
Alerts in Skyline are configured via multiple sets of settings. There are the Analyzer (Mirage and Ionosphere) related settings and the Boundary related alert settings. This is due to the two classes of alerts being different, with Analyzer, Mirage and Ionosphere alerts being related to anomalies and Boundary alerts being related to breaches of the static and dynamic thresholds defined for Boundary metrics. Further to this there are alert related settings for each alert output route, namely smtp, slack, pagerduty, http and sms.

Required smtp alerter for Analyzer and Mirage metrics

Skyline was initially driven by SMTP alerts and as such the analysis pipeline is tightly coupled to SMTP alerts. Many of the resources required for further analysis and for other alerters are created during the SMTP alert process. Further to this, the full spectrum of analysis is only done on metrics that have a SMTP alert tuple configured for the namespace in settings.ALERTS. This is because the more extensive analysis is only done on the metrics that you care about, your KPI metrics. Doing the extended analysis beyond the 3sigma related analysis of metrics that have no alerts configured for them makes no sense as no one wants to know. Therefore only metrics in namespaces that are defined with a stmp alerter in settings.ALERTS get analysed by Mirage and Ionosphere. It is via the smtp alert tuple that metrics get configured to be Mirage metrics by declaring the SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS in the tuple.

However if you do not want emails from the SMTP alerts, you can set the settings.SMTP_OPTS to 'no_email' as shown in an example below, but you still must declare the namespace with a SMTP alert tuple in settings.ALERTS

The following example, we want to alert via Slack only and not receive email alerts, your settings.ALERTS and settings.SMTP_OPTS would need to look like this. It is important to note that all smtp alerts must be defined before other alerts, e.g. slack.

  ('carbon', 'smtp', 3600),  # Analyzer metric, only analysed at FULL_DURATION - Mirage NOT enabled
  ('skyline', 'smtp', 3600, 168),  # Mirage enabled as 168 is passed as SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS
  ('stats', 'smtp', 1800, 168),  # Mirage enabled as 168 is passed as SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS
  ('telegraf', 'smtp', 3600, 168),  # Mirage enabled as 168 is passed as SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS
  # smtp alert tuples MUST be declared first
  ('carbon', 'slack', 3600),
  ('skyline', 'slack', 3600),
  ('stats', 'slack', 1800),
  ('telegraf', 'slack', 3600),
    # This specifies the sender of email alerts.
    'sender': 'no_email',
    # recipients is a dictionary mapping metric names
    # (exactly matching those listed in ALERTS) to an array of e-mail addresses
    'recipients': {
        'carbon': ['no_email'],
        'skyline': ['no_email'],
        'stats': ['no_email'],
        'telegraf': ['no_email'],
    # This is the default recipient which acts as a catchall for alert tuples
    # that do not have a matching namespace defined in recipients
    'default_recipient': ['no_email'],
    'embed-images': True,
  # You can specify the address of an SMTP server if you do not want to or
  # cannot use a local SMTP server on
  'smtp_server': {
      'host': '',
      'port': 25,
      # Whether to use SSL, not required, optional
      'ssl': False,
      # A SMTP username, not required, optional
      'user': None,
      # A SMTP password, not required, optional
      'password': None,

Smart alerting

Due to the nature of analysing lots of time series, there are times when LOTS of events do happen, something changes and causes lots of change, things like cloud provider failures or reboots or a bad deployment, these things happen. When they do lots and lots of metrics can be submitted for further analysis, although Skyline is fast, getting through lots of complex analysis on 100s of metrics takes the time it takes. At times like these Skyline starts waterfall alerting, this means if Analyzer sent 100 metrics to Mirage to check and after 5 minutes there are still 30 pending, Analyzer will remove the items from the Mirage queue and just alert on them. The same is true for checks submitted to Ionosphere by Mirage, any check sent upstream will be alerted on by the parent app if the result of further analysis is not available after a defined period. This way alerts are not missed, although under these conditions, there will be some false positives.

