' if key == 'metric': base_name = str(value) if base_name == 'all': metric_found = True metric_name = 'all' limited_by = 0 ordered_by = 'DESC' # @added 20210710 - Bug #4168: webapp/ - handle old features profile dir not been found # Check all known metrics not just those in Redis if not metric_found: metric_names = [] try: metric_names = get_all_db_metric_names(skyline_app) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get_all_db_metric_names - %s' % ( e)) if base_name in metric_names: metric_found = True metric_name = base_name if not metric_found: metric_name = settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + base_name # @added 20220112 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars # @modified 20220115 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars # Roll back change - breaking existing metrics with colons # metric_name = url_encode_metric_name(metric_name) try: unique_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'unique_metrics')) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the unique_metrics list from Redis') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 if metric_name in unique_metrics: metric_found = True # @added 20180423 - Feature #2034: analyse_derivatives # Branch #2270: luminosity other_unique_metrics = [] if metric_name not in unique_metrics and settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: metric_found_in_other_redis = False # @modified 20180519 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # for redis_ip, redis_port in settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: for redis_ip, redis_port, redis_password in settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: if not metric_found_in_other_redis: try: if redis_password: other_redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(host=str(redis_ip), port=int(redis_port), password=str(redis_password)) else: other_redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(host=str(redis_ip), port=int(redis_port)) other_unique_metrics = list(other_redis_conn.smembers(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'unique_metrics')) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to connect to Redis at %s on port %s' % (str(redis_ip), str(redis_port))) if metric_name in other_unique_metrics: metric_found_in_other_redis = True metric_found = True'%s found in derivative_metrics in Redis at %s on port %s' % (metric_name, str(redis_ip), str(redis_port))) if metric_found: # @added 20181013 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page # Added the validate_all context and function, first do the # validate_all if it has been passed if validate_all and metric_id: features_profiles_to_validate_count = 0 try: features_profiles_to_validate, fail_msg, trace = get_features_profiles_to_validate(base_name) features_profiles_to_validate_count = len(features_profiles_to_validate)'%s features profiles found that need validating for %s with metric_id %s' % ( str(features_profiles_to_validate_count), base_name, str(metric_id))) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 using get_features_profiles_to_validate(%s) with metric_id %s' % (str(base_name), str(metric_id)) return internal_error(message, trace) if features_profiles_to_validate_count > 0: try: # @modified 20190919 - Feature #3230: users DB table # Ideas #2476: Label and relate anomalies # Feature #2516: Add label to features profile # Added user_id # all_validated, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc = validate_fp(int(metric_id), 'metric_id') all_validated, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc = validate_fp(int(metric_id), 'metric_id', user_id)'validated all the enabled, unvalidated features profiles for metric_id - %s' % str(metric_id)) if all_validated: validated_count = features_profiles_to_validate_count except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 using get_features_profiles_to_validate(%s) with metric_id %s' % (str(base_name), str(metric_id)) return internal_error(message, trace) features_profiles_to_validate = [] if metric_name != 'all': try: features_profiles_to_validate, fail_msg, trace = get_features_profiles_to_validate(base_name) # features_profiles_to_validate # [ fp_id, metric_id, metric, full_duration, anomaly_timestamp, # fp_parent_id, parent_full_duration, parent_anomaly_timestamp, # fp_date, fp_graph_uri, parent_fp_date, parent_fp_graph_uri, # parent_prent_fp_id, fp_learn_graph_uri, parent_fp_learn_graph_uri, # minimum_full_duration, maximum_full_duration]'%s features profiles found that need validating for %s' % ( str(len(features_profiles_to_validate)), base_name)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 using get_features_profiles_to_validate(%s)' % str(base_name) return internal_error(message, trace) try: default_learn_full_duration = int(settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_FULL_DURATION_DAYS) * 24 * 60 * 60 except: default_learn_full_duration = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate = [] if not features_profiles_to_validate: # metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate # [[metric_id, metric, fps_to_validate_count]] metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate, fail_msg, trace = get_metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate() # @added 20190501 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page # Only add to features_profiles_to_validate if the metric is active # in Redis if not settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: if metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate: active_metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate = [] try: unique_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'unique_metrics')) except: logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the unique_metrics list from Redis') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 for i_metric_id, i_metric, fps_to_validate_count in metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate: i_metric_name = '%s%s' % (settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, str(i_metric)) if i_metric_name not in unique_metrics: continue active_metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate.append([i_metric_id, i_metric, fps_to_validate_count]) metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate = active_metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate'no features_profiles_to_validate was passed so determined metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate') # @added 20190503 - Branch #2646: slack if validated_count > 0: slack_updated = webapp_update_slack_thread(base_name, 0, validated_count, 'validated')'slack_updated for validated features profiles %s' % str(slack_updated)) return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', fp_validate=fp_validate_req, features_profiles_to_validate=features_profiles_to_validate, metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate=metrics_with_features_profiles_to_validate, for_metric=base_name, order=ordered_by, limit=limited_by, default_learn_full_duration=default_learn_full_duration, matched_from_datetime=matched_from_datetime, validate_all=validate_all, all_validated=all_validated, validated_count=validated_count, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, # @added 20190919 - Feature #3230: users DB table # Feature #2516: Add label to features profile user=user, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=False), 200 ### # @added 20210727 - Feature #4206: webapp - saved_training_data page saved_training_data_dict = {} if 'ionosphere_saved_training' in request.args:'/ionosphere?ionosphere_saved_training') REQUEST_ARGS = [ 'ionosphere_saved_training', 'metric', 'namespaces', 'label_includes', ] metrics = [] namespaces = [] from_timestamp = 0 until_timestamp = 0 for i in request.args: key = str(i) if key not in REQUEST_ARGS: error_string = 'error :: ionosphere_saved_training request invalid request argument - %s' % (key) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'400 Bad Request': error_string}) return flask_escape(resp), 400 metric = None try: metric = request.args.get('metric') if metric == 'all' or metric == '': metric = None except KeyError: metric = None except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /ionosphere?ionosphere_saved_training request evaluating metric parameter - %s' % e) namespaces = None try: namespaces = request.args.get('namespaces') if namespaces == 'all' or namespaces == '': namespaces = None except KeyError: namespaces = None except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) namespaces = None logger.error('error :: /ionosphere?ionosphere_saved_training request evaluating namespaces parameter - %s' % e) try: label_includes = request.args.get('label_includes') if label_includes == '': label_includes = None except KeyError: label_includes = None except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) label_includes = None logger.error('error :: /ionosphere?ionosphere_saved_training request evaluating namespaces parameter - %s' % e) if metric is not None: metrics = [str(metric)] if namespaces is not None: namespaces_str = namespaces namespaces = namespaces_str.split(',') else: namespaces = []'/ionosphere?ionosphere_saved_training with metrics: %s, namespaces: %s' % ( str(metrics), str(namespaces))) try: saved_training_data_dict = get_saved_training_data(skyline_app, 'ionosphere', metrics, namespaces, label_includes, False) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: get_saved_training_data failed - %s' % e logger.error(trace) logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) saved_training_data_metrics = [] if saved_training_data_dict: for metric in list(saved_training_data_dict.keys()): for timestamp in list(saved_training_data_dict[metric].keys()): saved_training_data_metrics.append([metric, timestamp]) saved_training_data_metrics = sorted(saved_training_data_metrics, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', saved_training_data_page=True, saved_training_data_dict=saved_training_data_dict, saved_training_data_metrics=saved_training_data_metrics, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=False), 200 ### # @added 20210107 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance performance_request = False if 'performance' in request.args: performance_req = request.args.get('performance', 'false') if performance_req == 'true': performance_request = True if performance_request: REQUEST_ARGS = [ 'performance', 'metric', 'metric_like', 'from_timestamp', 'until_timestamp', 'format', 'anomalies', 'new_fps', 'total_fps', 'fps_matched_count', 'layers_matched_count', 'sum_matches', 'title', 'period', 'height', 'width', 'fp_type', 'remove_prefix', # @added 20210202 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Handle user timezone 'tz', ] metric = None metric_like = None from_timestamp = 0 until_timestamp = 0 format = 'normal' # @added 20210128 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Improve performance and pass arguments to get_ionosphere_performance # for cache key anomalies = True new_fps = True fps_matched_count = False layers_matched_count = False sum_matches = True title = None period = 'weekly' height = '8' width = '4' fp_type = 'all' remove_prefix = False # @added 20210202 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Handle user timezone timezone_str = 'UTC' pytz_timezones = [] for pytz_timezone in pytz.all_timezones: pytz_timezones.append(pytz_timezone) performance_data_request = False for i in request.args: key = str(i) if key not in REQUEST_ARGS: error_string = 'error :: invalid request argument - %s' % (key) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'400 Bad Request': error_string}) return flask_escape(resp), 400 value = request.args.get(key, '0') if key == 'metric': if str(value) == 'all': metric = str(value) performance_data_request = True if str(value) != 'all': metric = str(value) performance_data_request = True if key == 'from_timestamp' or key == 'until_timestamp': timestamp_format_invalid = True if value == 'all': timestamp_format_invalid = False # unix timestamp if value.isdigit(): timestamp_format_invalid = False # %Y%m%d %H:%M timestamp if timestamp_format_invalid: value_strip_colon = value.replace(':', '') new_value = value_strip_colon.replace(' ', '') if new_value.isdigit(): timestamp_format_invalid = False if timestamp_format_invalid: error_string = 'error :: invalid %s value passed %s' % (key, value) logger.error('error :: invalid %s value passed %s' % (key, value)) error_string = 'error :: invalid request argument - %s' % (key) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'400 Bad Request': error_string}) return flask_escape(resp), 400 if key == 'from_timestamp': from_timestamp = value if key == 'until_timestamp': until_timestamp = value if key == 'metric_like':'metric_like %s was passed' % value) metric_like = str(value) if metric_like != 'all': performance_data_request = True if key == 'format': if value == 'json': format = 'json''format %s was passed' % value) if key == 'new_fps': if value == 'false': new_fps = False if key == 'total_fps': if value == 'true': fps_matched_count = True try: remove_prefix_str = request.args.get('remove_prefix', 'false') if remove_prefix_str != 'false': remove_prefix = True except: pass # @added 20210202 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Handle user timezone try: timezone_str = request.args.get('tz', 'UTC') except: pass ionosphere_performance_data = {} if performance_data_request: try: ionosphere_performance_data = get_ionosphere_performance( metric, metric_like, from_timestamp, until_timestamp, format, # @added 20210128 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Improve performance and pass arguments to get_ionosphere_performance # for cache key anomalies, new_fps, fps_matched_count, layers_matched_count, sum_matches, title, period, height, width, fp_type, # @added 20210202 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Handle user timezone timezone_str) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with get_ionosphere_performance' logger.error(trace) logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) if not ionosphere_performance_data: if format == 'json': performance_json_dict = {} data_dict = {"status": {"response": 200, "request_time": (time.time() - start)}, "data": {"metric": metric, "metric_like": metric_like, "performance": performance_json_dict, "success": False, "reason": "no data for query"}}'ionosphere performance returned json with with no data from query') return jsonify(data_dict), 200 trace = ionosphere_performance_data fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp no ionosphere_performance_data' return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) performance_json_dict = {} performance_success = False if ionosphere_performance_data: performance_success = ionosphere_performance_data['success'] if performance_success:'ionosphere ionosphere_performance_data has length - %s performance elements listed' % str(len(ionosphere_performance_data))) performance_list = ionosphere_performance_data['performance'] columns = [] for item in performance_list: for element in item: columns.append(element) break dates = [] for item in performance_list: dates.append(item['date']) for date_str in dates: performance_json_dict[date_str] = {} for item in performance_list: if item['date'] == date_str: for column in columns: if column == 'date': continue performance_json_dict[date_str][column] = item[column] # @added 20210127 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Convert nan to null or 0 for valid json if str(item[column]) == 'nan': if column == 'fps_total_count': performance_json_dict[date_str][column] = 0 else: performance_json_dict[date_str][column] = None # Allow for the removal of a prefix from the metric name if remove_prefix: try: if remove_prefix_str.endswith('.'): remove_prefix = '%s' % remove_prefix_str else: remove_prefix = '%s.' % remove_prefix_str metric = metric.replace(remove_prefix, '') except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: failed to remove prefix %s from %s - %s' % (str(remove_prefix_str), metric, e)) data_dict = {"status": {"response": 200, "request_time": (time.time() - start)}, "data": {"metric": metric, "metric_like": metric_like, "performance": performance_json_dict}} if not performance_success: data_dict = {"status": {"response": 204, "request_time": (time.time() - start)}, "data": {"metric": metric, "metric_like": metric_like, "performance": performance_json_dict, "success": False, "reason": "no data for query"}} if format == 'json':'ionosphere performance returned json with %s performance elements listed' % str(len(performance_json_dict))) return jsonify(data_dict), 200 return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', performance=True, performance_results=ionosphere_performance_data, performance_json_dict=data_dict, for_metric=metric, metric_like=metric_like, from_timestamp=from_timestamp, until_timestamp=until_timestamp, matched_from_datetime=matched_from_datetime, # @added 20210202 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Handle user timezone pytz_timezones=pytz_timezones, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, user=user, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=False), 200 # @added 20170220 - Feature #1862: Ionosphere features profiles search page # Ionosphere features profiles by generations fp_search_req = None # @added 20170916 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page # Handle both fp_search and fp_matches fp_search_or_matches_req = False if 'fp_search' in request.args: fp_search_req = request.args.get(str('fp_search'), None) if fp_search_req == 'true': fp_search_req = True fp_search_or_matches_req = True else: fp_search_req = False # @added 20170916 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page fp_matches_req = None if 'fp_matches' in request.args: fp_matches_req = request.args.get(str('fp_matches'), None) if fp_matches_req == 'true': fp_matches_req = True fp_search_or_matches_req = True from_timestamp = None until_timestamp = None else: fp_matches_req = False # @modified 20170916 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page # Handle both fp_search and fp_matches # if fp_search_req and request_args_len > 1: if fp_search_or_matches_req and request_args_len > 1: REQUEST_ARGS = ['fp_search', 'metric', 'metric_like', 'from_timestamp', 'until_timestamp', 'generation_greater_than', # @added 20170315 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers 'layers_id_greater_than', # @added 20170402 - Feature #2000: Ionosphere - validated 'validated_equals', # @added 20170518 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page - matched_greater_than 'matched_greater_than', 'full_duration', 'enabled', 'tsfresh_version', 'generation', 'count_by_metric', 'count_by_matched', 'count_by_generation', 'count_by_checked', 'limit', 'order', # @added 20170916 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page 'fp_matches', # @added 20170917 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page 'fp_id', 'layer_id', # @added 20180804 - Feature #2488: Allow user to specifically set metric as a derivative metric in training_data 'load_derivative_graphs', # @added 20180917 - Feature #2602: Graphs in search_features_profiles 'show_graphs', # @added 20191212 - Feature #3230: users DB table # Feature #2516: Add label to features profile # Allow the user_id to be passed as a request argument 'user_id', ] count_by_metric = None ordered_by = None limited_by = None get_metric_profiles = False not_metric_wildcard = True # @added 20200710 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page # Moved from within the loop below matching = False metric_like = False for i in request.args: key = str(i) if key not in REQUEST_ARGS: # @modified 20190524 - Branch #3002: docker # Return data # logger.error('error :: invalid request argument - %s' % (key)) # return 'Bad Request', 400 error_string = 'error :: invalid request argument - %s' % (key) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'400 Bad Request': error_string}) return flask_escape(resp), 400 value = request.args.get(key, None)'request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(value))) if key == 'order': order = str(value) if order == 'DESC': ordered_by = 'DESC' if order == 'ASC': ordered_by = 'ASC' if key == 'limit': limit = str(value) try: test_limit = int(limit) + 0 limited_by = test_limit except: logger.error('error :: limit is not an integer - %s' % str(limit)) limited_by = '30' if key == 'from_timestamp' or key == 'until_timestamp': timestamp_format_invalid = True if value == 'all': timestamp_format_invalid = False # unix timestamp if value.isdigit(): timestamp_format_invalid = False # %Y%m%d %H:%M timestamp if timestamp_format_invalid: value_strip_colon = value.replace(':', '') new_value = value_strip_colon.replace(' ', '') if new_value.isdigit(): timestamp_format_invalid = False if timestamp_format_invalid: error_string = 'error :: invalid %s value passed %s' % (key, value) logger.error('error :: invalid %s value passed %s' % (key, value)) # @modified 20190524 - Branch #3002: docker # Return data # return 'Bad Request', 400 error_string = 'error :: invalid request argument - %s' % (key) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'400 Bad Request': error_string}) return flask_escape(resp), 400 # @added 20190524 - Bug #3050: Ionosphere - Skyline and Graphite feedback # Branch #3002: docker # Added the missing definition of these 2 variables in the # fp_matches context if key == 'from_timestamp': from_timestamp = value if key == 'until_timestamp': until_timestamp = value if key == 'count_by_metric': count_by_metric = request.args.get(str('count_by_metric'), None) if count_by_metric == 'true': count_by_metric = True else: count_by_metric = False if key == 'metric': if str(value) == 'all' or str(value) == '*': not_metric_wildcard = False get_metric_profiles = True metric = str(value) if key == 'metric' and not_metric_wildcard: try: unique_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'unique_metrics')) except: logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the unique_metrics list from Redis') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 metric_name = settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + str(value) # @added 20220112 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars # @modified 20220115 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars # Roll back change - breaking existing metrics with colons # metric_name = url_encode_metric_name(metric_name) # @added 20180423 - Feature #2034: analyse_derivatives # Branch #2270: luminosity metric_found_in_other_redis = False other_unique_metrics = [] if metric_name not in unique_metrics and settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: # @modified 20180519 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # for redis_ip, redis_port in settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: for redis_ip, redis_port, redis_password in settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: if not metric_found_in_other_redis: try: if redis_password: other_redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(host=str(redis_ip), port=int(redis_port), password=str(redis_password)) else: other_redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(host=str(redis_ip), port=int(redis_port)) other_unique_metrics = list(other_redis_conn.smembers(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'unique_metrics')) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to connect to Redis at %s on port %s' % (str(redis_ip), str(redis_port))) if metric_name in other_unique_metrics: metric_found_in_other_redis = True'%s found in derivative_metrics in Redis at %s on port %s' % (metric_name, str(redis_ip), str(redis_port))) # @added 20201127 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Feature #3820: HORIZON_SHARDS # Change from the deprecated OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES # to use the REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES and get_cluster_data if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES: remote_unique_metrics = None try: remote_unique_metrics = get_cluster_data('unique_metrics&cluster_call=true', 'metrics') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get unique_metrics from the remote Skyline instances') if remote_unique_metrics:'got %s remote unique_metrics from the remote Skyline instances' % str(len(remote_unique_metrics))) unique_metrics_list = unique_metrics + remote_unique_metrics unique_metrics = list(set(unique_metrics_list)) if metric_name not in unique_metrics and not metric_found_in_other_redis: # @added 20200715 - Task #3648: webapp - fp_search - do not use Redis metric check # Do not use the Redis metric check result in a webapp # fp_search request as this allows retried metric fps to # accessed if fp_search_req:'fp_search_or_matches_req - %s not in Redis, but fp_search request so continuing' % metric_name) get_metric_profiles = True metric = str(value) else: error_string = 'error :: no metric - %s - exists in Redis' % metric_name logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 else: get_metric_profiles = True metric = str(value) # @added 20170917 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page # @modified 20170917 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page # Move outside the loop # matching = False # metric_like = False if key == 'metric_like': if value == 'all': metric_namespace_pattern = value.replace('all', '') metric_namespace_pattern = value.replace('%', '') if metric_namespace_pattern != '' and value != 'all': try: unique_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'unique_metrics')) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp could not get the unique_metrics list from Redis' logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) matching = [s for s in unique_metrics if metric_namespace_pattern in s] if len(matching) == 0: error_string = 'error :: no metric like - %s - exists in Redis' % metric_namespace_pattern logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 else: # @added 20200710 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page'metric_like %s was passed, %s metrics found matching' % (value, str(len(matching)))) metric_like = str(value) if matching: metric_like = str(value) if fp_search_req and request_args_len > 1: if count_by_metric: # @modified 20180717 - Task #2446: Optimize Ionosphere # Added missing search_success variable features_profiles, fps_count, mc, cc, gc, full_duration_list, enabled_list, tsfresh_version_list, generation_list, search_success, fail_msg, trace = ionosphere_search(False, True)'fp_search_req returning response') return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', fp_search=fp_search_req, fp_search_results=fp_search_req, features_profiles_count=fps_count, order=ordered_by, limit=limited_by, matched_count=mc, checked_count=cc, generation_count=gc, matched_from_datetime=matched_from_datetime, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=False), 200 # @added 20180917 - Feature #2602: Graphs in search_features_profiles features_profiles_with_images = [] show_graphs = False if get_metric_profiles: search_success = False try: fps, fps_count, mc, cc, gc, full_duration_list, enabled_list, tsfresh_version_list, generation_list, search_success, fail_msg, trace = ionosphere_search(False, True) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with search_ionosphere' logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) if not search_success: return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) # @added 20180917 - Feature #2602: Graphs in search_features_profiles if search_success and fps: show_graphs = request.args.get(str('show_graphs'), False) if show_graphs == 'true': show_graphs = True if search_success and fps and show_graphs: # @modified 20190503 - Branch #2646: slack - linting # query_context = 'features_profiles' for fp_elements in fps: # Get images try: fp_id = fp_elements[0] base_name = fp_elements[2] requested_timestamp = fp_elements[4] # @modified 20181205 - Bug #2746: webapp time out - Graphs in search_features_profiles # Feature #2602: Graphs in search_features_profiles # This function was causing the webapp to time out due # to fetching all the matched Graphite graphs # mpaths, images, hdate, m_vars, ts_json, data_to_process, p_id, gimages, gmimages, times_matched, glm_images, l_id_matched, ts_fd, i_ts_json, anomalous_timeseries, f_id_matched, fp_details_list = ionosphere_metric_data(requested_timestamp, base_name, query_context, fp_id) images, gimages = ionosphere_show_graphs(requested_timestamp, base_name, fp_id) new_fp = [] for fp_element in fp_elements: new_fp.append(fp_element) # @added 20180918 - Feature #2602: Graphs in search_features_profiles # The images are required to be sorted here in terms of # only passing the Redis image (if present) and the # full duration graph, as it is a bit too much # achieve in the Jinja template. full_duration_float = fp_elements[3] full_duration = int(full_duration_float) full_duration_in_hours = full_duration / 60 / 60 full_duration_in_hours_image_string = '.