Source code for webapp.ionosphere_performance

from __future__ import division
import logging
from os import path
import time
from ast import literal_eval

import traceback
from flask import request
from sqlalchemy.sql import select
from sqlalchemy.sql import text

import settings
import skyline_version
from skyline_functions import (
from database import (
    get_engine, engine_disposal, ionosphere_table_meta, metrics_table_meta,

skyline_version = skyline_version.__absolute_version__
skyline_app = 'webapp'
skyline_app_logger = '%sLog' % skyline_app
logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger)
skyline_app_logfile = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app)
logfile = '%s/%s.log' % (settings.LOG_PATH, skyline_app)
except EnvironmentError as e:
    logger.error('error :: cannot determine ENABLE_WEBAPP_DEBUG from settings - %s' % e)

# @added 20210107 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance
[docs]def get_ionosphere_performance( metric, metric_like, from_timestamp, until_timestamp, output_format, # @added 20210128 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Improve performance and pass arguments to get_ionosphere_performance # for cache key anomalies, new_fps, fps_matched_count, layers_matched_count, sum_matches, title, period, height, width, fp_type, timezone_str): """ Analyse the performance of Ionosphere on a metric or metric namespace and create the graph resources or json data as required. :rtype: dict """ import datetime import pytz import pandas as pd dev_null = None ionosphere_performance_debug = False determine_start_timestamp = False redis_conn = None redis_conn_decoded = None # @added 20210202 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Handle user timezone tz_from_timestamp_datetime_obj = None tz_until_timestamp_datetime_obj = None utc_epoch_timestamp = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(seconds=0))) determine_timezone_start_date = False determine_timezone_end_date = False user_timezone = pytz.timezone(timezone_str) utc_timezone = pytz.timezone('UTC') # @added 20210203 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Add default timestamp start_timestamp = 0 end_timestamp = 0 if from_timestamp == 0: start_timestamp = 0 determine_start_timestamp = True if from_timestamp != 0: if ":" in from_timestamp: # @modified 20210202 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Handle user timezone if timezone_str == 'UTC': new_from_timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(from_timestamp, '%Y%m%d %H:%M').timetuple())'get_ionosphere_performance - new_from_timestamp - %s' % str(new_from_timestamp)) else: utc_from_timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(from_timestamp, '%Y%m%d %H:%M').timetuple())'get_ionosphere_performance - utc_from_timestamp - %s' % str(utc_from_timestamp)) from_timestamp_datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(from_timestamp, '%Y%m%d %H:%M')'get_ionosphere_performance - from_timestamp_datetime_obj - %s' % str(from_timestamp_datetime_obj)) tz_offset = pytz.timezone(timezone_str).localize(from_timestamp_datetime_obj).strftime('%z') tz_from_date = '%s:00 %s' % (from_timestamp, tz_offset)'get_ionosphere_performance - tz_from_date - %s' % str(tz_from_date)) tz_from_timestamp_datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(tz_from_date, '%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S %z') tz_epoch_timestamp = int((tz_from_timestamp_datetime_obj - utc_epoch_timestamp).total_seconds()) new_from_timestamp = tz_epoch_timestamp # new_from_timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(tz_from_timestamp, '%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S %z').timetuple())'get_ionosphere_performance - new_from_timestamp - %s' % str(new_from_timestamp)) determine_timezone_start_date = True start_timestamp = int(new_from_timestamp) # @added 20210203 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Add default timestamp else: if from_timestamp == 'all': start_timestamp = 0 determine_start_timestamp = True else: start_timestamp = int(from_timestamp) if from_timestamp == 'all': start_timestamp = 0 determine_start_timestamp = True if from_timestamp == 'all': start_timestamp = 0 determine_start_timestamp = True if until_timestamp and until_timestamp != 'all': if ":" in until_timestamp: if timezone_str == 'UTC': new_until_timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(until_timestamp, '%Y%m%d %H:%M').timetuple()) else: until_timestamp_datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(until_timestamp, '%Y%m%d %H:%M') tz_offset = pytz.timezone(timezone_str).localize(until_timestamp_datetime_obj).strftime('%z') tz_until_date = '%s:00 %s' % (until_timestamp, tz_offset)'get_ionosphere_performance - tz_until_date - %s' % str(tz_until_date)) tz_until_timestamp_datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(tz_until_date, '%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S %z') tz_epoch_timestamp = int((tz_until_timestamp_datetime_obj - utc_epoch_timestamp).total_seconds()) new_from_timestamp = tz_epoch_timestamp # new_from_timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(tz_until_timestamp, '%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S %z').timetuple()) end_timestamp = int(new_until_timestamp) # @added 20210203 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Add default timestamp else: if until_timestamp == 'all': end_timestamp = int(time.time()) else: end_timestamp = int(until_timestamp) determine_timezone_end_date = False if until_timestamp == 'all': end_timestamp = int(time.time()) determine_timezone_end_date = True if until_timestamp == 0: end_timestamp = int(time.time()) determine_timezone_end_date = True start_timestamp_str = str(start_timestamp) # end_timestamp_str = str(end_timestamp) if timezone_str == 'UTC': begin_date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(start_timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') end_date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(end_timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else: if determine_timezone_start_date:'get_ionosphere_performance - determine_timezone_start_date - True') # non_tz_start_datetime_object = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(start_timestamp) #'get_ionosphere_performance - non_tz_start_datetime_object - %s' % str(non_tz_start_datetime_object)) # tz_start_datetime_object = utc_timezone.localize(non_tz_start_datetime_object).astimezone(user_timezone) #'get_ionosphere_performance - tz_end_datetime_object - %s' % str(tz_start_datetime_object)) begin_date = tz_from_timestamp_datetime_obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')'get_ionosphere_performance - begin_date with %s timezone applied - %s' % (timezone_str, str(begin_date))) else: begin_date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(start_timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if determine_timezone_end_date:'get_ionosphere_performance - determine_timezone_end_date - True') non_tz_end_datetime_object = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(end_timestamp)'get_ionosphere_performance - non_tz_end_datetime_object - %s' % str(non_tz_end_datetime_object)) tz_end_datetime_object = utc_timezone.localize(non_tz_end_datetime_object).astimezone(user_timezone)'get_ionosphere_performance - tz_end_datetime_object - %s' % str(tz_end_datetime_object)) end_date = tz_end_datetime_object.