Source code for crucible.crucible_algorithms

from __future__ import division
# @modified 20180910 - Task #2588: Update dependencies
# matplotlib.use is now required before statsmodels.api
from matplotlib import use as matplotlib_use

import pandas
import numpy as np
import scipy
import statsmodels.api as sm
# @modified 20160821 - Issue #23 Test dependency updates
# Use Agg for matplotlib==1.5.2 upgrade, backwards compatibile
# @modified 20180910 - Task #2588: Update dependencies
# import matplotlib
# matplotlib.use('Agg')
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import traceback
import logging
import os
import time
from sys import version_info

from os.path import join

import sys
import os.path
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), os.pardir))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(__file__))

from settings import (
    # @added 20190611 - Feature #3106: crucible - skyline.consensus.anomalies.png
from skyline_functions import write_data_to_file

skyline_app = 'crucible'
skyline_app_logger = '%sLog' % skyline_app
logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger)

python_version = int(version_info[0])

This is no man's land. Do anything you want in here,
as long as you return a boolean that determines whether the input
timeseries is anomalous or not.

To add an algorithm, define it here, and add its name to settings.ALGORITHMS.
It must be defined required parameters (even if your algorithm/function does not
need them), as the run_algorithms function passes them to all ALGORITHMS defined
in settings.ALGORITHMS.