%sh.png' % str(int(full_duration_in_hours)) # @modified 20190503 - Branch #2646: slack - linting # show_graph_images = [] redis_image = 'No Redis data graph' full_duration_image = 'No full duration graph' # @modified 20180918 - Feature #2602: Graphs in search_features_profiles # Append individual redis_image and full_duration_image # list elements instead of just added the images or # gimages list # if images: # new_fp.append(images) # else: # new_fp.append(gimages) if images: for image in images: if '.redis.plot' in image: redis_image = image if full_duration_in_hours_image_string in image: full_duration_image = image else: for image in gimages: if '.redis.plot' in image: redis_image = image if full_duration_in_hours_image_string in image: full_duration_image = image if full_duration_image == 'No full duration graph': for image in gimages: if full_duration_in_hours_image_string in image: full_duration_image = image new_fp.append(full_duration_image) new_fp.append(redis_image) features_profiles_with_images.append(new_fp) except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) if not features_profiles_with_images: if fps: for fp_elements in fps: try: new_fp = [] for fp_element in fp_elements: new_fp.append(fp_element) new_fp.append(None) features_profiles_with_images.append(new_fp) except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) # @modified 20170912 - Feature #2056: ionosphere - disabled_features_profiles # Added enabled_list to display DISABLED in search_features_profiles # page results. return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', fp_search=fp_search_req, fp_search_results=fp_search_req, features_profiles=fps, for_metric=metric, order=ordered_by, limit=limited_by, matched_count=mc, checked_count=cc, generation_count=gc, enabled_list=enabled_list, matched_from_datetime=matched_from_datetime, # @added 20180917 - Feature #2602: Graphs in search_features_profiles features_profiles_with_images=features_profiles_with_images, show_graphs=show_graphs, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=False), 200 # @added 20170916 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page if fp_matches_req: # @added 20170917 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page # Added by fp_id or layer_id as well fp_id = None layer_id = None # @added 20190619 - Feature #3084: Ionosphere - validated matches validated_equals = None for i in request.args: key = str(i) value = request.args.get(key, None) if key == 'fp_id':'request key %s set to %s' % (key, str(value))) try: # @modified 20190524 - Branch #3002: docker # test_fp_id = int(value) + 0 # if test_fp_id > 0: # fp_id = str(test_fp_id) test_fp_id = int(value) + 1 if test_fp_id > -1: fp_id = str(value) else: # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # Test that the fp_id is an int first # fp_id = None logger.error('error :: invalid request argument - fp_id is not an int') # @modified 20190524 - Branch #3002: docker # Return data # return 'Bad Request', 400 error_string = 'error :: invalid request argument - fp_id is not an int' logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'400 Bad Request': error_string}) return flask_escape(resp), 200'fp_id now set to %s' % (str(fp_id))) except: error_string = 'error :: the fp_id argument was passed but not as an int - %s' % str(value) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'400 Bad Request': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 if key == 'layer_id':'request key %s set to %s' % (key, str(value))) try: test_layer_id = int(value) + 0 if test_layer_id > 0: layer_id = str(test_layer_id) else: layer_id = None'layer_id now set to %s' % (str(layer_id))) except: error_string = 'error :: the layer_id argument was passed but not as an int - %s' % str(value) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'400 Bad Request': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 # @added 20190619 - Feature #3084: Ionosphere - validated matches if key == 'validated_equals': validated_equals = str(value)'get_fp_matches with arguments :: %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s' % ( str(metric), str(metric_like), str(fp_id), str(layer_id), str(from_timestamp), str(until_timestamp), str(limited_by), str(ordered_by))) matches, fail_msg, trace = get_fp_matches(metric, metric_like, fp_id, layer_id, from_timestamp, until_timestamp, limited_by, ordered_by) if not matches: return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) # @added 20190619 - Feature #3084: Ionosphere - validated matches if validated_equals: filter_matches = True if validated_equals == 'any': filter_matches = False if validated_equals == 'true': filter_match_validation = 1 if validated_equals == 'false': filter_match_validation = 0 if validated_equals == 'invalid': filter_match_validation = 2 if filter_matches:'matches filtered by validated = %s' % ( str(filter_match_validation))) return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', fp_matches=fp_matches_req, for_metric=metric, fp_matches_results=matches, order=ordered_by, limit=limited_by, matched_from_datetime=matched_from_datetime, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=False), 200 # @modified 20170118 - Feature #1862: Ionosphere features profiles search page # Added fp_search parameter # @modified 20170122 - Feature #1872: Ionosphere - features profile page by id only # Added fp_id parameter # @modified 20170305 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Added layers arguments d_condition to fp_layer # @modified 20160315 - Feature #1972: ionosphere_layers - use D layer boundary for upper limit # Added d_boundary_times # @modified 20170327 - Feature #2004: Ionosphere layers - edit_layers # Added layers_id and edit_fp_layers # @added 20170402 - Feature #2000: Ionosphere - validated IONOSPHERE_REQUEST_ARGS = [ 'timestamp', 'metric', 'metric_td', 'a_dated_list', 'timestamp_td', 'requested_timestamp', 'fp_view', 'calc_features', 'add_fp', 'features_profiles', 'fp_search', 'learn', 'fp_id', 'd_condition', 'd_boundary_limit', 'd_boundary_times', 'e_condition', 'e_boundary_limit', 'e_boundary_times', 'es_layer', 'es_day', 'f1_layer', 'f1_from_time', 'f1_layer', 'f2_until_time', 'fp_layer', 'fp_layer_label', 'add_fp_layer', 'layers_id', 'edit_fp_layers', 'validate_fp', 'validated_equals', # @added 20170616 - Feature #2048: D1 ionosphere layer 'd1_condition', 'd1_boundary_limit', 'd1_boundary_times', # @added 20170617 - Feature #2054: 'save_training_data', 'saved_td_label', 'saved_training_data', # added 20170908 - Feature #2056: ionosphere - disabled_features_profiles 'disable_fp', # @added 20170917 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page 'matched_fp_id', 'matched_layer_id', # @added 20180804 - Feature #2488: Allow user to specifically set metric as a derivative metric in training_data 'load_derivative_graphs', # @added 20190601 - Feature #3084: Ionosphere - validated matches 'match_validation', # @added 20190922 - Feature #2516: Add label to features profile 'label', # @added 20191210 - Feature #3348: fp creation json response 'format', # @added 20191212 - Feature #3230: users DB table # Feature #2516: Add label to features profile # Allow the user_id to be passed as a request argument 'user_id', # @added 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference 'matched_motif_id', # @added 20210415 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference 'motif_analysis', 'similarity', 'purge', # @added 20210416 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference 'ionosphere_matched_id', # @added 20210417 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Allow the user to define the batch_size per similarity search 'batch_size', 'top_matches', 'max_distance', # @added 20210422 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Allow the user to specify the range_padding 'range_padding', # @added 20210425 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Allow user to specify the difference between the areas under the # curve 'max_area_percent_diff', ] # @modified 20190503 - Branch #2646: slack - linting # determine_metric = False dated_list = False td_requested_timestamp = False # @modified 20190503 - Branch #2646: slack - linting # feature_profile_view = False calculate_features = False create_feature_profile = False fp_view = False fp_profiles = [] # @added 20170118 - Feature #1862: Ionosphere features profiles search page fp_search = False # @added 20170120 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Added fp_learn and fp_fd_days parameters to allow the user to not learn at # use_full_duration_days fp_learn = False fp_fd_days = settings.IONOSPHERE_LEARN_DEFAULT_FULL_DURATION_DAYS # @added 20170327 - Feature #2004: Ionosphere layers - edit_layers # Task #2002: Review and correct incorrectly defined layers # Added the argument edit_fp_layers edit_fp_layers = False layers_id = None # @added 20170617 - Feature #2054: save_training_data = False saved_training_data = False saved_td_label = False # added 20170908 - Feature #2056: ionosphere - disabled_features_profiles disable_fp = False # @added 20170917 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page matched_fp_id = False # @added 20220317 - Feature #4540: Plot matched timeseries # Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference matched_fp_plot = None matched_layer_id = False # @added 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference matched_motif_id = False # @added 20210416 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference ionosphere_matched_id = False # @added 20190601 - Feature #3084: Ionosphere - validated matches match_validated = 0 # @added 20190922 - Feature #2516: Add label to features profile fp_label = None # @added 20191210 - Feature #3348: fp creation json response response_format = None # @added 20210422 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Allow the user to specify the range_padding motif_range_padding = None try: if request_args_present: timestamp_arg = False metric_arg = False metric_td_arg = False timestamp_td_arg = False # @added 20180804 - Feature #2488: Allow user to specifically set metric as a derivative metric in training_data set_derivative_metric = False if 'fp_view' in request.args: fp_view = request.args.get(str('fp_view'), None) base_name = request.args.get(str('metric'), None) # @added 20170917 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page if 'matched_fp_id' in request.args: matched_fp_id = request.args.get(str('matched_fp_id'), None) if 'matched_layer_id' in request.args: matched_layer_id = request.args.get(str('matched_layer_id'), None) # @added 20190601 - Feature #3084: Ionosphere - validated matches if 'match_validation' in request.args: match_validated_str = request.args.get(str('match_validation'), None) if match_validated_str: try: match_validated = int(match_validated_str) except: error_string = 'error :: invalid request argument - match_validation is not an int - %s' % str(match_validated_str) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) return flask_escape(resp), 400 # @added 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference if 'matched_motif_id' in request.args: matched_motif_id = request.args.get(str('matched_motif_id'), 0)'matched_motif_id: %s' % str(matched_motif_id)) # @added 20210422 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Allow the user to specify the range_padding if 'range_padding' in request.args: motif_range_padding = request.args.get('range_padding', 10)'range_padding: %s' % str(motif_range_padding)) # @added 20210425 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Allow user to specify the difference between the areas under the # curve if 'max_area_percent_diff' in request.args: motif_max_area_percent_diff = request.args.get('max_area_percent_diff', 10)'max_area_percent_diff: %s' % str(motif_max_area_percent_diff)) # @added 20210416 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference if 'ionosphere_matched_id' in request.args: ionosphere_matched_id = request.args.get(str('ionosphere_matched_id'), 0)'matched_motif_id: %s' % str(matched_motif_id)) # @added 20170122 - Feature #1872: Ionosphere - features profile page by id only # Determine the features profile dir path for a fp_id if 'fp_id' in request.args: # @added 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # Test that the fp_id is an int first try: test_fp_id = request.args.get(str('fp_id')) test_fp_id_valid = int(test_fp_id) + 1'test_fp_id_valid tests OK with %s' % str(test_fp_id_valid)) except: logger.error('error :: invalid request argument - fp_id is not an int') # @modified 20190524 - Branch #3002: docker # Return data # return 'Bad Request', 400 error_string = 'error :: the fp_id argument was passed but not as an int - %s' % str(value) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) return flask_escape(resp), 400 fp_id = request.args.get(str('fp_id'), 0) # @modified 20190503 - Branch #2646: slack - linting # metric_timestamp = 0 try: fp_details, fp_details_successful, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc, fp_details_object = features_profile_details(fp_id) anomaly_timestamp = int(fp_details_object['anomaly_timestamp']) created_timestamp = fp_details_object['created_timestamp'] except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'failed to get features profile details for id %s' % str(fp_id) return internal_error(message, trace) if not fp_details_successful: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: features_profile_details failed' return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) use_timestamp = 0 metric_timeseries_dir = base_name.replace('.', '/') # @modified 20170126 - Feature #1872: Ionosphere - features profile page by id only # The the incorrect logic, first it should be checked if # there is a use_full_duration parent timestamp dt = str(created_timestamp) naive = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') pytz_tz = settings.SERVER_PYTZ_TIMEZONE local = pytz.timezone(pytz_tz) local_dt = local.localize(naive, is_dst=None) utc_dt = local_dt.astimezone(pytz.utc) unix_created_timestamp = utc_dt.strftime('%s') features_profiles_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER, metric_timeseries_dir, str(unix_created_timestamp)) if os.path.exists(features_profiles_data_dir): use_timestamp = int(unix_created_timestamp) else: logger.error('no timestamp feature profiles data dir found for feature profile id %s at %s' % (str(fp_id), str(features_profiles_data_dir))) # @added 20170915 - Bug #2162: ionosphere - mismatching timestamp metadata # Feature #1872: Ionosphere - features profile page by id only # Iterate back a few seconds as the features profile dir and # file resources may have a slight offset timestamp from the # created_timestamp which is based on MySQL CURRENT_TIMESTAMP if use_timestamp == 0: check_back_to_timestamp = int(unix_created_timestamp) - 10 check_timestamp = int(unix_created_timestamp) - 1 while check_timestamp > check_back_to_timestamp: features_profiles_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER, metric_timeseries_dir, str(check_timestamp)) if os.path.exists(features_profiles_data_dir): use_timestamp = int(check_timestamp) check_timestamp = check_back_to_timestamp - 1 else: check_timestamp -= 1 features_profiles_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER, metric_timeseries_dir, str(anomaly_timestamp)) # @modified 20170126 - Feature #1872: Ionosphere - features profile page by id only # This was the incorrect logic, first it should be checked if # there is a use_full_duration parent timestamp if use_timestamp == 0: if os.path.exists(features_profiles_data_dir): use_timestamp = int(anomaly_timestamp) else: logger.error('no timestamp feature profiles data dir found for feature profile id %s at %s' % (str(fp_id), str(features_profiles_data_dir))) if use_timestamp == 0: logger.error('no timestamp feature profiles data dir found for feature profile id - %s' % str(fp_id)) # @added 20180420 - Branch #2270: luminosity # Use settings.ALTERNATIVE_SKYLINE_URLS if they are # declared try: use_alternative_urls = settings.ALTERNATIVE_SKYLINE_URLS except: use_alternative_urls = False if use_alternative_urls: alternative_urls = [] for alt_url in use_alternative_urls: alt_redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere?fp_view=true&fp_id=%s&metric=%s' % (str(alt_url), str(fp_id), str(base_name)) alternative_urls.append(alt_redirect_url) message = 'no timestamp feature profiles data dir found on this Skyline instance try at the alternative URLS listed below:''passing alternative_urls - %s' % str(alternative_urls)) try: return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', display_message=message, alternative_urls=alternative_urls, fp_view=True, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=True), 200 except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: no timestamp feature profiles data dir found for feature profile id - ' + str(fp_id) + ' - go on... nothing here.'}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 400 return flask_escape(resp), 400 redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere?fp_view=true&timestamp=%s&metric=%s' % (settings.SKYLINE_URL, str(use_timestamp), base_name)'base redirect_url - %s' % redirect_url) # @added 20180815 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page validate_fp_req = False if 'validate_fp' in request.args: validate_fp_req = request.args.get(str('validate_fp'), None) if validate_fp_req == 'true': validate_fp_req = True if validate_fp_req: redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere?fp_view=true&timestamp=%s&metric=%s&validate_fp=true' % ( settings.SKYLINE_URL, str(use_timestamp), base_name) # @added 20180816 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page disable_fp_req = False if 'disable_fp' in request.args: disable_fp_id = request.args.get(str('disable_fp'), None) if isinstance(int(disable_fp_id), int): disable_fp_req = True if disable_fp_req: redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere?fp_view=true&timestamp=%s&metric=%s&disable_fp=%s' % ( settings.SKYLINE_URL, str(use_timestamp), base_name, str(disable_fp_id)) # @added 20170917 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page if matched_fp_id: if matched_fp_id != 'False': redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere?fp_view=true&timestamp=%s&metric=%s&matched_fp_id=%s' % ( settings.SKYLINE_URL, str(use_timestamp), base_name, str(matched_fp_id)) if matched_layer_id: if matched_layer_id != 'False': redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere?fp_view=true&timestamp=%s&metric=%s&matched_layer_id=%s' % ( settings.SKYLINE_URL, str(use_timestamp), base_name, str(matched_layer_id)) # @added 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference if matched_motif_id: redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere?fp_view=true&timestamp=%s&metric=%s&matched_motif_id=%s' % ( settings.SKYLINE_URL, str(use_timestamp), base_name, str(matched_motif_id))'redirecting fp_id matched_motif_id request') # @added 20210416 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference if ionosphere_matched_id: ionosphere_matched_id_redirect_url = '%s&ionosphere_matched_id=%s' % ( redirect_url, str(ionosphere_matched_id)) redirect_url = ionosphere_matched_id_redirect_url # @added 20190601 - Feature #3084: Ionosphere - validated matches # @modified 20210413 Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference # Added matched_motif_id if matched_fp_id or matched_layer_id or matched_motif_id: if 'match_validation' in request.args: if match_validated > 0: validate_matched_redirect_url = '%s&match_validation=%s' % ( redirect_url, str(match_validated)) redirect_url = validate_matched_redirect_url # @modified 20170327 - Feature #2004: Ionosphere layers - edit_layers # Task #2002: Review and correct incorrectly defined layers # Build the query string from the previous parameters if 'edit_fp_layers' in request.args: redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere?timestamp=%s' % (settings.SKYLINE_URL, str(use_timestamp)) for i in request.args: key = str(i) if key == 'timestamp': continue value = request.args.get(key, None) new_redirect_url = '%s&%s=%s' % ( redirect_url, str(key), str(value)) redirect_url = new_redirect_url if 'edit_fp_layers' in request.args:'not returning redirect as edit_fp_layers request') else:'returned redirect on original request - %s' % str(redirect_url)) return redirect(redirect_url, code=302) for i in request.args: key = str(i) if key not in IONOSPHERE_REQUEST_ARGS: logger.error('error :: invalid request argument - %s' % (key)) # @modified 20190524 - Branch #3002: docker # Return data # return 'Bad Request', 400 error_string = 'error :: invalid request argument - %s' % (key) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'400 Bad Request': error_string}) return flask_escape(resp), 400 value = request.args.get(key, None)'request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(value))) if key == 'calc_features': if str(value) == 'true': calculate_features = True if key == 'add_fp': if str(value) == 'true': create_feature_profile = True # @added 20191210 - Feature #3348: fp creation json response if 'format' in request.args: response_format = request.args.get(str('format'), None) if response_format != 'json': response_format = None # @added 20170317 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers - allow for floats if key == 'd_boundary_limit': try: d_boundary_limit = float(value) except ValueError: logger.error('error :: invalid request argument - %s is not numeric - %s' % (key, str(value))) return 'Bad Request\n\ninvalid request argument - %s is not numeric - %s' % (key, str(value)), 400'request argument OK - %s=%s' % (key, str(d_boundary_limit))) if key == 'e_boundary_limit': try: e_boundary_limit = float(value) except ValueError: logger.error('error :: invalid request argument - %s is not numeric - %s' % (key, str(value))) return 'Bad Request\n\ninvalid request argument - %s is not numeric - %s' % (key, str(value)), 400'request argument OK - %s=%s' % (key, str(e_boundary_limit))) if key == 'fp_view': if str(value) == 'true': fp_view = True # @added 20170118 - Feature #1862: Ionosphere features profiles search page # Added fp_search parameter if key == 'fp_search': if str(value) == 'true': fp_search = True # @added 20170120 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Added fp_learn parameter if key == 'learn': if str(value) == 'true': fp_learn = True # @added 20170305 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Being passed through as a boolean from the Create features # profile arguments and I cannot be arsed to track it down if str(value) == 'True': fp_learn = True if key == 'features_profiles': fp_profiles = str(value) # @added 20190503 - Branch #2646: slack - linting'fp_profiles is %s' % fp_profiles) # @added 20170327 - Feature #2004: Ionosphere layers - edit_layers # Task #2002: Review and correct incorrectly defined layers # Added layers and edit_fp_layers if key == 'layers_id': test_layer_id = str(value) try: layers_id = int(test_layer_id) except:'bad request argument - %s=%s not numeric' % (str(key), str(value))) resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: not a numeric id for the layers_id argument - %s' + str(value) + ' - please pass a proper id'}) if key == 'edit_fp_layers': if str(value) == 'true': edit_fp_layers = True if str(value) == 'True': edit_fp_layers = True if edit_fp_layers:'edit_fp_layers is set to %s' % (str(edit_fp_layers))) if key == 'a_dated_list': if str(value) == 'true': dated_list = True if key == 'requested_timestamp': valid_rt_timestamp = False if str(value) == 'False': valid_rt_timestamp = True if not valid_rt_timestamp: if not len(str(value)) == 10:'bad request argument - %s=%s not an epoch timestamp' % (str(key), str(value))) resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: not an epoch timestamp for ' + str(key) + ' - ' + str(value) + ' - please pass a proper epoch timestamp'}) else: try: timestamp_numeric = int(value) + 1 valid_rt_timestamp = True except: valid_timestamp = False'bad request argument - %s=%s not numeric' % (str(key), str(value))) resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: not a numeric epoch timestamp for ' + str(key) + ' - ' + str(value) + ' - please pass a proper epoch timestamp'}) if not valid_rt_timestamp: # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 400 return flask_escape(resp), 400 # @added 20170617 - Feature #2054: if key == 'save_training_data': if str(value) == 'true': save_training_data = True if key == 'saved_td_label': saved_td_label = str(value) if key == 'saved_training_data': if str(value) == 'true': saved_training_data = True check_for_purged = False if not saved_training_data: if not fp_view: check_for_purged = True if key == 'label': label_arg = request.args.get('label') label = label_arg[:255]'label - %s ' % (str(value))) if key == 'timestamp' or key == 'timestamp_td': valid_timestamp = True if not len(str(value)) == 10: valid_timestamp = False'bad request argument - %s=%s not an epoch timestamp' % (str(key), str(value))) resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: not an epoch timestamp for ' + str(key) + ' - ' + str(value) + ' - please pass a proper epoch timestamp'}) if valid_timestamp: try: timestamp_numeric = int(value) + 1 # @added 20190503 - Branch #2646: slack - linting'timestamp_numeric tests OK with %s' % str(timestamp_numeric)) except: valid_timestamp = False'bad request argument - %s=%s not numeric' % (str(key), str(value))) resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: not a numeric epoch timestamp for ' + str(key) + ' - ' + str(value) + ' - please pass a proper epoch timestamp'}) if not valid_timestamp: # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 400 return flask_escape(resp), 400 # if not fp_view: if check_for_purged: ionosphere_data_dir = '%s/%s' % (settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, str(value)) if not isdir(ionosphere_data_dir): valid_timestamp = False now = time.time() purged_timestamp = int(now) - int(settings.IONOSPHERE_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR) if int(value) < purged_timestamp: # @added 20200813 - Feature #3670: IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR historical_training_data_exists = False if IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR: check_for_historical_training_data = False base_name = request.args.get(str('metric'), None) # @added 20200814 - Feature #3670: IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR # Handle when a request is submitted to list # the training data for a timestamp, not for # a metric, e.g. ionosphere?timestamp_td=1597061559&requested_timestamp=1597061559 if not base_name: if 'timestamp_td' in request.args: if 'requested_timestamp' in request.args: check_for_historical_training_data = True for historical_metric_namespace in IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR: # @added 20200814 - Feature #3670: IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR # Handle when a request is submitted to list # the training data for a timestamp, so if # base_name is not set skip this check if not base_name: break if historical_metric_namespace in base_name: check_for_historical_training_data = True break if check_for_historical_training_data:'checking for historical training data for %s - %s' % (base_name, ionosphere_data_dir)) try: historical_data, ionosphere_data_dir = historical_data_dir_exists('webapp', ionosphere_data_dir) if historical_data:'using historical training data - %s' % ionosphere_data_dir) historical_training_data_exists = True valid_timestamp = True else:'no historical training data found for %s' % ionosphere_data_dir) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: ionosphere_metric_data :: failed to determine whether this is historical training data' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) if not historical_training_data_exists:'%s=%s timestamp it to old to have training data' % (key, str(value))) resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: timestamp too old no training data exists, training data has been purged'}) else: if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES:'%s=%s no local training data dir found - %s will check other Skyline remote hosts' % (key, str(value), ionosphere_data_dir)) else: logger.error('error :: %s=%s no timestamp training data dir found - %s' % (key, str(value), ionosphere_data_dir)) # @added 20201127 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Feature #3820: HORIZON_SHARDS # Determine which remote Skyline host the metric # assigned to and return the client a redirect # to the remote Skyline instance that will have # the ionosphere training data for the metric if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES: base_name = request.args.get('metric', 0) redis_metric_name = '%s%s' % (settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, str(base_name)) # @added 20220112 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars # @modified 20220115 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars # Roll back change - breaking existing metrics with colons # redis_metric_name = url_encode_metric_name(redis_metric_name) metric_assigned_to = None'checking which remote Skyline instance is assigned - %s' % str(base_name)) for item in settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES: try: remote_unique_metrics = None try: remote_unique_metrics = get_cluster_data('unique_metrics&cluster_call=true', 'metrics', only_host=str(item[0])) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get unique_metrics from the remote Skyline instance - %s' % str(item[0])) if remote_unique_metrics:'got %s unique_metrics from the remote Skyline instance - %s' % ( str(len(remote_unique_metrics)), str(item[0]))) if redis_metric_name in remote_unique_metrics: metric_assigned_to = str(item[0])'found %s on %s' % (str(base_name), str(item[0]))) break except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: checking which remote Skyline instance is assigned metric to check training_data') if not metric_assigned_to: logger.error('metric %s not found on any Skyline host' % str(base_name)) resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: no training data dir exists only any Skyline host - ' + ionosphere_data_dir + ' - go on... nothing here.'