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')'get_ionosphere_performance - end_date with %s timezone applied - %s' % (timezone_str, str(end_date))) else:'get_ionosphere_performance - determine_timezone_end_date - False') end_date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(end_timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') original_begin_date = begin_date # Determine period frequency = 'D' if 'period' in request.args: period = request.args.get('period', 'daily') if period == 'daily': frequency = 'D' extended_end_timestamp = end_timestamp + 86400 if period == 'weekly': frequency = 'W' extended_end_timestamp = end_timestamp + (86400 * 7) if period == 'monthly': frequency = 'M' extended_end_timestamp = end_timestamp + (86400 * 30) extended_end_date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(extended_end_timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') remove_prefix = False try: remove_prefix_str = request.args.get('remove_prefix', 'false') if remove_prefix_str != 'false': remove_prefix = True except Exception as err: dev_null = err # Allow for the removal of a prefix from the metric name use_metric_name = metric if remove_prefix: try: if remove_prefix_str.endswith('.'): remove_prefix = '%s' % remove_prefix_str else: remove_prefix = '%s.' % remove_prefix_str use_metric_name = metric.replace(remove_prefix, '') except Exception as e: logger.error('error :: failed to remove prefix %s from %s - %s' % (str(remove_prefix_str), metric, e)) # @added 20210129 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Improve performance and pass arguments to get_ionosphere_performance # for cache key yesterday_timestamp = end_timestamp - 86400 yesterday_end_date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(yesterday_timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') metric_like_str = str(metric_like) metric_like_wildcard = metric_like_str.replace('.%', '') # @modified 20210202 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Handle user timezone yesterday_data_cache_key = '' % ( str(yesterday_end_date), str(metric), metric_like_wildcard, str(begin_date), str(timezone_str), str(anomalies), str(new_fps), str(fps_matched_count), str(layers_matched_count), str(sum_matches), str(period), str(fp_type))'get_ionosphere_performance - yesterday_data_cache_key - %s' % yesterday_data_cache_key) try: redis_conn_decoded = get_redis_conn_decoded(skyline_app) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: get_ionosphere_performance :: get_redis_conn_decoded failed') dev_null = e yesterday_data_raw = None try: yesterday_data_raw = redis_conn_decoded.get(yesterday_data_cache_key) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: get_ionosphere_performance - could not get Redis data for - %s' % yesterday_data_cache_key logger.error(trace) logger.error(fail_msg) dev_null = e yesterday_data = None if yesterday_data_raw: try: yesterday_data = literal_eval(yesterday_data_raw) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: get_ionosphere_performance - could not get literal_eval Redis data from key - %s' % yesterday_data_cache_key logger.error(trace) logger.error(fail_msg) dev_null = e if yesterday_data:'get_ionosphere_performance - using cache data from yesterday with %s items' % str(len(yesterday_data))) new_from = '%s 23:59:59' % yesterday_end_date # @modified 20210202 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Handle user timezone if timezone_str == 'UTC': new_from_timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(new_from, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timetuple()) start_timestamp = int(new_from_timestamp) + 1 begin_date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(start_timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else: tz_new_from_timestamp_datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(new_from, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') tz_offset = pytz.timezone(timezone_str).localize(tz_new_from_timestamp_datetime_obj).strftime('%z') tz_from_timestamp = '%s %s' % (new_from, tz_offset) new_from_timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(tz_from_timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z').timetuple()) start_timestamp = int(new_from_timestamp) + 1 begin_date = tz_new_from_timestamp_datetime_obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')'get_ionosphere_performance - using cache data from yesterday, set new start_timestamp: %s, begin_date: %s' % ( str(start_timestamp), str(begin_date))) determine_start_timestamp = False else:'get_ionosphere_performance - no cache data for yesterday_data') try: engine, fail_msg, trace = get_engine(skyline_app) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) logger.error('error :: get_ionosphere_performance - could not get a MySQL engine') dev_null = e raise # to webapp to return in the UI if not engine: trace = 'none' fail_msg = 'error :: get_ionosphere_performance - engine not obtained' logger.error(fail_msg) # raise try: metrics_table, log_msg, trace = metrics_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: get_ionosphere_performance - failed to get metrics_table meta') dev_null = e if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI metric_id = None metric_ids = [] if metric_like != 'all': metric_like_str = str(metric_like)'get_ionosphere_performance - metric_like - %s' % metric_like_str) metrics_like_query = text("""SELECT id FROM metrics WHERE metric LIKE :like_string""") metric_like_wildcard = metric_like_str.replace('.%', '') request_key = '%s.%s.%s.