[docs]def tail_avg(timeseries, end_timestamp, full_duration): """ This is a utility function used to calculate the average of the last three datapoints in the series as a measure, instead of just the last datapoint. It reduces noise, but it also reduces sensitivity and increases the delay to detection. """ try: t = (timeseries[-1][1] + timeseries[-2][1] + timeseries[-3][1]) / 3 return t except IndexError: return timeseries[-1][1]
[docs]def median_absolute_deviation(timeseries, end_timestamp, full_duration): """ A timeseries is anomalous if the deviation of its latest datapoint with respect to the median is X times larger than the median of deviations. """ try: series = pandas.Series([x[1] for x in timeseries]) median = series.median() demedianed = np.abs(series - median) median_deviation = demedianed.median() except: return None # The test statistic is infinite when the median is zero, # so it becomes super sensitive. We play it safe and skip when this happens. if median_deviation == 0: return False if PANDAS_VERSION < '0.17.0': try: test_statistic = demedianed.iget(-1) / median_deviation except: return None else: try: test_statistic = demedianed.iat[-1] / median_deviation except: return None # Completely arbitary...triggers if the median deviation is # 6 times bigger than the median if test_statistic > 6: return True # As per by @rugger74 # Although never seen this should return False if not > arbitary_value # 20160523 @earthgecko return False
[docs]def grubbs(timeseries, end_timestamp, full_duration): """ A timeseries is anomalous if the Z score is greater than the Grubb's score. """ try: series = scipy.array([x[1] for x in timeseries]) stdDev = scipy.std(series) # Issue #27 - Handle z_score RuntimeWarning - # This change avoids spewing warnings on tests: # RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars # If stdDev is 0 division returns nan which is not > grubbs_score so # return False here if stdDev == 0: return False mean = np.mean(series) tail_average = tail_avg(timeseries, end_timestamp, full_duration) z_score = (tail_average - mean) / stdDev len_series = len(series) threshold = scipy.stats.t.isf(.05 / (2 * len_series), len_series - 2) threshold_squared = threshold * threshold grubbs_score = ((len_series - 1) / np.sqrt(len_series)) * np.sqrt(threshold_squared / (len_series - 2 + threshold_squared)) return z_score > grubbs_score except: return None
[docs]def first_hour_average(timeseries, end_timestamp, full_duration): """ Calcuate the simple average over 60 datapoints (maybe one hour), FULL_DURATION seconds ago. A timeseries is anomalous if the average of the last three datapoints are outside of three standard deviations of this value. """ try: int_end_timestamp = int(timeseries[-1][0]) int_start_timestamp = int(timeseries[0][0]) int_full_duration = int_end_timestamp - int_start_timestamp # Determine data resolution # last_hour_threshold = int_end_timestamp - (int_full_duration - 3600) int_second_last_end_timestamp = int(timeseries[-2][0]) resolution = int_end_timestamp - int_second_last_end_timestamp # @modified 20160814 - pyflaked # ten_data_point_seconds = resolution * 10 sixty_data_point_seconds = resolution * 60 sixty_datapoints_ago = int_end_timestamp - sixty_data_point_seconds last_hour_threshold = int_end_timestamp - (int_full_duration - sixty_datapoints_ago) series = pandas.Series([x[1] for x in timeseries if x[0] < last_hour_threshold]) mean = (series).mean() stdDev = (series).std() t = tail_avg(timeseries, end_timestamp, full_duration) return abs(t - mean) > 3 * stdDev except: return None return False
[docs]def stddev_from_average(timeseries, end_timestamp, full_duration): """ A timeseries is anomalous if the absolute value of the average of the latest three datapoint minus the moving average is greater than one standard deviation of the average. This does not exponentially weight the MA and so is better for detecting anomalies with respect to the entire series. """ try: series = pandas.Series([x[1] for x in timeseries]) mean = series.mean() stdDev = series.std() t = tail_avg(timeseries, end_timestamp, full_duration) return abs(t - mean) > 3 * stdDev except: return None return False