}) else: # @modified 20201210 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Feature #3820: HORIZON_SHARDS # alt_redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere?timestamp=%s&metric=%s' % (str(metric_assigned_to), str(value), str(base_name)) url_protocol = 'http' if 'https' in metric_assigned_to: url_protocol = 'https' # @added 20201210 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Handle authentication details passed # in the URL, badly as there is no other # way to handle it, other than badly, # not recommended, hence not adding to # settings, but sometimes necessary. if PASS_AUTH_ON_REDIRECT: url_auth = '%s:\/\/%s:%s' % (url_protocol, str(auth.username), str(auth.password)) else: url_auth = '%s:\/\/' % (url_protocol) replace_string = '%s:\/\/' % url_protocol url_with_auth = metric_assigned_to.replace(replace_string, url_auth) # alt_redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere?' % (str(metric_assigned_to)) alt_redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere?' % (str(url_with_auth)) for key in request.args: value = request.args.get(key) new_alt_redirect_url = '%s&%s=%s' % (alt_redirect_url, str(key), str(value)) alt_redirect_url = new_alt_redirect_url'redirecting client to - %s' % alt_redirect_url) return redirect(alt_redirect_url) # @added 20180713 - Branch #2270: luminosity # Use settings.ALTERNATIVE_SKYLINE_URLS if they are # declared try: use_alternative_urls = settings.ALTERNATIVE_SKYLINE_URLS except: use_alternative_urls = False if use_alternative_urls: base_name = request.args.get(str('metric'), None) alternative_urls = [] for alt_url in use_alternative_urls: alt_redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere?timestamp=%s&metric=%s' % (str(alt_url), str(value), str(base_name)) if len(use_alternative_urls) == 1: return redirect(alt_redirect_url) alternative_urls.append(alt_redirect_url) message = 'no training data dir exists on this Skyline instance try at the alternative URLS listed below:''passing alternative_urls - %s' % str(alternative_urls)) try: return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', display_message=message, alternative_urls=alternative_urls, fp_view=True, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=True), 200 except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) else: resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: no training data dir exists - ' + ionosphere_data_dir + ' - go on... nothing here.'}) if not valid_timestamp: # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 if key == 'timestamp': requested_timestamp = str(value) timestamp_arg = True if key == 'timestamp_td': timestamp_td_arg = True requested_timestamp_td = str(value) # determine_metric = True if key == 'requested_timestamp': td_requested_timestamp = str(value) if key == 'metric' or key == 'metric_td': try: unique_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'unique_metrics')) except: logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get the unique_metrics list from Redis') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 metric_name = settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + str(value) # @added 20220112 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars # @modified 20220115 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars # Roll back change - breaking existing metrics with colons # metric_name = url_encode_metric_name(metric_name) metric_found = False if metric_name not in unique_metrics and settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: # @modified 20180519 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # for redis_ip, redis_port in settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: for redis_ip, redis_port, redis_password in settings.OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES: other_unique_metrics = [] if not metric_found: try: if redis_password: OTHER_REDIS_CONN = redis.StrictRedis(host=str(redis_ip), port=int(redis_port), password=str(redis_password)) else: OTHER_REDIS_CONN = redis.StrictRedis(host=str(redis_ip), port=int(redis_port)) other_unique_metrics = list(OTHER_REDIS_CONN.smembers(settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + 'unique_metrics'))'metric found in Redis at %s on port %s' % (str(redis_ip), str(redis_port))) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to connect to Redis at %s on port %s' % (str(redis_ip), str(redis_port))) if metric_name in other_unique_metrics: metric_found = True # @added 20201127 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Feature #3820: HORIZON_SHARDS # Change from the deprecated OTHER_SKYLINE_REDIS_INSTANCES # to use the REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES and get_cluster_data if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES: remote_unique_metrics = None try: remote_unique_metrics = get_cluster_data('unique_metrics&cluster_call=true', 'metrics') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get unique_metrics from the remote Skyline instances') if remote_unique_metrics:'got %s remote unique_metrics from the remote Skyline instances' % str(len(remote_unique_metrics))) unique_metrics_list = unique_metrics + remote_unique_metrics unique_metrics = list(set(unique_metrics_list)) # if metric_name not in unique_metrics: if metric_name not in unique_metrics and not metric_found: # @added 20170917 - Bug #2158: webapp - redis metric check - existing but sparsely represented metrics # If this is an fp_view=true, it means that either the # metric is sparsely represented or no longer exists, # but an fp exists so continue and do not 404 if fp_view:'%s not in Redis, but fp passed so continuing' % metric_name) # @added 20200715 - Task #3648: webapp - fp_search - do not use Redis metric check # Do not use the Redis metric check result in a webapp # fp_search request as this allows retried metric fps to # accessed elif fp_search_req:'IONOSPHERE_REQUEST_ARGS check - %s not in Redis, but fp_search request so continuing' % metric_name) # @added 20200808 elif saved_training_data:'IONOSPHERE_REQUEST_ARGS check - %s not in Redis, but saved_training_data request so continuing' % metric_name) else: error_string = 'error :: no metric - %s - exists in Redis' % metric_name logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'results': error_string}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 if key == 'metric': metric_arg = True if key == 'metric_td': metric_td_arg = True if metric_arg or metric_td_arg: if key == 'metric' or key == 'metric_td': base_name = str(value) # @added 20220112 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars # @modified 20220115 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars # Roll back change - breaking existing metrics with colons # base_name = url_encode_metric_name(base_name) # @added 20180804 - Feature #2488: Allow user to specifically set metric as a derivative metric in training_data if timestamp_arg and metric_arg: if key == 'load_derivative_graphs': if str(value) == 'true': set_derivative_metric = set_metric_as_derivative(skyline_app, base_name) # @added 20180918 - Feature #2488: Allow user to specifically set metric as a derivative metric in training_data # Remove any graphite_now png files that are present # so that the webapp recreates the pngs as # nonNegativeDerivative graphs. # TODO - handle caching try: timeseries_dir = base_name.replace('.', '/') ionosphere_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, requested_timestamp, timeseries_dir) pattern = 'graphite_now' for f in os.listdir(ionosphere_data_dir): if, f): remove_graphite_now_file = os.path.join(ionosphere_data_dir, f) os.remove(remove_graphite_now_file)'removed graphite_now image at user request - %s' % remove_graphite_now_file) except: logger.error('failed to remove graphite_now images') if set_derivative_metric: return_url = '%s/ionosphere?timestamp=%s&metric=%s' % (str(settings.SKYLINE_URL), str(requested_timestamp), str(base_name)) return redirect(return_url) if timestamp_arg and metric_arg: timeseries_dir = base_name.replace('.', '/') if not fp_view: ionosphere_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, requested_timestamp, timeseries_dir) # @added 20170617 - Feature #2054: if saved_training_data: ionosphere_data_dir = '%s_saved/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, requested_timestamp, timeseries_dir) # @added 20200813 - Feature #3670: IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR historical_training_data_exists = False # @added 20200814 - Feature #3670: IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR training_data_dir_found = False if not isdir(ionosphere_data_dir): # @added 20200813 - Feature #3670: IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR historical_training_data_exists = False if IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR:'checking for historical training data for %s' % ionosphere_data_dir) try: historical_data, ionosphere_data_dir = historical_data_dir_exists('webapp', ionosphere_data_dir) if historical_data:'using historical training data - %s' % ionosphere_data_dir) historical_training_data_exists = True valid_timestamp = True # @added 20200814 - Feature #3670: IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR training_data_dir_found = True else:'no historical training data found for %s' % ionosphere_data_dir) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: ionosphere_metric_data :: failed to determine whether this is historical training data' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) else: # @added 20200814 - Feature #3670: IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR training_data_dir_found = True # @added 20201127 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Feature #3820: HORIZON_SHARDS # Determine which remote Skyline host the metric # assigned to if settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES and not training_data_dir_found: base_name = request.args.get('metric', 0) redis_metric_name = '%s%s' % (settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, str(base_name)) # @added 20220112 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars # @modified 20220115 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars # Roll back change - breaking existing metrics with colons # redis_metric_name = url_encode_metric_name(redis_metric_name) metric_assigned_to = None'checking which remote Skyline instance is assigned - %s' % str(base_name)) for item in settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES: try: remote_unique_metrics = None try: remote_unique_metrics = get_cluster_data('unique_metrics&cluster_call=true', 'metrics', only_host=str(item[0])) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get unique_metrics from the remote Skyline instance - %s' % str(item[0])) if remote_unique_metrics:'got %s unique_metrics from the remote Skyline instance - %s' % ( str(len(remote_unique_metrics)), str(item[0]))) if redis_metric_name in remote_unique_metrics: metric_assigned_to = str(item[0])'found %s on %s' % (str(base_name), str(item[0]))) break except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: checking which remote Skyline instance is assigned metric to check training_data') if not metric_assigned_to: logger.error('metric %s not found on any Skyline host' % str(base_name)) else: # @modified 20201210 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Feature #3820: HORIZON_SHARDS # alt_redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere?timestamp=%s&metric=%s' % (str(metric_assigned_to), str(value), str(base_name)) url_protocol = 'http' if 'https' in metric_assigned_to: url_protocol = 'https' if PASS_AUTH_ON_REDIRECT: url_auth = '%s://%s:%s@' % (url_protocol, str(auth.username), str(auth.password)) else: url_auth = '%s:\/\/' % (url_protocol) replace_string = '%s://' % url_protocol url_with_auth = metric_assigned_to.replace(replace_string, url_auth) # alt_redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere?' % (str(metric_assigned_to)) alt_redirect_url = '%s/ionosphere?' % (str(url_with_auth)) for key in request.args: value = request.args.get(key) new_alt_redirect_url = '%s&%s=%s' % (alt_redirect_url, str(key), str(value)) alt_redirect_url = new_alt_redirect_url'redirecting client to - %s' % alt_redirect_url) return redirect(alt_redirect_url) # @added 20200814 - Feature #3670: IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR # if not historical_training_data_exists: if not training_data_dir_found: '%s=%s no timestamp metric training data dir found - %s' % (key, str(value), ionosphere_data_dir)) resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: no training data dir exists - ' + ionosphere_data_dir + ' - go on... nothing here.'}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404 else: ionosphere_profiles_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER, timeseries_dir, requested_timestamp) if not isdir(ionosphere_profiles_dir): '%s=%s no timestamp metric features profile dir found - %s' % (key, str(value), ionosphere_profiles_dir)) # @added 20180715 - Branch #2270: luminosity # Use settings.ALTERNATIVE_SKYLINE_URLS if they are # declared and redirect to alternative URL/s if no # features profile directory exists on the Skyline # instance. try: use_alternative_urls = settings.ALTERNATIVE_SKYLINE_URLS except: use_alternative_urls = False if use_alternative_urls: base_name = request.args.get(str('metric'), None) alternative_urls = [] for alt_url in use_alternative_urls: alt_redirect_url_base = '%s/ionosphere' % str(alt_url) request_url = str(request.url) request_endpoint = '%s/ionosphere' % str(settings.SKYLINE_URL) alt_redirect_url = request_url.replace(request_endpoint, alt_redirect_url_base, 1) if len(use_alternative_urls) == 1:'redirecting to %s' % str(alt_redirect_url)) return redirect(alt_redirect_url) alternative_urls.append(alt_redirect_url) message = 'no features profile dir exists on this Skyline instance try at the alternative URLS listed below:''passing alternative_urls - %s' % str(alternative_urls)) try: return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', display_message=message, alternative_urls=alternative_urls, fp_view=True, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=True), 200 except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) else: resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Error: no features profile dir exists - ' + ionosphere_profiles_dir + ' - go on... nothing here.'}) # @modified 20190116 - Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability #85 # Bug #2816: Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability # return resp, 404 return flask_escape(resp), 404'arguments validated - OK') except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) debug_on = False if fp_view: context = 'features_profiles' else: context = 'training_data' # @added 20170617 - Feature #2054: if saved_training_data: context = 'saved_training_data' fp_view_on = fp_view do_first = False if fp_view: do_first = True args = [ 'timestamp', 'metric', 'metric_td', 'timestamp_td', 'requested_timestamp', 'features_profiles'] for i_arg in args: if i_arg in request.args: do_first = False if request_args_len == 0 or dated_list: do_first = True if do_first: listed_by = 'metric' if dated_list: listed_by = 'date' try: mpaths, unique_m, unique_ts, hdates = ionosphere_data(False, 'all', context) return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', unique_metrics=unique_m, list_by=listed_by, unique_timestamps=unique_ts, human_dates=hdates, metric_td_dirs=zip(unique_ts, hdates), td_files=mpaths, requested_timestamp=td_requested_timestamp, fp_view=fp_view_on, matched_from_datetime=matched_from_datetime, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=debug_on), 200 except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) # @added 20170118 - Feature #1862: Ionosphere features profiles search page # Added fp_search parameter fp_search_param = None if fp_search: logger.debug('debug :: fp_search was True') fp_search_param = True listed_by = 'search' # get_options = [ # 'full_duration', 'enabled', 'tsfresh_version', 'generation'] fd_list = None try: # @modified 20170221 - Feature #1862: Ionosphere features profiles search page # fd_list, en_list, tsfresh_list, gen_list, fail_msg, trace = ionosphere_search_defaults(get_options) # @modified 20200715 - Task #3648: webapp - fp_search - do not use Redis metric check # Task #2446: Optimize Ionosphere # Added missing search_success variable # features_profiles, fp_count, mc, cc, gc, fd_list, en_list, tsfresh_list, gen_list, fail_msg, trace = ionosphere_search(True, False) features_profiles, fp_count, mc, cc, gc, fd_list, en_list, tsfresh_list, gen_list, search_success, fail_msg, trace = ionosphere_search(True, False) logger.debug('debug :: fd_list - %s' % str(fd_list)) except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) if fd_list: try: return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', list_by=listed_by, fp_search=fp_search_param, full_duration_list=fd_list, enabled_list=en_list, tsfresh_version_list=tsfresh_list, generation_list=gen_list, matched_from_datetime=matched_from_datetime, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=debug_on), 200 except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) if metric_td_arg: listed_by = 'metric_td_dirs' try: mpaths, unique_m, unique_ts, hdates = ionosphere_data(False, base_name, context) return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', metric_td_dirs=zip(unique_ts, hdates), list_by=listed_by, for_metric=base_name, td_files=mpaths, requested_timestamp=td_requested_timestamp, fp_view=fp_view_on, matched_from_datetime=matched_from_datetime, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=debug_on), 200 except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) if timestamp_td_arg: # Note to self. Can we carry the referring timestamp through and when # a metric is selected the time is the only one wrapped in <code> .e.g red? listed_by = 'timestamp_td_dirs' try: mpaths, unique_m, unique_ts, hdates = ionosphere_get_metrics_dir(requested_timestamp_td, context) return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', unique_metrics=unique_m, list_by=listed_by, unique_timestamps=unique_ts, human_dates=hdates, td_files=mpaths, metric_td_dirs=zip(unique_ts, hdates), requested_timestamp=td_requested_timestamp, fp_view=fp_view_on, matched_from_datetime=matched_from_datetime, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=debug_on), 200 except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) if timestamp_arg and metric_arg: try: # @modified 20170104 - Feature #1842: Ionosphere - Graphite now graphs # Added the full_duration_in_hours and changed graph color from blue to orange # full_duration_in_hours # GRAPH_URL = GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL + '://' + GRAPHITE_HOST + ':' + GRAPHITE_PORT + '/render/?width=1400&from=-' + TARGET_HOURS + 'hour&target=' # A regex is required to change the TARGET_HOURS, no? extend do not modify? # Not certain will review after Dude morning excersion # @modified 20200417 - Task #3294: py3 - handle system parameter in Graphite cactiStyle # graph_url = '%scactiStyle(%s)%s&colorList=blue' % ( graph_url = '%scactiStyle(%s,%%27si%%27)%s&colorList=blue' % ( settings.GRAPH_URL, base_name, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS) except: graph_url = False # @added 20170604 - Feature #2034: analyse_derivatives # Added nonNegativeDerivative to strictly # increasing monotonically metrics in graph_url known_derivative_metric = False try: # @modified 20211012 - Feature #4280: aet.metrics_manager.derivative_metrics Redis hash # derivative_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers('derivative_metrics')) derivative_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers('aet.metrics_manager.derivative_metrics')) except: derivative_metrics = [] redis_metric_name = '%s%s' % (settings.FULL_NAMESPACE, str(base_name)) # @added 20220112 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars # @modified 20220115 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars # Roll back change - breaking existing metrics with colons # redis_metric_name = url_encode_metric_name(redis_metric_name) if redis_metric_name in derivative_metrics: known_derivative_metric = True if known_derivative_metric: try: non_derivative_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers('non_derivative_metrics')) except: non_derivative_metrics = [] skip_derivative = in_list(redis_metric_name, non_derivative_metrics) if skip_derivative: known_derivative_metric = False if known_derivative_metric: try: # @modified 20200417 - Task #3294: py3 - handle system parameter in Graphite cactiStyle # graph_url = '%scactiStyle(nonNegativeDerivative(%s))%s&colorList=blue' % ( graph_url = '%scactiStyle(nonNegativeDerivative(%s),%%27si%%27)%s&colorList=blue' % ( settings.GRAPH_URL, base_name, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS) except: graph_url = False # @added 20170327 - Feature #2004: Ionosphere layers - edit_layers # Task #2002: Review and correct incorrectly defined layers layers_updated = False if 'edit_fp_layers' in request.args: edit_fp_layers_arg = request.args.get('edit_fp_layers', False) if edit_fp_layers_arg == 'true': edit_fp_layers = True'editing layers id - %s' % str(layers_id)) else:'not editing layers id - %s' % str(layers_id)) if edit_fp_layers:'editing layers id - %s' % str(layers_id)) try: layers_updated, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc = edit_ionosphere_layers(layers_id)'updated layers id - %s' % str(layers_id)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'failed to update layer calling edit_ionosphere_layers' return internal_error(message, trace) if not layers_updated: trace = 'none' message = 'failed to update layer' return internal_error(message, trace) else:'not editing layers') features = None f_calc = 'none' fp_exists = False fp_id = None if calculate_features or create_feature_profile or fp_view: try: fp_csv, successful, fp_exists, fp_id, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc, f_calc = calculate_features_profile(skyline_app, requested_timestamp, base_name, context) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'failed to calculate features' return internal_error(message, trace) if not successful: return internal_error(fail_msg, traceback_format_exc) if os.path.isfile(str(fp_csv)): features = [] try: with open(fp_csv, 'rb') as fr: # @modified 20191029 - Task #3302: Handle csv.reader in py3 # Branch #3262: py3 # reader = csv.reader(fr, delimiter=',') if python_version == 2: reader = csv.reader(fr, delimiter=',') else: reader = csv.reader(codecs.iterdecode(fr, 'utf-8'), delimiter=',') for i, line in enumerate(reader): features.append([str(line[0]), str(line[1])]) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'failed to read csv features from fp_csv - %s' % str(fp_csv) return internal_error(message, trace) generation_zero = False if create_feature_profile or fp_view: if create_feature_profile: # Submit to Ionosphere to run tsfresh on create_feature_profile = True if not fp_id: # @modified 20170114 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Added parent_id and generation as all features profiles that # are created via the UI will be generation 0 parent_id = 0 generation = 0 ionosphere_job = 'learn_fp_human' # @added 20190503 - Branch #2646: slack # Added slack_ionosphere_job slack_ionosphere_job = ionosphere_job # @added 20200216 - Feature #3450: Handle multiple requests to create a features profile # Ensure that one features profile can only be created if # multiple requests are received to create a features profile fp_pending = None try: cache_key = 'fp_pending.%s.%s.%s' % ( str(skyline_app), str(requested_timestamp), str(base_name)) fp_pending = REDIS_CONN.get(cache_key) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'failed to determine if a features profile is pending' return internal_error(message, trace) if create_feature_profile and fp_pending:'fp pending for - %s on %s' % ( str(requested_timestamp), str(base_name))) if response_format == 'json': data_dict = {"status": {"created": "pending"}, "data": {"fp_id": 0}} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 resp = json.dumps( {'results': 'Notice: a features profile is already being created for ' + str(requested_timestamp) + ' - ' + str(base_name) + ' - please click the back button and refresh the page'}) return flask_escape(resp), 200 try: # @modified 20170120 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Added fp_learn parameter to allow the user to not learn the # use_full_duration_days # fp_id, fp_in_successful, fp_exists, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc = create_features_profile(skyline_app, requested_timestamp, base_name, context, ionosphere_job, parent_id, generation, fp_learn) # @modified 20190503 - Branch #2646: slack # Added slack_ionosphere_job # fp_id, fp_in_successful, fp_exists, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc = create_features_profile(skyline_app, requested_timestamp, base_name, context, ionosphere_job, parent_id, generation, fp_learn) # @modified 20190919 - Feature #3230: users DB table # Ideas #2476: Label and relate anomalies # Feature #2516: Add label to features profile # Added user_id and label # fp_id, fp_in_successful, fp_exists, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc = create_features_profile(skyline_app, requested_timestamp, base_name, context, ionosphere_job, parent_id, generation, fp_learn, slack_ionosphere_job) fp_id, fp_in_successful, fp_exists, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc = create_features_profile(skyline_app, requested_timestamp, base_name, context, ionosphere_job, parent_id, generation, fp_learn, slack_ionosphere_job, user_id, label) if create_feature_profile: generation_zero = True except: # @modified 20161209 - - Branch #922: ionosphere # Task #1658: Patterning Skyline Ionosphere # Use raise and traceback.format_exc() to carry # through to the rendered page for the user, e.g # me. # trace = traceback_format_exc trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'failed to create features profile' return internal_error(message, trace) if not fp_in_successful: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: create_features_profile failed' return internal_error(fail_msg, 'no traceback available') fp_details = None fp_details_object = None # @added 20170305 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers l_id = None l_details = None l_details_object = False la_details = None # @added 20170402 - Feature #2000: Ionosphere - validated validated_fp_success = False # added 20170908 - Feature #2056: ionosphere - disabled_features_profiles family_tree_fp_ids = None disabled_fp_success = None if fp_view: # @added 20170402 - Feature #2000: Ionosphere - validated validate = False if 'validate_fp' in request.args: validate_arg = request.args.get('validate_fp', False) if validate_arg == 'true': validate = True'validate - %s' % str(validate)) if validate:'validating - fp_ip %s' % str(fp_id)) try: # @modified 20181013 - Feature #2430: Ionosphere validate learnt features profiles page # Added the extended validate_fp parameter of id_column_name # validated_fp_success, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc = validate_fp(fp_id) # @modified 20190919 - Feature #3230: users DB table # Ideas #2476: Label and relate anomalies # Feature #2516: Add label to features profile # Added user_id # validated_fp_success, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc = validate_fp(fp_id, 'id') validated_fp_success, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc = validate_fp(fp_id, 'id', user_id)'validated fp_id - %s' % str(fp_id)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'failed to validate features profile' return internal_error(message, trace) # added 20170908 - Feature #2056: ionosphere - disabled_features_profiles family_tree_fp_ids, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc = features_profile_family_tree(fp_id) if 'disable_fp' in request.args: value = request.args.get(str('disable_fp'), None) if int(value) > 1: disable_fp = int(value)'disable_fp is set to %s' % str(disable_fp)) if disable_fp:'disabling fp ids - %s' % str(family_tree_fp_ids)) disabled_fp_success, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc = disable_features_profile_family_tree(family_tree_fp_ids) try: # @modified 20170114 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Return the fp_details_object so that webapp can pass the parent_id and # generation to the templates # fp_details, fp_details_successful, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc = features_profile_details(fp_id) fp_details, fp_details_successful, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc, fp_details_object = features_profile_details(fp_id) except: # trace = traceback_format_exc trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'failed to get features profile details' return internal_error(message, trace) if not fp_details_successful: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: features_profile_details failed' return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) # @added 20170305 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers fp_layers_id = None try: fp_layers_id = int(fp_details_object['layers_id']) except: fp_layers_id = 0 # @added 20190922 - Feature #2516: Add label to features profile try: fp_label = fp_details_object['label'] except: fp_label = None # @modified 20190503 - Branch #2646: slack - linting # layer_details = None layer_details_success = False if fp_layers_id: try: l_details, layer_details_success, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc, l_details_object = feature_profile_layers_detail(fp_layers_id) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'failed to get features profile layers details for id %s' % str(fp_layers_id) return internal_error(message, trace) try: la_details, layer_algorithms_success, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc, la_details_object = feature_profile_layer_alogrithms(fp_layers_id) l_id = fp_layers_id except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'failed to get features profile layer algorithm details for id %s' % str(fp_layers_id) return internal_error(message, trace) valid_learning_duration = None # @added 20170308 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers - glm_images to m_app_context glm_images = None l_id_matched = None m_app_context = 'Analyzer' # @added 20170309 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers - i_ts_json i_ts_json = None sample_ts_json = None sample_i_ts_json = None # @added 20170331 - Task #1988: Review - Ionosphere layers - always show layers # Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers anomalous_timeseries = None f_id_matched = None fp_details_list = None f_id_created = None fp_generation_created = None try: # @modified 20170106 - Feature #1842: Ionosphere - Graphite now graphs # Added graphite_now_images gimages # @modified 20170107 - Feature #1852: Ionosphere - features_profile matched graphite graphs # Added graphite_matched_images gmimages # @modified 20170308 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Show the latest matched layers graphs as well added glm_images - graphite_layers_matched_images # @modified 20170309 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Also return the Analyzer FULL_DURATION timeseries if available in a Mirage # based features profile added i_ts_json # @added 20170331 - Task #1988: Review - Ionosphere layers - always show layers # Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Return the anomalous_timeseries as an array to sample and fp_id_matched # @added 20170401 - Task #1988: Review - Ionosphere layers - added fp_id_created # @added 20190328 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # Added fp_anomaly_timestamp ionosphere_echo features profiles mpaths, images, hdate, m_vars, ts_json, data_to_process, p_id, gimages, gmimages, times_matched, glm_images, l_id_matched, ts_fd, i_ts_json, anomalous_timeseries, f_id_matched, fp_details_list, fp_anomaly_timestamp = ionosphere_metric_data(requested_timestamp, base_name, context, fp_id) # @added 20200711 - Feature #3634: webapp - ionosphere - report number of data points ts_json_length = 0 anomalous_timeseries_length = 0 # @added 20170309 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers - i_ts_json # Show the last 30 if ts_json: try: sample_ts_json = ts_json[-30:] # @added 20200711 - Feature #3634: webapp - ionosphere - report number of data points ts_json_length = len(ts_json) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'Failed to sample ts_json' return internal_error(message, trace) # @modified 20170331 - Task #1988: Review - Ionosphere layers - always show layers # Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # Return the anomalous_timeseries as an array to sample # if i_ts_json: # sample_i_ts_json = i_ts_json[-30:] if anomalous_timeseries: sample_i_ts_json = anomalous_timeseries[-30:] # @added 20200711 - Feature #3634: webapp - ionosphere - report number of data points anomalous_timeseries_length = len(anomalous_timeseries) if fp_details_list: f_id_created = fp_details_list[0] # @modified 20170729 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Make backwards compatible with older features profiles # fp_generation_created = fp_details_list[8] try: fp_generation_created = fp_details_list[8] except: fp_generation_created = 0 # @added 20170120 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Added fp_learn parameter to allow the user to not learn the # use_full_duration_days so added fp_fd_days use_full_duration, valid_learning_duration, fp_fd_days, max_generations, max_percent_diff_from_origin = get_ionosphere_learn_details(skyline_app, base_name) # @added 20170104 - Feature #1842: Ionosphere - Graphite now graphs # Added the full_duration parameter so that the appropriate graphs can be # embedded for the user in the training data page full_duration = settings.FULL_DURATION full_duration_in_hours = int(full_duration / 3600) second_order_resolution_hours = False try: key = 'full_duration' value_list = [var_array[1] for var_array in m_vars if var_array[0] == key] m_full_duration = int(value_list[0]) m_full_duration_in_hours = int(m_full_duration / 3600) if m_full_duration != full_duration: second_order_resolution_hours = m_full_duration_in_hours # @added 20170305 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers - m_app_context m_app_context = 'Mirage' except: m_full_duration = False m_full_duration_in_hours = False message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :( :: m_vars - %s' % str(m_vars) trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) # @added 20190330 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # For Ionosphere echo and adding red borders on the matched graphs if m_full_duration_in_hours: m_fd_in_hours_img_str = '%sh.png' % str(m_full_duration_in_hours) else: m_fd_in_hours_img_str = False # @added 20170105 - Feature #1842: Ionosphere - Graphite now graphs # We want to sort the images so that the Graphite image is always # displayed first in he training_data.html page AND we want Graphite # now graphs at TARGET_HOURS, 24h, 7d, 30d to inform the operator # about the metric sorted_images = sorted(images) # @modified 20170105 - Feature #1842: Ionosphere - Graphite now graphs # Added matched_count and only displaying one graph for each 10 # minute period if there are mulitple matches in a 10 minute period # @modified 20170114 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # Added parent_id and generation par_id = 0 gen = 0 # @added 20170402 - Feature #2000: Ionosphere - validated fp_validated = 0 # added 20170908 - Feature #2056: ionosphere - disabled_features_profiles fp_enabled = False # @added 20190328 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # Added ionosphere_echo echo_fp_value = 0 # @added 20190619 - Feature #2990: Add metrics id to relevant web pages metric_id = False # Determine the parent_id and generation as they were added to the # fp_details_object # if fp_details: if fp_details_object: try: par_id = int(fp_details_object['parent_id']) gen = int(fp_details_object['generation']) # @added 20170402 - Feature #2000: Ionosphere - validated fp_validated = int(fp_details_object['validated']) # added 20170908 - Feature #2056: ionosphere - disabled_features_profiles if int(fp_details_object['enabled']) == 1: fp_enabled = True # @added 20190328 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # Added ionosphere_echo try: echo_fp_value = int(fp_details_object['echo_fp']) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp failed to determine the echo_hdate from the fp_anomaly_timestamp' logger.error(fail_msg) # @added 20190619 - Feature #2990: Add metrics id to relevant web pages # Determine the metric_id from the fp_details_object if not metric_id: metric_id = int(fp_details_object['metric_id']) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :( :: failed to determine parent or generation values from the fp_details_object' return internal_error(message, trace) # @added 20190328 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # Added ionosphere_echo echo_hdate = hdate if echo_fp_value == 1: try: # echo_hdate = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(fp_anomaly_timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') echo_hdate = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z (%A)', time.localtime(int(fp_anomaly_timestamp))) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp failed to determine the echo_hdate from the fp_anomaly_timestamp' logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) # @added 20170114 - Feature #1854: Ionosphere learn - generations # The fp_id will be in the fp_details_object, but if this is a # generation zero features profile we what set if generation_zero: par_id = 0 gen = 0 # @added 20170122 - Feature #1876: Ionosphere - training_data learn countdown # Add a countdown until Ionosphere will learn countdown_to = False if requested_timestamp and valid_learning_duration: try: request_time = int(time.time()) vaild_learning_timestamp = int(requested_timestamp) + int(valid_learning_duration) if request_time < vaild_learning_timestamp: countdown_to = time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(vaild_learning_timestamp)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :( :: failed to determine parent or generation values from the fp_details_object' return internal_error(message, trace) iono_metric = False if base_name: try: ionosphere_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers('ionosphere.unique_metrics')) except: logger.warning('warning :: Webapp could not get the ionosphere.unique_metrics list from Redis, this could be because there are none') metric_name = settings.FULL_NAMESPACE + str(base_name) # @added 20220112 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars # @modified 20220115 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars # Roll back change - breaking existing metrics with colons # metric_name = url_encode_metric_name(metric_name) if metric_name in ionosphere_metrics: iono_metric = True # @added 20170303 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers vconds = ['<', '>', '==', '!=', '<=', '>='] # @modified 20190503 - Branch #2646: slack - linting # condition_list = ['<', '>', '==', '!=', '<=', '>=', 'in', 'not in'] crit_types = ['value', 'time', 'day', 'from_time', 'until_time'] fp_layers = None if 'fp_layer' in request.args: fp_layer_arg = request.args.get(str('fp_layer'), None) if str(fp_layer_arg) == 'true': fp_layers = True add_fp_layers = None if 'add_fp_layer' in request.args: add_fp_layer_arg = request.args.get(str('add_fp_layer'), None) if str(add_fp_layer_arg) == 'true': add_fp_layers = True new_l_algos = None new_l_algos_ids = None if add_fp_layers: if 'learn' in request.args: value = request.args.get(str('learn')) if str(value) == 'true': fp_learn = True if str(value) == 'True': fp_learn = True if 'fp_id' in request.args: fp_id = request.args.get(str('fp_id')) l_id, layer_successful, new_l_algos, new_l_algos_ids, fail_msg, trace = create_ionosphere_layers(base_name, fp_id, requested_timestamp) if not layer_successful: return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) else: webapp_update_slack_thread(base_name, requested_timestamp, fp_id, 'layers_created') # @added 20170308 - Feature #1960: ionosphere_layers # To present the operator with the existing layers and algorithms for the metric # The metric layers algoritms are required to present the user with # if the add_fp=true argument is passed, which if so results in the # local variable of create_feature_profile being set and in the # fp_view metric_layers_details = None metric_layers_algorithm_details = None # @modified 20170331 - Task #1988: Review - Ionosphere layers - always show layers # Set to True so they are always displayed # get_metric_existing_layers = False get_metric_existing_layers = True metric_lc = 0 metric_lmc = None if create_feature_profile: get_metric_existing_layers = True if fp_view and fp_details: get_metric_existing_layers = True if 'add_fp' in request.args: get_layers_add_fp = request.args.get(str('add_fp'), None) if get_layers_add_fp == 'true': get_metric_existing_layers = True if get_metric_existing_layers: metric_layers_details, metric_layers_algorithm_details, metric_lc, metric_lmc, mlad_successful, fail_msg, trace = metric_layers_alogrithms(base_name) if not mlad_successful: return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) # @added 20170616 - Feature #2048: D1 ionosphere layer fp_layer_algorithms = [] if metric_layers_algorithm_details: for i_layer_algorithm in metric_layers_algorithm_details: try: if int(i_layer_algorithm[1]) == int(l_id): fp_layer_algorithms.append(i_layer_algorithm) except: logger.warning('warning :: Webapp could not determine layer_algorithm in metric_layers_algorithm_details') fp_current_layer = [] if metric_layers_details: for i_layer in metric_layers_details: try: if int(i_layer[0]) == int(l_id): fp_current_layer.append(i_layer) except: logger.warning('warning :: Webapp could not determine layer in metric_layers_details') # @added 20170617 - Feature #2054: training_data_saved = False saved_td_details = False if save_training_data:'saving training data') try: request_time = int(time.time()) saved_hdate = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z (%A)', time.localtime(request_time)) training_data_saved, saved_td_details, fail_msg, trace = save_training_data_dir(requested_timestamp, base_name, saved_td_label, saved_hdate)'saved training data') except: logger.error('error :: Webapp could not save_training_data_dir') return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) saved_td_requested = False if saved_training_data: saved_td_requested = True try: training_data_saved, saved_td_details, fail_msg, trace = save_training_data_dir(requested_timestamp, base_name, None, None)'got saved training data details') except: logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get saved training_data details') return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) # @added 20170917 - Feature #1996: Ionosphere - matches page matched_id_resources = None matched_graph_image_file = None # @added 20210415 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference # Noow that the matched_details_object is being used set the default matched_details_object = None if matched_fp_id: if matched_fp_id != 'False': matched_id_resources, successful, fail_msg, trace, matched_details_object, matched_graph_image_file = get_matched_id_resources(int(matched_fp_id), 'features_profile', base_name, requested_timestamp) # @added 20220317 - Feature #4540: Plot matched timeseries # Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference if not matched_motif_id: matched_fp_plot_file = matched_graph_image_file.replace('matched', 'match_compare') if not os.path.isfile(matched_fp_plot_file): output_file = matched_fp_plot_file layers_match_id = 0 matched_timeseries = get_matched_timeseries( skyline_app, matched_fp_id, layers_match_id)'calling plot_fp_match with matched_timeseries dict') plotted_comparsion_image, plotted_match_comparison_image_file = plot_fp_match( skyline_app, matched_timeseries['metric'], matched_timeseries['match']['fp_id'], [value for ts, value in matched_timeseries['matched_fp_timeseries']], matched_timeseries['timeseries'], output_file) if plotted_comparsion_image: matched_fp_plot = plotted_match_comparison_image_file else: matched_fp_plot = matched_fp_plot_file if matched_layer_id: if matched_layer_id != 'False': matched_id_resources, successful, fail_msg, trace, matched_details_object, matched_graph_image_file = get_matched_id_resources(int(matched_layer_id), 'layers', base_name, requested_timestamp) # @added 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference if matched_motif_id: matched_id_resources, successful, fail_msg, trace, matched_details_object, matched_graph_image_file = get_matched_id_resources(int(matched_motif_id), 'motif', base_name, requested_timestamp) # @added 20180620 - Feature #2404: Ionosphere - fluid approximation # Added minmax scaling minmax = 0 if matched_fp_id: minmax = int(matched_details_object['minmax'])'the fp match has minmax set to %s' % str(minmax)) # @added 20190601 - Feature #3084: Ionosphere - validated matches # Update the DB that the match has been validated or invalidated validated_match_successful = None match_validated_db_value = None # @modified 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Added matched_motif_id if matched_fp_id or matched_layer_id or matched_motif_id: match_validated_db_value = matched_details_object['validated']'the match_validated_db_value is set to %s' % str(match_validated_db_value))'the match_validated is set to %s' % str(match_validated)) # Only update if the value in the DB is different from the value # in the argument, due to there being a difficulty in the # removal of the match_validation argument due to the # redirect_url function being applied earlier ^^ in the process. # Unfortunately without the redirect_url function being applied # this match_validation and match_validated would not work as # the matched context the redirect_url function is used. Hence # more F. if int(match_validated_db_value) != int(match_validated): if 'match_validation' in request.args: if match_validated > 0:'validating match') if matched_fp_id: match_id = matched_fp_id validate_context = 'ionosphere_matched' if matched_layer_id: match_id = matched_layer_id validate_context = 'ionosphere_layers_matched' # @added 20210414 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference if matched_motif_id: match_id = matched_motif_id validate_context = 'matched_motifs' try: # @modified 20190920 - # Added user_id # validated_match_successful = validate_ionosphere_match(match_id, validate_context, match_validated) validated_match_successful = validate_ionosphere_match(match_id, validate_context, match_validated, user_id) # @added 20190921 - Feature #3234: Ionosphere - related matches vaildation # TODO - here related matches will also be validated'validated match') match_validated_db_value = match_validated except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with search_ionosphere' logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) # @added 20180921 - Feature #2558: Ionosphere - fluid approximation - approximately_close on layers approx_close = 0 if matched_layer_id: approx_close = int(matched_details_object['approx_close'])'the layers match has approx_close set to %s' % str(approx_close)) # @added 20180414 - Branch #2270: luminosity # Add correlations to features_profile and training_data pages if a # panorama_anomaly_id is present correlations = False correlations_with_graph_links = [] if p_id: try: correlations, fail_msg, trace = get_correlations(skyline_app, p_id) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with get_correlations' logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) if correlations: # @added 20180723 - Feature #2470: Correlations Graphite graph links # Branch #2270: luminosity # Added Graphite graph links to Correlations block for metric_name, coefficient, shifted, shifted_coefficient in correlations: from_timestamp = int(requested_timestamp) - m_full_duration graphite_from = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(from_timestamp)).strftime('%H:%M_%Y%m%d') graphite_until = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(requested_timestamp)).strftime('%H:%M_%Y%m%d') unencoded_graph_title = '%s\ncorrelated with anomaly id %s' % ( metric_name, str(p_id)) graph_title_string = quote(unencoded_graph_title, safe='') graph_title = '&title=%s' % graph_title_string if settings.GRAPHITE_PORT != '': # @modified 20190520 - Branch #3002: docker # correlation_graphite_link = '%s://%s:%s/render/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(%s)%s%s&colorList=blue' % (settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, settings.GRAPHITE_PORT, str(graphite_from), str(graphite_until), metric_name, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title) # @modified 20200417 - Task #3294: py3 - handle system parameter in Graphite cactiStyle # correlation_graphite_link = '%s://%s:%s/%s/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(%s)%s%s&colorList=blue' % ( correlation_graphite_link = '%s://%s:%s/%s/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(%s,%%27si%%27)%s%s&colorList=blue' % ( settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, settings.GRAPHITE_PORT, GRAPHITE_RENDER_URI, str(graphite_from), str(graphite_until), metric_name, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title) else: # @modified 20190520 - Branch #3002: docker # correlation_graphite_link = '%s://%s/render/?from=%s&until=%starget=cactiStyle(%s)%s%s&colorList=blue' % (settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, str(graphite_from), str(graphite_until), metric_name, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title) # @modified 20200417 - Task #3294: py3 - handle system parameter in Graphite cactiStyle # correlation_graphite_link = '%s://%s/%s/?from=%s&until=%starget=cactiStyle(%s)%s%s&colorList=blue' % ( correlation_graphite_link = '%s://%s/%s/?from=%s&until=%starget=cactiStyle(%s,%%27si%%27)%s%s&colorList=blue' % ( settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, GRAPHITE_RENDER_URI, str(graphite_from), str(graphite_until), metric_name, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, graph_title) correlations_with_graph_links.append([metric_name, coefficient, shifted, shifted_coefficient, str(correlation_graphite_link)]) # @added 20200808 - Feature #3568: Ionosphere - report anomalies in training period labelled_anomalies = None # @added 20200113 - Feature #3390: luminosity related anomalies # Branch #2270: luminosity related = False related_with_graph_links = [] related_matches = [] if p_id: try: # @modified 20200808 - Feature #3568: Ionosphere - report anomalies in training period # related, fail_msg, trace = get_related(skyline_app, p_id, requested_timestamp) related, labelled_anomalies, fail_msg, trace = get_related(skyline_app, p_id, requested_timestamp) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with get_related' logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) if related: # Added Graphite graph links to Related block for related_anomaly_id, related_metric_id, related_metric_name, related_anomaly_timestamp, related_full_duration in related: related_from_timestamp = int(related_anomaly_timestamp) - related_full_duration related_graphite_from = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(related_from_timestamp)).strftime('%H:%M_%Y%m%d') related_graphite_until = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(related_anomaly_timestamp)).strftime('%H:%M_%Y%m%d') related_unencoded_graph_title = '%s\nrelated with anomaly id %s' % ( related_metric_name, str(p_id)) related_graph_title_string = quote(related_unencoded_graph_title, safe='') related_graph_title = '&title=%s' % related_graph_title_string if settings.GRAPHITE_PORT != '': # @modified 20200417 - Task #3294: py3 - handle system parameter in Graphite cactiStyle # related_graphite_link = '%s://%s:%s/%s/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(%s)%s%s&colorList=blue' % ( related_graphite_link = '%s://%s:%s/%s/?from=%s&until=%s&target=cactiStyle(%s,%%27si%%27)%s%s&colorList=blue' % ( settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, settings.GRAPHITE_PORT, GRAPHITE_RENDER_URI, str(related_graphite_from), str(related_graphite_until), related_metric_name, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, related_graph_title) else: # @modified 20200417 - Task #3294: py3 - handle system parameter in Graphite cactiStyle # related_graphite_link = '%s://%s/%s/?from=%s&until=%starget=cactiStyle(%s)%s%s&colorList=blue' % ( related_graphite_link = '%s://%s/%s/?from=%s&until=%starget=cactiStyle(%s,%%27si%%27)%s%s&colorList=blue' % ( settings.GRAPHITE_PROTOCOL, settings.GRAPHITE_HOST, GRAPHITE_RENDER_URI, str(related_graphite_from), str(related_graphite_until), related_metric_name, settings.GRAPHITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS, related_graph_title) related_human_timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(related_anomaly_timestamp)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') related_with_graph_links.append([related_anomaly_id, related_metric_name, related_anomaly_timestamp, related_full_duration, related_human_timestamp, str(related_graphite_link)]) related_metric = 'get_related_matches' related_metric_like = 'all' related_fp_id = None related_layer_id = None minus_two_minutes = int(requested_timestamp) - 120 plus_two_minutes = int(requested_timestamp) + 120 related_limited_by = None related_ordered_by = 'DESC' try: related_matches, fail_msg, trace = get_fp_matches(related_metric, related_metric_like, related_fp_id, related_layer_id, minus_two_minutes, plus_two_minutes, related_limited_by, related_ordered_by) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with get_fp_matches for related_matches' logger.error(fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) if len(related_matches) == 1: # @modified 20200908 - Feature #3740: webapp - anomaly API endpoint # Added match_anomaly_timestamp # @modified 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference # Added related_motifs_matched_id for related_human_date, related_match_id, related_matched_by, related_fp_id, related_layer_id, related_metric, related_uri_to_matched_page, related_validated, match_anomaly_timestamp, related_motifs_matched_id in related_matches: if related_matched_by == 'no matches were found': related_matches = [] if related_matches:'%s possible related matches found' % (str(len(related_matches)))) # @added 20200808 - Feature #3568: Ionosphere - report anomalies in training period if labelled_anomalies:'%s labelled anomalies found in the trying period' % (str(len(labelled_anomalies)))) # @added 20190510 - Feature #2990: Add metrics id to relevant web pages # By this point in the request the previous function calls will have # populated memcache with the metric details if not metric_id: metric_id = 0 try: cache_key = 'panorama.mysql_ids.metrics.metric.%s' % base_name metric_id_msg_pack = None # @modified 20191015 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # metric_id_msg_pack = REDIS_CONN.get(cache_key) metric_id_msg_pack = REDIS_CONN_UNDECODE.get(cache_key) if metric_id_msg_pack: unpacker = Unpacker(use_list=False) unpacker.feed(metric_id_msg_pack) metric_id = [item for item in unpacker][0]'metrics id is %s from Redis key -%s' % (str(metric_id), cache_key)) else:'Webapp could not get metric id from Redis key - %s' % cache_key) except: logger.error('error :: Webapp could not get metric id from Redis key - %s' % cache_key) else:'metrics id is %s' % str(metric_id)) # @added 20190502 - Branch #2646: slack if context == 'training_data': update_slack = True # Do not update if a fp_id is present if fp_id: update_slack = False # Do not update slack when extract features is run if calculate_features: update_slack = False if update_slack: slack_updated = webapp_update_slack_thread(base_name, requested_timestamp, None, 'training_data_viewed')'slack_updated for training_data_viewed %s' % str(slack_updated)) show_motif_match = False if context == 'saved_training_data': inference_file = '%s/%s.%s.inference.matched_motifs.dict' % ( ionosphere_data_dir, str(requested_timestamp), base_name) if os.path.isfile(inference_file): show_motif_match = True # @added 20210419 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Plot the macthed motif if context == 'training_data' or context == 'saved_training_data' and matched_motif_id: show_motif_match = True if show_motif_match: inference_file = '%s/%s.%s.inference.matched_motifs.dict' % ( ionosphere_data_dir, str(requested_timestamp), base_name) matched_motifs_dict = {} if os.path.isfile(inference_file): try: with open(inference_file, 'r') as f: matched_motifs_dict_str = matched_motifs_dict = literal_eval(matched_motifs_dict_str) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to evaluate matched_motifs_dict from %s' % inference_file) matched_motifs_dict = {} matched_motif = None if matched_motifs_dict: try: matched_motif = list(matched_motifs_dict.keys())[0] inference_match_motif_dict = matched_motifs_dict[matched_motif] matched_motif_fp_id = matched_motifs_dict[matched_motif]['fp_id'] f_id_matched = matched_motif_fp_id matched_motif_timestamp = matched_motifs_dict[matched_motif]['timestamp'] matched_motif_fp_index = matched_motifs_dict[matched_motif]['index'] matched_motif_size = matched_motifs_dict[matched_motif]['size'] # Add the id to the dictionery, inference does not know # the id when the dict is created matched_motif_id, motif_validated, ionosphere_matched_id = get_matched_motif_id( matched_motif_fp_id, matched_motif_timestamp, matched_motif_fp_index, matched_motif_size) inference_match_motif_dict['matched_motif_id'] = matched_motif_id inference_match_motif_dict['ionosphere_matched_id'] = ionosphere_matched_id inference_match_motif_dict['validated'] = motif_validated match_validated_db_value = motif_validated try: matched_motif_distance = matched_motifs_dict[matched_motif]['dist'] except: matched_motif_distance = matched_motifs_dict[matched_motif]['distance'] matched_motif_type_id = matched_motifs_dict[matched_motif]['type_id'] matched_motif_type = matched_motifs_dict[matched_motif]['type'] matched_motif_full_duration = matched_motifs_dict[matched_motif]['full_duration'] matched_motif_sequence = matched_motifs_dict[matched_motif]['motif_sequence'] matched_motif_fp_generation = matched_motifs_dict[matched_motif]['generation'] if matched_motif_fp_generation == 0: generation_str = 'trained' else: generation_str = 'LEARNT' relate_dataset = [item[1] for item in matched_motifs_dict[matched_motif]['fp_motif_sequence']] except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to determine plot parameters from matched_motifs_dict') if matched_motif: motif_graph_image_file = '%s/%s.%s.matched_motif.%s.fp_id.%s.index.%s.size.%s.%s.png' % ( ionosphere_data_dir, str(matched_motif_timestamp), base_name, str(matched_motif_id), str(matched_motif_fp_id), str(matched_motif_fp_index), str(matched_motif_size), str(matched_motif_type)) # Plot an invalid motif with a red line if motif_validated == 2: motif_graph_image_file = '%s/%s.%s.matched_motif.%s.fp_id.%s.index.%s.size.%s.