Alert settings

For each 3rd party alert service e.g. Slack, PagerDuty, http_alerters, there is a setting to enable the specific alerter which must be set to True to enable the alerter:

Analyzer, Mirage and Ionosphere related alert settings (anomaly detection) are:

Boundary related alert settings (static and dynamic thresholds) are:

SMS alerts

Skyline can send SMS via AWS SNS. The set up of AWS SNS is beyond the scope of this documentation, see AWS SNS documentation (

http_alerter alerts

The http_alerter alert type, enables Skyline to send alerts to a HTTP endpoint. http_alerters are configured under the following settings.

In settings.ALERTS and settings.BOUNDARY_METRICS you defined the namespace and http_alerter and expiry (how long to not send an alert after an alert has been sent).

# For Analzyer, Mirage and Ionosphere
    ('stats', 'http_alerter-external_endpoint', 30),

# For Boundary
    ('', 'detect_drop_off_cliff', 1800, 50, 3600, 0, 2, 'slack|pagerduty|http_alerter_external_endpoint'),
    ('', 'less_than', 3600, 0, 0, 15, 2, 'http_alerter_external_endpoint'),
    ('', 'greater_than', 3600, 0, 0, 10000, 1, 'http_alerter_external_endpoint'),

Each http_alerter can be defined in a common settings.HTTP_ALERTERS_OPTS which all the apps refer to.

    'http_alerter-external_endpoint': {
        'enabled': True,
        'endpoint': '',
        'token': None
    'http_alerter-otherapp': {
        'enabled': False,
        'endpoint': '',
        'token': '1234567890abcdefg'

The http_alerter will post an alert json object to an HTTP endpoint. Here is an example of the alert json POST data:

  "status": {},
  "data": {
    "alert": {
      "timestamp": "1579638755",
      "metric": "stats.statsd.processing_time",
      "value": "6.25",
      "expiry": "3600",
      "source": "ionosphere",
      "token": "None",
      "full_duration": "604800",
      "id": "None",
      "anomaly_id": "359355",
      "anomalyScore": "0.8",
      "3sigma_upper": 1.1540154218897731,
      "3sigma_lower": -1.0334135700379212,
      "3sigma_real_lower": 0,
      "yhat_upper": 1.1540154218897731,
      "yhat_lower": -1.0334135700379212,
      "yhat_real_lower": 0

The above id field would be populated with the external_alerter_id if the alert was related to a metric that was part of a settings.EXTERNAL_ALERTS alert group.


If the HTTP endpoint does not respond with a 200, the alert item will be added to the Redis set (queue) for that alert to be resent. Each relevant app has a Redis set (queue): - analyzer.http_alerter.queue - mirage.http_alerter.queue - ionosphere.http_alerter.queue - boundary.http_alerter.queue

Mirage sends the initial HTTP alert for Mirage and Mirage/Ionosphere metrics, if an alert fails to be sent it is added to the resend queue.

Analyzer handles all the resend queues and resends for Analyzer, Mirage and Ionosphere. There are checks to determine whether the endpoint is healthy to prevent Analyzer from repeatedly attempting to resend all alerts to a http_alerter endpoint that is down.

Boundary handles the boundary resend queue and resends for boundary alerts. Boundary uses the same checks to determine whether the endpoint is healthy to prevent Boundary from attempting to repeatedly resend all alerts to a http_alerter endpoint that is down.

External alert configs

Skyline can fetch alert configs from external sources

  • Example
    'test_alert_config': {
        'url': '',
        'method': 'GET',
    'metric_collector_1': {
        'url': '',
        'method': 'POST',
        'data': {
            'token': '1234567890123456'
    'client_app': {
        'url': '',
        'method': 'GET',
  • The external source endpoint must return a json response with a data item which contains named alert items with the following keys and values:
{"data": {
  "1": {"alerter": "",
   "namespace_prefix": "",
   "namespace": "nginx.GET",
   "expiration": "3600",
   "second_order_resolution": "604800",
   "learn_days": "30",
   "inactive_after": "1800"},
  "nginx_errors": {"alerter": "",
   "namespace_prefix": "",
   "namespace": "nginx.errors",
   "expiration": "900",
   "second_order_resolution": "86400",
   "learn_days": "30",
   "inactive_after": "1800"}