[docs]def stddev_from_moving_average(timeseries, end_timestamp, full_duration): """ A timeseries is anomalous if the absolute value of the average of the latest three datapoint minus the moving average is greater than three standard deviations of the moving average. This is better for finding anomalies with respect to the short term trends. """ try: series = pandas.Series([x[1] for x in timeseries]) if PANDAS_VERSION < '0.18.0': expAverage = pandas.stats.moments.ewma(series, com=50) stdDev = pandas.stats.moments.ewmstd(series, com=50) else: expAverage = pandas.Series.ewm(series, ignore_na=False, min_periods=0, adjust=True, com=50).mean() stdDev = pandas.Series.ewm(series, ignore_na=False, min_periods=0, adjust=True, com=50).std(bias=False) if PANDAS_VERSION < '0.17.0': return abs(series.iget(-1) - expAverage.iget(-1)) > 3 * stdDev.iget(-1) else: return abs(series.iat[-1] - expAverage.iat[-1]) > 3 * stdDev.iat[-1] # except: return None return False
[docs]def mean_subtraction_cumulation(timeseries, end_timestamp, full_duration): """ A timeseries is anomalous if the value of the next datapoint in the series is farther than three standard deviations out in cumulative terms after subtracting the mean from each data point. """ try: series = pandas.Series([x[1] if x[1] else 0 for x in timeseries]) series = series - series[0:len(series) - 1].mean() stdDev = series[0:len(series) - 1].std() # @modified 20160814 - pyflaked # if PANDAS_VERSION < '0.18.0': # expAverage = pandas.stats.moments.ewma(series, com=15) # else: # expAverage = pandas.Series.ewm(series, ignore_na=False, min_periods=0, adjust=True, com=15).mean() if PANDAS_VERSION < '0.17.0': return abs(series.iget(-1)) > 3 * stdDev else: return abs(series.iat[-1]) > 3 * stdDev except: return None return False
[docs]def least_squares(timeseries, end_timestamp, full_duration): """ A timeseries is anomalous if the average of the last three datapoints on a projected least squares model is greater than three sigma. """ try: x = np.array([t[0] for t in timeseries]) y = np.array([t[1] for t in timeseries]) A = np.vstack([x, np.ones(len(x))]).T # @modified 20160814 - pyflaked # results = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y) # residual = results[1] m, c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y)[0] errors = [] # Evaluate append once, not every time in the loop - this gains ~0.020 s on # every timeseries potentially append_error = errors.append for i, value in enumerate(y): projected = m * x[i] + c error = value - projected # errors.append(error) append_error(error) if len(errors) < 3: return False std_dev = scipy.std(errors) t = (errors[-1] + errors[-2] + errors[-3]) / 3 return abs(t) > std_dev * 3 and round(std_dev) != 0 and round(t) != 0 except: return None return False
[docs]def histogram_bins(timeseries, end_timestamp, full_duration): """ A timeseries is anomalous if the average of the last three datapoints falls into a histogram bin with less than 20 other datapoints (you'll need to tweak that number depending on your data) Returns: the size of the bin which contains the tail_avg. Smaller bin size means more anomalous. """ try: int_end_timestamp = int(timeseries[-1][0]) int_start_timestamp = int(timeseries[0][0]) int_full_duration = int_end_timestamp - int_start_timestamp series = scipy.array([x[1] for x in timeseries]) t = tail_avg(timeseries, int_end_timestamp, int_full_duration) h = np.histogram(series, bins=15) bins = h[1] for index, bin_size in enumerate(h[0]): if bin_size <= 20: # Is it in the first bin? if index == 0: if t <= bins[0]: return True # Is it in the current bin? elif t >= bins[index] and t < bins[index + 1]: return True except: return None return False
[docs]def ks_test(timeseries, end_timestamp, full_duration): """ A timeseries is anomalous if 2 sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test indicates that data distribution for last 10 datapoints (might be 10 minutes) is different from the last 60 datapoints (might be an hour). It produces false positives on non-stationary series so Augmented Dickey-Fuller test applied to check for stationarity. """ try: int_end_timestamp = int(timeseries[-1][0]) # @modified 20160814 - pyflaked # hour_ago = int_end_timestamp - 3600 # ten_minutes_ago = int_end_timestamp - 600 # Determine resolution of the data set # reference = scipy.array([x[1] for x in timeseries if x[0] >= hour_ago and x[0] < ten_minutes_ago]) # probe = scipy.array([x[1] for x in timeseries if x[0] >= ten_minutes_ago]) int_second_last_end_timestamp = int(timeseries[-2][0]) resolution = int_end_timestamp - int_second_last_end_timestamp ten_data_point_seconds = resolution * 10 ten_datapoints_ago = int_end_timestamp - ten_data_point_seconds sixty_data_point_seconds = resolution * 60 sixty_datapoints_ago = int_end_timestamp - sixty_data_point_seconds reference = scipy.array([x[1] for x in timeseries if x[0] >= sixty_datapoints_ago and x[0] < ten_datapoints_ago]) probe = scipy.array([x[1] for x in timeseries if x[0] >= ten_datapoints_ago]) if reference.size < 20 or probe.size < 20: return False ks_d, ks_p_value = scipy.stats.ks_2samp(reference, probe) if ks_p_value < 0.05 and ks_d > 0.5: adf = sm.tsa.stattools.adfuller(reference, 10) if adf[1] < 0.05: return True except: return None return False