%s.INVALIDATED.png' % ( ionosphere_data_dir, str(matched_motif_timestamp), base_name, str(matched_motif_id), str(matched_motif_fp_id), str(matched_motif_fp_index), str(matched_motif_size), str(matched_motif_type)) # Use type_id as 5 to indicate invalidated matched_motif_type_id = 5 plotted_motif_image = False if not path.isfile(motif_graph_image_file): use_on_demand_motif_analysis = False'calling plot_motif_match to create inference_match_motif_image') plotted_motif_image, inference_match_motif_image = plot_motif_match( skyline_app, base_name, matched_motif_timestamp, matched_motif_fp_id, matched_motif_full_duration, generation_str, matched_motif_id, matched_motif_fp_index, int(matched_motif_size), matched_motif_distance, matched_motif_type_id, relate_dataset, matched_motif_sequence, motif_graph_image_file, use_on_demand_motif_analysis) inference_match_motif_dict['image'] = inference_match_motif_image else: plotted_motif_image = True inference_match_motif_image = motif_graph_image_file'plot already exists - %s - %s' % ( str(plotted_motif_image), str(motif_graph_image_file))) inference_match_motif_dict['image'] = inference_match_motif_image # @added 20191210 - Feature #3348: fp creation json response if create_feature_profile and fp_id: if response_format == 'json': data_dict = {"status": "error"} try: fp_created_successful = fp_in_successful except: fp_created_successful = None if fp_created_successful: data_dict = {"status": {"created": "true"}, "data": {"fp_id": fp_id}} else: if fp_exists: data_dict = {"status": {"created": "already exists"}, "data": {"fp_id": fp_id}} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 # @added 20200731 - Feature #3654: IONOSPHERE_GRAPHITE_NOW_GRAPHS_OVERRIDE graphite_now_graphs_title = 'NOW' if IONOSPHERE_GRAPHITE_NOW_GRAPHS_OVERRIDE: graphite_now_graphs_title = 'THEN' # @added 20200813 - Feature #3670: IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR historical_training_data = False if mpaths: try: if IONOSPHERE_HISTORICAL_DATA_FOLDER in mpaths[0][1]: historical_training_data = True except: logger.error('error :: Webapp could not determine if this is historical training data') # @added 20210324 - Feature #3642: Anomaly type classification anomaly_types = None anomaly_type_ids = None if LUMINOSITY_CLASSIFY_ANOMALIES and p_id: try: anomaly_types, anomaly_type_ids = get_anomaly_type(skyline_app, int(p_id)) except Exception as e: fail_msg = 'error :: Webapp error with get_anomaly_type - %s' % str(e) logger.error(fail_msg) return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', timestamp=requested_timestamp, for_metric=base_name, metric_vars=m_vars, metric_files=mpaths, metric_images=sorted_images, metric_images_str=str(sorted_images), human_date=hdate, timeseries=ts_json, data_ok=data_to_process, td_files=mpaths, panorama_anomaly_id=p_id, graphite_url=graph_url, extracted_features=features, calc_time=f_calc, features_profile_id=fp_id, features_profile_exists=fp_exists, fp_view=fp_view_on, features_profile_details=fp_details, redis_full_duration=full_duration, redis_full_duration_in_hours=full_duration_in_hours, metric_full_duration=m_full_duration, metric_full_duration_in_hours=m_full_duration_in_hours, metric_second_order_resolution_hours=second_order_resolution_hours, tsfresh_version=TSFRESH_VERSION, graphite_now_images=gimages, graphite_matched_images=gmimages, matched_count=times_matched, parent_id=par_id, generation=gen, learn=fp_learn, use_full_duration_days=fp_fd_days, countdown=countdown_to, ionosphere_metric=iono_metric, value_condition_list=vconds, criteria_types=crit_types, fp_layer=fp_layers, layer_id=l_id, layers_algorithms=new_l_algos, layers_algorithms_ids=new_l_algos_ids, layer_details=l_details, layer_details_object=l_details_object, layer_algorithms_details=la_details, existing_layers=metric_layers_details, existing_algorithms=metric_layers_algorithm_details, metric_layers_count=metric_lc, metric_layers_matched_count=metric_lmc, graphite_layers_matched_images=glm_images, layers_id_matched=l_id_matched, ts_full_duration=ts_fd, app_context=m_app_context, ionosphere_json=i_ts_json, baseline_fd=full_duration, last_ts_json=sample_ts_json, last_i_ts_json=sample_i_ts_json, layers_updated=layers_updated, fp_id_matched=f_id_matched, fp_id_created=f_id_created, fp_generation=fp_generation_created, validated=fp_validated, validated_fp_successful=validated_fp_success, profile_layer_algorithms=fp_layer_algorithms, current_layer=fp_current_layer, save_metric_td=save_training_data, saved_metric_td_label=saved_td_label, saved_metric_td=saved_training_data, metric_training_data_saved=training_data_saved, saved_metric_td_requested=saved_td_requested, saved_metric_td_details=saved_td_details, profile_enabled=fp_enabled, disable_feature_profile=disable_fp, disabled_fp_successful=disabled_fp_success, family_tree_ids=family_tree_fp_ids, matched_fp_id=matched_fp_id, matched_layer_id=matched_layer_id, matched_id_resources=matched_id_resources, matched_graph_image_file=matched_graph_image_file, # @added 20180620 - Feature #2404: Ionosphere - fluid approximation # Added minmax scaling minmax=minmax, correlations=correlations, # @added 20180723 - Feature #2470: Correlations Graphite graph links # Branch #2270: luminosity # Added Graphite graph links to the Correlations block in # the correlations.html and training_data.html templates correlations_with_graph_links=correlations_with_graph_links, matched_from_datetime=matched_from_datetime, # @added 20180921 - Feature #2558: Ionosphere - fluid approximation - approximately_close on layers approx_close=approx_close, # @added 20190328 - Feature #2484: FULL_DURATION feature profiles # Added ionosphere_echo echo_fp=echo_fp_value, echo_human_date=echo_hdate, metric_full_duration_in_hours_image_str=m_fd_in_hours_img_str, # @added 20190510 - Feature #2990: Add metrics id to relevant web pages metric_id=metric_id, # @added 20190601 - Feature #3084: Ionosphere - validated matches match_validated=match_validated, match_validated_db_value=match_validated_db_value, validated_match_successful=validated_match_successful, # @added 20190922 - Feature #2516: Add label to features profile fp_label=fp_label, # @added 20200113 - Feature #3390: luminosity related anomalies # Branch #2270: luminosity related=related, related_with_graph_links=related_with_graph_links, related_matches=related_matches, # @added 20200711 - Feature #3634: webapp - ionosphere - report number of data points ts_json_length=ts_json_length, anomalous_timeseries_length=anomalous_timeseries_length, # @added 20200731 - Feature #3654: IONOSPHERE_GRAPHITE_NOW_GRAPHS_OVERRIDE graphite_now_graphs_title=graphite_now_graphs_title, # @added 20200808 - Feature #3568: Ionosphere - report anomalies in training period labelled_anomalies=labelled_anomalies, # @added 20200813 - Feature #3670: IONOSPHERE_CUSTOM_KEEP_TRAINING_TIMESERIES_FOR historical_training_data=historical_training_data, # @added 20210324 - Feature #3642: Anomaly type classification anomaly_types=anomaly_types, anomaly_type_ids=anomaly_type_ids, # @added 20210413 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference matched_motif_id=matched_motif_id, # @added 20210415 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Branch #3590: inference matched_details_object=matched_details_object, motif_analysis=motif_analysis, motif_analysis_images=motif_analysis_images, motif_analysis_motif_id_by_distance=motif_analysis_motif_id_by_distance, # @added 20210416 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference ionosphere_matched_id=ionosphere_matched_id, # @added 20210417 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference batch_size=batch_size, top_matches=top_matches, max_distance=max_distance, # @added 20210419 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference matched_motif_dict=inference_match_motif_dict, inference_match_motif_image=inference_match_motif_image, # @added 20210422 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Allow the user to specify the range_padding motif_range_padding=motif_range_padding, # @added 20210425 - Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference # Allow user to specify the difference between the areas under the # curve motif_max_area_percent_diff=motif_max_area_percent_diff, # @added 20220317 - Feature #4540: Plot matched timeseries # Feature #4014: Ionosphere - inference matched_fp_plot=matched_fp_plot, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=debug_on), 200 except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) try: message = 'Unknown request' return render_template( 'ionosphere.html', display_message=message, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=debug_on), 200 except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace)
[docs]@app.route('/ionosphere_images') # @added 20210316 - Feature #3978: luminosity - classify_metrics # Feature #3642: Anomaly type classification # Serve the luminosity_images endpoint as well, for classify_metrics plots @app.route('/luminosity_images') # @added 20210328 - Feature #3994: Panorama - mirage not anomalous # Serve the panorama_file endpoint as well @app.route('/panorama_images') # @added 20211103 - Branch #3068: SNAB # Bug #4308: matrixprofile - fN on big drops # Serve the snab_images endpoint as well @app.route('/snab_images') def ionosphere_images(): request_args_present = False try: request_args_len = len(request.args) request_args_present = True except: request_args_len = 0 logger.error('error :: request arguments have no length - %s' % str(request_args_len)) IONOSPHERE_REQUEST_ARGS = ['image'] if request_args_present: for i in request.args: key = str(i) if key not in IONOSPHERE_REQUEST_ARGS: logger.error('error :: invalid request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(i))) # @modified 20190524 - Branch #3002: docker # Return data # return 'Bad Request', 400 error_string = 'error :: invalid request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(i)) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'400 Bad Request': error_string}) return flask_escape(resp), 400 value = request.args.get(key, None)'request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(value))) if key == 'image': filename = str(value) if filename == 'None': return 'No content', 204 # @added 20201214 - Feature #3890: metrics_manager - sync_cluster_files # Even though authenticated only allow specific paths IONOSPHERE_IMAGE_ALLOWED_PATHS = [ settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER, # @added 20210112 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance performance_dir, # @added 20210209 - Feature #1448: Crucible web UI crucible_jobs_dir, # @added 20210316 - Feature #3978: luminosity - classify_metrics # Feature #3642: Anomaly type classification luminosity_data_folder, # @added 20210328 - Feature #3994: Panorama - mirage not anomalous settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR, ] allowed_path = False for allowed_image_path in IONOSPHERE_IMAGE_ALLOWED_PATHS: if allowed_image_path in filename: allowed_path = True if not allowed_path:'forbidden filename, returning 403 - %s' % filename) return 'Forbidden', 403 if '.png' not in filename:'forbidden filename, not png, returning 403 - %s' % filename) return 'Forbidden', 403 # @added 20220112 - Bug #4374: webapp - handle url encoded chars if not os.path.isfile(filename): r_url = iri_to_uri(request.url)'r_url: %s' % r_url) if os.path.isfile(filename): try: return send_file(filename, mimetype='image/png') except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :( - could not return %s' % filename trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) else: image_404_path = 'webapp/static/images/skyline.ionosphere.image.404.png' filename = path.abspath( path.join(path.dirname(__file__), '..', image_404_path)) try: return send_file(filename, mimetype='image/png') except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :( - could not return %s' % filename trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) return 'Bad Request', 400
# @added 20201213 - Feature #3890: metrics_manager - sync_cluster_files
[docs]@app.route('/ionosphere_files') # @added 20210316 - Feature #3978: luminosity - classify_metrics # Feature #3642: Anomaly type classification # Serve the luminosity_file endpoint as well, for classify_metrics plots @app.route('/luminosity_files') @requires_auth def ionosphere_files(): start = time.time() request_args_present = False try: request_args_len = len(request.args) request_args_present = True except: request_args_len = 0 logger.error('error :: ionosphere_files request arguments have no length - %s' % str(request_args_len)) # @modified 20210316 - Feature #3978: luminosity - classify_metrics # Feature #3642: Anomaly type classification # Added algorithm_name and classify_metrics IONOSPHERE_FILES_REQUEST_ARGS = [ 'source', 'timestamp', 'metric', 'algorithm_name', ] IONOSPHERE_FILES_ALLOWED_DIR_TYPES = [ 'training_data', 'features_profiles', 'classify_metrics', ] allowed_source_dir = False timestamp = None metric = None if request_args_present: for i in request.args: key = str(i) if key not in IONOSPHERE_FILES_REQUEST_ARGS: logger.error('error :: ionosphere_files invalid request argument - %s' % (key)) return 'Bad Request', 400 value = request.args.get(key, 0) if key == 'source': source = str(value) if source in IONOSPHERE_FILES_ALLOWED_DIR_TYPES: allowed_source_dir = True if not allowed_source_dir: logger.error('error :: ionosphere_files not in IONOSPHERE_FILES_ALLOWED_DIR_TYPES - %s' % source) return 'Bad Request', 400 if key == 'timestamp': timestamp_str = str(value) try: timestamp = int(timestamp_str) except: logger.error('error :: ionosphere_files timestamp is not an int - %s' % timestamp_str) return 'Bad Request', 400 if key == 'metric': metric = str(value) # @added 20210316 - Feature #3978: luminosity - classify_metrics # Feature #3642: Anomaly type classification # Added algorithm_name algorithm_name = None if key == 'algorithm_name': algorithm_name = str(value) if not metric: logger.error('error :: ionosphere_files no metric passed') return 'Bad Request', 400 required_dir = None if allowed_source_dir and timestamp and metric: try: metric_timeseries_dir = metric.replace('.', '/') if source == 'features_profiles': required_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER, metric_timeseries_dir, str(timestamp)) if source == 'training_data': required_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, str(timestamp), metric_timeseries_dir) # @added 20210316 - Feature #3978: luminosity - classify_metrics # Feature #3642: Anomaly type classification # Added classify_metrics if source == 'classify_metrics': required_dir = '%s/%s/%s/%s/%s' % ( luminosity_data_folder, source, algorithm_name, metric_timeseries_dir, str(timestamp)) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: ionosphere_files failed to interpolate required_dir') return 'Internal Server Error', 500 files_dict = {} if required_dir: if not isdir(required_dir): # @modified 20201216 - Feature #3890: metrics_manager - sync_cluster_files # Remove the entry from the data Redis set if # the directory does not exist on this node #'ionosphere_files required_dir does not exist - %s, returning 404' % str(required_dir)) # return 'Not Found', 404 data_dict = {"status": {"response": 404}, "data": {"features_profiles dir": "not found"}} if source == 'training_data': try: ionosphere_training_data = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers('ionosphere.training_data')) training_data_removed = False for training_data_item in ionosphere_training_data: training_data = literal_eval(training_data_item) if training_data[0] == metric: if training_data[1] == int(timestamp): try: REDIS_CONN.srem('ionosphere.training_data', str(training_data))'ionosphere_files removed item from ionosphere.training_data - %s' % str(training_data)) training_data_removed = True except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: ionosphere_files failed to remove item from ionosphere.training_data - %s' % str(training_data)) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: ionosphere_files failed to try and remove the unfound training data dir for %s from ionosphere.training_data' % required_dir) if not training_data_removed:'ionosphere_files found no item to remove from ionosphere.training_data for %s at %s' % (metric, str(timestamp)))'ionosphere_files dir not found for %s at %s, returning 404' % (metric, str(timestamp))) data_dict = {"status": {"response": 404}, "data": {"training_data dir": "not found"}} return jsonify(data_dict), 404 for dir_path, folders, files in os.walk(required_dir): try: if files: for i in files: path_and_file = '%s/%s' % (required_dir, i) files_dict[i] = path_and_file except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: ionosphere_files failed to build files_list from %s' % str(required_dir)) duration = time.time() - start if not files_dict: logger.warning('warning :: ionosphere_files no files in required_dir - %s - returning 404' % str(required_dir)) # return 'Not Found', 404 data_dict = {"status": {"response": 404, "request_time": duration}, "data": {"metric": metric, "timestamp": timestamp, "source": source, "files": "not found"}} if algorithm_name and source == 'classify_metrics': data_dict = {"status": {"response": 404, "request_time": duration}, "data": {"metric": metric, "timestamp": timestamp, "source": source, "algorithm_name": algorithm_name, "files": "not found"}} return jsonify(data_dict), 404 if files_dict: data_dict = {"status": {"response": 200, "request_time": duration}, "data": {"metric": metric, "timestamp": timestamp, "source": source, "files": files_dict}} # @added 20210316 - Feature #3978: luminosity - classify_metrics # Feature #3642: Anomaly type classification # Added algorithm_name for classify_metrics if algorithm_name and source == 'classify_metrics': data_dict = { "status": {"response": 200, "request_time": duration}, "data": { "metric": metric, "timestamp": timestamp, "source": source, "algorithm_name": algorithm_name, "files": files_dict} }'ionosphere_files returned json with %s files listed' % str(len(files_dict))) return jsonify(data_dict), 200 return 'Bad Request', 400
# TODO @gzipped this? But really bandwidth is more available than CPU # @added 20201213 - Feature #3890: metrics_manager - sync_cluster_files
[docs]@app.route('/ionosphere_file') # @added 20210316 - Feature #3978: luminosity - classify_metrics # Feature #3642: Anomaly type classification # Serve the luminosity_file endpoint as well, for classify_metrics plots @app.route('/luminosity_file') @requires_auth def ionosphere_file(): request_args_present = False try: request_args_len = len(request.args) request_args_present = True except: request_args_len = 0 logger.error('error :: ionosphere_file request arguments have no length - %s' % str(request_args_len)) IONOSPHERE_FILE_REQUEST_ARGS = ['file'] IONOSPHERE_FILE_ALLOWED_PATHS = [ settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER, # @added 20210112 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance performance_dir, # @added 20210223 - Feature #2054: settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER + '_saved', # @added 20210316 - Feature #3978: luminosity - classify_metrics # Feature #3642: Anomaly type classification luminosity_data_folder, ] if request_args_present: for i in request.args: key = str(i) if key not in IONOSPHERE_FILE_REQUEST_ARGS: logger.error('error :: invalid request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(i))) error_string = 'error :: invalid request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(i)) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'400 Bad Request': error_string}) return flask_escape(resp), 400 value = request.args.get(key, 0) #'request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(value))) allowed_file = False if key == 'file': filename = str(value) for allowed_path in IONOSPHERE_FILE_ALLOWED_PATHS: if allowed_path in filename: allowed_file = True if not allowed_file: logger.error('error :: ionosphere_file not in allowed paths - %s' % filename) return 'Bad Request', 400 if allowed_file: if os.path.isfile(filename): mimetype = 'application/octet-stream' if filename.endswith('.png'): mimetype = 'image/png' if filename.endswith('.json'): mimetype = 'application/json' if filename.endswith('.txt'): mimetype = 'text/plain' # @added 20210112 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance if filename.endswith('.csv'): mimetype = 'text/csv' try: return send_file(filename, mimetype=mimetype) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: ionosphere_file failed to send_file - %s' % filename) return 'Internal Server Error', 500 else: logger.warning('warning :: ionosphere_file not found - %s' % filename) return 'Not Found', 404 return 'Bad Request', 400
# @added 20170102 - Feature #1838: utilites - ALERTS matcher # Branch #922: ionosphere # Task #1658: Patterning Skyline Ionosphere # Added utilities TODO
[docs]@app.route("/utilities") @requires_auth def utilities(): start = time.time() # @added 20210604 - Branch #1444: thunder metrics_match = True match_metric = False thunder_testing = False thunder_no_data_test = False thunder_no_data_test_key_added = False thunder_stale_metrics_test = False thunder_stale_metrics_test_key_added = False # @added 20220228 - Feature #4468: flux - remove_namespace_quota_metrics remove_flux_namespace_quota_metrics = False dry_run = False removed_quota_metrics_key = None removed_quota_metrics = [] # @added 20220301 - Feature #4482: Test alerts test_alert = False alert_on_metric = None alerter_app = None alerter = None http_alerters = [] parent_namespaces = [] try: request_args_len = len(request.args) except: request_args_len = 0 UTILITIES_REQUEST_ARGS = [ 'metric', 'settings_list', 'match_with', 'thunder_testing', 'thunder_no_data_test', 'namespace', 'stale_period', 'expiry', 'thunder_no_data_test_key_added', 'thunder_stale_metrics_test', 'thunder_stale_metrics_test_key_added', 'match_metric', # @added 20220228 - Feature #4468: flux - remove_namespace_quota_metrics 'remove_flux_namespace_quota_metrics', 'dry_run', 'removed_quota_metrics_key', # @added 20220301 - Feature #4482: Test alerts 'test_alert', 'app', 'alerter', # @added 20220315 - Feature #4482: Test alerts 'alerter_id', 'trigger_anomaly', ] if request_args_len: for i in request.args: key = str(i) if key not in UTILITIES_REQUEST_ARGS: logger.error('error :: invalid request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(i))) error_string = 'error :: invalid request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(i)) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'400 Bad Request': error_string}) return flask_escape(resp), 400 value = request.args.get(key, 0)'request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(value))) if key == 'thunder_testing': thunder_testing = True metrics_match = False'thunder_testing running get_top_level_namespaces') try: parent_namespaces = get_top_level_namespaces(skyline_app, True) except Exception as e: message = 'get_top_level_namespaces failed: %s' % e trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) if key == 'thunder_no_data_test': thunder_no_data_test = True metrics_match = False'thunder_no_data_test running get_top_level_namespaces') try: parent_namespaces = get_top_level_namespaces(skyline_app, True) except Exception as e: message = 'get_top_level_namespaces failed: %s' % e trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) if key == 'thunder_stale_metrics_test': thunder_stale_metrics_test = True metrics_match = False'thunder_stale_metrics_test running get_top_level_namespaces') try: parent_namespaces = get_top_level_namespaces(skyline_app, True) except Exception as e: message = 'get_top_level_namespaces failed: %s' % e trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) # @added 20220228 - Feature #4468: flux - remove_namespace_quota_metrics if key == 'match_metric': match_metric = True if key == 'remove_flux_namespace_quota_metrics': remove_flux_namespace_quota_metrics = True metrics_match = False'remove_flux_namespace_quota_metrics request') if key == 'dry_run':'remove_flux_namespace_quota_metrics request dry_run: %s' % str(dry_run)) if value == 'true': dry_run = True if value is True: dry_run = True if key == 'removed_quota_metrics_key': try: removed_quota_metrics = list(REDIS_CONN.smembers(value)) except Exception as err: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'remove_flux_namespace_quota_metrics :: failed to get Redis set %s: %s' % str(err) return internal_error(message, trace) # @added 20220301 - Feature #4482: Test alerts if key == 'test_alert': test_alert = True http_alerters = list(settings.HTTP_ALERTERS_OPTS.keys()) metrics_match = False try: return render_template( 'utilities.html', metrics_match=metrics_match, match_metric=match_metric, thunder_testing=thunder_testing, thunder_no_data_test=thunder_no_data_test, parent_namespaces=parent_namespaces, thunder_no_data_test_key_added=thunder_no_data_test_key_added, thunder_stale_metrics_test=thunder_stale_metrics_test, thunder_stale_metrics_test_key_added=thunder_stale_metrics_test_key_added, remove_flux_namespace_quota_metrics=remove_flux_namespace_quota_metrics, dry_run=dry_run, removed_quota_metrics=removed_quota_metrics, test_alert=test_alert, metric=alert_on_metric, alerter_app=alerter_app, alerter=alerter, http_alerters=http_alerters, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start)), 200 except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'failed to render utilities.html: %s' % e return internal_error(message, trace)
# @added 20200516 - Feature #3538: webapp - upload_data endpoint # Feature #3550: flux.uploaded_data_worker
[docs]@app.route("/flux_frontend", methods=['GET']) @requires_auth def flux_frontend(): debug_on = False # file_uploads_enabled = True'/flux_frontend request') start = time.time() try: request_args_len = len(request.args) except: request_args_len = 0 FLUX_UPLOAD_DATA_REQUEST_ARGS = [ 'parent_metric_namespace', 'data_file_uploaded', 'info_file_uploaded', 'upload_id', 'upload_id_key' ] parent_metric_namespace = None data_file_uploaded = None info_file_uploaded = None upload_id = None upload_id_key = None request_arguments = [] if request_args_len: for i in request.args: key = str(i) if key not in FLUX_UPLOAD_DATA_REQUEST_ARGS: logger.error('error :: invalid request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(i))) error_string = 'error :: invalid request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(i)) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'400 Bad Request': error_string}) return flask_escape(resp), 400 value = request.args.get(key, None) request_arguments.append([key, value])'request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(value))) if key == 'parent_metric_namespace': parent_metric_namespace = str(value) if key == 'data_file_uploaded': data_file_uploaded = str(value) if key == 'info_file_uploaded': info_file_uploaded = str(value) if key == 'upload_id': upload_id = str(value) if key == 'upload_id_key': upload_id_key = str(value) if not upload_id_key: if upload_id: upload_id_key = upload_id.replace('/', '.') # To enable uplaods via the webapp Flux endpoint using the # settings.FLUX_SELF_API_KEY a shortlived FLUX_UPLOADS_KEYS is created in # in Redis and passed the the upload_data template to submit as the key temporary_key = str(uuid.uuid4()) redis_temporary_upload_key = 'flux.tmp.temporary_upload_key.%s' % temporary_key try: REDIS_CONN.setex(redis_temporary_upload_key, 600, str(temporary_key))'added Redis key %s' % redis_temporary_upload_key) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'could not add Redis key - %s' % redis_temporary_upload_key logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: %s' % message) try: return render_template( 'flux_frontend.html', upload_data_enabled=file_uploads_enabled, parent_metric_namespace=parent_metric_namespace, data_file_uploaded=data_file_uploaded, info_file_uploaded=info_file_uploaded, upload_id=upload_id, upload_id_key=upload_id_key, temporary_upload_key=temporary_key, flux_identifier=temporary_key, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=debug_on), 200 except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace)
