1.0.7 - the crucible branch

Issue #23 Test dependency updates - https://github.com/earthgecko/skyline/issues/23

An update to dependencies and a minor addition to matplotlib implementation in alerts.

All current requirements.txt versions verified as of 20160820

Changes include:

  • Updated the following dependecies: scipy==0.17.1 to scipy==0.18.0 pytz==2016.4 to pytz==2016.6.1 pyparsing==2.1.5 to pyparsing==2.1.8 matplotlib==1.5.1 to matplotlib==1.5.2 msgpack-python==0.4.7 to msgpack-python==0.4.8 requests==2.10.0 to requests==2.11.1
  • In alerters matplotlib==1.5.2 requries an additional configuration defined of matplotlib.use(‘Agg’) for the the generation of a plot in a non windowed environment
  • Bumped to 1.0.7

Modified: requirements.txt skyline/analyzer/alerters.py skyline/mirage/mirage_alerters.py