[docs]def detect_drop_off_cliff(timeseries, end_timestamp, full_duration): """ A timeseries is anomalous if the average of the last ten datapoints is <trigger> times greater than the last data point. This algorithm is most suited to timeseries with most datapoints being > 100 (e.g high rate). The arbitrary <trigger> values become more noisy with lower value datapoints, but it still matches drops off cliffs. """ try: if len(timeseries) < 21: return False int_end_timestamp = int(timeseries[-1][0]) # Determine resolution of the data set int_second_last_end_timestamp = int(timeseries[-2][0]) resolution = int_end_timestamp - int_second_last_end_timestamp ten_data_point_seconds = resolution * 10 ten_datapoints_ago = int_end_timestamp - ten_data_point_seconds ten_datapoint_array = scipy.array([x[1] for x in timeseries if x[0] <= int_end_timestamp and x[0] > ten_datapoints_ago]) ten_datapoint_array_len = len(ten_datapoint_array) if ten_datapoint_array_len > 3: # DO NOT handle if negative integers in range, where is the bottom of # of the cliff if a range goes negative? The maths does not work either ten_datapoint_min_value = np.amin(ten_datapoint_array) if ten_datapoint_min_value < 0: return False ten_datapoint_max_value = np.amax(ten_datapoint_array) if ten_datapoint_max_value < 10: return False ten_datapoint_array_sum = np.sum(ten_datapoint_array) ten_datapoint_value = int(ten_datapoint_array[-1]) ten_datapoint_average = ten_datapoint_array_sum / ten_datapoint_array_len ten_datapoint_value = int(ten_datapoint_array[-1]) ten_datapoint_max_value = np.amax(ten_datapoint_array) if ten_datapoint_max_value == 0: return False if ten_datapoint_max_value < 101: trigger = 15 if ten_datapoint_max_value < 20: trigger = ten_datapoint_average / 2 if ten_datapoint_max_value < 1: trigger = 0.1 if ten_datapoint_max_value > 100: trigger = 100 if ten_datapoint_value == 0: # Cannot divide by 0, so set to 0.1 to prevent error ten_datapoint_value = 0.1 if ten_datapoint_value == 1: trigger = 1 if ten_datapoint_value == 1 and ten_datapoint_max_value < 10: trigger = 0.1 if ten_datapoint_value == 0.1 and ten_datapoint_average < 1 and ten_datapoint_array_sum < 7: trigger = 7 # Filter low rate and variable between 0 and 100 metrics if ten_datapoint_value <= 1 and ten_datapoint_array_sum < 100 and ten_datapoint_array_sum > 1: all_datapoints_array = scipy.array([x[1] for x in timeseries]) all_datapoints_max_value = np.amax(all_datapoints_array) if all_datapoints_max_value < 100: # print "max_value for all datapoints at - " + str(int_end_timestamp) + " - " + str(all_datapoints_max_value) return False ten_datapoint_result = ten_datapoint_average / ten_datapoint_value if int(ten_datapoint_result) > trigger: return True except: return None return False
""" This is no longer no man's land, but feel free to play and try new stuff """
[docs]def run_algorithms( timeseries, timeseries_name, end_timestamp, full_duration, timeseries_file, skyline_app, algorithms): """ Iteratively run algorithms. """ results_dir = os.path.dirname(timeseries_file) if not os.path.exists(results_dir): os.makedirs(results_dir, mode=0o755) start_analysis = int(time.time()) triggered_algorithms = [] anomalous = False check_algorithms = [] if str(algorithms) == "['all']": if skyline_app == 'analyzer': check_algorithms = ALGORITHMS'check_algorithms for analyzer - %s' % (str(check_algorithms))) if skyline_app == 'mirage': check_algorithms = MIRAGE_ALGORITHMS'check_algorithms for mirage - %s' % (str(check_algorithms))) if skyline_app == 'boundary': check_algorithms = algorithms'check_algorithms for boundary - %s' % (str(check_algorithms))) if skyline_app == 'crucible': ALGORITHMS.append('detect_drop_off_cliff') check_algorithms = ALGORITHMS'check_algorithms for crucible - %s' % (str(check_algorithms))) else: check_algorithms = algorithms'check_algorithms specified - %s' % (str(check_algorithms))) if not check_algorithms:'check_algorithms unknown - %s' % (str(check_algorithms))) ALGORITHMS.append('detect_drop_off_cliff') check_algorithms = ALGORITHMS'check_algorithms - %s' % (str(check_algorithms)))'checking algorithms - %s' % (str(check_algorithms))) # @added 20190611 - Feature #3106: crucible - skyline.consensus.anomalies.png # Plot Skyline anomalies if CONSENSUS is achieved anomalies = [] for algorithm in check_algorithms: detected = '' try: x_vals = np.arange(len(timeseries)) y_vals = np.array([y[1] for y in timeseries]) # Match default graphite graph size plt.figure(figsize=(5.86, 3.08), dpi=100) plt.plot(x_vals, y_vals) # Start a couple datapoints in for the tail average for index in range(10, len(timeseries)): sliced = timeseries[:index] anomaly = globals()[algorithm](sliced, end_timestamp, full_duration) # Point out the datapoint if it's anomalous if anomaly: plt.plot([index], [sliced[-1][1]], 'ro') detected = "DETECTED" # @added 20190611 - Feature #3106: crucible - skyline.consensus.anomalies.png # Add the anomaly to the anomalies list to plot Skyline # anomalies if CONSENSUS is achieved anomalies.append([sliced[-1][0], sliced[-1][1], algorithm]) if detected == "DETECTED": results_filename = join(results_dir + "/" + algorithm + "." + detected + ".png") #'ANOMALY DETECTED :: %s' % (algorithm)) anomalous = True triggered_algorithms.append(algorithm) else: results_filename = join(results_dir + "/" + algorithm + ".png") plt.savefig(results_filename, dpi=100) #'%s :: %s' % (algorithm, results_filename)) if python_version == 2: os.chmod(results_filename, 0644) if python_version == 3: os.chmod(results_filename, mode=0o644) except: logger.error('error :: %s' % (traceback.format_exc()))'info :: error thrown in algorithm running and plotting - %s' % (str(algorithm))) end_analysis = int(time.time()) # @modified 20160814 - pyflaked # seconds_to_run = end_analysis - start_analysis # # 'analysis of %s at a full duration of %s took %s seconds' % # (timeseries_name, str(full_duration), str(seconds_to_run))) # @added 20190611 - Feature #3106: crucible - skyline.consensus.anomalies.png # Plot Skyline anomalies where CONSENSUS achieved and create file resources # skyline.anomalies_score.txt and skyline.anomalies.csv anomalies_score = [] if anomalies: for ts, value, algo in anomalies: processed = False algorithms_triggered = [] if anomalies_score: for i in anomalies_score: if i[0] == ts: processed = True continue if processed: continue for w_ts, w_value, w_algo in anomalies: if w_ts == ts: algorithms_triggered.append(w_algo) if algorithms_triggered: consensus = len(algorithms_triggered) anomalies_score.append([ts, value, consensus, algorithms_triggered]) try:'info :: plotting skyline.consensus.anomalies.png') x_vals = np.arange(len(timeseries)) y_vals = np.array([y[1] for y in timeseries]) # Match default graphite graph size plt.figure(figsize=(5.86, 3.08), dpi=100) plt.plot(x_vals, y_vals) for index in range(10, len(timeseries)): anomaly = False sliced = timeseries[:index] for i in anomalies_score: if sliced[-1][0] == i[0]: if i[2] >= CONSENSUS: anomaly = True # Point out the datapoint if it is anomalous according to # Skyline CONSENSUS if anomaly: plt.plot([index], [sliced[-1][1]], 'ro') results_filename = join(results_dir + "/skyline.consensus.anomalies.png") plt.savefig(results_filename, dpi=100) if python_version == 2: os.chmod(results_filename, 0644) if python_version == 3: os.chmod(results_filename, mode=0o644) except: logger.error('error :: %s' % (traceback.format_exc())) logger.error('error :: falied plotting skyline.consensus.anomalies.png') anomalies_filename = join(results_dir + "/skyline.anomalies_score.txt") write_data_to_file(skyline_app, anomalies_filename, 'w', str(anomalies_score)) anomalies_csv = join(results_dir + "/skyline.anomalies.csv") try: with open(anomalies_csv, 'w') as fh: fh.write('timstamp,value,consensus_count,triggered_algorithms\n') for ts, value, consensus, algorithms_triggered in anomalies_score: try: algos_str = str(algorithms_triggered) triggered_algorithms = algos_str.replace(',', ' ') line = '%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % (str(ts), str(value), str(consensus), str(triggered_algorithms)) with open(anomalies_csv, 'a') as fh: fh.write(line) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not write to file %s' % (anomalies_csv)) if python_version == 2: os.chmod(anomalies_csv, 0644) if python_version == 3: os.chmod(anomalies_csv, mode=0o644) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error :: could not write to file %s' % (anomalies_csv)) return anomalous, triggered_algorithms