# @added 20200514 - Feature #3538: webapp - upload_data endpoint # Feature #3550: flux.uploaded_data_worker
[docs]@app.route("/upload_data", methods=['POST']) def upload_data():'/upload_data request') if not file_uploads_enabled: return 'Not Found', 404 start = time.time() api_key = None parent_metric_namespace = None timezone = None format = None archive = None data_file = None info_file = None info_file_in_archive = False date_orientation = 'rows' skip_rows = None header_row = None columns_to_ignore = None columns_to_process = None resample_method = 'mean' json_response = False flux_identifier = None # @added 20200521 - Feature #3538: webapp - upload_data endpoint # Feature #3550: flux.uploaded_data_worker # Added the ability to ignore_submitted_timestamps and not # check flux.last metric timestamp ignore_submitted_timestamps = False upload_id = None data_dict = {} if request.method != 'POST': logger.error('error :: not a POST requests, returning 400') return 'Method Not Allowed', 405 if request.method == 'POST':'handling upload_data POST request') if 'json_response' in request.form: json_response = request.form['json_response'] if json_response == 'true': json_response = True'handling upload_data POST with variable json_response - %s' % str(json_response)) # If there is no key a 401 is returned with no info if 'key' not in request.form: error_string = 'no key in the POST variables' logger.error('error :: ' + error_string) return 'Unauthorized', 401 else: api_key = str(request.form['key'])'handling upload_data POST request with key - %s, using as api_key' % str(api_key)) # Do not process requests that do not come from the Flux frontend if # they do not have json_response set. if 'flux_identifier' not in request.form: if not json_response: return 'Bad Request', 400 flux_frontend_request = False if 'flux_identifier' in request.form: flux_identifier = str(request.form['flux_identifier']) if flux_identifier: flux_identifier_key = 'flux.tmp.temporary_upload_key.%s' % flux_identifier try: flux_frontend_request = REDIS_CONN.get(flux_identifier_key) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'could query Redis for flux_identifier_key - %s' % flux_identifier_key logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: %s' % message) if not flux_frontend_request: error_string = 'flux_identifier has expired or is not valid, please reload the Flux page''flux_identifier - %s - has expired or is not valid, returning 400' % str(flux_identifier)) data_dict = {"status": {"error": error_string}, "data": { "upload": "failed"}} return jsonify(data_dict), 400 required_post_variables = [ 'parent_metric_namespace', 'timezone', 'format', 'archive', 'date_orientation', 'header_row', 'columns_to_metrics', 'info_file_in_archive' ] for r_var in required_post_variables: if r_var not in request.form: error_string = 'no %s in the POST variables' % r_var logger.error('error :: ' + error_string) data_dict = {"status": {"error": error_string}, "data": { "upload": "failed"}} return jsonify(data_dict), 400 return_400 = False parent_metric_namespace = str(request.form['parent_metric_namespace']) if parent_metric_namespace == '': error_string = 'blank parent_metric_namespace variable passed' logger.error('error :: ' + error_string) return_400 = True known_key = None if flux_upload_keys: try: parent_metric_namespace_key = flux_upload_keys[parent_metric_namespace]'a key found for %s in flux_upload_keys' % parent_metric_namespace) if parent_metric_namespace_key == api_key: known_key = api_key'the key matches the key found for %s in flux_upload_keys' % parent_metric_namespace) else:'the key variable passed does not match the key found for %s in flux_upload_keys' % parent_metric_namespace) except:'no known key found for %s in flux_upload_keys' % parent_metric_namespace) known_key = None # @added 20210114 - Task #3936: Allow for FLUX_API_KEYS rotation # Allow multiple keys per namespace to allow for key rotation if not known_key: try: for i_key in flux_upload_keys: parent_metric_namespace_for_key = flux_upload_keys[i_key] if parent_metric_namespace_for_key == parent_metric_namespace: known_key = i_key'a key match for the key found for %s in flux_upload_keys was found' % parent_metric_namespace) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: iterating flux_upload_keys') known_key = None if not known_key:'no key match was found for %s in flux_upload_keys' % parent_metric_namespace) if not known_key: redis_temporary_upload_key = 'flux.tmp.temporary_upload_key.%s' % api_key try: known_key = REDIS_CONN_UNDECODE.get(redis_temporary_upload_key)'attempt to check %s key in Redis got - %s' % ( redis_temporary_upload_key, str(known_key))) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could query Redis for %s' % redis_temporary_upload_key) if not known_key: logger.error('error :: unknown key passed %s' % api_key) return 'Unauthorized', 401 if not return_400:'handling upload_data POST with variable parent_metric_namespace - %s' % str(parent_metric_namespace)) timezone = str(request.form['timezone']) if timezone == '': error_string = '%s is not an accepted timezone' % timezone logger.error('error :: ' + error_string) return_400 = True if not return_400:'handling upload_data POST with variable timezone - %s' % str(timezone)) format = str(request.form['format']) if format not in ALLOWED_FORMATS: error_string = '%s is not an accepted format' % format logger.error('error :: ' + error_string) return_400 = True if not return_400:'handling upload_data POST with variable format - %s' % str(format)) archive = str(request.form['archive']) if archive not in ALLOWED_ARCHIVES: error_string = '%s is not an accepted archive type' % archive logger.error('error :: ' + error_string) return_400 = True if not return_400:'handling upload_data POST with variable archive - %s' % str(archive)) date_orientation = str(request.form['date_orientation']) if date_orientation not in ['rows', 'columns']: error_string = '%s is not a valid date_orientation' % date_orientation logger.error('error :: ' + error_string) return_400 = True if not return_400:'handling upload_data POST with variable date_orientation - %s' % str(date_orientation)) header_row_str = str(request.form['header_row']) try: header_row = int(header_row_str) except: error_string = '%s is not a valid header_row' % header_row_str logger.error('error :: ' + error_string) return_400 = True if not return_400:'handling upload_data POST with variable header_row - %s' % str(header_row)) columns_to_metrics = str(request.form['columns_to_metrics']) if return_400: data_dict = {"status": {"error": error_string}, "data": { "upload": "failed"}} return jsonify(data_dict), 400'handling upload_data POST with variable columns_to_metrics - %s' % str(columns_to_metrics)) info_file_in_archive_str = str(request.form['info_file_in_archive']) if info_file_in_archive_str == 'true': info_file_in_archive = True'handling upload_data POST with variable info_file_in_archive - %s' % str(info_file_in_archive)) info_filename = None data_filename = None # Check if the POST request has the data_file part no_data_file = False if 'data_file' not in request.files: no_data_file = True error_string = 'error :: no data_file in the POST' logger.error(error_string) if 'data_file' in request.files: data_file = request.files['data_file'] if data_file.filename == '': error_string = 'error :: blank data_file variable' logger.error(error_string) no_data_file = True if no_data_file: data_dict = {"status": {"error": error_string}, "data": { "upload": "failed"}} return jsonify(data_dict), 400 create_info_file = False info_file_dict = None if 'skip_rows' in request.form: if request.form['skip_rows'] == 'none': skip_rows = None else: try: skip_rows = int(request.form['skip_rows']) except: error_string = 'skip_row must be none or int' data_dict = {"status": {"error": error_string}, "data": { "upload": "failed"}} return jsonify(data_dict), 400'handling upload_data POST with variable skip_rows - %s' % str(skip_rows)) if 'columns_to_ignore' in request.form: columns_to_ignore = str(request.form['columns_to_ignore'])'handling upload_data POST with variable columns_to_ignore - %s' % str(columns_to_ignore)) if 'columns_to_process' in request.form: columns_to_process = str(request.form['columns_to_process'])'handling upload_data POST with variable columns_to_process - %s' % str(columns_to_process)) resample_method = 'mean' if 'resample_method' in request.form: resample_method_str = str(request.form['resample_method']) if resample_method_str == 'sum': resample_method = 'sum''handling upload_data POST with variable columns_to_process - %s' % str(columns_to_process)) # @added 20200521 - Feature #3538: webapp - upload_data endpoint # Feature #3550: flux.uploaded_data_worker # Added the ability to ignore_submitted_timestamps and not # check flux.last metric timestamp if 'ignore_submitted_timestamps' in request.form: ignore_submitted_timestamps_str = request.form['ignore_submitted_timestamps'] if ignore_submitted_timestamps_str == 'true': ignore_submitted_timestamps = True'handling upload_data POST with variable json_response - %s' % str(json_response)) if 'info_file' not in request.files: create_info_file = True if 'info_file' in request.files: info_file = request.files['info_file']'handling upload_data POST with variable info_file - %s' % str(info_file)) if info_file.filename == '': create_info_file = True else: create_info_file = False if create_info_file:'handling upload_data POST request with no info_file uploaded, attempting to create from variables') return_400 = False info_file_dict = { "parent_metric_namespace": parent_metric_namespace, "timezone": timezone, "archive": archive, "skip_rows": skip_rows, "header_row": header_row, "date_orientation": date_orientation, "columns_to_metrics": columns_to_metrics, "columns_to_ignore": columns_to_ignore, "columns_to_process": columns_to_process, "info_file_in_archive": info_file_in_archive, "resample_method": resample_method, "ignore_submitted_timestamps": ignore_submitted_timestamps, } info_file_saved = False parent_metric_namespace_dirname = secure_filename(parent_metric_namespace) upload_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % (DATA_UPLOADS_PATH, parent_metric_namespace_dirname, str(start)) upload_id = '%s/%s' % (parent_metric_namespace_dirname, str(start)) upload_id_key = '%s.%s' % (parent_metric_namespace_dirname, str(start)) if not create_info_file: info_file = request.files['info_file'] if info_file and allowed_file(info_file.filename): try: info_filename = secure_filename(info_file.filename)'handling upload_data POST request with info file - %s' % str(info_filename)) if not path.exists(upload_data_dir): mkdir_p(upload_data_dir), info_filename)) info_file_saved = True'handling upload_data POST request saved info file - %s/%s' % (upload_data_dir, str(info_filename))) except: message = 'failed to save info file' trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error(message) if json_response: return 'Internal Server Error', 500 else: return internal_error(message, trace) data_filename = None if data_file and allowed_file(data_file.filename): try: data_filename = secure_filename(data_file.filename)'handling upload_data POST request with data file - %s' % str(data_filename)) # @modified 20200520 - Bug #3552: flux.uploaded_data_worker - tar.gz # tar.gz needs more work if data_filename.endswith('tar.gz'): error_string = 'error - tar.gz archives are not accepted''tar.gz archives are not accepted - %s, returning 400' % str(data_file)) data_dict = {"status": {"error": error_string}, "data": { "upload": "failed"}} return jsonify(data_dict), 400 if not path.exists(upload_data_dir): mkdir_p(upload_data_dir), data_filename))'handling upload_data POST request saved data file - %s/%s' % (upload_data_dir, str(data_filename))) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'failed to save data file' logger.error(trace) logger.error(message) if json_response: return 'Internal Server Error', 500 else: return internal_error(message, trace) if info_file_dict and data_filename: info_filename = '' % data_filename'handling upload_data POST creating info file from POST variables - %s' % str(info_filename)) if info_file_in_archive:'handling upload_data POST request with info_file_in_archive True, but still creating a parent info file from variables') if not path.exists(upload_data_dir): mkdir_p(upload_data_dir) info_file = '%s/%s' % (upload_data_dir, info_filename) # info_file_data = jsonify(info_file_dict) try: write_data_to_file(skyline_app, info_file, 'w', str(info_file_dict))'handling upload_data POST - saved inferred info file - %s' % info_file) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to save inferred info file - %s' % info_file) upload_data_dict = { "parent_metric_namespace": parent_metric_namespace, "timezone": timezone, "upload_id": upload_id, "status": 'pending', "format": format, "archive": archive, "data_filename": data_filename, "info_filename": info_filename, "info_file_in_archive": info_file_in_archive, "skip_rows": skip_rows, "header_row": header_row, "resample_method": resample_method, "ignore_submitted_timestamps": ignore_submitted_timestamps, } try: REDIS_CONN.sadd('flux.uploaded_data', str(upload_data_dict)) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'could not add item to flux.uploaded_data Redis set - %s' % str(e) logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: %s' % message) if json_response: return 'Internal Server Error', 500 else: return internal_error(message, trace) upload_status_redis_key = 'flux.upload_status.%s' % upload_id_key try: REDIS_CONN.setex(upload_status_redis_key, 2592000, str(upload_data_dict))'added Redis key %s with new status' % upload_status_redis_key) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'could not add item to flux.uploaded_data Redis set - %s' % str(e) logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: %s' % message) if json_response: data_dict = {"status": {}, "data": { "feature maturity": "EXPERIMENTAL", "upload": "successful", "upload_id": upload_id, "upload_id_key": upload_id_key, "key": api_key, "parent_metric_namespace": parent_metric_namespace, "data file": data_filename}} if info_file_saved: data_dict['data']['info file'] = info_filename'responding to upload_data POST request with json response - %s' % str(data_dict)) return jsonify(data_dict), 200 if flux_frontend_request: return redirect(url_for('flux_frontend', parent_metric_namespace=parent_metric_namespace, data_file_uploaded=data_filename, info_file_uploaded=info_filename, upload_id=upload_id, upload_id_key=upload_id_key)) return 'Bad Request', 400
# @added 20220403 - Task #4514: Integrate opentelemetry # Feature #4516: flux - opentelemetry traces
[docs]@app.route('/otel_trace', methods=['POST']) def otel_trace(): from opentelemetry.proto.trace.v1 import trace_pb2 from google.protobuf import json_format as _json_format'/otel_trace request') all_headers = None try: all_headers = str(request.headers) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: /otel_trace :: req.headers() error - %s' % str(err))'debug :: /otel_trace :: headers - %s' % str(all_headers)) # TESTING # raw_data = request.get_data() try: traceP = trace_pb2.TracesData() traceP.ParseFromString(request.get_data()) trace_dict = _json_format.MessageToDict(traceP) # write_data_to_file(skyline_app, '/tmp/test.otel_trace', 'wb', raw_data) REDIS_CONN.hset('test.otel.traces', time.time(), str(trace_dict)) REDIS_CONN.expire('test.otel.traces', 900) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not write otel_trace data to file - %s' % str(e)) #'otel_trace :: /otel_trace POST raw_data: %s' % str(raw_data))'otel_trace :: /otel_trace POST done') return 'OK', 200
# @added 20220413 - Feature #4526: flux - logstash
[docs]@app.route('/logstash_test', methods=['POST']) def logstash_test():'/logstash_test request') all_headers = None try: all_headers = str(request.headers) except Exception as err: logger.error('error :: /logstash_test :: req.headers() error - %s' % str(err))'debug :: /logstash_test :: headers - %s' % str(all_headers)) try: # raw_data = request.get_data() post_data = request.get_json() REDIS_CONN.hset('test.logstash', time.time(), str(post_data)) REDIS_CONN.expire('test.logstash', 900) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not write logstash_test data to Redis hash test.logstash - %s' % str(err))'/logstash_test POST done') return 'OK', 200
# @added 20201212 - Feature #3880: webapp - utilities - match_metric
[docs]@app.route("/match_metric", methods=['POST']) def match_metric(): start = time.time()'/match_metric request') metric = None settings_list = None use_settings_list = None match_with = None if request.method != 'POST': logger.error('error :: not a POST requests, returning 400') return 'Method Not Allowed', 405 if request.method == 'POST':'handling match_metric POST request') def get_settings(settings_string): return getattr(sys.modules['settings'], settings_string) if 'metric' in request.form: metric = request.form['metric']'handling match_metric POST with variable metric - %s' % str(metric)) if not metric:'handling match_metric, return 400 no metric') return 'Bad request', 400 if 'settings_list' in request.form: settings_list = request.form['settings_list']'handling match_metric POST with variable settings_list - %s' % str(settings_list)) if not settings_list: settings_list = None if settings_list: use_settings_list = None try: use_settings_list = get_settings(settings_list) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'could not interpolate settings_list - %s - %s' % (str(settings_list), e) logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: %s' % message) return internal_error(message, trace) if not use_settings_list: if 'match_with' in request.form: match_with = request.form['match_with']'handling match_metric POST with variable match_with - %s' % str(match_with)) if metric: if not use_settings_list: if not match_with:'handling match_metric, return 400 no settings_list or match_with') return 'Bad request', 400 pattern_match = None try: if use_settings_list: pattern_match, matched_by = matched_or_regexed_in_list(skyline_app, metric, use_settings_list, True) if not use_settings_list and match_with: pattern_match, matched_by = matched_or_regexed_in_list(skyline_app, metric, [match_with], True) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'could not determine if metric matched - error - %s' % (e) logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: %s' % message) return internal_error(message, trace) if pattern_match is None:'handling match_metric, pattern_match is None, return 400') return 'Bad request', 400 try: return render_template( 'utilities.html', match_metric=True, metric=metric, settings_list=settings_list, match_with=match_with, pattern_match=pattern_match, matched_by=matched_by, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=False), 200 except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'could not render_template utilities.html - error - %s' % (e) logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: %s' % message) return internal_error(message, trace)
# @added 20210604 - Branch #1444: thunder
[docs]@app.route("/thunder_test", methods=['POST']) def thunder_test(): start = time.time()'/thunder_test request') thunder_test_type = None namespace = None stale_period = None expiry = None stale_count = None thunder_no_data_test = False thunder_stale_metrics_test = False thunder_no_data_test_key_added = None thunder_stale_metrics_test_key_added = None if request.method != 'POST': logger.error('error :: not a POST requests, returning 405') return 'Method Not Allowed', 405 if request.method == 'POST':'handling thunder_test POST request') if 'thunder_test_type' in request.form: thunder_test_type = request.form['thunder_test_type']'handling thunder_test POST with variable thunder_test - %s' % str(thunder_test_type)) if not thunder_test_type:'handling thunder_test, return 400 no thunder_test') return 'Bad request', 400 if 'namespace' in request.form: namespace = request.form['namespace']'handling thunder_test POST with variable namespace - %s' % str(namespace)) if not namespace:'handling thunder_test, return 400 no namespace') return 'Bad request', 400 if 'stale_period' in request.form: stale_period = int(request.form['stale_period'])'handling thunder_test POST with variable stale_period - %s' % str(stale_period)) if not stale_period: if stale_period != 0:'handling thunder_test, return 400 no stale_period') return 'Bad request', 400 if 'stale_count' in request.form: stale_count = int(request.form['stale_count'])'handling stale_count POST with variable stale_count - %s' % str(stale_count)) if not stale_count: if stale_count != 0:'handling thunder_test, return 400 no stale_count') return 'Bad request', 400 if 'expiry' in request.form: expiry = int(request.form['expiry'])'handling thunder_test POST with variable expiry - %s' % str(expiry)) if not expiry: if expiry != 0:'handling thunder_test, return 400 no expiry') return 'Bad request', 400 if thunder_test_type == 'no_data': thunder_test_alert_key = 'thunder.test.alert.no_data.%s' % namespace data_dict = {'stale_period': stale_period, 'expiry': expiry} if thunder_test_type == 'stale_metrics': thunder_test_alert_key = 'thunder.test.alert.stale_metrics.%s' % namespace data_dict = {'stale_count': stale_count, 'stale_period': stale_period, 'expiry': expiry} thunder_test_key_added = False try: thunder_test_key_added = REDIS_CONN.setex(thunder_test_alert_key, expiry, str(data_dict)) if thunder_test_key_added: thunder_test_key_added = thunder_test_alert_key if thunder_test_type == 'no_data': thunder_no_data_test_key_added = thunder_test_alert_key thunder_no_data_test = True if thunder_test_type == 'stale_metrics': thunder_stale_metrics_test_key_added = thunder_test_alert_key thunder_stale_metrics_test = True'added Redis key %s' % thunder_test_alert_key) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'could not add Redis key %s - %s' % (thunder_test_alert_key, e) logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: %s' % message) return internal_error(message, trace) try: return render_template( 'utilities.html', match_metric=False, thunder_testing=True, thunder_no_data_test=thunder_no_data_test, thunder_no_data_test_key_added=thunder_no_data_test_key_added, thunder_stale_metrics_test=thunder_stale_metrics_test, thunder_stale_metrics_test_key_added=thunder_stale_metrics_test_key_added, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=False), 200 except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'could not render_template utilities.html - error - %s' % (e) logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: %s' % message) return internal_error(message, trace)
# @added 20220114 - Feature #4376: webapp - update_external_settings
[docs]@app.route('/update_external_settings', methods=['POST']) @requires_auth def update_external_settings(): start = time.time() start_timer = timer()'/update_external_settings') key = None if request.method != 'POST': logger.error('error :: not a POST requests, returning 405') return 'Method Not Allowed', 405 cluster_data = False if request.method == 'POST': post_data = {} try: post_data = request.get_json() except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_external_settings - no POST data - %s' % ( err))'update_external_settings, return 400 no POST data') return 'Bad request', 400 try: cluster_data = post_data['data']['cluster_data'] except KeyError: cluster_data = False except Exception as err: cluster_data = False logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_external_settings - evaluation of post_data[\'data\'][\'cluster_data\'] failed - %s' % ( err)) try: key = post_data['data']['key'] except KeyError: key = None if not key:'update_external_settings, return 400 no key') return 'Bad request', 400 if key != settings.FLUX_SELF_API_KEY: bad_key = str(key)'update_external_settings, return 401 bad key - %s' % bad_key) return 'Unauthorized', 401 if not settings.EXTERNAL_SETTINGS: end = timer() request_time = (end - start_timer) status_code = 200 data_dict = {"status": {"update_external_settings": "success", "response": 200, "request_time": request_time}, "data": {"updated": True, "external_settings": 'no EXTERNAL_SETTINGS configured nothing to update'}} return jsonify(data_dict), status_code external_settings = {} external_from_cache = False remote_external_settings = {} # if key: # if settings.EXTERNAL_SETTINGS:'update_external_settings - managing external_settings') try: external_settings, external_from_cache = manage_external_settings(skyline_app) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_external_settings - fetch_external_settings failed - %s' % ( err)) if external_settings:'update_external_settings - %s external_settings from cache %s' % ( str(len(list(external_settings.keys()))), str(external_from_cache))) # @added 20220117 - Feature #4324: flux - reload external_settings # Feature #4376: webapp - update_external_settings flux_pid_file = '%s/' % settings.PID_PATH if os.path.isfile(flux_pid_file): try: REDIS_CONN.set('skyline.external_settings.update.flux', int(start))'added Redis key skyline.external_settings.update.flux') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_external_settings - failed to create Redis key skyline.external_settings.update.flux') # @modified 20220128 - Feature #4400: flux - quota # Feature #4324: flux - reload external_settings # Feature #4376: webapp - update_external_settings # Reload flux from metrics_manager as the flux aggregation and quota # keys need to be updated. #'initiating reload_flux') # try: # flux_pids = reload_flux(skyline_app, flux_pid_file) # if flux_pids: #'update_external_settings - reload_flux reports %s flux pids' % str(len(flux_pids))) # except Exception as err: # logger.error('error :: update_external_settings - reload_flux error - %s' % err) # @added 20220128 - Feature #4400: flux - quota # Feature #4324: flux - reload external_settings # Feature #4376: webapp - update_external_settings # Set key to inform metrics_manager to update try: REDIS_CONN.set('skyline.external_settings.update.metrics_manager', int(start))'added Redis key skyline.external_settings.update.metrics_manager') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: update_external_settings - failed to create Redis key skyline.external_settings.update.flux') if not settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES: cluster_data = False if cluster_data: endpoint_params = { 'api_endpoint': '/update_external_settings', 'data_required': 'updated', 'only_host': 'all', 'method': 'POST', 'post_data': { 'data': { 'key': key, 'cluster_data': False, } } } try: remote_external_settings = get_cluster_data('update_external_settings&cluster_call=true', 'updated', only_host='all', endpoint_params=endpoint_params) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: webapp could not get update_external_settings from the remote Skyline instances') end = timer() request_time = (end - start_timer) if not cluster_data: if external_settings: status_code = 200 data_dict = {"status": {"update_external_settings": "success", "response": 200, "request_time": request_time}, "data": {"updated": True}} else: status_code = 500 data_dict = {"status": {"update_external_settings": "failed", "response": 500, "request_time": request_time}, "data": {"updated": False, "external_settings": external_settings}} return jsonify(data_dict), status_code if external_settings and remote_external_settings: status_code = 200 data_dict = {"status": {"update_external_settings": "success", "response": 200, "request_time": request_time}, "data": {"updated": True, "remote_external_settings": remote_external_settings}} else: status_code = 500 data_dict = {"status": {"update_external_settings": "failed", "response": 500, "request_time": request_time}, "data": {"updated": False, "remote_external_settings": remote_external_settings}} return jsonify(data_dict), status_code
# @added 20220224 - Feature #4468: flux - remove_namespace_quota_metrics # Feature #4464: flux - quota - cluster_sync
[docs]@app.route('/remove_namespace_quota_metrics', methods=['POST']) @requires_auth def remove_namespace_quota(): start_timer = timer() start = time.time()'/remove_namespace_quota_metrics') key = None if request.method != 'POST': logger.error('error :: not a POST requests, returning 405') return 'Method Not Allowed', 405 cluster_data = False dry_run = True # Test whether form or json POST form_data = False try: cluster_data_str = request.form['cluster_data'] if cluster_data_str == 'true': cluster_data = True dry_run_str = request.form['dry_run'] if dry_run_str == 'false': dry_run = False if dry_run_str == 'true': dry_run = True form_data = True'remove_namespace_quota_metrics, form POST')'remove_namespace_quota_metrics, cluster_data: %s' % cluster_data)'remove_namespace_quota_metrics, dry_run: %s' % str(dry_run)) except:'/remove_namespace_quota_metrics no form data trying json') post_data = {} if not form_data: try: post_data = request.get_json() except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: remove_namespace_quota_metrics - no POST data - %s' % ( err))'remove_namespace_quota_metrics, return 400 no POST data') return 'Bad request', 400 try: cluster_data = post_data['data']['cluster_data'] if cluster_data:'remove_namespace_quota_metrics - cluster_data passed: %s' % str(cluster_data)) except KeyError: cluster_data = False except Exception as err: cluster_data = False logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: remove_namespace_quota_metrics - evaluation of post_data[\'data\'][\'cluster_data\'] failed - %s' % ( err)) try: key = post_data['data']['key'] except KeyError: key = None if not key:'remove_namespace_quota_metrics, return 400 no key') return 'Bad request', 400 if key != settings.FLUX_SELF_API_KEY: bad_key = str(key)'remove_namespace_quota_metrics, return 401 bad key - %s' % bad_key) return 'Unauthorized', 401 try: if form_data: parent_namespace = request.form['parent_namespace'] key = settings.FLUX_SELF_API_KEY else: parent_namespace = str(post_data['data']['parent_namespace']) if parent_namespace:'remove_namespace_quota_metrics - parent_namespace: %s' % parent_namespace) except KeyError: parent_namespace = None if not parent_namespace:'remove_namespace_quota_metrics, return 400 no parent_namespace') return 'Bad request', 400 # This prevents the removal of metrics arbitarily, 400 if not flux quota flux_quota = 0 try: flux_quota_str = REDIS_CONN.hget('metrics_manager.flux.namespace_quotas', parent_namespace) if flux_quota_str: flux_quota = int(float(flux_quota_str)) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: remove_namespace_quota_metrics :: failed to hget %s from metrics_manager.flux.namespace_quotas Redis hash key - %s' % ( parent_namespace, err)) if not flux_quota:'remove_namespace_quota_metrics, return 400 because there is no flux quota for %s' % parent_namespace) return 'Bad request', 400 metrics = [] try: if form_data: metrics_str = request.form['metrics'] metrics = metrics_str.split(',') else: metrics = post_data['data']['metrics'] if metrics: if not isinstance(metrics, list): logger.error('error :: remove_namespace_quota_metrics - metrics is not a list for parent_namespace - %s' % ( parent_namespace)) return 'Bad request', 400'remove_namespace_quota_metrics - %s metrics passed' % str(len(metrics))) except KeyError: metrics = [] except Exception as err: metrics = [] logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: remove_namespace_quota_metrics - evaluation of post_data[\'data\'][\'metrics\'] failed for parent_namespace %s - %s' % ( parent_namespace, err)) return 'Bad request', 400 patterns = [] try: if form_data: patterns_str = request.form['patterns']'remove_namespace_quota_metrics, form_data patterns_str: %s' % patterns_str) patterns = patterns_str.split(',') if patterns == ['']: patterns = [] else: patterns = post_data['data']['patterns'] if patterns: if not isinstance(patterns, list): logger.error('error :: remove_namespace_quota_metrics - patterns is not a list for parent_namespace - %s' % ( parent_namespace)) return 'Bad request', 400'remove_namespace_quota_metrics - %s patterns passed' % str(len(patterns))) except KeyError: patterns = [] except Exception as err: patterns = [] logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: remove_namespace_quota_metrics - evaluation of post_data[\'data\'][\'patterns\'] failed for parent_namespace %s - %s' % ( parent_namespace, err)) return 'Bad request', 400 if not metrics and not patterns: logger.error('error :: remove_namespace_quota_metrics - no metrics or patterns for parent_namespace - %s' % ( parent_namespace)) return 'Bad request', 400 try: if not form_data: dry_run = post_data['data']['dry_run'] if dry_run:'remove_namespace_quota_metrics - DRY RUN - dry_run passed, %s' % str(dry_run)) dry_run = True except KeyError: dry_run = False'remove_namespace_quota_metrics, parent_namespace: %s' % str(parent_namespace))'remove_namespace_quota_metrics, metrics: %s' % str(metrics))'remove_namespace_quota_metrics, patterns: %s' % str(patterns))'remove_namespace_quota_metrics, dry_run: %s' % str(dry_run)) removed_metrics = [] try: removed_metrics = remove_namespace_quota_metrics(skyline_app, parent_namespace, metrics, patterns, dry_run)'remove_namespace_quota_metrics - got %s removed metrics from remove_namespace_quota_metrics' % str(len(removed_metrics))) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: remove_namespace_quota_metrics - remove_namespace_quota_metrics failed - %s' % ( err)) return 'Internal Server Error', 500 if not settings.REMOTE_SKYLINE_INSTANCES: cluster_data = False if cluster_data: endpoint_params = { 'api_endpoint': '/remove_namespace_quota_metrics', 'data_required': 'metrics', 'only_host': 'all', 'method': 'POST', 'post_data': { 'data': { 'cluster_data': False, 'key': key, 'metrics': metrics, 'parent_namespace': parent_namespace, 'patterns': patterns, 'dry_run': dry_run, } } } try: remote_removed_metrics = get_cluster_data('remove_namespace_quota_metrics&cluster_call=true', 'metrics', only_host='all', endpoint_params=endpoint_params) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: remove_namespace_quota_metrics - could not get remove_namespace_quota_metrics from the remote Skyline instances')'remove_namespace_quota_metrics - got %s removed metrics from the remote Skyline instances' % str(len(remote_removed_metrics))) if remote_removed_metrics: removed_metrics = removed_metrics + remote_removed_metrics removed_metrics = list(set(removed_metrics))'remove_namespace_quota_metrics - %s removed metrics from parent_namespace %s quota metrics' % ( str(len(removed_metrics)), parent_namespace)) end = timer() request_time = (end - start_timer) if form_data: redis_set = 'webapp.remove_namespace_quota_metrics.%s.removed_metrics' % parent_namespace try: REDIS_CONN.sadd(redis_set, *set(removed_metrics)) REDIS_CONN.expire(redis_set, 3600) except Exception as err: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'remove_namespace_quota_metrics :: could not add removed_metrics to Redis set %s - error - %s' % ( redis_set, err) logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: %s' % message) return internal_error(message, trace) try: return render_template( 'utilities.html', remove_flux_namespace_quota_metrics=True, dry_run=dry_run, removed_quota_metrics_key=redis_set, removed_quota_metrics=removed_metrics, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=False), 200 except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'could not render_template utilities.html - error - %s' % (e) logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: %s' % message) return internal_error(message, trace) status_code = 200 data_dict = { "status": { "remove_namespace_quota_metrics": "success", "response": 200, "cluster_data": cluster_data, "request_time": request_time, "dry_run": dry_run }, "data": { "metrics": removed_metrics, "removed_metrics_count": len(removed_metrics) } } return jsonify(data_dict), status_code