%s' % (metric_like_wildcard, begin_date, end_date, frequency) plot_title = '%s - %s' % (metric_like_wildcard, period)'get_ionosphere_performance - metric like query, cache key being generated from request key - %s' % request_key) try: connection = engine.connect() result = connection.execute(metrics_like_query, like_string=metric_like_str) connection.close() for row in result: m_id = row['id'] metric_ids.append(int(m_id)) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: get_ionosphere_performance - could not determine ids from metrics table LIKE query - %s' % e) if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) return {} start_timestamp_date = None # If the from_timestamp is 0 or all if determine_start_timestamp: created_dates = [] try: connection = engine.connect() # stmt = select([metrics_table.c.created_timestamp], stmt = select([metrics_table.c.created_timestamp], result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: # start_timestamp_date = row['created_timestamp'] created_dates.append(row['created_timestamp']) # break connection.close() # @modified 20220308 - handle no created_dates if created_dates: start_timestamp_date = sorted(created_dates)[0] if not start_timestamp_date: logger.error('error :: get_ionosphere_performance - could not determine created_timestamp - returning empty') if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) return {} start_timestamp_str = str(start_timestamp_date)'get_ionosphere_performance - determined start_timestamp_str - %s' % start_timestamp_str) new_from_timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(start_timestamp_str, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timetuple()) start_timestamp = int(new_from_timestamp)'get_ionosphere_performance - determined start_timestamp - %s' % str(start_timestamp)) begin_date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(start_timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')'get_ionosphere_performance - determined begin_date - %s' % str(begin_date)) # @added 20210203 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Handle user timezone if timezone_str != 'UTC':'get_ionosphere_performance - determining %s datetime from UTC start_timestamp_str - %s' % (timezone_str, str(start_timestamp_str))) from_timestamp_datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_timestamp_str, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')'get_ionosphere_performance - from_timestamp_datetime_obj - %s' % str(from_timestamp_datetime_obj)) tz_offset = pytz.timezone(timezone_str).localize(from_timestamp_datetime_obj).strftime('%z') tz_from_date = '%s %s' % (start_timestamp_str, tz_offset)'get_ionosphere_performance - tz_from_date - %s' % str(tz_from_date)) tz_from_timestamp_datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(tz_from_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z') begin_date = tz_from_timestamp_datetime_obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')'get_ionosphere_performance - begin_date with %s timezone applied - %s' % (timezone_str, str(begin_date))) determine_start_timestamp = False request_key = '%s.%s.%s.%s' % (metric_like_wildcard, begin_date, end_date, frequency) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: get_ionosphere_performance - could not determine ids from metrics table LIKE query - %s' % e) if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) return {}'get_ionosphere_performance - metric_ids length - %s' % str(len(metric_ids))) if not metric_ids: # stmt = select([metrics_table]).where( > 0) if metric == 'all': request_key = 'all.%s.%s.%s' % (begin_date, end_date, frequency) plot_title = 'All metrics - %s' % period'get_ionosphere_performance - metric all query, cache key being generated from request key - %s' % request_key) # If the from_timestamp is 0 or all if determine_start_timestamp: try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([metrics_table.c.created_timestamp]).limit(1) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: start_timestamp_date = row['created_timestamp'] break connection.close() start_timestamp_str = str(start_timestamp_date)'get_ionosphere_performance - determined start_timestamp_str - %s' % start_timestamp_str) new_from_timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(start_timestamp_str, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timetuple()) start_timestamp = int(new_from_timestamp)'get_ionosphere_performance - determined start_timestamp - %s' % str(start_timestamp)) begin_date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(start_timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')'get_ionosphere_performance - determined begin_date - %s' % str(begin_date)) # @added 20210203 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Handle user timezone if timezone_str != 'UTC':'get_ionosphere_performance - determining %s datetime from UTC start_timestamp_str - %s' % (timezone_str, str(start_timestamp_str))) from_timestamp_datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_timestamp_str, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')'get_ionosphere_performance - from_timestamp_datetime_obj - %s' % str(from_timestamp_datetime_obj)) tz_offset = pytz.timezone(timezone_str).localize(from_timestamp_datetime_obj).strftime('%z') tz_from_date = '%s %s' % (start_timestamp_str, tz_offset)'get_ionosphere_performance - tz_from_date - %s' % str(tz_from_date)) tz_from_timestamp_datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(tz_from_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z') begin_date = tz_from_timestamp_datetime_obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')'get_ionosphere_performance - begin_date with %s timezone applied - %s' % (timezone_str, str(begin_date))) determine_start_timestamp = False request_key = 'all.%s.%s.%s' % (begin_date, end_date, frequency)'get_ionosphere_performance - metric all query, determine_start_timestamp cache key being generated from request key - %s' % request_key) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: get_ionosphere_performance - could not determine ids from metrics table LIKE query - %s' % e) if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) return {} try: request_key = '%s.%s.%s.%s' % (metric, begin_date, end_date, frequency) plot_title = '%s - %s' % (use_metric_name, period)'get_ionosphere_performance - metric all query, cache key being generated from request key - %s' % request_key) connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([metrics_table]).where( > 0) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: metric_id_str = row['id'] r_metric_id = int(metric_id_str) metric_ids.append(r_metric_id) connection.close() except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: get_ionosphere_performance - could not determine metric ids from metrics - %s' % e) if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) raise if metric != 'all':'get_ionosphere_performance - metric - %s' % metric) try: request_key = '%s.%s.%s.%s' % (metric, begin_date, end_date, frequency) plot_title = '%s - %s' % (use_metric_name, period)'get_ionosphere_performance - metric query, cache key being generated from request key - %s' % request_key) connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([metrics_table]).where(metrics_table.c.metric == str(metric)) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: metric_id_str = row['id'] metric_id = int(metric_id_str) connection.close() except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: get_ionosphere_performance - could not determine metric id from metrics - %s' % e) if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) raise if determine_start_timestamp and metric_id: try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([metrics_table.c.created_timestamp]).where(metrics_table.c.metric == str(metric)) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: start_timestamp_date = row['created_timestamp'] break connection.close() start_timestamp_str = str(start_timestamp_date)'get_ionosphere_performance - determined start_timestamp_str - %s' % start_timestamp_str) new_from_timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(start_timestamp_str, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timetuple()) start_timestamp = int(new_from_timestamp)'get_ionosphere_performance - determined start_timestamp - %s' % str(start_timestamp)) begin_date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(start_timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')'get_ionosphere_performance - determined begin_date - %s' % str(begin_date)) request_key = '%s.%s.%s.%s' % (metric, begin_date, end_date, frequency)'get_ionosphere_performance - metric query, determine_start_timestamp cache key being generated from request key - %s' % request_key) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) logger.error('error :: get_ionosphere_performance - could not determine ids from metrics table LIKE query - %s' % e) if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) return {}'get_ionosphere_performance - metric - %s' % str(metric))'get_ionosphere_performance - metric_id - %s' % str(metric_id)) if metric != 'all': if not metric_ids and not metric_id: if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine)'get_ionosphere_performance - no metric_id or metric_ids, nothing to do') performance = { 'performance': {'date': None, 'reason': 'no metric data found'}, 'request_key': request_key, 'success': False, 'reason': 'no data for metric/s', 'plot': None, 'csv': None, } return performance'get_ionosphere_performance - metric_id: %s, metric_ids length: %s' % ( str(metric_id), str(len(metric_ids)))) # Create request_key performance directory ionosphere_dir = path.dirname(settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER) performance_dir = '%s/performance/%s' % (ionosphere_dir, request_key) if not path.exists(performance_dir): mkdir_p(performance_dir) # Report anomalies report_anomalies = False if 'anomalies' in request.args: anomalies_str = request.args.get('performance', 'false') if anomalies_str == 'true': report_anomalies = True anomalies = [] anomalies_ts = [] if report_anomalies: try: anomalies_table, log_msg, trace = anomalies_table_meta(skyline_app, engine)'anomalies_table OK') except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: failed to get anomalies_table meta') dev_null = e if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI try: connection = engine.connect() if metric_ids: # stmt = select([, anomalies_table.c.anomaly_timestamp], anomalies_table.c.metric_id.in_(metric_ids)).\ stmt = select([, anomalies_table.c.metric_id, anomalies_table.c.anomaly_timestamp]).\ where(anomalies_table.c.anomaly_timestamp >= start_timestamp).\ where(anomalies_table.c.anomaly_timestamp <= end_timestamp) result = connection.execute(stmt) elif metric_id: stmt = select([, anomalies_table.c.metric_id, anomalies_table.c.anomaly_timestamp]).\ where(anomalies_table.c.metric_id == int(metric_id)).\ where(anomalies_table.c.anomaly_timestamp >= start_timestamp).\ where(anomalies_table.c.anomaly_timestamp <= end_timestamp) result = connection.execute(stmt) else: stmt = select([, anomalies_table.c.metric_id, anomalies_table.c.anomaly_timestamp]).\ where(anomalies_table.c.anomaly_timestamp >= start_timestamp).\ where(anomalies_table.c.anomaly_timestamp <= end_timestamp) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: r_metric_id = row['metric_id'] append_result = False if r_metric_id == metric_id: append_result = True if not append_result: if r_metric_id in metric_ids: append_result = True if append_result: anomaly_id = row['id'] anomaly_timestamp = row['anomaly_timestamp'] anomalies.append(int(anomaly_timestamp)) # anomalies_ts.append([datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(anomaly_timestamp)), int(anomaly_id)]) anomalies_ts.append([int(anomaly_timestamp), int(anomaly_id)]) connection.close() except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not determine anomaly ids') dev_null = e if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) raise'get_ionosphere_performance - anomalies_ts length - %s' % str(len(anomalies_ts))) fp_type = 'all' if 'fp_type' in request.args: fp_type = request.args.get('fp_type', 'all') # Get fp_ids fp_ids = [] fp_ids_ts = [] fp_ids_cache_key = 'performance.%s.%s.fp_ids' % (request_key, timezone_str) fp_ids_ts_cache_key = 'performance.%s.%s.fp_ids_ts' % (request_key, timezone_str) if not redis_conn_decoded: try: redis_conn_decoded = get_redis_conn_decoded(skyline_app) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: get_ionosphere_performance :: get_redis_conn_decoded failed') dev_null = e try: fp_ids_raw = redis_conn_decoded.get(fp_ids_cache_key) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: get_ionosphere_performance - could not get Redis data for - %s' % fp_ids_cache_key logger.error(trace) logger.error(fail_msg) dev_null = e if fp_ids_raw: try: fp_ids = literal_eval(fp_ids_raw) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: get_ionosphere_performance - could not get literal_eval Redis data from key - %s' % fp_ids_cache_key logger.error(trace) logger.error(fail_msg) dev_null = e if fp_ids:'get_ionosphere_performance - using fp_ids from cache') try: fp_ids_ts_raw = redis_conn_decoded.get(fp_ids_ts_cache_key) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: get_ionosphere_performance - could not get Redis data for - %s' % fp_ids_ts_cache_key logger.error(trace) logger.error(fail_msg) dev_null = e if fp_ids_ts_raw: try: fp_ids_ts = literal_eval(fp_ids_ts_raw) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() fail_msg = 'error :: get_ionosphere_performance - could not get literal_eval Redis data from key - %s' % fp_ids_ts_cache_key logger.error(trace) logger.error(fail_msg) dev_null = e if fp_ids_ts:'get_ionosphere_performance - using fp_ids_ts from cache') if not fp_ids or not fp_ids_ts: try: ionosphere_table, log_msg, trace = ionosphere_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: get_ionosphere_performance - failed to get ionosphere_table meta') dev_null = e if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI try:'get_ionosphere_performance - determining fp ids of type %s' % fp_type) connection = engine.connect() if metric_ids: if fp_type == 'user': # stmt = select([, ionosphere_table.c.anomaly_timestamp], ionosphere_table.c.metric_id.in_(metric_ids)).