# @added 20210316 - Feature #3978: luminosity - classify_metrics # Feature #3642: Anomaly type classification
[docs]@app.route("/luminosity", methods=['GET']) @requires_auth def luminosity(): debug_on = False # file_uploads_enabled = True'/luminosity request') start = time.time() try: request_args_len = len(request.args) except: request_args_len = 0 LUMINOSITY_REQUEST_ARGS = [ 'classify_metrics', 'algorithm', 'metric', 'timestamp', 'significant', 'classification', 'classify_metric', # @added 20210825 - Feature #4164: luminosity - cloudbursts 'cloudbursts', 'base_name', 'namespaces', 'from_timestamp', 'until_timestamp', 'cloudbursts_plot', 'plot_cloudburst', 'cloudburst_id', 'all_in_period', 'shift', # @added 20211001 - Feature #4264: luminosity - cross_correlation_relationships 'related_metrics', 'related_to_metrics', 'metric_id', 'cluster_data', 'metric_related_metrics', 'namespaces', ] classify_metrics = False algorithm = 'all' metric = 'all' timestamp = 'all' significant = False classification = False classify_metric = False request_arguments = [] # @added 20210825 - Feature #4164: luminosity - cloudbursts cloudbursts_request = False from_timestamp = 0 until_timestamp = 0 namespaces = [] cloudbursts_dict = {} cloudburst_keys = [] plot_cloudburst = False cloudbursts_plot = False cloudburst_id = 0 all_in_period = False shift = 3 # @added 20211001 - Feature #4264: luminosity - cross_correlation_relationships related_metrics = False related_to_metrics = False metric_related_metrics = False related_metrics_dict = {} related_metrics_keys = [] related_to_metrics_dict = {} metric_id = 0 namespaces = [] if request_args_len == 0: classify_metrics = True timestamp = str(int(time.time()) - 86400) # IMPORTANT: cluster_data MUST be the first argument that is evaluated as it # is used and required by many of the following API methods cluster_data = False if 'cluster_data' in request.args: try: cluster_data_argument = request.args.get('cluster_data', 'false') if cluster_data_argument == 'true': cluster_data = True'luminosity request with cluster_data=true') elif cluster_data_argument == 'false': cluster_data = False'luminosity request with cluster_data=false') else: logger.error('error :: api request with invalid cluster_data argument - %s' % str(cluster_data_argument)) return 'Bad Request', 400 except: logger.error('error :: /luminosity request with invalid cluster_data argument') return 'Bad Request', 400 if request_args_len: for key in request.args: if key == 'classification': value = request.args.get(key, None) if str(value) == 'true': classification = True # @added 20211001 - Feature #4264: luminosity - cross_correlation_relationships if key == 'related_metrics': value = request.args.get(key, 'false') if str(value) == 'true': related_metrics = True if key == 'metric_related_metrics': value = request.args.get(key, 'false') if str(value) == 'true': metric_related_metrics = True if key == 'related_to_metrics': value = request.args.get(key, 'false') if str(value) == 'true': related_to_metrics = True if key == 'metric_id': value = request.args.get(key, 0) try: metric_id = int(value) except Exception as err: error_string = 'error :: invalid request argument - %s - %s' % (key, str(err)) logger.error(error_string) resp = {'400 Bad Request': error_string} return jsonify(resp), 400 if key == 'namespaces': value = request.args.get(key, '') try: namespaces_str = str(value) namespaces = namespaces_str.split(',')'filtering on namespaces: %s' % str(namespaces)) except Exception as err: error_string = 'error :: invalid request argument - %s - %s' % (key, str(err)) logger.error(error_string) resp = {'400 Bad Request': error_string} return jsonify(resp), 400 if classification: algorithm = None metric = None for i in request.args: key = str(i) if key not in LUMINOSITY_REQUEST_ARGS: error_string = 'error :: invalid request argument - %s=%s' % (key, str(i)) logger.error(error_string) resp = {'400 Bad Request': error_string} return jsonify(resp), 400 value = request.args.get(key, None) request_arguments.append([key, value]) if key == 'classify_metrics': classify_metrics = True if key == 'algorithm': algorithm = str(value) if key == 'metric': metric = str(value) if key == 'timestamp': timestamp = str(value) if key == 'significant': if str(value) == 'true': significant = True if key == 'classification': if str(value) == 'true': classification = True if key == 'classify_metric': if str(value) == 'true': classify_metric = True # @added 20210825 - Feature #4164: luminosity - cloudbursts if key == 'cloudbursts': cloudbursts_request = True if not namespaces: if key == 'namespaces' and value != 'all': try: namespaces = value.split[','] except TypeError: logger.error('error :: TypeError from namespaces parameter' % str(value)) namespaces = [value] if key in ['from_timestamp', 'until_timestamp']: timestamp_format_invalid = True if value == 'all': timestamp_format_invalid = False # unix timestamp if value.isdigit(): timestamp_format_invalid = False # %Y%m%d %H:%M timestamp if timestamp_format_invalid: value_strip_colon = value.replace(':', '') new_value = value_strip_colon.replace(' ', '') if new_value.isdigit(): timestamp_format_invalid = False if timestamp_format_invalid: error_string = 'error :: invalid %s value passed %s' % (key, value) logger.error('error :: invalid %s value passed %s' % (key, value)) error_string = 'error :: invalid request argument - %s' % (key) logger.error(error_string) resp = json.dumps( {'400 Bad Request': error_string}) return flask_escape(resp), 400 if key == 'from_timestamp': from_timestamp = str(value) if ":" in from_timestamp: new_from_timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(from_timestamp, '%Y%m%d %H:%M').timetuple()) from_timestamp = int(new_from_timestamp) elif from_timestamp == 'all': from_timestamp = 0 else: from_timestamp = int(from_timestamp) if key == 'until_timestamp': until_timestamp = str(value) if ":" in until_timestamp: new_until_timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(until_timestamp, '%Y%m%d %H:%M').timetuple()) from_timestamp = int(new_until_timestamp) elif until_timestamp == 'all': until_timestamp = 0 else: until_timestamp = int(until_timestamp) if key == 'plot_cloudburst': if str(value) == 'true': plot_cloudburst = True if key == 'cloudburst_id': cloudburst_id = int(value) if key == 'all_in_period': if str(value) == 'true': all_in_period = True if key == 'shift': shift = int(value)'/luminosity request_arguments: %s' % str(request_arguments)) valid_request = True if classify_metrics: if not metric or not timestamp or not algorithm: valid_request = False if not valid_request: status_code = 400 data_dict = {"status": {"classify_metrics": True, "reason": "required parameter not passed", "response": 400}, "data": {"metric": metric, "timestamp": timestamp, "algorithm": algorithm}} return jsonify(data_dict), status_code if request_args_len == 1: timestamp = str(int(time.time()) - 86400) if classification and valid_request: if not metric or not algorithm: valid_request = False if not valid_request: status_code = 400 data_dict = {"status": {"classification": True, "reason": "required parameter not passed", "response": 400}, "data": {"metric": metric, "algorithm": algorithm}} # @added 20210825 - Feature #4164: luminosity - cloudbursts if cloudbursts_request and valid_request: if not metric and not from_timestamp and not until_timestamp: valid_request = False if not valid_request: status_code = 400 data_dict = {"status": {"cloudbursts": True, "reason": "required parameter not passed", "response": 400}, "data": {"metric": metric, "from_timestamp": from_timestamp, "until_timestamp": until_timestamp}} if not valid_request: return jsonify(data_dict), status_code classify_metrics_dict = {} classified_metrics = [] if classify_metrics or classify_metric or classification: try: if metric != 'all': classify_metrics_dict, classified_metrics, fail_msg, trace = get_classify_metrics(metric, timestamp, algorithm, significant) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'could not determine if metric matched - error - %s' % (e) logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: %s' % message) return internal_error(message, trace) if classification: if metric == 'all' and algorithm == 'all': classification = False classify_metrics = True timestamp = 'all' classification_count = 0 siginificant_count = 0 if len(classify_metrics_dict) > 0: if metric != 'all': # classification_count = classify_metrics_dict[metric][algorithm]['classifications'] # siginificant_count = classify_metrics_dict[metric][algorithm]['significant'] for current_algorithm in list(classify_metrics_dict[metric].keys()): classification_count += classify_metrics_dict[metric][current_algorithm]['classifications'] siginificant_count += classify_metrics_dict[metric][current_algorithm]['significant'] classify_metrics = False classification = True # @added 20210825 - Feature #4164: luminosity - cloudbursts if cloudbursts_request: if from_timestamp == 0 and metric == 'all': from_timestamp = int(time.time()) - (86400 * 3) try: cloudbursts_dict = get_cloudbursts(metric, namespaces, from_timestamp, until_timestamp) except Exception as err: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'get_cloudbursts failed - %s' % (err) logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: %s' % message) return internal_error(message, trace) if cloudbursts_dict: cloudburst_id = list(cloudbursts_dict.keys())[0] cloudburst_keys = list(cloudbursts_dict[cloudburst_id].keys())'returning %s cloudbursts with cloudburst_keys: %s' % ( str(len(cloudbursts_dict)), str(cloudburst_keys))) # @added 20210826 - Feature #4164: luminosity - cloudbursts cloudburst_plot_image = None cloudburst_dict = {} if plot_cloudburst: try: cloudburst_dict, cloudburst_plot_image = get_cloudburst_plot(cloudburst_id, metric, shift, all_in_period) except Exception as err: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'get_cloudbursts failed - %s' % (err) logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: %s' % message) return internal_error(message, trace) if cloudburst_dict: cloudburst_keys = list(cloudburst_dict.keys()) # @added 20211004 - Feature #4264: luminosity - cross_correlation_relationships if related_metrics and not metric_id: try: metric_group_info = get_metric_group_info(skyline_app, 0, {'namespaces': namespaces}) if metric_group_info: for metric_id in list(metric_group_info.keys()): related_metrics_dict[metric_id] = metric_group_info[metric_id] if not related_metrics_keys: for key in list(related_metrics_dict[metric_id].keys()): related_metrics_keys.append(key) except Exception as err: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'get_cloudbursts failed - %s' % (err) logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: %s' % message) return internal_error(message, trace) metric_related_metrics_keys = [] if metric_related_metrics: try: full_details = True if metric == 'all': metric = None else: if not metric_id: try: metric_id = get_metric_id_from_base_name(skyline_app, metric) except Exception as err: message = 'related_to_metric request :: get_metric_id_from_base_name failed to determine metric_id from metric: %s - %s' % ( str(metric), str(err)) logger.error('error :: %s' % message) return internal_error(message, trace) metric_related_metrics = get_related_metrics(skyline_app, cluster_data, full_details, metric, metric_id) if metric_related_metrics: for related_metric in list(metric_related_metrics['related_metrics'].keys()): if not metric_related_metrics_keys: for key in list(metric_related_metrics['related_metrics'][related_metric].keys()): metric_related_metrics_keys.append(key) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: get_related_metrics failed to set metric_related_metrics - %s' % str(err)) # @added 20211006 - Feature #4264: luminosity - cross_correlation_relationships related_to_metrics_keys = [] if related_to_metrics: if not metric: error_string = 'error :: invalid request no metric parameter' logger.error(error_string) resp = {'400 Bad Request': error_string} return jsonify(resp), 400 if metric != 'all': if not metric_id: try: metric_id = get_metric_id_from_base_name(skyline_app, metric) except Exception as err: message = 'related_to_metric request :: get_metric_id_from_base_name failed to determine metric_id from metric: %s - %s' % ( str(metric), str(err)) logger.error('error :: %s' % message) return internal_error(message, trace) try: related_to_metrics_dict = get_related_to_metric_groups(skyline_app, metric, metric_id) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: get_related_to_metric_groups failed - %s' % str(err)) if not related_to_metrics_dict: trace = 'None' message = '%s - metric not found' % metric logger.error('error :: %s' % message) return internal_error(message, trace) if related_to_metrics_dict: try: for related_to_metric in list(related_to_metrics_dict[metric]['related_to_metrics'].keys()): if related_to_metrics_keys: break for key in list(related_to_metrics_dict[metric]['related_to_metrics'][related_to_metric].keys()): related_to_metrics_keys.append(key)'debug :: related_to_metrics_dict: %s' % str(related_to_metrics_dict))'debug :: related_to_metrics_keys: %s' % str(related_to_metrics_keys)) except Exception as err: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'get_related_to_metric_groups output failed - %s' % str(err) logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: %s' % message) return internal_error(message, trace) if metric == 'all': related_to_metrics_dict = True metric = None try: return render_template( 'luminosity.html', classify_metrics=classify_metrics, metric=metric, timestamp=timestamp, algorithm=algorithm, classify_metrics_dict=classify_metrics_dict, classification_count=classification_count, siginificant_count=siginificant_count, classified_metrics=classified_metrics, classification=classification, classify_metric=classify_metric, # @added 20210825 - Feature #4164: luminosity - cloudbursts cloudbursts=cloudbursts_request, cloudbursts_dict=cloudbursts_dict, cloudburst_keys=cloudburst_keys, plot_cloudburst=plot_cloudburst, cloudburst_plot_image=cloudburst_plot_image, cloudburst_id=cloudburst_id, cloudburst_dict=cloudburst_dict, all_in_period=all_in_period, related_metrics=related_metrics_dict, related_metrics_keys=related_metrics_keys, metric_related_metrics=metric_related_metrics, metric_related_metrics_keys=metric_related_metrics_keys, namespaces=namespaces, metric_id=metric_id, related_to_metrics=related_to_metrics_dict, related_to_metrics_keys=related_to_metrics_keys, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), print_debug=debug_on), 200 except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace)
# @added 20211102 - Branch #3068: SNAB # Bug #4308: matrixprofile - fN on big drops
[docs]@app.route('/snab', methods=['GET']) def snab():'/snab request') start = time.time() results_data = {} filter_on = {} filter_on['default'] = True filter_on['algorithm'] = None filter_on['algorithm_group'] = None algorithms = {} try: algorithms = get_algorithms(skyline_app) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /snab :: failed to get algorithms - %s' % str(err)) algorithm_groups = {} try: algorithm_groups = get_algorithm_groups(skyline_app) except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: /snab :: failed to get algorithm_groups - %s' % str(err)) namespaces = [] filter_on['namespaces'] = namespaces if 'namespaces' in request.args: namespaces_list = [] namespaces = request.args.get('namespaces', 'all') if namespaces != 'all': namespaces_list = namespaces.split(',') filter_on['namespaces'] = namespaces_list filter_on['default'] = False algorithm = None algorithm_id = 0 filter_on['algorithm_id'] = algorithm_id if 'algorithm' in request.args: algorithm = request.args.get('algorithm', 'all') if algorithm != 'all': try: algorithm_id = algorithms[algorithm] except KeyError: message = 'Unknown algorithm - %s, no ID found' % str(algorithm) trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) if algorithm_id: filter_on['algorithm_id'] = algorithm_id filter_on['default'] = False filter_on['algorithm'] = algorithm algorithm_group = None algorithm_group_id = 0 filter_on['algorithm_group_id'] = algorithm_group_id if 'algorithm_group' in request.args: algorithm_group = request.args.get('algorithm_group', 'all') if algorithm_group != 'all': try: algorithm_group_id = algorithm_groups[algorithm_group] except KeyError: message = 'Unknown algorithm_group - %s, no ID found' % str(algorithm_group) trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) if algorithm_group_id: filter_on['algorithm_group_id'] = algorithm_group_id filter_on['default'] = False filter_on['algorithm_group'] = algorithm_group from_timestamp = 0 filter_on['from_timestamp'] = from_timestamp if 'from_timestamp' in request.args: from_timestamp = request.args.get('from_timestamp', 0) if from_timestamp: if ":" in from_timestamp: try: new_from_timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(from_timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M').timetuple()) except Exception as err: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: /snab :: failed to unix timestamp from from_timestamp - %s' % str(err) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) from_timestamp = int(new_from_timestamp) filter_on['from_timestamp'] = int(from_timestamp) if not from_timestamp: try: from_timestamp = int(from_timestamp) except Exception as err: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: /snab :: no from_timestamp parameter was passed - %s' % str(err) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) until_timestamp = 0 if 'until_timestamp' in request.args: until_timestamp = request.args.get('until_timestamp', 0) if until_timestamp: if ":" in until_timestamp: try: new_until_timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(until_timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M').timetuple()) except Exception as err: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: snab :: failed to unix timestamp from until_timestamp - %s' % str(err) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) until_timestamp = int(new_until_timestamp) else: until_timestamp = int(until_timestamp) if not until_timestamp: until_timestamp = int(time.time()) filter_on['until_timestamp'] = int(until_timestamp) result = None filter_on['result'] = result if 'result' in request.args: result = request.args.get('result', 'all') if result in ['tP', 'fP', 'fN', 'tN', 'unsure']: filter_on['result'] = result filter_on['default'] = False plot = False if 'plot' in request.args: plot_str = request.args.get('plot', 'false') if plot_str == 'true': plot = True filter_on['plot'] = plot if not filter_on['default']: try: results_data = get_snab_results(filter_on) except Exception as err: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: snab :: failed to unix timestamp from until_timestamp - %s' % str(err) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) results_data_keys = [] do_not_use_keys = ['runtime', 'app_id', 'snab_timestamp', 'slack_thread_ts', 'plot'] if results_data: snab_id = list(results_data.keys())[0] for key in list(results_data[snab_id].keys()): if key not in do_not_use_keys: results_data_keys.append(key) try: return render_template( 'snab.html', algorithms=algorithms, algorithm_groups=algorithm_groups, namespaces=namespaces, from_timestamp=from_timestamp, until_timestamp=until_timestamp, result=result, results_data=results_data, results_data_keys=results_data_keys, filter_on=filter_on, plot=plot, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start)), 200 except: message = 'Uh oh ... a Skyline 500 :(' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace)
# @added 20210612 - Branch #1444: thunder
[docs]@app.route('/webapp_up', methods=['GET']) def webapp_up():'/webapp_up request') start = time.time() timestamp = int(time.time()) thunder_key_set = None try: thunder_key_set = REDIS_CONN.setex('webapp', 120, timestamp)'added Redis key webapp') except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() message = 'could not add item to flux.uploaded_data Redis set - %s' % str(e) logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: %s' % message) end = timer() request_time = (end - start) if thunder_key_set: data_dict = {"status": {"request_time": request_time, "response": 200}, "data": {'up': True, 'timestamp': timestamp}} return jsonify(data_dict), 200 else: data_dict = {"status": {"request_time": request_time, "response": 404}, "data": {'up': False, 'timestamp': timestamp}} return jsonify(data_dict), 404
# @added 20160703 - Feature #1464: Webapp Redis browser # A port of Marian Steinbach's rebrow - # Description of info keys # TODO: to be continued. serverinfo_meta = { 'aof_current_rewrite_time_sec': "Duration of the on-going <abbr title='Append-Only File'>AOF</abbr> rewrite operation if any", 'aof_enabled': "Flag indicating <abbr title='Append-Only File'>AOF</abbr> logging is activated", 'aof_last_bgrewrite_status': "Status of the last <abbr title='Append-Only File'>AOF</abbr> rewrite operation", 'aof_last_rewrite_time_sec': "Duration of the last <abbr title='Append-Only File'>AOF</abbr> rewrite operation in seconds", 'aof_last_write_status': "Status of last <abbr title='Append-Only File'>AOF</abbr> write operation", 'aof_rewrite_in_progress': "Flag indicating a <abbr title='Append-Only File'>AOF</abbr> rewrite operation is on-going", 'aof_rewrite_scheduled': "Flag indicating an <abbr title='Append-Only File'>AOF</abbr> rewrite operation will be scheduled once the on-going RDB save is complete", 'arch_bits': 'Architecture (32 or 64 bits)', 'blocked_clients': 'Number of clients pending on a blocking call (BLPOP, BRPOP, BRPOPLPUSH)', 'client_biggest_input_buf': 'biggest input buffer among current client connections', 'client_longest_output_list': None, 'cmdstat_client': 'Statistics for the client command', 'cmdstat_config': 'Statistics for the config command', 'cmdstat_dbsize': 'Statistics for the dbsize command', 'cmdstat_del': 'Statistics for the del command', 'cmdstat_dump': 'Statistics for the dump command', 'cmdstat_expire': 'Statistics for the expire command', 'cmdstat_flushall': 'Statistics for the flushall command', 'cmdstat_get': 'Statistics for the get command', 'cmdstat_hgetall': 'Statistics for the hgetall command', 'cmdstat_hkeys': 'Statistics for the hkeys command', 'cmdstat_hmset': 'Statistics for the hmset command', 'cmdstat_info': 'Statistics for the info command', 'cmdstat_keys': 'Statistics for the keys command', 'cmdstat_llen': 'Statistics for the llen command', 'cmdstat_ping': 'Statistics for the ping command', 'cmdstat_psubscribe': 'Statistics for the psubscribe command', 'cmdstat_pttl': 'Statistics for the pttl command', 'cmdstat_sadd': 'Statistics for the sadd command', 'cmdstat_scan': 'Statistics for the scan command', 'cmdstat_select': 'Statistics for the select command', 'cmdstat_set': 'Statistics for the set command', 'cmdstat_smembers': 'Statistics for the smembers command', 'cmdstat_sscan': 'Statistics for the sscan command', 'cmdstat_ttl': 'Statistics for the ttl command', 'cmdstat_type': 'Statistics for the type command', 'cmdstat_zadd': 'Statistics for the zadd command', 'cmdstat_zcard': 'Statistics for the zcard command', 'cmdstat_zrange': 'Statistics for the zrange command', 'cmdstat_zremrangebyrank': 'Statistics for the zremrangebyrank command', 'cmdstat_zrevrange': 'Statistics for the zrevrange command', 'cmdstat_zscan': 'Statistics for the zscan command', 'config_file': None, 'connected_clients': None, 'connected_slaves': None, 'db0': None, 'evicted_keys': None, 'expired_keys': None, 'gcc_version': None, 'hz': None, 'instantaneous_ops_per_sec': None, 'keyspace_hits': None, 'keyspace_misses': None, 'latest_fork_usec': None, 'loading': None, 'lru_clock': None, 'master_repl_offset': None, 'mem_allocator': None, 'mem_fragmentation_ratio': None, 'multiplexing_api': None, 'os': None, 'process_id': None, 'pubsub_channels': None, 'pubsub_patterns': None, 'rdb_bgsave_in_progress': None, 'rdb_changes_since_last_save': None, 'rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec': None, 'rdb_last_bgsave_status': None, 'rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec': None, 'rdb_last_save_time': None, 'redis_build_id': None, 'redis_git_dirty': None, 'redis_git_sha1': None, 'redis_mode': None, 'redis_version': None, 'rejected_connections': None, 'repl_backlog_active': None, 'repl_backlog_first_byte_offset': None, 'repl_backlog_histlen': None, 'repl_backlog_size': None, 'role': None, 'run_id': None, 'sync_full': None, 'sync_partial_err': None, 'sync_partial_ok': None, 'tcp_port': None, 'total_commands_processed': None, 'total_connections_received': None, 'uptime_in_days': None, 'uptime_in_seconds': None, 'used_cpu_sys': None, 'used_cpu_sys_children': None, 'used_cpu_user': None, 'used_cpu_user_children': None, 'used_memory': None, 'used_memory_human': None, 'used_memory_lua': None, 'used_memory_peak': None, 'used_memory_peak_human': None, 'used_memory_rss': None } # @added 20180520 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Added auth to rebrow as per by # elky84 # @modified 20191014 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # def get_redis(host, port, db, password):
[docs]def get_redis(host, port, db, password, decode): if password == "": # @modified 20190517 - Branch #3002: docker # Allow rebrow to connect to Redis on the socket too if host == 'unix_socket': # @modified 20191014 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # return redis.StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH, db=db) if decode: return redis.StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH, db=db, charset='utf-8', decode_responses=True) else: return redis.StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH, db=db) else: # @modified 20191014 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # return redis.StrictRedis(host=host, port=port, db=db) if decode: return redis.StrictRedis(host=host, port=port, db=db, charset='utf-8', decode_responses=True) else: return redis.StrictRedis(host=host, port=port, db=db) else: if host == 'unix_socket': # @modified 20191014 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # return redis.StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH, db=db) if decode: return redis.StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH, db=db, charset='utf-8', decode_responses=True) else: return redis.StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH, db=db) else: # @modified 20191014 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # return redis.StrictRedis(host=host, port=port, db=db, password=password) if decode: return redis.StrictRedis(host=host, port=port, db=db, password=password, charset='utf-8', decode_responses=True) else: return redis.StrictRedis(host=host, port=port, db=db, password=password)