\ stmt = select([, ionosphere_table.c.metric_id, ionosphere_table.c.anomaly_timestamp]).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.enabled == 1).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.anomaly_timestamp <= end_timestamp).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.generation <= 1) elif fp_type == 'learnt': # stmt = select([, ionosphere_table.c.anomaly_timestamp], ionosphere_table.c.metric_id.in_(metric_ids)).\ stmt = select([, ionosphere_table.c.metric_id, ionosphere_table.c.anomaly_timestamp]).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.enabled == 1).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.anomaly_timestamp <= end_timestamp).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.generation >= 2) else: # stmt = select([, ionosphere_table.c.anomaly_timestamp], ionosphere_table.c.metric_id.in_(metric_ids)).\ stmt = select([, ionosphere_table.c.metric_id, ionosphere_table.c.anomaly_timestamp]).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.enabled == 1).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.anomaly_timestamp <= end_timestamp)'get_ionosphere_performance - determining fp ids of type %s for metric_ids' % fp_type) result = connection.execute(stmt) elif metric_id: if fp_type == 'user': stmt = select([, ionosphere_table.c.metric_id, ionosphere_table.c.anomaly_timestamp]).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.metric_id == int(metric_id)).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.enabled == 1).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.anomaly_timestamp <= end_timestamp).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.generation <= 1) elif fp_type == 'learnt': stmt = select([, ionosphere_table.c.metric_id, ionosphere_table.c.anomaly_timestamp]).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.metric_id == int(metric_id)).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.enabled == 1).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.anomaly_timestamp <= end_timestamp).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.generation >= 2) else: stmt = select([, ionosphere_table.c.metric_id, ionosphere_table.c.anomaly_timestamp]).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.metric_id == int(metric_id)).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.enabled == 1).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.anomaly_timestamp <= end_timestamp)'get_ionosphere_performance - determining fp ids for metric_id') result = connection.execute(stmt) else: if fp_type == 'user': stmt = select([, ionosphere_table.c.metric_id, ionosphere_table.c.anomaly_timestamp]).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.enabled == 1).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.anomaly_timestamp <= end_timestamp).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.generation <= 1) elif fp_type == 'learnt': stmt = select([, ionosphere_table.c.metric_id, ionosphere_table.c.anomaly_timestamp]).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.enabled == 1).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.anomaly_timestamp <= end_timestamp).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.generation >= 2) else: stmt = select([, ionosphere_table.c.metric_id, ionosphere_table.c.anomaly_timestamp]).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.enabled == 1).\ where(ionosphere_table.c.anomaly_timestamp <= end_timestamp)'get_ionosphere_performance - determining fp ids for all metrics') result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: r_metric_id = row['metric_id'] append_result = False if r_metric_id == metric_id: append_result = True if r_metric_id in metric_ids: append_result = True if append_result: fp_id = row['id'] anomaly_timestamp = row['anomaly_timestamp'] fp_ids.append(int(fp_id)) fp_ids_ts.append([int(anomaly_timestamp), int(fp_id)]) connection.close() except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: get_ionosphere_performance - could not determine fp_ids') dev_null = e if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) raise'get_ionosphere_performance - fp_ids_ts length - %s' % str(len(fp_ids_ts))) if fp_ids: if not redis_conn: try: redis_conn = get_redis_conn(skyline_app) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: get_redis_conn failed for get_ionosphere_performance') dev_null = e if redis_conn: try:'get_ionosphere_performance - setting Redis performance key with fp_ids containing %s items' % str(len(fp_ids))) redis_conn.setex(fp_ids_cache_key, 600, str(fp_ids)) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: get_redis_conn failed to set - %s' % fp_ids_cache_key) dev_null = e if fp_ids_ts: if not redis_conn: try: redis_conn = get_redis_conn(skyline_app) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: get_redis_conn failed for get_ionosphere_performance') dev_null = e if redis_conn: try:'get_ionosphere_performance - setting Redis performance key with fp_ids_ts containing %s items' % str(len(fp_ids_ts))) redis_conn.setex(fp_ids_ts_cache_key, 600, str(fp_ids_ts)) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: get_redis_conn failed to set - %s' % fp_ids_ts_cache_key) dev_null = e # Get fp matches try: ionosphere_matched_table, log_msg, trace = ionosphere_matched_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: get_ionosphere_performance - failed to get ionosphere_matched_table_meta_table meta') dev_null = e if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI fps_matched_ts = [] if fp_ids: try: connection = engine.connect() # stmt = select([, ionosphere_matched_table.c.metric_timestamp], ionosphere_matched_table.c.fp_id.in_(fp_ids)).\ stmt = select([, ionosphere_matched_table.c.fp_id, ionosphere_matched_table.c.metric_timestamp]).\ where(ionosphere_matched_table.c.metric_timestamp >= start_timestamp).\ where(ionosphere_matched_table.c.metric_timestamp <= end_timestamp) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: append_result = False if metric == 'all' and metric_like == 'all': append_result = True if not append_result: fp_id = row['fp_id'] if fp_id in fp_ids: append_result = True if append_result: matched_id = row['id'] metric_timestamp = row['metric_timestamp'] fps_matched_ts.append([int(metric_timestamp), int(matched_id)]) connection.close() except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: get_ionosphere_performance - could not determine timestamps from ionosphere_matched') dev_null = e if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) raise'get_ionosphere_performance - fps_matched_ts - %s' % str(len(fps_matched_ts))) # Get layers matches try: ionosphere_layers_matched_table, log_msg, trace = ionosphere_layers_matched_table_meta(skyline_app, engine) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: get_ionosphere_performance - failed to get ionosphere_layers_matched_table meta' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) dev_null = e if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI layers_matched_ts = [] if fp_ids: try: connection = engine.connect() # stmt = select([, ionosphere_layers_matched_table.c.anomaly_timestamp], ionosphere_layers_matched_table.c.fp_id.in_(fp_ids)).