# @added 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Added token, client_id and salt to replace password parameter and determining # client protocol
[docs]def get_client_details(): """ Gets the first X-Forwarded-For address and sets as the IP address. Gets the client_id by simply using a md5 hash of the client IP address and user agent. Determines whether the request was proxied. Determines the client protocol. :return: client_id, protocol, proxied, salt :rtype: str, str, boolean, str """ proxied = False if request.headers.getlist('X-Forwarded-For'): client_ip = str(request.headers.getlist('X-Forwarded-For')[0])'rebrow access :: client ip set from X-Forwarded-For[0] to %s' % (str(client_ip))) proxied = True else: client_ip = str(request.remote_addr)'rebrow access :: client ip set from remote_addr to %s, no X-Forwarded-For header was found' % (str(client_ip))) client_user_agent = request.headers.get('User-Agent')'rebrow access :: %s client_user_agent set to %s' % (str(client_ip), str(client_user_agent))) client_id = '%s_%s' % (client_ip, client_user_agent) if python_version == 2: # @modified 20200808 - Task #3608: Update Skyline to Python 3.8.3 and deps # Added nosec for bandit [B303:blacklist] Use of insecure MD2, MD4, MD5, # or SHA1 hash function. For internal use only. # @modified 20210421 - Task #4030: refactoring # semgrep - # client_id = hashlib.md5(client_id).hexdigest() # nosec client_id = hashlib.sha256(client_id).hexdigest() else: # @modified 20200808 - Task #3608: Update Skyline to Python 3.8.3 and deps # Added nosec for bandit [B303:blacklist] Use of insecure MD2, MD4, MD5, # or SHA1 hash function. For internal use only. # @modified 20210421 - Task #4030: refactoring # semgrep - # client_id = hashlib.md5(client_id.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() # nosec client_id = hashlib.sha256(client_id.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()'rebrow access :: %s has client_id %s' % (str(client_ip), str(client_id))) if request.headers.getlist('X-Forwarded-Proto'): protocol_list = request.headers.getlist('X-Forwarded-Proto') protocol = str(protocol_list[0])'rebrow access :: protocol for %s was set from X-Forwarded-Proto to %s' % (client_ip, str(protocol))) else: protocol = 'unknown''rebrow access :: protocol for %s was not set from X-Forwarded-Proto to %s' % (client_ip, str(protocol))) if not proxied:'rebrow access :: Skyline is not set up correctly, the expected X-Forwarded-For header was not found') return client_id, protocol, proxied
[docs]def decode_token(client_id): """ Use the app.secret, client_id and salt to decode the token JWT encoded payload and determine the Redis password. :param client_id: the client_id string :type client_id: str :return: token, decoded_redis_password, fail_msg, trace :rtype: str, str, str, str """ fail_msg = False trace = False token = False # @modified 20210421 - Task #4030: refactoring # semgrep - python-logger-credential-disclosure #'decode_token for client_id - %s' % str(client_id))'decode_token for client_id OK') if not request.args.getlist('token'): fail_msg = 'No token url parameter was passed, please log into Redis again through rebrow' else: token = request.args.get('token', type=str) # @modified 20210421 - Task #4030: refactoring # semgrep - python-logger-credential-disclosure #'token found in request.args - %s' % str(token))'token found in request.args - OK') if not token: client_id, protocol, proxied = get_client_details() fail_msg = 'No token url parameter was passed, please log into Redis again through rebrow' trace = 'False' client_token_data = False if token: try: if settings.REDIS_PASSWORD: # @modified 20191014 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH, charset='utf-8', decode_responses=True) else: # redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH, charset='utf-8', decode_responses=True) key = 'rebrow.token.%s' % token client_token_data = redis_conn.get(key) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'Failed to get client_token_data from Redis key - %s' % key logger.error('%s' % trace) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) client_token_data = False token = False client_id_match = False # @modified 20191014 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # if client_token_data is not None: if client_token_data: # @modified 20210421 - Task #4030: refactoring # semgrep - python-logger-credential-disclosure #'client_token_data retrieved from Redis - %s' % str(client_token_data))'client_token_data retrieved from Redis - OK') try: client_data = literal_eval(client_token_data) # @modified 20210421 - Task #4030: refactoring # semgrep - python-logger-credential-disclosure #'client_token_data - %s' % str(client_token_data))'client_token_data - OK') client_data_client_id = str(client_data[0])'client_data_client_id - %s' % str(client_data_client_id)) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) err_msg = 'error :: failed to get client data from Redis key' logger.error('%s' % err_msg) fail_msg = 'Invalid token. Please log into Redis through rebrow again.' client_data_client_id = False if client_data_client_id != client_id: logger.error( # @modified 20210421 - Task #4030: refactoring # semgrep - python-logger-credential-disclosure # 'rebrow access :: error :: the client_id does not match the client_id of the token - %s - %s' % # (str(client_data_client_id), str(client_id))) 'rebrow access :: error :: the client_id does not match the client_id of the token') try: if settings.REDIS_PASSWORD: # @modified 20191014 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH, charset='utf-8', decode_responses=True) else: # redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH, charset='utf-8', decode_responses=True) key = 'rebrow.token.%s' % token redis_conn.delete(key) # @modified 20210421 - Task #4030: refactoring # semgrep - python-logger-credential-disclosure #'due to possible attempt at unauthorised use of the token, deleted the Redis key - %s' % str(key))'due to possible attempt at unauthorised use of the token, deleted the Redis key') except: pass fail_msg = 'The request data did not match the token data, due to possible attempt at unauthorised use of the token it has been deleted.' trace = 'this was a dodgy request' token = False else: client_id_match = True else: fail_msg = 'Invalid token, there was no data found associated with the token, it has probably expired. Please log into Redis again through rebrow' trace = client_token_data token = False client_data_salt = False client_data_jwt_payload = False if client_id_match: client_data_salt = str(client_data[1]) client_data_jwt_payload = str(client_data[2]) decoded_redis_password = False if client_data_salt and client_data_jwt_payload: try: jwt_secret = '%s.%s.%s' % (app.secret_key, client_id, client_data_salt) jwt_decoded_dict = jwt.decode(client_data_jwt_payload, jwt_secret, algorithms=['HS256']) jwt_decoded_redis_password = str(jwt_decoded_dict['auth']) decoded_redis_password = jwt_decoded_redis_password except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) err_msg = 'error :: failed to decode the JWT token with the salt and client_id' logger.error('%s' % err_msg) fail_msg = 'failed to decode the JWT token with the salt and client_id. Please log into rebrow again.' token = False return token, decoded_redis_password, fail_msg, trace
[docs]@app.route('/rebrow', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @requires_auth # def login(): def rebrow(): """ Start page """ if request.method == 'POST': # TODO: test connection, handle failures host = str(request.form['host']) port = int(request.form['port']) db = int(request.form['db']) # @modified 20180520 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Added auth to rebrow as per by # elky84 # url = url_for('rebrow_server_db', host=host, port=port, db=db) password = str(request.form['password']) # @added 20180529 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow token_valid_for = int(request.form['token_valid_for']) # if token_valid_for > 3600: # token_valid_for = 3600 if token_valid_for > 86400: token_valid_for = 86400 if token_valid_for < 30: token_valid_for = 30 # @added 20180520 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Added auth to rebrow as per by # elky84 and add encryption to the password URL parameter trying to use # pycrypto/pycryptodome to encode it, but no, used PyJWT instead # padded_password = password.rjust(32) # secret_key = '1234567890123456' # create new & store somewhere safe # cipher =,AES.MODE_ECB) # never use ECB in strong systems obviously # encoded = base64.b64encode(cipher.encrypt(padded_password)) # @added 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Added client_id, token and salt salt = str(uuid.uuid4()) client_id, protocol, proxied = get_client_details() # @added 20180526 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Use pyjwt - JSON Web Token implementation to encode the password and # pass a token in the URL password parameter, the password in the POST # data should be encrypted via the reverse proxy SSL endpoint # encoded = jwt.encode({'some': 'payload'}, 'secret', algorithm='HS256') # jwt.decode(encoded, 'secret', algorithms=['HS256']) # {'some': 'payload'} try: jwt_secret = '%s.%s.%s' % (app.secret_key, client_id, salt) jwt_encoded_payload = jwt.encode({'auth': str(password)}, jwt_secret, algorithm='HS256') # @added 20191014 - Bug #3268: webapp - rebrow - jwt.encode generating bytes instead of a string in py3 # Branch #3262: py3 # As per - jwt.encode generating bytes instead of a string if python_version == 3: # @modified 20220110 - Task #4344: Update dependencies # Task #4362: snyk - numpy and pillow updates # PyJWT change no longer str # jwt_encoded_payload = jwt_encoded_payload.decode('UTF-8') # AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode' # jwt_encoded_payload = jwt_encoded_payload.decode('UTF-8') jwt_encoded_payload = jwt_encoded_payload except: message = 'Failed to create set jwt_encoded_payload for %s' % client_id trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) # HERE WE WANT TO PUT THIS INTO REDIS with a TTL key and give the key # a salt and have the client use that as their token client_token = str(uuid.uuid4()) # @modified 20210421 - Task #4030: refactoring # semgrep - python-logger-credential-disclosure #'rebrow access :: generated client_token %s for client_id %s' % (client_token, client_id))'rebrow access :: generated client_token for client_id OK') try: if settings.REDIS_PASSWORD: # @modified 20191014 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH, charset='utf-8', decode_responses=True) else: # @modified 20191014 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=settings.REDIS_SOCKET_PATH, charset='utf-8', decode_responses=True) key = 'rebrow.token.%s' % client_token # @modified 20191014 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 value = '[\'%s\',\'%s\',\'%s\']' % (client_id, salt, jwt_encoded_payload) redis_conn.setex(key, token_valid_for, value)'rebrow access :: set Redis key - %s' % (key)) except: message = 'Failed to set Redis key - %s' % key trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) # @modified 20180526 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Change password parameter to token parameter # url = url_for("rebrow_server_db", host=host, port=port, db=db, password=password) # @modified 20201103 - Feature #3824: get_cluster_data # Change default page from Server to Keys # url = url_for( # "rebrow_server_db", host=host, port=port, db=db, token=client_token) url = url_for( "rebrow_keys", host=host, port=port, db=db, token=client_token) return redirect(url) else: start = time.time() # @added 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Added client_id client_id, protocol, proxied = get_client_details() # @added 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Added client message to give relevant messages on the login page client_message = False # @added 20190519 - Branch #3002: docker display_redis_password = False host_input_value = 'localhost' rebrow_redis_password = False try: running_on_docker = settings.DOCKER except: running_on_docker = False if running_on_docker: host_input_value = 'unix_socket' try: display_redis_password = settings.DOCKER_DISPLAY_REDIS_PASSWORD_IN_REBROW except: display_redis_password = False if display_redis_password: rebrow_redis_password = settings.REDIS_PASSWORD return render_template( 'rebrow_login.html', # @modified 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Change password parameter to token parameter and added protocol, # proxied # redis_password=redis_password, protocol=protocol, proxied=proxied, client_message=client_message, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, # @added 20190519 - Branch #3002: docker running_on_docker=running_on_docker, rebrow_redis_password=rebrow_redis_password, display_redis_password=display_redis_password, host_input_value=host_input_value, duration=(time.time() - start))
[docs]@app.route("/rebrow_server_db/<host>:<int:port>/<int:db>/") @requires_auth def rebrow_server_db(host, port, db): """ List all databases and show info on server """ start = time.time() # @modified 20180520 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # r = redis.StrictRedis(host=host, port=port, db=0) # @modified 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Use client_id and JWT token # password = False # url_password = False # if request.args.getlist('password'): # password = request.args.get('password', default='', type=str) # url_password = quote(password, safe='') # @added 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Added client_id and token client_id, protocol, proxied = get_client_details() token, redis_password, fail_msg, trace = decode_token(client_id) if not token: if fail_msg: return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) try: # @modified 20191014 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # r = get_redis(host, port, db, redis_password) r = get_redis(host, port, db, redis_password, True) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: rebrow access :: failed to login to Redis with token') try: info ='all') except: message = 'Failed to get INFO all from Redis, this could be an issue with the Redis password you entered.' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) dbsize = r.dbsize() return render_template( 'rebrow_server_db.html', host=host, port=port, db=db, # @added 20180520 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # password=password, # url_password=url_password, # @added 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow token=token, info=info, dbsize=dbsize, serverinfo_meta=serverinfo_meta, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start))
[docs]@app.route("/rebrow_keys/<host>:<int:port>/<int:db>/keys/", methods=['GET', 'POST']) @requires_auth def rebrow_keys(host, port, db): """ List keys for one database """ start = time.time() # @modified 20180520 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # r = redis.StrictRedis(host=host, port=port, db=db) # @modified 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # password = request.args.get('password', default='', type=str) # url_password = quote(password, safe='') # r = get_redis(host, port, db, password) # @added 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Added client_id and token client_id, protocol, proxied = get_client_details() token, redis_password, fail_msg, trace = decode_token(client_id) if not token: if fail_msg: return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) try: # @modified 20191014 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # r = get_redis(host, port, db, redis_password) r = get_redis(host, port, db, redis_password, True) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: rebrow access :: failed to login to Redis with token') if request.method == 'POST': action = request.form['action'] app.logger.debug(action) if action == 'delkey': if request.form['key'] is not None: try: result = r.delete(request.form['key']) except: message = 'Failed to delete Redis key - %s' % str(request.form['key']) trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) if result == 1: flash('Key %s has been deleted.' % request.form['key'], category='info')'rebrow :: deleted Redis key - %s' % str(request.form['key'])) else: flash('Key %s could not be deleted.' % request.form['key'], category='error')'rebrow :: could not deleted Redis key - %s' % str(request.form['key'])) return redirect(request.url) else: offset = int(request.args.get('offset', '0')) # @modified 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # List more keys per page # perpage = int(request.args.get('perpage', '10')) perpage = int(request.args.get('perpage', '50')) pattern = request.args.get('pattern', '*') # @added 20220224 - Feature #4470: rebrow - filter keys - exclude and type # Allow to filter by exclude patterns and by key type exclude = request.args.get('exclude', '') key_type = request.args.get('key_type', '') key_types = [] try: dbsize = r.dbsize() except: message = 'Failed to determine Redis dbsize' trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) keys = sorted(r.keys(pattern)) num_keys = len(keys) # @added 20220224 - Feature #4470: rebrow - filter keys - exclude and type filtered_out = 0 exclude_list = [] total_found_keys = len(keys) if exclude != '': exclude_list = exclude.split(',') included_keys = [] for key in keys: pattern_match, matched_by = matched_or_regexed_in_list(skyline_app, key, exclude_list, False) try: del matched_by except: pass if not pattern_match: included_keys.append(key) keys = list(included_keys) filtered_out = total_found_keys - len(keys) types = {} # @modified 20220224 - Feature #4470: rebrow - filter keys - exclude and type # Added ability to filter by key type key_sizes = {} if key_type == '': limited_keys = keys[offset:(perpage + offset)] for key in limited_keys: types[key] = r.type(key) key_sizes[key] = r.memory_usage(key) else: key_types = key_type.split(',') included_keys = [] for key in keys[offset:]: if len(included_keys) == perpage: break k_type = r.type(key) if k_type in key_types: included_keys.append(key) types[key] = k_type key_sizes[key] = r.memory_usage(key) if len(included_keys) < perpage: num_keys = len(included_keys) limited_keys = list(included_keys)'rebrow :: returned keys list') return render_template( 'rebrow_keys.html', host=host, port=port, db=db, # @added 20180520 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # password=password, # url_password=url_password, # @added 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow token=token, dbsize=dbsize, keys=limited_keys, types=types, offset=offset, perpage=perpage, pattern=pattern, num_keys=num_keys, # @added 20220224 - Feature #4470: rebrow - filter keys - exclude and type exclude=exclude, filtered_out=filtered_out, total_found_keys=total_found_keys, exclude_list=exclude_list, key_type=key_type, key_types=key_types, key_sizes=key_sizes, version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start))
[docs]@app.route("/rebrow_key/<host>:<int:port>/<int:db>/keys/<key>/") @requires_auth def rebrow_key(host, port, db, key): """ Show a specific key. key is expected to be URL-safe base64 encoded """ # @added 20160703 - Feature #1464: Webapp Redis browser # metrics encoded with msgpack # @modified 20190503 - Branch #2646: slack - linting # original_key not used # original_key = key msg_pack_key = False # if key.startswith('metrics.'): # msg_packed_key = True key = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(key.encode('utf8')) start = time.time() # @modified 20180520 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # r = redis.StrictRedis(host=host, port=port, db=db) # @modified 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Use client_id and token # password = request.args.get('password', default='', type=str) # url_password = quote(password, safe='') # r = get_redis(host, port, db, password) # @added 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # Added client_id and token client_id, protocol, proxied = get_client_details() token, redis_password, fail_msg, trace = decode_token(client_id) if not token: if fail_msg: return internal_error(fail_msg, trace) try: r = get_redis(host, port, db, redis_password, False) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: rebrow access :: failed to login to Redis with token') # @modified 20210504 - # try: # r_d = get_redis(host, port, db, redis_password, True) # except: # logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) # logger.error('error :: rebrow access :: failed to login to Redis with token') try: # @modified 20191014 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # dump = r.dump(key) if python_version == 2: dump = r.dump(key) dump_key = key.decode('utf-8') if python_version == 3: dump = r.dump(dump_key)'rebrow :: got key - %s' % str(dump_key)) except: message = 'Failed to dump Redis key - %s, decoded key - %s' % (str(key), str(dump_key)) trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) if dump is None: abort(404) # if t is None: # abort(404) size = len(dump) # @modified 20170809 - Bug #2136: Analyzer stalling on no metrics # Added except to all del methods to prevent stalling if any object does # not exist try: del dump except: logger.error('error :: failed to del dump') # @modified 20191014 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # t = r.type(key) if python_version == 2: t = r.type(key) if python_version == 3: key = dump_key t = r.type(key).decode('utf-8')'rebrow :: got key - %s, of type %s' % (str(dump_key), str(t))) ttl = r.pttl(key) if t == 'string': # @modified 20160703 - Feature #1464: Webapp Redis browser # metrics encoded with msgpack # val = r.get(key) try: val = r.get(key) except: abort(404) # @added 20220311 - Bug #4500: Handle unicode chars in webapp rebrow try_msgpack = False # @modified 20200610 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # Try decode val so that bytes-like objects are decoded, this will fail # sliently and if it is a msg_packed_key try: val = val.decode('utf-8') # @modified 20220311 - Bug #4500: Handle unicode chars in webapp rebrow # except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError): except UnicodeDecodeError: try_msgpack = True except AttributeError: pass # @modified 20191014 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # test_string = all(c in string.printable for c in val) try: test_string = all(c in string.printable for c in val) except: test_string = False # @added 20220311 - Bug #4500: Handle unicode chars in webapp rebrow # The test_string test above fails on strings with extended ascii or # unicode characters in them, however msgpack strings generally fail # with a UnicodeDecodeError if not test_string: if not try_msgpack: test_string = True # @added 20170920 - Bug #2166: panorama incorrect mysql_id cache keys # There are SOME cache key msgpack values that DO == string.printable # for example [73] msgpacks to I # panorama.mysql_ids will always be msgpack if 'panorama.mysql_ids' in str(key): test_string = False if not test_string: raw_result = r.get(key) unpacker = Unpacker(use_list=False) unpacker.feed(raw_result) val = list(unpacker) msg_pack_key = True'rebrow :: msgpack key unpacked - %s' % str(dump_key)) elif t == 'list': val = r.lrange(key, 0, -1) elif t == 'hash': val = r.hgetall(key) elif t == 'set': val = r.smembers(key) # @modified 20200610 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # Try decode val so that bytes-like objects are decoded try: val = val.decode('utf-8') except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError): pass'rebrow :: set key - %s' % str(key)) elif t == 'zset': val = r.zrange(key, 0, -1, withscores=True) return render_template( 'rebrow_key.html', host=host, port=port, db=db, # @added 20180520 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # password=password, # url_password=url_password, # @added 20180527 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow token=token, key=key, value=val, type=t, size=size, ttl=ttl / 1000.0, now=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), expiration=datetime.datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=ttl / 1000.0), version=skyline_version, serve_jaeger=WEBAPP_SERVE_JAEGER, duration=(time.time() - start), msg_packed_key=msg_pack_key)
[docs]@app.template_filter('urlsafe_base64') def urlsafe_base64_encode(s): # @modified 20180520 - Feature #2378: Add redis auth to Skyline and rebrow # if type(s) == 'Markup': # s = s.unescape() # @modified 20191014 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 # if isinstance(s, Markup): # s = s.unescape() # elif isinstance(s, bytes): # s = s.decode('utf-8') # s = s.encode('utf8') # s = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(s) s_original = s try: if isinstance(s, Markup): s = s.unescape() elif isinstance(s, bytes): s = s.decode('utf-8') s = s.encode('utf8') s = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(s) #'debug :: rebrow :: %s urlsafe_b64encode as %s' % (str(s_original), str(s))) except: message = 'Failed to urlsafe_b64encode - %s' % str(s) trace = traceback.format_exc() return internal_error(message, trace) # @added 20191014 - Bug #3266: py3 Redis binary objects not strings # Branch #3262: py3 if python_version == 3: decoded_s = s.decode('utf-8') s = decoded_s #'debug more :: rebrow :: %s urlsafe_b64encode decoded as %s' % (str(s_original), str(decoded_s))) return Markup(s)
# END rebrow
[docs]class App(): def __init__(self): self.stdin_path = '/dev/null' self.stdout_path = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app) self.stderr_path = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app) self.pidfile_path = '%s/' % (settings.PID_PATH, skyline_app) self.pidfile_timeout = 5
[docs] def run(self): # Log management to prevent overwriting # Allow the bin/<skyline_app>.d to manage the log if os.path.isfile(skyline_app_logwait): try: os_remove(skyline_app_logwait) except OSError: logger.error('error - failed to remove %s, continuing' % skyline_app_logwait) pass now = time.time() # log_wait_for = now + 5 log_wait_for = now + 1 while now < log_wait_for: if os.path.isfile(skyline_app_loglock): sleep(.1) now = time.time() else: now = log_wait_for + 1'starting %s run' % skyline_app) if os.path.isfile(skyline_app_loglock): logger.error('error - bin/%s.d log management seems to have failed, continuing' % skyline_app) try: os_remove(skyline_app_loglock)'log lock file removed') except OSError: logger.error('error - failed to remove %s, continuing' % skyline_app_loglock) pass else:'bin/%s.d log management done' % skyline_app) try:'starting %s - %s' % (skyline_app, skyline_version)) except:'starting %s - version UNKNOWN' % (skyline_app))'hosted at %s' % settings.WEBAPP_IP)'running on port %d' % settings.WEBAPP_PORT), settings.WEBAPP_PORT)
[docs]def run(): """ Start the Webapp server """ if not isdir(settings.PID_PATH): print('pid directory does not exist at %s' % settings.PID_PATH) sys.exit(1) if not isdir(settings.LOG_PATH): print('log directory does not exist at %s' % settings.LOG_PATH) sys.exit(1) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s :: %(process)s :: %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") handler = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler( logfile, when="midnight", interval=1, backupCount=5) memory_handler = logging.handlers.MemoryHandler(100, flushLevel=logging.DEBUG, target=handler) handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(memory_handler) # Validate settings variables valid_settings = validate_settings_variables(skyline_app) if not valid_settings: print('error :: invalid variables in - cannot start') sys.exit(1) try: settings.WEBAPP_SERVER except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_SERVER')) print('Failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_SERVER')) sys.exit(1) try: settings.WEBAPP_IP except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_IP')) print('Failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_IP')) sys.exit(1) try: settings.WEBAPP_PORT except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_PORT')) print('Failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_PORT')) sys.exit(1) try: settings.WEBAPP_AUTH_ENABLED except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_AUTH_ENABLED')) print('Failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_AUTH_ENABLED')) sys.exit(1) try: settings.WEBAPP_IP_RESTRICTED except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_IP_RESTRICTED')) print('Failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_IP_RESTRICTED')) sys.exit(1) try: settings.WEBAPP_AUTH_USER except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_AUTH_USER')) print('Failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_AUTH_USER')) sys.exit(1) try: settings.WEBAPP_AUTH_USER_PASSWORD except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_AUTH_USER_PASSWORD')) print('Failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_AUTH_USER_PASSWORD')) sys.exit(1) try: settings.WEBAPP_ALLOWED_IPS except: logger.error('error :: failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_ALLOWED_IPS')) print('Failed to determine %s from' % str('WEBAPP_ALLOWED_IPS')) sys.exit(1) webapp = App() # Does this make it log? # if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'run': # # else: # daemon_runner = runner.DaemonRunner(webapp) # daemon_runner.daemon_context.files_preserve = [] # daemon_runner.do_action() daemon_runner = runner.DaemonRunner(webapp) daemon_runner.daemon_context.files_preserve = [] daemon_runner.do_action()
if __name__ == "__main__": run()