\ stmt = select([, ionosphere_layers_matched_table.c.fp_id, ionosphere_layers_matched_table.c.anomaly_timestamp]).\ where(ionosphere_layers_matched_table.c.anomaly_timestamp >= start_timestamp).\ where(ionosphere_layers_matched_table.c.anomaly_timestamp <= end_timestamp) result = connection.execute(stmt) for row in result: append_result = False if metric == 'all' and metric_like == 'all': append_result = True if not append_result: fp_id = row['fp_id'] if fp_id in fp_ids: append_result = True if append_result: matched_layers_id = row['id'] matched_timestamp = row['anomaly_timestamp'] layers_matched_ts.append([int(matched_timestamp), int(matched_layers_id)]) connection.close() except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: get_ionosphere_performance - could not determine timestamps from ionosphere_layers_matched' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) dev_null = e if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI'get_ionosphere_performance - layers_matched_ts - %s' % str(len(layers_matched_ts))) anomalies_df = [] if anomalies_ts: try: anomalies_df = pd.DataFrame(anomalies_ts, columns=['date', 'id']) anomalies_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(anomalies_df['date'], unit='s') # @added 20210202 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Handle user timezone if timezone_str != 'UTC': anomalies_df['date'] = anomalies_df['date'].dt.tz_localize('UTC').dt.tz_convert(user_timezone) anomalies_df = anomalies_df.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(anomalies_df['date'])) anomalies_df = anomalies_df.resample(frequency).apply({'id': 'count'}) anomalies_df.rename(columns={'id': 'anomaly_count'}, inplace=True) if ionosphere_performance_debug: fname_out = '%s/%s.anomalies_df.csv' % (settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR, request_key) anomalies_df.to_csv(fname_out) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: get_ionosphere_performance - could not create anomalies_df' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) dev_null = e if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI fp_ids_df = [] fps_total_df = [] if fp_ids_ts: try: fp_ids_df = pd.DataFrame(fp_ids_ts, columns=['date', 'id']) fp_ids_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(fp_ids_df['date'], unit='s') # @added 20210202 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Handle user timezone if timezone_str != 'UTC': fp_ids_df['date'] = fp_ids_df['date'].dt.tz_localize('UTC').dt.tz_convert(user_timezone) fp_ids_df = fp_ids_df.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(fp_ids_df['date'])) fp_ids_df = fp_ids_df.resample(frequency).apply({'id': 'count'}) fps_total_df = fp_ids_df.cumsum() fp_ids_df.rename(columns={'id': 'new_fps_count'}, inplace=True) fps_total_df.rename(columns={'id': 'fps_total_count'}, inplace=True) if ionosphere_performance_debug: fname_out = '%s/%s.fp_ids_df.csv' % (settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR, request_key) fp_ids_df.to_csv(fname_out) fname_out = '%s/%s.fps_total_df.csv' % (settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR, request_key) fps_total_df.to_csv(fname_out) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: get_ionosphere_performance - could not create fp_ids_df' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) dev_null = e if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI fps_matched_df = [] if fps_matched_ts: try: fps_matched_df = pd.DataFrame(fps_matched_ts, columns=['date', 'id']) fps_matched_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(fps_matched_df['date'], unit='s') # @added 20210202 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Handle user timezone if timezone_str != 'UTC': fps_matched_df['date'] = fps_matched_df['date'].dt.tz_localize('UTC').dt.tz_convert(user_timezone) fps_matched_df = fps_matched_df.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(fps_matched_df['date'])) fps_matched_df = fps_matched_df.resample(frequency).apply({'id': 'count'}) fps_matched_df.rename(columns={'id': 'fps_matched_count'}, inplace=True) if ionosphere_performance_debug: fname_out = '%s/%s.fps_matched_df.csv' % (settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR, request_key) fps_matched_df.to_csv(fname_out) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: get_ionosphere_performance - could not create fps_matched_df' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) dev_null = e if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI layers_matched_df = [] if layers_matched_ts: try: layers_matched_df = pd.DataFrame(layers_matched_ts, columns=['date', 'id']) layers_matched_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(layers_matched_df['date'], unit='s') # @added 20210202 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Handle user timezone if timezone_str != 'UTC': layers_matched_df['date'] = layers_matched_df['date'].dt.tz_localize('UTC').dt.tz_convert(user_timezone) layers_matched_df = layers_matched_df.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(layers_matched_df['date'])) layers_matched_df = layers_matched_df.resample(frequency).apply({'id': 'count'}) layers_matched_df.rename(columns={'id': 'layers_matched_count'}, inplace=True) if ionosphere_performance_debug: fname_out = '%s/%s.layers_matched_df.csv' % (settings.SKYLINE_TMP_DIR, request_key) layers_matched_df.to_csv(fname_out) except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(trace) fail_msg = 'error :: get_ionosphere_performance - could not create layers_matched_df' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) dev_null = e if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) raise # to webapp to return in the UI date_list = pd.date_range(begin_date, end_date, freq=frequency) date_list = date_list.format(formatter=lambda x: x.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) use_end_date = end_date if not date_list: date_list = pd.date_range(begin_date, extended_end_date, freq=frequency) date_list = date_list.format(formatter=lambda x: x.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) use_end_date = extended_end_date # logger.debug('debug :: get_ionosphere_performance - date_list - %s' % str(date_list)) # performance_df = pd.DataFrame(date_list, columns=['date']) performance_df = pd.DataFrame({'date': pd.date_range(begin_date, use_end_date, freq=frequency), 'day': date_list}) # @added 20210202 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Handle user timezone if timezone_str != 'UTC': # It is already timezone aware in the begin_date and end_date, so I one # just reassign the same tzinfo to the date index? # Fuck yeah!!! (I sound like Colt Bennet) # performance_df['date'] = performance_df['date'].dt.tz_localize('UTC').dt.tz_convert(user_timezone) performance_df['date'] = performance_df['date'].dt.tz_localize(user_timezone).dt.tz_convert(user_timezone) # performance_df = performance_df.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(performance_df['date'])) performance_df = performance_df.set_index(['date']) if len(anomalies_df) > 0 and report_anomalies: performance_df = pd.merge(performance_df, anomalies_df, how='outer', on='date') performance_df.sort_values('date') performance_df['anomaly_count'] = performance_df['anomaly_count'].fillna(0) if len(anomalies_df) == 0 and report_anomalies: performance_df['anomaly_count'] = 0 # Report new fp count per day report_new_fps = False if 'new_fps' in request.args: new_fps_str = request.args.get('new_fps', 'false') if new_fps_str == 'true': report_new_fps = True if len(fp_ids_df) > 0 and report_new_fps: if yesterday_data: new_fp_ids_df = fp_ids_df.loc[yesterday_end_date:use_end_date] performance_df = pd.merge(performance_df, new_fp_ids_df, how='outer', on='date') del new_fp_ids_df else: performance_df = pd.merge(performance_df, fp_ids_df, how='outer', on='date') performance_df.sort_values('date') performance_df['new_fps_count'] = performance_df['new_fps_count'].fillna(0) # else: # performance_df['new_fps_count'] = 0 # Report running total fp count per day report_total_fps = False if 'total_fps' in request.args: total_fps_str = request.args.get('total_fps', 'false') if total_fps_str == 'true': report_total_fps = True if len(fps_total_df) > 0 and report_total_fps: if yesterday_data: new_fps_total = fps_total_df.loc[yesterday_end_date:use_end_date] performance_df = pd.merge(performance_df, new_fps_total, how='outer', on='date') else: performance_df = pd.merge(performance_df, fps_total_df, how='outer', on='date') performance_df.sort_values('date') performance_df['fps_total_count'].fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)'get_ionosphere_performance - second step of creating performance_df complete, dataframe length - %s' % str(len(performance_df))) if len(fps_total_df) == 0 and report_total_fps: performance_df['fps_total_count'] = 0 # Report fps_matched_count per day report_fps_matched_count = False if 'fps_matched_count' in request.args: fps_matched_count_str = request.args.get('fps_matched_count', 'false') if fps_matched_count_str == 'true': report_fps_matched_count = True # Report layers_matched_count per day report_layers_matched_count = False if 'layers_matched_count' in request.args: layers_matched_count_str = request.args.get('layers_matched_count', 'false') if layers_matched_count_str == 'true': report_layers_matched_count = True # Report sum_matches per day report_sum_matches = False if 'sum_matches' in request.args: sum_matches_str = request.args.get('sum_matches', 'false') if sum_matches_str == 'true': report_sum_matches = True if len(fps_matched_df) > 0 and report_fps_matched_count and not report_sum_matches: performance_df = pd.merge(performance_df, fps_matched_df, how='outer', on='date') performance_df.sort_values('date') performance_df['fps_matched_count'] = performance_df['fps_matched_count'].fillna(0)'get_ionosphere_performance - third step of creating performance_df complete, dataframe length - %s' % str(len(performance_df))) if len(fps_matched_df) == 0 and report_fps_matched_count and not report_sum_matches: performance_df['fps_matched_count'] = 0 if len(layers_matched_df) > 0 and report_layers_matched_count and not report_sum_matches: performance_df = pd.merge(performance_df, layers_matched_df, how='outer', on='date') performance_df.sort_values('date') performance_df['layers_matched_count'] = performance_df['layers_matched_count'].fillna(0)'get_ionosphere_performance - fourth step of creating performance_df complete, dataframe length - %s' % str(len(performance_df))) if len(layers_matched_df) == 0 and report_layers_matched_count and not report_sum_matches: performance_df['layers_matched_count'] = 0 if report_sum_matches:'get_ionosphere_performance - creating matches_sum_df to calculate totals and merge with performance_df') matches_sum_df = pd.DataFrame({'date': pd.date_range(begin_date, use_end_date, freq=frequency), 'day': date_list}) if timezone_str != 'UTC': matches_sum_df['date'] = matches_sum_df['date'].dt.tz_localize('UTC').dt.tz_convert(user_timezone) matches_sum_df = matches_sum_df.set_index(['date']) if len(fps_matched_df) > 0: matches_sum_df = pd.merge(matches_sum_df, fps_matched_df, how='outer', on='date') matches_sum_df.sort_values('date') matches_sum_df['fps_matched_count'] = matches_sum_df['fps_matched_count'].fillna(0) if len(fps_matched_df) == 0: matches_sum_df['fps_matched_count'] = 0 if len(layers_matched_df) > 0: matches_sum_df = pd.merge(matches_sum_df, layers_matched_df, how='outer', on='date') matches_sum_df.sort_values('date') matches_sum_df['layers_matched_count'] = matches_sum_df['layers_matched_count'].fillna(0) if len(layers_matched_df) == 0: matches_sum_df['layers_matched_count'] = 0 matches_sum_df['total_matches'] = matches_sum_df['fps_matched_count'] + matches_sum_df['layers_matched_count'] sum_df = matches_sum_df[['total_matches']].copy()'get_ionosphere_performance - sum_df has %s rows' % str(len(sum_df))) performance_df = pd.merge(performance_df, sum_df, how='outer', on='date') performance_df.sort_values('date') performance_df['total_matches'] = performance_df['total_matches'].fillna(0) if yesterday_data: ydf = pd.DataFrame(yesterday_data) ydf = ydf.transpose() # ydf['day'] = pd.to_datetime(ydf['day'], format='%Y-%m-%d') # ydf['day'] = ydf['day'].astype('datetime64') # ydf['date'] = ydf['day'] # ydf = ydf.set_index(['date']) ydf['date'] = ydf['day'] ydf['date'] = pd.to_datetime(ydf['date'], format='%Y-%m-%d') ydf['date'] = ydf['date'].astype('datetime64') # @added 20210202 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Handle user timezone if timezone_str != 'UTC': ydf['date'] = ydf['date'].dt.tz_localize('UTC').dt.tz_convert(user_timezone) ydf = ydf.set_index(['date'])'get_ionosphere_performance - yesterday_data dataframe has %s rows' % str(len(ydf)))'get_ionosphere_performance - performance_df dataframe has %s rows before merge' % str(len(performance_df))) # df_merged = reduce(lambda left, right: pd.merge(left, right, on=['date'], how='outer'), [ydf, performance_df]) # df_merged = pd.merge(ydf, performance_df, on='day', how='outer') df_merged = pd.concat([ydf, performance_df]) performance_df = df_merged'get_ionosphere_performance - performance_df dataframe has %s rows after merge' % str(len(performance_df))) if len(performance_df) > 0:'get_ionosphere_performance - final step of creating performance_df with %s columns' % str(len(performance_df.columns)))'get_ionosphere_performance - columns - %s' % str(performance_df.columns)) # @modified 20210203 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Correct conditional operator # performance_df = performance_df[(performance_df.index > begin_date) & (performance_df.index <= end_date)]'get_ionosphere_performance - performance_df has %s rows' % str(len(performance_df)))'get_ionosphere_performance - extracting rows from %s to %s ' % ( str(original_begin_date), str(use_end_date))) performance_df = performance_df[(performance_df.index >= original_begin_date) & (performance_df.index <= use_end_date)]'get_ionosphere_performance - performance_df now has %s rows' % str(len(performance_df))) #'get_ionosphere_performance - performance_df: %s' % str(performance_df.to_string())) # @modified 20220510 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Do not drop rows with nans, convert them to 0 # performance_df = performance_df.dropna(how='any') performance_df = performance_df.fillna(0) plot_png = None if output_format != 'json': # Custom title if 'title' in request.args: title_str = request.args.get('title', 'default') if title_str != 'default': if title_str == 'none': plot_title = '' else: plot_title = title_str style = [] if 'anomaly_count' in performance_df.columns: style.append('r') if 'new_fps_count' in performance_df.columns: style.append('orange') if 'fps_total_count' in performance_df.columns: style.append('brown') if 'fps_matched_count' in performance_df.columns: style.append('blue') if 'layers_matched_count' in performance_df.columns: style.append('deepskyblue') if 'total_matches' in performance_df.columns: style.append('green') # Custom size width = 14 height = 7 if 'width' in request.args: width_str = request.args.get('width', '14') if width_str: try: width = int(width_str) except Exception as e: logger.error('get_ionosphere_performance - width argument not int - %s' % str(width)) dev_null = e if 'height' in request.args: height_str = request.args.get('height', '7') if height_str: try: height = int(height_str) except Exception as e: logger.error('get_ionosphere_performance - height argument not int - %s' % str(height)) dev_null = e plot_png = '%s/%s.png' % (performance_dir, request_key) # @added 20210127 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Added secondary axis for fps_total_count plot_done = False if 'fps_total_count' in performance_df.columns and report_total_fps: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # @added 20210203 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Correct axes labels ylabel = 'Anomalies and matches' if 'new_fps_count' in performance_df.columns: ylabel = 'Anomalies, new fps and matches' plt.figure() ax = performance_df.plot( secondary_y=['fps_total_count'], figsize=(width, height), title=plot_title, linewidth=1, style=style) # @modified 20210203 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Correct axes labels # ax.set_ylabel('Total fps') # # ax.right_ax.set_ylabel('Anomalies, new fps and matches') ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.right_ax.set_ylabel('Total features profiles', rotation=-90) plt.savefig(plot_png) plot_done = True if not plot_done: fig = performance_df.plot( figsize=(width, height), title=plot_title, linewidth=1, style=style).get_figure() fig.savefig(plot_png) performance_dict = {} csv_file = '%s/%s.csv' % (performance_dir, request_key) if len(performance_df) > 0: new_performance_df = performance_df.reset_index(drop=True) new_performance_df.rename(columns={'day': 'date'}, inplace=True)'get_ionosphere_performance - created new_performance_df with %s columns' % str(new_performance_df.columns)) new_performance_df.to_csv(csv_file, index=False) # performance_dict = new_performance_df.to_dict() performance_dict = new_performance_df.to_dict('records') # logger.debug('get_ionosphere_performance - performance_dict: %s' % str(performance_dict)) # @modified 20220510 - Feature #3934: ionosphere_performance # Do drop entries with the date set to 0 performance_dict_no_zero_dates = [] if performance_dict: for item in performance_dict: for key in item: if key == 'date': date_time_str = item['date'] if date_time_str == 0: continue performance_dict_no_zero_dates.append(item) if performance_dict_no_zero_dates: performance_dict = performance_dict_no_zero_dates yesterday_data_dict = {} yesterday_date_time_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(yesterday_end_date, '%Y-%m-%d') # logger.debug('debug :: get_ionosphere_performance - performance_dict - %s' % str(performance_dict)) for item in performance_dict: for key in item: if key == 'date': date_time_str = item['date'] if date_time_str == 0: continue date_time_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_time_str, '%Y-%m-%d') if date_time_obj <= yesterday_date_time_obj: yesterday_data_dict[date_time_str] = {} for a_key in item: if a_key != 'date': yesterday_data_dict[date_time_str][a_key] = item[a_key] else: yesterday_data_dict[date_time_str]['day'] = item[a_key] if yesterday_data_dict: if not yesterday_data: if not redis_conn: try: redis_conn = get_redis_conn(skyline_app) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: get_redis_conn failed for get_ionosphere_performance') dev_null = e if redis_conn: try:'get_ionosphere_performance - setting Redis performance key with yesterday_data containing %s items' % str(len(yesterday_data_dict))) redis_conn.setex(yesterday_data_cache_key, 648000, str(yesterday_data_dict)) del yesterday_data_dict del yesterday_data except Exception as e: dev_null = e if engine: engine_disposal(skyline_app, engine) performance = { 'performance': performance_dict, 'request_key': request_key, 'success': True, 'reason': 'data found for metric/s', 'plot': plot_png, 'csv': csv_file, } # Clean up objects to free up memory try: del metric_ids except Exception as e: dev_null = e try: del anomalies except Exception as e: dev_null = e try: del anomalies_ts except Exception as e: dev_null = e try: del fp_ids except Exception as e: dev_null = e try: del fp_ids_ts except Exception as e: dev_null = e try: del fps_matched_ts except Exception as e: dev_null = e try: del layers_matched_ts except Exception as e: dev_null = e try: del anomalies_df except Exception as e: dev_null = e try: del fp_ids_df except Exception as e: dev_null = e try: del fps_total_df except Exception as e: dev_null = e try: del fps_matched_df except Exception as e: dev_null = e try: del layers_matched_df except Exception as e: dev_null = e try: del date_list except Exception as e: dev_null = e try: del performance_df except Exception as e: dev_null = e try: del matches_sum_df except Exception as e: dev_null = e try: del sum_df except Exception as e: dev_null = e try: del new_performance_df except Exception as e: dev_null = e try: del performance_dict except Exception as e: dev_null = e if dev_null: del dev_null return performance